Bonjour Adam et Mate ! Mozart avait 20 ans lorsqu’il jouait son concerto avec ses amies … on a beaucoup de chance, avec vous on a deux Mozart pour le prix d’un !!! La consécration et l’hommage du monde de la musique est déposé devant vous … une telle sensibilité, délicatesse et force de jeu intiment le respect ! On adore la communion qui passe dans vos regards, dans vos yeux un rien dit tout et la musique prend sous vos vingt doigts son envol !! Voici l’hommage que vous rend un Parisien musicien amoureux et amateur, je vous laisse prendre à pleines mains votre carrière musicale et attends avec une impatience immense votre version du concerto pour deux pianos de Francis Poulenc ! Avec vos visages malicieux on devine que ce concerto vous ira comme 4 gants ! Avec mon respect et mon admiration Stéphane
Merci ! Nous avons eu tellement de demandes pour cette chanson, nous allons demander à notre professeur, peut-être que ce sera le prochain concerto que nous ferons. Si seulement nous avions la chance de jouer à nouveau avec un orchestre !
I couldn't resist yet another listen! Magnificent in absolutely every respect. Glad you will get a partial rest before your next concerts and able to do some equally vital school work. Well done joy givers! Rob
…der Himmel hat Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart geschickt, durch seine Musik spricht er zur Welt. Damals wie heute. Ihr seid bereits hervorragende „Erzähler“ der genialen, Herz und Seele und Verstand berührenden Musik des großen Meisters. Der Himmel sei mit euch und dabei VIEL SPASS! Mi piace moltissimo
Bonjour ADAM ,Bonjour MATE et bonjour a la Famille BALOGH..Si je n'ai pas écrit plus tôt c'est parce que je voulais avoir vraiment la plénitude de vous écouter avec le calme et le recueillement nécessaire..Voila qui est fait et je ne puis que vous féliciter.Votre complicité est incroyable ainsi que la justesse avec l'Orchestre et ce qui est d'autant plus étonnant c'est que ni l'un ni l'autre n'avez de partition...Alors là vous m'épatez..Je vous ADORE...Vous êtes sur le chemin des plus grands et vous allez atteindre les étoiles. Du grand ART Je vous embrasse très fort car vous m'avez réellement ému..Merci a tous les deux.Amitiés du fond du cœur . Christian.
Cher Christian, Merci beaucoup pour votre gentil message. Cela signifie vraiment beaucoup de savoir que notre jeu vous a touché si profondément. C'est incroyablement encourageant d'entendre cela de la part de quelqu'un qui a une connaissance et un amour aussi approfondis de la musique. Bien sûr, nous serions ravis et honorés si vous souhaitiez partager notre vidéo avec le Maestro Pierrepont, nous apprécierions vraiment son avis et vous remercions beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles et votre soutien. Surtout, un immense merci à vous de nous avoir inspirés à continuer à viser ces étoiles - nous allons certainement essayer ! Avec nos plus chaleureuses salutations et nos remerciements de nous tous, Ádám, Máté et la famille Balogh
1. Reading your kind comments🥸 2. Being speechless😶 3. Praising God for such a nice audience 🙏 4. Sending all good wishes to you and to all fellow German viewers! 🥰😍❤️
@@AdamandMateBalogh Thank you on my knees for such a lovely reply! 🥰 And I wish and hope, someday you both will perform Francis Poulenc's beautiful Concerto for two pianos and orchestra. I prais you two gods! ❤
La musique de Mozart est déjà de la magie ( surtout les concertos ) mais,portés par ces deux jeunes pianistes c'est vraiment, un SUPER ET PUR bonheur ! Le directeur est vraiment aussi magnifique dans sa façon de diriger avec, légèreté et souriant. Bien sûr, les musiciens ont fait leurs preuves dans la réussite de ce concert ! ❤❤❤❤
Merci beaucoup pour tous ces mots gentils, ils nous touchent beaucoup ! 🥰 Oui, le chef d'orchestre et les musiciens ont tous été très gentils 🎻 et ils nous ont vraiment aidés tout au long du chemin ! 🙏 Un grand merci à eux ! 💐 Et au public ! 🎉👏 Dès que nous sommes montés sur scène, ils nous ont acclamés très fort ! 😍 C'était vraiment sympa ! 🎶 Nous ne l'oublierons jamais ! 🌟
Я ими любуюсь всегда! Но вот так- напротив друг друга я их вижу впервые. Много видео, где они плечо к плечу, рядышком. Их 4 руки воспринимаются мной, как одно целое. Но это видео очень символично. Когда их показывают лицо к лицу-это, как отражение в зеркале, и это тоже-одно целое! Восхищена мастерством этих, пока еще, мальчишек! Что же ждет их, и нас в том числе, позже, когда они наберут всю силу!!!! Удачи и успехов вам, замечательные музыканты! 🫶🫶🫶
Adam and Mate that was brilliant as I expected it to be. Your level of excellence is so far beyond your years it’s unbelievable. The orchestra has sheets, you have none. The presentation with its soft and loud it’s quick and slow just perfectly executed. I must say you completely deserved the applause at the end! Those folks are classic music experts and you knocked their sox off!! Again not a surprise to me. I am just so very very proud and happy for you. I also loved the “familiar” encore! Beautifully played as typical of you guys. I loved the smiles and the shared looks between you guys as you stood for the well deserved recognition. A super special bond and love, I’m sure! The hall was spectacular, the pianos were impressive and the whole presentation was so blessed. I have not the right words or the space to express my deepest admiration and pride!! I am honored beyond measure to know, love and support you. God certainly did bless you and this presentation! 👍🙏🏻😀❤️
Wie wunderbar gespielt von diesen beiden jungen Burschen und was für eine Begabung und was für ein Können die zwei aufweisen, einfach nur großartig und bewundernswert: zwei fantastische Pianisten ... 👍👍👍😊
Bonjour et merci, Christian, long time no see! (Of course, if we are not uploading, right? :D ) See you tonight? I know you will have a lot to say after watching the video! 🙈
Hooray! 🎉 You're finally back with a new video! You play with a professional orchestra, so you're real professionals too. That's incredible! Best wishes to you, guys! Love ya. ❤
Bravísimo super talented young men !! It is a real pleasure watching and listening to you. I wish the best for you both and a great and successful musical career. 👏👏👏👏👏
Kedves Fiatal Urak! Szívből gratulálok! Nagyon szépen - éretten adtátok elő ezt a művet is! Gratulálok! Boldog vagyok - hogy magyarnak születtem - zenei nagyhatalom nemzetünk újabb csillagai vagytok!!!!!
Annak ellenére, hogy lemaradtam az élő koncertről, csak meg akartam köszönni a zenét, amit kiraktál. Hatalmas hatással volt az életemre, és minden alkalommal felderíti a lelkemet, amikor hallgatom.
