My dad passed away when I was like 12 and I used to only see him like weekends or sum but I remember good things well material wise he always gave me whatever I want but we never really talked was to young to really learn but nothing bad I can say we ever had while he was here very loving to me in my eyes but I always wonder how he really was as a person but I never will know
True... I just don't have inclination to talk to my father from childhood for no reason..he is a good man but...i just run from my dad .. also he is a busy person.. social worker ...
You were so right about rifts with fathers due to this conjunction! I have Sun and Rahu in tenth house, and yes I do have rifts with my dad, but thats for my DAD's betterment and there is no EGO in me or greed to fight with him, I see him suffer, I see him going on a wrong path, and thats all my rifts about! Yes I ask for respect and think very high of myself bcoz of my high morals, which is always taken as EGO by others, also bcoz I have moon at 6th so m bound to face oppositions! but m up 4it!
Thinking that I am the boss is actually a sign that u are have to understand that everybody is a hero in their life..if you are crunching on somebodys head by your dominance there's always someone to crunch you and believe me u will not like it even when that person is actually your well wisher ...actually sare sati teaches all puts the gun on the sheriff's head and makes him think how it's like to point guns at others...we are just nobody ...when time comes everyone gets to understand everything..
yes sir it's all true I m having this conjunction in my 10 th house. I m having distance relationsheep with my father. yes I am a rebel person. and I live my life illusion life my close friends says about it. and my ketu Pluto is in fourth house so I am not having good talk also with my parents I m staying far away from them from last 8 years.
Please do the following videos: 1. Venus & Ketu in Krittika Nakshtra (within 2 degree 30') in Taurus for Cancer ascendants for birth chart. 2. Conjunction of Atmakaraka Rahu (1st navamsa) & Sun (4th Navamsa) in Cancer in D9 Chart. 3. Conjunction of Venus (3rd Namasa) and Saturn (5th Navamsa) in Aquarius in D9 Chart. 4. Aspects of Jupiter (R) in swathi nakshatra placed in Libra for Cancer ascendant 5. Jupiter (R) in Swathi Nakshatra & Rahu in Visakha Nakshatra for Cancer Ascendant. Regards
Please do the following videos:- 1. Conjunction of planets in navamsa 2. Rahu (8th navamsa) and Sun (5th Navamsa) in Leo in Navamsa 3. Venus (3rd Namvamsa) and Moon (6th Navamsa) in Pisces in Navamsa 4. Jupiter and Ketu in 5th Navamsa of Aquarius for cancer ascendants Regards
Please do the following videos:- 1. Conjunction of moon, Jupiter (R) in D24 Chart in Virgo for capricorn ascendants 2. Conjunction of Mercury, Venus in 10th House in D24 chart for for capricorn ascendants. 3. Conjunction of Jupiter (R) and Mars in Pisces for Taurus ascendants in D10 Chart 4. Mercury in taurus lagna in D10 Chart. 5. Conjunction of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in Leo for Capricorn Ascendant in D24 Chart. 6. Saturn, Sun & Rahu in Cancer for Taurus ascendant of D10 Chart. Regards
hi, i have to say...i have this conjunction..but all you said about the father, or government, etc... its just not right. My father is the sweetest and everybody love and respect him, even strange people adore him. I come from a warm house, with a loving caring father and mother. Never problems, or problems with authorities or whatever... My father had a good name actually by government , police, hospitals etc, cuz he helped them with translations cuz he speaks 7 languages....I never had any problems with nobody or nothing too. I have it in my second house aquarius, i really dont have any urge to dominate or smthing, i rather place myself at the second place to help others first if need.. I think you focus to much on the bad aspects of rahu...and the father... I follow you long time and i love ur videoos truly ! but this is just incorrect...i just wanted to share ,,,
I have also seen that sun rahu in Capricorn navamsha, 3rd house in navamsha, the native’s father married another woman. And extreme frictions with the 1st family. Father did not divorce 1 st wife. But throwing his anger on wife and children. Secondly, that same native with sun rahu, got a rare bone marrow cancer. And the medicines caused osteoporosis and osteopenia. Bones have become so weak that the native is always in pain and bedridden. Now native is 49 yrs old. So now father is very nice with the 1st wife and children. Bcos father is 88 yrs old.
