The Seven Laws of Noah

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2024


  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +2

    A correct Hebrew translation for Isaiah 9;6 is "For us a child is come forth, unto us a Son is given; and the [government] is upon his shoulders; and; [The] Wonder, Worker, Counselor, Mighty, Strong, Father forever [1 Chronicles 29;10]; He called his name "prince of peace". This prophecy is about "King Hezekiah" who is the "Ruler of peace". The word govern means that he would ruled Israel, but Jesus never ruled israel. Therefore this prophecy is not about Jesus and never will be...

  • @EulerRamos.001
    @EulerRamos.001 Рік тому +1

    excellent Torah teaching channel that has instructed me on the path of truth. I am grateful to the Eternal for this channel. I ❤️ 🇮🇱...

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +4

    The Laws are not meant to never be broken by us; But to continue learning each day. David sinned, but he repented from his sins and YHVH forgave Him. The animal sacrifices were only for unttentional sins, and it wasnt the only formed to be forgiven by G-d. A "Saint" or a "Righteous person" like all the prophets were, Is a person that recognize his sins and ask G-d for forgiveness with all His hearts and G-d will forgive that person.

    • @amycombsbaker514
      @amycombsbaker514 Рік тому

      Difficult for me to understand that “ God” would want us to sacrifice / kill an innocent animal because we committed a sin ? This seems so very wrong . I love my children , when they do something wrong I can not imagine as a loving compassionate mother / person that I would tell them to go get an innocent animal and kill it for their mistake ….. my goodness ! This seems so very wrong ✌️

    • @jillybean8587
      @jillybean8587 Рік тому

      ⁠@@amycombsbaker514If you study the Bible, animals were not created in God’s image, but rather, only humans are blessed with the ability to receive the Holy Spirit/faith. Animals cannot be held to the same emotion as a human. Abraham loved his son but still offered him to God. Until you are that devout, sacrificing a lamb is the least we can do. However, our covenant has been paid. Isaiah 53 foretells the man who was pierced for our transgressions. (Jesus)

  • @the_sockdolager
    @the_sockdolager 5 років тому +3

    Listen guys, there is a lot of hate on this comment section. I'm trying to find out who I am and what my relationship to God is. I'm trying to find something that works for me. From what I've gathered so far, the Jewish faith teaches about love. And loving everybody. A courting to the bible, Jesus saud love everybody. Not everybody except the Jews or everybody except the gays or whatever. If you can't respect that then leave your comments to your selves and leave these good hearted people alone.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +2

    A "Saint' or a 'righteous person" is not a person who never commits sin. But a person who grows day by day in His Torah [Law]. That person must acknowledge his sins before G-d and he will forgive that person. G-d told the Israelites that they will remain many days without temple, and without sacrifices. But that then He will gather all the jews back to their Land and He will not leave not a single one of them in the Gentile nations. Ezekiel 43 talks about the Third Temple and the Last.

    @LIORLIOR8  12 років тому +1

    We stopped offering sacrifices because we do not have a proper place to offer them. The Torah specifically commands us not to offer sacrifices wherever we feel like it; we are only permitted to offer sacrifices in the place that G-d has chosen for that purpose. Deut. 12:13-14. It would be a sin to offer sacrifices in any other place,

  • @evanhairston314
    @evanhairston314 8 років тому +3

    Only through our faith in Yeshua and our obedience to Torah will we enter into the kingdom. Those who do not believe and obey will remain condemned.

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому +2

    Shalom Beth. The Torah does not require gentiles to appear before a beth din, as part of their observance of the Seven Laws, in order to merit the World to Come.
    What you refer to is actually an obligation for Israel to inform any non-Jews their Seven Laws, before entering the Holy Land. This is found in Mishneh Torah Laws of Kings 8:11. Appearing before a beth din is only for permission to enter the Holy Land - a visa.

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому +2

    If you keep the 7 laws and live morally you are granted a place in the world to come.
    And there is no "hell".

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      Your god is confusing 7 laws 10 laws can he not make up his mind . Take your pick 🤣🤣

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому +1

    In order to merit the World to Come, a Noahide must observe his Seven Laws with precision, and that he recognizes these laws as given by the God of Israel through His Torah that He gave to Mosheh at Sinai.
    This means we must constantly busy ourselves in learning all the details of these Seven Laws, for the sake of God, and train in them, in order to go in the right path.

    • @jkmcgregor7797
      @jkmcgregor7797 2 роки тому +1

      Not just the God of israel there was no israel when noah was around.the law is from the the God of the universe

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому +3

    Every person on earth is born is a Ben Noah.
    We are all obligated in the submission to The Creator from birth.
    Peace and Blessings

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      As some one that is not of any of the 3 world religions Monathustic faiths are always attacking each other we do not have this with other Polytheistic religion.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    ...YHWH whom you seek, will suddenly come to His Temple. According to Ezekiel 43-) The Temple of YHVH will be built, not the temple of a messiah. The Temple is the house of YHWH, just like He used to have His presence there before. Remember that Messiah doesnt mean "Savior" but "Anointed" YHVH is The Only SAVIOR, and Besides Him there is no other.

