Judaism vs. Hinduism

  • Опубліковано 11 лис 2023
  • Are Hindus spiritual descendants of the Biblical Abraham? Find out in this class where we explore the many things that Judaism and Hinduism have in common, how our histories have been intertwined for millennia, and why India and Israel are natural allies on the global stage.
    Also discussed: Are there Lost Tribes of Israel in India? How does Judaism view reincarnation? What are the mystical 72 Names of God? And who was the mysterious Rabbi Yehuda the Hindu?
    For more, see ‘Holy Cow: Parallels Between Judaism and Hinduism’: www.mayimachronim.com/holy-co...
    For more on the Third Eye in Judaism, please see here: www.mayimachronim.com/the-kab...
    Images from the Paradesi Synagogue here: jewsofcochin.blogspot.com/201...
    For the incredible life of Mirra Alfassa, see here: www.jewoftheweek.net/2017/01/...
    For an amazing Jewish story with Swami Vijayananda, see here: aish.com/the_guru_and_the_hasid/


  • @Aparijita18
    @Aparijita18 7 місяців тому +42

    Nice Lecture but Biblical Abraham was born in 2nd millennium bce when Hinduism was flourishing in India. Brahman is not a mystery word, it comes from Sanskrit root Bhr which means "to fill" or " to expand" or "to grow" and Man means quality, So, Brahman means Being that is All pervading. Hilarious if you think Hindus whose Kali Yuga starts from 3102 BCE are descendants of someone from 2000 bc, In fact there are enough evidence a Hindu branch migrating in West Asia like Hitties and Mittanis, So chances of Jews being descendants of Hindus is more realistic.

    • @kumarg3598
      @kumarg3598 6 місяців тому +3

      Yes! Thanks for pointing out the remnants of colonial prejudice.

    • @simonlawrence5740
      @simonlawrence5740 5 місяців тому +1

      You right christ is krishna .

    • @kumarg3598
      @kumarg3598 5 місяців тому

      @simonlawrence5740 where was that posted? No one wants to take jesus away from you. Jesus is all yours buddy. The evil liberal boogie man may want to cancel Christmas but there is no way anyone can do that. BTW, the Plymouth rock voyagers also wanted to cancel Christmas. They also did not succeed. Christmas is here to say and you can have all of it. I don't want it.

    • @kumarg3598
      @kumarg3598 5 місяців тому +5

      Jews are not Hindus. We don't speak the same language, nor do we share genetics.

    • @SeriSukma
      @SeriSukma 4 місяці тому

      Hinduism is a corrupted version of Judaism. Just like Islam is a corrupted version of Christianity.
      The death and resurrection of Yesus Kristus fulfiled the ancient prophecy.

  • @davidsavage6324
    @davidsavage6324 7 місяців тому +23

    On the topic of "caste" I recommend Abijhat Chavda at Ask Abijhat. He dispels many post-WW2 Truth Embargo fallacies especially about India and in general. On caste he discusses how Western and Marxist historians have tainted even Indians understanding their own subcontinental identity. Before India's "Millennium Of Humiliation" from Turkish and European conquest and cultural purging and reprogramming (library burning seems pretty tried and true in the pursuit of reinforcing the 'Plato's cave' "one lifetime ever" propaganda against reincarnation). Apparently, before the past Millennium of Humiliation India had tremendous flexibility and social mobility before the different-- "identity streams" might be more apt- were solified in image of the European model of John Smith raises Tom Smith to be a smith, run a smithy till they die no exemption (I'm exaggerating of course- it seems the imposition was much stricter than the model). Also India had no slavery before the MOH (I assume criminal labor is an exception) and gender norms were extremely equal-- for example I guess 30 something of the Rg Veda hymns' were authored by females-- and at that probably world class Einsteins for the ages like Sappho of Lesbos and (was it?) Hypatia. Also apparently the bulk of the Renaissance (and Newton''s creativity) was due to a heavy uncredited mining of Dharmic legacy. (Hmm I wondered if Swedenborg ever swung his gaze toward mining Dharmic wisdom truth and science).

  • @diablodelfuego6633
    @diablodelfuego6633 7 місяців тому +68

    As much as i admire Jewish people, i really believe Sanatan Dharma is far older and completely independent of Judaism.
    The Ramayan happened in 7000BC
    This is known by astronomical references in the text.
    Using Archeoastronomy, we can check the timeline of these constellations.
    Its more likely Judaism came from Zoroastrianism, which was derived from a variation of Sanatana Dharma

    • @cybershamans1624
      @cybershamans1624 7 місяців тому +2

      No, it certainly didnt come form zoroastrianism

    • @corpsertag5967
      @corpsertag5967 7 місяців тому +7

      Not sure if it came from Zoroastrianism. Egypt was also a polytheist country. Jewish people worshipped a God named Baal who was Canaanite-Phoenician God of fertility and weather, specifically rainstorms. But of course, you can find Egyptians followed Sanatan Dharma 3000 to 8000 years ago. Lord Ram existed 8000 years ago. You can find carvings of Ramayan in Egyptian ancient architecture and pyramids. Don't forget, the solar Dynasty of Lord Ram extended to Russia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and also in the Americas.

    • @pjane9231
      @pjane9231 7 місяців тому

      For sure it can't be because the y rejected all ancient cultures and civilizations that were not Abrahmic. Abrahmic cults are non pluralistic civilisations they are anti tribal anti pluralism. Tribal cultures folk relegions and civilisations coexisted in the Dharmic framework. However, Abrahmic cults were hell bent to anihilate everything that was not in conformity with its theology...
      They looked down on all others and hated them in a genocidal manner!!

    • @rams9257
      @rams9257 6 місяців тому +4

      The sacred Judaism Texts like Talmud and Torah were actually spread by sapta Rashis of Sanathan dharma when they traveled westwards..His Holiness Kanchi Shankaracharya ( who was considered as God Send / god incarnate who use to foretell/ predict a lot or prophecies ) explained this to a group of Israli students who came to Kanchi Mutt about 30 years ago..Accorsing to him , an Indian Saint ( rishi ) travelled westwards and taught the vedas to jews in their language

    • @pjane9231
      @pjane9231 6 місяців тому

      Have u studied vedas do u understand the language of vedas. Vedas are the pre branded or pre relegious proto scientific stage of cognitive and anthropological evolution. Every civilization has gone through it be it a relegious civilization like Judaism or a Dharmic civilization like Indian civilisation..
      Problem of a monothestic hateful genocidal ideology was born in Israel after the genocide of Medinite Israeli were its first victims and they still continue to suffer!!
      A monothestic personalised Israel specific ideology of Moses and the Israel centered God is the basis of all Abrahmic ideology. It was appropriated by the European Christians and Arab Muslims and as they run amuck with this ideology they brought about the destruction of civilisations followed by destruction of vast anthropological wealth. Relegion and spirituality from being a natural evolutionary phenomenon was transformed into a political and military tool. Today we are capable of understanding the phenomenon, the mechanics, the science of relegious and cultural evolution. Hence, we should be capable enough to use it for the betterment and sustainability of our society and environment..
      But unfortunately, it is not happening since we are not taught the science of religion and its philosophy, but we are taught to follow the religion in our schools and universities we are taught to hate people on the basis of their relegious affiliation.. On the other hand, under communist rules, people must give up their natural, relegious instincts, which is absolutely absurd and unnatural..

  • @binder946
    @binder946 7 місяців тому +27

    Hinduism is not a branch of abrahamic civilization.
    Hinduism is much more older and more advanced with litreture, arts, philosphy, architecture goods and even medical peactices.

    • @ajb570
      @ajb570 3 місяці тому

      We were never interested in arts, architecture, goods and medicine, because we had Hashem

    • @maraschiffren4073
      @maraschiffren4073 3 місяці тому

      @@ajb570 we sure were before the 2nd exile. we've had more of a poverty mindset from necessity since then.

    • @manoj1350
      @manoj1350 2 місяці тому

      😂😂 it's the opposite abhramic cults are established by indians lived in Mesopotamia

  • @jidrit999
    @jidrit999 7 місяців тому +17

    Hinduism is Monism. Not monotheism

    • @virferind7946
      @virferind7946 7 місяців тому +5

      Hinduism is both depending upon sects and much more than just that. Its a cluster of very different sects. From monotheistic Arya Samaj, to Hare Krishna to polytheistic folk Hinduism.

