What China just did to the U.S. Military is SHOCKING and Taiwan is Doomed

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • The U.S. military is on high alert as recent military drills by China's Peoples Liberation Army have revealed that a war over Taiwan would only last 15 minutes. This video breaks down everything you need to know about how we got to this dangerous point in US-China relations.
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    #china #usmilitary #taiwan

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @geopoliticshaiphong
    @geopoliticshaiphong  3 місяці тому +121

    Independent media is under attack! Please support this show on Patreon at Patreon.com/dannyhaiphong to ensure this channel remains sustainable

    • @GenocideNoahide-tk5sc
      @GenocideNoahide-tk5sc 3 місяці тому +2

      China has600,000,000 ppl still in poverty.ccp = tienamen square.DO NOT FORGET ,, SOCIAL SCORE ,, MILLIONS DESTITUTE.

    • @GenocideNoahide-tk5sc
      @GenocideNoahide-tk5sc 3 місяці тому

      OK the west is crazy but do not expect freedom of thought,speach,happiness under CCP...

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 3 місяці тому

      Some false belief in this report, Dan. If the US dared to this Nuclear? Well, we should all know that Russia does have the capabilities to shoot down all US ICBM's (So would be reasonable to think, so will China)..
      We also know the USA has no defence against even the much older Soviet ICBM's, let alone Russia's modern lethal ICBM's, like, (Sarmat), a manoeuvrable long range ICBM that doesn't need to follow a ballistic path, carrying up to 24 MERVS, over speeds of Mach 20.7; 4.3 miles per second; 15,480 miles per hour.
      Also, because we saw the USA, under Trump, really foolishly, pull out of the nuclear arms treaty, (that prohibited the creation of any short-mid range nuclear weapons), now sees even the old defensive threat of "MAD", as an obsolete defensive threat today. So, how insane was that, really?
      Because, Russia has created those short-mid range missiles, and they've done so creating, hypersonic mid-range missiles, able to carry nuclear tipped warheads, or full nuclear warheads, travelling at speeds we've not seen before.
      Today's (reality), really is very clear, right at this time, as we speak, the USA is just incredibly lucky that Russian nuclear policy doesn't threaten pre-emptive strikes, but is only a defensive nuclear policy.
      If the USA had done any of what they are today, (stepping over every red line), in the times of the USSR, for example, a nuclear war would have already taken place.
      But, now that Russia has unveiled what the USA is trying to do, and after hearing the USA, (bizarrely, basically admitting what they're trying to do), will see Russia, soon, change their defensive nuclear posture, to a pre-emptive nuclear posture, and honestly, who could blame them for doing exactly that?
      Because, (as Russia is very aware), reality, always trumps everything else, and today's reality, is, they'd be able to strike and hit all US defensive stations and their platforms, along with all US nuclear silos, destroying them all within minutes, long before the US could even begin to think about any sort of retaliatory launch.
      And even more reality, today, is, that any launch from the USA, would be pretty much meaningless. As Russia has the S-500 (anti-ballistic missile defence systems), and the S-550, that's able to operate alongside Russia's new A-235 anti-ballistic missile system, with the ability to shoot down hypersonic attack weapons, hypersonic orbital platforms, ballistic missiles, and their combat units, as well as satellites in near space.
      And again, we know this is not just "Russian propaganda", (it never is), as we've all seen and watched Russia do exactly this, and they did so, so damn easily too. ICBM's of the USA, can be detected, tracked and shot down quite easily by Russia today.
      Any nuclear effort from the USA, today, would see them lose, and they'd lose big time! Massively, in fact, annihilation, is the only apt word.
      Yet we read the Americans, with simply no idea about any of these facts, none, not a clue, man!
      It is clear to us, that we have to defend our interests, and to do so consistently, not boorishly or rudely, in both the sphere of the economy and of defence. The pressure will only end when the USA will be “persuaded” that the methods they are using are ineffective, counterproductive, and harmful to all ~ Vladimir Putin, 2014.
      It never fails to amaze me the way our partners the US, (as we say in Russia) Stand on the same rake twice.~ Vladimir Putin, 2016.
      The United States must “Rise above their endless desire to dominate” ~ Vladimir Putin, 2018.
      For the first time in all the history of nuclear weaponry, (including the Soviet period), we aren’t playing catch-up with anyone. Other states have yet to create the weapons that Russia already has, ~ Vladimir Putin, 2020.
      Talk about NOT taking the hint?
      Oh well, suicide is painless, I guess.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 3 місяці тому +6

