The Crew On Religion And The Supernatural | Starting Strength Network Previews

  • Опубліковано 13 тра 2024
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  • @bobsaul4568
    @bobsaul4568 Місяць тому +38

    Rip’s real problem is he thinks the Ten Commandments would be better suited to be FAHVE

  • @robcubed9557
    @robcubed9557 Місяць тому +10

    2:49 - Rip is incorrect. Plenty people in Eurasia and North Africa knew that the Earth was spherical 600 years ago. In fact the Vedics and Classical Greeks had even calculated the circumference of the Earth.
    In fact the reason the Columbus struggled to get people to sponsor his voyage was because people correctly thought that he underestimated the circumference of the Earth.

  • @ericmoorman9680
    @ericmoorman9680 Місяць тому +25

    The argument is not “without religion you can’t be good or moral”….that’s a straw man. The argument from morality in favor of God is: if you believe there are moral absolutes then there must be a moral law-giver that’s higher than humanity. Without a transcendent moral law giver all morality is relative, and if all morality is relative then the concept of a moral absolute is completely nonsense. Of course someone can be morally good without acknowledging God or religion, but to argue for a moral absolute that should apply to others apart from a transcendent law-giver is like trying a max squat without standing on a firm surface…it’s impossible. Love your content and keep up the great work!

    • @nattyfatty6.0
      @nattyfatty6.0 Місяць тому

      ^ Useless nonsense by another mentally ill religious nutcase

    • @eddypoletto1852
      @eddypoletto1852 Місяць тому +4

      Beautifully worded

    • @robertseavor4304
      @robertseavor4304 Місяць тому

      A point to remember is that the people who claim they can be moral without God are the products of 2,000 years of Christianity. But as belief fades we see more and more people inventing their own "morality", based on what suits their desires.

    • @sleepteam
      @sleepteam Місяць тому +1

      "Reading is hard and I don't like to be challenged." - ​@@nattyfatty6.0

    • @michaels7159
      @michaels7159 Місяць тому +1

      There are no moral absolutes. And also, plenty of religious people do use exactly that argument or a similar one. It's not a strawman.

  • @jacobmartinezsilva4222
    @jacobmartinezsilva4222 Місяць тому +7

    "There was far more courage to the square mile in the Middle Ages, when no king had a standing army, but every man had a bow or sword."
    “The modern world is full of the old Christian virtues gone mad. The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone. Thus some scientists care for truth; and their truth is pitiless. Thus some humanitarians only care for pity; and their pity (I am sorry to say) is often untruthful.”
    - G.K. Chesterton
    I think you fellas would enjoy reading some of the works of G.K. Chesterton. Many of the points touched on here are talked about at length in his essays included in the books "Orthodoxy" and "Heretics". A philosopher from the late 1800s and early 1900s that foresaw the many of the moral failings of our current society. Having read them both I would recommend reading the introductory material for both books, and then taking an essay at a time when the mood strikes. I think Rip would particularly like the way he talks in high regards to the pagans of old, and describes the wisdom in their traditions that we don't appreciate anymore.

  • @charleswalton5132
    @charleswalton5132 Місяць тому +8

    I’ve been following the advice of this crew on strength training for a couple of years now. I was thinking about paying the $75 to get more access but after hearing this I am doubting their ability to instruct anyone correctly on anything.

    • @TO-xn3gu
      @TO-xn3gu 22 дні тому

      Because u don't agree on the religion topic?

  • @coachjonmichaelmulkeyjiujitsu
    @coachjonmichaelmulkeyjiujitsu Місяць тому +3

    "I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content." -Conan

  • @LynnMLombardo
    @LynnMLombardo Місяць тому +3

    The most dangerous place for a man to be is complacency with his creator. -Jan Boshoff.

  • @gregoryanderson7103
    @gregoryanderson7103 Місяць тому +1

    I've read the Starting Strength books and I'm very thankful for the help I received in barbell training. Best information available in barbell training.
    Respectfully, please stick to barbell training! It is evident that you are not competent to speak about or offer advice about religion or spiritually.
    You will continue to be my goto source for barbell training, but not spiritually and faith.
    Hoping to receive some barbell training at your future Charlotte, NC Starting strength gym.
    Thanks so much

    • @MildlyAutisticApe
      @MildlyAutisticApe Місяць тому

      He literally told you -- you can believe whatever you want to believe. He said that he, personally, has seen no evidence for invisible people existing.
      That's all he said. He literally told you TO BELIEVE if that's what you want to do. And yet, people in the comments are losing their minds because he doesn't believe it himself.

  • @emmanuelibus
    @emmanuelibus Місяць тому

    True. We will not ever have all the data. We are, as Tim Keller puts it, on a need to know basis. However, the data that we do have, I believe is enough to formulate something.