  • @cyb-m
    @cyb-m 7 місяців тому +27

    2:00 hinduism is monotheistic at it core. Brahmam - Consciousness is God. All others are deities representing different aspects of consciousness and states of mind. So Hinduism is probably the oldest monotheistic religion.

    • @butterjupitar
      @butterjupitar 7 місяців тому +2

      Judaism began right after Adam and Eve sinned, and Paganism was the second religion after that, as people chose to go their own ways, rejecting the true God by praising false gods, and practicing false religions.

    • @satheeshprabhu2577
      @satheeshprabhu2577 7 місяців тому +5

      Hinduism speaks of Yugas, This is 4th Yuga called Kaliyuga. So Hinduism is much older than what your time line concept....

    • @cyb-m
      @cyb-m 7 місяців тому +3

      @@butterjupitar Judaism is made up religion. ask historians. but message is the same as hinduism. Consciousness is God, and therefore it is eternal, omnipresent, and within (not external).

    • @Yogi_The_Bitter_Truth_2408
      @Yogi_The_Bitter_Truth_2408 7 місяців тому +4

      @@butterjupitar we dont have false gods, all gods are manifestations of same one. Hinduism is fusion of both monotheism and paganism which transcends both of them. and it doesn't have any beginning or some man made founder. the truth has no beginning it is eternal reality sanatan dharma. adam and eve. we have our version of first man and women who are much older then adam and eve idea. who are creation of creator diety Brahma. later false cannibalistic religions started appearing from 4000 years onwards like Christianity and islam.

    • @qubedoo3289
      @qubedoo3289 7 місяців тому

      its no point telling this to these blind idiots, they are justy trying to sell this to their base. You can't fix stupid if stupid s blinded by ego/ahankaar.

  • @snehashispanda4808
    @snehashispanda4808 7 місяців тому +24

    I am Brahmin hindu but
    Caste discrimination is rooted not in religion but culture. Caste was an ancient system of occupational class delineated in Hindu texts that over the years developed into a rigid social hierarchy. The lowest castes, or untouchables, were marginalized and faced persecution. Caste-based discrimination is not intrinsic to Hinduism and should not be thought of as religiously sanctioned. the poorer workers involved in 'unclean' occupations such as sweeping or leather work were historically segregated and banished outside the city limits. Over time, personal cleanliness came to be identified with "purity", and the concept of untouchability eventually spread to the rural areas. Manusmriti text was never implemented as a law code in ancient India. The caste system as it exists today is the result of developments during the rise of the British colonial government in India. The British Raj furthered this development, making rigid caste organisation a central mechanism of administration. By 1860 the British formulated the caste system into their system of governance, granting administrative jobs and senior appointments only to Christians and people belonging to certain castes.

    • @satheeshprabhu2577
      @satheeshprabhu2577 7 місяців тому +2

      untouchability may have started with an onslaught of pandemic like Covidin ancient times ......During Covid, all of us practiced untouchability, isn't it?

    • @Yogi_The_Bitter_Truth_2408
      @Yogi_The_Bitter_Truth_2408 7 місяців тому +8

      There is no evidence of Untouchability and caste discrimination in India before christain invaders brought them and enforced that on us. if Brahman is in everybody as Atman that means everybody is equal and one family so Untouchability and caste discriminatory hierarchy cannot exist in India. Sati is also Christian witch ladies burning thing which they brought in India. I am not saying India was perfect the problems eist in every society but the problems that existed then we don't have any idea about them.

    • @chillax360
      @chillax360 5 місяців тому

      For someone claiming to be a Brahmin doesn't even know that all these social ills have nothing to do with Sanatana Dharma. They were infused artificially and creeped in after the foreign barbaric invasions for thousand of years, first by muzlims and then the europeans who fabricated it for divide and rule purposes.

    • @prnvgnsn
      @prnvgnsn 3 місяці тому

      @@satheeshprabhu2577yeah pariahs used to be blamed for plagues that happened in India due to the nature of the occupation. That’s where the term “untouchable” comes from, it wasn’t that they were outcastes because of their social status but their job and cleanliness. Hopefully the reservations gives them upward social mobility, they have suffered a lot. May they be the first ones to be liberated.

  • @PrashantPatel-tf1mu
    @PrashantPatel-tf1mu 5 місяців тому +6

    Sanatana Dharma (The Eternal Way) is actually older than than Judaism. What's more likely is the observation that in Sanatana Dharma, the trimurti is Brahma, the Creator of the Universe, Vishnu, the Preserver, and Shiva, the Destroyer. 99+% of all temples in India are either in dedication to Vishnu or all his Avatars, and Shiva. With the exception of 1 or 2 temples in all of India are dedicated to Brahma. Abraham started the religion praising the creator, Brahma, whereas, in India remained Vishnu and all his Avatars, Ram, Krishna, etc. and the Shivaites who worship Shiva. No one really praises Brahma, the creator, in India as much as Vishnu and Shiva. Another point you might want to consider is Abraham is similar to Brahma in sound, his wife Sara, is a shortened form of Brahma's consort, SARAsvati. Two rivers in ancient India, names were Swarasvati and Ghaggar.....sound familiar Efraim? Abraham's concubine, Hagar. Swarasvati and Ghaggar were closely located.......The idea of ONENESS has always been a part of the Vedas (pronounced VAY-DAAS, not VEE-DAS) in particular the Rig Veda, where there is no image of the all present, omniscient, the omnipotent......tat tvam asi......
    Jews death mourning is known as SHIVA, (the number 7), what a coincidence? The Jews use the very word of the God of Destruction/Death, as their days of mourning....of all the words, you picked Shiva? Very similar....
    Btw, thank you for pointing out that the numbers were Hindu numerals, the Arabs, stole and plundered India and made took credit for it.....Neil Degrass Tyson, erroneously speaks misinformed of the "Golden Age of Islam", actually math and astronomy stolen from India.....just like by Filius of Bonacci, who wrote the Liber Abaci, who studied Vedic/Indic mathematics and introduced the Venetian Bankers to the concept of Hindu numeral systems and ZERO to do mathematics, which freed them from the abacus.....he also introduced the Europeans to a sequence that bares his name, a sequence, the Fibonacci Sequence was present in Vedic/Indic math.....Pingala and Hemachandra Indian mathematicians that used the sequence for their Sanskrit poetry/music creation......
    All of this is fascinating, you JEWS ARE OUR DISTANT BROTHERS AND SISTERS.....

    • @lilianavois4391
      @lilianavois4391 Місяць тому

      Beautiful and well said Sir. I am a jew but a could agree with your words. There is nothing outside the Torah, we say.
      We consider Torah the matrix of the universes..also, we consider 6000 years evolutive cicles. There is an Abraham-Moshe-David-Solomon in every cicle having the same letters in their name, even if not with the same pronunciation :))
      As so, hinduism could be the way Torah was read in the previous cicle/s...maybe "poluted" by human perception-interpretation.. you know, like a program working on backstage:))

  • @joyjayant
    @joyjayant 7 місяців тому +11

    In Hinduism, it's not a God, it's an ultimate reality. We live in delusions with this physical body and mind, completely ignorant of the fact that we are that ultimate reality. We are the atman.
    Deities are the personification of each quality that one seeks. It's a seeker's personal path to seek ultimate reality as many paths can lead to the same ultimate reality.

    • @JerryFallwell-bt3py
      @JerryFallwell-bt3py 3 місяці тому

      You must be a teacher... very knowledeable and you are right. on.. Theologian people refuse to live as a
      life -time student of knowledges instead of a belief that they are.

    • @kashoutlenox
      @kashoutlenox 3 місяці тому

      We don't believe this is the ultimate reality when you die reality begins

    • @ajb570
      @ajb570 3 місяці тому

      Hashem is the ultimate reality, agree about being ignorant and each of your deities is connected in some way to the sefiras, which Hinduism mistakes for gods. Not sure if the Rav says this, but I’m only 5 mins in.

  • @iitnakanpur..
    @iitnakanpur.. 7 місяців тому +7

    Actually the caste is not from hindu scriptures we have "varna" system where anyone can become whatever they want but they have to be master or decent on that job it's not come from birth it's later introduced affer so many invaders so many changes in culture but it's not a hindu concept you can't find caste no ever mention in vedas...