      You see, when we really do take a step back, and actually do analyse the USA's (real military capabilities), today? It's a horror story for the Americans, in all honesty.
      Over these last 25 years, they've been out thought (right across the military board), they've been significantly out-built, and they've been technically beaten, hands down, by both Russia, and China, (who are banging out modern hi-tech, hi-quality, military hardware in all areas of their military today).
      Even though, much is largely defensive, it's also tactically offensive, and being done with a very focused and real analytic understanding of where they need to be at various stages of their military advancement.
      Although we actually know, very little, (in all truth), what they've allowed us to see, there's nothing I could single out, and criticize, even if I wanted too. So far, everything has been completely logical.
      A great question, that really points out today's military power, (realities), is, what does the USA lead the world in today, concerning anything military? And the answer to that question, is, absolutely nothing!
      For example, In today's world of hi-tech, Anti-Ship ballistic missiles, like the Chinese DF-21D - operational range (1700 km's) that can sink any carrier in the world with a single hit, really means, all Navy's, (including the USA's), without the ability to defend against these missiles, are in effect, obsolete today.
      Russia's Zircon Anti-Ship missile, though inferior in way of operational range - 1000kms. It can be fired from Aircraft, Subs, and Ships, making it deadly to any carrier in the world. (Russia also have the Brahmos and the P-800 Oniks, Anti-Ship missiles).
      We all know that neither the US, or the UK, have any destroyer, (or any other means), that can defend against these modern hi-tech, ASM's today! Seeing, the USA's Navy as pretty much obsolete in today's world.
      We only need to look how far the US jets can travel, it's approx, about 500-650 (max) km's out - and the same back again = 1300 km's range. Seeing the US unable to deploy any carrier close enough, to reach any inland target, and then get back again. Anywhere inside 1700 km's, they're sunk, they're toast, they're history.
      This is also why, when we hear the USA "shouting out" how they're sending a carrier to the South China Sea, (as some kind of imagined "propaganda threat" toward China). Only, when we look at the GPS positioning, of any US carrier in the SCS, they're never seen closer than 2500 km's from Chinas mainland! It's more commonly known as (hot air), "bluster".
      Then, when looking at another of the most important areas of today's militaries - (Electronic Warfare)? We again find, the Russians are literally decades ahead.
      Russia have the GaN MMICs, the krasukha, the murmansk-BN, and Magrav technology (NATO: Khibiny) developed by Iranian-born nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe (called “a modern-day Nikola Tesla”).
      And we can say for sure, this EW hardware is super impressive, as we've no answer to it, and we've also seen this E/W in action on at least 4 occasions we know of. (Obviously claims denied by the USA), only if untrue, then I'm just left asking why it was, that we saw the response, we saw, from the USA, basically confirming these events?
      1) In 2013, we've seen a Russian SU-24 fly repeatedly around and directly over the USS Cook, leaving the Cook helpless to defend itself.
      2) In 2014, we've seen a Russian SU-24 (flying at an altitude of only 10 feet), fly directly at, and straight over the USS Ross, eleven times, with the Ross completely unable to prevent It or respond to It.
      3) As Russian forces arrived In Syria in 2015 we had many reports of US/NATO/Israeli radar being scrambled, leaving them unable to communicate or offer any response to the Russian forces. As one report said, the silence from the West was deafening!
      4) In March 2015, a further related report notes. Federation submarine naval forces attacked with their advanced electronic defensive weapons the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) causing it to turn and struggle to the coast of Britain (to the amazement of the public). Where she remained for 9 days undergoing Intensive major re-wiring. It's believed Russian electronic warfare pods (NATO: Khibiny) were used in a Russian trial of this technology, for its submarine fleets.
      White House spokesman Josh Earnest, who said of the encounter with the Cook... "This incident is entirely inconsistent with the professional norms of militaries operating in close proximity with each other in international waters. E/C measures taken by the Russian Federation are completely unacceptable".
      To which the Russian MoD replied... Frankly speaking, [we] do not understand the reason for such a painful reaction of our American colleagues, as the principle of freedom of navigation for the US destroyer, (which is staying in close proximity to a Russian naval base in the Baltic Sea), does [not] at all cancel the principle of freedom of flight for Russian aircraft testing Russian defensive systems.
      A further Ministry of Defence (MoD) report also stated that for the second time in two years, advanced Federation “electronic warfare defences” have crippled the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75). It was noted when Baltic Fleet “special forces elements” offered assistance to tow the destroyer back to their Polish port, the Americans refused to respond.
      According to this report, in April 2014, the USS Donald Cook, while performing a mission in the Black Sea, substantially violated Federation “territorial integrity” causing President Putin to authorize an “electronic warfare defence” attack against it, that was so devastating this top-line warship was left adrift-and once towed back to its Polish port, its American sailors were so demoralized 27 of them filed immediate letters of resignation from the US Navy.
      One year later, in May 2015, this report continues, and again in the Black Sea, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG-71) substantially violated Federation “territorial integrity” causing President Putin, to once again, authorize an “electronic warfare defence” attack against it.
      But when confronted with the fate that befell the USS Donald Cook the year prior, it retreated-causing one Russian top-level Naval Officer to state: It seems that the Americans did not forget the April 2014 USS Donald Cook incident - A Federation SU-24 equipped with EW pods shut down the new American destroyer.
      This attack encounter of Federation forces with the USS Donald Cook, this report details, began when this American warship began an “aggressive combat manoeuvre” against the Baltic Sea Fleet port in Kaliningrad, to which President Putin authorized an immediate “electronic warfare defence” against it.
      The facts are, the USA have nothing able to defeat, or even hamper Russian EW, today.
      Then, looking at another of the most important areas of these militaries today, (Ground Warfare)? We find that Russian troops with reserves, outnumber the USA, and we must also understand, that any attack on Russia, would immediately see China join the conflict, then outnumbering the USA in the millions today.
      But, also, and more to the point, what have we ever seen from any US troops, that could make anyone believe or think, they'd be any sort of threat or match, for any of these well-disciplined, well-trained, Russian troops, who are all fully bled, and are prepared to stand and fight for their country's freedom, (seeing them fighting for all the right reasons). While the US troops, would only be fighting for attempted US tyranny.
      All throughout the history of wars, we always find, that all those fighting for the right reasons, (like their own freedom), have never lost. While on the other hand, all those who fought for all the wrong reasons, like global control/tyranny, have all, not only lost, but all have been annihilated.
      The Americans, would all be very wise to understand this, as we see this in every war, over and over again! Nothing will change this time, only the annihilation might be much more severe, but it must also be recognized, and said, just as deserved!
      Then, when looking at today's (Missile World)? We find, that, once again. Russia easily rules the missile world, today. Russia's modern hi-tech missiles, that include hypersonic missiles, (with Russian GLONASS, GPS targeting systems), give Russia such incredible precision, the USA has nothing we can even say, compares.
      And as we've all witnessed, Russia was pinpoint accurate, targeting single buildings in Syria, even seen guiding their missiles straight down chimney pots, or straight in through the front doors, and doing so from the Caspian Sea from distances of, up to 6500 km away.
      Russia has also provided clear, precise footage, of all her long range missile attacks in Syria, (that we can see all came from the Russian control room online).
      Russian hypersonic missiles, we all know the USA can't defend against, and Russia has many other lethal hypersonic missiles being created, and added to her arsenal on a regular basis, today.
      Personally, in any upcoming war, I give the USA precisely zero chance, none, not even a little snippet of a chance, annihilation is all they'll get.
      And again, it must be said, 100%, deservedly so.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 3 місяці тому