  • @gutmanlocks
    @gutmanlocks 11 років тому +3

    Nice- For more see the video "A Light Unto the Nations - Noah and Abraham
    Gutman Locks

  • @Nelson1000Sonrisas
    @Nelson1000Sonrisas 12 років тому +1

    The Laws Of God Are pure are true are sweeter than honey are forever.

  • @Noahide
    @Noahide 5 років тому +1

    There is nothing conclusive in Pharaoh taking Sarai to be his own wife which concludes he was punished for adultery. The punishment appears to be that because he was severely plagued, the plagues were due to the fact that Abram had a call on his life and was chosen to be a prophet, and that further there was a new covenant on Abram's life which had more standards upon it than had been laid down in Genesis 1:1 - 11:9. It is not conclusive evidence of any judgment against the practice of adultery amongst Noahide mankind.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +2

    I agree. Shalom!

  • @DaisyLever
    @DaisyLever Рік тому

    So very helpful. Thank you

  • @hassimgaus3120
    @hassimgaus3120 5 років тому +1

    Thanks peace be upon you

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Now Zech 9;9 it is imposible to interpret this reffering to the King Messiah, as it is stated in verse 10, and his rule shall be from sea to sea, 'we did not see Jesus after writing on a donkey because he did not ruled from sea to sea.

  • @knottydre
    @knottydre 7 років тому +3

    Oral law, because when you dont read it in English you can see the Torah is PLURAL

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Zech 12;10 is a bad translation; The Hebrew translation is "They will look unto Me concerning whom they had pierced and they will mourn for him.This means that the people of israel will mourn for those dead in the battle just like they did in the time of King Josiah who was killed in the battle with Pharaoh Neco [Read 2 kings 23;29-30] That means that israel will mourn over their war dead.

  • @hopelessstrlstfan181
    @hopelessstrlstfan181 6 років тому

    Thanks for this video. I am not Jewish so I am glad to learn of this teachings.

  • @SPQR748
    @SPQR748 7 років тому +1

    God says that he will have mercy on whomever he will have mercy on. This means that God honors and rewards those who keep his commandments however as he told Job when Job asked why had God afflicted him when he kept all of God’s commandments. Where were you when I established the foundations of the earth. Even Satan who is a son of god could not understand why god had him afflict Job. Even though it is not stated that Satan objected to the affliction. I noticed that God had tell Satan twice before he afflicted Job even though it was his suggestion. So in my humble opinion, God is showing both Satan and Job that god can and will do whatever he chooses and is bound by nothing. So God rewards righteousness and punishes wickedness but he doesn’t have to. It just pleases God to do so.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    The messiah has to come from David not the holy ghost; If you are an intelligent person you would know this. The messiah's purpose is not to be an object of worship, but a person who would lead you to G-d and His Torah [law]

  • @DoreenBellDotan
    @DoreenBellDotan 7 років тому +3

    The word Pesach, which is equal to the work Netzach, value 148 and means
    eternity, is comprised of the Name Noach and the letter tzaddi.The
    Letter צ (tzaddi) is equal to the expression every Jewish Woman.
    Therefore - Pesach means Every Jewish Woman Is Noach!!!
    All of the Children of Noach are Our Babies! B'nei Noach have Jewish
    Mothers too!
    Proof in the Hebrew are on my FB page.

    @LIORLIOR8  12 років тому

    The last place appointed by G-d for this purpose was the Temple in Jerusalem, but the Temple has been destroyed and a mosque has been erected in the place where it stood

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому +1

    Rambams stance was based off of two factors
    1) The concept of of sexual perversions came after the declaration of the twin cities destruction, no where does it link the two in the text.
    2)Also HaShem tell's you why they were destroyed Ezekiel 16:49... So I think that's fairly clear.

  • @JBNetBreaker
    @JBNetBreaker Рік тому

    What happens if a person fails to obey the Torah?

  • @nicopopoify
    @nicopopoify 12 років тому +2

    No Law will ever keep you from sin

    • @user-pd7il3xz5j
      @user-pd7il3xz5j Рік тому +1

      When you understand that the laws are given from G-d, who created us, then you understand that we are a soul in a body and will answer to our deeds. That should make you think think twice before sinning, which drives you away from being closer to G-d and being who you can truly be.

  • @shredhouse
    @shredhouse 11 років тому +3

    This is so awesome!
    I'm atheist but I'm down with can I learn more.
    Someone please contact me about it

  • @aworldwithoutsin6384
    @aworldwithoutsin6384 11 років тому +1

    but don't you still have to be a follower of Mohammed to be considered righteous?