Listening from Amsterdam, the Netherlands I very much enjoyed listening to you both. I'm a musicteacher myself and wished I had two students like you. You both made me happy🎹♥️🎹♥️
Very kind of you indeed. Well, not every kid is as talented as these two fairy elves but if they have a great music teacher they get loving listening to music and playing some instrument or simply singing together which helps them become nice and good people. What purpose could be higher than that? :) So your job is as important as the air we breath. Anyway, who knows, maybe you, as well, will meet some outstandingly talented kids later, but please dont be scared and anxious when it happens! ;) Thank you very much for your kind comment. :)
Wow! Thank you both for a most amazing performance. We can only imagine the practice you must have done. Very emotional and professional playing - your family and music teacher must be so incredibly proud of you both. Thank you again, from Australia!
Merci pour cette merveilleuse interprétation ❤👏💐❤️👏💐❤️👏💐. C’est un bonheur de vous écouter !! Vous avez un talent extraordinaire et nous aimerions beaucoup vous applaudir en France. Bravo à vous deux et que Dieu vous protège !! 🎼🌈☀️
Merci à VOUS, nous adorerions aller jouer pour vous en France ! ❤️ N'hésitez pas à le faire savoir à vos chefs d'orchestre préférés, et j'espère qu'un jour nous pourrons le faire ! 😊 D'ici là, restez à l'écoute ici et sur nos autres plateformes sociales ! 🙏🙏🙏
AHH!! my two favorite pianists. I hadn't seen them in several months. What a please to see these two young boys. Terriffic performance. Love you both........ God Bless you and keep you...
Wouldn't it be great to see this go viral? I looked up Tonhalle and it's a magnificent concert hall, what an honour to play in such grand surroundings and how lucky for the people of Zurich who got to see you there. One day I'd love to be able to see you at the Albert Hall in London, I'm sure you'd do it justice!
C'est magnifique! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo mille fois! My hands are sore in clapping all the way from the north of England! Your interpretation, accuracy, sensitivity, skill, talent and sheer virtuosic brilliance is unmatched by anyone anywhere. I have been be so privileged to watch and hear you. And i will hopefully continue to do so You have filled my life with joy and admiration since I was lucky enough to find your videos on my ancient laptop and with an ancient brain, and thank you so much.! Boys never stop for God's sake, mine and the whole musical world. I have seen just hard you aim for perfection which you achieve every time, but while continuing, don't burn yourselves out by ensuring you have lots of 'me-time', fun and escape as well. Thank you so very much from the depth of my being for the joy you give! Rob 😊
They play wonderfully. AND: the other musicians and the conductor have sheet music to look into from time time. Adam and Mate play without sheet music. They learned the entire concert by heart! Amazing.
Gush this is really exciting! I will have a sleepless night waiting for your performance. Good luck, though with both of prodigious talents I doubt you need i! Lol. Knock 'em dead, boys. Rob
It was a very good concert, thank you for the wonderful talent pianist playing well in the Swiss Charity Concert. Perhaps some of the public viewers missed out that concert may like to see the video clips in public YT, it may impress the viewers, motivate, and encourage them to join in the peaceful music in our society. Thank you.
@@AdamandMateBalogh Guys, tell me, did you fall in love with music and the business you do, or did someone instill this love in you? And, the apparent external ease of execution is a huge work, how do you manage to force yourself and overcome various kinds of temptations, for example, to go for a walk with friends?
@@СергейКарпухин-с1ш Although the question's been put not to me, let me tell in brief what I think. You know, the more you are successful with something the more you enjoy dealing with it, no matter how old you are..., and the more you need help with keeping your schedule in a healthy balance. Since I'm sure these kids get every help and a special attention from their parents, trainers and teachers, I am not worried at all. But regardless my oppinion, I think your question is good, because the clean theory sometimes can conflict with the everyday-practice - especially if it is about kids :D - which can cause some difficulties (ask the experts, the parents, though I don't think they will complain ;) ). Kids are kids, so I guess that's quite normal. :) By the way, I think you've noticed what attention Máté played at his younger brother, Ádám encouraging and controlling him with frequent eye contact during the concert. These kids not only play and collaborate on high level but they really belong to each other: they really love each other! And of course, they love music and playing piano - which is our greatest joy! :) Please forgive me for this unsolicited answer. :)
Earlier it was very strict, but very little, 20 minutes a day, now it is a little more than that, but and a lot less strict.. So there is time for everything, really. Well, almost.. Unless illness or travel there is practice every day, but sometimes it is just 45 minutes, and never more than... cant say, teachers may be watching 🤣🤣🤣
Kedves Ádám! Kedves Máté! Örömmel hallgattalak Titeket! Nagyszerű, nagytehetségű gyermek-zongoraművészek vagytok! További sok sikert kívánok Nektek! Üdvözlettel, Zoltán 😍👑🤩👑😍
@@AdamandMateBalogh Wow! I could feel the warm love for you in the hall! It's good to bring kids, so they can see that classical music is not just for adults! ♥
This is my morning enjoyment of your concert performance o the Mozart Lodron Concert No.7, the fourth of your astominic playing skill and professionalism which was in a whole new dimension. You asked last evening how it compared to your rehearsal and what I feel from a internet viewer's perspective is there was no obvious difference. Indeed, there is a colloquialism in English that "you couldn't put a fag paper between them"! In other words in terms of talent and virtuosity there was no difference, but what was different and what raised you to a whole new level was you played in the glorious setting of a public performance with an audience and orchestra in formal dress, the conductor in tails and you both in your finest: even via my old lap top the audience reaction was palpable to which I added my clapping and whoops and hollas! To use another analogy, the icing on the cake was your four-hand encore which brought tears of joy, as well which was the your obvious reaction to the applause - genuine, professional and obviously emotional. This has raised your status to a level of professional excellence that you rightly deserve and onto a international level. All that I said last night pertains in spades, and all I can repeat and edorse is ...THANK YOU FOR YOUR GOO-GIVEN VIRTUOSITY! I have been privileged. I am no musician but love the classics and Mozart among the greats that you interpret perfectly. Thank you. You have made me both happy and wanting more of your glorious playing! Rob.🙂😚😙🤣
Ah, it was a big event, yes, was a lot to take in.. :) A wonderful ending to a pretty hard couple of days, tbh... And now back to school stuff, it is pretty demanding, and we have two competitions coming up, so not much space for resting.. :) But it is worth it big time! :) thank you for your support, Rob!!!
I particularly liked the exquisite passage from 13.01min-13.44min. It sounds like "echoes" reflected in waters or streams ... Lovely musical effect. Could you ask your sons what do they think of when they play this section? I'd be curious. Some pianists do use imagery when playing, helps them "project". Overall, this was a magnificent performance. It made my evening. The Jussen brothers have serious competition now! :)
That is a very exciting question indeed. However, they are very young, so I don't think they use such imageries, I guess they rather focus on playing the music as exactly as they can. But who knows, maybe I am absolutely wrong, we'll see what the answer will be. I am curious of that, too. :)
@@AdamandMateBalogh Of course. But that part really sounds how Tituscaesar described. Maybe because Mozart was a genius, too, and the sheet has been waiting for those pianist guys who can focus on playing it exactly how it's been written... ;)
@@vHumboldt77 I hadn't believed in such mysterious things before, but who knows... Last night, for example, I dreamt that in my previous life, I was two foxes and I loved to dance with each other. 😀Well, I hope you can forgive me for this silly joke. 🙃
@@novaklaszlo56 19th century positivism has killed the human quest for that knowledge. We admire Ancient Egypt or Greece but we only take the superficial elements of those civilizations.