      Some false belief in this report, Dan. If the US dared to this Nuclear? Well, we should all know that Russia does have the capabilities to shoot down all US ICBM's (So would be reasonable to think, so will China)..
      We also know the USA has no defence against even the much older Soviet ICBM's, let alone Russia's modern lethal ICBM's, like, (Sarmat), a manoeuvrable long range ICBM that doesn't need to follow a ballistic path, carrying up to 24 MERVS, over speeds of Mach 20.7; 4.3 miles per second; 15,480 miles per hour.
      Also, because we saw the USA, under Trump, really foolishly, pull out of the nuclear arms treaty, (that prohibited the creation of any short-mid range nuclear weapons), now sees even the old defensive threat of "MAD", as an obsolete defensive threat today. So, how insane was that, really?
      Because, Russia has created those short-mid range missiles, and they've done so creating, hypersonic mid-range missiles, able to carry nuclear tipped warheads, or full nuclear warheads, travelling at speeds we've not seen before.
      Today's (reality), really is very clear, right at this time, as we speak, the USA is just incredibly lucky that Russian nuclear policy doesn't threaten pre-emptive strikes, but is only a defensive nuclear policy.
      If the USA had done any of what they are today, (stepping over every red line), in the times of the USSR, for example, a nuclear war would have already taken place.
      But, now that Russia has unveiled what the USA is trying to do, and after hearing the USA, (bizarrely, basically admitting what they're trying to do), will see Russia, soon, change their defensive nuclear posture, to a pre-emptive nuclear posture, and honestly, who could blame them for doing exactly that?
      Because, (as Russia is very aware), reality, always trumps everything else, and today's reality, is, they'd be able to strike and hit all US defensive stations and their platforms, along with all US nuclear silos, destroying them all within minutes, long before the US could even begin to think about any sort of retaliatory launch.
      And even more reality, today, is, that any launch from the USA, would be pretty much meaningless. As Russia has the S-500 (anti-ballistic missile defence systems), and the S-550, that's able to operate alongside Russia's new A-235 anti-ballistic missile system, with the ability to shoot down hypersonic attack weapons, hypersonic orbital platforms, ballistic missiles, and their combat units, as well as satellites in near space.
      And again, we know this is not just "Russian propaganda", (it never is), as we've all seen and watched Russia do exactly this, and they did so, so damn easily too. ICBM's of the USA, can be detected, tracked and shot down quite easily by Russia today.
      Any nuclear effort from the USA, today, would see them lose, and they'd lose big time! Massively, in fact, annihilation, is the only apt word.
      Yet we read the Americans, with simply no idea about any of these facts, none, not a clue, man!
      It is clear to us, that we have to defend our interests, and to do so consistently, not boorishly or rudely, in both the sphere of the economy and of defence. The pressure will only end when the USA will be “persuaded” that the methods they are using are ineffective, counterproductive, and harmful to all ~ Vladimir Putin, 2014.
      It never fails to amaze me the way our partners the US, (as we say in Russia) Stand on the same rake twice.~ Vladimir Putin, 2016.
      The United States must “Rise above their endless desire to dominate” ~ Vladimir Putin, 2018.
      For the first time in all the history of nuclear weaponry, (including the Soviet period), we aren’t playing catch-up with anyone. Other states have yet to create the weapons that Russia already has, ~ Vladimir Putin, 2020.
      Talk about NOT taking the hint?
      Oh well, suicide is painless, I guess.

  • @johnalder6028
    @johnalder6028 3 місяці тому +523

    Taiwan and Ukraine should remember that Henry Kissinger said it's more dangerous to be an ally of America than it is to be an enemy.

    • @monikaweigand-stubenvoll400
      @monikaweigand-stubenvoll400 3 місяці тому +36

      "It's fatal" he said.

    • @Sammyli99
      @Sammyli99 3 місяці тому +19

      and Kiss-end-Yah, knew, as of course he is the founder of the WEF and the biggest King Whisperer, for the Zion-boyz....EVER.

    • @derek123wil0
      @derek123wil0 3 місяці тому +8

      They don't remember. They live in virtual reality

    • @StevePowell-p9f
      @StevePowell-p9f 3 місяці тому +3

      You are the same person who uses the same quote over and over again. It was William Buckley who said that about Richard Nixon. Buckley was making the comment about the dangers of populists.

    • @InvisibleBiscuit
      @InvisibleBiscuit 3 місяці тому +1

      Who’s actually well known for big boy and lil boy.

  • @fredschoepke7916
    @fredschoepke7916 3 місяці тому +515

    The US military works for the rich people.

    • @johnmatthews8810
      @johnmatthews8810 3 місяці тому +69

      As does the US media.

    • @djangokill65
      @djangokill65 3 місяці тому

      The US is just a corporation with a military and ONLY serves capital.

    • @khunjam8852
      @khunjam8852 3 місяці тому

      The us gov/military are slaves for .001%..

    • @mindfornication4funn
      @mindfornication4funn 3 місяці тому

      And for whom should the US military work for, the poor people ??!!! Poor people would decide to invade Jerry Springer !!!
      If it wasn't for the rich folks, all-y'all would still be bouncing on tree branches....

    • @jahloveredeemer4093
      @jahloveredeemer4093 3 місяці тому

      USA can never defeat China in a conventional war

  • @kenji170
    @kenji170 3 місяці тому +105

    I always thought it was Ironic that the Taiwanese were originally fighting the US/UK in the Boxer Revolution then end up being their pawns

    • @giselafitz2898
      @giselafitz2898 3 місяці тому +20

      CIA and money

    • @s0m3cunt91
      @s0m3cunt91 3 місяці тому

      Taiwan didn't exist until nearly 50 years afterwards though, so the correlation seems extremely desperate.

    • @aliceyingshan2725
      @aliceyingshan2725 3 місяці тому +3

      And secret deals with alien technology? Maybe? The world is so exciting!😮

    • @hectorshouse7348
      @hectorshouse7348 3 місяці тому +6


    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому

      Did the Chinese fight the occupation for one hundred years by the Japs?

  • @lexburen5932
    @lexburen5932 3 місяці тому +253

    The globalists tried to make a fool out of russia, except they ended up making a fool out of themselves. Let that be a lesson :)

    • @MDNQ-ud1ty
      @MDNQ-ud1ty 3 місяці тому

      The mafia is not so good when it has to cross the ocean to break kneecaps. Takes too long and the drugs are too potent today. By the time they get across the ocean the jet lack + crackhead fog is too much and they forget what they flew over for.