So true but unfortunately my daughter has this placement in 12th house of her D1. I am a single mother so her father is absent. I hope her ego dicreases as she grows😩
I have this conjunction in the D7 first house, my son has all the "right" to be disrespectful to his dad, he has Saturn in Bharani pada 3, and his dad has Saturn in Bharani pada 1, its a very sad and bad situation, please if you feel like, send healing, we really need it . My sons relationship with his dad has been very cruel for a little boy, and so was the relationship of the father with the grandfather, and I haven't been the best mother either and on top of everything then I tried to make him respect his father, because I know that without having some respect for your father is difficult to be successful in life, but somethings are difficult to be forgiven and in some situations is difficult to respect people that neglect you or hurt you. I think the key to this is make the moon stronger ( and other planets, but starting from the moon) and then Sun Rahu can at least, start relaxing. Thank you, Kapiel because this has helped me to clarify in my mind and in words, situations that when we live them is difficult to pinpoint. I can see how sun rahu can get somebody into problems, but the remedy, is what is difficult, forcing somebody with sun rahu to respect the father, doesn't work, it needs to be healing, first x You have a very healing voice, and I like when you do what is obvious that you are capable of, I don't like it when channels are trying to compete and stay in the superficial, Astrology can heal, and it is helping me and through me, my family, to heal. Yeay! Thank you
First of tqu for this wonderful inormation Which planet helps good relationship with mother and wife sister plz help me And also with brother and relatives
Request:- 1. Lagna & Ghati Lagna in conjunction within 1 degree in Pushyami nakshatra in Cancer in birth chart. 2. Conjunction of atmakaraka Rahu (visakha nakshtra) & Pluto (R) (anuradha Nakshtra) (within 2 1/2 degrees) in Scorpio for Cancer Ascendant in lagna chart. 3. Vargottamasa Saturn & A10 in Aquarius with SL (within 2 1/2 degree conjunction) & A11 for Cancer ascendant. 4. Vargottama Neptune in Sagittarius & Vargottama Uranus in CApricorn within 3 degrees of uttarashada nakshatra. thanx
Sir what an analysis and I loved the remedy for this , indeed this is what astrology is used for ,use the remedies for the betterment for yourself and society
So, how does this work in the d9 chart, since d9 is after about 30 years old? Will Rahu still stop causing issues at 35? Or does it go on longer because it is in D9? I have sun and exhalted rahu in 2nd house in d9 and not sure how to read this.
I have it in 1st house. It has been interesting journey so far with this combination. It has given push to me beyond imagined. Saade Saati and Saturn Returns have put a cap on the ego. I am maintaining that cap. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing to have that cap or unleash the energy.
Hi. Please try to do the following videos:- 1. Narayana Dasa Interpretation 2. D24 Chart interpretation 3. Jupiter (R) in Libra aspected by Sun and Mercury in Aswni Nakshatra in ARies for Cancer Ascendant. Regards
hey ,really amazing after seeing ur videos ,it gives some type of confidence for me,can u plzz put videos about conjuction in any house with three planets
Rofl, I have this combo along with worse things feeding this energy. Growing up was such a pain. People would be like you have a problem with authority! and I'd be like no I like myself just fine or who died and made you king. It never went way I just got smarter and wittier over time. Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for authority if it's de jure.
there is a topic which i did't see anyone desribe with true logic and that is '' how to read chart of twins'' .... some say first baby will be read from first house the second from 7th .. some say first baby from Ist house the second will be from moon ... plz make a video on this very important topic ... thanks ..
And I forgot to mention that my son in law had 8 operation to one of his eyes, and he still can't see properly with one eye.Rahu ,and Sun in the 2nd house.
I was wondering for an aries ascendant does it not make a Raj yoga? Because the trikon lord is sitting with Rahu in a kendra? Also really like what you are doing. I like your south Indian-y accent. Btw, You talk a lot like Michael Scott.
hey Kapiel,pls make a video on lagna kundali v/s navmansha kundali as the placement of planets in different houses is different in both the charts.pls also discuss the effect of different planets in the same house in both the charts.....
