Panoramic is an herbicide used to control weeds and to not harm native warm season grasses, such as: Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, Broomsedge, Eastern Gamagrass, and Sideoats Grama, plus others. Here is a link to the product page, where you can access the product label, and application instructions.
Thank you! I’ve been searching for help identifying grasses.
Great endeavor and video!
Fo you plan on covering Switchgrass seedling Id too?
What ounce per acre of Panoramic did you guys use? Thanks in advance.
Please tell me more about Panoramic
Panoramic is an herbicide used to control weeds and to not harm native warm season grasses, such as: Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, Broomsedge, Eastern Gamagrass, and Sideoats Grama, plus others. Here is a link to the product page, where you can access the product label, and application instructions.
Thank you! I’ve been searching for help identifying grasses.