    • @ronalddudek4991
      @ronalddudek4991 3 місяці тому +8

      For them victory is measured in $$$$$ not lines on a map

    • @-TheOracle-
      @-TheOracle- 3 місяці тому

      Ermm, Putin having to go to North Korea for weapons isn't news worthy?

    • @amai2307
      @amai2307 3 місяці тому

      ​@@ronalddudek4991and they re losing $$$$. Reputation loss transfers into countries rejecting dollars and selling US debts. Look at what happening with petrodollar. Even Saudi dont afraid to be killed like Gaddafi when he wanted to reject dollar.

    • @kathy888
      @kathy888 3 місяці тому +7

      It's Russia, not russia.

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 3 місяці тому +99

    US wanted to make a fool out of China. But instead, the US made a fool of itself. Let that be a lesson.

    • @daomingjin
      @daomingjin 3 місяці тому

      covid made a fool out of China... the CCP tried to say for 3 years "no ya didn't" - until the country started revolting. Then they said "oh, ok, your right... we were just joking... go about your lives"

    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому +7

      😂😂😂. The saying goes "shoot your own feet. Or Chinese saying: lift a huge stone 🪨 only to drop on your own feet.

    • @marietheresa7866
      @marietheresa7866 3 місяці тому +5

      True ✅✅✅✅

    • @eyohboy455
      @eyohboy455 3 місяці тому

      Let that be a bot comment.

    • @eyohboy455
      @eyohboy455 3 місяці тому

      ... and how exactly did USA makena fool of themselves?

  • @raziazahid8449
    @raziazahid8449 3 місяці тому +153


    • @kajjebre
      @kajjebre 3 місяці тому

      Hawaii are ILLEGALY occupied by force. Hawaiian King still claims Hawaii as his country.

    • @adriankhoo6358
      @adriankhoo6358 3 місяці тому +37

      @@1truth1love Hawaii was colonized at gunpoint... read the history lol.

    • @Qiangyu
      @Qiangyu 3 місяці тому +1

      Brainwash Florida.

    • @bryansprague5946
      @bryansprague5946 3 місяці тому

      ​@@1truth1love Aloha My fellow Hawaiians. You help the 40 million strong Californians. I'm pretty sure the Whole World 🌎. Would Love to see you Be your own independent Nation (neutral of course). And Then have The Whole World 🌎 Declare All the Islands 🏝️ A Unessco Heritage Nation (or something like that). And Then we Embark on a massive money raising campaign. To restore the fanas and Waters of this most Beautiful ❤️ Eden! For the World's Children. And Future Generations. 60 year old Left Wing Hippie Blue Dog Liberal. Hey what ever happened to Yugoslavia?

    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 3 місяці тому +10

      @@adriankhoo6358 For some reason Philippine wants to be the next Hawaii, just look at all those military bases build around them, they could just turn around point it at them.

  • @AllenMitchell-vn4yc
    @AllenMitchell-vn4yc 3 місяці тому +72

    How can the United States fight on four fronts.. ? China, North Korea, Israel, Ukraine.. ? And how long can they sustain it.. ?

    • @gregmccoy5389
      @gregmccoy5389 3 місяці тому +6

      A month or two.

    • @alrent2992
      @alrent2992 3 місяці тому +16

      They can't! 😂

    • @BrookT786
      @BrookT786 3 місяці тому +21

      Add Iran to the list...

    • @joshuastoughton1693
      @joshuastoughton1693 3 місяці тому +11

      Oh, it would be more than 4. We would have to defend the canal in egypt. We would probably see conflict in eastern europe like serbia. The cartels south of us are still a problem. Something is likely to kick up in south america like venezuala or even argentina. There would be conflict in africa over resources, remember waaagner is still there. Not to mention Japan, or the phillipines. And forbid India or pakistan start trading blows like everyone else. And speaking of india or pakistan, Greece and Turkey are still at each other's throats. Not to mention anyone who immigrated within the border. It would be a massive disaster.

    • @omegabulldog5001
      @omegabulldog5001 3 місяці тому +8

      With an over extended military with low replacement capability? I'll say less than 30 minutes.....

  • @CJ-ou2hf
    @CJ-ou2hf 3 місяці тому +189

    Lets face it. If Taiwan didn't have the TSMC Semiconductor manufacturing company, the US wouldn't care less about Taiwan.

    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому

      TSMC is nothing but a vast assembly factory for chip production. With the right etching machines any one can do it. Remember Dell Computers, where is it now. So the USA doesn't give a rat ass about the TMSC or XYZ companies at all. The US is only worried about the rise of China, the existential threat to its hegemon status. And Taiwan is a perfect fit for stirring up troubles. the USA is extremely prepared to defend its global hegemon status and even die for it.

    • @annmowatt7547
      @annmowatt7547 3 місяці тому +11


    • @4ujase
      @4ujase 3 місяці тому

      China will have the same in a few years, they are catching up.

    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 3 місяці тому +23

      Not really, Taiwan is a strategic location for military operation against China and it is much easier to sway them to their side due to the history of civil war. The semiconductor thing is just an icing on the cake to make it more valid to invade.
      As the part US don't care about the people of Taiwan, everyone should know by now. Any war/wars are always brutal to human beings.

    • @majorkaios
      @majorkaios 3 місяці тому +5

      @@sola4393 Both are right, since it was the US influence that gave TSMC the tools it needed, and for the Taiwan Govt to pay for all the weapons its going to need to buy from the income of its tech industry!

  • @abbeyglencircle
    @abbeyglencircle 3 місяці тому +63

    It will not be the Chinese navy only, but the Russian navy will be there.

    • @hughmungus2760
      @hughmungus2760 3 місяці тому

      just having those Russian SSNs in the pacific will slow the US navy down dramatically. One thing the Russians have thats significantly ahead of china is nuclear subs.

    • @nigeltang8738
      @nigeltang8738 3 місяці тому +11

      You forgot N. Korea

    • @spvlinn9009
      @spvlinn9009 3 місяці тому +3

      No need!

    • @daomingjin
      @daomingjin 3 місяці тому

      @@nigeltang8738 north korea doesn't really have a navy....

