Which Cities Would the US Target in a Nuclear War?
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Which Cities Would the United States Target in a Nuclear War?
Nuclear Target Lists:
Probable Nuclear Targets in United Kingdom, 1972: robedwards.typ...
Probable Nuclear Targets in France: upload.wikimed...
Soviet Union Central European Target List, 1979: brilliantmaps....
United States Target List, 1956: nsarchive2.gwu...
Probable United States Counterforce Targets: dspace.mit.edu...
I live in Russia, and my City is on the list… I pray that our countries can avoid this catastrophic scenario and someday live in peace.
Update: I am both hopeful and diasappointed because of replies. On one hand many people from different countries share their will for peace on Earth, but at the same time some people reply with hate for someone they don't even know, just because this person lives in one or the other country. I wish no ill for latter and send my best wishes to every person that replied, even if I don't agree with some.
Been in peace 1945-2014
Me too, as a US citizen I stand with you. Our nations may be enemies, but I hope both of our governments understand that the fued between us two is totally useless and someday we can make peace and these types of videos/fears can be something we all laugh at in the future.
@@bigbadlara5304 not sure if you can qualify Cold War as peace though…
@@joshuagraham_mofI guess Russians and Americans did fight eachother sometimes during that time. OK since 1991
It’s truly terrifying what we have become capable of
Is ment to happened is all in the Bible Repent before is to late Death is right Around the corner To do what hes best at 😇
I can't wait for the nuclear war.... humans r so fuckin dumb....... LETS JUST DO IT ALREADYYYY!!!!!!! lol jokes.... (but we prob will do it cuz we r retarded unless aliens come to stop it maybe rofl)
nobody cares
@@rajveerkanojiya2985 That's the problem. Nobody cares no more that's so sad 😞
That ain’t shii
The detonation sequence at the end with that sound design is really well done. Most things don't scare me, but that is absolutely terrifying.
It's from the game Defcon
Do you think usa needs to use nukes to defeat Russia though
@@1mol831 Of course not, but it is the only response available if Russia launches this type of attack first.
What if we just nuke them now maybe their nukes don’t even work who knows
what scares me the most is that everything thst you have ever known would very likely cease to exist in less than 30 minutes, it's disturbing to think that you wouldn't even have the time to stay with your loved ones
"Why don't aliens come and see us?"
Average human disagreement:
@Zxcy_1 "here's me on the scale of caring. i am at zero. therefore, since negative caring is impossible; or rather a simply caring of another sort-love and hate being different sides of the same coin, etc, etc-i couldn't care less."
@Zxcy_1 A father figure is usually an older man, normally one with power, authority, or strength, with whom one can identify on a deeply psychological level and who generates emotions generally felt towards one's father. Despite the literal term "father figure", the role of a father figure is not limited to the biological parent of a person (especially a child), but may be played by uncles, grandfathers, elder brothers, family friends, or others.[1] The similar term mother figure refers to an older woman.
@Zxcy_1Bro is mad he didn’t get to comment first :(
@Zxcy_1Tf? what are you even yapping about
For me this is the top 1 horrifying thing to ever exist. No horror or science fiction will ever match the cruelty of a nuclear war.
Most science fiction involve post nuclear war Lmao
@@NeostormXLMAX only problem is you will have no food, what are you gonna eat? Biden will have food, you will not.
Какое же доброе видео😍😍 Но и не показали боеголовки находящиеся на территории европы, в нато🥵🥵 Можно повторить сценарии после очередной эскалации на украине🤭🤭
@@ня.ш Печально то, что старинная армия России была бы снесена без особых проблем. А вот в Европе мы бы все равно оказались в заднице. Хорошего дня, бот.
@@czechcrusader6461 ка52 т72б3 т90 сушки и миги множество артилерии и баллистических ракет это старинная армия? Удачи в манямире, бот
As an American I hope this never, ever, ever, happens. May the U.S., Russia and other nuclear powers find peaceful solutions to whatever conflict or threat arises. Not just human lives, think of all the innocent species of animals, and plants that will disappear forever. Historical artifacts and architecture, art, culture gone forever. The cost is too great. No nuclear warhead should ever be used again.
Finally a sane American.😂
Hope Biden and Co will think the same line!
Look at history, every effective weapon has been eventually used,
So in case humans don't destroy themselves with nuclear weapons there will be more and more devastating weapons.
Like COVID there will be many more and way more efficient.
You must be one of the very rare eggs 😂
I've said this my whole life. Nuclear weapons need banned all over the world. The worst thing that's ever been invented.
If nuclear war start
Both countries disappear from earth
The story of Oppenheimer's infamous quote. As he witnessed the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, a piece of Hindu scripture ran through the mind of Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds, and hell follows me!!”.
Albert Einstein was quoted as having said: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones".
If a Third World War ever happens it very likely will be a conventional war like the first two. MAD has worked for decades and there’s no reason to believe it will stop being an effective deterrent. When one country can start intercepting ICBMs by the hundreds in the midcourse phase of flight is when you should start worrying. That’s of course if said country is the only one capable of doing so because that incentivizes a first strike.
China will pick up the wreckage
Европейцы!! Не россияне виноваты. А русские "люди". Избавьтесь от своей толерантности по отношению с русским людоедам. Сказанное вовсе не нацизм. Русский - это не этнос. Когда вы производите селекцию растений, вы же не говорите, что данный кактус обладает качествами фашиста? Русский - худшее что могло произойти с человеком. И произошло это за ваши денги. За западные деньги. Это селекция рабов за ваш счет. Селекция дотационных тварей, сидящих на шее у банды отморозков. Все кто не были иждивенцами были истреблены. Гены свободолюбивых людей не успели оказать влияние на популяцию. Если вы это не признаете, то откажитесь от генетики, назовите генетику лженаукой, а эволюцию назовите мракобесием. Руские 1000 лет не имели прав собственности, не имели права на бизнес, были расходным материалом и только приспособленцы за лояльность к власти имели существенные преимущества (значительные преференции). Потомство успевали дать исключительно предатели и доносчики.....
Полезные признаки социальных приспособленцев, рабов с культом государства в крови и доносчиков и приобрела русская популяция. И теперь через русскую культуру они пытаются распространять по миру свою рабскую ментальность. В этом нет ничего удивительного. Изучите мат часть.
