Teenage Fanclub About you Croxton Bandroom



  • @bbowman5920
    @bbowman5920 3 місяці тому +1

    I - I - I - I - I - always wish the airwaves had gave this song some airplay the year it came out. Doom, dark, and gloom was so fashionable at the time that it made TF sound not just poppy & happy but borderline cheese which they are very much not. But the timing was all wrong. Airwaves almost overnight those 2 years went from Poison, Boyz2Men, En Vogue, Billy Idol, and GnR to skipping every relevant record that led up to a , its alternative rock bc we have limited rock genre space at Circuit City as it is. Or Sam Goody, or Peaches. Or Tower Records, or School Kid's R&T. You get the point.
    Shelf space is not physical virtual now. Endless really. Subgenre artists can be seen and without taking off the plastic wrapper.
    TF had albums worth peeling wrappers off. People just never knew of them unless they had that 1 cool music friend or liked college radio stations.
    Fn kids today can just click on $$$ import rare cuts by artists. We had to work for new stuff. TF is click worthy still.