    • @PeterLamin-pi6rv
      @PeterLamin-pi6rv 3 місяці тому +9

      ​@@daomingjinbut they have missiles😮

  • @ohsweetmystery
    @ohsweetmystery 3 місяці тому +25

    The US thinks it needs Taiwan's microchips, but what it actually needs much more are the everyday and working products that mainland China produces and sells. Heavy machinery, tools, appliances, computers, etc. If these practical items were suddenly cut off, the US would have serious problems maintaining our infrastructure.

  • @ladybughummingbird66
    @ladybughummingbird66 3 місяці тому +262

    China will never us force against Taiwan. Tawian will return to the pho. Tawian will wake up. Tawian should look at how the United States has used Ukraine.

    • @Jose-hs4vk
      @Jose-hs4vk 3 місяці тому +36

      What the so-called Experts do not understand is what is known as “Law that governs the Cycles of Empires”. The United States had its glory days after the second war, and it is now in a decline, this is a natural law the dictates how long an Empire can sustain itself. An Empire can prolong its life if it makes good decisions but it can also accelerate its demise by making the wrong decisions - the latter can be seen with the useless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the continuous expenditures of billions of US dollars in support of the Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict. The other side of this coin is China …. China does not waste its resources in useless wars or conflicts, instead, it is investing in its military and infrastructure, and based on the law mentioned the day will come in which China will be the number one economy and military power, and the United States will become less relevant. Those who put in question this Law, I suggest you read the history of some of the Empires that did not understand this law such as the British, the Persians, and the Romans just to mention a few.

    • @Tell-me-more-75225
      @Tell-me-more-75225 3 місяці тому

      and uses South Korea, the Philippines, Libya, and countless other countries the United States steals resources from by overthrowing governments that don't let them...

    • @MDNQ-ud1ty
      @MDNQ-ud1ty 3 місяці тому

      @@Jose-hs4vk All empires, while failing, are going to act irrational and insane. It will happen to China when it fails too.

    • @joshuastoughton1693
      @joshuastoughton1693 3 місяці тому

      @@Jose-hs4vk Also, look at the Germans or Japanese. They had superior technology, and better weapons. However they still lost. Conflict usually comes down to who has more men.
      America may have the best technology, but we dont nearly have enough men.
      The majority of our people dont want to travel across the ocean to participate in conflicts on the other side of the world. We are tired of sending all of our assets around the world to help causes we have no interest in.
      And all we get in return is the bill, and forgotten veterans.

    • @3poms28
      @3poms28 3 місяці тому +10

      ​@@Jose-hs4vk great observation 👍🏾💯🎯

  • @cybergeek9152
    @cybergeek9152 3 місяці тому +175

    China have the right to defend it self ♥️🇨🇳♥️🇹🇳♥️

    • @TFB-GD.
      @TFB-GD. 3 місяці тому +10

      China would be the one attacking, not defending

    • @ClivesChronicles
      @ClivesChronicles 3 місяці тому +12

      Exactly! China has the right to defend and protect its country.

    • @johnsmith1953x
      @johnsmith1953x 3 місяці тому +3

      with nukes, bioweapons, EMP, AI Cyber.

    • @JesussonofGod-wb5km
      @JesussonofGod-wb5km 3 місяці тому +11

      ​@@TFB-GD.No country that defends its own sovereignty is said to be attacking, stupid comments..

    • @Golden_Rule_Truth
      @Golden_Rule_Truth 3 місяці тому

      @@JesussonofGod-wb5kmI’ve read 2 of your comments and they tell me all I need to know about you.
      You are completely delusional.

  • @1bek
    @1bek 3 місяці тому +27

    It's crazy how they are wording things to make China at fault.

    • @josephlau9585
      @josephlau9585 3 місяці тому +4

      Typical US hypocracy and arrogance.

  • @siamajidi2761
    @siamajidi2761 3 місяці тому +49

    And the Americans are paying over $100k for EV’s ROFL 😂

    • @sandybartkus6225
      @sandybartkus6225 3 місяці тому

      Half of ev owners are switching back to COMBUSION VEHICLES

    • @MidnightMark12
      @MidnightMark12 3 місяці тому

      Actually, no one is paying over $100k for EV’s because EV’s are not selling in America.
      Three part-time jobs to replace the full-time benefited job that Joe Biden sent to China is not economic recovery.
      See how that works?

  • @synaptik111
    @synaptik111 3 місяці тому +29

    Our (US's) pharmeceutical companies would NEVER allow effective and cheap meds on the market here. We're in deep sh1t

    • @BlueMax109
      @BlueMax109 3 місяці тому +1

      The one's they do sell are manufactured in China as well.

    • @foilrider2000
      @foilrider2000 3 місяці тому

      You need to do some research pal.

  • @rsuriyop
    @rsuriyop 3 місяці тому +39

    And that my friends is why Elon Musk is so afraid of BYD

    • @daomingjin
      @daomingjin 3 місяці тому +2

      because they steal anything that isn't bolted down to a 3 mile thick concrete slab? right.

    • @foilrider2000
      @foilrider2000 3 місяці тому +3

      BYD is better looking imo

    • @emilyblade9676
      @emilyblade9676 2 місяці тому

      @@daomingjin Sigh - you so right. The US security is so bad that China can just steal your stuff. If that is so other countries should do the same as free for all US tech to take.

  • @lyndacompton1846
    @lyndacompton1846 3 місяці тому +45

    I live in the United States and I wish we'd mind our own business take care of our own border and stop giving money away to foreign countries

    • @hectorshouse7348
      @hectorshouse7348 3 місяці тому

      That money is to corrupt…and some laundered back to your leaders…enjoy

    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому

      Absolutely. You don't just have the southern border problems. The US's problems are a long list stretching from Long Island to San Francisco bay. Decaying infrastructures, homelessness, violent crimes, gun controls, addictions, over stretched military ie. over 800 military bases, the extreme imbalance of wealth distribution, the huge national debt, the deindustrialization, wall street greed, the fake democracy where you can only vote for one cheek of the same back side, •••••••the list goes on and on.

    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому

      Absolutely. You don't just have the southern border problems. The US's problems are a long list stretching from Long Island to San Francisco bay. Decaying infrastructure, homelessness, violent crimes, gun controls, addictions, over stretched military ie. over 800 military bases, the extreme imbalance of wealth distribution, the huge national debt, the deindustrialization, wall street greed, the fake democracy where you can only vote for one cheek of the same back side, •••••••the lost goes on and on.