@@vHumboldt77 Also, we often use the history for manipulating people, instead of learning of it so that we can plan and build a safer and better future for all, which would be our common interest. So I think it is not just the positivism that is responsible for this situation... ;) However, I believe these kids have already done more for a better world so far than all our politicians together. :D And I hope they will not stop! :)
Ahhoz, hogy ez a zenekar profi, a világ legjobbjai közül való, és egy kiváló karmesterrel felülmúlhatatlanul teljesít, nem fér kétség. De az, hogy Svájcban is ennyire spórolnak a papírral, kissé meglepett: már megint nem jutott nektek kotta! :D Persze, a folyamatos szemkontaktus a tesóval meg a karmester atyai figyelme kiegyenlítette ezt a hiányt, és hibátlanul zúdult minden a rémisztően tökéletes memóriából a remek hangversenyzongora billentyűire. Mellesleg, a Steinway-en is meglepően jól szól a Rókatánc egy ilyen kiváló akusztikájú hangversenyteremben. ;) Egyébként pedig, igazi mókamesterek vagytok, a végére ezt is jól összehoztátok: a sértett farkas (a Wolfgang név állítólag ezt jelenti) rókával táncol egy oroszlán (Leó) lélekgyógyítóan vidám zenéjére. :D Nagyszerű élmény volt! Gratulálok, srácok! Büszke vagyok rátok! Nem kicsit, nagyon! 😉❤ Hálás köszönet a szüleiteknek, a zene- és zongoratanáraitoknak és mindenkinek, aki támogatja a csodálatos fejlődéseteket!
@@zoltankovacs8125 Sok minden érdekel, a vasút, a közút, a természettudományok, a nyelvek, a civilizációnk teremtette kultúra szinte minden ága..., és a jó (hogy ez a jelző mi mindent jelent, most hadd ne fejtegessem ;) ) zene is, de a gyerekek és a fiatalok sorsa általában is szívügyem, földön, vízen, levegőben, úton-útfélen, vasúton, koncertteremben..., szóval, mindenütt. A tehetséges és az érdeklődésük tárgya iránt alázatos, szorgalmas srácok pedig szerfelett lelkesítenek, értük bármikor tűzbe mennék. Persze, csak, ha muszáj, mert egy nem épp lélekemelő, gyerekkori emlékem arra int, hogy lehetőleg kerüljem az égési sérüléseket. :P
@@novaklaszlo56 Kedves László! Nagyszerű ember lehet csak, aki soha nem unatkozik és dicséretes, hogy az ifjúság tehetségeit igy elismeri, támogatja! Gratulálok ezért Önnek! Barátsággal, Zoltán 🤩
How beautiful! You both play with such delicacy and musicality. Bravo! It must have been so wonderful to play with an orchestra! Are there any other instruments you would like to learn? What about composing or improvisation? Are you interested in pursuing other aspects of music?
Thank you very much! It is the cherry on the top to be able to play with an orchestra! Adam is often running around with a ukulele, jamming pop songs, I accompany him, but that is just fooling around.. :D
Bravo bravo bravo congrats, ❤🎉❤ big big like great young performers, let's invite everybody enjoy such tips for Christmas gifts for the beloved ones, visit Hungary for the winter holidays ❤🎉❤
Azt hiszem, ezt sokunk nevében mondhatom: mi is köszönjük, hogy önzetlenül támogatja a tehetséges és szorgalmas fiatalokat, hisz mindnyájan élvezzük az igyekezetük csodálatos eredményeit!
@@zoltankovacs8125 Igen, sajnos vannak aggasztó és szorongató idők, melyektől beszűkül a tudat, és a közfigyelem látómezején messze kívül kerülnek olyan dolgok és ügyek, amelyek elemi fontosságát és visszahatását a saját sorsára, nyugodtabb és egzisztenciálisan is kiegyensúlyozottabb állapotában, világosan felismeri a nép. Olyankor nem maradnak százával a kórházakban elhagyott kisdedek, hatékonyan működik a gyengébb képességű fiatalok felzárkóztatása, és persze, nagy figyelmet kap a jövőnket alaposan átformálni képes tehetséggondozás is. Sajnos ezek, most, nem ilyen, inkább amolyan "ember-embernek-farkasa" idők. No, de akárhogy is, a kevés is több mint a semmi, sőt, egyetlen "like" is nagy erejű elismerő és biztató gesztus, mely ezt jelenti: Jól csinálod! Folytasd! Figyelek rád, mert örömet okozol, és méltó vagy a figyelmemre! :) Sok jó érzésű ember él közöttünk, akik sajnos csak ilyen támogatást tudnak nyújtani, de az a tény, hogy lelkesen figyelik az ilyen srácokat, nagyobb elismerés bármilyen állami kitüntetésnél - én legalábbis így gondolom, még akkor is, ha tudom, milyen jó lenne ezeknek a kis fickóknak az ördögien ügyes mancsai alá egy igazi Steinway-t varázsolni. :)
Wonderful performance but in 2024 this has to be 15 or more years old? Love to know what you are both doing now. Still playing and performing I hope? You have a talent that everyone should enjoy. 😊
Since this video has been made not fifteen years but a couple of days ago, I would like to reply, this is an evidence on vampires are not aging. 😁 However, they are not vampires but real kids who look like that in the present. 😉 Maybe Tony was right, you perhaps confused them with someone else. :) No problem, I'm glad you recognised their talent and like their playing. 🙂
Incredible not just the way you play but… how can you memorise all the concert? You have no music sheets! Wow! Do you memorise so well also at school? Greetings from Italy :-)
@fgkfriz Isn't there something called 'performance memory' where it stays in your mind? I remember reading about a Portugese pianist with whom one of the Jussens trained saying it last for a certain amount of time. I can't remember her name though.
@@AdamandMateBalogh I bet so, it all depends on what you like :-) - true on muscle memory, but a 30 minutes concert is a lot of muscle memory hehe. Keep enjoying what you do and do it until you enjoy it :-) ((you should produce a video with no music where you interview each other telling the world how you started, what you like, what your other hobbies are)) ciao (and thanks for having answered)
I've been waiting for this posting of your Swiss performance. As usual, an exceptional, impressive, sensitive performance. Excellent synchronicity. You make such an impressive duo. Thanks for sharing and I hope that we won't have to wait too long for further postings. As a matter of interest, how long did it take you to learn this work? More exceptional since you didn't need the score. Stephen.
Switzerland is a green country, they only use paper, even as music sheets, if it is really necessary. Ádám and Máté, as well, take care of their surroundings. 😉
@@novaklaszlo56 I hope that you enjoyed this concert as much as I did. I noticed that Adam and Mate were up to their antics just before the encore. Most likeable duo. Sorry, I deleted the other message earlier in error.
