  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Eddie Long comes back to church just in time for the his pastoral anniversary service Oct. 9. He then has a healing service for those currently in physical pain. You decide


  • @supreme12
    @supreme12 8 років тому +225

    How about healing those young men Mr. Long has molested Im sure they are in alot of pain too...

  • @derricksmith1758
    @derricksmith1758 8 років тому +88

    He's not healed. He is at deaths door!

  • @101realking
    @101realking 8 років тому +74

    Just sitting here speechless! As a minister most of my life I was always in church but the church was never in me! The church today is sensual as a whole! I will not bash, I have no need to. But I will not be politically correct either, Miz Justice, please just do me one favor. Ask yourself this question, when was the last time Eddie Long or any Full Gospel bishop had a documented miracle in ANY of their churches? That because these churches posses a form of Godliness but No Power. So one day when I got real ( i know it's bad grammar Lol) with God< I said, "Holy Spirit I need you to Lead me as to where I should go, who should I join with," He lead me to No One! But He charged me to surrender and lead others to surrender. So with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit we start a fellowship! Let me tell you what the criteria was, The book of Acts and what a TRUE CHURCH should look like. I see a bunch of ppl ignorant to who the Holy Spirit is and what He can do. "And these sign shall follow them that believe, In my name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues." You get it! Eddie Long is a False Prophet and mark my words you shall watch so many of these so called church leader fall! Their god is their own belly. I just had the audacity to believe God can do exactly what He says He can do, All of it. So as the leader of a fellowship we teach obedience through the Holy Spirit in all things. People quit taking their medicine just by trusting in God, In Jesus Name. People have been healed in Jesus Name. So to anyone that may read this, go to God and ask Him to first show you, yourself, and clean you up totally, then ask Him to lead you to where you should fellowship. Also if your at a church, ask God, "Lord is this where you want me to be? I always tell all my fellowship members to, Go to God on me and ask Him, Lord is this man righteous (not right, cause there is a difference,) 99% of the ministers can't and won't do it! ( When was the last time your pastor urged you to do that?) I won't hold my breath! You can't fool God! Thank You for your insight Miz Justice and I apologize for monopolizing you YT comment box. I could speak more on this debacle but i'll leave you this, Eddie Long needs much prayer! Woe unto the Sheppard that scattered the sheep!!!!!!

  • @kervinfondren309
    @kervinfondren309 8 років тому +73

    Jesus can heal anything and anyone. We should never judge anyone because we are all a mess! Let God judge men and we do our own legacy.

  • @laidbackblack1968
    @laidbackblack1968 8 років тому +78

    Yeah, I'm glad God is not like man. I have messed up sooo many times and he has given me a second chance. I pray for him and his soul because I want to make it in.

  • @Mase0ne
    @Mase0ne 8 років тому +117

    Healed? I thought he was on a raw vegetable diet....

  • @dominiquebarlow7423
    @dominiquebarlow7423 8 років тому +141

    Wow! He bounced back fast! Stage 4 Cancer is serious business. How is he healing folks and he is still ill himself?!?! Hmm..

  • @shawbrothersgirl2740
    @shawbrothersgirl2740 8 років тому +65


  • @dwisdomNYC
    @dwisdomNYC 8 років тому +52

    During his 2010 hot mess issues she did file for divorce. However she retracted it and told the congregation she needed to be strong for them. People like bishop use their power and authority to shame and make those they have helped feel guilty should they ever feel the need to escape. A bishop in North Carolina name George Bloomer wrote a book entitled WITCHCRAFT IN THE PEWS. He broke down all the many and I mean many ways witchcraft is used in the church and in personal relationships. The book was so good and informative it helped me to see areas in my personal life where my actions towards some people was under the spirit of WITCHCRAFT.