Thank you! I like how you usually tell about aspects from the psychological point of view and with images / examples easy to memorize, it helps to learn :). *** What happens if this conjunction is in 10th house and in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio the 4th house (or in general), for a (family oriented) woman for example (the Sun & NN are squaring Jupiter). What remedy could be to soften it and to make it less malefic? (I came a across such a chart).
my Rah-sun Mahdasa Ended on the 30th of 2016,, I Had a Major Argument with my Dad before Christmas, I Almost Fought Him.. Im a Daughter though, We've been Fighting For 2 years,, I Don't Have the Ego Thing Going On. And I Am Power and money Hungry. But I Can Balance. My Rahu Is 2degrees 23'' in Scorpio
Seriously mind is blow. I Will do more studying. In the meantime I need to understand why i never had a positive relationship with my mother or father. My birth is November 6 1978, 5:11 a.m. My father passed away November 5,2004
hi kapiel, i want to tell you that most of your conjunction related videos do not play in Germany because GEMA has not given the rights . . maybe you used some music which violates some copyright. . so please do something about it so that we can see your videos . . thank you
Hi Kapiel, I wonder how many German Fans you have :-). I want to support Shreyas comment on the conjuntion videos, as some of them cannot be watched in Germany - due to music used in them. Perhaps you could put them online again without music? Otherwise keep on going I love your videos!
Mydad works much and when i needed nurturance, he was trying to give it to me. we had a couple of traumatic violent hassels instead which brought sorrow. dificulty to trust his advices or listen to him, because of feeling he does not understand me thus not can tell me what to do. i try to respect him and see him as a good person, but both of us smetimes be very unrespectful to eachother. can get really ugly, thus i try to instead keep him on distance or take the situations more in peace.
Now I am not. I have started to understand him and his upbringing and the circumstances he went through. And now its too difficult for him to improve as he is 55
hi, your explanation for this conjunction (rahu and sun) is valid for all charts ? i mean, if rahu is in 4th house with mars in scorpio, and sun in 2nd house in virgo in birth chart, but rahu and sun together in D9 chart in first house in leo sign, than also this interpretation valid ? i appreciate your efforts to make us understand things very closely..thank you a lot for your time and efforts..
I have Rahu and Sun in the 10th house, in Aries (along with Mars too). but Sun is 2 degrees, Rahu is 25 degrees. (mars 28). Is that too far to be considered a conjunction?
so Rahu (20°) and Sun (22°) in Leo in the first house would make me want to dominate.... what... myself? (first house=self) ? everything you have explained is correct except the part about having a big ego and having problems with the government and the law... I respect laws and order 100% and I am a firm believer in Karma (stellium in Libra in the 3rd house) and I have a mild/mellow/balanced ego.
Did both of you (you and Jaya Shree, in the comments) had a really difficult relationship with your dad? Was the relationship with your dad, cruel for a child? Was the dad difficult or in a difficult position?
@@marwa99998 Seems Saturn has more negative impact then Rahu. Your dad might have passed away after 2008. Things will certainly get better after 36 age. Also Rahu is in Capricorn & not Aquarius. You must be having attractive looks & tendency to gain weight is there. Foreign land will not be beneficial for you & will bring in troubles. Also troubles will be sudden & will also go away in an unexpected manner. Did something significant happened after Jan 2017? Try to return to your native land asap. See if you can fast on Fridays. Hope I am able to help.
i have sun rahu close cuncjuction very close in Navamsa chart will my marriage suck or can i skip all the above troubles you said by skipping marriage? i am 21 y old somebody please tell me ! also if moon and mars are sitting in 10th house and there is no planet 12th and 2nd to it does that mean i have Kemdrum dosh ? for me mars is yogakaraka still Kemdrum dosh?
I have this placement in 9th house I'm devoted to my father And i never disrespect any elder I've never and i couldn't. And i always feel I'm not good enough i can't be egoistic also
I have Rahu and Sun in my 8th house. I'm a Sagittarius ascendant. I'm 22 years old and my father passed away 2 months ago. So I assume this is true. But I'm pretty much afraid what will be the other malefic effects of this conjunction. In my chart Sun and Rahu are roughly 3° apart from eachother.
when you say "in conjunction" , does that mean within 5 degrees? At what degree range is it not in conjunction and just be Rahu and Sun happen to have the same sign in the same house?
I have rahu sun conjunction vishakha nakshatra 4th house . I am going through schizophrenia in rahu mahadasha running and he only my father was there to highly concerned about my health and relationship is very much looks good outside but inside i have hallucinations that my father is not good fighting with father is all obsessive hallucinations not reality otherwise over relationship is very famous . I studied in government university and that years were worst of my life
what about respecting just elders? i am single mom and my son has sun and rahu in 12th house...ex was abusive and is out of our life. my son is almost incapable of respecting authority...he understands it though and is aware of it...but the thing you say about respecting fathers....what otehr remedies pls?