Вы скажете что немцы тоже были фашистами. Да, для немцев фашизм - это не естественное состояние, это болезнь. Для русских фашизм - это их естественное состояние!
Then why the f*ck did they help to create it? I’ll never believe that those scientists have no idea of what they are working on, even if the exact outcome is unknown to them
Четвертої війни не буде, буде ще один Марс !
For better understanding, it is worth releasing a second part, where it will be shown how many victims there will be in other countries. Poisoned air carried by sea currents, poisoned rivers flowing to other countries, the ozone layer, climate disasters, a new ice age and beyond.
Нет, Россия использует чистое ядерное оружие (не путать с грязным) с быстрым распадом радиационных частиц.
После ядерного удара в эпицентре уже через 20 минут уровень радиации будет совершенно безвреден для здоровья.
Так что радиационного загрязнения не должно произойти.
Современное термоядерное оружие поражает собственно не радиацией, а мощной, разрушительной ударной волной, способной разрушить ткани живого организма до молекул, сильнейшим тепловым излучением, от которого сгорит вся кожа, а излучаемый свет в момент взрыва будет настолько ярким, что одного быстрого взгляда на вспышку будет достаточно, чтобы сжечь глаза и навсегда потерять зрение.
Но... весь этот апокалипсис будет длиться всего несколько минут. После - все будет чисто, без радиационного загрязнения, пригодно для жизни и использования новыми поселенцами.
В СССР был известный ядерный полигон - остров Новая Земля в Арктике. По нему били ядерными балистическими ракетами сотни раз!!! И сейчас это абсолютно экологически чистое место, без повышенной радиации, с арктической флорой и фауной. С озоновым слоем Земли тоже ничего не случилось.
Вы реально в это верите??? Капец просто.
@@aleka.6391 Не должно произойти )) Клёво. Это же как космическая программа, ошибка в сборке или эксплуатации, не правильные компоненты, не тот синтез, расчёты, и совершенно другой результат особенно не в условиях контролируемых "лабораторных" на Новой Земле, а в условиях мгновенной мобилизации, при том что регулярные учения и проверки лишь снижают статистический риск а не ликвидируют его. А уж тем более глядя на современных мировых политиков абсолютно оторванных от здравого рассудка, им в руки будут совать отчёты о не полной боевой готовности а они скажут "ну ничего 56% процентов успеха больше чем половина погнали, не получится мы вас расстреляем и норм" . Не помню что бы сила мысли главнокомандующих США и России была способна управлять физикой и приказать взрыву ничего не загрязнять чётенько по геополитической границе как в разукрашке, ну разве что в газетах потом напишут что всё чистенько мы молодцы а они все кто не с нами Фу.
I don't know about that, there's been thousands of nuclear tests, with hundreds of megatons exploded, and what happened to the world? Nothing much. There's no reason for ice age, at worst there's the hypothetical nuclear winter from smoke, but the predictions for that vary wildly. People downwind would get cancer, but the radiation clears in weeks.
@@SiimKogerWe're in the thousand.
Nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Don't ever think of anything.
There were winners in the first nuclear war.
These are weapons of last chance for Russia and offensive weapons for the United States, as written in the military doctrines of the two countries
@@inozz4c You mean the one where only one country had the nuclear weapons and the other didn't? With a smaller yield and is technologically inferior to today's weaponry by 80 years? Or are you from another dimension?
@@inozz4cthe thing is now both sides have nuclear weapons and last time only one side had them
@@inozz4cthere was no "first nuclear war"
@@kartikeyatiwari2502did I miss it?
I grew up in a town that was generally assumed to be a preprogrammed zero point in the event of nuclear war. This was because a few miles to our west was major naval facility that also stored a large amount of nuclear warheads. To our east was a major city that served as the the HQ for one of the biggest defense companies in the world. So if they missed they'd hit one of the real targets more directly and if they hit us dead on they irradiate the surrounding area making it dangerous to traverse through.
Though in all likelihood they would probably plaster the whole area with multiple warheads to insure total destruction.
if you build an underground room you can survive. and after the attack, with a suitable protective suit you can travel to any other safe region and continue life there
yeah one of my friends kinda assumed our city wouldnt be targeted because "what even is there here" and its like... well we got several major military bases including ship yards and air bases and theres manufacturing plants pretty close to the north. basically if my city isnt targeted (unlikely) everywhere around it would be.
@@jackwhitestripe7342на это нужны деньги
@@jackwhitestripe7342Crawl out through the fallout, baby
When they drop that bomb
Crawl out through the fallout
With the greatest of aplomb
When your white count's getting higher
Hurry, don't delay
I'll hold you close and kiss those
Radiation burns away
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
To my loving arms
Through the rain of Strontium 90
Think about your hero
When you're at Ground Zero
And crawl out through the fallout back to me
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
You know what I mean
Crawl out through the fallout
'Cause they said this bomb was clean
If you cannot find the way
Just listen for my song
I'll love you all your life
Although that may not be too long
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
To my loving arms
While those ICBM's keep us free
When you hear me call out
Baby, kick the wall out
And crawl out through the fallout back to me
'Cause you'll be the only girl in the world
Why don't you crawl out through the fallout back to me
Why don't you crawl out through the fallout back to me
Why don't you crawl out through the fallout back to me
After I read your comment that's the first song I thought of
From my RAF days years ago the Vulcan aircrews , unoffically , were told that after launching their Blue Steel nuclear weapon to turn South and fly as far as you fuel will permit.
The thinking was that their base was unlikely to survive and the radioactive fallout would remain north of the equator due to the earth's rotational effects thus they maxximised their survival chances.
So the UK would be a radioactive hell hole and you would hope that former colonies like Nigeria or India would offer you shelter....
A čo budú na tom juhu robiť ak tam ovsem doletia len poslúžiťe svojim nadriadeným a potom ste pre nich nepotrebný aj z ich rodinami ,darmo sa nehovorí nerozmýšľajuci zelený mozeg plniť rozkazy áno Pane!!!💥
Makes sense. UK is a dense target area and the southern hemisphere might be more survivable.
целью распространения подобных мультиков на американскую и европейскую аудиторию - напугать западных политиков, воспитанных на женской морали приспособленчества. Ваши политики забыли кем была построена цивилизация.