  • @QueenStrategy
    @QueenStrategy 8 років тому +102

    As big of a wolf as he is, it is still sad to see him deteriorating -- especially spiritually. He remains unrepentant and headed towards destruction and an eternity without God. And that's the most tragic aspect of all of this. Even in his apparent sickness, he remains shrouded behind sheep's clothing instead of throwing himself at the feet of the Cross for mercy and making amends for the great evils he has committed (especially against young boys).

  • @olcizzle9701
    @olcizzle9701 8 років тому +53

    Idk what kind of game ppl be playing in these last days, but it's no room for error.

  • @larriebryan6724
    @larriebryan6724 8 років тому +39

    Oh I am so very Glad to see that he is back and doing ok, i wish him well!

  • @ervinhoward9806
    @ervinhoward9806 8 років тому +53

    Another question, "Why would God tell Eddie Long to just heal chronic pain instead of diseases or sickness that show deterioration and health decline in the body such as cancer, Alzheimer, or other sicknesses?" I don't understand.

  • @mianaomipost9885
    @mianaomipost9885 8 років тому +76

    Lord, help your people...especially those defiling the temple in Your name! Where was anything healed by the word "fire" in God's Word? I'm so sick of people playing with God!

  • @mcdaniels101
    @mcdaniels101 8 років тому +35

    His wife is sure standing by her "MONEY". The eyes are the window of the soul. She has the look of pity, when you know your loved one is sick and dying and you're putting on the brave face.

  • @ladyblue3255
    @ladyblue3255 8 років тому +34


  • @shawnathomas8120
    @shawnathomas8120 8 років тому +75

    Be careful in what you say ~ words ARE POWERFUL!!!! I too am SoooooOoooo glad that GOD is not like man ~ a huge amount of us refuse to show any mercy ~ What we need more of on social media, since we are SoooooOoooo free in expressing ourself without boundaries LET'S GET ON HERE AND MAKE THE DEVIL MAD AND TALK ABOUT "JESUS"!!!

  • @TamaraLloydtvoxsound
    @TamaraLloydtvoxsound 8 років тому +168

    Instead of holding get rich quick seminars how about the church promote healthy eating. Why haven't we built our own healthy food co-op? Why do we always always eat out. A lot of the chronic pain we endure is do to bad eating. Trust me I know.

    • @garrickrespress
      @garrickrespress 8 років тому +48

      Tamara Lloyd: This is the kind of real talk and practical thinking that our community needs.

    • @TamaraLloydtvoxsound
      @TamaraLloydtvoxsound 8 років тому +8

      So like I need to get a new phone. I can't believe how many typos were in there. LOL sorry guys. I fixed it.

  • @BrandiDWilliams
    @BrandiDWilliams 7 років тому +8

    Lord, I thank you for this day. I thank you for not only healing me mentally, physically and emotionally but those individuals as well. Allow us not to judge or brothers and sisters for you are the ultimate judge and you will have the final say. in Jesus mighty name. Amen

  • @MrDanjuan
    @MrDanjuan 8 років тому +45

    I was visiting with my mom that sunday and it was powerful....She had concerns about visiting his church but she enjoyed the service and You can tell God is still there

    • @MizJustice
      @MizJustice  8 років тому +85

      What is the criteria you are using to testify to this?

  • @myownjudgeandjury870
    @myownjudgeandjury870 7 років тому +30

    I swear, some people will follow a paper bag blowing down the damn street!

  • @donnajacksunn489
    @donnajacksunn489 7 років тому +8

    Regardless of what this man did, we all are sinners. We all deserve another chance,as well as any other sinner. This man of God is still anointed. I may have a negative comment coming my way, but do me a favor and keep it moving. We all got a story that need to be told, because the devil had a hold on all of us....God Bless You Bishop...Amennnn

  • @ashleyedwards4436
    @ashleyedwards4436 7 років тому +9

    I will continue to pray for this man..I'm not going judge him.

  • @solarstudents204
    @solarstudents204 8 років тому +23

    God is forgiving and merciful but the wages of sin is death. People have to choose righteous or wickedness. Sin has consequences.