Kapiel, is this conjuction is called pitridosha....if so then i have this conjuction in 8th house but i respect my father very much and really he is the one who loves me atmost. i am 39 year old but one thing i have noticed in my inlaws my brother in law and my father in law are exactly opposite to each other, is this i can say that it is because of this conjuction in inlaws house.....please elaborate...
Ouawh, thanks so much for this videoo! I am the mum of a terrible 2yo girl who has this aspect in her 11thvhouse and she is very hard to make her doing what she has to do (basics things of little kids).As a mum I often discredite her father.What mistake I have done!! I will support much more my husband now!!!
A friend of mine has this conjunction and her father passed away when she was still a baby. She's extremely ambitious and has got an amazing career.
It's should be more than obvious .The same pattern is there in Donald trump's chart.
My dad passed away when I was like 12 and I used to only see him like weekends or sum but I remember good things well material wise he always gave me whatever I want but we never really talked was to young to really learn but nothing bad I can say we ever had while he was here very loving to me in my eyes but I always wonder how he really was as a person but I never will know
@@jayy2trillt.v338in which house do u have this conjunction
in which house do u have this conjunction
@@aratilatane2731 she has this in the 10th house. She married a very rich man, then had a divorce. No children.
CEO here with this conjunction 😭 wow... everything you create is so damn spot on. Thank you so so much.
Sun rahu:- also means father spent less time with child
Swarn Bharti Public School omg sooo accurate
Yes, my dad passed away when I was 12 years old
my father spended all his time with his kids,, so i dont agree
In which house it is? My son has sun mercury rahu in 2nd house Leo ascendant..will it impact him..
True... I just don't have inclination to talk to my father from childhood for no reason..he is a good man but...i just run from my dad .. also he is a busy person.. social worker ...
I'm currently not talking to my dad
Me too, me and my father just don’t talk like that
Exactly same
3:27 Sun and Rahu in 2nd,7th,9th,10th house
3:42 , 5:10 , Sun and Rahu in 12th house
7:25 Sun and Rahu in 3rd, 6th, 11th house
what if it's in 1st
What about 5th house
@@mr.dav1d484 yea seems like an important one to leave out. I have it in first too. It scares & fascinates me lol
I got it in 8th in pisces in navamsa. What about that then?
SUCH GOOD ADVICE!! Very very true. You can break the power of Rahu at any point if you try to understand your fathers perspective and respect him.
Fact: this conjunction is this there in Harshad Mehta d9 chart in 7th house
Your watch is HUGE.
That was beautiful, the technical side of video is really good. It just looks like a film scene, brilliant lighting and nice talk :-)
You were so right about rifts with fathers due to this conjunction! I have Sun and Rahu in tenth house, and yes I do have rifts with my dad, but thats for my DAD's betterment and there is no EGO in me or greed to fight with him, I see him suffer, I see him going on a wrong path, and thats all my rifts about! Yes I ask for respect and think very high of myself bcoz of my high morals, which is always taken as EGO by others, also bcoz I have moon at 6th so m bound to face oppositions! but m up 4it!
Rishabh Somani All the best!
Your comment shows your ego..
@@doctor2923 lmao
Thinking that I am the boss is actually a sign that u are have to understand that everybody is a hero in their life..if you are crunching on somebodys head by your dominance there's always someone to crunch you and believe me u will not like it even when that person is actually your well wisher ...actually sare sati teaches all puts the gun on the sheriff's head and makes him think how it's like to point guns at others...we are just nobody ...when time comes everyone gets to understand everything..
hello, do you have a son?
Lovely. Meghan Markle has this with mercury in her first. Looks like what we see and hear about her is 100% true.
yes sir it's all true I m having this conjunction in my 10 th house. I m having distance relationsheep with my father. yes I am a rebel person. and I live my life illusion life my close friends says about it. and my ketu Pluto is in fourth house so I am not having good talk also with my parents I m staying far away from them from last 8 years.