  • @jcdenton2907
    @jcdenton2907 Місяць тому +2

    *tips fedora*

  • @eddypoletto1852
    @eddypoletto1852 Місяць тому


  • @peterwackel8770
    @peterwackel8770 Місяць тому

    nice t shirt!

  • @SteveVanRyn
    @SteveVanRyn Місяць тому

    Ok, so everything was spat out of absolutely nothing and just kept moving along over time until rip came along. Therefore 5x3 came from nothing. Now that sounds crazy

  • @peeweesermon2231
    @peeweesermon2231 Місяць тому

    Meemaw had a ghost in her house once, we tried to hunt it with pellet guns but had to stop cause Duane got hit in the tooth by a ricochet

  • @besharafereg2198
    @besharafereg2198 Місяць тому

    If a God claims that the universe was created/ planned/ designed by him and it actually appears to you like it was designed by someone what do you do with that?

  • @Mark-jr3vk
    @Mark-jr3vk Місяць тому

    Sanatana Dharma. The eternal natural way. The most ancient and complete philosophy. Answers to our material and spiritual existence.

  • @joshvendryes7945
    @joshvendryes7945 Місяць тому +2

    Check out what on Earth is happening.

  • @astang1072
    @astang1072 Місяць тому +2

    Everyone ever has had a “religion”. Primitive isolated peoples in millennia past; even modern secular people have some ultimate morality structure they strive to live by; for many, their politics become their religion. People ihnernetly know life has something higher that whats immediately evident that we should live by. People inherently seek higher meaning, EVERYONE does this. To me that’s sufficient evidence that there’s a creator God that made us, the reasons for it are eternal, they are for relationship. Everyone who’s life is even part way put together values relationships far above any other metric. We are made for relationship. Earthly immediate relationships in the physical realm, and this is not only an illustration but an extension of our relationship with our creator.

    • @supersaiyanzero386
      @supersaiyanzero386 Місяць тому +1

      Your standard for evidence for a God is very low. You're using the word religion, with your personal definition, to fit your already determined world view. The LOLgical leap you make for a creator's existence is bereft of any "data" or "evidence" and amounts to pseudo-philosophical speculation. Would you be so sloppily applying this standard to any other evaluation in life? No, you made a special exception to support a narrative implanted in you by your culture and experiences. This ultimate morality structure does not exist, it is epistemological coherentism mixed up with survival instincts in a soup of neurochemicals. As someone who is as charitable as possible your explanation is really weak and you should reflect on why you refuse to add even a hint of self skepticism. It reads like a 16 year old's idea of what philosophy and logic sound like and lacks substance. Pretty weak justification man
      Every time I read your comment I find glaring issues like how relationships are somehow an extension of that of a creator when, a clichè at this point but seriously, you could apply Occam's razor and easily deduce that the value of relationships is first and foremost about tribalistic survival and that instinct has carried over to larger society post neolithic revolution.
      I'll spare myself the thousand cuts into your apologetics and end on what I have said. It's like an infinitely gushing font of misattributed characteristics.
      Reevaluate your beliefs, please, once again your personal standard for evidence is laughably low. The issue with your getting better apologia is that it will elucidate even more logical inconsistency in the position, which has already been shredded to bits by basic scientific analysis since the 18th century, if not earlier. Your ideas (rather brainwashed meanderings) are hundreds of years stomped on with muddy boots, minimum.

    • @astang1072
      @astang1072 Місяць тому +1

      @@supersaiyanzero386 : you like the $10 words, don’t cha? First of all, it’s a youtube comment; kinda hard to relate all my thoughts and experiences and beliefs and all the nuance those imply. Second, a relationship and a belief in God can never come from empirical evidence. This is why I’m very critical of christians who vehemently argue young earth creation; I don’t see enough in the word to convince me the universe is only 6k-10k years old. And such chiristian’s efforts to “disprove” scientific understanding on matters geological are totally missing the point of why God is and how we relate to him and relate others to him. He might have made it majically appear in 6 24-hr days, or He might have set it in motion long before… either way has no bearing on who He is and how we conduct ourselves. And saying to the world of science “No, I believe this, not your empirical knowledge that you see with your eyes because of BIBLE!”, who are they witnessing to? Does it convince anyone God is real? Or does it make you look a fool? Either way, the eternal and trancendant almighty will not be found in a petri dish.

    • @MildlyAutisticApe
      @MildlyAutisticApe Місяць тому

      @@astang1072 Morality can be explained by evolution. The social animals that have behaviors bad for group cohesion (theft, sexual assault, murder) died out. They, by pure lack of functionality were unable to stay together and reproduce into the future. The social animals that evolved pro-social behaviors survived together well and passed on their genes. Morality is functional. You can't have people live together if they're garbage to each other. Only those with pro-social behaviors survive.
      It's that simple. As for us searching for deeper meaning, we're the smartest animals in the history of sentient life. Of course we're gonna be searching for something beyond the hardships of life. All of the promises of every afterlife ever were just that -- copium. Our religions EVOLVED to help group cohesion. They're very good at making people behave in prosocial ways. That doesn't mean that gods are literally real. Magic doesn't exist.

