I know videos have been a little slow this month but I really hope this one helps y'all because I know how much of a reoccurring topic this is in our community
Something that I also have to say to Mercy players that are still learning, ALWAYS in a team fight try to have your second support as your #1 priority when it comes to saving someone, keeping your second support alive helps the team with sustain a lot and gives you chance to damage boost more and when you are trying to go for a Res your team will still have help from them. It’s crazy the amount of supports that never check up for their 2nd support is crazy and that’s also a great tip that has always helped me
I tend to always keep an eye on my second support. If my second support is alive, it's likely that our tank can stay alive. If my second support is positioning with me and the rest of the team has no support, I might have to play differently. If my second support is flanking for DMG, I need to keep an eye on the tank. If I'm on a flank with my DPS, I'll look every once in a while back at my second support. Are they okay? Am I in range to spare a bit of help? If I help, will the DPS die? Can they stay alive themselves, do they actually need me? If they die, can the DPS and I get enough value to make their death worth it?
Been stuck in gold for a hot min but i always try to look out for my 2nd support and prioritize their rez over dps rezzes, obviously if i has to go between a tank rez or a support rez its going to be tank. Love supports that support supports
THIS!! I was playing comp the other day and my team got mad at me for prioritizing out zen, when our tank kep leaving us alone..we all couldve done better but it just baffles me how they dont think about how we as mercy have tk protect out 2nd healers as well
the 1st point is sooo important not only for improving but for enjoying competitive too, if you find yourself blaming others every game it's time to take a step back from competitive for a bit
DEFINITELY. Blaming others is probably the most frequent thing people do when they tell me they're frustrated that they can't climb (esp with Mercy bc she enables others) but doing that only hinders you
i remember in season 3, i climbed from silver 4 to gold 2 within a week, and i was about to hit plat. the season ended, and the next season i went on a 14 loss streak, now im silver 2 :( ofc, its not my teammates faults, i did make mistakes too. i remember this one game where *none of my team* got a kill, which included me, and im sure i did also make some mistakes which led to such an awful game i just dont know how to climb effectively, i dont know if its me or my team.. or both. i think my comp games are just a gamble, if i get good teammates i win most of the time (though occasionally we lose, because ive made mistakes that cost us the game.) and if the enemies are way better, then we obviously do lose
Watching GM Mercy streams made me realize teammates die a lot/overextend at all ranks. Rather than going out of position to help them, it’s better to adjust accordingly and see where I can safely get beam value.
Incredibly true. You just need to determine how far you're willing to help them and when you need to bail out or if helping them will even get value at all or if it's better to find value elsewhere
Yeah, I'm still struggling with the *_Trust in your other support_* part. Not necessarily because I think they're bad. It's more like a *_"better safe than sorry"_* mindset. On the one hand, this made me REALLY good at juggling, but perhaps this also makes building ult charge slower for the other support.
If your second support is Ana you have to keep that last one part you said a lot in mind, because Nano can be an ult that Can turn the tables so when your second support is ana try leaving the tank almost exclusively to her unless your tank is getting hyper focused, but yeah it’s super important to keep your other support’s ult in mind
It'll take time to get the hang of losing that 'better safe than sorry' mindset. You do end up taking ult charge away from your other support AND you won't be getting the full value out of DMG boost
1:14 This is probably more important than it's ever been. Match making the past few seasons has been so funky that I've seen genuinely cracked players drop several ranks before climbing back up because of how weird it can be. Caring about rank in Overwatch 2 is going to do nothing but cause pain until they fix the match making, and like you shouldn't fixate on it in general, but if ever there was a time to not care it would be now!
thank you for making this, when i was initially climbing out of the lower ranks i was not focusing on ranks, trying to better myself every game, and not blaming teammates. then i got to masters and everything went downhill. hoping this is a wake up call!!!
I've gotten to gm1 on mercy on 1 acc so I'm working on my second account rn. I always try to improve. My death/10min averages around 2.00 and I'm trying to get it down to below 2/10. It's so fun trying to improve and not care about ranks because you just climb automatically. I've gotten so many compliments from teammates for not dying and being clutch lol.