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому

    The prophet Haggai talks about the second Temple that was built by Zerubbabel
    [prince, governor] and Joshua from the tribe of Levi, and was destroyed by Demetrius I Soter in 161 BCE. so the Temple that Jesus entered was not the Second Temple ordered by G-d to be bulit by Cyrus [Anointed, Shepherd, Christ] but was Herod's Temple. According to Ezekiel 43 the Temple must be according to G-d's measurements, but Herod's Temple was very large and did not have the priests ministering.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    You said that Jesus fulfilled the Law, right? but why he said "Whoever does not hate mother or father is not worthy of me? or some translations are trying to change what he said by saying 'Whoever loves mother or father more than me is not worthy of me? This contradicts the Torah {Law} "Honor [respect] your mother and father, so that G-d shall add years to your life. What Jesus said leads people to "IDOLATRY" and make people go astray

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому +1

    The quran does tho destigush between Jew and Non-jew.
    Regardless All who submit to The Creator, blessed be "He", and keep a moral life have a share in the world to come.

  • @chasewhiteman2501
    @chasewhiteman2501 5 років тому

    What is the fine print on the Nohide Laws?

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Yes Daniel means "God is My Judge", Joshua means "God is salvation" as well and all of the names of the prophets had G-d's name. Angel Michael means "Who is like G-d? No the real Messiah can not be all of that, because G-d made a covenant through David and another one to the tribe of Levites. A Levite [Priest] is a person that comes from the sons of Levi only. The seed comes from their father not their mother,; Jesus was not the messiah because he came from the holy ghost.

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому

    I believe the assault singled out for two reasons: 1) Unlike withholding help, and even murder, the people were using an innately good and sacred act as an instrument of oppression. The fact that it was men upon men (homosexuality), and that it was led on a mass scale (essentially a riot, in which all order vanishes) made it worse. 2) "The cry of Sedom was great." Oral tradition relates this was the cry if Lot's daughters, and HaShem heard. This is my understanding of Sedom.

  • @Noahide
    @Noahide 5 років тому +3

    Ezekial does confirm there were multiple sins of Sodom, including Pride and Abomination (Sexual Immorality). But it must be remember that at this point in history the land covenant of Abraham had already been given, and that the 5 cities which were destroyed, (which there is evidence of still to this day) were located along the dead sea, in covenanted land which had ceased to be judged by the terms of the International Noahide covenant, but was now, being Abraham's new covenanted land, being judged under the terms of Abraham's covenantal requirements. It does not demonstrate these requirements are part of the Noahide Covenant.

  • @ZaidyAvi
    @ZaidyAvi 11 років тому +1

    try and find in your phone book or on the internet the nearest chabad house . Most chabad rabbsi can direct you to those who know how to teach these laws

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Pls read NUMBERS 15;15-16 One Torah for Jews and Gentiles...

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому +1

    The Oral Torah, that is the explanations as to how the commandments (for Jews and Gentiles) are observed properly, was committed to writing in the Mishnah and later the Talmud. Rabbi Mosheh ben Maimon (Maimonides or RaMBaM) compiled those laws in his Mishneh Torah. Most of the laws pertain to Israel, and only a few to gentiles. So in recent times, Torah scholars address the questions of gentiles who turn to the Torah, and distill those laws that the Torah gives for gentiles, in simpler books.

  • @emiitchi4232
    @emiitchi4232 5 років тому

    What does hesham transfer in English?

  • @ruthupright8002
    @ruthupright8002 9 років тому +1

    If you see that G-d punished someone for robbery, you now know that stealing is wrong. If you demand a concise summary of commandments from G-d in the Torah, otherwise you will steal, you are just choosing to disobey G-d with a poor excuse.

    • @enmanuelsalazar
      @enmanuelsalazar 8 років тому

      There are several factors in becoming successful. These include:
      Taking control of your own health.
      Learning about the power of the mind.
      Following the path of successful people.
      One plan I found which combines these is the Mikes Brain Waves (check it out on google) definately the most helpful info on success i've seen. look at this incredible website.

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    How again did you explain ZECH 14:4? Whose feet will stand on Mt of Olives? And that is not a whose feet are those?

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    G-d did not put a stop to the sacrifices or the temple ect, but Daniel saw in a vision about the 4th beast, Roman Empire that would be against the Covenant
    [Mount Sinai Covenant] and will put a stop to the Daily sacrifices of the Temple., and destroyed the Sanctuary. YHVH let the Roman Empire do this because the Israelites became desobedient and no longer wanted to follow tha Law. so YHVH let them fall under the Roman Empire
    Thank you.

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому +1

    10 and I will pour out on the house of David
    and on those living in Yerushalayim
    a spirit of grace and prayer;
    and they will look to me, whom they pierced.They will mourn for him
    as one mourns for an only son;
    they will be in bitterness on his behalf
    like the bitterness for a firstborn son.”[Complete Jewish Bible]

    • @אדםעלהירח
      @אדםעלהירח 3 роки тому

      😆 please go back to Rome with your PAGAN idol Jesus

  • @erichusayn
    @erichusayn 6 років тому +5

    Thanks. You explained that very well.