@@stephenvanas4580 I can insure you, I enjoyed the concert. That much that I was reading the comments and writing my ones and answers all night long! :D You noticed that well: they were happy for the love of the amazing audience, they were over the hard part, and finally could really play - as far as I know they love animals, even dancing foxes. :D So, I guess, that meant a real relief for them at the end, for more reasons. :)
Sorry that I am so delayed!Thank you Adam and Mate for a very colourful, thoughtful performance! It has been many years since I heard this and I no longer have the score, was the cadenza your own? However........Many best wishes for your futures!!
@@AdamandMateBalogh There is a feast of music for two pianos, as you know and for two pianos and orch, too, I wish I could still play, am so envious of all that music to come into your lives! I wish you joy :)
Thank you, yes, there is an amazing repertoire to discover! Exciting times to come, for sure!! :) We wish for a bit more extensive selection of piano concertos for one piano four hands..
@@AdamandMateBalogh I think there was something by Vaughan-Williams! You work well together, I can see you would want this! If I find somthing, I will let you know! Bravo, Btw :) Thank you for the response :) May you never run out of cak and ice cream ; )
@@AdamandMateBalogh Although I found perfect what you did, I don't doubt you'll try harder and harder. However, I think, you should listen first of all to your professional trainers who are aware of your skills and know what steps and how you need to do for the sake of your ideal advance. So try to do your best, but be patient to yourself, and do the same as we when we are listening to your play: enjoy what you do. 🙂
@@TonyMarshall-g2e There is a concert of Mozart for 3 pianos & orchestra. To less pianos for that idea. Remember also, that the Jussens are 20 years older... But for sure it would be a great experience for the two boys.
I think they're certainly great admirers of the Jussens and would probably jump at the chance to even meet them, let alone play together! But you never know. I'm not a musician, just a daydreaming music lover! If they ever were to meet I'm sure there would be a lot of common ground. It's fascinating watching Ádám and Máté performing together, they seem to have a kind of quiet understanding that enables them to play seamlessly - I'm sure the audience in the Tonhalle wouldn't have been able to work out who was playing what unless their hands weren't on the keyboard. Absolute magic!
These brothers, what gifted artists, a gift to the world.
Bonjour Adam et Mate ! Mozart avait 20 ans lorsqu’il jouait son concerto avec ses amies … on a beaucoup de chance, avec vous on a deux Mozart pour le prix d’un !!! La consécration et l’hommage du monde de la musique est déposé devant vous … une telle sensibilité, délicatesse et force de jeu intiment le respect ! On adore la communion qui passe dans vos regards, dans vos yeux un rien dit tout et la musique prend sous vos vingt doigts son envol !! Voici l’hommage que vous rend un Parisien musicien amoureux et amateur, je vous laisse prendre à pleines mains votre carrière musicale et attends avec une impatience immense votre version du concerto pour deux pianos de Francis Poulenc ! Avec vos visages malicieux on devine que ce concerto vous ira comme 4 gants ! Avec mon respect et mon admiration Stéphane
Merci ! Nous avons eu tellement de demandes pour cette chanson, nous allons demander à notre professeur, peut-être que ce sera le prochain concerto que nous ferons. Si seulement nous avions la chance de jouer à nouveau avec un orchestre !
Exactement !
@@piengiess Je vais appuyer ça!
I couldn't resist yet another listen! Magnificent in absolutely every respect. Glad you will get a partial rest before your next concerts and able to do some equally vital school work. Well done joy givers! Rob
…der Himmel hat Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart geschickt, durch seine Musik spricht er zur Welt. Damals wie heute. Ihr seid bereits hervorragende „Erzähler“ der genialen, Herz und Seele und Verstand berührenden Musik des großen Meisters. Der Himmel sei mit euch und dabei VIEL SPASS! Mi piace moltissimo
Grazie mille 😊🤗🥰
Bonjour ADAM ,Bonjour MATE et bonjour a la Famille BALOGH..Si je n'ai pas écrit plus tôt c'est parce que je voulais avoir vraiment la plénitude de vous écouter avec le calme et le recueillement nécessaire..Voila qui est fait et je ne puis que vous féliciter.Votre complicité est incroyable ainsi que la justesse avec l'Orchestre et ce qui est d'autant plus étonnant c'est que ni l'un ni l'autre n'avez de partition...Alors là vous m'épatez..Je vous ADORE...Vous êtes sur le chemin des plus grands et vous allez atteindre les étoiles.
Du grand ART Je vous embrasse très fort car vous m'avez réellement ému..Merci a tous les deux.Amitiés du fond du cœur . Christian.
Cher Christian,
Merci beaucoup pour votre gentil message. Cela signifie vraiment beaucoup de savoir que notre jeu vous a touché si profondément. C'est incroyablement encourageant d'entendre cela de la part de quelqu'un qui a une connaissance et un amour aussi approfondis de la musique. Bien sûr, nous serions ravis et honorés si vous souhaitiez partager notre vidéo avec le Maestro Pierrepont, nous apprécierions vraiment son avis et vous remercions beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles et votre soutien. Surtout, un immense merci à vous de nous avoir inspirés à continuer à viser ces étoiles - nous allons certainement essayer !
Avec nos plus chaleureuses salutations et nos remerciements de nous tous,
Ádám, Máté et la famille Balogh
1. Listening to you
2. Beeing speechless
3. Falling down on my knees before you
4. Loyal greets from Germany
1. Reading your kind comments🥸
2. Being speechless😶
3. Praising God for such a nice audience 🙏
4. Sending all good wishes to you and to all fellow German viewers! 🥰😍❤️
@@AdamandMateBalogh Thank you on my knees for such a lovely reply! 🥰 And I wish and hope, someday you both will perform Francis Poulenc's beautiful Concerto for two pianos and orchestra. I prais you two gods! ❤
La musique de Mozart est déjà de la magie ( surtout les concertos ) mais,portés par ces deux jeunes pianistes c'est vraiment, un SUPER ET PUR bonheur ! Le directeur est vraiment aussi magnifique dans sa façon de diriger avec, légèreté et souriant. Bien sûr, les musiciens ont fait leurs preuves dans la réussite de ce concert ! ❤❤❤❤
Merci beaucoup pour tous ces mots gentils, ils nous touchent beaucoup ! 🥰 Oui, le chef d'orchestre et les musiciens ont tous été très gentils 🎻 et ils nous ont vraiment aidés tout au long du chemin ! 🙏 Un grand merci à eux ! 💐 Et au public ! 🎉👏 Dès que nous sommes montés sur scène, ils nous ont acclamés très fort ! 😍 C'était vraiment sympa ! 🎶 Nous ne l'oublierons jamais ! 🌟
Я ими любуюсь всегда! Но вот так- напротив друг друга я их вижу впервые. Много видео, где они плечо к плечу, рядышком. Их 4 руки воспринимаются мной, как одно целое. Но это видео очень символично. Когда их показывают лицо к лицу-это, как отражение в зеркале, и это тоже-одно целое! Восхищена мастерством этих, пока еще, мальчишек! Что же ждет их, и нас в том числе, позже, когда они наберут всю силу!!!! Удачи и успехов вам, замечательные музыканты! 🫶🫶🫶
Большое спасибо!