As long as you play consistently while improving, you'll climb so I always tell people it's better not to focus on the rank itself because you'll get there eventually
ur videos let me finally begin to break the gold barrier. I've been stuck for a while but I'm one rank away from platinum! Praying I don't get a loss streak rn
So many people don't watch their replays which I can understand but if someone is serious about climbing then LMAO yeah, watching it will humble you real quick
Thank you. This video came at the right time, I was feeling really frustrated after dropped down from diamond to gold and sometimes is really bad to get through those games when you know you’re doing your best but the dps is yelling for heals while both supports are respawning. You’re absolutely right, there is so many things we can not control and sometimes it’s better to mute them or take a break. Thank you.❤
thanks for the video Ski! i've recently picked up Mercy again after not playing her for some time and i've had so much fun rediscovering her! 😊 i've found a lot of bad habits returned so i really appreciate these kinds of videos that help keep my gameplay clean 🌻thanks! 🌻
Hi @skiesti I started on ow2 as newbie and i was a hard stuck bronze 3 Mercy player, after watching your movements and pointers I've improved so much i even climbed up in ranks in a matter of weeks now I'm just a hard stuck gold 3 player. love your content i hope to see more videos in the future especially for Mercy :)
I’m so anxious about starting to play comp in games I don’t completely understand yet I feel like I’m going to single-handedly rank all my teammates down 😭
This actually inspired me to get back on mercy... I was frustrated with S4 and her current state, and couldn't enjoy her gameplay. Felt like I can't do anything, angry teammates, etc. But thanks to you Ski, I feel it's time to come back and learn again ♥
I get tons of teamates yelling at me and this one tim ethis girl was screaming heal me so i put on chat and said cant heal brain damage. We ended up winning the match
Yeah in mid ranks and masters I feel I could carry really hard as mercy in OW2 but in GM1 and top 500 I have started feeling like it is very luck based. Most games feel easy or unwinnable at the top for me where one team will have like 30 elims and the other will have like 5 or 10 elims lol
The competitive mindset advice and even a bunch of the mercy tips/logic therein are pretty much the fundamental key tips/advice for going from being hard stuck anywhere to climbing and will apply/can be implemented to every role, every character at any rank. If you feel stuck at the game, check that you have all of these down fundamentally and implemented consistently across the board before wondering about anything else. Awesome video!
ive been in silver for like a month now. i ranked up from bronze 2 which i was originally when i first started playing (about a year ago). ive noticed im still HARD stuck and dropped from silver 4 to silver 5 recently. it upset me a lot because i really feel like i should be in low gold. im really trying to focus on my positioning a lot because im finding myself because cornered all the time. but i feel my understanding of mercy as a character is as strong as it can be, as well as my jumps and use of high ground. my game sense is slowly improving, but its still so frustrating my rank isnt changing!!! videos like these really help so i appreciate that
It’s been crazy I got gold one as mercy before I could get her off the ground and this season I can’t get outta bronze w her def look at yourself has changed so much about the way I play
I’ve had some really bad comp games recently where I dropped from diamond 5 to now plat 2. I did blame my teammates but also I noticed that the way I myself was playing just wasn’t as… feel good as it usually is. I think I might just try to stick it out and keep playing whether I keep dropping or not and focus more on my performance. I also vod reviewed one of my qp’s and noticed how much I had my heal beam on fully healed targets even when I felt like I was being super effective. Just goes to show how effective vod reviews are 🤷🏼♀️
There are many points that really help, like stop listening to your ally saying that you're not healing, but sometimes I forget that and I end up stressing myself, since I'm literally on edge with my tank dying, and THEN simply standing in front of the tank, and hoping that the supports are always on hand to help with their suicide attack. But a way to go up smoothly is simply to have someone play with you. Lately I was going down in rank, I was at Diamond 1 and I ended up going down to 5, but I ended up getting a double who plays extremely well as a Tank, I never had as much fun in a ranked as today, that's why I hated who played Doomfist on my team, because they were always as skilled as a door
I started competitive on mid season 5 and got Plat 2 as Mercy. Started really well going 4-0 on Diamond lobbies, but then the losing streak of 11 games happened to finish 5-11. I'm kinda sad with the nerfs on Mercy mobility or damage boost. But I'm swapping to Brig or Moira when needed... I hope to get Diamond on season 6! Thanks for all the tips and tricks, it's surely helped a lot! (:
This feels weird commenting after a year😅 but after watching this video and checking the resuscitation guide, I queued a game and went against a sombra that tried to kill me constantly, but i made sure to never rez until i saw her use hack, one time my tank was telling me to rez them but I didn’t and while i was near their corpse, sombra hacked me expecting me to rez, but i didn’t and was able to escape. And one time i even rezzed infront of sombra and she couldn’t do anything! I ended the game with 3 deaths and escaped from sombra with cover ruining her hacks los, it made me feel so proud as a silver mercy! 🎉🎉
Hey 😉 Thanks for the vid, I've just started playing OW2...5 hrs to be exact and 56 minutes playing as Mercy and this video has help me out so much!! And I've got a lot to learn but I think I'm on the right track...Gg's liked and subbed 👍🏻
I learned Bap and Zen which was hugely beneficial in climbing out of bronze, but climbed from gold to plat as mostly Mercy. Just need to keep playing more
I recently peaked t500 at 456, and have been averaging GM the last several seasons. however, sometimes I find it difficult to play in comps that aren't cookie cutter for mercy (such as running genji tracer instead of ashe cassidy or etc). im definitely relying on your videos to teach me things i need cleaning up on😅
Q1: Do you ever choose to knowingly trade your life to rez your tank on the point? Is it worth trading your life? Q2: A game the other day had suicidal Rein, both me and the other support changed our strategy and increased our exposure dumping healing into the tank to keep them alive and useful. We won the game, but was that a good idea or should we have let the Rein keep charging into death and learn to maybe not rush in, maybe he would swap off and choose a different strategy.
