Ghaziez isqof Anton itlob lil Madonna ta pinu ghallfamilja tieghi hajjin u mejtin ghax gesu salvatur tal hajjin u mejtin ahna great grand parents mil gharb u nanny min San Lawrencenz u ommi l ghazieza tlifniha kmieni ta 50 maxkienx hawn community chest fund fit2ta January 1966mietet imma le ta ommi ta fidi kbira kellha hafna fidi u relationship zgur iva ma gesu,il taghlim zammha libjkollha iktar mintarbkkja wahda support wished tarbijja ghax. Blue baby ommi ,it tama taghna inkunu ma missieri u huti ma ommi u il Madonna diekvtwennisninlilha nghidvkollox u twenisninil Madonna helwa zokkor ggax bkejt hafna ghall ommi imma lilha sibt hasejtha tghidli ," mela ma ghandekx fiduciary fijja ,inhobba wisq il Madonna, hadtvmaxjibza minnha il Madonna,,,zmsjt storja li hi zammitha mara li kienetvtmur il neokatejumine u omm ir ragel tagha tghid lil Binham li tmur ma l irgiel u kienet tmur il taghlim ,qaltlj hizammitni il Madonna ,hafna anki papiet ghandha jmorru in nanu hutu min San Lawrence imma ma l gharb kienu anki midfunin il buznanniet u hutu in nannu felic u hutu tnejn sacerdoti ,dejjem inhobba anki tifl a nohlom behavior nara. Mal babies itieru hdejha u b sash blue skur ,kem. Thobbna il Madonna kollha kollha iktar .ajkollna tbatijja iktar isieb lilha min jafvkemm tmur il purgatory il Madonna zgur days kemm jien zgura qeghda nikteb ,meta nhobbu l ,,,,Madonna,zgur isalva darba ghatilh ghalkimni jief inti truedni nhobb lil gesu? U il Madonna smart thought hekk ,' gesu kellhu injama dejqa that riglejh u iprova hafna biex ma jaqax min fuqha ,ghx hekk waqa ,jien il- musmar icaratlh riglejh sa fuq uvjmut fgat" bkejt veru nibki kemm bata fesu jahasra gesu kemm bata biex lili salvation,kief vista mThobbux u madurai flispirtu w verita u tfahhru f qalbek veru x imhabba diek the greatest love of all Jesus christ ,the most heroic act of love, barbaric his death asxinsteD of barabba he took the barbaric death ,ghalina,lkoll veru veru bla kliem lanqas hem Djevtives sbieh enough ghall gesu,hlief oh my god lord of Lords. King of Kings joly one true God, holy of holies Jesus, holy baby ,holy child ,holy teenager, holy man ,the good one of Israel, the love of His parents , jesaaua knows what happens to priest who have a wife and children ,evil persons will attack their lives and their children because some people hate if other family is better than theirs, thry do not know ,that what is for the world as ugly is gold to Jesus and what is like so shiny that is beautiful to wordly is not gold to god , that song has great voice butcnot enough want more no no no ,I wS told lies about me at 19 so my fTher did not know the truth about me and my youngest sister ,my eldest brother was tired t work for us still when he had a wife,himself and five children as he worked for us since carpenter workers left for immigration and guzeppi opened his own shop so father did not know any schooling sobmy eldest brother worked for us all ten with parents he suffered alotvmy eldest brother I live him the most because of Him I know how eldest sons sufferedcimensly like priests for father heavenly too as the more learned they are the huger the mission so I understood S end of story you get tobknow the sad truth S it hurts to have younger siblings familyvof your own ,,,and huge family frcmario borg in his eighties told me look after your small family and let me take care of huge family he passed away ivknow he did but rest with god he is sure yes Jesus? Yes I met him at Rabat inserm heyold us you will know less when you finished three years u did n one year then I got hurt badly lifting a heavy resident alone in wheelchairotgerstudent nurse was very shirt near me andxpatient resident had to be in wheelchair 2.30pm and Fternoon only two on three floors well likeclouds evrything moves on andcin evry cloud there is a,silver lining so god inbour sufferrings give us a silver lining there is sunshine after grey clouds that is why silver lining called hope bye take god care,holy notgercofckourdes,pray for true love for my beloved and all so then we let them love younger generation as love is kind to one another that is true love *if someone needs to be cred for we be dependable I wish I wS more loving as I foundxothdrs who surpasses,me alot my good examples most of all monks and priests yes 100" yes true tresures not perfect but always tsrsures alive of sky home god bless them all all all only god knows Hearts,but we can tell so too
Tkanta sabiha hafna! Grazzi!