Adam and Mate that was brilliant as I expected it to be. Your level of excellence is so far beyond your years it’s unbelievable. The orchestra has sheets, you have none. The presentation with its soft and loud it’s quick and slow just perfectly executed.
I must say you completely deserved the applause at the end! Those folks are classic music experts and you knocked their sox off!! Again not a surprise to me. I am just so very very proud and happy for you.
I also loved the “familiar” encore! Beautifully played as typical of you guys.
I loved the smiles and the shared looks between you guys as you stood for the well deserved recognition. A super special bond and love, I’m sure!
The hall was spectacular, the pianos were impressive and the whole presentation was so blessed.
I have not the right words or the space to express my deepest admiration and pride!! I am honored beyond measure to know, love and support you.
God certainly did bless you and this presentation! 👍🙏🏻😀❤️
Thanks, uncle Dan! :) We just realized watching back how much we spoke.. :D
Wie wunderbar gespielt von diesen beiden jungen Burschen und was für eine Begabung und was für ein Können die zwei aufweisen, einfach nur großartig und bewundernswert: zwei fantastische Pianisten ... 👍👍👍😊
Was für ein toller Kommentar! Vielen Dank! Wir sind so froh, dass wir ein solches Publikum haben!!! ❤❤❤
@@AdamandMateBalogh ❤🤗😊
Bonjour la FAMILLE BALOGH...Super j’attends avec plaisir la vidéo...J'espère que vous allez tous bien.Amitiés.Christian.LIKE 10.
Bonjour et merci, Christian, long time no see! (Of course, if we are not uploading, right? :D ) See you tonight? I know you will have a lot to say after watching the video! 🙈
Hooray! 🎉 You're finally back with a new video! You play with a professional orchestra, so you're real professionals too. That's incredible! Best wishes to you, guys! Love ya. ❤
Thank you very much! ❤❤
Bravísimo super talented young men !! It is a real pleasure watching and listening to you. I wish the best for you both and a great and successful musical career. 👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you so much 😀
SO BEAUTIFUL! Your talent is SO appreciated!! Thank you!❤🌟
Thank you so much!
Bravo! Bravo! It was so nice to see how much the audience appreciated your performance. Thank you for sharing this.❤😊
Thank you too! The audience was amazing. And it is always amazing here, on youtube, too!
❤Greatly blessed by your God-given gifts of beautiful music!😊
Thank you so much!
Fiúk! Tényleg lenyűgöző! Csodálatos! Igazi csoda, amit csináltok :)
Köszönjük szépen, hogy vagy nekünk! Közönség nélkül kinek játszanánk?
Es...para escuchar 🎉. 🇲🇽Mexico.
Kedves Fiatal Urak! Szívből gratulálok! Nagyon szépen - éretten adtátok elő ezt a művet is! Gratulálok! Boldog vagyok - hogy magyarnak születtem - zenei nagyhatalom nemzetünk újabb csillagai vagytok!!!!!
Köszönjük szépen!! ❤️
Listening from South Africa 🇿🇦 this performance is sublime, beautifully conducted and backed by an excellent orchestra. Well done to all of you! 🌟👏👏👏🌟
Thank you so much! ❤️
We are blessed with young talent, heartwarming
, Life goes on with such beauty, God be with you all. Jenny Spain
Thank you ❤️❤️
Annak ellenére, hogy lemaradtam az élő koncertről, csak meg akartam köszönni a zenét, amit kiraktál. Hatalmas hatással volt az életemre, és minden alkalommal felderíti a lelkemet, amikor hallgatom.
Hát nagyon köszönjük, jó ezt olvasni!!
Listening from Amsterdam, the Netherlands I very much enjoyed listening to you both. I'm a musicteacher myself and wished I had two students like you. You both made me happy🎹♥️🎹♥️
Very kind of you indeed.
Well, not every kid is as talented as these two fairy elves but if they have a great music teacher they get loving listening to music and playing some instrument or simply singing together which helps them become nice and good people. What purpose could be higher than that? :) So your job is as important as the air we breath. Anyway, who knows, maybe you, as well, will meet some outstandingly talented kids later, but please dont be scared and anxious when it happens! ;)
Thank you very much for your kind comment. :)
Wow, thank you so much! 😊 We always love to hear about the Netherlands, home of the amazing Jussens who we just like so much..:)
Wow! Thank you both for a most amazing performance. We can only imagine the practice you must have done. Very emotional and professional playing - your family and music teacher must be so incredibly proud of you both. Thank you again, from Australia!
Jeanette and Ian!! Thank you! So glad to hear from you!!! ❤❤❤
Love it - greetings from the UK. Made my heart sing after just losing my husband.
Thank you! So sorry for your loss! :(
Qué duo de hermanos más hermoso! Es una delicia escuchar un Mozart así.
Desde México Viele Grüße ❤
muchas gracias ‧₊˚ 🇲🇽🌮🌶️ ‧₊
Join us, we count on you being here with us!
You bet! Can't wait
thousand applause, I'm watching LIVE!
Hi I would like to be there with you your fantastic and friendly 👍😊
Brilliant you two!
Wat bijzonder
Merci pour cette merveilleuse interprétation ❤👏💐❤️👏💐❤️👏💐. C’est un bonheur de vous écouter !! Vous avez un talent extraordinaire et nous aimerions beaucoup vous applaudir en France. Bravo à vous deux et que Dieu vous protège !! 🎼🌈☀️
Merci à VOUS, nous adorerions aller jouer pour vous en France ! ❤️ N'hésitez pas à le faire savoir à vos chefs d'orchestre préférés, et j'espère qu'un jour nous pourrons le faire ! 😊 D'ici là, restez à l'écoute ici et sur nos autres plateformes sociales ! 🙏🙏🙏
@@AdamandMateBalogh : MERCI 🎼. On va voir ce qu’il est possible de faire. Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année 🎄 !!
@@dmt54 Peut-être Le Festival International de La Roque L'Anthéron?
@@TonyMarshall-g2e: oui, ou le festival de Menton en août...
@@dmt54 Ça, c'est du plan!
AHH!! my two favorite pianists. I hadn't seen them in several months. What a please to see these two young boys. Terriffic performance. Love you both........ God Bless you and keep you...
Thanks for the patience! 🙃🥰
Thank you so much for uploading this. I love it. You two are so lucky toi be able to do this together.
Thank you! Yes, we totally are! 🤩
Quanta gioia e luminosità scaturiscono da questi due fratelli pianisti il cui animo nobile ci viene restituito con garbo ed eleganza musicale!
Wouldn't it be great to see this go viral? I looked up Tonhalle and it's a magnificent concert hall, what an honour to play in such grand surroundings and how lucky for the people of Zurich who got to see you there. One day I'd love to be able to see you at the Albert Hall in London, I'm sure you'd do it justice!
Un seul mot : EXTRAORDINAIRE !!!!
What an absolute delight you young blokes make my 76 year old heart sing bless you both❤❤
:) thank you!
congratulations ! bravo ! ❤❤❤👋👋
Thank you! 😃
Absolutely brilliant GO BOYS WOW WOW WOW
🥰🙏❤️ thank you!!