I need to watch my replays more. Skiesti, do you have a video on the Mercy stats that matter in comp? I understand our rank and stats shouldn't be the main focus, but it would be helpful to understand what makes the biggest difference ranked most to least impactful. Is it: wins, healing, deaths, damage or wins, deaths, healing, kills, damage, or assists, deaths, wins, healing, kills, etc. etc.
I'd mostly look at: DMG Boost, Deaths, Healing Stats can be good as a base line to see how you're doing for example if you have like 1k DMG Boosted you want to DMG boost more or if you have 6 Deaths per 10 you want to lower that. However, it's not going to show you all the little mistakes in your gameplay or the full story of what goes on in a game so keep that in mind and don't focus TOO much on it
Your movement as mercy is extremely good, is there any workshop games/tips you'd recommend to get better at staying in the air/moving from teammate to teammate? I feel like i'm constantly struggling to stay up in the air and mobile as mercy.
Revisiting this after the start of ow. It's currently season 12 and players are much better now, at least in west coast NA pool. But there's still a lot of potatoes. People BEAM like crazy, mercy has a health pool nerf, poor healing ability, 30% damage boost. She's very hard to climb out of plat/diamond now. Back in season 1-5 or so, she was a menace. Now most of the mercy mains play juno instead of have deranked or quit, with the exception of a few. Swapping off mercy to win is a must. A new guide needs to be made.
Thank you so muuch!!! When I was trying to climb with mercy I got put in gold and thought I could climb out but stayed there for 2 whole seasons but When I watched this video (and the others videos that were recommended) I FINALLY got out of Gold ranks and now I’m high plat about to be diamond soon THANK YOU MA’AM
Been stuck in gold for a hot min almost got to plat but deranked from gold 1 to gold 2 then recently deranked to gold 4. I think its mainly because I used to want to be a mercy onetrick but then i thought i “needed” to switch because of new meta and comp. So i was using more moira, ana, and lucio, trying to get value somehow even though i havent took much time to get better like i have with mercy. The amount of mercy guides cant compare to amount ive watched with lucio or ana which is only one. I finally realized that i got to gold with my mercy skills, and if i want to be able to be more versatile and switch alot ill have to play more unranked and watch more guides instead of just going in and providing ZERO value to my team.
It is always hard to lose like 6 games in a row on gold, where you have good mindset, 0 tilt, 0 toxic, but where dps just don`t play good enough, so boost is useless and people just don`t even try to survive, and mercy can`t overheal such stuff. And then 2nd heal picks zen and goes full dmg)
Not caring about my rank is something I’m trying to relearn! Before I was a super casual ranked player until I had a bad interaction with a super toxic tank (didn’t know how to mute) and since then I’m super hesitant about playing comp and get stressed quicker 😭
You had me at most OW2 players don't know what they're talking about, Mute them. 13k healing as Kiriko, but the tank was more concerned about his kill count. Reverse psychology does work from time to time. 😂
I struggle a lot with these but for me its gotten easier to climb with mercy on a different account in low elos but I do struggle to improve on diamond lol
The matchmaker is so screwed up in OW2 that I’ve just given up on comp. I peaked a game from GM in OW1 and I never saw games with such variance in rank back then. The worst game I’ve ever had of comp was a few weeks ago when I was against a top 500 tank with a Diamond tank on our team. The lobby was “Masters 2”. That should *never* happen.
I always have to remind myself I’m not the only support, let others do the job as well I am very good as mercy but I dropped from platinum to silver twice and the was stuck in gold forever, so it’s very hard not to blame the team
Please elaborate on when to swap off Mercy! Sometimes I'm like, wow Ana would be really good here, and then I swap and we lose! I have like a 10% Ana WR this season lol
You have to practice her more or go Kiriko/Moira. Kiriko has a better survivability than Ana and also very nice kit. You’ll be very helpful to your team . Also you can practice Kiriko aim ,it’s not that hard so you can help out your teammates even better :)
i have 250+ hours on mercy and ive learned from your videos and use those skills in comp, play really well, die less, do a lot of amplified dmg etc etc and yet im still b5.. i think atp its a overwatch bug cuz theres no way i deserve b5 with how i preform
I had 2E 66A 12D in one game and my dps kept complaining about healing (11.5k healing, 4.6k boosted damage). Going into Havana overtime they said in chat "gg we lose because of our Mercy". Might even still have the game to post code for... 2MABQ3 as Rizabov - Silver 4. The complaining dps was Rondol56, who I had supported the most allowing them the highest elims at 57.
I mean when I was first climbing in OW1 I used to get anxious really often about it so before I became a streamer/content creator, I would always take a few minutes between games to chill out a bit before going again
I loved all of the tips in this, but that last one "learn when to swap off Mercy" felt like a copout given the theme of the rest of the video. Still dropping a thumbs up and subbing tho.
