keren videonya gan... makasih... sedikit masukan soal audio, kadang backsound lagu terlalu nyaring tiba-tiba agak mengganggu.. salam.. selamat berkarya..
Gak cocok dipakai gaming tuh karena apa ya?.. delay atau apa?.. Soalnya gue cm mau pake buat game ringan2 aja, bukan game kompetitif kaya valorant, dota atau game2 esport lainnya..
DON'T BUY THIS!!!!!!! I have this keyboard and mouse combo, bought it because it was wirelesss and logitech, turned out a piece of crap, there is a membrane inside of the keyboard that doubles as spill protection and spring action for the keys..... My keyboard after 3 days of use i had to press really hard on the keys to type, because that membrane gets out of place with time/using the keys. The solution i found was to unscrew all the back screws and reallign thmembrane, after that thekeys were temporarily responsive, some time later i had to do it all over again. 30 € down the drain that's what.
Kalo kita sih dari pertama beli batrenya belom mati" yah sampe sejauh ini... Tapi kalo di dus klaimnya bisa tembus 1 tahun (keyboard) dan 2 tahun (mouse)
kalau lo ngikutin pasar buat video , pasti uda terkenal sekarang bangg
keren videonya gan... makasih... sedikit masukan soal audio, kadang backsound lagu terlalu nyaring tiba-tiba agak mengganggu.. salam.. selamat berkarya..
Gan sorry mau nanya untuk printscreen & tau kalo capslock or numlocknya on bagaimana ya?
Bang,, mouse bawaannya bisa diganti dengan mouse logitech tipe lainnya gak?
Bisa tapi colokannya harus 2 (menurutku)
Gak cocok dipakai gaming tuh karena apa ya?.. delay atau apa?..
Soalnya gue cm mau pake buat game ringan2 aja, bukan game kompetitif kaya valorant, dota atau game2 esport lainnya..
Masihkah dipakai atau masihkan bagus bang setelah 4 tahun?
hello, signal nya kuat tak? jika pc didalam bilik dan keyboardnya di luar bilik, rasanya masih boleh connect?
bang itu backsoundnya kadang bikin sakit telinga kalo pake headset
bang, kalo ane uda ada mouse wireless logitcech juga apa keyboardnya bisa lsg konek ? apa harus sama bawaan mousenya ?
makasi bang
konek? kayak kontol bunyi nya doank
DON'T BUY THIS!!!!!!! I have this keyboard and mouse combo, bought it because it was wirelesss and logitech, turned out a piece of crap, there is a membrane inside of the keyboard that doubles as spill protection and spring action for the keys.....
My keyboard after 3 days of use i had to press really hard on the keys to type, because that membrane gets out of place with time/using the keys.
The solution i found was to unscrew all the back screws and reallign thmembrane, after that thekeys were temporarily responsive, some time later i had to do it all over again. 30 € down the drain that's what.
gmana rasa make nya gan?
lembut gak?
keyboardnya ga ada tombol on/off nya?
gak bisa print screen ya bor
Bisa dong,
tahan brp lama batre ny kalo dipake harian??
Kalo kita sih dari pertama beli batrenya belom mati" yah sampe sejauh ini... Tapi kalo di dus klaimnya bisa tembus 1 tahun (keyboard) dan 2 tahun (mouse)
Mouse ku gak tak pakai
Malah pakai gaming mouse😂