If you want, i sell you one clearly magnetic perpetuum machine. It´s easy and fully working device. I show you this, you can buy it. But idea is not cheap. Do you want it?
I rather plant trees, turn them into charcoal, create a machine that will plant trees for me, make more charcoal, then make a machine that will cut trees for me, get infnite charcoal, then get a machine that will burn trees for me for charcoal. FREE INFINITE CHARCOAL! Perputum Charcoulum.
The way I see it, we should build a Perpetual motion machine of the 5th kind. If it succeds, we have a perpetually working machine. If it fails, we discovered the 5th law of thermodynamics. It is a win-win enterprise.
The Laws of Thermodynamics: 1.) You can't win or lose. You can only break even. 2.) You can't break even except at Absolute Zero. 3.) You can't get to Absolute Zero.
The fun part that gets looked over is efficiency.. the energy gradient of the modern car compared to the first internal combustion engine is so vastly different is like watching gravity driven power compared to the space shuttle. I'm amazed at how they do not fire up imaginations with the challenge to build things that take much less to perform better
You can approach an efficiency of unity by getting closer and closer. Going beyond unity to actually get anything out of it isn't natural, sorry, won't ever happen.
Yeah, the modern ICE car has gotten all the way up to somewhere between 25% and 35% efficient at turning gasoline energy into motion. Not bad for nearly 150 years of refinement.
1. Get a cat, hold upside down. 2. Attached piece of toast to cat's back, butter side out. 3. Drop cat-toast. 4. Cat will always land on its feet, toast will always land butter side up, cat-toast never touches ground spinning endlessly. 5. Attach generator. 6. Enjoy infinite energy.
what about toasts with nothing on them... will they land on the darker or the lighter side of the roasted bread (my hypothesis is it land on the lighter side/it doesn't matter enough to change it's gravitationnal pattern, in order to fall on the heavier side)
Perpetual gravity can be harnessed . An under water wheel using 12 airbags with 12 weights outside of them. Can be made to turn using gravity alone. Only enough air to fill 6 of the bags. Weights will move towards gravity's pull = from the top towards the axial. = from the bottom away from the axial. Taking air with them through the wheel from the top to the bottom bag.(accordion style). All the full air bags are on the same side. Gravity will spin the wheel... till patrs ware out. Is that perpetual enough for you. From the arch-angel. Ram full Than
@@LoveDoctorNL how do you figure? He had JPL labs at NASA examine it and they agree it works. 2 electrical engineers from the patent office agreed it works...
Ah, yes, zero point energy. The guy I worked for 20 years ago was an analog engineer and he also was a patent examiner on the side. I remember long conversations on the phone where he would have to carefully explain to various inventors why their energy extraction devices wouldn't work. They tried to avoid saying the word 'perpetual', but basically that is what their patent applications usually amounted to. Reverse-entropic devices.... for example, trying to extract usable energy from johnson noise, and stuff like that. There were inventions that passed his desk that did produce energy... just not very much, and most of the inventors didn't understand physics well enough to know where the energy was actually coming from... but thought they had something wonderful when what they really had was a really inefficient solar panel or thermal gradient device. -Matt
I almost feel these quacks should be celebrated a bit instead of ridiculed. It takes a lot of effort, imagination and drive to create these things. However their creations unfortunately just add to the anti-science wave of moon landings, flat earths, global warming, antivax, etc.
Every once in a while I go down the UA-cam "free energy" rabbit hole. On rare occasions I can get someone to understand there is no energy in magnets to extract. Mostly, they just freak out and call me names. I only wish "big oil" would pay me to point out the obvious in comment sections.
Yeah but you probably didn't try attaching flywheels to the electromagnets, that's what did it. The laws of thermodynamics will stop being true if I add enough physically confusing pieces to my grand design.
There is a third category which is neither thermal or PV, it goes back to crystal sets and you can get a measurable amount of power from a truckload of antennae and tank circuits with a cats whisker type diode. Basically you can get a few microwatts out of each one.
Just to further my own comment, put an image on the shirt of a popular perpetual motion machine design and then write "Close, but no perpetually burning cigar" underneath the image or on the back of a shirt. Thatd be pretty cool and comical at the same time.
@@seemlyme I'm not entirely certain how you hope to assemble this. Or why you think this would work indefinitely. It is possible to make the float of a fill valve work in reverse, so to speak, that it closes up a valve the lower the fill line gets. But then once you get past that it becomes dubious. Firstly, this is the wrong type of valve for such a process as, the second the moment the inverted fill valve whose valve is shut off by the float as the water level lowers as opposed to rises, the bladder will begin to fill again. It would be better to simply let the pressure between the gravity-fed water tank and the pressure within the bladder equalize, and then seal it off with a valve that isn't dependent on the level of the water, or seal off the bladder at some semi-arbitrary point prior to the bladder bursting with an independent valve. But then we get the issue of attempting to spray the water back into the tank. As the bladder begins to drain, the pressure on the water will shrink and any free-jetted water will have a weaker and weaker stream until it can no longer be fed back into the tank. "The manual actions should be automated and repeated then perpetual motion" As the machine you've proposed doesn't have any way to automate them, you will need to automate them from an outside source which is energy loss. Additionally, this machine is what this video described as a "type 3 perpetual motion device" where it can theoretically feed itself indefinitely, but does no work outside of that. The water being sprayed through the air or the water being fed through to the bladder would need to interact with an outside system in order for it to do work. The failings of your proposal are: 1) Improper valve usage 2) dependence on consistent pressure in a variable pressure system 3) It is a perpetual motion machine that does no work besides to feed itself. 4) It cannot even feed itself.
To set something permanently spinning, simply strap a slice of bread and jam, which we all know will land jam side down, to a cat’s back which we all know always falls paws down therefore two opposing forces fighting each other for superiority. I found through experimentation that apricot jam works best especially when strapped to a Siamese cat.
Like when someone makes an m machine that takes the power of a magnet and just releases it really slowly over time since magnetism power last so long I would consider these
The ebb and flow of tides is the easiest macro scale oscillating energy system. Why is everyone trying to chase what the moon and earth already provides?
@@misaelolvera2996 Nobody has made such a machine, because they're mathematically impossible. Magnets don't have power. They do not release energy. You can't run anything on them, because they are not power sources. Think about magnets like springs. The spring can push on something, but only if you compress the spring first. So the energy you get out of the spring is just the energy you put in when you compressed it, minus some losses. It's exactly the same with magnets. There is no arrangement of permanent magnets that provides a sustained net force, just like there's no way to arrange springs so that they'll continually accelerate a wheel. The reason electric motors work is because they move the field itself. There is absolutely no way to make permanent magnets do what electric motors do, because their fields are static. And once the device has reached its minimum energy state, it will simply stop. And the magnets will make you stop faster, because they'll induce eddy currents as the moving magnetic fields pass through conductors, sapping energy from the system and dissipating it as heat. Seriously. Trust the physicists on this one. The whole "make stuff spin forever with magnet power" is bullshit.
Smart as he was, Groucho left school at the age of 12. His early 20th century audiences were also unlikely to know what perpetual motion machines were; what is special about the idea. It can be hard to appreciate how ignorant people of the past were of simple mechanics; certainly they did not know laws of thermodynamics. Whoever made that joke was certainly more modern.
Livin' to Learn If you look in the upper right corner of the clip you will see that there is thanks and credit given. It would have been impossible not to realize the source video was itself also debunking perpetual motion.
Im at work at devising a machine to capture the energies.... heat... mechanical.... etc.... released from a lying politician's mouth. One great part about this approach is the degree of freedom afforded the user in selecting which politician they want to hook up to the device. Once I complete the prototype I intend to test. Though I still have some engineering challenges to overcome..... in principle I am very optimistic that I will have created a perpetual motion machine that greatly exceeds in energy output compared to any energy input required. Will keep everyone posted on my progress.
Todos dan por sentado, la validez de que la energía no se puede obtener y eso Puede Ser Refutado y cuando eso Suceda la Ley de la Termodinámica será obsoleta!!!! Mientras Tanto, Gocen de Su Ley y dejen de probar!!! Yo prefiero pensar QUE SE PUEDE!!!!
Anything involving politics is terribly inefficient but will run forever as long as gullible taxpayers, of which there are plenty, keep feeding them, .
@@ghaldurinanubios4290 But where would the energy come from? When I posted this comment, I was thinking it would essentially act as a kinetic energy battery. That kinetic energy would then be possible to turn into heat and electricity. That electricity could then be used for a bunch of stuff
@@Gemini-Lion put a ring like track around earth, put a car on it. attach the moon to the car's roof with a "STRONG" string and you have forever running car. Well for a few million years forever.
TL;DR I've never noticed it before, but PBS has been one of the biggest educational institutions of my entire life. It's "done it's job" _so_ well, for so long. I *really* don't want to come off as patronizing. This channel really does make me proud of PBS. I'm so astounded by how well they've adapted to UA-cam. This content in particular almost feels like it's evolved with me, in a personal way. When I watched PBS as a kid, it was stuff that was just complex enough to actually be educational. Then cable came around, and I assume they had more freedom to challenge their audience, so while I was a young man, I remember learning new stuff. Even though I spent most of my life at a school, I learned. Now as an adult, who spent endless hours as a teenager watching physics specials and nature documentaries, I'm still being taught. I've learned from what they taught me, and now they're teaching me something else. Like they're keeping track of what I know. That's what I mean by it feels personal. They're SO SO SO good at their job, bless them.
Too bad about their ideological agenda on top of that subtly brainwashing you. Not THESE videos, not the spacetime videos with this guy, but some of the others.