  • @Solomon_animated
    @Solomon_animated 3 місяці тому +2

    A great friend of mine, Alura Cein, said that Hinduism is very close to the truth. There are trillions in the heavenly family. We all love the ultimate creator of the entirety of our universe.

  • @WallstreetYogi-ne5uu
    @WallstreetYogi-ne5uu 7 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for mentioning Mirra Alfassa ! We call her The Mother . I am a Hindu. I live in US and work in WallStereet. I worship Mirra Alfassa . She has been my deity and inner divine who has taught me my spiritual journey .

  • @charananekibalijaun8837
    @charananekibalijaun8837 7 місяців тому +4

    In Hinduism there is only one G-d, with multiple emanations. G-d is not limited. Even in Torah, Moses stood in front of a seemingly burning bush, which was G-d Himself emanating and referencing His name ('ehye asher ehye', which turned into a noun is the tetragrammaton YHVH)

  • @ahavahyisrael
    @ahavahyisrael 3 місяці тому +2

    Someone here said 'Hinduism' is much older than Avraham Avinu. However, i think 'avrahamism' coming from the middle east blended with the ancient Indian practices of idolatry and became vedic spirituality.

  • @Galavya41
    @Galavya41 7 місяців тому +8

    To claim that the ' Brahmn ' of Vedic Dharma and the prophet Abhaham are the same is foolish and very insulting . The belief that two similar sounding words from different languages indicate to the same thing is just silly . The word comes from the Sanskrit verb root brh, meaning “to grow”. Etymologically, the term means “that which grows” (brhati) and “which causes to grow” (brhmayati). This unique conception has not been replicated by any other religion on earth, and is exclusive to Hinduism. Thus to even call this conception of Brahman “God” is, in a sense, somewhat imprecise. This is the case because Brahman does not refer to the anthropomorphic concept of God of the Abrahamic religions. When we speak of Brahman, we are referring neither to the “old man in the sky” concept, nor to the idea of the Absolute as even capable of being vengeful, fearful or engaging in choosing a favorite people from among His creatures. For that matter, Brahman is not a “He” at all, but rather transcends all empirically discernible categories, limitations and dualities....Sorry sir The teachings of Dharma did not come from your prophet Abraham .

    • @abcabcabc99
      @abcabcabc99 7 місяців тому

      We should be more thoughtful when making parallels between Hinduism and Judaism. Hinduism is older, it follows that Judaism may be created from Vedism by the initial imput of patriarch Abraham (अब्रह्म अस्मि). See my comment above concerning the matter.
      The root बृह् (1P) to grow, expand, is relevant to what Abraham did later. Be also aware that the present active of बृह् is ब्रंहति, while the causative present active is ब्रंहयति.
      We should not be much surprised that the original Judaism emanated from the Vedic spirituality including relevant etymological data.

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill 14 днів тому

      Just as you despise others from making bare generalizations of your faith without proper context understanding, so you too, do the same thing all at once 😂
      Christians believe in the sky-daddy concept. Jews do not.

  • @arunal4343
    @arunal4343 7 місяців тому +14

    The word Brahma is much older than Abraham. Probably the word Abraham came from Brahma

    • @abcabcabc99
      @abcabcabc99 7 місяців тому +1

      Good observation!

    • @HawkLad
      @HawkLad 6 місяців тому

      When Hindus say stuff like this you make yourselves look like imbeciles

    • @user-xw9ro6ge1m
      @user-xw9ro6ge1m 2 місяці тому +1

      Interesting. I wonder since Brahma and Saraswati his wife is just like Abraham and his wife Sarah.
      Not sure which one came first though.

    • @gauthamkshatriya2953
      @gauthamkshatriya2953 Місяць тому

      @@user-xw9ro6ge1m Brahma and Brahman both are very very different

  • @abcabcabc99
    @abcabcabc99 7 місяців тому +6

    First of all this is a fascinating video tackling in depth the affinities between Judaism and Hinduism.
    I may add some interesting ideas to the topic.
    The Jewish word "yehudi" (from Yehuda) is related to the Sanskrit word "hotar" (होतर्) the priest chanting the Rg Veda (ऋग् वेद), the highest Veda. The "hotar" is the vocative case of the word "hotr" (होतृ), while "ye" is in this case a prefix meaning "those". The presence of "u" vowel in the word "yehudi" is consistent with the vowel gradation system in Sanskrit when in this case the vowels "u" (either short or long), the "o", or "au" (! that is a diphthong) may replace each other in related words as per specific rules.
    Thus a "yehudi" is a priest of highest grade, an idea consistent with the concept that one day the entire nation becomes a nation of priests.

    • @qubedoo3289
      @qubedoo3289 7 місяців тому

      Sadh guru's explanation is more clear on this topic.

    • @curious5218
      @curious5218 6 місяців тому


    • @ahavahyisrael
      @ahavahyisrael 3 місяці тому +3

      Yehudi comes from the Hebrew "hoda" which means to acknowledge, thank. The 4th son of Leah and Yaakov was named Yehuda, one who thanks. Of all the Hebrew tribes, only Yehuda, Binyamin and Levi can be accounted for in modern times. Therefore Yehuda became the name of all the modern Jewish people

  • @sadenb
    @sadenb 7 місяців тому +9

    What a lot of bull. Brahman has a clear meaning . It is the conjoin of two Sankrit words "Brahm" and " Man" or the one that expands. It is a universal concept and nothing to do with Abraham.

    • @user-xw9ro6ge1m
      @user-xw9ro6ge1m 2 місяці тому

      Abraham also has many meanings. Hibar’am means “them being created” as in created by god. Bri’a means creation (that god created, not just any human creation)
      I do not know which one came first Brahma or Abraham but it sure is an interesting subject!

    • @gauthamkshatriya2953
      @gauthamkshatriya2953 Місяць тому

      Brahman literally means universe and the formless energy behind everything brahman means the awareness the godself of everything being

    • @vieiradosreismariadelurdes9105
      @vieiradosreismariadelurdes9105 Місяць тому +1

      A+ Braham.

  • @shantiemaharaj2783
    @shantiemaharaj2783 7 місяців тому +5

    The priest the Brahmins were the teachers who taught the scriptures

    • @qubedoo3289
      @qubedoo3289 7 місяців тому +1

      who did the brahmins learned it from, those are the actual teachers!

  • @WallstreetYogi-ne5uu
    @WallstreetYogi-ne5uu 7 місяців тому +3

    Mirra Alfassa mentioned in her conversations that both Vedas and Kabala comes from more ancient origin.

    • @rams9257
      @rams9257 6 місяців тому +1

      our Lord Shiva ( who started from Southern India ) is your Adam because he travelled westwards..
      Our Vaiwasvatha Manu is your Abraham..Our Sapta rishis spread the vedas about 10000 years ago and they were recorded in to Hebrew ( book of Tora / Talmud )..Whenever God decides he will reveal all the secrets..Untill then everyone please remain patient..btw , I'm not compelling anyone to believe this

    • @Alansworstnight
      @Alansworstnight 4 місяці тому

      @@rams9257in that case would Kali be Eve?

  • @abcabcabc99
    @abcabcabc99 7 місяців тому +3

    Hinduism being older than Judaism pertains to the idea that Jews are descendents from Vedic people through their patriarch Abraham, considering the followings.
    Abraham's original name was Avram/ Abram, later on becoming Abraham, Abrama+aham आब्राम अहम् i.e. "I am Abrama". The word Abrama is close to Brahma ब्रह्मा. Interesting to mention here that god Brahma's wife is Sarasvati, while Abraham's with is Sara.
    The very name of G-d in Hebrew is yehova, resembling the Sanskrit ye+huva ये हुवा, "whoever cries", the deity being that towards the acts of crying are performed.
    Later on Judaism was influenced by the old Egyptian language (kemetic), and avestan, etc., but the original imprint was kept.
    There is also a unique parallel between Hinduism and Judaism concerning the power of words. Hinduism believe that devanagari देवनागरी is the holy language, while Judaism considers Hebrew as holy (see Sefer Yetzirah book written by Abraham).
    The current alliance between India/ Bharat and Israel makes sense.