Please do the following videos:
1. Venus & Ketu in Krittika Nakshtra (within 2 degree 30') in Taurus for Cancer ascendants for birth chart.
2. Conjunction of Atmakaraka Rahu (1st navamsa) & Sun (4th Navamsa) in Cancer in D9 Chart.
3. Conjunction of Venus (3rd Namasa) and Saturn (5th Navamsa) in Aquarius in D9 Chart.
4. Aspects of Jupiter (R) in swathi nakshatra placed in Libra for Cancer ascendant
5. Jupiter (R) in Swathi Nakshatra & Rahu in Visakha Nakshatra for Cancer Ascendant.
Please do the following videos:-
1. Conjunction of planets in navamsa
2. Rahu (8th navamsa) and Sun (5th Navamsa) in Leo in Navamsa
3. Venus (3rd Namvamsa) and Moon (6th Navamsa) in Pisces in Navamsa
4. Jupiter and Ketu in 5th Navamsa of Aquarius for cancer ascendants
I agreeeee
Please do the following videos:-
1. Conjunction of moon, Jupiter (R) in D24 Chart in Virgo for capricorn ascendants
2. Conjunction of Mercury, Venus in 10th House in D24 chart for for capricorn ascendants.
3. Conjunction of Jupiter (R) and Mars in Pisces for Taurus ascendants in D10 Chart
4. Mercury in taurus lagna in D10 Chart.
5. Conjunction of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in Leo for Capricorn Ascendant in D24 Chart.
6. Saturn, Sun & Rahu in Cancer for Taurus ascendant of D10 Chart.
hi, i have to say...i have this conjunction..but all you said about the father, or government, etc... its just not right. My father is the sweetest and everybody love and respect him, even strange people adore him. I come from a warm house, with a loving caring father and mother. Never problems, or problems with authorities or whatever... My father had a good name actually by government , police, hospitals etc, cuz he helped them with translations cuz he speaks 7 languages....I never had any problems with nobody or nothing too. I have it in my second house aquarius, i really dont have any urge to dominate or smthing, i rather place myself at the second place to help others first if need.. I think you focus to much on the bad aspects of rahu...and the father... I follow you long time and i love ur videoos truly ! but this is just incorrect...i just wanted to share ,,,
Jupiter aspects these conjunctions
Some time predictions can be changed
I have also seen that sun rahu in Capricorn navamsha, 3rd house in navamsha, the native’s father married another woman. And extreme frictions with the 1st family. Father did not divorce 1 st wife. But throwing his anger on wife and children.
Secondly, that same native with sun rahu, got a rare bone marrow cancer. And the medicines caused osteoporosis and osteopenia. Bones have become so weak that the native is always in pain and bedridden.
Now native is 49 yrs old. So now father is very nice with the 1st wife and children. Bcos father is 88 yrs old.
So true but unfortunately my daughter has this placement in 12th house of her D1. I am a single mother so her father is absent. I hope her ego dicreases as she grows😩
Same my daughter also has this. Im a single mother too. Her father and us live in separate countires
Very satisfactory & detailed explained Sir......
I'll be watching these episodes very closely....Please keep them coming.
I'm dreading the Rahu-Saturn conjunction vid. I have it in the 11th house with Libra Rising!
I have this conjunction in the D7 first house, my son has all the "right" to be disrespectful to his dad, he has Saturn in Bharani pada 3, and his dad has Saturn in Bharani pada 1, its a very sad and bad situation, please if you feel like, send healing, we really need it . My sons relationship with his dad has been very cruel for a little boy, and so was the relationship of the father with the grandfather, and I haven't been the best mother either and on top of everything then I tried to make him respect his father, because I know that without having some respect for your father is difficult to be successful in life, but somethings are difficult to be forgiven and in some situations is difficult to respect people that neglect you or hurt you. I think the key to this is make the moon stronger ( and other planets, but starting from the moon) and then Sun Rahu can at least, start relaxing. Thank you, Kapiel because this has helped me to clarify in my mind and in words, situations that when we live them is difficult to pinpoint. I can see how sun rahu can get somebody into problems, but the remedy, is what is difficult, forcing somebody with sun rahu to respect the father, doesn't work, it needs to be healing, first x You have a very healing voice, and I like when you do what is obvious that you are capable of, I don't like it when channels are trying to compete and stay in the superficial, Astrology can heal, and it is helping me and through me, my family, to heal. Yeay! Thank you
First of tqu for this wonderful inormation Which planet helps good relationship with mother and wife sister plz help me
And also with brother and relatives
1. Lagna & Ghati Lagna in conjunction within 1 degree in Pushyami nakshatra in Cancer in birth chart.
2. Conjunction of atmakaraka Rahu (visakha nakshtra) & Pluto (R) (anuradha Nakshtra) (within 2 1/2 degrees) in Scorpio for Cancer Ascendant in lagna chart.