@@yuno9121 None of your business. This person could be an environmental scientist, a doctor, systems engineer, etc making a difference every day. What are YOU contributing to society? Maybe it's just interesting to learn about this stuff. I'm a painter who would never understand the more nuanced aspect of physics and q. mechanics, but I would much rather spend my free time watching videos like these without pretentious assholes like you asking what I'm going to do with that information condescendingly.
I have UA-cam history disabled. I tend to only get enhanced garbage recommendations for a little while after watching videos like this. I say enhanced, since it's still pretty garbage normally.
The universe would need to be a perpetual motion machine to do that. Stop dark energy from spreading everything out and then maybe we can talk about it.
@Adam George The universe is only estimated to be 13.8 billion years old, so we're still "near the very beginning of infinity". Keep in mind that you can only exist to observe the universe during the time period during which it has low enough entropy to support your existence (ie, relatively close to the beginning). But as for the rest of what you said, no, motion doesn't "stop". Energy will always exist in the universe, it will simply be too spread out to interact with other energy after a while. It will still exhibit quantum behavior and experience changes in its trajectory that keep it from being "perpetual motion", but some form of motion will always exist.
I thought I had created something that could generate energy. But years later after my prototype got smashed at the school fair, I looked into it and realized that the excess coil of wire was using heat from the sun where I had set up to create more energy like a solar panel could. i was so excited for a long time after busting a few bulbs thorugh excess energy generation. Now I realized I was creating a loop of electricity through infrared. But you coudln't convinced me of that when I was just 13 years old.
I'm glad people are still trying. Will it ever amount to a perpetual motion machine? Well no. But maybe we'll get some cool new data from their attempts!
he defined perpetual motion as a system that runs with no external energy input ... then he demonstrates a machine that receives no external energy input and chooses a PORTION of that to say it is not possible ... like taking a carberutor from and engine and saying it cannot create enough power to move a 1 ton vehicle ... well duh of course not the carb is only a PART of the system .... he made the worst mistake in science possible he removed logic from his rebuttal and got it wrong ... leave the carb in the system turn the key and poof the engine works and moves the 1 ton vehicle ... using a portion of a system to refute its claims is BAD SCIENCE .... and that gets taught in the first week of all science classes ... guess he skipped that week
Well, get a generater to start a big microwave producing machine that steams H²O 🌫 and turbines turn creating electricity. A electricity substation off to the side regulating the ⚡and the generator that started the microwave steam machine, can then get its own ⚡from self giving electricity to keep microwaving and steaming turbines that make the energy. Cool the steam to recycle itself back thru the machine and still have a water supply from nature to use as well. 🙂 🤝🏼🙃☝🏼😉 Do l have anything?
@ViperDaniel Where in quantum mechanics says this is forbidden? There is NO SUCH THING as time in quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics believe time is an emergent property. An any kind of MOTION machine requires time for motion, as such quantum mechanics doesn't say any such thing that this is forbidden.
@William Burns Who say I will. There are crazier people who will do it and they may be successful so however much anger you have now, will be mute. :) Today's idiot is tomorrow's genius.
I lasted an entire 5 minutes of this video and learned something from the miniscule bit that I could grasp before finally accepting that this discussion is miles above my head
@1MegaBubble If you first go and really LEARN the metric system, you will most likely be able to understand this as a result, and then it won't be kilometers over your head.
I remember being about 15 years old (1983) drawing out my blueprints for a perpetual motion wheel using electric magnets and whatever else I could find in my Grandfather's garage. I actually thought I was onto something. This was well before the internet was around to show me how little I knew about basically EVERYTHING.
so you have accepted to permit the internet to make you believe that you are very small and very limited. That coincides (if, as is your case, you are a coincidence theorist) with what the people with all the power want you to believe. I hope for you and the billions of others like you that you can get over this stupidity of believing what people who want you dead want you to believe.
Nope, you're just not looking close enough for their energy source. In my experience, small children are energy vampires. They suck the energy from nearby adults and then expend it by running and screaming. This both explains the observed energy output from the children and the exhaustion of the nearby caregiver adults.
That’s kind of the point that I get confused about with all the people who just want to debunk perpetual motion. What I find most interesting is the passive energy generation and the challenge of making an efficient system. Even if you could have a machine that could charge your phone at night, that would be awesome.
They should add annotations over his part so people know he doesn’t make videos about fake inventions and they can clear his good name. He spends so much of his time debunking those videos. I really hate to see him being made a joke by PBS
@Jacob Turnbaugh Thats simply not true. Did you watch the video? Perhaps things are perpetual in the theoretical entire expansion and contraction of universes. If the expansion reverses and all the energy expended collects back into a black hole, and the cycle perfectly starts over again, then you are correct. But we don't know that, therefore you are just wrong. Planets slow down over time, suns burn out, hawking radiation, heat radiation, vibration slowing inertia, etc etc. Please explain yourself.
@@RegularFish2 IDK greedy assholes like rockerfelker happened. But this guy want it and i just want to support that if that is what you mean. (By what happened)
The interesting this is, trained scientists have trouble thinking outside the box they are put in. If they start off from the position that something is impossible, then they will not try to do it. The person to find this, if it IS possible, will end up being the person you are ridiculing. Rather than mocking them, treat them like children and pat them on the head and say, "Keep trying". If they succeed we all win, right?
8:05 !! I wish you guys would’ve separated Electric Boom from those claiming fake inventions as he isn’t in the same camp. He spends his time educating viewers and debunking those videos. Please add annotations to his UA-cam channel describing that he is not a joke as you suggested. Then you can clear his good name. Thanks
@Vadim VeeVoit look if we're bringing IQ into this then I want you to know, you are currently arguing with a 14 year old about classified technology. I'm not saying that classified technology doesn't exist, but don't you think that if someone had groundbreaking evidence that a perpetual motion machine exists, then it would be everywhere? And don't hit me with "oh the government controls the internet" Because if they did then you wouldn't be posting about how the government has tech like this. Go back to your Facebook group you, tinfoil hat wearing, 5g causes cancer, plandemic, motel cumstain for a brain, conspiracy theorist.
The second law does not state that "entropy can _never_ decrease," only that entropy _tends_ to increase. 3:08 The fact is that is can indeed run in reverse, for short periods of time, it's just so rare that we don't tend to consider it.
@@ravenlord4 yes but... the universe itself isn't bound to the laws of physics. Only the matter and evergy is on a local level. The real question here is: in an expanding universe, is energy conserved? If so, how? If not, rethink your laws or decouple them from your assumptions about the nature of the beginning/end of the universe. Because on a cosmological scale the laws of thermodynamics are fanboy trash.
@@ericalbers4867 ~"On a cosmological scale" is the only place where the laws of thermodynamics ultimately apply. On a human scale it only matters as an equation of efficiency. But until the last proton decays some billion trillion years in the future, the laws of thermodynamics ARE on a cosmological scale.
@@digbicmcgeegaming2581 You logh now, but wait until I'm the next Elon Musk making millions on my genetically modified felines that grow buttered toast on their backs. From this, I shall design a fleet of hovercraft stoppable only by water. And with these magnificent devices, I shall rule the world!
If energy can be created from nothing, then the whole Universe no longer makes any sense. I might just explode one day from too much energy created from nothing.
I invented a perpetual motion machine when I was a kid. It goes as follows. Get a hose and form it into a circular loop so that the two ends join. Half fill this loop with a magnetic liquid and mount the loop so that it is upright (like a big wheel). Also inside the hose place a small hollow ball so that it floats on the liquid on the left side. Now place a large permanent magnet near the loop on it's left so that the liquid is pulled towards it and now only fills the left side of the loop. This will take the ball to the top of the loop which will fall down inside the hose on the right side (with no liquid). When it reaches the bottom inertia will make it enter the liquid at the bottom and once inside it will float up to the top through the liquid. Then when at the top it will continue to move to the right (the empty side) and will then fall down again, continuing forever. I know it doesn't work, but can you see why?
Sure. The ball would NEVER penetrate the liquid hard enough to start rising through it on the left side, it would simply stop at the bottom. Gravity would make certain of that.
@@davelowets Almost right. You could have enough enertia to penetrate the liquid, but once inside the liquid the flotation action is pushing the ball to the right, not up (as the magnet is on the left and displacement forces are right pushing), so the ball will be pushed straight out again, and gravity will help it stop as well. So even though it could enter the material it would end up sitting at the bottom of the tube just outside the liquid.
@@petejohnston5880 If the ball is non-magnetic, the magnet and the "magnetic liquid" would have zero effect on what the ball does. It would simply be gravity overcoming the buoyancy of the ball at that point, and preventing it from completing the cycle.
@@davelowets The ball is non magnetic but if it's in the liquid and the liquid is being pulled to the left by the magnet, then the ball is being pushed to the right (to allow the liquid to fill it's space). In a normal liquid the ball would rise to the surface but in this scenario the ball is being pushed to the right (when inside the liquid) and has no upwards forces.So with enough momentum it can enter the liquid it's just that it will be pushed straight out again and will never rise.
That reminds of a science fiction short story I read some time ago, where the guy accidentally invented a ball with a super-unity bounce ratio. That is, if you dropped it from 100 cm high, it would bounce back up 102 cm. Cute story, spoilers, it proved to have disastrous consequences, particularly when it was bouncing miles and miles into the sky, each bounce was like a meteor impact, and they couldn't figure out how to catch the damn thing.
When I was at school, a friend and I. We invented Perpetuum mobiles and discussed them with the physics teacher. They worked in that perspective that the teacher always said to us that our Perpetuum mobiles will not work because of this and this physical law. A law we did not learn until this point.
