Very beautiful city, Quebec City that is. I love Quebec City, it is one of the best in the country I would say. The only reason stopping me going there often is the long drive from Toronto, other than that it is a perfect place to visit anytime. Train ride to Quebec City is an excellent option, perhaps I will try it like you did. I still remember my first midnight train ride to Ottawa the capital in my teenage years… nostalgic and mesmerizing indeed. Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, from (London)-Paris to Istanbul would be the ultimate experience one could dream of if you enjoy travelling by train, it is something from the bygone era for the royals and powerful elites. At any rate, thank you so much, your lovely videos makes me to want travel more often, thank you.
Thanks you ….glad you like my neighborhood ❤
Quebec City is absolutely beautiful- I love it!🥰🥰🥰
😭😭😭好感激你俾我咁正能量嘅支持❤️❤️❤️ 好多謝你啊🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
做片的路上,我很多時候都好灰心,剛巧呢兩日正為最後一條New York片在做資料查證及寫稿,因為佢嘅1、2集成績都非常差,其實都冇心機做,所以越做越慢… 但見到你留言後,又令我提起精神!所以再一次感謝你❤️❤️❤️
哈哈☺️ 多謝你啊🥰
感謝分享 很棒
Keep up the good work!
多謝🥰🥰🥰 開心🥰🥰🥰
哈哈☺️好多謝你呀🥰 真開心開心❤️
好呀去吖去吖,就快冬天,始終佢哋嗰邊凍少少,回暖之後會舒服好多👍🏼Quebec City真係好有𣁽力😍
@@annalui 呢兩日已經開始凍啦。2016年夏天去過一次,但冬天去又另有一番風景及感覺,只係要考慮渣車去定坐車去?你有無意見比到我呢?
@DavidLi-nh4bi 哈哈😊👍🏼 視乎你本身係咪好享受揸車,如果你享受揸高速公路,咁其實都OK嘅😊揸車嘅好處就係行李無限制👍🏼
但係我呢… 老實講,揸一兩個鐘頭OK,如果超過三個鐘頭,會覺得攰… 尤其是有陣時出去玩,即日來回,回程嘅時候,真係攰到要搵啲方法令到自己醒醒🤪
如果火車同飛機,其實時間上面差唔多,價錢其實都唔差得太遠… 火車五個幾鐘頭車程;飛機就因為要預早去check-in,上上落落都係時間,所以其實可能慳唔到太多時間🤪
@@annalui 揸車驚唔識睇法文路牌🤣
@DavidLi-nh4bi 哈哈如果大路地方問題應該不大😝👍🏼
其實我同幾個當地人傾偈,佢哋幾個都不約而同地… 唔太喜歡遊客揸車去當地,話因為遊客唔熟路,有啲會無端端好慢可能搵路,有啲又亂嚟,所以會攪到阻住交通😅
Very beautiful city, Quebec City that is. I love Quebec City, it is one of the best in the country I would say. The only reason stopping me going there often is the long drive from Toronto, other than that it is a perfect place to visit anytime. Train ride to Quebec City is an excellent option, perhaps I will try it like you did. I still remember my first midnight train ride to Ottawa the capital in my teenage years… nostalgic and mesmerizing indeed.
Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, from (London)-Paris to Istanbul would be the ultimate experience one could dream of if you enjoy travelling by train, it is something from the bygone era for the royals and powerful elites. At any rate, thank you so much, your lovely videos makes me to want travel more often, thank you.
我貪玩嘛🤪 我想係自己身體健康、有氣有力嘅時候去體驗下個世界,所以鍾意去旅行🧳❤️
我喺美國北加州 Danville 市住,啲度有 Amtrak 去加拿大。
Wow好好啊👍🏼 歡迎你有時間可以坐火車過嚟玩唷~ 仲可以一次過去晒Quebec City同Montréal 👍🏼 我好鍾意Quebec City,好靚好有歷史感😍
@annalui 我諗應該係。加拿大只有一百萬黑鬼人口比美國五千萬超少, 所以社會一直無咁亂 ( 直到而家啲幾年 因為極左派政策 )。
你好,請問三月尾天氣狀況適合去 Québec 嗎?如果不想開車,又不想參加團,自己行容易嗎?
Elaine你好啊😊 3月都會幾凍啊… 如揀3月過去,要睇天氣,記得著多件衫😊
其實我覺得去Québec City真係唔使揸車都得啊👌🏼我都冇揸,因為佢嘅景點都幾集中,所以步行就okay👍🏼
我都冇跟團啊,自由行都唔難😊 不過如果入去某啲景點係有導賞嘅話,視乎情況,我都會join導賞團,咁就可以知得深入啲。
我Québec City條片,其實資料都多㗎,希望資料你啱用🥰
你好啊😊 如果坐船去利維嗰個導賞團,係酒店嘅付費項目,因為我入住嗰間酒店,佢本身係有一個活動費,硬性收取,跟住佢就會叫你喺幾個項目裏面揀。
🥰🥰🥰Thank you❤️❤️❤️
😅其實我用嘅方法好愚蠢同好多功夫😅本身出字幕嘅軟件都可以翻譯英文,但係通常翻譯到一塌糊塗… 所以我只係用那個file個殼,而唔用佢內容!因為佢翻譯出嚟嘅英文多數錯,要轉用人手改。亦可以在改之前交到AI改一次,之後再幫AI修正一下。
有時個字幕file出中文,我就人手逐行copy and paste咁將中文改成英文。
😅方法其實好蠢… 因為太費時,所以我都只係揀部份片做英文字幕😅
@ 多謝你既回覆呀!我直情未搞掂點樣可以令我外國既朋友可以喺我啲片度轉換到英文字幕,所以我都係用一個好蠢嘅方法,用剪片嘅軟件加埋英文字幕落去🥲如果我第時搵到方法話你聽✨
@ 好呀😝多謝你呀👌🏼原來我哋大家都用咁原始嘅方法😅
多謝你啊🥰 開心🥳