C'est magnifique! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo mille fois! My hands are sore in clapping all the way from the north of England! Your interpretation, accuracy, sensitivity, skill, talent and sheer virtuosic brilliance is unmatched by anyone anywhere. I have been be so privileged to watch and hear you. And i will hopefully continue to do so You have filled my life with joy and admiration since I was lucky enough to find your videos on my ancient laptop and with an ancient brain, and thank you so much.! Boys never stop for God's sake, mine and the whole musical world. I have seen just hard you aim for perfection which you achieve every time, but while continuing, don't burn yourselves out by ensuring you have lots of 'me-time', fun and escape as well. Thank you so very much from the depth of my being for the joy you give! Rob 😊
Thanks, Rob! Supposing you have watched the practice videos, was this performance on par with your expectations? :)
Sehr schön gespielt, Große Leistung toller Sound 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Vielen Dank!!
Ces deux petits garçons sont tout simplement prodigieux pour leurs âges
Ouia! Ils sont vachement chouette
merci beaucoup 🙏🏻❤️
Szeretettel gratulálok Ádám és Máté! Tovàbbi sok sikert kívánok!
Köszönjük szépen!
Quel talent , un énorme bravo à tous les deux !!!! C'est un réel bonheur de vous entendre jouer, je vous souhaite un très bel et long avenir musical .
merci beaucoup
Thank you for sharing your extraordinary talents!
So nice of you, thanks!
Jovencitos. Braviiiiiiiiiisimo. ❣️❣️
Just wonderful! You guys are getting better--and braver--than ever. Greetings again from L.A.
Thank you, good to see you again!!!
Ádám und Máté was ihr mit euren goldenen Händen spielt 🎹🤩wie vom anderen Stern 🎹🤩
๋࣭ ₊‧.°.⋆✮⋆.°.‧₊⭑👽⚝🛸๋࣭ ⭑⚝👽⋆.˚🎹࣪ ࣪ ִֶָ☾.๋࣭ ⭑
@AdamandMateBalogh 👽✨🌌🌠☄️😃🎹🤩
@@AdamandMateBalogh 🤣
Absolutely marvelous piano! Astounding for their ages. Bravo, young Sirs!
Thank you so much!! Working to get better every day!!! 😊 ❤
Чудесное исполнение, прекрасный звук, все в стиле. Молодцы мальчики!🎉
Спасибо большое, мы рады, что вам понравилось!
Tremendous,what a great tallent they have.
Thank you, so glad, you liked it! 😊
Magnifique Mate et Adam!
Un grand merci ! 🙃
Complimenti, siete bravissimi! Ottima interpretazione.
Continuate così perché avrete un grande futuro. 👍🏼
Grazie mille!
all this is a wonderful masterpiece! I watched this LIVE and I feel like applause,
keep posting the magnificent music on the channel 🎵🎼 LIKE#46
Thank you, glad to have you!!! See you in the next one!!
They play wonderfully. AND: the other musicians and the conductor have sheet music to look into from time time. Adam and Mate play without sheet music. They learned the entire concert by heart! Amazing.
Thank you! Yeah, Mom is always freaked out how we will remember a 20-30minutes piece... :D
Magnificent, just beautiful. You 2 young men are absolutely mesmerizing. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! 😊
@AdamandMateBalogh ❤️
Gush this is really exciting! I will have a sleepless night waiting for your performance. Good luck, though with both of prodigious talents I doubt you need i! Lol. Knock 'em dead, boys. Rob
Greetings from England! You are such talented musicians.
Hello there, thanks for listening!!! And for the compliment!! ❤️❤️
Спасибо большое ❤❤❤
Спасибо!! 😍
Fantastic, boys. Thank you!!!
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you too!!! :)
Thank you so much!
Amazing, marvellous, brilliant.
Many thanks!
Hello young men. Superbly played. I loved that and thank you. 💙💙🍀🍀🌷🌷🌷 (The Netherlands)
Hey, thank YOU! ❤️ Please say hi to the Jussen brothers for us! 🙏🏻😀They are the best! :)👍
Qué hermoso volverlos a ver y escuchar su interpretación. Felicitaciones y muchos aplausos 👏👏👏👏
¡Muchas gracias de nuevo! ❤
Wonderful performance Adam and Mate!
ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*🎀💌💓
It was a very good concert, thank you for the wonderful talent pianist playing well in the Swiss Charity Concert. Perhaps some of the public viewers missed out that concert may like to see the video clips in public YT, it may impress the viewers, motivate, and encourage them to join in the peaceful music in our society.
Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it, Melvin!
You guys are great. Develop your God-given talent and skills! Standing ovation.
Thank you, we are on it!!! Our audience is amazing!!!
@AdamandMateBalogh 👏👍
Guys, tell me, did you fall in love with music and the business you do, or did someone instill this love in you? And, the apparent external ease of execution is a huge work, how do you manage to force yourself and overcome various kinds of temptations, for example, to go for a walk with friends?
@@СергейКарпухин-с1ш Although the question's been put not to me, let me tell in brief what I think. You know, the more you are successful with something the more you enjoy dealing with it, no matter how old you are..., and the more you need help with keeping your schedule in a healthy balance. Since I'm sure these kids get every help and a special attention from their parents, trainers and teachers, I am not worried at all. But regardless my oppinion, I think your question is good, because the clean theory sometimes can conflict with the everyday-practice - especially if it is about kids :D - which can cause some difficulties (ask the experts, the parents, though I don't think they will complain ;) ). Kids are kids, so I guess that's quite normal. :) By the way, I think you've noticed what attention Máté played at his younger brother, Ádám encouraging and controlling him with frequent eye contact during the concert. These kids not only play and collaborate on high level but they really belong to each other: they really love each other! And of course, they love music and playing piano - which is our greatest joy! :)
Please forgive me for this unsolicited answer. :)
Earlier it was very strict, but very little, 20 minutes a day, now it is a little more than that, but and a lot less strict.. So there is time for everything, really. Well, almost.. Unless illness or travel there is practice every day, but sometimes it is just 45 minutes, and never more than... cant say, teachers may be watching 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you!!
Kedves Ádám! Kedves Máté!
Örömmel hallgattalak Titeket! Nagyszerű, nagytehetségű gyermek-zongoraművészek vagytok!
További sok sikert kívánok Nektek!
Üdvözlettel, Zoltán 😍👑🤩👑😍
Köszönöm a szivecskét! (Arról mindíg értesítést kapok Gmail-ban!)
De purs virtuoses ces deux frères !
wonderful and thankyou
Thank you too! 😎👌🔥
You are too kind! Thanks!
@@AdamandMateBalogh The audience reaction made me so happy for you. It was like my heart was smiling! 🤩
They were really nice, indeed. We talked to many of them after the concert, they were all supercool, some brought their kids there! :)
@@AdamandMateBalogh Wow! I could feel the warm love for you in the hall! It's good to bring kids, so they can see that classical music is not just for adults! ♥
Indeed.. Too bad our classmates could not care less.. :D
Maravilha ver meninos educados e cultos !!!
muito obrigado 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
This is my morning enjoyment of your concert performance o the Mozart Lodron Concert No.7, the fourth of your astominic playing skill and professionalism which was in a whole new dimension.