@@seemlyme That won't work. From what I can understand from your wall of text, we have a tank. There's a small hole in it connected to a balloon, and a valve (1) that can be closed between the tank and the balloon. There's a small nozzle in the balloon that also has a valve (2) that can be closed. Your plan is to open valve 1 to push water from the tank into the balloon, close 1, and open 2, and let the water out, which you think will be above the level of water of the tank (this doesn't happen). Initially, there's a lot of water in the tank and no water in the balloon. When 1 is opened, some water flows into B until the pressure of the water in the tank (at the point of the hole) and balloon is equal, then the flow stops, even without closing 1. This means 1 is actually useless, and does nothing, and is only the start of problems with your system. Ignoring this for a while, let's close 1 and open 2. Now the balloon discharges its water upwards , and you think it will be above the level of water of the tank, but remember that the water in the balloon, when filled, *is at the same pressure as the water in the tank at the hole* , since it's just free flow into the balloon. So initially, this water will rise just as high as the level of water in the tank, and then it won't even rise as high as the pressure of the balloon drops. Which means, even the balloon and the nozzle is useless. You mentioned something about the balloon storing elastic potential energy, but elastic potential energy stores just as much energy as that's put in. In the end, it all comes to conservation of energy: A ball bounces no higher than the place it was dropped from.
@@seemlyme There are only a few "free energy" devices that actually work. two of the most practical are wind turbines, and solar panels. The energy they produce costs nothing, they're readily available, and guaranteed to work.(granted, they're intermittent)Pair either or both of these with a good size battery, and you have something that can actually work, because they satisfy all the laws of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion is (almost) possible, imagine a flywheel spinning in deep space. No friction to slow it down. In the scale of the lifetime of a human, it's practically perpetual motion. The thing that is theoretically impossible, is "over-unity". No machine can be a zero point source of energy.
It's strange to me that so many use magnets as if magnets are free energy. Magnets are stored energy. When their charge runs out, they have to be remagnetized.
@@sirroger1 I think he's saying charge runs out so it's more easily understood, and your just picking apart his terminology. But if you seriously believe magnets will sustain themselves forever could you please explain how.
@@diecies8261 once magnetised, a ferro-magnetic compound produces a magnetic field indefinitely, unless heated or de-magnetised in another way. It is a property of the alloy, not a "charge". Your fridge magnets, for example, dont' fall off after a month or two, do they? I'm not a 3rd grade physics teacher, go have a google if you're genuinely interested.
@T What do you mean??? (Maybe I shouldn't ask...). What you should remember is how many women are sitting there thinking the same thing... (And I'll shut up)
When i was a kid, playing with legos, i noticed the big gear makes the small gear go fast, so i had the bright idea of putting a big gear on the small one to feed back to the first big gear. I thought wow! That will go really fast! I was disappoint.
Even as a kid, I knew a perpetual motion machine was impossible. I thought about it for a few seconds once, realized it was impossible, and then was bummed about it for the rest of my childhood. I quickly realized that everything has an end. Even our universe. That was a battle for me as a very young kid, until I was an adult.
Perpetual energy cannot occur, but on the rare occasion, people doing these experiments can come up with something not thought of before. Something that makes an action more efficient.
@@robbyhorse6379 do you know what perpetual motion and perpetual energy is... it's a MACHINE that defies the second law of thermal dynamics. The earth and everything else isn't a machine as a machine is man made. Education... it's a must.
@@Broxalax Dude. A simple Google search for what a “machine” is totally debunks your statements. Machines are not dictated by “man-made” structures. You’re body is a machine. This planet is a machine. This galaxy is a machine. This universe is a machine. Every expanding, ever condensing. Like a breath. The only thing hindering its performance is time. Sometimes the machine runs fast. Sometimes the machine runs slow. But it’s always running. And, it’s always running along side several other universes that also always running. The real question is what machine are all of these universes powering? Who knows… If energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred, then isn’t the mere existence of energy itself it’s own perpetual motion machine? The answer is yes and it powers everything that has or ever will have existed. The energy supplying devices we have IS us tapping into the perpetual energy that is our universe. The energy needed to create our existence had to come from somewhere. Meaning, it was transferred. Meaning, it was created through the perpetual energy that is energy itself. Meaning, Robby Horse is correct. We’ve already created our version of perpetual energy. It’s called putting a paddle wheel in a river. And when that river stops flowing, we find a different one. Modernity produces different technology but it’s all the same process. Transferring energy. Our planet is always producing energy. Of course, perpetuity can only be determined by the lifetime of the beings using that energy. Perpetual energy on our scale may imply a never ending source of power but it doesn’t imply that it has to be constant. There’s nothing saying that we can’t install a hypothetical “on/off” switch for that never ending source of energy. On our planet, our perpetual energy machine goes by “The Sun”. A source of energy that will literally be around for earths “forever”. All we have to do is figure out how to make an “on/off” switch for that never ending supply of energy. We’re looking at the perpetual motion machine thing all wrong. Earth already has one. The sun. It will literally power our planet until it swallows it in about 10 billion years. We just don’t know how to effectively turn it back on yet to efficiently power our modernity. Or, if we do, it certainly isn’t public information.
I used think about this kind of thing when I was maybe 13 or 14 and taking my first science classes. The last "free energy" design I came up with was a capillary pump. I googled about them just now and it's interesting to see some of the designs others have had for them. No surprise that there have been no prospects for power generation.
@@Takataz He writes for the show himself, and he's a CUNY associate professor of astrophysics as well as a staff scientist at the American Museum of Natural History put some damn RESPECK on his name why don't ya.
You can perpetually generate dark energy, but the trick is figuring out how to do anything useful with that. Besides powering a machine that makes the universe expand of course.
Would a ball of mass surrounded by a sphere of negative mass collapse to a black hole? Or would the mass squish out of the way, like playdough in a hydraulic press? If it does form a black hole, what does it mean for a black hole to contain negative mass? A white hole? God I love physics thought experiments.
We don’t need perpetual motion machines. We already have the universe which will continue to create energy long after we are gone. We just need better ways to harvest it.
Kim Stennabb Caesar what about the beginning of our universe can you explain that too me pls (if I am being rude I am sorry i have come from the hermit background in dnd that says you know no manners)
@@hellogoodbye6893 Well, that's the mystery all of science is trying to figure out, isn't it? How the universe was "created". No one has the answer to that.
@@KimStennabbCaesar While on a grand scale your statement is partially correct, but not really accurate. since stars convert the potential energy in light elements into kinetic energy via fusion. I believe the SuperFluffy poster was referring to creation kinetic energy. If you subscribe to the Big Bang Theory (BBT) than your statement is also false since everything in the universe originated from a singularity. Energy & mass was created from nothing & thus would violate the laws of thermal dynamics (LTD). If you don't believe in the BBT, it would also violate thermal dynamics since the universe is full of mass & kinetic energy. The fact that the Universe has mass and expanding disproves, LTD at cosmic time scale.
Guy Tech something from nothing hhahaa that's funny, I'd imagine it's like this we can't seem to get past something in the atmosphere, the Bible refers to it as the firmament, Hillary Clinton made a statement that "thanks to your tax dollars we put a million cracks in the glass dome" thay were firing nukes up and trying to bust a hole in it but that's neither here nor there. If the powers that shouldn't be were for the good we would be able to harness all the free energy that we needed plus much more and as far as the BBT big bang theory something from nothing is to confuse the people on how & who is responsible for the creation of the land we walk on & humanity as we know it. Something from nothing hhahaa that one always makes me laugh.
It doesn't count because energy is lost to the dog's surroundings. You can tell by how the dog releases humor to bystanders without receiving any energy to compensate. By the time the necessary love and affection is given to continue the cycle, the dog has already broken it.
Idont know i had a small terrier dog that when he chased his tail he became a pretty high output energy machine if there was a way to harness it it wasn't perpetual but in bursts could load capacitors.
I hate that I’m taking thermodynamics right now and this is making more sense than my terrible professor and I actually enjoy this unlike those lectures
The hardest part is, Petroluim companies paying trolls to discourage young engineers to develop this kind of project... This is working but they will kill you if you publicize your specs on how it works... I made one and its working...........
How to create perpetual energy in 4 easy steps: Step one: Create a Microverse Step two: Convince whatever intelligent life that develops to stomp on goobleboxes Step three: ???? Step four: Profit!
Even the Carnot cycle doesn't necessarily have an efficiency of unity. If I recall my thermo correctly, a Carnot engine's efficiency is dependent on the temperature of the heat source and heat sink. Efficiency = 1 - Tsink/Tsource At Tsink = 0K or Tsource = infinityK, the efficiency will be 1. For any other cases, efficiency will not be 1. A Carnot engine could even have an efficiency of 0 if Tsink = Tsource.
I've been trying to think of a rediculous massive intergalactic perpetual motion machines based in dark energy of very small power generation. The best I've got those is a really slow heat engine with one side in a galaxy, and the other side pointing in a direction where everything is retreating. But I think there must be a better one
I've thought of the same but the best I've come up with is to put two large masses really far apart connected by a ridiculously long rope which turns a generator when they are pulled apart by dark energy.
It's much simpler than that. If a sufficiently advanced civilization could create stable wormholes, it would be possible to extract free and fairly unlimited (by human standards) energy from temperature differentials between really distant locations in outer space. For example, it would be possible to create a heat engine which exchanges energy between the surface of the sun and the outer regions of the solar system or between the accretion disc of a black hole and the cold void between galaxies
@@francescoghizzo that's not unlimited though. There's no laws of physics saying anything about getting lots of energy. Plus there's lots questionable about wormholes actually existing. Dark energy and whatnot is on much firmer ground
“Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this” he’s becoming self aware
-James- vary niiiiiice
Quantum mechanics forbids a lot of things...like time travel and by extension, faster than light travel!