  • @bethlander
    @bethlander 11 років тому

    To become a Noachide, does one have to go to a beis din? A friend of mine has set up a group for people who want to become Noachides. I found something that said we have to go to a beis din before being considered Noachide.

    • @burl101
      @burl101 Рік тому

      Someone could argue that its a requirement now, however historically thats not a requirement as much as a bris is not a requirement for them. When we look back, Aberham, he was rightous by his faith alone before any action. So before going to the jewish court, you are righteous before Hashem when His law was written on their hearts the moment they believed in Hashems word. Same with Jonahs preaching to Nineveh, no beit din no bris for these people, faith in Hashem and torah (His word) is salvation and justification.

  • @pug1975
    @pug1975 Рік тому

    Man I fkin loved those days! Pld mirc matches with cpl guys, top game ever!

  • @Noahide
    @Noahide 5 років тому +3

    Mizraim was punished for oppressing Israel and making their lives harsh and bitter. Further, they practiced Chamas against them by killing their children. These are of the principles already shown in Genesis 6.

  • @Cennedi
    @Cennedi 11 років тому

    Is the oral torah available in print?

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Zech 13;7 O sword, awaken against My shepherd. and against the man who is associated with Me! [Is not Jesus because for you Jesus is God] says YHVH of hosts. smite the Shepherd. and the flock shall scatter, and I will turn my hand upon the lower ones. King David was called a shepherd even Moses and any other prophet. ..

  • @mitzvahgolem8366
    @mitzvahgolem8366 8 років тому +1

    So if these are."false" then all people in time of Abraham until Moses followed what laws?
    Oh they listened to the Nicean creeds and their KJV bibles instead?
    Read Acts 15:19-20....Jesus s brother James even lists them for non Jews to follow. But you follow Paul instead of JC or Torah...JC and James and Peter followed laws...Paul says don't they are a curse....
    That's why I left the NT and Christianity 20yrs ago. Makes no sense how Paul hijacks JC movement. Watch Tenak Talk channel.שלום

  • @bethlander
    @bethlander 11 років тому +1

    Alright :) I am wanting to become a Jew but for now I can't. But I can still learn :D G-d bless!

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    According to Numbers 15;15-16 The Gentiles had to keep the law of G-d, because for G-d everyone is the same. What is faith to you? because I dont see that word very often in the OT, because that idea of "faith' came after the apostate Jews of the NT came. That idea of the definition of "Faith" came from the pagan Greeks. The Torah is not kept by faith or by believing, but the Torah is kept because is the TRUTH. You dont have believe because G-d's Law is the True foundation

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Zech 2;10 please read 2;7 and continue "YHVH will defend Zion, and He will live among His people; That means that He will dwell with the Israelites again and will dwell in His Temple. The Temple belongs to YHVH! it is pretty clear.

  • @joelfriedman5439
    @joelfriedman5439 11 років тому +1

    Excellent reading voice.

  • @royaleagle1961
    @royaleagle1961 12 років тому

    Why we don't need temple sacrifice today? first one have to understand the Spiritual principal; What was the purpose of animal sacrifice in the first place and how can animal blood take away sin if man were created by the very image of God, which the soul is higher than the animal? It was a temporary arrangement. God permitted on the basis of THE JUST FOR THE UNJUST, AND WITHOUT BLOOD THERES NO MORE REMISSION OF SIN, It speak of the Grace of God, the INNOCENT FOR THE GUILTY that God going to do

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    I keep the seven laws of Noah.. Does that mean that i am going straight to heaven? Please let me know because I dont want to end up in Hell because of this video. If I do I will tell HASHEM that you told me, and you might be punish. I will reject Moses Laws that was given straight from HASHEM in Mount Sinai to folllow Noah's 7 laws only!

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому +1

    Yes it sounds familiar YHVH told the Israelites turn to Me and I will turn to You... That means to turn to His [Torah] Laws...I can see that You dont know The G-d of israel

  • @doulosink
    @doulosink 12 років тому

    Shalom, no video can change what He says in His word, it may present new ideas and understandings but that is it. The Father tell us to call Him by Name, man said that His Shem; ''Is too Holy/Sacred/Kodesh to be spoken", yet Scripture (His Word) says His Name is Power/Deliverance/Salvation/etc.
    If you are walking/living/praying in His Kodesh Shem you are saved, and His Kodesh Shem is Yahuwah.
    Prov 30:4

  • @Robert_L_Peters
    @Robert_L_Peters Рік тому

    Fantastic. Thank you

  • @cleox1215
    @cleox1215 6 років тому +1

    Maybe it has to do with a personal code for the 7 chakras?

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому

    Since these are largely contained in the Oral Torah, a person should seek out a Torah scholar who is who is well versed in them. I would recommend to you Guide for the Noahide by Rabbi Michael S. Bar-Ron, as he brings together all the halakhoth of the Noahide from the Mishneh Torah (a vast corpus) into a simple book to start.