Задача подобных роликов - при помощи большого числа аккаунтов на youtube (из твиттера их выкинули), используя antidetect soft создать иллюзию массовой истерии или поддержки russian людоедов. Поймите. Все russian - это фейк. Russian weapon - неэффективный хлам, который годится разве что как инструмент пропаганды. Ядерное оружье в таком же ужасном состояние и его нужно немедленно изъять у государства-террориста. В тактико-технические характеристики Russian weapon уже заложено примерно 80% пропаганды. Все мы знаем, как русский этнос любит гордится своими величием. Вот для этого как раз идеально подходит русское оружье. Его можно рисовать и показывать русским по телевизору. В реальности весь мир увидел кто такие русские и чего они стоят на поле боя. Пустое место. Если вы не накажете русских милитаристов, то они не сделают никаких выводов.(
Wow, I'm dead. Thank you!
Im dead bruh 💀
me too dude
The biggest problem is that some people seem to think that he who has the most nukes "wins".
yeah no one wins. nuclear war as it currently stands is world ending even for the nonparticipants. nuclear will be overcome one day though either by some futuristic defense or radiation clean up tech. I fear that day though because humans will get the idea that just because we have a defense that it now becomes okay to use them.
Russia: haha! I won!
*The whole planet is glowing green and a radioactive wasteland for millions of years.*
@@chicagoan81 The US is a bigger threat than Russia, they have more nuclear weapons and more advanced ones. During the Cuban Missle Crisis, it was a American nuclear sub ordered to fire their payload because US command thought they were under attack. The American's on the sub went against the orders and emerged to the surface letting the Soviet's know to also follow and stand down. The US military industrial complex is the biggest danger to humanity. They are the ones who will likely push for WW3 as they begin to lose profits and power because they do not want humanity to be peaceful and have no more war. The entire US economy is based off non stop war around the world. They have invested in the idea that humans will always have war. This also means the US does not want humans to evolve to a greater mindset.
@@chicagoan81There is, of course, a difference between 1 or 20 bombs, but Not between 5000 or 6000...
Russia has better rocket engineering
I hate living in a nuclear target
You can't escape Colorado
@@thechickenguy3799maybe they still have nukes targeted there. I live in Europe but quite close to a large decommissioned Airforce base. I wonder if there is still a nuke targeted there. Otherwise I don't live near any other target.
@The Chicken Guy You're still a tactical nuclear target with air force bases.
I'm not in a nuclear target but I fucking hate being near china
We all are 🥂🇦🇺
Imagine surviving this and living in a world without internet, food, people, air ..
"living in a world without internet" An essential part of life... 🤣
@@korosztosgyorgy except it is nowadays. Basically every aspect of day-to-day life is dependent on the web, and various systems operating within it. Banking system, public administration, infrastructure, business, etc. Turn off the internet today and everything will collapse in a matter of days, if not earlier.
@@mtsen771This is question about what is important after a global nuclear war. That was the basic question. Well, I don't think the survivors would be sad because of the lack of UA-cam in a world, that almost totally destroyed and unlivable...
С чего бы это?
It's just a prank bro,
The prank:
this could actually be the reason for a nuclear war in the near future
Most harmless sleepover prank
This channel blew up with this nuclear series. I’m wondering what’s Russia’s nuclear plan for america
Same thing on this video if america targets russian cities then russia will also target american cities too
The east coast, west coast, and Midwest will be nuclear wastelands
Probably similar plan to conquering Ukraine in 3 days.
@@crashwave299 план России запустит ядерное оружие в ответ америке.и все ваши трансы негры геи лесбухи и вся ваша гордость сдохнут
Russia plan is the same as Ukraine , I don’t even think their nuclear force is ready Russian army always sell equipment cuz they broke af
At the :50 mark Hungary and Bulgaria have switched their geographic locations, obviously having used some highly advanced technology.
how can I trust the rest of his 'facts'...
And apparently Switzerland, Serbia, and Bosnia all joined Nato and Finland left while we weren't watching, according to the sequence at the end...
@@mightywurlitzerSweden also left.
As a former high school during the 62 Cuban Missile Crisis, and later a Cold War Veteran for 21 years I was stunned by this protrale of WWIII. What I know in my head scares me about the reality of such a horrible event. There are no winners in such madness! From my past experiences I have grown numb to fear because I felt it once in war and I didn't like it. However, my greatest fear is something like this and another great depression. All I can say is I've looked at this Devil in the eye and I will never forget it. We must pray something like this never happens! My God, this gave me a headache.
Same here grew up during the height of the cold war, 1/4 mile from a S.A.C base. I wish I didn't know some of the things I know about possible nuclear war. I'm more afraid now then I ever was then ! God help us all! ! Hang in there !
Please get treated.
@@photerm7320Veterans must also be treated with empathy not just with drugs.
Cuban crisis? At first, the United States placed nuclear weapons in Turkey, near the borders of the USSR. then the USSR, two years later, in response to US aggression, placed it in Cuba. and this is in the American mind about the Cuban crisis. He doesn’t even think with his brain that the USA started this race!
А теперь представьте такую же самую - что и на заставке - картину над США, Британией, etc., с одним добавлением, что каждая нарисованная боеголовка распадается ещё на несколько. Это, надеюсь, несколько отрезвит желающих начать ядерный Армагеддон. Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры.
Russian nukes most likely disintegrate during launch
No one wins this war
@@lizardman1582 I believe, this is understood by those, who can pull the trigger.
Just hearing the nuclear alarm scared the crap outta me. We are stupid close to this happening right now
lovely sound
That's the sound of freedom. God bless America 🦅
@@jacobburns3515 yes it is
Ukrainians have to hear this shit day and night for over a year now.
Correction: Russia is stupid close to this happening right now.
This fatality counter is pretty symbolic. We live in densly populated cities, so fatalities would skyrocket with every single city center hit. Specially Moscow: that 12 km radius covers at least 10 million inhabitants.
Don't worry. The US Army is so much better than the Russian Army conventional airstrikes and ground forces would kill Russia faster than any nuclear strike.
The only risk of nuclear war has only come from Russia and China.
And in NY too.
However, not everyone in that 12km radius would die,
"We live in densly populated cities,..."