It also forbids people to learn more about itself
Good meme
I came to comment this
"Lisa, in this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!" (my favourite quote from the Simpsons)
"It just keeps going faster and faster!"
Jackie Chan i know rite. Same.
Francesco Ghizzo you beat me to it!!
Disobeying the laws of thermodynamics?! That's a paddling.
The three laws....
1. You can't win.
2. You can't even break even .... Unless it's an extremely cold day.
3. It can't get that cold.
John Cochran
4. But...
Zeroeth, all losing is the same.
5. ... ah, nevermind, it can't work too.
There's a joke in here where it's cold enough you can win but you can't get hard, so you still can't win.
I thought the 3rd law was just that the entropy of a pure perfect crystal at absolute 0 is 0, not that absolute 0 is unattainable.
The hardest part about designing a perpetual motion machine is figuring out how to hide the battery ~ electro boom
How many times have you reposted that quote, I see it on everything related
Veeeerrryyyy original
I believe electroboom said this
And living long enough to prove it will last forever
The hardest part of writing a UA-cam comment is figuring out whose quote to use
I was going to buy a perpetual motion machine last week,but it only had a six month warranty.
They used to have lifetime warranties back in my day
lmao so subtle yet so good
If you want, i sell you one clearly magnetic perpetuum machine. It´s easy and fully working device. I show you this, you can buy it. But idea is not cheap. Do you want it?
You want infinite energy? Just place down a redstone block smh.
This joke is underrated
I rather plant trees, turn them into charcoal, create a machine that will plant trees for me, make more charcoal, then make a machine that will cut trees for me, get infnite charcoal, then get a machine that will burn trees for me for charcoal. FREE INFINITE CHARCOAL! Perputum Charcoulum.
Only 13 block range though. Or 7? I forget.
@@Kolusify but this works in real life, it's not even perpetual motion because trees gather energy from the sun
Fell asleep to this. Phone fell off my bed and I woke up to "actually, quantum mechanics forbids this"
A cold dose of a cruel reality with no wizards
r/thathappened (funny concept tho)
$100% verified
The way I see it, we should build a Perpetual motion machine of the 5th kind.
If it succeds, we have a perpetually working machine.
If it fails, we discovered the 5th law of thermodynamics.
It is a win-win enterprise.
that's complete bogus but very funny and clever
and almost makes sense
@@tone618 Damn you're right. Almost like it was a joke
this whole comment is in fact a perpetual idea... super clever :D
The Laws of Thermodynamics:
1.) You can't win or lose. You can only break even.
2.) You can't break even except at Absolute Zero.
3.) You can't get to Absolute Zero.
They're the reason why everyone and everything will die
So you're saying that my ex-wife's heart would work just fine.
.... inside the universe. maybe after heat death something could be arranged.
4.) U dumb
@@crateer 5.) I think you might have missed the point...
There is one thing that is perpetual tho: people trying to create a perpetual motion machine lol
Maybe if you string a bunch of these people to a wheel... 🤔 Can't be sure if it'd work, only one way to find out!
No its not, that violates physics
@@jimsimpson2820 ? It's a joke
@@Sausager If we could only harness the energy of people not getting jokes, we'd be set for life.
Nah. Those people are just a waste of Exergy.
P.S. Yes i spelt that exergy and not energy, for a reason.
Perpetual motion machines seem to be perpetual in the sense that people keep trying to make them
You just solved the riddle
But no one was successfull so they aren't perpetual?
see you later it won’t work
Surprised pikachu face
The fun part that gets looked over is efficiency.. the energy gradient of the modern car compared to the first internal combustion engine is so vastly different is like watching gravity driven power compared to the space shuttle. I'm amazed at how they do not fire up imaginations with the challenge to build things that take much less to perform better
Totally agree. Was thinking the same as i was watching.
You can approach an efficiency of unity by getting closer and closer. Going beyond unity to actually get anything out of it isn't natural, sorry, won't ever happen.
@@nathanwahl9224 To add to the injury further It is actually proven that you cant even "reach" unity.
@@sayamqazi No kidding... That would be called a "perpetual motion" device, and we all KNOW that's not possible
Yeah, the modern ICE car has gotten all the way up to somewhere between 25% and 35% efficient at turning gasoline energy into motion. Not bad for nearly 150 years of refinement.
1. Get a cat, hold upside down.
2. Attached piece of toast to cat's back, butter side out.
3. Drop cat-toast.
4. Cat will always land on its feet, toast will always land butter side up, cat-toast never touches ground spinning endlessly.
5. Attach generator.
6. Enjoy infinite energy.
what about toasts with nothing on them... will they land on the darker or the lighter side of the roasted bread (my hypothesis is it land on the lighter side/it doesn't matter enough to change it's gravitationnal pattern, in order to fall on the heavier side)
7. Newton starts turning in his grave.
8. Attach generator to turning Newton.
9. Enjoy more free energy.
Butter side down, actually. But you get the basic idea.
10. Tesla starts celebrating free energy in his grave
11. Call the Ghostbusters
In this house we obey the law of THERMODYNAMICS
The simpsons
The Simpsons did it!
Do you think we care about laws?
We dont even care about THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!
*jumps off building into haycart*
I have been working on a perpetual motion machine for years now. I know it's impossible but for some reason I can't seem to stop.
I can help I found out some new susbtances we can do
I guess you can your struggle is perpetual
@@Nugcon I believe that was indeed the joke ^^
Nekogami-Crystal Thanks, I didn’t get it.
@@judah9626 can you do hypermeth then
my dad used to try to make these. He usually used magnets facing in opposite directions so they push apart
Basically a free energy device, not a perpetual motion machine
@@nyneshpanchal7711 Neither. Just a wheel with magnets on
@@ashscott6068 you just ended his dads career
@@nyneshpanchal7711 it’s not free energy though, magnets have finite energy.
@@whothehellarewe racist
Sounds good.
Perpetual gravity can be harnessed . An under water wheel using 12 airbags with 12 weights outside of them. Can be made to turn using gravity alone. Only enough air to fill 6 of the bags. Weights will move towards gravity's pull = from the top towards the axial. = from the bottom away from the axial. Taking air with them through the wheel from the top to the bottom bag.(accordion style). All the full air bags are on the same side. Gravity will spin the wheel... till patrs ware out. Is that perpetual enough for you. From the arch-angel. Ram full Than
Douglas Williams no
caps lock
Love the “Quantum Mechanics forbids this” 😄
It's actually a meme now
We dare not speak its name.
Google search joseph newmann perpetual motion...
Dan Marron : Great example of an idea that doesn’t work, thanks
@@LoveDoctorNL how do you figure? He had JPL labs at NASA examine it and they agree it works. 2 electrical engineers from the patent office agreed it works...
Just to clarify, ElectroBoom was debunking all the "perpetual motion machines" and other misinformation videos.
Yeah. I didn't understand why PBS space time decided to lump him in that section. ElectroBoom is a really smart guy with a terrific channel.
It says "thanks to ElectroBoom" at the top :D
@@d_9696 yea, i'm pretty sure they were giving him a nod, saying "funny video man" not saying that he was one of the people scamming others.
yeah none of the other videos got their channel name mentioned. :)
@@d_9696 Gotcha. I thought that was part of his original video.
The quest for a perpetual motion machine is itself a perpetual motion machine.
What if the real perpetual motion machine was the friends we made along the way?
Human stupidity will run for as long as there are humans.
Only for sceptics . Move
aside .
universe: "Actually, quantum mechanics forbid this"
An Account no one* it’s two words
Alan Douglas no-one* if you’re reading a book and it’s on 2 different lines.
Yaboi Twig no it wouldn’t appear that way either because they are two completely seperate words.
Alan Douglas I guess a couple of authors are wrong then
he wrote none long. so it's noone.
Ah, yes, zero point energy. The guy I worked for 20 years ago was an analog engineer and he also was a patent examiner on the side. I remember long conversations on the phone where he would have to carefully explain to various inventors why their energy extraction devices wouldn't work. They tried to avoid saying the word 'perpetual', but basically that is what their patent applications usually amounted to. Reverse-entropic devices.... for example, trying to extract usable energy from johnson noise, and stuff like that.
There were inventions that passed his desk that did produce energy... just not very much, and most of the inventors didn't understand physics well enough to know where the energy was actually coming from... but thought they had something wonderful when what they really had was a really inefficient solar panel or thermal gradient device.
I almost feel these quacks should be celebrated a bit instead of ridiculed. It takes a lot of effort, imagination and drive to create these things. However their creations unfortunately just add to the anti-science wave of moon landings, flat earths, global warming, antivax, etc.
Every once in a while I go down the UA-cam "free energy" rabbit hole. On rare occasions I can get someone to understand there is no energy in magnets to extract. Mostly, they just freak out and call me names. I only wish "big oil" would pay me to point out the obvious in comment sections.
Yeah but you probably didn't try attaching flywheels to the electromagnets, that's what did it. The laws of thermodynamics will stop being true if I add enough physically confusing pieces to my grand design.
There is a third category which is neither thermal or PV, it goes back to crystal sets and you can get a measurable amount of power from a truckload of antennae and tank circuits with a cats whisker type diode. Basically you can get a few microwatts out of each one.
@@scotthammond3230 I hope you mean moon landing deniers and global warming deniers.
"Close, but no perpetually burning cigar"
Put that on a t-shirt.
