Discerning the Call: Change in the American Priesthood | An Original Documentary

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • When a man discovers a call to the priesthood today, his process of discernment
    looks much different than it would have decades ago. But why?
    Discerning the Call is a new documentary that explores the cultural changes that
    have affected the American Catholic priesthood in the past 75 years.
    Media Inquiries: media@discerningthecall.com
    Discerning the Call is free to stream online at discerningthecall.com. Additional
    screenings around the country will take place over the coming months. The
    premiere took place on April 25 at The Howard Gilman Theater in New York.
    From the social and political upheaval of the 1960s, to the clerical sex abuse crisis
    of the early 2000s, to the modern embrace of secularism, Discerning the Call
    explores the many elements that have changed priestly discernment in the United
    The film features interviews with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New
    York, and Jesuit author Fr. James Martin, S.J., plus dozens of men ordained from
    the 1950s to the present day.
    Patrick Cullinan and Jay Doherty are 2023-2024 Duffy Fellows at the Fordham
    University Center on Religion and Culture. Recently, they spoke about the film on
    SiriusXM’s Catholic Channel. Please learn more about the directors at discerningthecall.com
    Correction, Credits: Brendan Hodge, not Brandon Hodge - The Pillar