  • @davidsavage6324
    @davidsavage6324 7 місяців тому +5

    On the acacia and dmt; I think ancients used to put honey in the hollows of acacia trees and leave it to let dmt-rich acacia sap seep in; and I think Masonry had a rediscovery of this knowledge of root bark being most dmt rich part in mid 1850s that had an allegory of Shlomo going to the body Chiram the Mason buried under a acacia- every time he goes to grab the hand of corpse to pull it up the skin keeps slipping off.

  • @VikramKumar-oy8gq
    @VikramKumar-oy8gq 6 місяців тому +2

    Nice analysis but this cannot be true since Hinduism was very well developed by the time Abraham existed. I think its the other way around , Abraham came from Hindu concept of Brahman.

  • @Roots-Of-Knowledge
    @Roots-Of-Knowledge 2 місяці тому +1

    min 12... Abraham's name is the link to Brahma, as the name of his wife as well.. Sara / Saraswati.

  • @subbaramjayaram6862
    @subbaramjayaram6862 7 місяців тому +4

    Each Deva has a role to play. Like Shiva gor destruction Vishnu for maintenance and Brimma for creation. The air the sun the earth the space and water are also devtas and have all rolls to play. Jayaram

    • @pranav21047
      @pranav21047 7 місяців тому

      All the Hindu Gods are different forms of Energy or Power.
      We treated these powers/ energies as God so that we respect them & not think of destroying the nature for our selfish benefits & materialistic lifestyle.

  • @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz
    @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz 7 місяців тому +2

    Iranian or Persian spoke Indo-European languages derived from ancient Sanskrit very similar religion too . Greeks ,Romans Egyptian ,Indian religion very similar religion but called their demigods and Almighty Lord by different names but are all the same

  • @binder946
    @binder946 7 місяців тому +3

    Not a fan of hinduism but frankly hinduism is mych much older and a very advamced civilization.
    Civilization does not mean colonizing other people.

  • @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz
    @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz 7 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for your information . But two most ancient languages on this planet are Tamil and Sanskrit . Tamil is the oldest on planet Earth and ancient Sanskrit language is not of this world from heavenly planetary systems . Spoken by celestial beings , demigods and Almighty Lord . Tamil is the mother language of all Semitic or Middle Eastern languages . Aramaic is derived from ancient Tamil language but they are in distant countries. Arabic and Hebrew derived from Aramaic. Few examples in Aramaic for father is "Abba" in Tamil is "Appa". In Aramaic for mother is "Emma" in Tamil is "Amma ". Many Tamil words in Hebrew Arabic and Aramaic. And few Sanskrit words in Hebrew too . Sumerians and Elamites spoke Tamil language. Elamites are grandchildren of Noah Tamils and the Jews are closely related like brothers. Also notice language similarity !! Sanskrit is the mother language of all western languages excluding Finnish, Uralic and Altaic. Greek and Latin are daughter languages to Sanskrit . Many other ancient civilizations like Assyrian, Hittites ,mitanni spoke Sanskrit . They had Indo-European names too.

  • @Solomon_animated
    @Solomon_animated 3 місяці тому +1

    Also, quick mention about King Solomon and foreign wives. The last wife was Hindu. I can confirm this.

  • @Vinishsky
    @Vinishsky 3 місяці тому

    Does Kabbalah support pantheism?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  3 місяці тому +1

      No, but one can argue that it does support panentheism.

  • @rupendra79
    @rupendra79 7 місяців тому +5

    Braahman (English = Brahmin) means one who roams in Brahm or in other-words one who has attained self-realization/enlightenment. Few popular examples being Buddha, Guru Nanak. There are many more. Braahman has nothing to do with which family/religion/country one is born.

    • @charananekibalijaun8837
      @charananekibalijaun8837 7 місяців тому +1

      Bro forgot about caste😂

    • @rupendra79
      @rupendra79 7 місяців тому +1

      @@charananekibalijaun8837 Add 'race' to the list.

    • @charananekibalijaun8837
      @charananekibalijaun8837 7 місяців тому

      @@rupendra79 and 'class'

    • @pjane9231
      @pjane9231 6 місяців тому +1

      Brahma is not an Earthly being but he is cosmic entity who represents the process of manifestation or creation. There can be Earthly equivalents of all Cosmic entities who are like in spirit and nature...
      Brahmn Tatva or the ability to manifest is embedded in the entire cosmos in each and every particle... In Dharmic traditions The whole business of creation and creator is an embedded function so the creator and creation are one and not two distinct entities as believed in Abrahmic cults...

  • @subbaramjayaram6862
    @subbaramjayaram6862 7 місяців тому +3

    No sir you are wrong. Lord Rama or,Lord,Krishna were all lived More tha 7000 years before Chist. I donot know if Abraham's were there that far.

  • @mukundmkute
    @mukundmkute 6 місяців тому +2

    Interesting efforts to find similarities. However, it appears that Abhaham and Brahma, who was born out of Lord Vishnu, one of the trinities in Hinduism, may have been connected.
    Those priests in Hinduism are called Brahmans who meditate in ONE single force called ‘Bruhman’ or ‘Purusha’. It has nothing to do with Abraham in Judaism.
    Few genetic studies indicate that Yadavas from east india have more genetic connections with Jewish priests and it appears that Judaism was taken to Arabia by Hindus 2000 years BC..
    The Hindu concept of OnE supreme Bruhman and the omnipresence of this ONE force justifies its presence all over the universe including in living and non living existence.. It’s very advanced concept than one in Abrahamic concepts of God.
    Any ways, great to see similarities..

  • @illumencouk
    @illumencouk 2 місяці тому

    Is what we hear in this presentation regarding Judaism and Hinduism being aligned, a widely held viewpoint?

  • @tjpm
    @tjpm 6 місяців тому

    Hi Efraim , hope you are well. Hope one day you could teach us about Elisha's miracles. I was recently reading about the miracles he did, with flour and throwing a piece of wood to make an ax float, etc. I find it extremely interesting. Anywho, another great teaching as always.

  • @desairajtube
    @desairajtube 7 місяців тому +2

    Brahaman is the universal consciousness, Brahamin is nor the same. Brahamin is human being who who undergoes highly disciplined life to learn and practice knowledge for the society. It is not a caste, unlike imported term by Portuguese and British. Brahamin is one of the 4 vernas, the categories based on attributes of person who then carries role in the society according. It is not by birth and Brahamin's child could become Brahamin or one of the other verna like ruling warrior verna or others like business or artisan depending on their attributes.

  • @PrashantPatel-tf1mu
    @PrashantPatel-tf1mu 5 місяців тому +3

    Btw, look up the Star of David......it's actually present in the Sarasvati Mandala.....The Star of David came much after Brahma's consort Sarasvati.....most likely borrowed again from Sanatana Dharma......Welcome brother and sisters of Israel, you're a branch of the Eternal Way.......Sanatana Dharma

    • @gauthamkshatriya2953
      @gauthamkshatriya2953 Місяць тому

      Star of David is sure taken from Hinduism thats for sure. we have it everywhere is mandalas and its one of the sacred symbols its part of Tantra or Left hand path of Hinduism.

  • @satishdas5070
    @satishdas5070 6 місяців тому +2

    Hinduism or Sanatan never had untouchability, I am skipping from this point because what you say is untouchability was just about (शौच) which is a part of Dharma. Just think about someone who just pooped and not clean himself properly, is he entitled to go inside a synagogue? I invite you to @SanatanSamiksha to clear your doubts

  • @dd-zl4yr
    @dd-zl4yr 7 місяців тому +1

    Do you know that the two-triangle star is a part of thanthric tradition of Hindus ?

  • @yishaisrivastava1574
    @yishaisrivastava1574 3 місяці тому +1

    The only issue is the arrogance that scholars have in India where they feel they are the oldest civilization etc and everything came from their geographical territory, where there is a lot of dubious sources.

  • @subbaramjayaram6862
    @subbaramjayaram6862 7 місяців тому +2

    Hinduism believes that whenever in the world is predominated by sinners God himself takes the form of Avtar and comes down to restore order and truth and rightiousness. That is how we have Lord Ra. Lord Krishna Lord Parasuram etc.

  • @ahavahyisrael
    @ahavahyisrael 3 місяці тому

    "Hinduism" is a constructed word created by the British. The actual tradition of the Indians comes the "Vedas". The sanscrit word "veda" comes from the Hebrew word "Yada" which means knowledge.