3. Vargottamasa Saturn & A10 in Aquarius with SL (within 2 1/2 degree conjunction) & A11 for Cancer ascendant.
4. Vargottama Neptune in Sagittarius & Vargottama Uranus in CApricorn within 3 degrees of uttarashada nakshatra.
Sir what an analysis and I loved the remedy for this , indeed this is what astrology is used for ,use the remedies for the betterment for yourself and society
I have sun and rahu conjunction
But my sun is my atmakaraka
Rahu is my amatya karaka
So, how does this work in the d9 chart, since d9 is after about 30 years old? Will Rahu still stop causing issues at 35? Or does it go on longer because it is in D9? I have sun and exhalted rahu in 2nd house in d9 and not sure how to read this.
Are you dominating or controlling about your partner
I have it in 1st house. It has been interesting journey so far with this combination. It has given push to me beyond imagined. Saade Saati and Saturn Returns have put a cap on the ego. I am maintaining that cap. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing to have that cap or unleash the energy.
I have this in navamsa in 1st house?? It is bad??
Hi. Please try to do the following videos:-
1. Narayana Dasa Interpretation
2. D24 Chart interpretation
3. Jupiter (R) in Libra aspected by Sun and Mercury in Aswni Nakshatra in ARies for Cancer Ascendant.
Dt is so true my father died early age my sun and rahu together in 10th house😭
hey ,really amazing after seeing ur videos ,it gives some type of confidence for me,can u plzz put videos about conjuction in any house with three planets
Sir what about 8th house if this conjunction is there..pls tell me!
Father left at age 6 and he never came back. Absent until 2024 so far.
Sun sixties Rahu
7:253, 6, 11 වැනි භාවයේ සූර්යයා සහ රාහු
thanks so much oh my god
you saved my life
My sun, rahu, saturn and mercury chillin in 7th house with mars, venus and jupiter hanging out in the neighborhood in 8th house😂😂😂
I also lost my father at an early age and never had any fatherly figure in my life, does this mean rahu is blocking my sun?
Yes it's right. My husband has sun rahu conjunction. It's true they r very very very much egoistic. This had hurt me a lot , a lot. True.
Mayura Chitre how’s your married life?
Mayura Chitre : mine has this too, high ego,
Pam Purba how long have you been married for?
how do i interpret this for the navamsa chart?
navamsha mostly applies to your married life and your spouse's character ..or yours in second half of life ..
So super general and could apply to anyone
Explain then
@@nobalqueen1803 planets aren't physically conjunct in space when conjunct in the Navamsa obviously.
Rofl, I have this combo along with worse things feeding this energy. Growing up was such a pain. People would be like you have a problem with authority! and I'd be like no I like myself just fine or who died and made you king. It never went way I just got smarter and wittier over time. Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for authority if it's de jure.
Pls make a video on sun and rahu conjunction in navamsa chart.
Yes l have it in My D9 1st house .
there is a topic which i did't see anyone desribe with true logic and that is '' how to read chart of twins'' .... some say first baby will be read from first house the second from 7th .. some say first baby from Ist house the second will be from moon ... plz make a video on this very important topic ... thanks ..
And I forgot to mention that my son in law had 8 operation to one of his eyes, and he still can't see properly with one eye.Rahu ,and Sun in the 2nd house.
You're truely amazing thank you for all the information you share with us
Hi there! How about a Rahu-Sun conjunction in LEO and Moon in ARIES...
I have the same one!!!! LEO SUN and Moon in Aries with rahu-sun conjunction
Sund and Rahu in 4th House? Did I miss it?
no he didnt mention it in the video
Trump has this in the 10th house
I have this conjunction in the 5th house and yes I always dominate my children..but it doesn’t work 😭😭😭
I feel with you!
I was wondering for an aries ascendant does it not make a Raj yoga? Because the trikon lord is sitting with Rahu in a kendra?
Also really like what you are doing. I like your south Indian-y accent. Btw, You talk a lot like Michael Scott.
What happens if Rahu and Sun conjunct in the house of Cancer [Karkataka rashi] in D10 Chart?