I mean you don't have to swap off Mercy still. I rarely ever do and I maintain T500 every season The last tip was mostly just covering if people say in the comments anything about swapping
Skietski: " positioning is key ." Me : " clean ur ears and hear that , did u hear it " Team mate :" yes" Me :" so REINHART STOP RUSHING 1 V5 AND ASKING 4 REZ "
If you are on a losing streak you're better off calling it a day, the good low rank players don't play every day and keep track of when (day and hour) you feel you get more fair lobbies(not one sided matches that either screw or benefit you) and only play during those specific days and hours
I've been getting told that I need to do damage myself in order to climb. I want to climb as primarily Mercy, and this keeps getting brought up to me :(
So, Im a console mercy. I understand when not to rez and when to, using cover, all of that good stuff but im stuck! I cant get out of silver. I try to damage boost 60% and heal 40%, which most games I dont have to heal as much as 40. But, most games im doing 80% heal, 20% boost. My other supports tend to rely on **me** to heal bulk. Any way you have combated this?
I started playing overwatch when it first came out and left around 2018 because of the toxicity. I’ve given ow2 another go and im loving mercy this time around! I’ve always ranked in diamond, even ow2.. but I’m on a losing streak and in plat 3 now lol anyways… my question is…… WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN NO ONE WILL GROUP UP 😭😩
Well… I agree with everything, but… I believe, that it is MUCH more complicated to rank up on your old “golden-silver-bronze-stuck” account, than climb on the “clear” one. System works like shiiiish. And when I do my best, literally, I know that I’m not a perfect player(far from perfect, to be honest), but when I do my best, win 5 games in a row and get +1div or nothing… I wanna give up, really, I’m tired of not getting “rewards” for my good games. So to say, I play in a party, we have the same amount of loses and wins and I ALWAYS get less divs than them, and loses more. Every damn time. I’m just sick and tired :(
Took a loooooong break from OW before OW2 dropped and it took me awhile to even pick it back up after it dropped (i think i came back s3?). I peaked mid masters in OW and now can't seem to get pass diamond 4 🫠 Had to humble myself and check out this vid. Gonna put your words to practice when i get home. Love your content Ski 💛
(--_--)those tips are great but something I can't understand is HOW like how tf are ppl ever getting mad at mercy mains from a support that only helps you CAN WE GET A TAXI 🚖 for mercy for fuck sake
I know videos have been a little slow this month but I really hope this one helps y'all because I know how much of a reoccurring topic this is in our community
how can you sit through 6k hours of spectating
@@bigmannnnnhow can you keep mercy’s dick in your mouth for your whole life?
@@bigmannnnn why are you obsessed
Big man more like small, very very small @@bigmannnnn
Something that I also have to say to Mercy players that are still learning, ALWAYS in a team fight try to have your second support as your #1 priority when it comes to saving someone, keeping your second support alive helps the team with sustain a lot and gives you chance to damage boost more and when you are trying to go for a Res your team will still have help from them. It’s crazy the amount of supports that never check up for their 2nd support is crazy and that’s also a great tip that has always helped me
I tend to always keep an eye on my second support. If my second support is alive, it's likely that our tank can stay alive. If my second support is positioning with me and the rest of the team has no support, I might have to play differently. If my second support is flanking for DMG, I need to keep an eye on the tank. If I'm on a flank with my DPS, I'll look every once in a while back at my second support. Are they okay? Am I in range to spare a bit of help? If I help, will the DPS die? Can they stay alive themselves, do they actually need me? If they die, can the DPS and I get enough value to make their death worth it?
Been stuck in gold for a hot min but i always try to look out for my 2nd support and prioritize their rez over dps rezzes, obviously if i has to go between a tank rez or a support rez its going to be tank. Love supports that support supports
THIS!! I was playing comp the other day and my team got mad at me for prioritizing out zen, when our tank kep leaving us alone..we all couldve done better but it just baffles me how they dont think about how we as mercy have tk protect out 2nd healers as well
Im so hungry to climb as mercy that I watched this 12 times already, already gm1 now thank you 💀😬
I'm somewhat of a miracle worker 😇
Not me stuck in silver 😊
@@Leahismochi real
the 1st point is sooo important not only for improving but for enjoying competitive too, if you find yourself blaming others every game it's time to take a step back from competitive for a bit
DEFINITELY. Blaming others is probably the most frequent thing people do when they tell me they're frustrated that they can't climb (esp with Mercy bc she enables others) but doing that only hinders you
i remember in season 3, i climbed from silver 4 to gold 2 within a week, and i was about to hit plat.
the season ended, and the next season i went on a 14 loss streak, now im silver 2 :(
ofc, its not my teammates faults, i did make mistakes too. i remember this one game where *none of my team* got a kill, which included me, and im sure i did also make some mistakes which led to such an awful game
i just dont know how to climb effectively, i dont know if its me or my team.. or both. i think my comp games are just a gamble, if i get good teammates i win most of the time (though occasionally we lose, because ive made mistakes that cost us the game.) and if the enemies are way better, then we obviously do lose
Watching GM Mercy streams made me realize teammates die a lot/overextend at all ranks. Rather than going out of position to help them, it’s better to adjust accordingly and see where I can safely get beam value.