You asked last evening how it compared to your rehearsal and what I feel from a internet viewer's perspective is there was no obvious difference. Indeed, there is a colloquialism in English that "you couldn't put a fag paper between them"!
In other words in terms of talent and virtuosity there was no difference, but what was different and what raised you to a whole new level was you played in the glorious setting of a public performance with an audience and orchestra in formal dress, the conductor in tails and you both in your finest: even via my old lap top the audience reaction was palpable to which I added my clapping and whoops and hollas! To use another analogy, the icing on the cake was your four-hand encore which brought tears of joy, as well which was the your obvious reaction to the applause - genuine, professional and obviously emotional.
This has raised your status to a level of professional excellence that you rightly deserve and onto a international level. All that I said last night pertains in spades, and all I can repeat and edorse is ...THANK YOU FOR YOUR GOO-GIVEN VIRTUOSITY! I have been privileged. I am no musician but love the classics and Mozart among the greats that you interpret perfectly. Thank you. You have made me both happy and wanting more of your glorious playing! Rob.🙂😚😙🤣
Ah, it was a big event, yes, was a lot to take in.. :) A wonderful ending to a pretty hard couple of days, tbh... And now back to school stuff, it is pretty demanding, and we have two competitions coming up, so not much space for resting.. :) But it is worth it big time! :) thank you for your support, Rob!!!
great musicians greetings from Utrecht
Thank you so much, always so special to hear from Dutch people.. :)
I miss you.
Thanks! We're back! :)
@AdamandMateBalogh 🤩🤩
When will you make CD or DVD?
Hard to tell. We will need some more support for that..
GREAT talent here, and played with a sensitivity which belies their years.👍
Thanks again!
Well done.
thank you!
BRAVO 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I particularly liked the exquisite passage from 13.01min-13.44min. It sounds like "echoes" reflected in waters or streams ... Lovely musical effect. Could you ask your sons what do they think of when they play this section? I'd be curious. Some pianists do use imagery when playing, helps them "project". Overall, this was a magnificent performance. It made my evening. The Jussen brothers have serious competition now! :)
That is a very exciting question indeed. However, they are very young, so I don't think they use such imageries, I guess they rather focus on playing the music as exactly as they can. But who knows, maybe I am absolutely wrong, we'll see what the answer will be. I am curious of that, too. :)
Yeah, most concentration there... :)
@@AdamandMateBalogh Of course. But that part really sounds how Tituscaesar described. Maybe because Mozart was a genius, too, and the sheet has been waiting for those pianist guys who can focus on playing it exactly how it's been written... ;)
Admirable talent of Adam and Mate that comes from GOD !!!😇😇
it rather comes from themselves, as they may have learned that in a previous life.
@@vHumboldt77 I hadn't believed in such mysterious things before, but who knows... Last night, for example, I dreamt that in my previous life, I was two foxes and I loved to dance with each other. 😀Well, I hope you can forgive me for this silly joke. 🙃
@@novaklaszlo56 19th century positivism has killed the human quest for that knowledge. We admire Ancient Egypt or Greece but we only take the superficial elements of those civilizations.
@@vHumboldt77 Also, we often use the history for manipulating people, instead of learning of it so that we can plan and build a safer and better future for all, which would be our common interest. So I think it is not just the positivism that is responsible for this situation... ;) However, I believe these kids have already done more for a better world so far than all our politicians together. :D And I hope they will not stop! :)
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Great, thank you so much!
Thanks very much!!!
Thank you!
The Balogh brothers are absolutely amazing. We are so fortunate to have them. May they continue performing for a very long time.
We are so fortunate that we have found you! You are such a grateful audience! 🙏🙏🙏
Ahhoz, hogy ez a zenekar profi, a világ legjobbjai közül való, és egy kiváló karmesterrel felülmúlhatatlanul teljesít, nem fér kétség. De az, hogy Svájcban is ennyire spórolnak a papírral, kissé meglepett: már megint nem jutott nektek kotta! :D Persze, a folyamatos szemkontaktus a tesóval meg a karmester atyai figyelme kiegyenlítette ezt a hiányt, és hibátlanul zúdult minden a rémisztően tökéletes memóriából a remek hangversenyzongora billentyűire. Mellesleg, a Steinway-en is meglepően jól szól a Rókatánc egy ilyen kiváló akusztikájú hangversenyteremben. ;)
Egyébként pedig, igazi mókamesterek vagytok, a végére ezt is jól összehoztátok: a sértett farkas (a Wolfgang név állítólag ezt jelenti) rókával táncol egy oroszlán (Leó) lélekgyógyítóan vidám zenéjére. :D
Nagyszerű élmény volt! Gratulálok, srácok! Büszke vagyok rátok! Nem kicsit, nagyon! 😉❤
Hálás köszönet a szüleiteknek, a zene- és zongoratanáraitoknak és mindenkinek, aki támogatja a csodálatos fejlődéseteket!
Haha micsoda kép! :) Köszönjük szépen mindannyian!!!
@@AdamandMateBalogh Én köszönöm az inspirációt! 🙂
Kedves László!
Remek hozzászolás! Azt hittem, hogy csak Vasútbarátokkal "utazik"! Én a Virtuózokat 11 éve követem. 🤩😍🤩
@@zoltankovacs8125 Sok minden érdekel, a vasút, a közút, a természettudományok, a nyelvek, a civilizációnk teremtette kultúra szinte minden ága..., és a jó (hogy ez a jelző mi mindent jelent, most hadd ne fejtegessem ;) ) zene is, de a gyerekek és a fiatalok sorsa általában is szívügyem, földön, vízen, levegőben, úton-útfélen, vasúton, koncertteremben..., szóval, mindenütt. A tehetséges és az érdeklődésük tárgya iránt alázatos, szorgalmas srácok pedig szerfelett lelkesítenek, értük bármikor tűzbe mennék. Persze, csak, ha muszáj, mert egy nem épp lélekemelő, gyerekkori emlékem arra int, hogy lehetőleg kerüljem az égési sérüléseket. :P
Kedves László!
Nagyszerű ember lehet csak, aki soha nem unatkozik és dicséretes, hogy az ifjúság tehetségeit igy elismeri, támogatja! Gratulálok ezért Önnek!
Barátsággal, Zoltán 🤩
How beautiful! You both play with such delicacy and musicality. Bravo! It must have been so wonderful to play with an orchestra! Are there any other instruments you would like to learn? What about composing or improvisation? Are you interested in pursuing other aspects of music?
Thank you very much! It is the cherry on the top to be able to play with an orchestra! Adam is often running around with a ukulele, jamming pop songs, I accompany him, but that is just fooling around.. :D
Thanks! K. 381 óta követlek titeket. A csillagok felé jártok!!!!!! I’ve been following you guys since K. 381. You’re going to the stars!!!!!!