  • @jonhenning
    @jonhenning 11 років тому

    For the record if his name is spoken in the presence of a non believer it would profane it. Just as if a believer can profane it by his actions

  • @jedanjedanjedan111
    @jedanjedanjedan111 12 років тому

    send me a video pls. Thanks

  • @abednakhleh8883
    @abednakhleh8883 7 років тому

    As I heard and understood other Rabbis , the Muslims are the true Noahide therefor they are blessed. the only religion that has special position as Judaism.

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      Islam even though I am not ether 3 religion will be the Top religion in the world it's growth rate is at 68%. Surpassing Christanity and is dying in Europe. Europe well as I can say is Christanity future is uncertain Christianity will not disappear but will be as it was in the early years a small sect Athiem will take hold and Islam be at No1 spot but the Old European gods will make a come back in the near future.

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому

    קָרוֹב יהוה, לְכָל-קֹרְאָיו-- לְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָאֻהוּ בֶאֱמֶת.
    The Transcendent is close to all who call upon him, all who call upon him in truth"-Tehilim145:18"

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому

    I said nothing about the talmud's...
    Why do you think I hold trust in them?

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    Thats where you people are wrong you think Jesus is reigning physically. His reign is Spiritual and Holy ,, separate from any ruler on the earth today and ever. His Kingdom is not from this world. God's Word became flesh and came to shed blood but first to spread the Good News. Remember YHWH will send EliYahu before He comes. So it is EliYahu Jews are waiting for. And for Christians EliYahu was John the Baptist.So stay waiting.

  • @alk158
    @alk158 9 років тому +5

    Why should Non-Jews follow this as there is no evidence in the bible of God giving a covenant to Noah. The only promise God made to Noah was he would never create a flood like he did in the time of noah that wiped everything out. This makes as much as sense as Christian telling Jews that the bible says Jesus is the Messiah even though no command ever giving to the Jews to worship a Messiah.

    • @academyofshem
      @academyofshem 9 років тому +2

      +Adam K
      Your language, your reasoning, your attitude are all Christian. So, yes.

    • @alk158
      @alk158 9 років тому +1

      academyofshem Why are you filled with so much hate? I can't begin to tell you that to tell a Jewish guy that his attitudes and reasoning are "Christian" seems to suggest you have some serious hatred in your heart and is really a slanderous outrageous comment to make. It just seems that you had some bad experiences as a Christian and Rabbis are using you and your own hate because they are more interested in putting the other group down then doing anything positive and you are a good vessel for this. But to start calling Jews you don't agree with "as thinking like Christians" just shows that the Rabbis are not teaching you anything good and helping mature and grow up. I'm sorry you had bad experiences as a Christian growing up. Sadly there are Jews and Muslims that also had bad experiences with religious figures and just to focus on hating the group that you had bad experiences and calling anyone who you don't agree with as part of this group you hate (even when doing so is a slanderous lie as is the case here) with is acting like a child and not growing up.

    • @academyofshem
      @academyofshem 9 років тому +1

      +Adam K
      Are ad hominem attacks the best you can do? You seem to have some strong opinions about things you know little about. Doesn't impress anyone.

    • @alk158
      @alk158 9 років тому

      academyofshem Anyone can see for themselves that for someone who claims to be interested in the Rabbinic view of Non-Jews you surely make comments to Jewish people that most would find extremely offensive and a slap in the face to their identity. And the fact you don't even realize it and now try to act like you are the victim speaks volumes about you. I don't know what to say and people can see the exchange here for themselves.

    • @alk158
      @alk158 9 років тому

      Artifact1812 This first comment that academyofshem wrote about me in the first comment is the stereotype of what some claim all Jews think about those who are not Jewish but that really isn't the reality for most Jews.