Incredibly true. You just need to determine how far you're willing to help them and when you need to bail out or if helping them will even get value at all or if it's better to find value elsewhere
Honestly, I feel like the higher the rank I am in the worse the matches become lol. So many team diffs in GM1 and top 500
Yeah, I'm still struggling with the *_Trust in your other support_* part.
Not necessarily because I think they're bad. It's more like a *_"better safe than sorry"_* mindset. On the one hand, this made me REALLY good at juggling, but perhaps this also makes building ult charge slower for the other support.
This. Plus awareness of which ally they are healing or which enemy they are trying to damage (and not healing an ally at all).
If your second support is Ana you have to keep that last one part you said a lot in mind, because Nano can be an ult that Can turn the tables so when your second support is ana try leaving the tank almost exclusively to her unless your tank is getting hyper focused, but yeah it’s super important to keep your other support’s ult in mind
It'll take time to get the hang of losing that 'better safe than sorry' mindset. You do end up taking ult charge away from your other support AND you won't be getting the full value out of DMG boost
1:14 This is probably more important than it's ever been. Match making the past few seasons has been so funky that I've seen genuinely cracked players drop several ranks before climbing back up because of how weird it can be. Caring about rank in Overwatch 2 is going to do nothing but cause pain until they fix the match making, and like you shouldn't fixate on it in general, but if ever there was a time to not care it would be now!
the last "know when to swap off mercy" sounded more like a PSA you were required to say XD
thank you for making this, when i was initially climbing out of the lower ranks i was not focusing on ranks, trying to better myself every game, and not blaming teammates. then i got to masters and everything went downhill. hoping this is a wake up call!!!
You got this! Just gotta get back to that mindset 🤗
@@Skiesti thank you ski ❤️
I've gotten to gm1 on mercy on 1 acc so I'm working on my second account rn. I always try to improve. My death/10min averages around 2.00 and I'm trying to get it down to below 2/10. It's so fun trying to improve and not care about ranks because you just climb automatically. I've gotten so many compliments from teammates for not dying and being clutch lol.
As long as you play consistently while improving, you'll climb so I always tell people it's better not to focus on the rank itself because you'll get there eventually
ur videos let me finally begin to break the gold barrier. I've been stuck for a while but I'm one rank away from platinum! Praying I don't get a loss streak rn
Congratulations and good luck!! You got this!
i applied those concepts on my grind tonight and not gonna lie, help a lot! thank you, my play is more chill fun and show more conscitenci
That's awesome! I'm so glad they're already helping!
Watching replays is underrated it will really humble the shit out of you quick 😂
So many people don't watch their replays which I can understand but if someone is serious about climbing then LMAO yeah, watching it will humble you real quick
I usually know while I'm playing when I do something wrong and I hate it lol.
@@dankdilly I do the same thing all the time lol I constantly find my self saying “that was dumb” or “I Shouldn’t have done that” 😂
I watch this video religiously. Started when I was stuck as a gold 5 mercy and have steadily ranked up to plat 1 :))
Thank you. This video came at the right time, I was feeling really frustrated after dropped down from diamond to gold and sometimes is really bad to get through those games when you know you’re doing your best but the dps is yelling for heals while both supports are respawning. You’re absolutely right, there is so many things we can not control and sometimes it’s better to mute them or take a break. Thank you.❤
Me rewatching this video after every game 🥲
thanks for the video Ski! i've recently picked up Mercy again after not playing her for some time and i've had so much fun rediscovering her! 😊
i've found a lot of bad habits returned so i really appreciate these kinds of videos that help keep my gameplay clean 🌻thanks! 🌻
Always happy to help! I'm glad you're having fun playing her again :>
Hi @skiesti I started on ow2 as newbie and i was a hard stuck bronze 3 Mercy player, after watching your movements and pointers I've improved so much i even climbed up in ranks in a matter of weeks now I'm just a hard stuck gold 3 player. love your content i hope to see more videos in the future especially for Mercy :)
Thank you so mucn this totally helped me and my game play im seeing improvement snd the change of mindset definitely makes for a better game
I’m so anxious about starting to play comp in games I don’t completely understand yet I feel like I’m going to single-handedly rank all my teammates down 😭
This actually inspired me to get back on mercy... I was frustrated with S4 and her current state, and couldn't enjoy her gameplay. Felt like I can't do anything, angry teammates, etc. But thanks to you Ski, I feel it's time to come back and learn again ♥
My support rank went from plat5 to master4 in like 4 placements after watching your video. Good work! Thank you!