  • @timsmith3475
    @timsmith3475 8 років тому +71

    Beware of false prophets that come in sheep clothing but inward as a railing wolf! People are just so dumb and ignorant and will sit under anybody this false prophet should be ashamed of himself for his wickedness that he did..

  • @dwisdomNYC
    @dwisdomNYC 8 років тому +83

    Sorry bishop you are their pain.

  • @chiniyamuti
    @chiniyamuti 8 років тому +20

    I have been thinking about the issue of confession for a long time.. i have come to realization.. he is willing and want to confess publicly thou i believe he has already confess before God privately BUT the problem might be legal implications and ramifications that will follow after confession the accusers might come back again with something new..keep in mind that he settled this case outside court. ABOVE ALL, LETS PRAY FOR BISHOP EDDIE. Is God that justify who are we to condemn? Is anyone among us who has never sin? we all have sinned.

  • @chatnboy
    @chatnboy 8 років тому +41

    I don't know "WHY THESE FOLKS ARE LETTING THIS MAN LAY HANDS ON THEM"!!!but then again if they STILL there after all the scandal, I'm not surprised! Y'ALL did notice that NO ONE initially came down to the alter, it was like they were scared to!!!!!!

  • @jojohns9670
    @jojohns9670 8 років тому +17

    lead singer has an excellent voice

  • @Calledbygraceministry
    @Calledbygraceministry 8 років тому +158

    We all need to give the same grace and mercy that we desire for God to give us... the gifts are without repentance mz justice. I know the accusations are serious but, we should not mock God. Eddie long is just a man.. who lives in a mortal body, sickness and disease attackes people daily whether they are ministers or not. If you were to get sick, how would you feel if you were doing the best you know how to do as a righteous woman, and someone says you are sick because you are being punished. That's not right, we are to pray for one another. I know it's hard when people do the worst, the unthinkable but we need to give mercy because we know God will handle the situation.

    • @MizJustice
      @MizJustice  8 років тому +9

      :sigh: I really wish people would study a text more instead of just parroting churchy things. Romans 11:29 has nothing to do with someone not needing to repent to use their "gift". It is referring to the Lord indicating there is no repentance with God Himself who gave it. Again, nothing to do with the judgment the Bible instructs other Believers to use when reviewing these people

    • @AveIvy
      @AveIvy 8 років тому +69

      momof7andblessed Old folks used to say, "God will let you lay on your back, so you'll have to look up". Brotha Long needs to confess before it's too late.

  • @darleanthompson
    @darleanthompson 8 років тому +58

    maybe he's ask GOD for forgiveness, GOD said he'll forgive us not seven times,but seventy times seven, and he will forget our sins, and make you a new creature

  • @samadjhi
    @samadjhi 8 років тому +33

    People pay good money to be made a fool of.

  • @SHendrixx2
    @SHendrixx2 8 років тому +58

    Thought he wasn't sick tho?

  • @francineharris9473
    @francineharris9473 8 років тому +57

    You can't judge but you better ask God for decrement because the bible say's many will and are deceived in the last day's

  • @keishmoore1826
    @keishmoore1826 8 років тому +14

    Have Mercy Father on Everyone in Jesus Name. (Everyone)

  • @timsmith3475
    @timsmith3475 8 років тому +52

    I see that the devil like playing with God maybe they think he is a play toy. What they should do is get up and run out of this place and do not look at this false prophet Eddie Long anymore..

  • @josiemarshall1100
    @josiemarshall1100 8 років тому +8

    Praise God ... I pray he is really Heal.

  • @maurisagraves-tillman536
    @maurisagraves-tillman536 8 років тому +14

    Look... nobody can judge this video. What is being seen is people activating their faith for healing. Your personal thoughts or "discernment" about Bishop Long and what he is believing God for is about him and God. Keep your mouths off of people, have several seats, and pray because that's what you would want people to do for you... AMEN AND PRAISE THE LORD... help us God to love like You love.