Why do you say Rahu conjunctions ease after 30-35? What is the theory behind this time frame? Thank you 🌟
hey Kapiel,pls make a video on lagna kundali v/s navmansha kundali as the placement of planets in different houses is different in both the charts.pls also discuss the effect of different planets in the same house in both the charts.....
Nice Video. Nice shirt. Nice for you sitting down instead of standing !!
Nice Analysis By Adv T E Barat Bushan Senior Advocate Member of MHAA Chennai ( Adv T E Barat Bushan S Acharya & Sri Rama Jayam) with regards
i have
rahu and sun in first house
Hi, could you please do videos on Lilith? I have a Lilith conjuncting my Ascendant. Thank you so much!
Does these conjunctions give effect if they're present in navamsa?
Analysis on point. Btw I liked the wrist watch. Is it Jacob and co?
Thank you! I like how you usually tell about aspects from the psychological point of view and with images / examples easy to memorize, it helps to learn :). *** What happens if this conjunction is in 10th house and in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio the 4th house (or in general), for a (family oriented) woman for example (the Sun & NN are squaring Jupiter). What remedy could be to soften it and to make it less malefic? (I came a across such a chart).
my Rah-sun Mahdasa Ended on the 30th of 2016,, I Had a Major Argument with my Dad before Christmas, I Almost Fought Him.. Im a Daughter though, We've been Fighting For 2 years,, I Don't Have the Ego Thing Going On. And I Am Power and money Hungry. But I Can Balance. My Rahu Is 2degrees 23'' in Scorpio
so real wow very very great prediction
Seriously mind is blow. I Will do more studying. In the meantime I need to understand why i never had a positive relationship with my mother or father. My birth is November 6 1978, 5:11 a.m.
My father passed away November 5,2004
Sum1 Switch'd tha Game up,M8 father could be due to debilitated Sun but chart indicates good relationship with Mom
I had...father is hyper...fearful... Over control...stubborn... Over in all...
hi kapiel,
i want to tell you that most of your conjunction related videos do not play in Germany because GEMA has not given the rights . . maybe you used some music which violates some copyright. . so please do something about it so that we can see your videos . . thank you
please do a video on conjuction of sun, rahu and mercury.
Same here in 3rd house
I have it too. 10th house
I have it in 12 house ...any help please
Rahu sun and mercury in 1st house
I have it in 8th house for cancer ascendent.
Hi Kapiel, great videos.
can you please make a video on (Moon Mars and ketu) conjunction and what it does in third house in Scorpio?
i hv this in D10 4th house... my father since my age of 14-15 years worked in foriegn places till he retires
Hi Kapiel,
I wonder how many German Fans you have :-). I want to support Shreyas comment on the conjuntion videos, as some of them cannot be watched in Germany - due to music used in them. Perhaps you could put them online again without music?
Otherwise keep on going I love your videos!
Excellent.. Perfectly true
Mydad works much and when i needed nurturance, he was trying to give it to me. we had a couple of traumatic violent hassels instead which brought sorrow. dificulty to trust his advices or listen to him, because of feeling he does not understand me thus not can tell me what to do. i try to respect him and see him as a good person, but both of us smetimes be very unrespectful to eachother. can get really ugly, thus i try to instead keep him on distance or take the situations more in peace.
i dont want to be disrespectful to elders...ugh i realize it only after doing it and it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth too :(
So true ... Each and every word true
Is this conjunction applicable to navamsa chart also?
Eclipse there till end...
Sun rhu
How much do you charge for a consultation?
Why you left on 4th house??
I hate my father. He is irresponsible and drinks everyday.
Now I am not. I have started to understand him and his upbringing and the circumstances he went through. And now its too difficult for him to improve as he is 55
Same as my father
Priya G
hi, your explanation for this conjunction (rahu and sun) is valid for all charts ? i mean, if rahu is in 4th house with mars in scorpio, and sun in 2nd house in virgo in birth chart, but rahu and sun together in D9 chart in first house in leo sign, than also this interpretation valid ? i appreciate your efforts to make us understand things very closely..thank you a lot for your time and efforts..
I have Rahu and Sun in the 10th house, in Aries (along with Mars too).
but Sun is 2 degrees, Rahu is 25 degrees. (mars 28).
Is that too far to be considered a conjunction?