  • @richardpersaud1500
    @richardpersaud1500 5 місяців тому +2

    Anecdotal hypothesis how can you draw paralell with hinduism which is much older by thousands of years preposterous!

  • @pds2621
    @pds2621 6 місяців тому +2

    Hinduism follows many ways to reach one God. It is acceptable of the choice a person makes to reach the God. Many ways to reach one God.

    • @hai_399
      @hai_399 4 місяці тому

      God ???😂😂😂 U mean cow 🐄 elephant rats 🐒 🐀 🐘🦣 hahahaha
      Only Judaism

  • @Solomon_animated
    @Solomon_animated 3 місяці тому

    *"The wise man's eyes are in his head while the fool walks in darkness"*
    Also refers to being spiritually awakened.

  • @raf_abreu
    @raf_abreu 7 місяців тому +11

    Another great lecture as always! Thank you Rabbi Efraim, Baruch HaShem!

  • @curious5218
    @curious5218 6 місяців тому

    Could someone please type here the Hebrew phrase he used for “everything is one”?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  6 місяців тому +2

      The underlying eternal oneness of the cosmos is referred to in Jewish mystical texts as "Ain Sof".

    • @curious5218
      @curious5218 6 місяців тому

      @@EfraimPalvanov thank you very much

  • @MetaGPT
    @MetaGPT 7 місяців тому +2

    In Sanathan Dharma there is nothing called as God . Here we have concept of Supreme Self ( Isvara or Eeshwara) and Greater Supreme Self called ' 'Parameshwara ' . And the word Abraham could be derived from the term ApaBrahmsa which means non Brahmin or deviated from Brahma.When Brahmins travelled westward from India, many got debited from Brahma and started praying Asura's (Titans but not divine) and changed their culture, Jews came from Brahminyas ( children of Brahmins) and not the other way. India is the older than oldest civilizations on this planet.

  • @iHeardWord
    @iHeardWord 4 місяці тому +1

    You failed to mention that Torah says there are other gods, which is relatable to Hashem /Brahma as the top and many manifestations afterward.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  4 місяці тому +2

      The Torah does not say there are other gods. The Torah repeatedly states there are NO other gods besides Hashem. See, for instance, Deuteronomy 4:35.

    • @michaelsmullen9891
      @michaelsmullen9891 2 місяці тому +1

      The Torah warns against the worshipping of Elohim Acheirim which means the Gods Of Others and not Other Gods!

  • @ayrsine
    @ayrsine 2 місяці тому +1

    Ohm is one of the 72 names of G-d. Wow. Mind blown right now.

  • @kuki20102010
    @kuki20102010 6 місяців тому +1

    תודה רבה! אחת ההרצאות המרתקות שראיתי ובעיקר למדתי המון 🙏

  • @rajeshbarya9938
    @rajeshbarya9938 Місяць тому

    The word YHVH was first used in the Bible, when the Divine Voice identifies itself as YHVH, at MT. Sinai .when Moses asks him, after seeing the fire in the bushes, who is he ?. And according to the scholars, there is a similarity between the pronunciation of the word Havyavah and YHVH. Havyavaha, Havyavāha, Havya-vaha:
    In Hinduism
    Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
    [«previous (H) next»] - Havyavaha in Purana glossary
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index
    1a) Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-A son of Suci Agni; the agni of devas.*
    1b) One of the ten kalas energising Agni.*
    1c) Those charged with different directions.*
    The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
    - Havyavaha in Sanskrit glossary
    Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-m. 'the bearer of oblations', fire; तथा हि तोयौघविभिन्नसंहतिः स हव्यवाहः प्रययौ पराभवम् (tathā hi toyaughavibhinnasaṃhatiḥ sa havyavāhaḥ prayayau parābhavam) Ki.16.61; अथ संचिन्तयामास भगवान् हव्यवाहनः (atha saṃcintayāmāsa bhagavān havyavāhanaḥ) Mb.3.217.1.
    Havyavāha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms havya and vāha (वाह). See also (synonyms): havyalehin, havyavāh, havyavāhana.
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-m.
    (-haḥ) Fire. E. havya an oblation, and vāha who bears.
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-[havya-vāha], havyavāhana havya-vāhana, havyāśa havyāśa, i. e. havya-aś + a, and havyāśana havyāśana, i. e. havya-aśana, m. Fire, [Draupadīpramātha] 2, 10 (vāha); [Rāmāyaṇa] 3, 51, 29 (vāhana); [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 416 (āśa).
    --- OR ---
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-m. fire. Hastivāha, i. e.
    Havyavāha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms havya and vāha (वाह).
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह).-[adjective] & [masculine] = [preceding]
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
    1) Havyavaha (हव्यवह):-[=havya-vaha] [from havya > hava] m. fire, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
    2) Havyavāha (हव्यवाह):-[=havya-vāha] [from havya > hava] mfn. (or -vāha) = -vah (also applied to the Aśvattha tree of whose wood the Araṇi is made), [Atharva-veda; Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa]
    3) [v.s. ...] m. Agni or fire, [Mahābhārata; Mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa]
    Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary
    Havyavāha (हव्यवाह):-[havya-vāha] (haḥ) 1. m. Idem.
    [Sanskrit to German]
    Havyavaha in German
    context information
    Sanskrit also spelt संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

  • @Agnostic7773
    @Agnostic7773 5 місяців тому +1

    BRAHMAN means in samskrit = Br.h+Man (Expanded material)

  • @3398able
    @3398able 5 місяців тому +1

    Jesus spent 12 years in india under mentorship of rishis and yogis before returning to rome

  • @Solomon_animated
    @Solomon_animated 3 місяці тому

    Same friend also said many truths can be found across different religions, but one has to be able to take in the truth without the deceptions.

  • @sarablanche4368
    @sarablanche4368 18 днів тому

    This is fascinating. Can you help me understand the difference in genders accessibility since women don’t wrap tefilin. Does that mean women can’t/shouldn’t access the spiritual side of things like men do?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  18 днів тому

      Thanks! I wrote about this in one of my books. Send me an email and I can share the PDF of the chapter.

    • @sarablanche4368
      @sarablanche4368 15 днів тому

      @@EfraimPalvanov Can you tell me how to email you? I don’t see a handle anywhere on this page.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  15 днів тому

      @@sarablanche4368 Contact info on the website: www.mayimachronim.com/about/

  • @rajeshbarya9938
    @rajeshbarya9938 Місяць тому

    In ancient times, Moses instructed the Israelites to worship a fiery serpent named Nahushtan. Interestingly, the name Nahusha is also mentioned in the Mahabharata. One of the ancestors of the Pandava brothers was named Nahusha, and he was a great king who performed many sacred rituals called Ashwamedha Yagna. Due to his meritorious deeds, Nahusha was given a temporary post to function as Lord Indra in heaven, but he made some mistakes that caused Sage Agastya to curse him. As a result, Nahusha fell to earth and turned into a large python. The word Nehushtan is similar to Nahusha, which means "the place of residence of Nahusha" in Hindi

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Місяць тому

      To clarify: Moses did not instruct them to worship the serpent. Worship is only for God. The copper serpent was simply used as a means to heal the people. There is a parallel to Hinduism with the serpent, and I spoke more about it here: ua-cam.com/video/ZK067qQxDA0/v-deo.html

    • @rajeshbarya9938
      @rajeshbarya9938 Місяць тому

      @@EfraimPalvanov Copper serpent used for healing . , without the invocations and Prayers , how effective that would be?
      Shri Navnag Stotra pacifies Sarpa Dosha, Kala Sarpa Dosha, Naga Dosha, and Mangalya Dosha. Goddess Nageswari which is also referred to as Naga Devi, Naga Thai, Nagamma, and Naga Amman among others is the serpent goddess. The Navnag Stotra is a divine mantra which gives a wholesome protection for the individual who recites this mantra with utmost devotion. The Navnag Stotra is also chanted to avoid as well as negate all kind of ill effects, curses, spells, and black magic.Apart from that, the Navnag Stotra is also a very powerful mantra to remove as well as negate all kinds of Naga Dosha, Kala Sarpa Dosha, Sarpa Dosha as well as Rahu Dosha and Kethu Dosha. This mantra gives you the ability to win over your enemies and rivals. It also gives you the strength and courage to face your enemies. Besides that, chanting of the Navnag Stotra also prevents ill luck, evil-eyes, nightmares, and protection from evil spirits and curses. Jealousies, rivalries, and destructive competitors too will be vanished by chanting the Navnag Stotra. One should chant Navnag stotra and then chant Naag Gayatri yantra to get more benefits.