  • @ordiemcfield3290
    @ordiemcfield3290 8 років тому +5

    so good to see pastor Eddie long back again preaching the word of God God bless him

  • @adrienneburrows3490
    @adrienneburrows3490 8 років тому +8

    I thought that his wife had moved on with her life.I can't believe she is still by his side.

  • @whatistruth1155
    @whatistruth1155 7 років тому +8

    I thought he said he wasn't sick. Wake up people. Time will tell the truth. And that is the truth.

  • @MizJustice
    @MizJustice  7 років тому +26

    Church where did we get "falling out" anyway?

  • @Livelife95ify
    @Livelife95ify 8 років тому +8

    His worship leader is dope. Those people are loyal to Bishop. God bless the entire situation whatever it takes.

  • @blessed7087
    @blessed7087 7 років тому +1

    On the way to my apartment I kept hearing Your name Sir. Eddie Long. This is why it brought me here.

  • @JaLaCaSaFouR-ey5bu
    @JaLaCaSaFouR-ey5bu 7 років тому +1

    hes more humbled even the way he speaks we have to forgive hes human in a world of sin GOD is working with him to DENY him is to DENY GOD BLESS BISHOP EDDIE LONG

  • @ladybleu2258
    @ladybleu2258 8 років тому +54

    I would never let that nasty pervert lay hands on me!!!!!!!

  • @OasesKing
    @OasesKing 8 років тому +35

    thats a lot of folk in pain. Whats their diets like? How is their vitamin and mineral intake? Or is all that solved by Eddies touch?

  • @melissawilliams3919
    @melissawilliams3919 7 років тому +11


  • @dayvon2162
    @dayvon2162 8 років тому +8

    there names are not written in the lambs book of life...crying

  • @Drokeyudo
    @Drokeyudo 7 років тому +3


  • @daisymiller6750
    @daisymiller6750 7 років тому +4

    thank Almighty God for healing

  • @1demetrabrown
    @1demetrabrown 8 років тому +40

    Considering that tv puts at least 10lbs on you ,he looks smaller than he did the last time we saw him. Sad

  • @AtlantaAngel84
    @AtlantaAngel84 8 років тому +91

    He looks horrible.

  • @arcgrn
    @arcgrn 7 років тому +5

    I'm not a Christian nor follower of mr long but why are people so happy to see another human being sick like this? Its sad that humanity has come to this lever of hate!

  • @caldonialewis2902
    @caldonialewis2902 7 років тому +8

    God is still in control, Praise the Lord!!!

  • @jesusistheking6792
    @jesusistheking6792 8 років тому +9

    Absolutely loving this song!

  • @inda_mel9470
    @inda_mel9470 7 років тому +5

    glad to see him back! keep on moving bishop !! ppl if u don't like him carry on... ur opinion is just that... GOD heals GOD forgives... some of u are so judgmental...

  • @servingjesus5972
    @servingjesus5972 8 років тому +13

    He did sin that was publically exposed and he never repented publically. He paid those young men and has said nothing else. This so called healing is an abomination. Can beelzebub cast out beelzebub? This is baal worship and many are deceived. This is not of God

  • @rembrandtrenoir6346
    @rembrandtrenoir6346 8 років тому +13

    The world and even so called belivers can't grab hold of what Jesus did. For all what Eddie Long is accussed of, may I posit to you that he is the perfect candidate for Jesus' redemptive love. Now take that satan!

  • @quincycole9974
    @quincycole9974 8 років тому +8

    God never takes back his gifts. You can have a busted vessel and still have your gifts. you can't keep condemning him. if the lord forgave him you do too. pray for him that he stays on straight and narrow and continue to win souls.

    • @MizJustice
      @MizJustice  7 років тому +12

      It's not about the Lord forgiving him. It's about Eddie's contrition and atonement. If he's not sincere or sorry about what he's done, then what are you talking about?