@The main cause of warps in all of reality Relax dude. No need to be so excessive and rude. Couldve simply said "Spellcheck can go a long way".
Just to further my own comment, put an image on the shirt of a popular perpetual motion machine design and then write "Close, but no perpetually burning cigar" underneath the image or on the back of a shirt.
Thatd be pretty cool and comical at the same time.
I'm not entirely certain how you hope to assemble this. Or why you think this would work indefinitely. It is possible to make the float of a fill valve work in reverse, so to speak, that it closes up a valve the lower the fill line gets. But then once you get past that it becomes dubious.
Firstly, this is the wrong type of valve for such a process as, the second the moment the inverted fill valve whose valve is shut off by the float as the water level lowers as opposed to rises, the bladder will begin to fill again. It would be better to simply let the pressure between the gravity-fed water tank and the pressure within the bladder equalize, and then seal it off with a valve that isn't dependent on the level of the water, or seal off the bladder at some semi-arbitrary point prior to the bladder bursting with an independent valve.
But then we get the issue of attempting to spray the water back into the tank. As the bladder begins to drain, the pressure on the water will shrink and any free-jetted water will have a weaker and weaker stream until it can no longer be fed back into the tank.
"The manual actions should be automated and repeated then perpetual motion"
As the machine you've proposed doesn't have any way to automate them, you will need to automate them from an outside source which is energy loss. Additionally, this machine is what this video described as a "type 3 perpetual motion device" where it can theoretically feed itself indefinitely, but does no work outside of that. The water being sprayed through the air or the water being fed through to the bladder would need to interact with an outside system in order for it to do work.
The failings of your proposal are:
1) Improper valve usage
2) dependence on consistent pressure in a variable pressure system
3) It is a perpetual motion machine that does no work besides to feed itself.
4) It cannot even feed itself.
To set something permanently spinning, simply strap a slice of bread and jam, which we all know will land jam side down, to a cat’s back which we all know always falls paws down therefore two opposing forces fighting each other for superiority. I found through experimentation that apricot jam works best especially when strapped to a Siamese cat.
I remember that ad. It was hilarious.
Makes sense
6:52 He is aware of the meme 😂
What meme?
Look up Quantum Mechanics Forbids This in r/DankMemes
iron saad Just did, thanks.
Actually, Quantum Mechanics forbids this
@@MalekiRe him saying "Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this" was a bit of a meme not long ago.
I consider incredibly slow loss in energy to be close enough to perpetual motion for being a cool toy
like the sun is near enough infinite energy to stop the winjing and tap that keg
Like when someone makes an m machine that takes the power of a magnet and just releases it really slowly over time since magnetism power last so long I would consider these
Yup. It wouldnt make a difference if it lasts a million years or infinity to humans.
The ebb and flow of tides is the easiest macro scale oscillating energy system. Why is everyone trying to chase what the moon and earth already provides?
@@misaelolvera2996 Nobody has made such a machine, because they're mathematically impossible. Magnets don't have power. They do not release energy. You can't run anything on them, because they are not power sources.
Think about magnets like springs. The spring can push on something, but only if you compress the spring first. So the energy you get out of the spring is just the energy you put in when you compressed it, minus some losses. It's exactly the same with magnets. There is no arrangement of permanent magnets that provides a sustained net force, just like there's no way to arrange springs so that they'll continually accelerate a wheel.
The reason electric motors work is because they move the field itself. There is absolutely no way to make permanent magnets do what electric motors do, because their fields are static. And once the device has reached its minimum energy state, it will simply stop. And the magnets will make you stop faster, because they'll induce eddy currents as the moving magnetic fields pass through conductors, sapping energy from the system and dissipating it as heat.
Seriously. Trust the physicists on this one. The whole "make stuff spin forever with magnet power" is bullshit.
If They were all the craze before they discovered the laws of thermodynamics, why not just undo the law and make the perpetual machines again?
Idk why they're making such a big fuss, just Ctrl + Alt + Z and problem solved
I hope they also undo the law of gravity so I can fly
Ikr fucking government and their laws
They need unanimous congressional approval and we all know that's not happening.
At 3:03, you saying "inventors just graduated to instead breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics" sounded to me way funnier than it should have...😂
"Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this 😂👌"
I am ded.
perpetual motion forbids this joke..
"I keep designing perpetual motion machines. Ironically, I can't seem to stop."
I forget where the quote comes from though, sorry.
Sounds like something Groucho Marx would say.
Or, Marty Feldman.
Smart as he was, Groucho left school at the age of 12. His early 20th century audiences were also unlikely to know what perpetual motion machines were; what is special about the idea. It can be hard to appreciate how ignorant people of the past were of simple mechanics; certainly they did not know laws of thermodynamics. Whoever made that joke was certainly more modern.
-Ronald Weasley
Even if you know it is impossible, just go on.
Most of the things we learn, is more because we fail, rather than success.
That's no villain bro. That's ElectroBOOM, the Rectifier! He's on our team.
Livin' to Learn If you look in the upper right corner of the clip you will see that there is thanks and credit given. It would have been impossible not to realize the source video was itself also debunking perpetual motion.
Im at work at devising a machine to capture the energies.... heat... mechanical.... etc.... released from a lying politician's mouth. One great part about this approach is the degree of freedom afforded the user in selecting which politician they want to hook up to the device. Once I complete the prototype I intend to test. Though I still have some engineering challenges to overcome..... in principle I am very optimistic that I will have created a perpetual motion machine that greatly exceeds in energy output compared to any energy input required. Will keep everyone posted on my progress.
Todos dan por sentado, la validez de que la energía no se puede obtener y eso Puede Ser Refutado y cuando eso Suceda la Ley de la Termodinámica será obsoleta!!!!
Mientras Tanto, Gocen de Su Ley y dejen de probar!!! Yo prefiero pensar QUE SE PUEDE!!!!
Anything involving politics is terribly inefficient but will run forever as long as gullible taxpayers, of which there are plenty, keep feeding them, .
-creates perpetual motion machine
Quantum physics wants to know your location. Not momentum though
Haha, that's lame.
I guess no one got it.
It was supposed to be like SUPER POSITION
Quantum Physics won't see you running :P
i want to put this on a shirt
Oh, Arceus, that's the definition of nerdiness xD
happy days when Space Time uploads
I look forward to taking my lunch break on Thursdays (usually) and watching new video. My one and only subscription is space time.
"Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this." is just reality saying "wait that's illegal"
Even quantum mechanics is incomplete. So don't jump into conclusions. It maybe possible !!!!
@@vishnus.p.4007 If there is gravity there is energy facebook.com/overunity1/
The impossible drive laughs in your general direction.
...you should copyright that. I promise you THAT quote will be incredibly significant in the near future. Brilliant retort!
As per recent developments in physics, we can create and destroy the energy www.amazon.com/dp/B08GVJLPWV
I’m fairly certain that if a perpetual motion machine was ever created somehow, it would probably just function as an inefficient battery.
If it moved fast enough, and was bigger with a couple more next to it, it'd make a good generator for a house.
Planetary orbits are a sort of battery. You could in theory sap angular momentum from them to power something else.
@@ghaldurinanubios4290 But where would the energy come from? When I posted this comment, I was thinking it would essentially act as a kinetic energy battery. That kinetic energy would then be possible to turn into heat and electricity. That electricity could then be used for a bunch of stuff
@@Gemini-Lion put a ring like track around earth, put a car on it. attach the moon to the car's roof with a "STRONG" string and you have forever running car. Well for a few million years forever.
Think outside the box human !
TL;DR I've never noticed it before, but PBS has been one of the biggest educational institutions of my entire life. It's "done it's job" _so_ well, for so long.
I *really* don't want to come off as patronizing. This channel really does make me proud of PBS. I'm so astounded by how well they've adapted to UA-cam. This content in particular almost feels like it's evolved with me, in a personal way. When I watched PBS as a kid, it was stuff that was just complex enough to actually be educational.
Then cable came around, and I assume they had more freedom to challenge their audience, so while I was a young man, I remember learning new stuff. Even though I spent most of my life at a school, I learned.
Now as an adult, who spent endless hours as a teenager watching physics specials and nature documentaries, I'm still being taught. I've learned from what they taught me, and now they're teaching me something else. Like they're keeping track of what I know. That's what I mean by it feels personal. They're SO SO SO good at their job, bless them.
Too bad about their ideological agenda on top of that subtly brainwashing you. Not THESE videos, not the spacetime videos with this guy, but some of the others.
I know right big bird is a facist bastard snowflake or whatever
@@rays5163 Big Bird is a straight up muthafuckin National Socialist.
So um. Youre constantly being taught but what are you using the knowledge for?
@@yuno9121 None of your business. This person could be an environmental scientist, a doctor, systems engineer, etc making a difference every day. What are YOU contributing to society? Maybe it's just interesting to learn about this stuff. I'm a painter who would never understand the more nuanced aspect of physics and q. mechanics, but I would much rather spend my free time watching videos like these without pretentious assholes like you asking what I'm going to do with that information condescendingly.
Great, now my youtube recommandation will be filled with fake perpetual motion contraptions, again.
Trying researching them for an episode. UA-cam will never show me anything else ever again.
I have UA-cam history disabled. I tend to only get enhanced garbage recommendations for a little while after watching videos like this. I say enhanced, since it's still pretty garbage normally.
Merennulli Good call!! I’m disabling UA-cam history right now.
It's a trap! Get out!
Don't you mean you'll be getting... perpetual recommendations?
Say! Is that the exit over there?
Would you say that perpetual motion machines will be perpetually proposed?
The universe would need to be a perpetual motion machine to do that. Stop dark energy from spreading everything out and then maybe we can talk about it.