  • @achildofthelight4725
    @achildofthelight4725 5 років тому +1

    *The Kotel Synagogue
    I remembered the promise of Luke 12:1.
    We are told
    that we should not worry about how we conduct ourselves at these kinds of moments; God would speak through us. I also think of Isaiah 49:10 in such moments: “Do not fear, for God is with you.” When our team entered the Kotel Synagogue, the rabbis were calling for people to pray aloud. So we joined them. And in our prayers we were audibly witnessing that Yeshua is the Messiah. One of the main rabbis came up to us and said, “You need ten people with you, in order to pray.” This is a rule that the rabbis will often invoke during the proceedings in that particular synagogue.[200] “I don’t need ten people to pray,” I said to him. “Nowhere in the Tanakh does it say that in any kind of proper context. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-which is Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach-gives us the authority to pray to him directly. The number that are praying matters not; it’s about our relationship with Him. At that moment, in that synagogue cave, in the presence of all kinds of people from all over the world-the place went silent…utterly silent. It was as though the rabbi had no idea how to respond. It was as if something supernatural had intervened. I suppose they were wondering to themselves: How can this Israeli Jew be speaking about Yeshua as Messiah in this synagogue, of all places, and with such authority? I give all praise and glory to the Lord, of course. Before I went in, I had no idea what I was going to say, until I
    said it. But there it was-Yeshua’s name was given as a witness inside the Kotel Synagogue on that day. At this, one of the main rabbis, Eliezer Weitzman, approached me. He demanded, “Who sent you here? By what authority do you speak these things?” I answered him saying that I came here by the authority of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The place was still silent, with all the attenders looking on in shock. Rabbi Weitzman asked for the Bible I was holding, as if he desired to examine it for its authenticity. I had brought only the Tanakh with me on that day, as is usually my custom when witnessing to Jewish people, since they do not recognize the authority of the New Testament documents unless they are born again. It just so happened that, on that day, I had taken with me the Tanakh that I had received while I was in the Israeli army. It is the officially accepted Tanakh of Israel. It is published by Sinai Publishers in Israel. Their own rabbis sign that version as the approved version of the scriptures. So he couldn’t say a word against it. It was as if the Lord had specifically ordained for me to have that very edition with me. After he examined it and handed it back, I simply turned in the Tanakh and began to read aloud from Isaiah 53. Something amazing happened. It was supernatural. The Jews in that Kotel Synagogue appeared to be absolutely fascinated by Isaiah 53. I’ve never seen anything like it. And then Rabbi Weitzman began to read the passage with me! Isaiah 53 is known among the Jews as the forbidden chapter[201]-
    yet here I was. I was reading it aloud, with the synagogue rabbi reading it with me, in front of all the congregants! Then, Rabbi Weitzman tried to trip me up in front of the people. He asked me, “Who is this messiah?” The rabbi already knew what I was going to say, but now he was trying to confront me in front of the listening people. The Lord gave me more supernatural strength. I told Rabbi Weitzman “Yeshua is the Messiah.” I told him that Yeshua is the only way of salvation and that no one comes to the Father but through Yeshua. I told him that only the blood of Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach can redeem us. The place remained hushed. The people appeared to be stunned. I continued to simply and lovingly relate more of the Gospel message, and then, before leaving, I urged the rabbis and the people gathered there to further search these things out for themselves. I don’t know for sure, but I am fairly certain this was the first time the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ had ever been preached inside the Kotel Synagogue. We were at the Kotel that day to share the Kaduri Messiah revelation-and wound up in the Kotel Synagogue proclaiming Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach is Lord!
    Gallups, Carl. The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of Messiah . Defender Publishing

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    Messiah, Mashiac , Cristos, Christ. Yahushua means Yahweh is Salvation.. Jesus is a Priest ,Judge, Prince, Prophet,King ,Messiah ,Savior ...Who is ISAIAH 9:6 TALKING ABOUT?

  • @Cennedi
    @Cennedi 11 років тому +2

    This is not true.
    No man enters into the presence of the Father except by the Son.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому

    Why jesus has to be the Messiah? He can be if you want him to be, but according to the OT, he is not the Messiah. The NT was written many many years after Jesus walked the earth. We should not trust the writers that wanted him to be the Messiah, but when they saw that he did not fulfiled the most important prophecies; They wrote that he will when he comes back. The Messiah has to come from the tribe of Judah not from the holy ghost. And the real Messiah will restored the Third Temple.

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому

    I bet that you dont even know what Messiah means? A Messiah is not a Savior, but an anointed person, just as Cyrus was YHVH's anointed and shepherd according to His Word; Priests,Judges,prince,prophets, things were anointed or Messiahs. The Messiah or Messiahs will not come to make a New Covenant, but that through him the Covenant of peace through David shall be stablish. That is why Malachi 3 talks about a messenger of the Covenant [it is not talking about a New Covenant]

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      Your right Christanity is ignorant but laws can also be rejected because of free will.

  • @Zazquatch1
    @Zazquatch1 5 років тому +2

    None of my deeds or "lawfull living" will make me totally rifhteous. That is why The Lamb Of Juda a.k.a Yeshua who will yoshia = Yeshua hamashiach came and died in our place so that we may have redemption.
    He rose on the third day.
    Jesus and Nicodemus
    1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.”
    3Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”a
    4“How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time to be born?”
    5Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. 7Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ 8The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
    9“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
    10“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and you do not understand these things? 11Truly, truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, and yet you people do not accept our testimony.
    12If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? 13No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven-the Son of Man.b 14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.
    He also said: DO NOT CALL ANYONE "RABBI".

  • @Cennedi
    @Cennedi 11 років тому

    Wrong again, the quran has many passages directly relating to the jew.

  • @JaWi220
    @JaWi220 11 років тому

    reject neither. Keep both.

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому

    Where did the Rambam say all Christians should be executed? Regarding comments on Africans, please see this video (put together by a black Israeli Jew). This will clarify the misunderstandning - /watch?v=FP1UhS72jmA (Was the Rambam a Racist?). Regarding statements by certain Sages on Jesus, they refer to someone among the Jews who performed sorcery, blasphemed, and used the holy names of God for magic or sorcery - enticing fellow Jews to paganism.