  • @Haris13729
    @Haris13729 7 місяців тому +7

    Really good video, thank you

  • @normanzwagil7996
    @normanzwagil7996 7 місяців тому

    What about Shinto?

    • @Agnostic7773
      @Agnostic7773 5 місяців тому +1

      Shindo > = Shindu >= Hindu

  • @lightleaker7045
    @lightleaker7045 Місяць тому

    I’ve had the thought that the burning bush may have been etz shittim/acacia and that it was one wild DMT trip. Doesn’t make it any less meaningful or connected to HK’B but would explain a lot.

  • @petalstar842
    @petalstar842 4 місяці тому

    When is Judaism vs Buddhism coming out?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  4 місяці тому +1

      It's on the to-do list, and I hope to get to it in the coming months. Stay tuned!

    • @petalstar842
      @petalstar842 4 місяці тому

      @@EfraimPalvanov Looking forward to it! Shalom

  • @pjane9231
    @pjane9231 7 місяців тому +4

    Abrahmic cults existence is based on cooking false theology to put its claim on everything.
    Biblical or Quranic traditions are centered around the concept of religion, It is about belief in a God and his messenger and the book as an abstract manifestation that entails distinct sets of beliefs or doctrines for the believers and their relation with non believers which is mostly based on hatred and rejection. Dharma is eternal while the religion is started by a prophet or messenger. Religion claims itself to be the reality and does not permit questioning. Biblical and Quranic religions is exclusive as it excludes others and emphasis on a single God, a Prophet or savior and a holy book which alone is the way of liberation.
    Religion applies only to human beings and not to the entire cosmos; there is no religion of electrons, monkeys, plants and galaxies, whereas all of them have their dharma their function even if they carry it out without intention.
    Dharma vs Religion/Majhab
    Indic spiritual traditions are centered around the concept of Dharma. How Dharma is different form religion? Dharma is the Duty it is the Function as per one's virtue, qualification, personal, professional and social obligations. It emphasizes on the the performance of Karma in accordance to Dharma and Rta" (Rta" It is the Cosmic Order or the fundamental principles of the operation of universe) All actions that are harmonious and in accordance to Rta" the cosmic and social order is Dharma what is not is Adharma. Dharma is universal and applicable to everyone and everything around us and as per the nature of person object time and space its methodology can vary. According to Gita Svadharma is better though difficult to practice it comprises of prescribed duties of an individual for material and spiritual fulfilment. Dharma is concerned with the basic principles of cosmic and individual existence in conformity to one's duty and nature. While karma is an action that can be either good or bad, dharma is a moral direction for karma to bear positive and auspicious fruits for oneself and those who are affected by it. Dharma has the Sanskrit root dhri, which means "that which upholds" or "that without which nothing can stand" or "that which maintains the stability and harmony of the universe." Dharma encompasses the natural, innate behavior of things, duty, law, ethics, virtue, etc. Every entity in the cosmos has its particular dharma ― from the electron, which has the dharma to move in a certain manner, to the clouds, galaxies, plants, insects, and of course, man. Man's understanding of the dharma of inanimate things is what we now call physics. Dharma provides the principles for the harmonious fulfillment of all aspects of life, including material and non material including enlightenment and liberation (moksha). Religion, then, is only one subset of dharma's scope.
    Dharma acknowledges and prescribes several paths or methodology for the attainment of the highest purpose of our existence. There are many sects, pantha or marga of Dharmic people and since Dharma is an inclusive philosophy that is continuous in nature so the right term for Dharmic philosophy and tradition is Sanatan Dharma. It prescribes many distinct paths of spiritual enhancement, enlightenment and liberation.
    Of the many religious traditons prescribed and practiced by the people of Indic Dharmic civilization there are many Paths or Margas that can be listed as follows Bodh Marg or path of Buddha, Jain Marg or path of Mahavira, Gyana marga or the path of knowledge, Karma Yoga or path of action, Dhyaan Yoga or path of meditation, Bhakti Yoga or path of devotion. spirituality practiced in its many theistic and monistic forms such as Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism. Sikhism etc. that revolved around Bhakti Marga, Gyana Marga and Karma Marga. (In true sense Indian monotheism is monism)

    • @pjane9231
      @pjane9231 7 місяців тому +1

      Abrahmic cults are non pluralistic civilisations they are anti tribal anti pluralism. Tribal cultures folk relegions and civilisations coexisted in the Dharmic framework. However, Abrahmic cults were hell bent to anihilate everything that was not in conformity with its theology...
      They looked down on all others and hated them in a genocidal manner!!

  • @ishaanrohmetra3447
    @ishaanrohmetra3447 6 місяців тому +1

    thank you for representing hinduism to western world in a very respectable manner, than you for unification of humanity
    thank you from a hindu
    long live judaism, israel and hindusim .
    Hinduism is a diverse and inclusive religion that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, and philosophical perspectives. It can be described as a pluralistic and democratic religion that allows for multiple paths and approaches to spirituality. Here are some aspects that contribute to the inclusive nature of Hinduism:
    1. Belief in One God: While Hinduism has a rich pantheon of deities, it also recognizes the existence of a single supreme reality or ultimate truth known as Brahman ( Dont consfuse it with Brahmin which is a varna and nowads a part of rigid caste system). This concept acknowledges the unity and oneness of the divine, similar to the belief in monotheistic religions.
    2. Philosophical Diversity: Hindu philosophy encompasses various schools of thought, such as Advaita Vedanta, Dvaita Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, and more. These schools present different philosophical perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and the concept of God. This diversity allows for a multiplicity of interpretations and paths to spiritual realization.
    3. Logical Inquiry: Hindu philosophy encourages logical inquiry and rational thinking. It incorporates systems of logic and reasoning, such as Nyaya and Mimamsa, to analyze and understand the nature of reality. The pursuit of knowledge and intellectual exploration are considered valuable in Hinduism.
    4. Acceptance of Atheism: Hinduism acknowledges the possibility of atheistic viewpoints. Schools of thought, such as the Charvaka school, reject the existence of a supreme being or God. Hinduism accommodates a wide range of beliefs, including atheism, recognizing the individual's freedom to choose their spiritual path.
    5. Idol Worship: Hinduism encompasses a diverse range of practices, including idol worship. The use of idols and images in Hindu worship is seen as a means of connecting with the divine. Idols are regarded as a representation or symbol of the divine presence, allowing devotees to establish a tangible connection during their worship.
    The inclusive nature of Hinduism is often attributed to its ability to adapt, evolve, and incorporate various cultural, regional, and philosophical traditions over thousands of years. This adaptability has allowed Hinduism to embrace a multitude of practices and beliefs, providing individuals with the freedom to explore spirituality in their own unique ways.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  6 місяців тому +1

      My pleasure! Thank you for the kind words :)

  • @rachelkennedy2161
    @rachelkennedy2161 7 місяців тому +5

    Brilliant, Thank you

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  7 місяців тому +1

      Thank you!

    • @Hindu9054
      @Hindu9054 7 місяців тому

      actually, you have missed too much. india and israel have been trading for atleast 7000 years . we have found many stuff during excavations@@EfraimPalvanov

    • @Hindu9054
      @Hindu9054 7 місяців тому

      The Jewish son of God is Ezra.
      The original name of Syria is Assyria, and they worshipped Asura, Ashura, or Ahura.
      Persian pagans worshipped Ahura or Azura.
      Thor belongs to the Assur or Æsir category in Norse mythology, and the Æsir-Vanir War was a conflict between two groups of deities in Norse mythology.
      Ashura is a festival observed by Muslims, especially Shia Muslims.
      Hinduism has a race of beings known as Asura.@@EfraimPalvanov

  • @positivepolitics1
    @positivepolitics1 6 місяців тому

    The capacity for the religious or ethnically tribal mind to create a solipsistic worldview is extraordinary. It is never even considered that Abraham could derive from Brahman!