You do, I don't.
Half of America's population lives in rural areas.
While it won't be fun for us, we have a much better chance of surviving than you city folk.
@@bugwar5545 He's not American, he's Russian
I grew up in the 1980’s on a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base during the Cold War. The United States had nuclear bombers in the air at all times. Also SAC Bases, like the one I grew up on, would’ve been one of the primary targets of an attack by the Soviet Union, in an attempt to take out our Strategic Bombers on the ground
Same here. Little Rock and Minot AFBs
@@AlexAndr-up4mj, usgoverment has many fantazy.
@@AlexAndr-up4mj Except it did, during the height of the Cold War in the 60s. There was a B-52 in the air, 24/7. It wasn't a cost issue, pilots became tremendously tired and accidents became commonplace + tensions de-escalated so they stopped
@@AlexAndr-up4mj "Operation Chrome Dome"
@@AlexAndr-up4mj Nah, both countries did it and still do. The 60s were a particularly tense time, with the Cuban (and Turkish) missiles threatening both sides, + Tupolev-95 bombers from Russian strategic forces still regularly fly to the Alaska border and back to Russia, the same way B-52s did and do. Both sides undoubtedly had at least one plane always in the air
Finally, it will be quiet. No cars, no airplanes, no music, no commercial....just go ahead
No life👈👈🐈🦁🐐🐕🐶🦃🏝️🏝️🍉🍄🏡🍒🥗🎏
@@telengardforever7783 we can see around us that people give themselves a personality by destroying othrs belongings or shooting around. The disrespect has become a glory....but why ? Mainly a laxism of justice
No feminism
@user-cr5il4wz8d knock knock ur local warlord needs his money, you owe him for:
🇨🇭: im fine
Not one Russian gains anything from this and not one American gains anything from this.
usa warmongers gain everything
Согласен, никто не должен это пережить, ЛЮБОЙ ЦЕНОЙ!
@@Gexsogen I can’t translate that. Lol
@@wendysbaconator1175 Okay, I'll translate for you: I agree, no one should go through this.
@@Gexsogen agree 100%. This war in Ukraine needs to end. Russian kids are being sent to fight Ukrainian kids for what? No reason at all. Just a bunch of Slavic people killing each other for their governments grudge.
My Nagasaki uncle said. "Atomic bombs do nothing. When I entered the city to help, it was nothing more than hell. When I first saw the corpses, they were so transformed that I couldn't believe they were human. "After that, I finally found a man alive. His skin had melted and turned into starch syrup. He kept asking for water with a hoarse voice. I remember seeing this scene. I only hope that the number of people who see it will not increase at all in the future..."
My uncle died of lung cancer a few years after he told me this as a kid...from cigarettes...
I am so sorry what you’re uncle live through in 1945z But Blame the Japanese government for that happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki . They FORCED the USA to go into war because of Pear Harbor. Japan made a big mistake in Hawaii
@@hsplayerguy00тут виновата только США Япония американские мирные города не бомбила, даже фугасными бомбами.
Therefore in Japan say that its Russian? Not usa...!!!
@@ЕлсуковУлукитканi do remember holodomor and more of what your people do, including a massive r4ping of german woman after the war, your heros are idealized but they are not what you think of them.
The terrifying thing is, deterrence only works against a rational actor…and if one of either country’s leader has firm enough control over his country’s strategic nuclear arsenal, and equates his own loss or failure as an existential threat to his nation, then he could initiate a nuclear strike as a desperation attack …I hope that Russia’s nuclear arsenal is protected internally from the risk of a nihilistic dictator lashing out at the world when his own personal defeat appears inevitable
I really don't think a nuclear war would start even if putin nuked ukraine I don't think the U.S. would just push a button but who knows we have a president that don't make rational decisions they said we wouldn't have troops in ukraine yet we do
Hmmm. Satanistic anglosaxon dictators too. 🤔
Вы реально думаете, что русские безумны? Вы, раса белых сатанистов, обвиняете в безумии традиционалистские общества.?
@@Змеяющаякуса охренеть первый коммент на русском
The truly scary part is that those in control of the buttons know they can survive it in their luxurious bunkers.
this actually scared me and your fast voice gave me anxiety.
Ты прав, он торопит события)
.. dont be afraid.. christian god said: " dont be afraid about the rumors of war, for it will not be the end of times..".. ONLY STUPID HUMAN CIVILIZATION"😅😂🎉🎉
for me as an American, watching this is absolutely mind-bending in the most horrifying way.
10:33 ... can you just imagine what the world would look like after that bombardment is over?
You wouldn't have to worry about it for long
the Americans must remove the Nazi Zionists from power in the USA, otherwise the Zionists (deep state), with their pathological hatred of Russia, will arrange a war with Russia (a hybrid war against Russia is already underway), and Russia will be forced to destroy NATO
Итог будем сказочным, американцы сдохнут навсегда, а русские переселятся в Сибирь и будут выращивать картошку и кабачки.
I am not keen to get killed, but I would prefer not to survive a full-scale global nuclear war regardless.
No tienes que preocuparte por eso, porque tampoco tendrás tiempo para arrepentirte tú, y ustedes en el nombre de todos los estadounidenses, cuando venga la respuesta rusa.
the most terrifying thing is not that you just say what we could do to them, the most terrifying thing is that they can do the same to us,
The Russian RS-28 Sarmat is capable of carrying about 10 tonnes of payload, for either up to 10 heavy or 15 light MIRV warheads.
Yeah, but geographically Russia's missiles have a long flight time, increasing the possibility of getting shot down by NATO's anti air systems before they reach the US
Вот именно. Так же почитай про нашу автономную беспилотную торпеду "Посейдон"
Ссыкотно, правда?
Если бы не ответный удар, разнесли бы все к херам. А так десять раз подумаете.
Для сша достаточно одного хорошего ядерного удара в одно место и континенту хана, не нужно много ракет)
Только и можете бить по тем, кто в ответ ничего сделать не может, а так как у нас тоже ядерки есть, хвост поджали)))
4:11 Fun fact: it's called the Ohio Class because one hit from its warheads automatically turns the opposing city into either Cleveland, Dayton, or Toledo. 😂
Or new Palestine
@@SteveVi0lence*East Palestine
Shut up man
They knew all would lose in the practical application of the MAD doctrine... so they installed dissidents to have the U.S. tear itself down.