    • @SZ-Eire
      @SZ-Eire 3 місяці тому

      Absolutely. You don't just have the southern border problems. The US's problems are a long list stretching from Long Island to San Francisco bay. Decaying infrastructure, homelessness, violent crimes, gun controls, addictions, over stretched military ie. over 800 military bases, the extreme imbalance of wealth distribution, the huge national debt, the deindustrialization, wall street greed, the fake democracy where you can only vote for one cheek of the same back side, •••••••the lost goes on and on.

    • @melissachartres3219
      @melissachartres3219 2 місяці тому +1

      But... where's the fun in that? Where's the profit?

  • @GaryAdkins-y3n
    @GaryAdkins-y3n 3 місяці тому +27

    It would help if you quote the latest polls in Taiwan stating that they are Chinese and want to eventually be a part of china

  • @patriciaknight1332
    @patriciaknight1332 3 місяці тому +20

    Excellent report Danny. Thank you

  • @horriedarkie
    @horriedarkie 3 місяці тому +15

    It's time that the hegemony of the USA is ended, and the Principles of Westphalia Treaty restored in the world.

  • @adamKingUAE
    @adamKingUAE 3 місяці тому +26

    Good reporting 🥇

  • @clintpot8521
    @clintpot8521 3 місяці тому +10

    US auto makers have been inefficient and quite honestly a bad product for years now. Same with US airlines. They need to be taken off the gov't teet and get back to competing to be the best.

  • @joshtep6784
    @joshtep6784 3 місяці тому +8

    I love how every single wargame considers man vessels but fail to acknowledge drones and underwater drones. A blockade and no fly zone is very easy to achieve with China's capabilities in a matter of minutes.

  • @jphthree3
    @jphthree3 3 місяці тому +13

    Have always enjoyed your videos Danny, thank you.

  • @chinesefood777
    @chinesefood777 3 місяці тому +10

    The late Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi (Rest in Peace) dubbed it, "The Inevitable Confrontation."
    🇨🇳 vs. 🇺🇲

  • @PaxilRose
    @PaxilRose 3 місяці тому +11

    Who's gonna keep the Walmart and pharmacies stocked. I've never been ever to wrap my head around this. We're dependant on them like a dope dealer.

    • @sasapopadic384
      @sasapopadic384 3 місяці тому

      When they got enough of US BS wallmart is done..and many others..And then peasants are on the street....and they are not going to obey anything ....😂😂😂😂

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 3 місяці тому +20

    Thank you Danny. Independent journalists with journalistic integrity are the heroes of our time.

  • @SoldierOfAllah2035
    @SoldierOfAllah2035 3 місяці тому +16

    When will usa be out of amno? They r everywhere spreading Carnage through proxys but they deliver 70% minimum, when the amno is out they will start to push red buttons,cause they cant handle being nr 2 or 3,

    • @hughmungus2760
      @hughmungus2760 3 місяці тому

      Thats the great fear. we know the US has always been nuclear biased. they were this way during the korean war all the way upto the mid 70s. Because they were conventionally overmatched
      Today the US is in such a sorry state that half their navy is rusting away waiting for shipyard space and 2/3 of their wunderwaffen F35s aren't combat capable.

  • @User-nw37
    @User-nw37 3 місяці тому +4

    It is never about Ukraine, it is about attacking Russia.,
    It is never about Taiwan, it is all about attacking China.
    Don't be fooled about the TSMC or semiconductors stuffs.

  • @etherealradar
    @etherealradar 3 місяці тому +27

    Love the progressively more honest thumbnails 😂

  • @justicetruth5456
    @justicetruth5456 3 місяці тому +20

    Great job!

  • @Sophia-ox7tx
    @Sophia-ox7tx 3 місяці тому +5

    In 2020, China spent ten days building two hospitals in Wuhan: HuoshenShan Hospital and LeishanShan Hospital.

    • @sasapopadic384
      @sasapopadic384 3 місяці тому

      Interstate in Gary In....about 20 years...and going..😊😊😊

  • @amctothemoon9417
    @amctothemoon9417 3 місяці тому +4

    USA has not been in a Winning War since WW2 and then we Had the Soviets as Allies dealing with Germanys most Extreme Fighters and Equipment while Europe dealt with what Hitler had left over.
    We would be WISE to remember these things

  • @standingalone001
    @standingalone001 3 місяці тому +9

    Great commentary Danny.

    @ADBLOCKER4YOUTUBE 3 місяці тому +2

    When choosing sides, always select the one opposite of the U.S. That is always the correct decision.

  • @JasonAlex-v8z
    @JasonAlex-v8z 3 місяці тому +31

    We love you china❤

  • @karllossemmeddo1832
    @karllossemmeddo1832 3 місяці тому +2

    If Taiwan should be Independent ! In this case, Hawaii, Samoa Island, Porto Rico, Guan Island and Virgin Island Should be Independent Nations. Like or not Taiwan is China Territory. China Should take Taiwan by Force to end this Dispute. 🇨🇳

  • @ojjocson7018
    @ojjocson7018 3 місяці тому +30

    Viva china 🇨🇳🇨🇳

  • @richardmartin3127
    @richardmartin3127 3 місяці тому +2

    Well said Danny.,tell it like it is. Always excellent presentation.

  • @Christine-l1b
    @Christine-l1b 3 місяці тому +11

    Taiwan was given back to China in 1970 by Nixon

    • @crhu319
      @crhu319 3 місяці тому +5

      Well he didn't decide that but he recognized China was one country as both sides said.

    • @jeffrey7cp992
      @jeffrey7cp992 3 місяці тому

      The point just about every hawk in US REFUSED to accept is , " Taiwan given back to China by Nixon , 1971". What is there to give ? It's never ever being a property of USA. Taiwan has always being an integral part of China, a province of China, recognised by the UN, Cairo accord, by the West (e.g. Nixon), AS PART OF CHINA.

    • @foilrider2000
      @foilrider2000 3 місяці тому


    • @catocall7323
      @catocall7323 2 місяці тому

      ​@@crhu319lol "both sides" except one country for the Guo Min Tang means that China belongs to the then Taiwanese government.