  • @royspier9393
    @royspier9393 7 років тому

    I saw a connected video which was called Hebrew language as the language of creation. I understand the need to believe that there is powerful figure looking over us and fighting against evil. It doesn't seem fit in with the way I have experienced the world. We can create great mystical explanations about the world yet so far, science is the only method that actually gives valid explanations. In the other video the gentleman says that the hebrew language was invented before the universe was created. That doesn't make sense on so many levels. Even if I was religious I would ask: why didn't the Lord say in Genesis, first God created the Hebrew alphabet. Even more importantly, we have discovered through scientific archeological research that many languages existed before Hebrew, e.g. Aramaic. Religious people that doubt this discovery say that science is wrong. They say it of course using the tools that science has helped create, such as the internet.

    • @MashiahSonya
      @MashiahSonya 6 років тому +2

      Roy Spier , to your question :
      ''why didn't the Lord say in Genesis , first God created the alphabet ?''
      It says it actually , and i would love to show you .
      in the beggining = בְּרֵאשִׁית
      created =בָּרָא
      God =אֱלֹהִים
      alef/tav =אֵת
      the heaven =הַשָּׁמַיִם
      As you can see in this first chapter ALEF TAV is Before the heaven, and it is the way to say in hebrew alphabet.
      alphabet- ALEV TAV

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      I agree as some one that studies history the oldest culture in the world is the Indigenous Australians there culture dates back 49,000 years.

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      Earth is 4.5 billion years old and humans are 300,000 years old

  • @joselinema
    @joselinema 12 років тому

    Jesus can't be a savior because according to the Tanakh the OT YHVH is the only SAVIOR. No man can save anyone, because that leads to "Idolatry". We must Worship only YHVH, The Creator. We can not make any image of a woman or a man or "we would break one of His Ten Commandments.

  • @ramanathdas7058
    @ramanathdas7058 Рік тому

    No honor thy mother and father?

  • @tFighterPilot
    @tFighterPilot 8 років тому

    It's not pronounced Mitsraím, it's pronounced Mitsráyim

  • @jb54601
    @jb54601 10 років тому +25

    Jesus Christ is the messiah, not the "moshiac" who they say will come in the flesh to bring peace on earth. Jesus will return in the clouds, all eyes will see his coming. Adding or taking away from GOD's word, not Torah, old and new testament. The seven laws of noah are man-made. If you believe in Jesus Christ as the messiah, he fullfilled the law for us. The laws believers follow are to love GOD with all their heart soul and mind and to love their brothers as themselves. True believers in Jesus are righteous only because he is righteous. Obeying seven laws does not make you righteous. That is going about to establish your own righteousness. In love, Jason

    • @SalvadorBtc
      @SalvadorBtc 10 років тому +3

      If you love God you will keep his commandments.john 14:15.
      Youre right to say we are righteous because hes righteous, and that he fullfilled the law but that doesnt mean he did aeay with the law.

    • @jb54601
      @jb54601 10 років тому +2

      true believers love GOD and his laws. As long as we have the flesh and Satan is the GOD of this world, we cannot be sinless and abide by all the old testament laws.

    • @cloudygrl6
      @cloudygrl6 10 років тому +5

      come watch again when you
      are free of idolatry. jb54601

    • @jb54601
      @jb54601 10 років тому +4

      Idols are those you worship other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is no other messiah. I love you JESUS.

    • @academyofshem
      @academyofshem 9 років тому

      jb54601 Picture in your mind Jesus taking a crap behind a bush. Now, keep that picture in mind next time you pray to Jesus. That is your 'god."

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 років тому +1

    Thats what I said.
    We agree.

  • @Nethanel773
    @Nethanel773 11 років тому +2

    Oh does it say "signed Satan" somewhere?

    • @skepticalorganism7820
      @skepticalorganism7820 7 років тому

      yes, in new testament, people dont even know who wrote what in NT

    • @butterflypacific
      @butterflypacific 5 років тому

      Jesus called them sons of the devil synagogue of Satan for the same reason...fake fake hypocrites..EVIL religious ppl.

  • @Nelson1000Sonrisas
    @Nelson1000Sonrisas 12 років тому

    Paul's inventions.

  • @BillFromTheHill100
    @BillFromTheHill100 5 років тому


  • @susanwalker5865
    @susanwalker5865 11 років тому +3

    they are listed. Hashem gives them to Noah. You need to read again!

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    Although I agree with this video,because How did Able know what offering to bring God.And I have read NUM15:15-16 Which is talking about offering sacrifices such as a bull or a ram, and that this law will never change,how come no one in the present day is offering this sacrifices,whether they are Jew or Gentile? When did God say to stop this command if it was not to ever stop ? That's what I don't get about Judaism and the Torah,will you be kind and explain? Thank You.

