That would be one creepy bug lol but i could honestly see this idk if it would be an armor set or a weapon and i think they would make it a boss fight lol
butterflies would i think play too close to moths but the moth doesn't have a weapon yet so i can see it having a weapon but idk what it would look like
Lets Goooooooo We got another one GET THOSE WASPS!!
Lets goooo
OOO what about a centipede!!!
That would be one creepy bug lol but i could honestly see this idk if it would be an armor set or a weapon and i think they would make it a boss fight lol
Oooo Whats in the box Buck!!
Some big bugs lol
Some things that shouldn't be messed with lol
ooooo what about a pretty buterfly?!🦋🦋
butterflies would i think play too close to moths but the moth doesn't have a weapon yet so i can see it having a weapon but idk what it would look like
Oh and for the bug question i would like to see a dragonfly🐉🐉🐉
A dragonfly would be awesome but would you want an armor set or a weapon from it?
OH what about a grasshopper?!?!
Grass hoppers sound cool i think i would wanna see an armor set from them or maybe a weapon from its leg?
Whats in the box patrick 👀😐
The inner makinations of my mind are an inigma
Good job with the thumbnail
I got it off google i wont take credit for it 👀