So what happened to the Detroit Class?
Мы все россияне хотим мира с американцами,но наше и ваше правительство имеет совсем другие поведения
Я как россиянин не хочу чтобы такое случилось с нами и вами.
Давайте просто жить мирно и дружно...
All of us on this Earth must NEVER let this happen. Ever! I cried watching this. Pray for peace.
надеюсь вскоре все утихомириться 😢 🇷🇺❤️🇺🇸
The whole world would be affected.
WW3 wont' start over Ukraine, it will start with China seizing Siberia in 20 years.
Peace is our only hope!!! Even if it is a messy one... Because the longer this Ukrainian conflict continues, the greater the chances that someone is going to make a DEADLY mistake! Putting ALL our lives in jeopardy!
We are ponds in this match
You do not need to be a Russian , nuclear war will change every part of the world for the worse!
"Enters it's second year"
That conflict has been going on for nine years now. The conflict began in 2014.
Very true! Ever since Ukraine overthrew its own government.
С тех пор как Россия напала на Украину.
What is the USA doing in Ukraine? 3 government overthrows in a row?
let's appreciate the amazing work of animation and narration!
aren't you afraid of all this? did you get your head knocked off? what 's in your head ? you understand that if a nuclear war starts, the whole world will be destroyed. Think carefully! We need humanity to destroy nuclear warheads and make peace and there would never be wars and conflicts ever! And what do you write? "Let's evaluate the work and information" Do you like wars? Such videos should not be on UA-cam at all. Think carefully think carefully
анимации хорошо, но только почему-то на моей стране.
Рассказ не дотягивает, натовских боеголовок не видел, а они есть
Европейцы!! Не россияне виноваты. А русские "люди". Избавьтесь от своей толерантности по отношению с русским людоедам. Сказанное вовсе не нацизм. Русский - это не этнос. Когда вы производите селекцию растений, вы же не говорите, что данный кактус обладает качествами фашиста? Русский - худшее что могло произойти с человеком. И произошло это за ваши денги. За западные деньги. Это селекция рабов за ваш счет. Селекция дотационных тварей, сидящих на шее у банды отморозков. Все кто не были иждивенцами были истреблены. Гены свободолюбивых людей не успели оказать влияние на популяцию. Если вы это не признаете, то откажитесь от генетики, назовите генетику лженаукой, а эволюцию назовите мракобесием. Руские 1000 лет не имели прав собственности, не имели права на бизнес, были расходным материалом и только приспособленцы за лояльность к власти имели существенные преимущества (значительные преференции). Потомство успевали дать исключительно предатели и доносчики.....
Полезные признаки социальных приспособленцев, рабов с культом государства в крови и доносчиков и приобрела русская популяция. И теперь через русскую культуру они пытаются распространять по миру свою рабскую ментальность. В этом нет ничего удивительного. Изучите мат часть.
Вы скажете что немцы тоже были фашистами. Да, для немцев фашизм - это не естественное состояние, это болезнь. Для русских фашизм - это их естественное состояние!
The number of casualties does not take the following ice age into consideration. Hold your dear ones close and tell them you love them while you can.
Goddamn as scary as these videos are, your production quality is beautiful
Stop taking the name of the Lord in vain hes our only sarvation and hope from these war hungry demonic lost people and they is nothing beautiful about production quality about Death 😒
@@frankieenlacasa5216yeah, God said all those little kids deserved it. God's judgements knows no age limit. Judging a kid before God seems cruel no?
@@bigbadlara5304 No You have to blame they parents For not teaching them Common sense And letting the evil system Teach them otherwise.
@@bigbadlara5304 What you mean with judging a kid before God is cruel I'm just trying to be teachable and a beacon of light In a dark world that much can't see are blind thats all 😇
@@frankieenlacasa5216 before him we are all children. He lives through us and experiences through us the universe.
Nobody wants to see this scenario and stop acting like America would survive
Urbanization makes nuclear war destructive as never before, because populations get more concentrated in smaller areas
That only affects the initial death tolls. Everyone is still going to die from radiation, nuclear winter and starvation.
@@edwardmiller4562Exactly the funny thing is that those first victims will the lucky ones
Brilliant, let's make this happen.
How stupid is humanity that we could even discuss something as terrible as this.
Humanity has been insane since the beginning.
That ending is frightening to see. I hope that never happens.
Not only Russian will get affect , whole world will get affect. So casualties will more higher ....
Заметьте, русские никогда не снимают такие ролики. А вот США любит такую пропаганду, и при этом говорят что русские плохие и нам угрожают! С такими мыслями у нашей планеты нет шансов, в первую очередь из-за западного мира! А жить нужно дружно и без ужасных войн!
Необходимо не только снять ответные ролики, но и выйти из всех договоров с наглосаксами. Ракет и боеголовок должно быть столько, что после нашего удара, не выжили на планете Земля даже тараканы.
@@A.R.L.-14 такие ролики делают трусы. тоже испугался?
Don_Don, вот вроде все в школу ходили, вроде проходили Первую и Вторую мировую... и что, призывы к войне или демонстрации за мир хоть на что-то влияли?
Да наш окурок-презхидент вчера угрожал ядерным оружием, чего никогда не делали ни одни лидеры со времен Хрущева. А наш другой окурок и секретарь совбеза Медведев десяток раз угрожал миру ядерной войной. А вы тут каким то роликом частной компании возмущаетесь. Если что, то я служил в ракетный войсках. Вся подготовка и учения рассматривали только один вариант - мы атакуем первыми. если война начнется, то начнут ее наши закомплексованные окурки. Если быть честным перед собой, то они уже запустили каскад войны.
This just shows how sick this world truly is to even create such devices . We need peace in this world. This is truly terrifying to imagine. I just pray it never happens
Erik I agree I'm also in a city that would be a primary target of Russia. And with the situation in the Ukraine war our countrys have not been this close to nuclear war since the Cuban missile crisis.
Neither side was truly prepared to nuke the other during the Cuban missile crisis. We have learned since then that Castro didn’t even have control of those missiles and the Soviets were never going to authorize nuking the US to protect Cuba. JFK made it clear that an attack from Cuba would be seen as an act of war by the Soviet Union. It should also be noted that the nukes that the US agreed to move out of Europe were already planned to be moved before the crisis.