  • @JohnAReese
    @JohnAReese 7 років тому +11

    I pray for this man and these people

  • @SirTBlak
    @SirTBlak 7 років тому +1

    I'm happy he's coming back around none of us are perfect one sin does not out way another peace to all us beautiful people no matter the race

  • @bessiecooper4699
    @bessiecooper4699 7 років тому +2


  • @ceya22005
    @ceya22005 8 років тому +10

    WOW NO WORDS!!! Is he serious?!

    @WIZZINGSHIRE 8 років тому +12

    damn!!! i thought he was dead....i see he still has that creepy music playing in the background

  • @photiosofdenver
    @photiosofdenver 8 років тому +8

    Not quite sure about this one Miz. Justice. I love that song tho.

  • @ceasarwalthourjrwalthour2167
    @ceasarwalthourjrwalthour2167 7 років тому +2

    God is love, Grace and Mercy. Man is weak and fragile. We are so quick to judge and destroy a preacher's character. We all have sinned and come short of his glory. Believers in Christ who pray in the spirit, judge less and express more understanding and compassion.

  • @sandrayoungblood8441
    @sandrayoungblood8441 8 років тому +1

    I really hope anyone that is sick to be heal...but I do believe in healthy eating and living...But most of all I hope and pray that God's blessing aren't being abuse and taking for granted as well as what Doctor's and modern medicine can do for us...

  • @divaell821
    @divaell821 8 років тому +50

    whatever Eddie😐😕

  • @Calibreed74
    @Calibreed74 7 років тому +6

    It's shameful, people are afraid of truth. This man is wearing all of his "indiscretions"...

  • @sapphirecrystal8844
    @sapphirecrystal8844 8 років тому +11

    he can't heal no one else and can't heal himself. There is no actual power here. I really hope he gets well for real though.

  • @arethataylor8616
    @arethataylor8616 8 років тому +9

    Jesus said you reap what you SOE! !!! He is Judge and Jury

  • @sylviaistheone1
    @sylviaistheone1 8 років тому +7

    Wow I don't know what to say

  • @lYirahmarie
    @lYirahmarie 8 років тому +38

    he doesn't look well himself looks like he just barely getting along and still looks gravely ill not the pastor I remember!

  • @brokenness86
    @brokenness86 7 років тому

    Awesome manifestation of God's Healing Power. To God be the Glory.

  • @thengnetworkcc
    @thengnetworkcc 8 років тому +11

    Fight on Eddie....Fight on.

  • @MegaSteele09
    @MegaSteele09 7 років тому +1

    He is an amazing speaker! For all those judgmental "christians" Well you don't have to go to his church. He didn't make you or call you to go. If you don't like him you didn't have to click on the video. His members enjoy his messages he never begged you to like him. When a blk man does a lot for his community which he has done a lot for Dekalb county and his own people loved him the system will try to use even his own people to tear him down. Now we have no one in the community of wealth to have a voice because we keep jumping on the damn wagon and tearing them down. People wake up!!!

  • @Celestialtarotreadings
    @Celestialtarotreadings 7 років тому +3

    No one is perfect. God knows all.

  • @AdveturousScales
    @AdveturousScales 8 років тому +17

    He should change the name of his church to False Hope instead of New Birth.

  • @baconcheese216
    @baconcheese216 8 років тому +2

    I love my bishop

  • @eileenl.-godsservant777
    @eileenl.-godsservant777 7 років тому +7

    Can someone give me the scripture that shows when Jesus or His disciples said "fire" when they healed the sick? Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 4:2 - "not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God deceitfully". God's children should admit to & walk in truth. In ref to his new look Bish. Long spoke abt his vegan diet & not sickness.

    • @MizJustice
      @MizJustice  7 років тому +7

      I don't know when this started but I would believe that this phrase started generations ago -- biblical illiteracy passed down

    • @MizJustice
      @MizJustice  7 років тому +4

      Shanetta Williams No I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to your original post about where people call out "fire" -- where that came from

  • @LatonyasVoice
    @LatonyasVoice 7 років тому +7

    Watching these women go up to touch this man. 😢 Ugh! You notice the man behind him was holding on to his suit, trying to keep the "healed" bishop from falling over. Lord have mercy.