  • @dalestreisand1793
    @dalestreisand1793 2 місяці тому

    The 5 ingredients that you mention are called Pancha amrirta which means the 5 nectars. It is used in all installations of their deities. The sacrifice that you mention was called the ashva-medha sacrifice and the Brahmins were tested by their accuracy and purity to give the animal renewed life. Today the main sacrifice for Hindus in kali-yuga is the hari-nama yagna which translates to uttering God's holy name. Hinduism is a modern word as it does not exist in any ancient scriptures, It is called Sanatana Dharma which translates to the function of the soul. The explanation is that since water is intrinsically wet, so too the soul is intrinsically a servant of G-d. Also, the name OM is what most Hindus recite, but the rasa-tattvas, the Gaudiya Vaishnavas recite AUM which in Sanscrit is G-d, and His internal Pleasure Potency which manifested as Sita or Radha.

  • @TorahisLife358
    @TorahisLife358 7 місяців тому +4

    Fascinating lecture! I learned so many surprising things!!

  • @rgvgsg
    @rgvgsg 7 місяців тому +1

    Para Brahmman is ONE and there are NOT many gods as misunderstood by you. All deities referred to are the same energy of the One but capable of giving you a certain benefits. It is like you the son for father, husband to your wife ,grand father to grand children,uncle etc

  • @almightypush2251
    @almightypush2251 2 місяці тому +1

    Nothing can survive alone so does God.Sanatan Dharma is the oldest and the purest.Judaism is also old i respect jews.♥️♥️

  • @AminFarahi-wu9et
    @AminFarahi-wu9et Місяць тому

    Im shia islam, and having such admiration for hinduism

  • @hackingultra
    @hackingultra 7 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for your work. I am not Jewish, but I enjoy studying. When an animal is dispatched in a kosher manner, is that not a religious sacrifice?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  7 місяців тому +3

      Thanks! Ritual slaughter (shechita) makes the meat kosher for consumption, but it is not the same as a sacrifice. Sacrifices could only be offered in Jerusalem's Holy Temple, and when it was destroyed nearly 2000 years ago, Jews stopped offering sacrifices.

    • @user-pd7il3xz5j
      @user-pd7il3xz5j Місяць тому

      ​​@@EfraimPalvanov The word sacrifice is a problem for it means we are giving up something. Wouldn't korban translate more appropriately as offering, for a person that made an offering became closer to HaSh-m through the act of doing teshuvah before an offering could be given or when wanting to show thanks to HaSh-m, depending on the type of offering..

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Місяць тому

      @@user-pd7il3xz5j Yes, "offering" is fine, too. "Korban" literally means "to draw closer" in Hebrew, so the purpose was indeed to draw closer to God. The English "sacrifice" comes from the Latin "sacer" which just means "holy".

  • @avitalsheva
    @avitalsheva 5 місяців тому

    I must admit , even as a jew, Hinduism has some primordial truth. The very base of all existence and beeing. Much deeper universal truth which is beyond judaism or any other religion

  • @sirfrozsomji3984
    @sirfrozsomji3984 Місяць тому

    26:07 It appears that the Platonic-Orphic eschatology had a lot to do with the ideas of reincarnation and bodily resurrection influencing later Jews - The Idea of the Resurrection: From Greek Influence - Vridar

  • @curious5218
    @curious5218 6 місяців тому +1

    The word Brahman (the class) came from the Brahman (the supreme oneness). The one which understands/seeks the Brahman is a Brahmanah. Brahmagyo brahmanah smtitah.

  • @RKM514
    @RKM514 7 місяців тому

    And then there's Krishna Das (Hebrews for Hinduism, Jews for Shiva). 😮 😊

  • @jppj5977
    @jppj5977 Місяць тому

    This talk is like watching a movie BACKWARDS! and thinking: YUP! I GOT IT! 😂😂😂

  • @maheshvk4763
    @maheshvk4763 Місяць тому

    Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) is much older than Judaism.

  • @ayrsine
    @ayrsine 2 місяці тому

    Cause I’m DMT it’s dynamite! 😂
    Ayahuasca was extremely humbling and brought me closer to Hashem. It thought me that dying is the price for living and that that is fair. B”H! Am Yisrael Chai!!

  • @samtheresearcher
    @samtheresearcher 2 місяці тому +1


  • @ebenezer6844
    @ebenezer6844 10 днів тому

    There are several several older religions than Judaism. Yall should refer to Mr. Palvanov's lecture about the Essenses Pharasees Saducees. Judasim as we know it "new". Contemporary orthodox Judaism (all branches) was not the same as the days of Moshe Rabbeinu. However there is no "religion" older than the Torah's Sheva Miztvot Benei Noach. ALL religion emerge from this one universal religion. It was not actually written down until centuries centuries later in Torah Moshe but existed orally and in mankind's heart.

  • @ganykaliya7811
    @ganykaliya7811 7 місяців тому +4

    The Hindu priests only descend from one son of Keturah, named Zimran or alternatively Zambran in Sefer ha-Yashar. He had 3 sons and 1 daughter, who was the 2nd wife of Benyamin ben Yisrael/Yaakov. The brahmins descend actually from one son of Zimran and that is Avihen. Narim ben Zimran is the ancestor of the Druids, whom the Hindus consider similar to the brahmins. While the sons of Molich were known to the Greeks as the Bani Zomoles and apparently built both Mecca and Jeddah, which used to be known as Zabran, the Zahran tribe in the Hejaz descends from them, in Africa they are known as Zawaya and they have institutions called Zawiya where they basically act as muslim Levites and the town of Zambrano and the people with the surname seem to also be descended from them. India is not the only eastern nation descended from them. The Chinese descended from Shuakh and the name given to name by the Hmong peoples is Shua. There is also the Xia (pronounced Shia) dynasty, the first Chinese dynasty as well as its founder Yue the Great along with the ancient Chinese states of Shu and Chu. The Koreans, whose original name is Joseon (pronounced Cho-sahn) are descendants of Yishbak and the Japanese who are known as the Yamato and their country as Nippon are the children of Medan.

    • @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz
      @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz 7 місяців тому +2

      Indian civilization goes back millions and billions years . Middle East people are originally from India.

    • @ganykaliya7811
      @ganykaliya7811 7 місяців тому

      @@SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz Human beings are obviously less than millions of years old so how Indian civilization go back and millions and billions of years?

    • @TruthKindness
      @TruthKindness 7 місяців тому

      Genetic history shows indian DNA migrated northwards from south india, into middle east and central asia. This also matches archeological evidence

    • @rams9257
      @rams9257 6 місяців тому

      u r wrong..ishbek is recorded as Jasbaqu ( in sumerian clay tablets ) ,..This Jasbaqu is none other than ishwaku who is considered the father / founder of ishwaku dynasty in India.

    • @ganykaliya7811
      @ganykaliya7811 6 місяців тому

      @SwaminathanSingh-fg5cz Not necessarily, Ishbak's name means he will leave or leaving, meaning that the sons of Ishbak are nomadic. It's perfectly possible that one group of them founded a kingdom in India, but another continued traveling all the way to Korea. In fact, according to Sefer Jasher Ishbak had three sons. The founding myth of Korea mentions two tribes a Tiger tribe which became the Ba people and the Bear tribe which became the Koreans. Since only 2 tribes are mentioned it means that the one who formed Kosala already split off from the other two.

  • @shoshannafachima1306
    @shoshannafachima1306 3 місяці тому +1

    Fabulous lesson.i was always fascinated with the parallels between judaism and hinduism,and you explained so beautifully.
    יישר כוח וברוך תהיה
    P.s. iorderedyour books-garments of light and they have arrived.i am absolutely sure that i will enjoy them deeply.

  • @Agnostic7773
    @Agnostic7773 5 місяців тому

    (aham+brahma) is main quotation in advaita vedanta of Hinduism meaning (I am God !! )
    Aham Brahma changed as A(ham)Braham = Abraham in judaism

  • @ElCineHefe
    @ElCineHefe 7 місяців тому +2

    Judaism doesn't have a three-in-one triune god like the Hindu god(s).