@Adam George The universe is only estimated to be 13.8 billion years old, so we're still "near the very beginning of infinity". Keep in mind that you can only exist to observe the universe during the time period during which it has low enough entropy to support your existence (ie, relatively close to the beginning).
But as for the rest of what you said, no, motion doesn't "stop". Energy will always exist in the universe, it will simply be too spread out to interact with other energy after a while. It will still exhibit quantum behavior and experience changes in its trajectory that keep it from being "perpetual motion", but some form of motion will always exist.
As the heat death of the universe approaches, i imagine sentient creatures will still try to formulate something like that.
@Adam George Infinity doesn't exist.
that alliteration is just gold 👌
I like this channel's calm rational examination of these things. The middle ground between hype and skepticism .
That's the second time he says that. But I don't know if it was already a meme.
Bro this is a great way to pass time while having questions answered, I wish this was in podcast form!
I just download them as to become available.
@@STR82DVD zzz
@@STR82DVD in my 78888
@Ginge5ify i hear you!!!!! That voice of john tho lol warm greetings from NZ
@@STR82DVD not everyone has a premium account
It's always Friction. Saved you 11 mins.
@ki kus 😂😂😂😂😂
@ki kus i think you killed him
My thought as well.
Where'd your profile pic from??
So superconductivity makes perpetual motion machines possible huh? Horse shyt.
I thought I had created something that could generate energy. But years later after my prototype got smashed at the school fair, I looked into it and realized that the excess coil of wire was using heat from the sun where I had set up to create more energy like a solar panel could. i was so excited for a long time after busting a few bulbs thorugh excess energy generation. Now I realized I was creating a loop of electricity through infrared.
But you coudln't convinced me of that when I was just 13 years old.
Thats still pretty cool tho!
I love how this video bassically just takes a huge perpetual crap all over everyone attempting to make a perpetual motion machine. Haha!
I'm glad people are still trying. Will it ever amount to a perpetual motion machine? Well no. But maybe we'll get some cool new data from their attempts!
he defined perpetual motion as a system that runs with no external energy input ... then he demonstrates a machine that receives no external energy input and chooses a PORTION of that to say it is not possible ... like taking a carberutor from and engine and saying it cannot create enough power to move a 1 ton vehicle ... well duh of course not the carb is only a PART of the system .... he made the worst mistake in science possible he removed logic from his rebuttal and got it wrong ...
leave the carb in the system turn the key and poof the engine works and moves the 1 ton vehicle ... using a portion of a system to refute its claims is BAD SCIENCE .... and that gets taught in the first week of all science classes ... guess he skipped that week
My favorite example is charging your phone with a light-powered charger powered by your phone flashlight
its like charging but with extra steps
@@JohnPaulBuce *discharging
@@MattH-wg7ou wat
@@MattH-wg7ou oh yeah i got it lol
I've got another one for you: Making the room colder by leaving the fridge door open.
This guy is the regular sized version of Peter Dinklage.
I came to the comment section looking for this. Thanks
i came too looking for this 🤣
Thats the man that is in the biography, documentary, movie of the actor of Fantasy Island 🏝? Isn't it?
Well, get a generater to start a big microwave producing machine that steams H²O 🌫 and turbines turn creating electricity.
A electricity substation off to the side regulating the ⚡and the generator that started the microwave steam machine, can then get its own ⚡from self giving electricity to keep microwaving and steaming turbines that make the energy.
Cool the steam to recycle itself back thru the machine and still have a water supply from nature to use as well.
🙂 🤝🏼🙃☝🏼😉
Do l have anything?
When i read this i was wondering who peter dknlage was. The i looked at the guy in the video. I see EXACTLY what you mean 🤣🤣🤣
“Never believe everything you see on the internet.” -Galileo
lmao😂😂😂😂😂internet wasn't there that time ....
Now u will say dont believe in that😂
@@prashantjoshi1604 Thanks Captain Obvious. You must be entertaining to be around at a comedy show
@@tonyinfinity 😂😂no my surrounding one has a much great sense than me...so they gives savage replies to them too..
Tyrion Lannister got taller? This episode of G.O.T confuses me.
But he's just as smart in this form.
John Carlson
Got is stupid
@@MrShanester117 Just for the sake of irony..
A television show does not posses intellect. It is not a being.
So who is stupid now?
I was just about to say the same thing 😂 he even does the hand thing
Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this 😂👌
@ViperDaniel Where in quantum mechanics says this is forbidden? There is NO SUCH THING as time in quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics believe time is an emergent property. An any kind of MOTION machine requires time for motion, as such quantum mechanics doesn't say any such thing that this is forbidden.
@@crazieeez boi
@XX-M.A. haha thanks for the heads up
@William Burns Who say I will. There are crazier people who will do it and they may be successful so however much anger you have now, will be mute. :) Today's idiot is tomorrow's genius.
@@crazieeez I wouldn't bank on that... LUL
I lasted an entire 5 minutes of this video and learned something from the miniscule bit that I could grasp before finally accepting that this discussion is miles above my head
Glad im not the only one, still neat
If you first go and really LEARN the metric system, you will most likely be able to understand this as a result, and then it won't be kilometers over your head.
Oh it's okay! We're all like that. Just keep watching, the knowledge will sort of accrete over time.
its better that way ... continue to search Gods word only for knowledge and understanding
I remember being about 15 years old (1983) drawing out my blueprints for a perpetual motion wheel using electric magnets and whatever else I could find in my Grandfather's garage. I actually thought I was onto something.
This was well before the internet was around to show me how little I knew about basically EVERYTHING.
so you have accepted to permit the internet to make you believe that you are very small and very limited. That coincides (if, as is your case, you are a coincidence theorist) with what the people with all the power want you to believe.
I hope for you and the billions of others like you that you can get over this stupidity of believing what people who want you dead want you to believe.
@@lebergerdesphotons4565 hahahahahaa!
@@YainVieyra maybe you could offer the explanation of why you find that funny?
@@lebergerdesphotons4565 do you explain to people every time you laugh?
@@YainVieyra no. but I do explain every time they ask.
No such thing as a perpetual motion machine? This guy obviously hasn't spent much time around two year olds.
@@AzathothsAlarmClock savage
Do you not feed your kids?
They go to sleep once in a while, don't they?
@William Burns They self fuel as they move around. Most anything they see goes into their mouth. :)))
Nope, you're just not looking close enough for their energy source. In my experience, small children are energy vampires. They suck the energy from nearby adults and then expend it by running and screaming. This both explains the observed energy output from the children and the exhaustion of the nearby caregiver adults.
Even if you can't create a perpetual motion machine, creating a 10.000 years motion machine would already be pretty good right?
You need extract that energy from some thing, "Equivalent exchange young alchemist"
That’s kind of the point that I get confused about with all the people who just want to debunk perpetual motion. What I find most interesting is the passive energy generation and the challenge of making an efficient system. Even if you could have a machine that could charge your phone at night, that would be awesome.
You refer to perpetually motion visual display. A low energy input is needed, lowering energy loss is good
Absolutely not. We must stick to the rules, perpetual means forever. What use is a perpetual motion machine that only runs for 10,000 years? /s
10 year semi perpetual motion machine sounds pretty good as long as it looks cool
8:05 ElectroBoom!!!! 😂 But you made it look like he was creating a perpetual machine instead he was debunking said machine.... I wonder why 🤔
They should add annotations over his part so people know he doesn’t make videos about fake inventions and they can clear his good name. He spends so much of his time debunking those videos. I really hate to see him being made a joke by PBS
@@GlobalOffense i dislike the video cause of that.
I was going to mention that he did a video debunking pmm's. Hilariously
That video is very funny, it did show it blow up in the clip, so hopefully people saw it was a joke.
I love your work, featuring other people's work.
Our goal shouldn’t be trying to create a perpetual motion Maschine, it should trying to create something that’s close to one, which is possible
This pursuit is called engineering.
So what you are saying is fusion power
@Jacob Turnbaugh Thats simply not true. Did you watch the video? Perhaps things are perpetual in the theoretical entire expansion and contraction of universes. If the expansion reverses and all the energy expended collects back into a black hole, and the cycle perfectly starts over again, then you are correct. But we don't know that, therefore you are just wrong. Planets slow down over time, suns burn out, hawking radiation, heat radiation, vibration slowing inertia, etc etc. Please explain yourself.
@Jacob Turnbaugh Nope. Magnets lose their efficacy over time mate.
I DONT CARE IF ITS IMPOSSIBLE I WANT IT!!!!!! *throws tantrum*
Jhon Searl is not a liar. And because of this deception the russians are on the front line of this science while the USA get left in the behind
SpaceWake walker what the hell happened here
IDK greedy assholes like rockerfelker happened.
But this guy want it and i just want to support that if that is what you mean. (By what happened)
Try kojin motor
DreamSpace WakeWalker bruh if you have infinite power you can make communism actually work
As someone with no background in physics, i disagree. Here, let me explain. See what you do is...
The interesting this is, trained scientists have trouble thinking outside the box they are put in. If they start off from the position that something is impossible, then they will not try to do it. The person to find this, if it IS possible, will end up being the person you are ridiculing. Rather than mocking them, treat them like children and pat them on the head and say, "Keep trying". If they succeed we all win, right?
I hate nerd humour! Go get a girlfriend!
Peter Rabitt hey! Keep your strap on lady boy fan-ism to yourself.
Don’t go down the LGBTQ path
Peter Rabitt at least pc will not bitch about feminism and female rights
@George Bennett This is actually causing the moon's orbit to decrease over time, as it loses momentum. So..'fraid not.