I was a CRBN Marine and I studied this stuff.. Still do occasionally..
What you show is only the beginning.. The amount of radioactive particulates released into the atmosphere would lead to hundreds of millions additional deaths via radiation sickness and innumerable more of cancer.
Additionally, the amount of dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere will also cause what's known as a nuclear winter.. Where sunlight can't reach the ground, leading to the collapse of agriculture worldwide and the starvation of billions.
The scientists who promoted the theory of nuclear winter being that serious deliberately exaggerated it to even the highest authorities, to reduce the risk of nuclear war. This was later admitted after the end of the Cold War - rather quietly so that the general public would not notice, for the most part. At least some of the data you were probably trained on was falsified. The rest sounds accurate, especially if there are a pile of ground bursts hitting hard targets.
Ne gladovanje već smrti..
So in other words, the rest of the world is f-cked thanks to old geezers who already outlived their life expectancy 🙃
Наивные людишки. Все играетесь? Наша планета маленькая. От ядерной угрозы не скроешься в бункере. Это вам не Голливуд. Не дай бог случиться такому сценарию...
That thought also goes for americans,this is why you two seem to always be in a perpetual nuclear standoff
Естественно ни один бункер не выдержит прямого попадание ракеты, но чтобы выжить бункер может спасти, что далеко от цивилизации, где-то в горах или далеко на севере
@@jastleavv4688 а дальше что? Даже в теории, выживание на заражённой территории, то еще удовольствие.
@@densmol удовольствие то ещё, но всё же я думаю что хотя-бы частица человечества выживет, будет второе узкое горлышко где мы откатимся как минимум в средневековье, если не в каменный век
@@jastleavv4688 о чем я и говорю. Откат в каменный век никому не нужен. А при таком ведении дел на западе и Америке очень и очень близок. Что в башке у американского президента, судя по его поведению, одному богу известно.
It's insane that a single submarine has the ability to cause tens of millions of deaths.
or just 5 deaths.
@@AmedeeVanGasse 💀
@@AmedeeVanGasse dark
@@AmedeeVanGasse 💀
Европейцы. Не россияне виноваты. А русские "люди". Избавьтесь от своей толерантности по отношению с русским людоедам. Сказанное вовсе не нацизм. Русский - это не этнос. Когда вы производите селекцию растений, вы же не говорите, что данный кактус обладает качествами фашиста? Русский - худшее что могло произойти с человеком. И произошло это за ваши денги. За западные деньги. Это селекция рабов за ваш счет. Селекция дотационных тварей, сидящих на шее у банды отморозков. Все кто не были иждивенцами были истреблены. Гены свободолюбивых людей не успели оказать влияние на популяцию. Если вы это не признаете, то откажитесь от генетики, назовите генетику лженаукой, а эволюцию назовите мракобесием. Руские 1000 лет не имели прав собственности, не имели права на бизнес, были расходным материалом и только приспособленцы за лояльность к власти имели существенные преимущества (значительные преференции). Потомство успевали дать исключительно предатели и доносчики.....
Полезные признаки социальных приспособленцев, рабов с культом государства в крови и доносчиков и приобрела русская популяция. И теперь через русскую культуру они пытаются распространять по миру свою рабскую ментальность. В этом нет ничего удивительного. Изучите мат часть.
Вы скажете что немцы тоже были фашистами. Да, для немцев фашизм - это не естественное состояние, это болезнь. Для русских фашизм - это их естественное состояние!
I like how well put together your videos are.
Blah blah blah. He did not even mention how jews control both sides.
thisguy went from car uploads to nuclear capabilities of the US
bro lost it somewhere
He found it
Oh shoot that's true!
@@MAWIMO0 why are you not intervening
@@DvNAssaultMain I don't get paid enough. So I don't care.
@@MAWIMO0 relatable, anyways why are you still watching my search history I do not know how to make 99.1% pure methamphetamine and black tar cia method
Me: *Passing all the exams and finally starting my education in College*
The next day:
It's unlikely that Kaliningrad would be excluded from such a strike due to its geographic isolation. The military value concentrated in that area would most likely outweigh the "inefficiency" of putting that many nukes in an area that lacks other population centers.
The place would be obliterated.
How it would be if russia attack new york with poseidon torpedo missile that weighs 100megaton can you imagine what will be the consequences after that and you people still believes in nuclear war should be fought and russia will be destroyed after that
Yes, and I don't think they would mind getting fallout in neighbouring allied countries since they will be obliterated by Russia in return.
Undoubtedly. Quite likely stealth bombers based in the UK would knock out Kaliningrad.
Let’s say you have a bunker at your place, you only have 30 minutes to get it IF they launch from the country of origin. Less if it’s launched from a sub closer to the US. The time to get to a bunker would be less than 30 minutes based on when the government detected a launch and notified the public. You would have to be in the bunker at the time of launch to be able to survive an attack.
Depends were you are. However civilians will unlikely be given any notice the first detention will probably be an NEMP that will block out comms, and coastal cities may have as little as 5 minutes from SLBMs.
If your not near a target (ie rural area) you probably have a few hours before the fallout reaches your location.
It almost seems like you'd have to really be watching the signs. It's unlikely either Russia or the USA would just wake up one day and decide to launch the nukes, but like going back to the Cuban missile crisis, if I'd been alive at that time, I might have taken a trip to the mountains for a few days.
@@FFGuy-eu7hr I LIVE in the mountains, hundreds of miles from the nearest large city. Ima get the popcorn and watch the show.
@@robgrey6183look howany nuclear warheads Russia and USA have... Do u really thing that they will just destroy only large cities?
no civilians will be given any warnings or notice.
The scariest part is thats those are just 50 Trident II missiles
The tridents are pretty much all of the US nuclear systems. Few of the land based ICBMs will probably work as they were built in the 1950s & 1960s as the US never funded replacements. The rest is in bombers which probably won't reach there targets. On the other hand Russia and China have been upgrading and expanding their nuclear land based ICBMs. Russia has the RS-28 Sarmat now in production which can deliver up to 24 glide warheads, and its Poseidon system up to 200 Mt which a single device can destroy the US entire coast line or most of Europe's coastline. I believe the primary use of Poseidon is to take out the US SSBNs before they can launch, but I doubt it will be very effective.