I get tons of teamates yelling at me and this one tim ethis girl was screaming heal me so i put on chat and said cant heal brain damage. We ended up winning the match
Yeah in mid ranks and masters I feel I could carry really hard as mercy in OW2 but in GM1 and top 500 I have started feeling like it is very luck based. Most games feel easy or unwinnable at the top for me where one team will have like 30 elims and the other will have like 5 or 10 elims lol
The competitive mindset advice and even a bunch of the mercy tips/logic therein are pretty much the fundamental key tips/advice for going from being hard stuck anywhere to climbing and will apply/can be implemented to every role, every character at any rank. If you feel stuck at the game, check that you have all of these down fundamentally and implemented consistently across the board before wondering about anything else. Awesome video!
ive been in silver for like a month now. i ranked up from bronze 2 which i was originally when i first started playing (about a year ago). ive noticed im still HARD stuck and dropped from silver 4 to silver 5 recently. it upset me a lot because i really feel like i should be in low gold. im really trying to focus on my positioning a lot because im finding myself because cornered all the time. but i feel my understanding of mercy as a character is as strong as it can be, as well as my jumps and use of high ground. my game sense is slowly improving, but its still so frustrating my rank isnt changing!!! videos like these really help so i appreciate that
can i just say that im trying mercy after this video and all your tough love was exactly what i needed
i've taken a break on mercy this season but i'm so excited to get back into competitive with this video in mind (:
It’s been crazy I got gold one as mercy before I could get her off the ground and this season I can’t get outta bronze w her def look at yourself has changed so much about the way I play
I’ve had some really bad comp games recently where I dropped from diamond 5 to now plat 2. I did blame my teammates but also I noticed that the way I myself was playing just wasn’t as… feel good as it usually is. I think I might just try to stick it out and keep playing whether I keep dropping or not and focus more on my performance. I also vod reviewed one of my qp’s and noticed how much I had my heal beam on fully healed targets even when I felt like I was being super effective. Just goes to show how effective vod reviews are 🤷🏼♀️
thats honestly why i changed my default beam to damage boost, so that i only heal when their critical
So many helpful tips in this video and its not even 10 minutes long! Had to subscribe, keep up the amazing content!
For me i do everything in mercy super jump rez and now were to use the valkyrie and I now were to Rez and escape and am still at plate
There are many points that really help, like stop listening to your ally saying that you're not healing, but sometimes I forget that and I end up stressing myself, since I'm literally on edge with my tank dying, and THEN simply standing in front of the tank, and hoping that the supports are always on hand to help with their suicide attack.
But a way to go up smoothly is simply to have someone play with you. Lately I was going down in rank, I was at Diamond 1 and I ended up going down to 5, but I ended up getting a double who plays extremely well as a Tank, I never had as much fun in a ranked as today, that's why I hated who played Doomfist on my team, because they were always as skilled as a door
I started competitive on mid season 5 and got Plat 2 as Mercy. Started really well going 4-0 on Diamond lobbies, but then the losing streak of 11 games happened to finish 5-11.
I'm kinda sad with the nerfs on Mercy mobility or damage boost. But I'm swapping to Brig or Moira when needed...
I hope to get Diamond on season 6!
Thanks for all the tips and tricks, it's surely helped a lot! (:
This feels weird commenting after a year😅 but after watching this video and checking the resuscitation guide, I queued a game and went against a sombra that tried to kill me constantly, but i made sure to never rez until i saw her use hack, one time my tank was telling me to rez them but I didn’t and while i was near their corpse, sombra hacked me expecting me to rez, but i didn’t and was able to escape. And one time i even rezzed infront of sombra and she couldn’t do anything! I ended the game with 3 deaths and escaped from sombra with cover ruining her hacks los, it made me feel so proud as a silver mercy! 🎉🎉
Hey 😉 Thanks for the vid, I've just started playing OW2...5 hrs to be exact and 56 minutes playing as Mercy and this video has help me out so much!! And I've got a lot to learn but I think I'm on the right track...Gg's liked and subbed 👍🏻
I learned Bap and Zen which was hugely beneficial in climbing out of bronze, but climbed from gold to plat as mostly Mercy. Just need to keep playing more
I recently peaked t500 at 456, and have been averaging GM the last several seasons. however, sometimes I find it difficult to play in comps that aren't cookie cutter for mercy (such as running genji tracer instead of ashe cassidy or etc). im definitely relying on your videos to teach me things i need cleaning up on😅
Q1: Do you ever choose to knowingly trade your life to rez your tank on the point? Is it worth trading your life?
Q2: A game the other day had suicidal Rein, both me and the other support changed our strategy and increased our exposure dumping healing into the tank to keep them alive and useful. We won the game, but was that a good idea or should we have let the Rein keep charging into death and learn to maybe not rush in, maybe he would swap off and choose a different strategy.
question 1: she said to play selfishly. value your life over others.
Thank you for this. I was ready to quit overwatch but this has given me some hope.
I need to watch my replays more. Skiesti, do you have a video on the Mercy stats that matter in comp? I understand our rank and stats shouldn't be the main focus, but it would be helpful to understand what makes the biggest difference ranked most to least impactful. Is it: wins, healing, deaths, damage or wins, deaths, healing, kills, damage, or assists, deaths, wins, healing, kills, etc. etc.