  • @joshvendryes7945
    @joshvendryes7945 Місяць тому

    Get mark passio on the show. !!!!

  • @mrmidas1398
    @mrmidas1398 Місяць тому +2

    Read Ayn Rand for ethics.

    • @sleepteam
      @sleepteam Місяць тому +1

      Nah, skip her and go to the source. Aristotle.

    • @jcdenton2907
      @jcdenton2907 Місяць тому

      The spinster who died on welfare? Lol

    • @RayceJacobson
      @RayceJacobson Місяць тому +2

      @@jcdenton2907 She was married and only drew social security once she reached retirement age, which is money the government stole from her anyway.

    • @RayceJacobson
      @RayceJacobson Місяць тому

      @@sleepteam aristotle was pro slavery though, amongst other bullshit.

    • @sleepteam
      @sleepteam Місяць тому +1

      @@RayceJacobsonwhat “other bullshit”. Can you disprove his notion of the natural slave? I bet Mark would agree with it.

  • @RayceJacobson
    @RayceJacobson Місяць тому

    Maybe we should get Alex Epstein back on to talk Ayn Rand.

  • @MildlyAutisticApe
    @MildlyAutisticApe Місяць тому +2

    Nick and Rusty: We’re not living in profound ignorance. The difference between the confidence our ancestors had in their beliefs and ours, is that our modern beliefs are based on a mountain of evidence that CAN’T be construed any other way. When all the lines of evidence point to x person being a murderer you’re not going to throw out the evidence and go “well… I don’t wanna put this guy in jail because there’s a chance the evidence might be wrong.” After a certain amount of evidence you know damn well they’re guilty.
    Same way we know that after a certain amount of evidence there is no doubt: Humans are apes that evolved. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. We know how stars and planets form. We know not only how evolution works, but the specific histories of most living animal lineages today.
    We really need to stop putting our hands up and saying “we’ll never know what’s going on here” and start saying “what does the evidence say happened?” EVIDENCE is the only way to reasonably build a belief system.
    And btw Rip absolutely shocked me with his wisdom in this clip.

  • @SteveVanRyn
    @SteveVanRyn Місяць тому +2

    Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation..

  • @AI-ml1sl
    @AI-ml1sl Місяць тому +10

    Just stick to the barbells…

    • @MM-zp5mx
      @MM-zp5mx Місяць тому +4

      You have to stick with what you know. They don't know what they're talking about

    • @jerrythomas4457
      @jerrythomas4457 Місяць тому


  • @astang1072
    @astang1072 Місяць тому

    Religion is about control, and rules and legalisms. I am deeply spiritual and Christian but I do not identify as “religious”. Subtle and complicated difference but essential: rote religion only appeals to simple minds, and builds nothing truly life-giving. Relationship in love and faith, that builds and edifies and inspires people.

  • @jprice_
    @jprice_ Місяць тому

    6:52 some behaviors are innate, some STRUCTURED behaviors are a result of a psychopath leader of the tribe / king / pries making STRUCTURES so people will behave how he wants them to behave.

  • @Ardepark
    @Ardepark Місяць тому

    I take issue with the very term *supernatural*. Nature simply means all that exists, happens, or is possible. To put a “super-“ on top of that is just nonsensical.

    • @coachjonmichaelmulkeyjiujitsu
      @coachjonmichaelmulkeyjiujitsu Місяць тому

      It means something that exists outside our current understanding of the laws of nature.

    • @Ardepark
      @Ardepark Місяць тому

      @@coachjonmichaelmulkeyjiujitsu If that’s what it means then I’m saying that doesn’t make sense. Something that exists outside our current understanding of nature is still a part of nature. If it exists then it is natural, regardless of whether we know about it or understand it.
      For example, if ghosts really exist, or if divine miracles really do occur, then they exist and they occur, full-stop. I.e. they are a part of reality, they are part of nature. Supersensory, super-observable, sure, whatever. But they don’t super-EXIST. They’re either real or they’re not. Know what I mean?

  • @IgnatiusCheese
    @IgnatiusCheese Місяць тому +4

    Nick:Science bro
    Guy Just Happy to be there: Uhhhh that's also like aliens bro
    Rip: No sky daddy imaginary friend. Trust me bro. I went to church bro God didn't PROVE HIMSELF to me

    • @IrishMexican
      @IrishMexican Місяць тому

      I wondered why I wasted 10 minutes of my life listening to meatheads discuss politics and religion with (most likely) any formal education in either. I’ll stick to debates amongst the educated from now on.