Can you make a video on houses and what they represent all twelve. That'd help in every interpretation.
so Rahu (20°) and Sun (22°) in Leo in the first house would make me want to dominate.... what... myself? (first house=self) ?
everything you have explained is correct except the part about having a big ego and having problems with the government and the law... I respect laws and order 100% and I am a firm believer in Karma (stellium in Libra in the 3rd house) and I have a mild/mellow/balanced ego.
+Jaya Shree I'm not a "self proclaimed superstar"
Did both of you (you and Jaya Shree, in the comments) had a really difficult relationship with your dad? Was the relationship with your dad, cruel for a child? Was the dad difficult or in a difficult position?
Yeah, will help corroborate a lot. How was relationship with Dad? Any chance stayed away from you?
@@marwa99998 rahu in Aquarius is not that bad. Do you mind sharing birth details(date, time, place) to see other factors at play here?
@@marwa99998 Seems Saturn has more negative impact then Rahu. Your dad might have passed away after 2008. Things will certainly get better after 36 age. Also Rahu is in Capricorn & not Aquarius. You must be having attractive looks & tendency to gain weight is there. Foreign land will not be beneficial for you & will bring in troubles. Also troubles will be sudden & will also go away in an unexpected manner. Did something significant happened after Jan 2017? Try to return to your native land asap. See if you can fast on Fridays. Hope I am able to help.
I have the opposition between sun, black moon and Rahu... I don’t know much about it but wish there was more out there about it.
i have sun rahu close cuncjuction very close in Navamsa chart
will my marriage suck or can i skip all the above troubles you said by skipping marriage?
i am 21 y old
somebody please tell me !
also if moon and mars are sitting in 10th house and there is no planet 12th and 2nd to it
does that mean i have Kemdrum dosh ? for me mars is yogakaraka still Kemdrum dosh?
why did you stop? been waiting for jupiter saturn ketu. when will you start up again?
I have this placement in 9th house
I'm devoted to my father
And i never disrespect any elder I've never and i couldn't.
And i always feel I'm not good enough i can't be egoistic also
Egoistic is absolutely wrong. My sun has sun and rahu in third house. He is not egoistic at all.
I have Rahu and Sun in my 8th house. I'm a Sagittarius ascendant. I'm 22 years old and my father passed away 2 months ago. So I assume this is true. But I'm pretty much afraid what will be the other malefic effects of this conjunction. In my chart Sun and Rahu are roughly 3° apart from eachother.
bro how is your life now
Can u explain this in navamsha chart
Sun and rahu conjunction in navamasa in 5th house in Libra sign
when you say "in conjunction" , does that mean within 5 degrees? At what degree range is it not in conjunction and just be Rahu and Sun happen to have the same sign in the same house?
lambchops more than 6 degree effect is less
I have rahu sun conjunction vishakha nakshatra 4th house . I am going through schizophrenia in rahu mahadasha running and he only my father was there to highly concerned about my health and relationship is very much looks good outside but inside i have hallucinations that my father is not good fighting with father is all obsessive hallucinations not reality otherwise over relationship is very famous . I studied in government university and that years were worst of my life
what about respecting just elders? i am single mom and my son has sun and rahu in 12th house...ex was abusive and is out of our life. my son is almost incapable of respecting authority...he understands it though and is aware of it...but the thing you say about respecting fathers....what otehr remedies pls?
what's up with the frying pan on your wrist
It's a solar plexus yoga ;)
A Man has to eat....
demskies 😂😂😂
What happens when rahu is conjunct sun in 8th house for Virgo ascendant?
Kapiel, is this conjuction is called pitridosha....if so then i have this conjuction in 8th house but i respect my father very much and really he is the one who loves me atmost. i am 39 year old but one thing i have noticed in my inlaws my brother in law and my father in law are exactly opposite to each other, is this i can say that it is because of this conjuction in inlaws house.....please elaborate...
How's ur married life with this conjunction in 8th house??
Ouawh, thanks so much for this videoo! I am the mum of a terrible 2yo girl who has this aspect in her 11thvhouse and she is very hard to make her doing what she has to do (basics things of little kids).As a mum I often discredite her father.What mistake I have done!! I will support much more my husband now!!!
do shabra mantras help to pacify rahu planet and make successful in life. please reply sir .
Donald Trump has this feature and he had a very good relationship with his father - I think you're wrong about the father-son relationship.
no its right
what about Rahu and Sun both in House #5 , along with Mars and Mercury. All in conjunction in House #5 which is Sagittarius?