  • @w.mtruesdale8040
    @w.mtruesdale8040 7 років тому +4

    all the money in the world can take off what God has put on HIM

  • @ludivinewittenberg3878
    @ludivinewittenberg3878 7 років тому +9

    blind leading the blinds, they all will go with him in the hole. Bunch of people without knowledge of self.

  • @jayjones6411
    @jayjones6411 8 років тому +8

    I will stay at home and keep repenting and listen to my favorite gospel songs,then to make false prophet's rich and wealthy lol sad..... don't you know know good......

  • @pcrowe75
    @pcrowe75 8 років тому +8


  • @thebeautyofafrica4402
    @thebeautyofafrica4402 8 років тому +11

    physician, heal thyself first

  • @donnathompson8850
    @donnathompson8850 8 років тому +19

    look at Eddie longs wife face she is unhappy confused and hurting inside pPl look that man is a trixter have the members no knowledge

  • @RJ-kl6jr
    @RJ-kl6jr 8 років тому +5

    Am I wrong for hoping he fell off the stage when he was laying hands on people lol

  • @london158
    @london158 8 років тому +12

    Sad Chruch !!!!!!

    • @stephensmith5724
      @stephensmith5724 8 років тому +12

      that nigga is still sick he's lying look at him either he has cancer or aids

  • @sandrabias2822
    @sandrabias2822 8 років тому +5

    I had to admit that I was wrong first then repent, meaning turning away from sin to receive mercy. You must admit and repent and sit down from your office until God see fit to restore you "If" he restore you to your position. There is order to God and it's not depending on what the people say. He is a just God.

  • @hentaiswim1527
    @hentaiswim1527 7 років тому +9

    I'm not hear to judge but that man needs to stop.

  • @truthbetold9781
    @truthbetold9781 7 років тому +3

    Those who Pastor/lead the masses to represent the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ have a stricter judgement with God. I pray Eddie Long repents and steps down like he should. Just because you're forgiven doesn't mean you've been restored. God forgave Moses yet told Moses he wouldn't cross over into the promised land due to his disobedience. Eddie has no power to heal or save and the people love it.

  • @cknowles7402
    @cknowles7402 7 років тому +1

    God's heals!

  • @ebonycooks300
    @ebonycooks300 7 років тому +7

    I think that it is REALLY sad how people are so....desperate that they will choose to listen to this man instead of studying the word to show proof and truth!! And he still look sickly!! Where are his lil boyfriends that he created rooms for in his church for them to visit? You know those are people he hand selected to pass out. You couldn't pay my to be apart of his flock.

  • @blacksantaria3642
    @blacksantaria3642 8 років тому +7


  • @teresamoore6906
    @teresamoore6906 8 років тому +7

    speechless....I can't judge:/

  • @jlegette78
    @jlegette78 7 років тому +10

    He is still very sick with whatever he his and his faith has not made him whole so why would these people allow him to lay his disease hands on them. He is administering a curse on these people and not a blessing. They lack discernment because the spirit that rest on him is not of God. This is sad. They are so seduced by this spirit they don't even know it led them all the way out of the faith in Jesus Christ. This congregation worships Eddie Long. He is their idol. He is their god.

  • @ms.b.6772
    @ms.b.6772 7 років тому +2

    wow this man is unbelievable what about them young boys church if you going to denounce something then start with the leader when it is warranted UNBELIEVABLE. I AM SO SORRY FOR THE YOUNG BOYS WHO WAS INVOLVED WITH THIS MESS

  • @understandingthescripture2907
    @understandingthescripture2907 7 років тому +5

    This really angers me.. I refuse to call him Bishop Eddie Long I refer to him as Eddie Long cuz he doesn't earn the respect to be called Bishop until he step down to get restored. You can hear the weakness in his voice and see it in his hands while laying false hands on the people too get heal. Why is it our black people so callable to false prophets, does it stems from slavery?