  • @GeopoliticsDigest
    @GeopoliticsDigest 3 місяці тому +1

    Great reporting, Danny, especially bringing us news related to China.

  • @fosterkennel649
    @fosterkennel649 3 місяці тому +4

    From what I have been seeing for a while the American public does not want the electric car game

    • @crhu319
      @crhu319 3 місяці тому +1

      They never mattered.

  • @atomiswave1971
    @atomiswave1971 2 місяці тому +1

    Imagine an island off the coast of the usa and China dictating it's status.

  • @Don-Mariojohnson
    @Don-Mariojohnson 3 місяці тому +20

    Chinas cars are green . This will help with lowering our emissions

    • @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc
      @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc 3 місяці тому

      Lower yours - close your mouth.

    • @daomingjin
      @daomingjin 3 місяці тому

      you know what happens when this planet stops producing massive amounts of CO2 right? PLANTS START DYING.
      When plants start dying of course they will just blame it on "Climate Change" and then of course we will be taxed for not producing CO2....

  • @aboveallthingslove6349
    @aboveallthingslove6349 3 місяці тому +2


  • @xqt39a
    @xqt39a 3 місяці тому +8

    China has a huge population of well educated people, they are exploding with innovation.. it would be nice if we Americans could trade for their great phones, cars, solar panels…

  • @sarmadsaeed6235
    @sarmadsaeed6235 3 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful work, excellent presentation Danny! You just slayed it.

  • @liamporter1137
    @liamporter1137 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for sharing and surfacing the truth. 👏👍

  • @annettajensen6751
    @annettajensen6751 3 місяці тому +3

    You need to advise if this is type 1 or type 2 diabetes which are completely different. Thanks.

  • @SimonAshworthWood
    @SimonAshworthWood 2 місяці тому +1

    Russia did have an advantage at the start of the Ukraine War in certain weapon quality and quantity, because Russia’s military industrial complex is still quite socialist (run to benefit the people of Russia, even though this does not maximise corporate profits), whereas the NATO military industrial complex is capitalist (run to profit corporations, at the expense of all other priorities).

  • @brianhong301
    @brianhong301 3 місяці тому +1

    CN must end this TW issue ASAP which will save TW $Billions spent of useless US weapons and thereby bringing peace to both thereafter.

  • @3E30P
    @3E30P 3 місяці тому +1

    why would you fight a big angry bear just with your hands? why does Taiwan want to separate from the strongest power in the World? Taiwan makes no sense

  • @SergiuCosminViorel
    @SergiuCosminViorel 3 місяці тому +2

    China has nanometer tech

  • @robmx2324
    @robmx2324 3 місяці тому +1

    The US used to be the center of semiconductor technology and manufacturing. But we sent it overseas to increase profits, and to get away from our own governments environmental policies.

  • @stephensuddick1896
    @stephensuddick1896 3 місяці тому +1

    Oh, danny, you are just precious.

  • @DariusSarrafi
    @DariusSarrafi 3 місяці тому +8

    Danny has found a gold mine of "shocking" events!

  • @AlexCataldo-t4i
    @AlexCataldo-t4i 3 місяці тому +1

    U.S. wouldn't stand a chance against China in a conventional war in China's back yard so the U.S. would go nuclear.

  • @AFLOVEable
    @AFLOVEable 3 місяці тому

    Please recognize, BYD works on a HYBRID. And it's not even unrealistic, since you get common Diesel cars who can go for 1000+ km, now combine this with Hybrid.

  • @jeffherrington4048
    @jeffherrington4048 2 місяці тому +1

    So, if I am understanding you correctly, China is playing Go!!

  • @LegoLover-ij4gb
    @LegoLover-ij4gb 3 місяці тому +7

    I do hope the USA can somehow elect a president in November who cares about it citizens.
    Sanctions could also be placed on the USA if they continue with their war game's.
    If i was an American I would be doing everything possible to support candidates like Jill Stein.
    God bless you all. ❤

    • @dice138
      @dice138 3 місяці тому

      You don't hate China, you don't get vote in the west nowadays.

  • @RochellOfalla
    @RochellOfalla 2 місяці тому

    Thank you Danny.

  • @abelbeltran6839
    @abelbeltran6839 3 місяці тому +1

    Bro chips are for robotic warefare - drones, exo suits, robots etc ...plus you underestimate EMP warefare ! Against Chinese ! Or each other !

  • @katferguson
    @katferguson 3 місяці тому +1

    I don't understand why Beijing has allowed Taiwan to be captured by the US in this way. How is this different than the US selling weapons to separatists in Beijing itself?

    • @markchan8110
      @markchan8110 3 місяці тому +3

      It is the cockiness arrogance attitude of the US that is the problem.

    • @dice138
      @dice138 3 місяці тому

      Because most of the so call weapons sold to Taiwan are outdated garbage so Beijing is not worrying about it that much. They will object diplomatically everytime but they are not worry. If you have often follow local Taiwanese news like I do, you'll understand that Taiwanese military is a joke after all. Have you ever heard of any army would put mats under and big umbrallas over the soldiers when they trains their snipers under the sun? Because the military afraid the parents of those young soldiers will complain that their precious babies are being mistreated and being work too hard in the force. And the news of soldiers commited suicide came out time and time again because those kids couldn't handle the pressure in the military. There's a lot of them news.

  • @jonathanray4598
    @jonathanray4598 2 місяці тому +1

    Its all about Taiwan's "chips" that are needed in advanced technology.

    • @KuangWen0
      @KuangWen0 2 місяці тому

      No. Even no one lives on the island, China will not give it up. The most important thing on the earth is land.

  • @lewie5561
    @lewie5561 2 місяці тому

    Great channel good information

  • @Brianbri-nq3cc
    @Brianbri-nq3cc 3 місяці тому +2

    Bring Scott Rit-ter back on.

    • @PollyDollyBabe
      @PollyDollyBabe 3 місяці тому +1

      Nice information. If it's possible Mr Scott Ritter an outlook on this subject 💥 As so much has gone on.

  • @pv4509
    @pv4509 3 місяці тому +1

    Once mainland China's chip production catches up to its Taiwan province, US interest in Taiwan is all over. Taiwan is just another pawn. The thing is, US weapons sold to Taiwan will be in mainland Chinese hands, just like the Taliban received in Afghanistan 😂😂😂

  • @johnrday2023
    @johnrday2023 3 місяці тому +3

    Sect'y Blinken seems to be running the show instead of the elected Pres Biden ! What is going on???

