Access your Heart to ground & relate with the Cosmic Heart. Birthing New Earth.

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Hello Lovely ones. Thanks for stopping by.
    We get another weekly energy upgrade. September, 14 -20, 2024.
    And this time it access to the heart.
    We have just started to unlock our operating#system #heart of #homoluminous, along with #dna and #light intake
    This week this upgrade allows us to break free, relate with the Heart, and #birth #NewEarth.
    Time for Heart Connectedness, bringing the human experience and our source fractal together the magic and the matter, yes it is mysterious and takes you to the zenith
    We are still in Virgo, grounding times, as well as #harvesting times from the heart in love and harmony.
    The #lightlanguage #bridge takes us to accessing these new rhythms of the heart
    Exciting times.
    We can be tired at this time and overwhelmed, ready to let go. You also get clear about many things which supports the letting go and ability to see beyond and within.
    We also have the full moon on the 17th. A super moon and partial #eclipse. - so the #cosmos and #magic of #nature.
    Enjoy the reflection and Dreamtime much to realise and understand with this access to the heart, an energy upgrade that expands our Consciousness, Ascension and evolution.
    It is time to dance together.
    And find these new #rhythms of the #Heart to birth into the new consciousness of Aquarius.
    How are you navigating and experiencing this week?
    Please share.
    As a Bridge to New Earth we are thrilled to
    See more and more crossing over
    Into New Earth and Sonqos’Worlds, the Worlds of the Heart
    Sonqos' Worlds |Access to Living from the Heart: Our Unique Choice
    Find and enjoy their Passion Pieces in Heart Harmonics.
    Our first. New Earth Recipe for Conscious Awakening is available.
    The Art of Letting go Now
    A recipe of Love for you.
    You can enjoy as online Zenith experiences music & Meditations. Mystic Heart truths & wisdom +++ or as retreat in the Jungle of Peru with us.
    And there is more. Stay tuned