Old man opinion: horses going for a trample into the *back* of pikes or combos that have pikes in front should not take nearly as much pike damage. I get that it’s probably not a simple tweak, but it makes Isengard pikes too strong.
I think the way to win with horses from isen is def eomer theoden eowyn en aragorn. But fight hit and run potential. Otherwise I would just choose for Hero action
What a game!!! The speed of pro games is incredible! All the creeps were gone so quickly!!
As soon as I saw the Lumber Mill worker marching to war at the end. I knew it was GG for Rohan.
I loved the commentary, you took a strategy slow game and made the video so much engaging and fun to watch. Keep up bro you have my full support.
Nice back and forth and lots of micro. That's a high level game right there. Great commentary Shanks!
Old man opinion: horses going for a trample into the *back* of pikes or combos that have pikes in front should not take nearly as much pike damage. I get that it’s probably not a simple tweak, but it makes Isengard pikes too strong.
When its come to micro dunedain is the best
I think the way to win with horses from isen is def eomer theoden eowyn en aragorn. But fight hit and run potential. Otherwise I would just choose for Hero action
Why does your game look faster / more responsive?
Play more yourself
are u using reshade or smth? ur game looks so saturated
move video (rotwk 2.02 v9)
13:47 "das ist auf jeden Fall alot of losses..." Haha da ist kurz das Deutsch durchgebrochen :D