    • @JimmyDoyel-by2cp
      @JimmyDoyel-by2cp 3 місяці тому +1

      Biden was elected? lol

    • @bryansprague5946
      @bryansprague5946 3 місяці тому

      Biden abandoned his Base! AND The NeoCons have taken over. Bryan in SoCal

  • @terryl858
    @terryl858 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanking you

  • @redcc4428
    @redcc4428 3 місяці тому +4

    It is not invasion but unification

    • @dice138
      @dice138 3 місяці тому

      In Chinese word, Liberation.

  • @romeobislig2732
    @romeobislig2732 2 місяці тому

    War in words not by arms. War is only in the mouth.

  • @blackfreud9048
    @blackfreud9048 3 місяці тому +5

    War is obsolete.

  • @terryl858
    @terryl858 2 місяці тому

    Thanking you

  • @barnabusdoyle4930
    @barnabusdoyle4930 3 місяці тому

    Any belief that the US can prevent China from invading Taiwan would be like believing Russia could prevent the U.S. from invading Mexico. It’s very easy to invade something right next to you and very difficult for someone on the other side of the planet to stop that. That’s just basic logic.

  • @AFLOVEable
    @AFLOVEable 3 місяці тому

    I love these glorious experts, being correct in their predictions - they themselves laid the ground work for those to come true.
    Even I can make expert predictions: "Tomorrow the fire department will be at my neighbors house" - whisper: "I'm gonna lay fire to his door, early in the morning"

  • @kevincannon7707
    @kevincannon7707 3 місяці тому +3

    China has miles of Fields full of electric cars, just like the bicycles.

  • @JosephSaber-j5d
    @JosephSaber-j5d 3 місяці тому

    I love your logic analysis .

  • @sandybartkus6225
    @sandybartkus6225 3 місяці тому +4

    WE DONT WANT ELECTRIC VEHICLES! NO one talks about how much juice it takes for heat, air conditioners, hauling. NO TO ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THE US

  • @Yo_mamma_fight
    @Yo_mamma_fight 3 місяці тому +2

    The capitalist only care about getting rich not making the world better😂😂😂

  • @kamcheung6735
    @kamcheung6735 2 місяці тому

    Regrow pancreatic cells and pancreatic cells transplant have been done in the US for a while, the reasons the pharmaceutical companies are not interested because they are doing well with the diabetic medications and there are many rejection problems with the pancreatic cell transplants. When we were in a medical school in the US in early 80, we were doing the pancreatic cells regrow, no surprising they are able to extend the diabetic patient's life without taking the diabetic medications now if they have better medications for rejection.

  • @kilok9599
    @kilok9599 3 місяці тому

    Absolutely love your show Danny! Keep up the great work!

  • @4ujase
    @4ujase 3 місяці тому +1

    US needs to learn not to wander off their own coastal territory and not interfere in the affairs of others. No one gave them the mandate to rule us or be subjugated by their own laws.

  • @ebrahimalfardan8823
    @ebrahimalfardan8823 3 місяці тому +1

    Why isn't this video on rumble yet?

  • @Troc313
    @Troc313 3 місяці тому +1

    What is the US doing in Taiwan 🇹🇼 what is the US doing in Ukraine 🇺🇦 what is the US doing in Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @RohanJames-q2m
    @RohanJames-q2m Місяць тому

    As for taiwans autonomy under Chinese rule, look at what happened to Hong Kong's autonomy.

  • @boostedperformance4529
    @boostedperformance4529 2 місяці тому

    USA has semiconductor plants that are built brand new in the USA

  • @TheRisenPeopleEire
    @TheRisenPeopleEire 3 місяці тому +2

    I own my Island... Ireland. It's mine.

  • @RohanJames-q2m
    @RohanJames-q2m Місяць тому

    US should never have accepted Yaiwan as part ofChons. Now that it has, it can at best help Taiwan defend itself.

  • @Spambot27374
    @Spambot27374 3 місяці тому

    China the same country that uses water to fill its nuclear missles 😂

  • @WarsOfate
    @WarsOfate 3 місяці тому

    Let's be honest here, if it were a sure outcome then the "coalitions" would march along like in Serbia, Iraq, Lybia and Afghanistan for the loots...

  • @pauljmeyer1
    @pauljmeyer1 3 місяці тому

    China's path to gaining economic control of Taiwan should not involve invasion or harm to its infrastructure. Instead, by applying strategic pressure, China can compel Taiwan to accept integration, thus achieving the desired economic control.

    • @dice138
      @dice138 3 місяці тому

      First step: cancel ECFA

  • @jacekmarczyk4436
    @jacekmarczyk4436 3 місяці тому +1

    Why, instead of saying "American lives" people don't just say "lives"?

  • @JosrL-tw3vr
    @JosrL-tw3vr 3 місяці тому +1

    Dude.not true that economy will get better than the Americans

  • @WestwoodMemphiz
    @WestwoodMemphiz 3 місяці тому +1

    As harsh as this might be viewed by others, the things our ancestors and grandparents have suffered by the hands of European people, which some are friends but do to infractions between nations I say to (brics) do what you have to do.

  • @kimmosaman
    @kimmosaman 3 місяці тому

    If US lost Taiwan US will lost ATM permanently.

  • @scottnutzmann7365
    @scottnutzmann7365 3 місяці тому +1

    Is it fair to think of Taiwan as China’s Texas?

    • @Michael-F4ul5kzbuck
      @Michael-F4ul5kzbuck 2 місяці тому

      i could be wrong about other texans...but we are part of the union ...not shure how that would work to be seceeded..

  • @dontthrowrocksatmonkeys8651
    @dontthrowrocksatmonkeys8651 2 місяці тому

    My question is why in the first place did the west build the most advanced chip making facilities in a country that is not secure in its political boundaries?

  • @Benz2533
    @Benz2533 3 місяці тому

    Maybe not that fast but many shit that we did not expect happen a lot.

  • @Tony-gq8pi
    @Tony-gq8pi 3 місяці тому

    Love your work