Ghaziez isqof Anton itlob lil Madonna ta pinu ghallfamilja tieghi hajjin u mejtin ghax gesu salvatur tal hajjin u mejtin ahna great grand parents mil gharb u nanny min San Lawrencenz u ommi l ghazieza tlifniha kmieni ta 50 maxkienx hawn community chest fund fit2ta January 1966mietet imma le ta ommi ta fidi kbira kellha hafna fidi u relationship zgur iva ma gesu,il taghlim zammha libjkollha iktar mintarbkkja wahda support wished tarbijja ghax. Blue baby ommi ,it tama taghna inkunu ma missieri u huti ma ommi u il Madonna diekvtwennisninlilha nghidvkollox u twenisninil Madonna helwa zokkor ggax bkejt hafna ghall ommi imma lilha sibt hasejtha tghidli ," mela ma ghandekx fiduciary fijja ,inhobba wisq il Madonna, hadtvmaxjibza minnha il Madonna,,,zmsjt storja li hi zammitha mara li kienetvtmur il neokatejumine u omm ir ragel tagha tghid lil Binham li tmur ma l irgiel u kienet tmur il taghlim ,qaltlj hizammitni il Madonna ,hafna anki papiet ghandha jmorru in nanu hutu min San Lawrence imma ma l gharb kienu anki midfunin il buznanniet u hutu in nannu felic u hutu tnejn sacerdoti ,dejjem inhobba anki tifl a nohlom behavior nara. Mal babies itieru hdejha u b sash blue skur ,kem. Thobbna il Madonna kollha kollha iktar .ajkollna tbatijja iktar isieb lilha min jafvkemm tmur il purgatory il Madonna zgur days kemm jien zgura qeghda nikteb ,meta nhobbu l ,,,,Madonna,zgur isalva darba ghatilh ghalkimni jief inti truedni nhobb lil gesu? U il Madonna smart thought hekk ,' gesu kellhu injama dejqa that riglejh u iprova hafna biex ma jaqax min fuqha ,ghx hekk waqa ,jien il- musmar icaratlh riglejh sa fuq uvjmut fgat" bkejt veru nibki kemm bata fesu jahasra gesu kemm bata biex lili salvation,kief vista mThobbux u madurai flispirtu w verita u tfahhru f qalbek veru x imhabba diek the greatest love of all Jesus christ ,the most heroic act of love, barbaric his death asxinsteD of barabba he took the barbaric death ,ghalina,lkoll veru veru bla kliem lanqas hem Djevtives sbieh enough ghall gesu,hlief oh my god lord of Lords. King of Kings joly one true God, holy of holies Jesus, holy baby ,holy child ,holy teenager, holy man ,the good one of Israel, the love of His parents , jesaaua knows what happens to priest who have a wife and children ,evil persons will attack their lives and their children because some people hate if other family is better than theirs, thry do not know ,that what is for the world as ugly is gold to Jesus and what is like so shiny that is beautiful to wordly is not gold to god , that song has great voice butcnot enough want more no no no ,I wS told lies about me at 19 so my fTher did not know the truth about me and my youngest sister ,my eldest brother was tired t work for us still when he had a wife,himself and five children as he worked for us since carpenter workers left for immigration and guzeppi opened his own shop so father did not know any schooling sobmy eldest brother worked for us all ten with parents he suffered alotvmy eldest brother I live him the most because of Him I know how eldest sons sufferedcimensly like priests for father heavenly too as the more learned they are the huger the mission so I understood S end of story you get tobknow the sad truth S it hurts to have younger siblings familyvof your own ,,,and huge family frcmario borg in his eighties told me look after your small family and let me take care of huge family he passed away ivknow he did but rest with god he is sure yes Jesus? Yes I met him at Rabat inserm heyold us you will know less when you finished three years u did n one year then I got hurt badly lifting a heavy resident alone in wheelchairotgerstudent nurse was very shirt near me andxpatient resident had to be in wheelchair 2.30pm and Fternoon only two on three floors well likeclouds evrything moves on andcin evry cloud there is a,silver lining so god inbour sufferrings give us a silver lining there is sunshine after grey clouds that is why silver lining called hope bye take god care,holy notgercofckourdes,pray for true love for my beloved and all so then we let them love younger generation as love is kind to one another that is true love *if someone needs to be cred for we be dependable I wish I wS more loving as I foundxothdrs who surpasses,me alot my good examples most of all monks and priests yes 100" yes true tresures not perfect but always tsrsures alive of sky home god bless them all all all only god knows Hearts,but we can tell so too