  • @nageshprabhu6437
    @nageshprabhu6437 6 місяців тому

    I see from a lot of interfaith dialogues on UA-cam on Hindus and jews. There are a lot of similarities, their older temples which got destroyed in Jerusalem had the system of Offering animal as offer to the god. I have seen this mostly in temples in South India. It has been banned these days, that's one point. They also have a divine femine aspect in their religion which we call Shakti and they call her Shakina. Holi and Purim the festival of colors are celebrated on the same day. Diwali and Hanukkah both are festival of lights. Prophet Noah and Indian Manu story resembles a lot. Prophet Noah / Manu / Mnuh is buried in Ayodhya. Jesus and Moses are buried in Kashmir which was the hub of knowledge and spirituality whole of India was known as Holy Land / Punya Bhumi from time immemorial. Kashmir was the home of scholarly and enlightened saints. Prophet Moses is buried in Mount Nebu in Kashmir which corresponds with a similar name Mount Nebo in West Bank where he is claimed to have been buried. Bharat Mata the tolerant divine mother always accommodated people from all faiths here so its not a surprise that the Prophet Moses and Jesus are buried in India. Adam and Eve have a resting place in Srilanka which was part of Akhand Bharat, currently known as Srilanka. also is a land of many sufi saints who are buried in different places across India.

  • @subbaramjayaram6862
    @subbaramjayaram6862 7 місяців тому +2

    Sorry Sir Hunduism also believes in ONE ULTIMATE GOD IE BRAHMAN. But just like in a country you have a President Prime minister and otter council of ministers andcstill brokencdoen yo local body reps There are designated Devas for each function like Sun The moon the air tge water the space and so on. Every one who helps humanity is revered and prayed for well being. But ultimately all merge in ATMAN IE BRAHMAN. All Devatas Shiva Vishnu Brimma all merge in Paramatman. IE the ultimate God. But like mother father Teacher and even a guest is treated as God.

  • @shantiemaharaj2783
    @shantiemaharaj2783 7 місяців тому +1

    Lord shiva the supreme the Brahman

  • @dd-zl4yr
    @dd-zl4yr 7 місяців тому

    Hinduism has maximum possible freedom having single source

  • @activateurthyroid
    @activateurthyroid 7 місяців тому +2

    Amazing work thank you for helping the unification of humanity , we need to be bridges

  • @Seekay-oe3qz
    @Seekay-oe3qz 7 місяців тому +1

    Historically from very ancient times the society was one ie - Arya of which you had the Arya asuras that remained in Persia & the Arya devas of Bharat. Proof of that can be found in books like fountainhead of religion that proves linguistically the Indian origins of people's of the middle East incl. Hittites. The term Hinduism is incorrect & is a loose grouping of what is Indic dharmic faiths that would include Buddhism, sikhi, Jainism & other sub sects - the correct term is Sanathan dharma ( eternal truth ,duty) although @ 1st glance people think of the faith as having multiple God's that as well is incorrect to us there is only Brahman within that lies Maya ( illusion) of multitude. Sanathan dharma begins with 4 Vedas the rg being the oldest recorded religious scripture in the world, the last is the atharva Veda & the final step towards enlightenment is termed Vedanta & that is the Upanishads & bramha sutras. Because of its age Sanathan dharma is too long & complex to have an overall view hence we Hindus choose a path & follow that only. It has been described as a way of life , a faith for those who seek spiritual enlightenment & hence the wisdom of yogis , spiritual sciences, geometry all interlink into a very detailed complex weave that can confuse the uninitiated.

  • @shantiemaharaj2783
    @shantiemaharaj2783 7 місяців тому


  • @pds2621
    @pds2621 6 місяців тому

    Hinduism does not have caste system. It is a social construct. If a person gets education, they could change their work and their caste. India is much older than what this guy is making up to be.

  • @NoshNams
    @NoshNams 7 місяців тому +3

    You are ill informed...... Hindus Don't Have Caste System Based On Skill and Profession Community is Classified And Inter change By learning Skill Brahmanda Is Universe Brahman Is Knowledge Teacher Of Library Of Teaching Scriptures Main Path Purpose Goal Is Evolution Of Soul that You are And More

  • @lenr7068
    @lenr7068 7 місяців тому +1

    Keep your one world religion.

  • @ishaanrohmetra3447
    @ishaanrohmetra3447 6 місяців тому

    may be abraham comes from 1 eternal conciousness Brahman .. i dont think judaism is older than vedic faith.

  • @sushilgeorge4096
    @sushilgeorge4096 7 місяців тому +2

    OM sounds common with the word Shal-OM...

  • @dd-zl4yr
    @dd-zl4yr 7 місяців тому

    unifying and funny speech😂❤

  • @nitinnimkar1654
    @nitinnimkar1654 6 місяців тому

    You have not highlighted the point that Bharat is the only place on earth where Jews were never persecuted even though they were small minority. They had very good presence in Bharat in Indian Army, Cinema, Business & even politics & law. It shows the inclusive nature of Hindu civilization. Jews were persecuted in Bharat after the invasion of European Christians & Arabs

  • @tushkoli
    @tushkoli 7 місяців тому +17

    We appreciate, You trying to find similar grounds between Judaism and Sanatana Dharma ( Hinduism?). We in India respect Judaism, and India is the only place where Jews have lived peacefully and prospered for centuries, unmolested! It is a strange irony of history that in the true land of Swastika, the Jews were protected, and the same symbol was used to oppress them elsewhere!
    But please don't try to fit Hindus and Indian civilisation within the framework of Abrahamic mythology and timelines! It is absurd and plain stupid! We have nothing to do with Abraham or Adam or Eve and all that tribal mythology! We have our own civilizational culture & traditions, Our Own creation stories, Our Dharmic ethics, Our Own theories and very evolved philosophies about God and the Universe and Our position as Humans in the scheme of things!
    There might be certain similarities in principles of both religions, but they are not the same. Also Hinduism is far older and more advanced as a religion than Judaism, which is very tribal in Outlook! Let us celebrate these two different religions / thought processes and not compare and mix them, please!

    • @dyz39
      @dyz39 7 місяців тому +1

      I don’t agree with your last two paragraphs. Thats only through your perspective.
      If we look into the Indus Valley Civilisation, they prospered and probably had contact with the Middle East, and maybe even Crete. An example is Crete and the Indus Valley both had the technology of plumbing.

    • @tushkoli
      @tushkoli 7 місяців тому +1

      @@dyz39 Which part of my last 2 paragraphs You do not agree? Please be precise.
      If You see, the geographical location of Indus Valley, it is on major trade route and it traded with all ancient regions of the World all the way from Asia Minor, Arabia, Africa to central Asia to far East....

    • @onmysoul_
      @onmysoul_ 7 місяців тому

      ⁠@@tushkoliWell, I do not agree with Judaism on many things, however, the fact of the matter is that God created man in His image and the Adam and Eve are the only people that were made in the beginning. Adam and Eve may be called with a different name but no matter of the name: all the people of the world must have had their parents come from the vast tree line of Adam and Eve. That is just fact.

    • @tushkoli
      @tushkoli 7 місяців тому +4

      @@onmysoul_ That is not true. Please do Not mix existence with mythology. Adam & Eve is tribal mythology. It shows the limits of tribal imagination. To say that God created man in is image is sheer nonsense!

    • @onmysoul_
      @onmysoul_ 7 місяців тому

      @@tushkoli that’s just the way you see it.

  • @user_ar6332
    @user_ar6332 7 місяців тому +5

    Hinduism is Monotheistic. There is only the formless Brahman. All the different deities we worship represent different qualities of the Brahman.

    • @dharmayogaashram979
      @dharmayogaashram979 7 місяців тому

      Clearly you don't know the meaning of Monotheistic and Brahman.

    • @dharmayogaashram979
      @dharmayogaashram979 7 місяців тому

      @@adamyitzhak9907 low minded comment, you can't think higher. On the other hand, you don't use a toilet and you have a problem with nature's creations?

    • @nupur7716
      @nupur7716 7 місяців тому +1

      You mean Sanathan dharam is monistic not monotheistic. Brahman as in Advaita vedanta means monism not monotheism.

    • @user_ar6332
      @user_ar6332 7 місяців тому

      I stand corrected. I meant 'monism'.

    • @paperclips1306
      @paperclips1306 6 місяців тому

      ​@@adamyitzhak9907and u r a cult that's why u are intolerant.