Appear strong when are weak, and appear weak where you are strong.
@@guytech7310 Naw our ICBMs are just as loaded as Russia or China's, crazy how some ppl actually think that we spend more than both countries combined but have less capable nukes...especially Russia, their shit is likely to fall apart lmao
@@guytech7310 They were monitored and tested under the Bush Administration so most of them are still functional with the replaced parts.
@@guytech7310 Russian propaganda is strong with this one
Обязательно бахнем, весь мир в труху, но потом.
Разве неудивительно, как противоречия капитализма могут поставить существование человечества под угрозу.
Absolutely terrifying!
Don't fear 4 our Lord will b w us.God is sick of this evil..
Good analysis, could you do a similar one on which cities the Russians will target in the us? And your estimate of casualties.
Да да 😂 покажите это.
Это континент после одного Сармата и одного Буревестника уйдёт под воду.
Достаточно попасть в Елоустонскую зону.
Йелустон, 3 боеголовки по 20 мегатон, Сан-Андреас, тоже, ну и города и стратегические цели, например в Аппалачах
95% ваших ракет не работают, половина из тех 5%, которые работают, не могут найти цель... Если на США упадут три-пять боеголовок, это будет для вас хорошим развитием.
@@BledaTurk, ну тебе конечно же лучше всех известно, как работают русские ракеты😂
А если амерская ракета соучайно упадет на Китай😂
Россия тем всегда и побеждала за счет самой большой территории, и в случае ядерного конфликта это снова будет преимуществом России, большинство людей выживет
@@vasy_5177 С 3500 солдатами закончилась эпоха завоеваний от Урала до Японии...
Why can't we just unite and love and help each other. Both Presidents need to grow up. We need world peace. Live and let live. I love y'all. Sending peace vibes.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Because if you read the responses from the nationalistic ruskielander clowns, they want the same for their enemy.
This is why peace is so important.
Peace never works with American
And just imagine this is muted from what would have occurred during the height of nuclear arsenals during the Cold War. (64 to 70k warheads)
I’m confident Earth would become Mars 2.0 if we had a nuclear war in the 60s
Which cities in the US would Russia target as their SSBNs are just as invisible as ours. And they have naval bases in both the Pacific AND Atlantic so they can hit both coasts simultaneously.
Politicians the next day when I won the lottery:
Do the opposite version where Russia would target the US. Pretty sure many people wants to know where to move so that they won’t be vaporized.
To the Mars with Elon Musk 🤣
Might be better to get vaporized than deal with what comes after.
И зачем тебе такая жизнь, дружище?) Уцелевшие супермаркеты громить, чтобы просто пожрать? Хорошо, как долго ты будешь их громить?)
This is ignoring nuclear defense systems (electronic/laser jamming, intercepting AA missiles, other forms of airspace defenses), Russia's targets (they would definitely try to lauch nukes to areas of possible submarine/ship locations with nuclear torpedos, bases, launch sites), failure/malfunction of warhead detonation or guidance and any country that would like to get involved as well (i.e. China, North Korea might launch shortly after). I estimate that Russia's attack would kill more people than the counter attack. Russia could also target with the launch US/NATO satellites and with the larger damage done in a vacuum along with the huge EMP blast it would hurt any sky based nav (incl. Russia's, but most missles would be already on their way). Any launch by Russia would not send 50 missles like the counter attack mentioned here, but ALL of their nukes that aren't firing from planes etc. It is much more complex and the results will vary greatly based on how the initial attack is performed.
Chelyabinsk: being hit around 7 times
Me who lives in there: 💀
I live in NY and i know is a guaranteed target by the Russians, i understand how you feel. lets hope a nuclear war between Russia and the USA never happens.
In addition to the fact that Chelyabinsk is a target, you still need to hit it and break through the missile defense, which the Russian Federation has the best in the world. I think there will be a maximum of one or two hits, which, of course, is also not encouraging.
Guys, I live near Chelyabinsk. Neighboring city, I think you understand. And I didn’t get it at all that my hole in the world also got on the list of nuclear bombing .... I pray to God that neither we nor our children and subsequent generations become eyewitnesses of these terrible events. This can easily be equated with the death of the entire civilization if retaliatory measures are immediately taken from our state and hypothetical allies. This judges us the complete annihilation of mankind.
@@БульдозерЕгорик , see your TV-shows. You talk about nuclear war every day and you want to bomb all European capitals. So...
@@andreykolkov2724You're literally staking your entire civilization on that, and right now your civilization is getting bodied by "Lesser Russians". Must feel bad, man
I live in Russia, looking at this, I think a lot about the meaning of life, I am very afraid to think that this could happen, I hope all wars on earth will stop and peace will come.
they won't until you exist
There will always be conflict for as long as humans exists.
The end with the siren and the numbers of casualties in millions…horrific! Let’s find a way to live in peace, this world and us is all we’ve got.
Westerners don't like peace the in love with wars.
Father was an aerospace engineer in the 1960s, his last job in the late sixties was this scenario exactly.. it was my father's job to write scenarios, what if their missile hit s our cities and what if ours hits their cities.
Sounds like an easy job, lol. I joke
The fact these weapons exist and it’s even an option to use. God help us all ❤❤
Сould you do a similar one on which cities the Russians will target in the us? And your estimate of casualties.
This can never be allowed to happen! God help us all!
God won't save us from this! I for one welcome this since I will personally go on crime spree in the aftermath of one. If you got a va jay yay or something material that I want I WILL take it and thats all there is too. The absolute worst if humanity will be on full display and I'm gettin' excited thinkin' about it!
God? No dummy it’s the people that need to stop Joe Biden. But you been brainwashed by the media so he’s doing whatever he wants.
wake up! There is no God in this world.
God is waiting for the nukes to fly. When they fly the rapture is here and the antichrist will rise in the ashes
@@shooterjenkins7089 You'd be unlikely to survive
Moscow would sure be the 1st one to Go!
Moscow is very well protected from this kind of threat. Now they will also make protection against various kinds of drones and small unmanned aerial vehicles.
@@andreykolkov2724 Moscow would be a smoking crater, and you know it!