I'd mostly look at: DMG Boost, Deaths, Healing
Stats can be good as a base line to see how you're doing for example if you have like 1k DMG Boosted you want to DMG boost more or if you have 6 Deaths per 10 you want to lower that. However, it's not going to show you all the little mistakes in your gameplay or the full story of what goes on in a game so keep that in mind and don't focus TOO much on it
@@Skiesti thank you!!
Your movement as mercy is extremely good, is there any workshop games/tips you'd recommend to get better at staying in the air/moving from teammate to teammate? I feel like i'm constantly struggling to stay up in the air and mobile as mercy.
Revisiting this after the start of ow. It's currently season 12 and players are much better now, at least in west coast NA pool. But there's still a lot of potatoes. People BEAM like crazy, mercy has a health pool nerf, poor healing ability, 30% damage boost. She's very hard to climb out of plat/diamond now. Back in season 1-5 or so, she was a menace. Now most of the mercy mains play juno instead of have deranked or quit, with the exception of a few. Swapping off mercy to win is a must. A new guide needs to be made.
yes this has helped im kind a mercy one trick and this one video has taught me a lot so thx
Very good video on the essentials, thank you!
short and sweet , very great for my low attention span 😭
6000 hours on Mercy is INSANE! Great video and tips!
Great video! I learned a lot from it :)
Thank you so muuch!!! When I was trying to climb with mercy I got put in gold and thought I could climb out but stayed there for 2 whole seasons but When I watched this video (and the others videos that were recommended) I FINALLY got out of Gold ranks and now I’m high plat about to be diamond soon THANK YOU MA’AM
skiesti when i first discovered u was like in 2021 and ever since i got way better as mercy (2016 player)
Been stuck in gold for a hot min almost got to plat but deranked from gold 1 to gold 2 then recently deranked to gold 4. I think its mainly because I used to want to be a mercy onetrick but then i thought i “needed” to switch because of new meta and comp. So i was using more moira, ana, and lucio, trying to get value somehow even though i havent took much time to get better like i have with mercy. The amount of mercy guides cant compare to amount ive watched with lucio or ana which is only one. I finally realized that i got to gold with my mercy skills, and if i want to be able to be more versatile and switch alot ill have to play more unranked and watch more guides instead of just going in and providing ZERO value to my team.
It is always hard to lose like 6 games in a row on gold, where you have good mindset, 0 tilt, 0 toxic, but where dps just don`t play good enough, so boost is useless and people just don`t even try to survive, and mercy can`t overheal such stuff. And then 2nd heal picks zen and goes full dmg)
Not caring about my rank is something I’m trying to relearn! Before I was a super casual ranked player until I had a bad interaction with a super toxic tank (didn’t know how to mute) and since then I’m super hesitant about playing comp and get stressed quicker 😭
i usually only play around 3-5 comp games in a sitting before i take a break and get back on later trust me it helps
You had me at most OW2 players don't know what they're talking about, Mute them. 13k healing as Kiriko, but the tank was more concerned about his kill count. Reverse psychology does work from time to time. 😂
I struggle a lot with these but for me its gotten easier to climb with mercy on a different account in low elos but I do struggle to improve on diamond lol
The matchmaker is so screwed up in OW2 that I’ve just given up on comp. I peaked a game from GM in OW1 and I never saw games with such variance in rank back then. The worst game I’ve ever had of comp was a few weeks ago when I was against a top 500 tank with a Diamond tank on our team. The lobby was “Masters 2”. That should *never* happen.
I always have to remind myself I’m not the only support, let others do the job as well
I am very good as mercy but I dropped from platinum to silver twice and the was stuck in gold forever, so it’s very hard not to blame the team
Skiesti! Your videos have been helping me a lot
Great video !❤ subscribed to your twitch for this
I hate when ppl say it’s not possible. I’ve played her from unranked then placed silver and then I got Diamond and now I’m super close to Masters!
her movements scratch my brain
Please elaborate on when to swap off Mercy! Sometimes I'm like, wow Ana would be really good here, and then I swap and we lose! I have like a 10% Ana WR this season lol
maybe you’re not as good on ana as you are mercy and need to practice her more
@@joaquinsalinas1476 I am definitely not
You have to practice her more or go Kiriko/Moira. Kiriko has a better survivability than Ana and also very nice kit. You’ll be very helpful to your team . Also you can practice Kiriko aim ,it’s not that hard so you can help out your teammates even better :)
@@whity_dog8536 ana and kiri are two different supports with different play styles
@@joaquinsalinas1476 lol don’t you think I know that ?
I just suggested that person to try Kiri if they don’t perform good enough as Ana.
i cant tell you how good my matches have been since watching your videos. NO LIE somehow MAGICALLY my teammates have gotten better 🥴🥴
Maybe YOU have gotten so much better, that you got better at enabling them, and in turn made the whole team play better :)
i’ve dropped so far this season on mercy :( plat3 to gold5 with a 42% wr right now D: this video is a godsend
i have 250+ hours on mercy and ive learned from your videos and use those skills in comp, play really well, die less, do a lot of amplified dmg etc etc and yet im still b5.. i think atp its a overwatch bug cuz theres no way i deserve b5 with how i preform
thank u this helped my bronze friend climb to planinum 2
That's awesome! Congratulations to your friend! :>
Damn after watching this video I really freaking suck. Thank you for humbling me girl appreciate it.