There would also be friction in that machine. There would also be head transferring through the axle.
ElectroBoom! Great guy! Smart and funny as hell. 😁
The video that os showed on this video is in fact Medi showing how a perpetual motion machine can't generate his own electricity!! Very funny guy!!
KVL is for the bird though
8:05 !! I wish you guys would’ve separated Electric Boom from those claiming fake inventions as he isn’t in the same camp. He spends his time educating viewers and debunking those videos. Please add annotations to his UA-cam channel describing that he is not a joke as you suggested. Then you can clear his good name. Thanks
I hate that its Not possible, Imagine how cool it would be, it needs to be patched.
@Vadim VeeVoit the problem is that idk if you're being serious or not
@Vadim VeeVoit that's why I said there's a problem, cause there wasn't any funny tone, looks like you weren't joking, unfortunately🙄
@Vadim VeeVoit look if we're bringing IQ into this then I want you to know, you are currently arguing with a 14 year old about classified technology. I'm not saying that classified technology doesn't exist, but don't you think that if someone had groundbreaking evidence that a perpetual motion machine exists, then it would be everywhere? And don't hit me with "oh the government controls the internet" Because if they did then you wouldn't be posting about how the government has tech like this. Go back to your Facebook group you, tinfoil hat wearing, 5g causes cancer, plandemic, motel cumstain for a brain, conspiracy theorist.
Well this conversation went down the shitter real quick.
Alex The Air Monk damn you must be real fed up with these conspiracy theorists
The second law does not state that "entropy can _never_ decrease," only that entropy _tends_ to increase. 3:08 The fact is that is can indeed run in reverse, for short periods of time, it's just so rare that we don't tend to consider it.
Let me guess. Quantum?
The best proof that entropy always increases is that if the opposite were true, perpetual motion machines would gradually invent and build themselves.
Assuming a positive cosmological constant, isn't the expanding universe the ultimate perpetual motion machine?
@Es D Negative wouldn't work. It's been shown that you'd only get a limited number of Big Bang / Big Crunch oscillations.
@@ravenlord4 yes but... the universe itself isn't bound to the laws of physics. Only the matter and evergy is on a local level.
The real question here is: in an expanding universe, is energy conserved? If so, how? If not, rethink your laws or decouple them from your assumptions about the nature of the beginning/end of the universe. Because on a cosmological scale the laws of thermodynamics are fanboy trash.
The universe is NOT perpetual.... it has an end.
@@ericalbers4867 ~"On a cosmological scale" is the only place where the laws of thermodynamics ultimately apply.
On a human scale it only matters as an equation of efficiency.
But until the last proton decays some billion trillion years in the future, the laws of thermodynamics ARE on a cosmological scale.
Jerry VanNuys is an icy eternity spent getting closer and closer and closer and closer to absolute zero....an “ end”?
I'm looking forward to the day when we'll be traveling on hovercraft powered by cats with butter-side-up toast on their backs.
Ahhh, a man aware of the cat/buttered toast drive. Taste and distinction does exist.
@@digbicmcgeegaming2581 You logh now, but wait until I'm the next Elon Musk making millions on my genetically modified felines that grow buttered toast on their backs. From this, I shall design a fleet of hovercraft stoppable only by water. And with these magnificent devices, I shall rule the world!
According to flat-toast theorists you already are!
@@JustinC721 this is no laughing matter sir. I would be happy to invest in making this dream a reality.😊👍
If energy can be created from nothing, then the whole Universe no longer makes any sense. I might just explode one day from too much energy created from nothing.
I invented a perpetual motion machine when I was a kid. It goes as follows. Get a hose and form it into a circular loop so that the two ends join. Half fill this loop with a magnetic liquid and mount the loop so that it is upright (like a big wheel). Also inside the hose place a small hollow ball so that it floats on the liquid on the left side. Now place a large permanent magnet near the loop on it's left so that the liquid is pulled towards it and now only fills the left side of the loop. This will take the ball to the top of the loop which will fall down inside the hose on the right side (with no liquid). When it reaches the bottom inertia will make it enter the liquid at the bottom and once inside it will float up to the top through the liquid. Then when at the top it will continue to move to the right (the empty side) and will then fall down again, continuing forever. I know it doesn't work, but can you see why?
Sure. The ball would NEVER penetrate the liquid hard enough to start rising through it on the left side, it would simply stop at the bottom. Gravity would make certain of that.
@@davelowets Almost right. You could have enough enertia to penetrate the liquid, but once inside the liquid the flotation action is pushing the ball to the right, not up (as the magnet is on the left and displacement forces are right pushing), so the ball will be pushed straight out again, and gravity will help it stop as well. So even though it could enter the material it would end up sitting at the bottom of the tube just outside the liquid.
@@petejohnston5880 If the ball is non-magnetic, the magnet and the "magnetic liquid" would have zero effect on what the ball does. It would simply be gravity overcoming the buoyancy of the ball at that point, and preventing it from completing the cycle.
@@davelowets The ball is non magnetic but if it's in the liquid and the liquid is being pulled to the left by the magnet, then the ball is being pushed to the right (to allow the liquid to fill it's space). In a normal liquid the ball would rise to the surface but in this scenario the ball is being pushed to the right (when inside the liquid) and has no upwards forces.So with enough momentum it can enter the liquid it's just that it will be pushed straight out again and will never rise.
I invented a perpetual motion drone. It was too good and flew away. It's still up there somewhere....
That's unfortunate..
That reminds of a science fiction short story I read some time ago, where the guy accidentally invented a ball with a super-unity bounce ratio. That is, if you dropped it from 100 cm high, it would bounce back up 102 cm. Cute story, spoilers, it proved to have disastrous consequences, particularly when it was bouncing miles and miles into the sky, each bounce was like a meteor impact, and they couldn't figure out how to catch the damn thing.
I think it just flew by my house
He used an ElectroBOOM clip, what a legend
@@rodolfomerced1815 Overbullshit.
I was so stocked to see that!!
When I was at school, a friend and I. We invented Perpetuum mobiles and discussed them with the physics teacher. They worked in that perspective that the teacher always said to us that our Perpetuum mobiles will not work because of this and this physical law. A law we did not learn until this point.
1) No
2) You can't do it
3) Its literally impossible stop trying
see you later free energy is impossible dude
No harm in trying though
@@seemlyme That won't work.
From what I can understand from your wall of text, we have a tank. There's a small hole in it connected to a balloon, and a valve (1) that can be closed between the tank and the balloon. There's a small nozzle in the balloon that also has a valve (2) that can be closed. Your plan is to open valve 1 to push water from the tank into the balloon, close 1, and open 2, and let the water out, which you think will be above the level of water of the tank (this doesn't happen).
Initially, there's a lot of water in the tank and no water in the balloon. When 1 is opened, some water flows into B until the pressure of the water in the tank (at the point of the hole) and balloon is equal, then the flow stops, even without closing 1. This means 1 is actually useless, and does nothing, and is only the start of problems with your system. Ignoring this for a while, let's close 1 and open 2. Now the balloon discharges its water upwards , and you think it will be above the level of water of the tank, but remember that the water in the balloon, when filled, *is at the same pressure as the water in the tank at the hole* , since it's just free flow into the balloon. So initially, this water will rise just as high as the level of water in the tank, and then it won't even rise as high as the pressure of the balloon drops. Which means, even the balloon and the nozzle is useless. You mentioned something about the balloon storing elastic potential energy, but elastic potential energy stores just as much energy as that's put in. In the end, it all comes to conservation of energy: A ball bounces no higher than the place it was dropped from.
@@seemlyme There are only a few "free energy" devices that actually work. two of the most practical are wind turbines, and solar panels. The energy they produce costs nothing, they're readily available, and guaranteed to work.(granted, they're intermittent)Pair either or both of these with a good size battery, and you have something that can actually work, because they satisfy all the laws of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion is (almost) possible, imagine a flywheel spinning in deep space. No friction to slow it down. In the scale of the lifetime of a human, it's practically perpetual motion. The thing that is theoretically impossible, is "over-unity". No machine can be a zero point source of energy.
7:55 A potato with two coiled magnets stuck to the sides. Now that's a physics joke, made me laugh.
They're probably anti magnets😂
It's strange to me that so many use magnets as if magnets are free energy.
Magnets are stored energy. When their charge runs out, they have to be remagnetized.
Magnets do not have a charge and never “run out”.....
@@sirroger1 I think he's saying charge runs out so it's more easily understood, and your just picking apart his terminology. But if you seriously believe magnets will sustain themselves forever could you please explain how.
@@diecies8261 once magnetised, a ferro-magnetic compound produces a magnetic field indefinitely, unless heated or de-magnetised in another way. It is a property of the alloy, not a "charge". Your fridge magnets, for example, dont' fall off after a month or two, do they? I'm not a 3rd grade physics teacher, go have a google if you're genuinely interested.
This is like seeing two smartest kids both get different answers, and I just sit here eating glus
@@JoNarDLoLz congratulations, you've developed the ultimate gift of being able to revel in your own imbecility
Like my dad always said, there is no such thing as a free lunch. 😊
That's it, i'm on my way to see the lawmaker of thermodynamics.
6:52 me getting a girlfriend
Typical Teenager the way he said it made me laugh lol
Best not having any entanglements.
Plus you have to buy an entanglement ring, think of the expense!
What? You mean quantum mechanics isn't a babe magnet?
I laughed hard, in an over-unity manner
@T What do you mean??? (Maybe I shouldn't ask...).
What you should remember is how many women are sitting there thinking the same thing...
(And I'll shut up)
2:01 "... and the self-blowing windmill."
Ah, yes, I remember those more youthful days...
