The Dumb Ox Speaks: Aquinas and Boethius on Personhood

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • In this video, Dr. Margarita Vega explores the way that Aquinas partially accepts Boetheius's influential definition of a person as an individual rational substance and then develops it. Vega proposes that Aquinas's eventual definition of a person as "subsistent" involves a rich dialogue with previous patristic and early theologians, such as Boethius, but also expands our notion of the person using his insights into essence and existence. Read more about Dr. Vega at
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    What is The Dumb Ox Speaks?
    The Dumb Ox Speaks is a project of the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, engaging contemporary questions at the intersection of philosophy and theology. In these videos, DSPT faculty regularly provide insights based on their experiences of teaching, writing, and ministry, as well as highlight the profound relevance of Thomas Aquinas and the Thomistic tradition to intellectual, societal, and spiritual life.
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  • @GregMontoya1
    @GregMontoya1 5 місяців тому

    A human being is a person. It’s not complicated.

  • @BradSchepisi
    @BradSchepisi 4 роки тому

    So beautiful! The Father transmits oousia to the Son, but the hypostasis of the Son is distinct from the hypostasis of the Father.

  • @dubbelkastrull
    @dubbelkastrull Рік тому

    5:44 bookmark

  • @joekeegan937
    @joekeegan937 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @websurfer352
    @websurfer352 Рік тому

    How can you reconcile God as absolutely simple and yet having three distinct persons in a trinity?? Well, you could say that the trinity of distinct persons in God is not on the order of God’s being but in generation?? If you had a book you bought at a store then you gave the book to your brother as a gift and your brother misplaced it and a stranger finds the book and makes it his own, the book itself is identically the self same book in all three instances yet the three people received the book in different distinct ways?? And so the godhead has infinite knowledge of all, so the godhead before anything began knew itself infinitely well, perfect knowledge of self means God knows everything about God perfectly!! A mirror can image you but not-perfectly a mirror is a two dimensional representation of you but a perfect mirror would be three dimensional representation and God is that perfect mirror knowing himself so perfectly that his self-knowledge excludes nothing of what he/God is meaning his self-knowledge would have the property of Godhood!! So, God’s self knowledge is so perfect that it is God himself and God love’s himself so perfectly and that love o
    Is a self-giving, God’s gift to himself!! And that gift would be the most valuable gift God could muster and that self gift is God giving himself to his self-knowledge which is itself God in full!! And that self gift has all the attributes of God bar none making it a gift of full God to full God by God as the giver!! All three distinct modes of God are identically fully God yet each distinct person generates or relates to the other in distinct ways which account for the distinction in the trinity!!!!!

  • @websurfer352
    @websurfer352 Рік тому

    You need to determine the criteria for what defines a person. If you define a person as one that subsists or exists by and off itself then you disqualify humans from being persons because only God is self-subsistent??
    Whatever criteria you come up with should be distilled to the most basic fundamental core criterion for what defines a person, some criteria may be more extrinsic than others meaning they may be derived from others?? If you find a single or a handful of criteria that cannot be further be derived from others then you found the most intrinsic factors of what a person is!!
    A person needs to be conscious
    A person needs to be conscious of itself
    A person needs to be conscious of itself being conscious its consciousness needs to be self-referential
    A persons identity needs to be intrinsic meaning it needs to instantly recognize others from self as in I and not-I
    The recognition of I and not-I needs to be instantaneous and not a result of a computation