Watching this to climb up because I desperately need to💔
Im not even a mercy player but this advices are gold, thank u 🧡
I had 2E 66A 12D in one game and my dps kept complaining about healing (11.5k healing, 4.6k boosted damage). Going into Havana overtime they said in chat "gg we lose because of our Mercy". Might even still have the game to post code for... 2MABQ3 as Rizabov - Silver 4. The complaining dps was Rondol56, who I had supported the most allowing them the highest elims at 57.
Amazing content as usual.
This is super helpful :3
i got an offer to get "boosted" in comp today idk what that means so didn't accept yet
Thanks for being here for me
I do all of this perfectly, really but i still cant get out of plat
very helpful guide!
3min later *takes break*
I mean when I was first climbing in OW1 I used to get anxious really often about it so before I became a streamer/content creator, I would always take a few minutes between games to chill out a bit before going again
@@Skiesti yeah i feel the same i played since it was relesead sometimes i just need a break with some music then its better :)
I'm about to reach top 0.5 with this
Do you have a video on when to swap off of Mercy?
I really need to do advice 6 but i cant because im grouped with toxic team mates that insult me when i dont res the or dmg boost them enough
I loved all of the tips in this, but that last one "learn when to swap off Mercy" felt like a copout given the theme of the rest of the video. Still dropping a thumbs up and subbing tho.
I mean you don't have to swap off Mercy still. I rarely ever do and I maintain T500 every season
The last tip was mostly just covering if people say in the comments anything about swapping
@@Skiesti 10-4. I'm not trying to throw shade either; ur tips are just the trick. 👍
Queen thank you!!!!!! My fav mercy player
Thank you
I’ve been a mercy one trick and been able to go to masters
Skietski: " positioning is key ."
Me : " clean ur ears and hear that , did u hear it "
Team mate :" yes"
If you are on a losing streak you're better off calling it a day, the good low rank players don't play every day and keep track of when (day and hour) you feel you get more fair lobbies(not one sided matches that either screw or benefit you) and only play during those specific days and hours
thanks ski
I've been getting told that I need to do damage myself in order to climb. I want to climb as primarily Mercy, and this keeps getting brought up to me :(
You don't need to do DMG to climb as Mercy, just utilize DMG boost
yay new ski vid!🥰
So, Im a console mercy. I understand when not to rez and when to, using cover, all of that good stuff but im stuck! I cant get out of silver. I try to damage boost 60% and heal 40%, which most games I dont have to heal as much as 40. But, most games im doing 80% heal, 20% boost. My other supports tend to rely on **me** to heal bulk. Any way you have combated this?
is 50/50 blue beam and heal good?
I started playing overwatch when it first came out and left around 2018 because of the toxicity. I’ve given ow2 another go and im loving mercy this time around! I’ve always ranked in diamond, even ow2.. but I’m on a losing streak and in plat 3 now lol anyways… my question is…… WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN NO ONE WILL GROUP UP 😭😩
Great video btw! I’ve been binge watching your videos so I can keep learning :’) ❤
Well… I agree with everything, but… I believe, that it is MUCH more complicated to rank up on your old “golden-silver-bronze-stuck” account, than climb on the “clear” one.
System works like shiiiish. And when I do my best, literally, I know that I’m not a perfect player(far from perfect, to be honest), but when I do my best, win 5 games in a row and get +1div or nothing… I wanna give up, really, I’m tired of not getting “rewards” for my good games.
So to say, I play in a party, we have the same amount of loses and wins and I ALWAYS get less divs than them, and loses more. Every damn time. I’m just sick and tired :(
I never blame others, i always blame myself 🤣
It's not so much about blame yourself but recognize your own mistakes and figure out what you can improve on
Took a loooooong break from OW before OW2 dropped and it took me awhile to even pick it back up after it dropped (i think i came back s3?). I peaked mid masters in OW and now can't seem to get pass diamond 4 🫠
Had to humble myself and check out this vid. Gonna put your words to practice when i get home. Love your content Ski 💛
my bf was a top 500 ana and he constantly trys to get me to drop mercy but damn it i just wanna climb with her 😭
You definitely can climb with her! I believe in you!
(--_--)those tips are great but something I can't understand is HOW like how tf are ppl ever getting mad at mercy mains from a support that only helps you CAN WE GET A TAXI 🚖 for mercy for fuck sake
Can i say that the matchmaking is much worse compared to Ovwrwatch 1? Often there are teams that are too unbalanced
When other support locks in Lucio, do you just auto swap off Mercy?
You can make it work with Mercy/Lucio depending on the tank that's picked but it's not optimal