Superphilipp bruh
Let me get this right. As a youth, you used to blow yourself?
spacejamgoliath you’ve never done that? Man once you try you’ll never need a girl again. The only down side is the constant chapped lips.
10:59 LMFAO Whoever made this is the absolutely laziest person who actually gets things done 🤣 love it
When i was a kid, playing with legos, i noticed the big gear makes the small gear go fast, so i had the bright idea of putting a big gear on the small one to feed back to the first big gear. I thought wow! That will go really fast! I was disappoint.
Even as a kid, I knew a perpetual motion machine was impossible. I thought about it for a few seconds once, realized it was impossible, and then was bummed about it for the rest of my childhood. I quickly realized that everything has an end. Even our universe. That was a battle for me as a very young kid, until I was an adult.
@@davelowets I still hold out hope that one day we'll find some kind of hack for free energy. I want to believe. Lol
@@fryncyaryorvjink2140 I wanted to believe also, but sadly, those pesky laws of thermodynamics will assuredly prevent it from ever happening.
Perpetual energy cannot occur, but on the rare occasion, people doing these experiments can come up with something not thought of before. Something that makes an action more efficient.
Everything that exists is perpetual energy
@@robbyhorse6379 I think you might to brush up on the definition of perpetual energy or motion.
@@Broxalax You might brush up on everything that exists
@@robbyhorse6379 do you know what perpetual motion and perpetual energy is... it's a MACHINE that defies the second law of thermal dynamics.
The earth and everything else isn't a machine as a machine is man made.
Education... it's a must.
Dude. A simple Google search for what a “machine” is totally debunks your statements. Machines are not dictated by “man-made” structures. You’re body is a machine. This planet is a machine. This galaxy is a machine. This universe is a machine. Every expanding, ever condensing. Like a breath. The only thing hindering its performance is time. Sometimes the machine runs fast. Sometimes the machine runs slow. But it’s always running. And, it’s always running along side several other universes that also always running. The real question is what machine are all of these universes powering? Who knows…
If energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred, then isn’t the mere existence of energy itself it’s own perpetual motion machine? The answer is yes and it powers everything that has or ever will have existed. The energy supplying devices we have IS us tapping into the perpetual energy that is our universe. The energy needed to create our existence had to come from somewhere. Meaning, it was transferred. Meaning, it was created through the perpetual energy that is energy itself. Meaning, Robby Horse is correct.
We’ve already created our version of perpetual energy. It’s called putting a paddle wheel in a river. And when that river stops flowing, we find a different one. Modernity produces different technology but it’s all the same process. Transferring energy. Our planet is always producing energy. Of course, perpetuity can only be determined by the lifetime of the beings using that energy. Perpetual energy on our scale may imply a never ending source of power but it doesn’t imply that it has to be constant. There’s nothing saying that we can’t install a hypothetical “on/off” switch for that never ending source of energy. On our planet, our perpetual energy machine goes by “The Sun”. A source of energy that will literally be around for earths “forever”. All we have to do is figure out how to make an “on/off” switch for that never ending supply of energy.
We’re looking at the perpetual motion machine thing all wrong. Earth already has one. The sun. It will literally power our planet until it swallows it in about 10 billion years. We just don’t know how to effectively turn it back on yet to efficiently power our modernity. Or, if we do, it certainly isn’t public information.
I used think about this kind of thing when I was maybe 13 or 14 and taking my first science classes. The last "free energy" design I came up with was a capillary pump. I googled about them just now and it's interesting to see some of the designs others have had for them. No surprise that there have been no prospects for power generation.
PBS Space Time: perpetual motion machines are impossible
Minecraft redstone clock: Am I a joke to you?
A guy in Norway did it
This is what happens when you cross Stephen Hawking with Tyrion Lannister. I love this guy.
Why? Hes closer to a news anchor just reading of a prompter.
@@Takataz He writes for the show himself, and he's a CUNY associate professor of astrophysics as well as a staff scientist at the American Museum of Natural History put some damn RESPECK on his name why don't ya.
I'm using expansion of the universe, as energy source for my Perpetual Motion Machine.
You can perpetually generate dark energy, but the trick is figuring out how to do anything useful with that. Besides powering a machine that makes the universe expand of course.
Emmy Noether could help. ;)
Would a ball of mass surrounded by a sphere of negative mass collapse to a black hole? Or would the mass squish out of the way, like playdough in a hydraulic press? If it does form a black hole, what does it mean for a black hole to contain negative mass? A white hole?
God I love physics thought experiments.
We don’t need perpetual motion machines. We already have the universe which will continue to create energy long after we are gone. We just need better ways to harvest it.
The universe does not create or destroy energy, it's already all there. Just, mostly, very dispersed.
Kim Stennabb Caesar what about the beginning of our universe can you explain that too me pls (if I am being rude I am sorry i have come from the hermit background in dnd that says you know no manners)
@@hellogoodbye6893 Well, that's the mystery all of science is trying to figure out, isn't it? How the universe was "created". No one has the answer to that.
@@KimStennabbCaesar While on a grand scale your statement is partially correct, but not really accurate. since stars convert the potential energy in light elements into kinetic energy via fusion. I believe the SuperFluffy poster was referring to creation kinetic energy.
If you subscribe to the Big Bang Theory (BBT) than your statement is also false since everything in the universe originated from a singularity. Energy & mass was created from nothing & thus would violate the laws of thermal dynamics (LTD). If you don't believe in the BBT, it would also violate thermal dynamics since the universe is full of mass & kinetic energy. The fact that the Universe has mass and expanding disproves, LTD at cosmic time scale.
Guy Tech something from nothing hhahaa that's funny, I'd imagine it's like this we can't seem to get past something in the atmosphere, the Bible refers to it as the firmament, Hillary Clinton made a statement that "thanks to your tax dollars we put a million cracks in the glass dome" thay were firing nukes up and trying to bust a hole in it but that's neither here nor there. If the powers that shouldn't be were for the good we would be able to harness all the free energy that we needed plus much more and as far as the BBT big bang theory something from nothing is to confuse the people on how & who is responsible for the creation of the land we walk on & humanity as we know it. Something from nothing hhahaa that one always makes me laugh.
How is no one commenting on the patent officers pun "it eliminates 50% of their crank submission" ..brilliant
Does dog chasing its own tail count as perpetual?
(this is clearly a joke)
Not clear enough to the dog.
It doesn't count because energy is lost to the dog's surroundings. You can tell by how the dog releases humor to bystanders without receiving any energy to compensate. By the time the necessary love and affection is given to continue the cycle, the dog has already broken it.
@Brazilian Goddess lmao
Idont know i had a small terrier dog that when he chased his tail he became a pretty high output energy machine if there was a way to harness it it wasn't perpetual but in bursts could load capacitors.
@Brazilian Goddess yes
I hate that I’m taking thermodynamics right now and this is making more sense than my terrible professor and I actually enjoy this unlike those lectures
I had a great teacher for thermo and heat transfer, but I didn't really understand it until years after school haha
Didn’t realize this was where the meme came from but for those looking for it check 6:53
I think the meme was originally from an earlier video, he was just being self-aware here. Still cool tho
One word: friction
End of video
And sometimes unintuitive frictions! (Back EMF)
The channel “ElectroBoom” is debunking free energy in that video shown. That guy’s channel is funny. At least he gets laughs out of me...
He Put Thanks ElectroBoom in top right corner...
The hardest part is, Petroluim companies paying trolls to discourage young engineers to develop this kind of project... This is working but they will kill you if you publicize your specs on how it works... I made one and its working...........
Why did the perpetual machine finally call off work?
Motion sickness
Get out
*you don’t belong here, the council will decide your fate*
"How many vain chimera" for those who heard it as "van kai mirrors"
Aaah! Thank you!
How to create perpetual energy in 4 easy steps:
Step one: Create a Microverse
Step two: Convince whatever intelligent life that develops to stomp on goobleboxes
Step three: ????
Step four: Profit!
Sell the patent ?
Rick n Morty in da housee *burp*
That just sounds like slavery with extra steps
combining Rick and Morty with South Park... nice...
Sounds like slavery with extra steps
Even the Carnot cycle doesn't necessarily have an efficiency of unity. If I recall my thermo correctly, a Carnot engine's efficiency is dependent on the temperature of the heat source and heat sink.
Efficiency = 1 - Tsink/Tsource
At Tsink = 0K or Tsource = infinityK, the efficiency will be 1. For any other cases, efficiency will not be 1. A Carnot engine could even have an efficiency of 0 if Tsink = Tsource.
I've been trying to think of a rediculous massive intergalactic perpetual motion machines based in dark energy of very small power generation. The best I've got those is a really slow heat engine with one side in a galaxy, and the other side pointing in a direction where everything is retreating. But I think there must be a better one
I've thought of the same but the best I've come up with is to put two large masses really far apart connected by a ridiculously long rope which turns a generator when they are pulled apart by dark energy.
@@INLF and then of course you run out of rope
@Es D see, the whole reason I posted that first comment was so someone can explain to me where the flaw is in my reasoning, because I can't find it
It's much simpler than that. If a sufficiently advanced civilization could create stable wormholes, it would be possible to extract free and fairly unlimited (by human standards) energy from temperature differentials between really distant locations in outer space. For example, it would be possible to create a heat engine which exchanges energy between the surface of the sun and the outer regions of the solar system or between the accretion disc of a black hole and the cold void between galaxies
@@francescoghizzo that's not unlimited though. There's no laws of physics saying anything about getting lots of energy.
Plus there's lots questionable about wormholes actually existing. Dark energy and whatnot is on much firmer ground