Movie 1st, retelling of the story of when Nanoha met Fate. It is said that THE MOVIE 1st functions as an educational video for mages in the autumn of 0078 (few months after StrikerS Sound Stage X). Therefore in the BD-R release, an extra audio stream features the former Forwards from StrikerS commenting on the "video" scenes throughout the whole movie. On another hand, THE MOVIE 2nd A's is a documentary produced by a non-management world (probably Earth) in 0079.[1] The production is in completion stage after the timing of the Intermiddle match between Vivio Takamachi and Miura Rinaldi
omg love it
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Excuse me, I'm new to the fandom. The animation of the video, what does it belong to? Is it a remake?
Movie 1st, retelling of the story of when Nanoha met Fate.
It is said that THE MOVIE 1st functions as an educational video for mages in the autumn of 0078 (few months after StrikerS Sound Stage X). Therefore in the BD-R release, an extra audio stream features the former Forwards from StrikerS commenting on the "video" scenes throughout the whole movie.
On another hand, THE MOVIE 2nd A's is a documentary produced by a non-management world (probably Earth) in 0079.[1] The production is in completion stage after the timing of the Intermiddle match between Vivio Takamachi and Miura Rinaldi
Who's the song by?