Yes, we clearly remember you, thanks so much for your support!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Bravo bravo bravo congrats, ❤🎉❤ big big like great young performers, let's invite everybody enjoy such tips for Christmas gifts for the beloved ones, visit Hungary for the winter holidays ❤🎉❤
Big thanks 😊🤗🥰
Köszönjük szépen!!!
@@AdamandMateBalogh 😍👑🤩👑😍
Azt hiszem, ezt sokunk nevében mondhatom: mi is köszönjük, hogy önzetlenül támogatja a tehetséges és szorgalmas fiatalokat, hisz mindnyájan élvezzük az igyekezetük csodálatos eredményeit!
Köszönöm kedves László!
Sajnos, nem sokat tehetek értük... 🤩
(Sajnos, csak keveseknek jut..., kevés... 😟)
@@zoltankovacs8125 Igen, sajnos vannak aggasztó és szorongató idők, melyektől beszűkül a tudat, és a közfigyelem látómezején messze kívül kerülnek olyan dolgok és ügyek, amelyek elemi fontosságát és visszahatását a saját sorsára, nyugodtabb és egzisztenciálisan is kiegyensúlyozottabb állapotában, világosan felismeri a nép. Olyankor nem maradnak százával a kórházakban elhagyott kisdedek, hatékonyan működik a gyengébb képességű fiatalok felzárkóztatása, és persze, nagy figyelmet kap a jövőnket alaposan átformálni képes tehetséggondozás is. Sajnos ezek, most, nem ilyen, inkább amolyan "ember-embernek-farkasa" idők. No, de akárhogy is, a kevés is több mint a semmi, sőt, egyetlen "like" is nagy erejű elismerő és biztató gesztus, mely ezt jelenti: Jól csinálod! Folytasd! Figyelek rád, mert örömet okozol, és méltó vagy a figyelmemre! :) Sok jó érzésű ember él közöttünk, akik sajnos csak ilyen támogatást tudnak nyújtani, de az a tény, hogy lelkesen figyelik az ilyen srácokat, nagyobb elismerés bármilyen állami kitüntetésnél - én legalábbis így gondolom, még akkor is, ha tudom, milyen jó lenne ezeknek a kis fickóknak az ördögien ügyes mancsai alá egy igazi Steinway-t varázsolni. :)
Wonderful performance but in 2024 this has to be 15 or more years old? Love to know what you are both doing now. Still playing and performing I hope? You have a talent that everyone should enjoy. 😊
Not sure what you mean, or we just dont get the joke.. :) This has happened last Tuesday..
I think you may have Adam and Mate confused with the Jussen brothers!
Since this video has been made not fifteen years but a couple of days ago, I would like to reply, this is an evidence on vampires are not aging. 😁 However, they are not vampires but real kids who look like that in the present. 😉 Maybe Tony was right, you perhaps confused them with someone else. :) No problem, I'm glad you recognised their talent and like their playing. 🙂
Incredible not just the way you play but… how can you memorise all the concert? You have no music sheets! Wow! Do you memorise so well also at school? Greetings from Italy :-)
@fgkfriz Isn't there something called 'performance memory' where it stays in your mind? I remember reading about a Portugese pianist with whom one of the Jussens trained saying it last for a certain amount of time. I can't remember her name though.
Maria João Pires she is amazing!
Thank you! 🥰 Only the subjects intersting enough.. Not detailed parts of a plant, or dates of medieval wars.. :D
@@AdamandMateBalogh I bet so, it all depends on what you like :-) - true on muscle memory, but a 30 minutes concert is a lot of muscle memory hehe. Keep enjoying what you do and do it until you enjoy it :-) ((you should produce a video with no music where you interview each other telling the world how you started, what you like, what your other hobbies are)) ciao (and thanks for having answered)
Yes, we really should do this!!! Thanks!
I've been waiting for this posting of your Swiss performance. As usual, an exceptional, impressive, sensitive performance. Excellent synchronicity. You make such an impressive duo. Thanks for sharing and I hope that we won't have to wait too long for further postings. As a matter of interest, how long did it take you to learn this work? More exceptional since you didn't need the score. Stephen.
Thank you! We hope, too!!!
Switzerland is a green country, they only use paper, even as music sheets, if it is really necessary. Ádám and Máté, as well, take care of their surroundings. 😉
@@novaklaszlo56 I hope that you enjoyed this concert as much as I did. I noticed that Adam and Mate were up to their antics just before the encore. Most likeable duo. Sorry, I deleted the other message earlier in error.
@@stephenvanas4580 I can insure you, I enjoyed the concert. That much that I was reading the comments and writing my ones and answers all night long! :D
You noticed that well: they were happy for the love of the amazing audience, they were over the hard part, and finally could really play - as far as I know they love animals, even dancing foxes. :D So, I guess, that meant a real relief for them at the end, for more reasons. :)
Sorry that I am so delayed!Thank you Adam and Mate for a very colourful, thoughtful performance! It has been many years since I heard this and I no longer have the score, was the cadenza your own? However........Many best wishes for your futures!!
Not ours, thanks a million! ❤️❤️
@@AdamandMateBalogh There is a feast of music for two pianos, as you know and for two pianos and orch, too, I wish I could still play, am so envious of all that music to come into your lives! I wish you joy :)
Thank you, yes, there is an amazing repertoire to discover! Exciting times to come, for sure!! :) We wish for a bit more extensive selection of piano concertos for one piano four hands..
@@AdamandMateBalogh I think there was something by Vaughan-Williams! You work well together, I can see you would want this! If I find somthing, I will let you know! Bravo, Btw :) Thank you for the response :) May you never run out of cak and ice cream ; )
That would all be great!! :)
A rembrandt.
Audio needs to be perfected!
The sound quality is fine here, I'm really enjoying this wonderful performance by two first-class pianists. The Steinways are singing to me!
Sorry it did not meet your expectations.. 😥 Will try harder next time! 🥰
@@AdamandMateBalogh Although I found perfect what you did, I don't doubt you'll try harder and harder. However, I think, you should listen first of all to your professional trainers who are aware of your skills and know what steps and how you need to do for the sake of your ideal advance. So try to do your best, but be patient to yourself, and do the same as we when we are listening to your play: enjoy what you do. 🙂
@@novaklaszlo56 Teljesen egyetértek! 🤩
The new Jussen brothers...
Brothers, certainly! I wonder if there's a piece for four pianos that they could all play together? Wouldn't that be something?
@@TonyMarshall-g2e There is a concert of Mozart for 3 pianos & orchestra. To less pianos for that idea. Remember also, that the Jussens are 20 years older... But for sure it would be a great experience for the two boys.
I think they're certainly great admirers of the Jussens and would probably jump at the chance to even meet them, let alone play together! But you never know. I'm not a musician, just a daydreaming music lover! If they ever were to meet I'm sure there would be a lot of common ground. It's fascinating watching Ádám and Máté performing together, they seem to have a kind of quiet understanding that enables them to play seamlessly - I'm sure the audience in the Tonhalle wouldn't have been able to work out who was playing what unless their hands weren't on the keyboard. Absolute magic!
Apologies - I'n not talking to myself - the above post was in reply to @alexbaur2502 - I'm new to this!
Thank you!