@@andreykolkov2724 Do you really think they wouldn't launch a few extra missiles if they had to? Not like there's a shortage here...
@@crowe6961 I am sure that they will have neither time nor opportunity for additional missiles ...
@@andreykolkov2724 They'd launch extras mixed with decoys and other penetration aids from the start, there are plans for this sort of thing. No city is safe. Large population centers would be targeted by multiple warheads as a matter of course. Those defended by very limited numbers of ABM systems would simply draw more fire when it kicked off.
Lmfao my god, it’s terrifying. Everything from the delivery to the explosion.
love this animations
представь заодно что в твоём городе так-же происходит ядерный взрыв, или живёшь в Антарктиде среди пингвинов?
@@lokialf друг мой. я раньше прекрасно жил в городе Авдеевка. видел ли ты что с ним сейчас?
@@ma3yp там вероятно всё разрушено, да?
какое это имеет отношение к ядерной войне? или посыл таков что раз Авдеевка в руинах, то пусть и весь мир горит в огне?
10:32 that zoom out with the alarm sound is perfect for this moment, after the nukes are all dropped there is no victorious scene at the end, all you see is 45 million human lives gone. 45 million husbands, fathers, mothers, wifes, sons, daughters, and friends all gone within 15 minutes.
in USA and EU die 450+ millions people. Russia 100 mlns.
Победителей не будет.Не будет ни чего больше на планете,не забывай про ответный удар.Будет ядерная зима,а кто выживет будет жить ещё хуже,так как нужно будет жёстко бороться за оставшиеся ресурсы,но и скорее всего тоже погибнут от ядерной зимы.Это просто погубит всех и всё.Возможно участь убережёт от смерти морской вид обитателей и то не всех.Вот такой исход событий будет к сожалению.
kid: i want to be an astronaut when i grow up.
8:48 politicians 2 seconds later
При моделировании таких вещей,надо сразу думать о том что с США произойдёт тоже самое,у США территория меньше и много людей живёт в городах,так что тут как говорится, палка о двух концах.
при чем тут это? ролик же конкретно о целях в России
Я такую же мысль написал на английском, стёрли. 😂😂😂 Демократия😮
May peace prevail on earth
Finally another upload
They would also destroy Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, because its the HQ of the Black Sea fleet. I believe when it comes to this, every country would launch whatever they have in the arsenal.
"to deter Russia from nuclear attack"
Let's just recall for a moment what is a single country in the world, that used nuclear weapons in a conflict.
And then let’s recall which country is the primary threat in today’s world.
@@LadyLiberty-c8iwhy do you think that Russia is the main threat to the world lol
No only for Europe and USA @@cloke3076
@@LadyLiberty-c8i this country is USA, right?😊
@@zed007it's Russia
Can you do an updated version of what US cities Russia would target and our loss numbers?
You are a very good UA-camr. ❤
There is no honor in dying in this manner 🙁
Well, if it does all kick off, we'll have a few minutes to think of a more interesting way.
A lot of us are planning to pose in amusing situations for future wasteland explorers
When did USA cared about honor lol
@@mnemonicpie USA cared Honor as Huawei cannot be here.
What an AMAZING illustration of this. I could not imagine the amount of time it takes to find out so much information. One thing I wonder about, living close to the Canada wildfires and having days of smoky air, how far and wide would the fallout reach? That would most certainly be the end of the areas around too, no?
Yeah I think that in this scale, the fallout would spread globally, there would definitely be a climate change due to the dramatic increase of global atmospheric temperature and many other factors that would make life on earth very very hard. Think about poisoned food/water and you'll start getting a picture.
There's nowhere on earth that won't be affected by a nuclear war in this day and age. The lucky ones would be the ones wiped out in the beginning
You got the smoke from the Canadian wild fires,right. Now imagine the smoke from every tree in Canada , America, Russia burning and all the cities .
Whats gonna happen when i finally get a girlfriend
I served on SSBN-740 as a MT, worked on that very same trident.
I was an FTB on a missile boat in the 80s taught future MT'S at sub school before leaving the service in 93 his numbers are off on what is available.
I love you, please make more of these 🤩
To imagine that this is a possible outcome in the future is scary
It is impossible
Cuz it is not just a huge exploisions it will destroy atmosphere, launch earthquakes and tsunami all over the world
Entire Earth's climate will be changed so as ecosystems which will result death to the agro production
And much much more such as radioactive rain over the globe
In present days nuclear war is death to the whole planet
Выжившие позавидуют мёртвым!!!
На всей планете!
They can join them if they want to.
Kaliningrad 🗿
Vologda: *nuked*
Me, who live in Vologda suburbs: Welp, that's an improvement.
А у вас-то чего бомбить?
Живу в Брянске и если судить по анимации, в город прилетит удара 2, только не понятно, что у нас можно бомбить?
Radiation sickness is one of the most painful, agonizing deaths a human being can die from. The government officials and elites who start this holocaust, would be well protected and pampered in there well shielded underground bunkers. Only the masses would face this death.
Whether the bunker saves you, you still forget that the air there is contaminated with active radio
Они что будут всю жизнь жить в бункере. После ядерной войны не будет иметь ценность ни деньги, не должность.
@@АлмазНасибуллин-щ3з южные страны остаются нетронутыми, вся цивилизация, жизнь и влияние переместятся туда.
Этим богатым евреям будет легко управлять. Ибо там население менее образовано, беднее и лучше управляемо.
И кстати, неспроста, многие богачи и элиты строят себе бункеры в Новой Зеландии, удалённом райском уголке, которым они хотят потом править
Does who start this madness will definitely survive only hard working and paying endless taxes will go too hell
"Why won't aliens visit us?"
Average international human disagreement:
As an American myself I love Russia and the people
unitedstatian ***
Why do we need these weapons .. as humans
they have avoided ww3, guarantee of peace
The human mind is so intelligent that it took the primal instinct to hunt and kill and extrapolated it over millennia into world-ending nuclear weapons.
I feel like it's the stupidity, because you are left with nothing after use of that weapon, therefore it's a problem instead of a solution, therefore it's stupidity
USA would not nuke Russian republics. It would only nuke Russia itself,without Kalmykia or Buryatia for example.
finally a video after few months and 3 episodes in 1 year wow