    @2LOVEISRAEL 12 років тому

    thanks תודה

  • @kathygraven774
    @kathygraven774 5 років тому +1

    The promise I have from The Almighty has something so amazing for the ones who had a relationship with Him, through His Son Yeshua Hamashiach, in which your worldly dreams could never imagine. The King I will serve .. His Kingdom will not be of this world and He has gone to make a place for me among that glorious Kingdom called New Jerusalem. So why would I bow down to self-righteous man made laws; who have changed the word and times of the Almighty; and who only shows a angry god that has no mercy at all; when I have been given the ultimate gift of mercy and forgiveness that only that The Almighty can provide through His Son Yeshua Hamashiach, better know as Emmanuel meaning GOD IS WITH US... AND WHO IS ALL SO THE POTTER WHO FORMS OUT OF CLAY .. So I will stick to the 10 Commandments because the love of the Almighty is why we keep HIS Commandments and HIS Commandments are not burdensome.... And I will keep The Almighty's appointed Feast Days (in the way that Yeshua Hamashiach tells us to keep them) Two Commandments. on these hang ALL the Commandments and All the PROPHETS... I will remember when the time comes, Yeshua Hamashiach will fulfill them RIGHT ON TIME at The Almighty's timing that has been set forth, BY THE ALMIGHTY, His Moadem .
    Three have been fulfilled by Yeshua Hamashiach..
    (Passover,) He was the Pass over Lamb,
    (First Fruits), He rose on First Fruits of the New Covenant spoken of in Jeremiah 31
    (Feast of Weeks,) Jesus told the disciples that he would pray to the Father to bring down a comforter.. (HOLY SPIRIT) and yes that is exactly what happened and right on time by the Almighty.
    and Three more to go..
    (Day of Trumpets,) When the Arch Angel Gabriel will sound that mighty Shofar and Yeshua Hamashiach.. along with 10,000 times 10,000 Angels will gather the saints.
    (Day of Atonement), Will be when Yeshua Hamashiach will open the Book of Life
    I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of
    God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither
    had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they
    lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
    (Feast of Tabernacle).... we will tabernacle with THE ALMIGHTY AND The only begotten Son of the ALMIGHTY . YESHUA HAMASHIACH...
    Revelation 21
    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
    2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
    3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
    God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his
    people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
    Revelation 22
    3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
    And yes all three Parts of The Almighty are found in the Torah…
    The Almighty.. we all know who this is..
    Yeshua Hamashiach,- Yes The ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE ALMIGHTY
    Holy Spirit. is most defiantly found in the Torah
    1 Samuel 10:6
    6 Then the (Spirit of the Lord) will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.
    Psalm 51:11
    11 Cast me not away from your presence, and take not (your Holy Spirit) from me.
    Psalm 143:10
    10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let (your good Spirit) lead me on level
    Isaiah 63:11
    History tells us exactly what the seven Noahide laws will do to Christians and Prophecy tells exactly how it will be done..
    . Revelation 2:9
    I know thy works, and tribulation,
    and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say
    they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
    Revelation 3:9
    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee
    Matthew 10:17
    But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
    Revelation 20:4
    And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto
    them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,
    and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his
    image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;
    and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
    Matthew 23:34
    Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes:
    and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge
    in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
    Mark 13:9
    But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils;
    and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers
    and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
    Luke 12:11
    And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers,
    take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:
    Luke 21:12
    But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute
    you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought
    before kings and rulers for my name's sake
    John 16:2
    They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God services.
    Acts 18:17
    Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue,
    and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gallio cared for none of those
    Acts 26:11
    And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.
    Romans 9:5
    Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.
    6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel
    7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called
    8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. The new Covenant.
    IF you don't have the Blood of Yeshua covering your Sins... You are not counted...
    and It took me a while to open my eye to see TRUTH as who would be doing the beheading of Christians... but Jesus and warned us who would be doing it... The Synogogue OF SATAN... and that tells me that the Talmud that speaks the unspeakable when it comes to human being unlike themselves. Need I say any more.

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    Bible is beautiful and poetic and it is totally YHWH's.

  • @Tonithenightowl
    @Tonithenightowl 5 років тому +1

    Exactly !!!

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    You cant answer

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому

    Where is the current King of Israel?

  • @johnseventhirtynine4951
    @johnseventhirtynine4951 12 років тому +1

    Show me where ...

  • @raymondduncan4635
    @raymondduncan4635 7 років тому +2

    I didn't catch any of this in the bible

  • @Daniel_bitew
    @Daniel_bitew 7 років тому +1

    7 lows of noh is the way and true for gentile to pardise

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      The God of Israel is not the God of the Gentiles. He is the god of your country the god of your nation. He has very little to do with the outside world. Nothing to do with Europe Africa, America and Australia. He is the God of Israel it's in the title The God of a Nation of People,

    • @joannechisholm4501
      @joannechisholm4501 2 роки тому

      It's only because of the coming of Christendom and Islam to Europe and the rest of the world that his name was spread before that he was unknown.