All I Want by Kodaline | acoustic cover by Jada Facer

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @filipecoelho9855
    @filipecoelho9855 4 роки тому +216

    The way you sing it's amazing. You don't feel the need to shout, to yell, you always sing so calmly and delicately. Your covers seem truer than most originals.

    • @jwhayes12
      @jwhayes12 4 роки тому +5

      You describe Her singing perfectly. Listening to her singing is so calming

    • @anhvule9009
      @anhvule9009 3 роки тому +3

      yea, but imagine singing Iris like that

    • @itsyourfav_maya
      @itsyourfav_maya 3 роки тому +2


    • @yanae6499
      @yanae6499 3 роки тому +1

      But sometimes if you're drowning,you need to Scream to hear you.

    • @anhvule9009
      @anhvule9009 3 роки тому +2

      @@yanae6499 facts

  • @meilena_rinaii
    @meilena_rinaii 4 роки тому +130

    man shes got a voice like an angels. God really did bless her with an amazing voice

  • @sebastiancardenas4747
    @sebastiancardenas4747 4 роки тому +185

    The original song is beautiful. I never imagined that I could improve, but I was wrong. Everything gets better with your voice

    • @asusmctablet9180
      @asusmctablet9180 4 роки тому +4

      She's got an amazingly pretty voice. Proof you don't have to be able to belt like Adele, you can sing soft and it's also beautiful.

    • @fajr.k8148
      @fajr.k8148 4 роки тому +2

      Yhh dude she is amazing!❤️❤️

    • @ronibasoka7059
      @ronibasoka7059 4 роки тому +2


  • @offical_rareship_acc9973
    @offical_rareship_acc9973 4 роки тому +211

    She a Queen she sound like a angel she a Angel queen

  • @katielouise4446
    @katielouise4446 4 роки тому +41

    My brother moved to college a few days ago, this song is so beautiful ❤❤ I seen the notification from jada and dropped my pencil and stopped doing my homework just to listen, she never fails to make me smile🥺🥰

    • @JadaFacer
      @JadaFacer  4 роки тому +18

      aww this was so sweet!! Thank you Katie❤️ (but get back to studying 😉)

    • @katielouise4446
      @katielouise4446 4 роки тому +9

      @@JadaFacer 🥰🥰 back to my maths now😂❤

    • @depressedforever3594
      @depressedforever3594 4 роки тому +3

      @@katielouise4446 same here but i was brushing my hair ahhh

    • @52341
      @52341 4 роки тому +2

      My brother moved away and got a job

  • @nickofebriyanto
    @nickofebriyanto 4 роки тому +33

    LYRICS :
    All I want is nothing more
    To hear you knocking at my door
    'Cause if I could see your face once more
    I could die a happy man I'm sure
    When you said your last goodbye
    I died a little bit inside
    I lay in tears in bed all night
    Alone without you by my side
    But if you loved me
    Why'd you leave me?
    Take my body
    Take my body
    All I want is
    And all I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody
    Like you, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Like you
    Cause you brought out the best of me
    A part of me I'd never seen
    You took my soul wiped it clean
    Our love was made for movie screens
    But if you loved me
    Why'd you leave me?
    Take my body
    Take my body
    All I want is
    And all I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    All I want is
    And all I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody
    Like you, oh, oh
    Sumber: LyricFind
    Penulis lagu: James Oliver Richard Flannigan / Mark Daniel Prendergast / Stephen Joseph Garrigan / Vincent Thomas May
    Lirik All I Want © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

  • @kevinthourout9372
    @kevinthourout9372 4 роки тому +35

    I dont usually comment a youtube post, but you did the most perfect cover ever. Thank you so much.

  • @keikoyamashitack
    @keikoyamashitack 4 роки тому +1

    This song ALL I WANT is my favorite song. Very very beautiful song. Thank you for playing it. My heart is so emotional.

  • @temimathews606
    @temimathews606 4 роки тому +3

    Can we all take a moment and appreciate how gracious and unique her voice is!!!

  • @rachelgardner2766
    @rachelgardner2766 3 роки тому +3

    I just realized her voice can make me cry.. She sings like a beautiful Angel..

  • @UltimateStaredown
    @UltimateStaredown 4 роки тому +5

    I've loved this song for a long time. But your version is the first that brushes me right up against the universe. Whatever inspired you to sing it... never let go of that fragile connection. It can slip away. Thank you Jada.

  • @thomasormrod4797
    @thomasormrod4797 4 роки тому +1

    An unbelievably softly spoken acoustic cover. A heartwarming and beautiful song, so cleverly presented by you Jada Facer!

  • @tonyvelasco5732
    @tonyvelasco5732 4 роки тому +21

    A beautiful way to start the morning, Jada!

  • @jaepark75
    @jaepark75 4 роки тому +6

    I listened to this 10 times in a row. So beautiful. Completely relaxed me. Thank you for singing that so beautifully!

  • @GhostyChives
    @GhostyChives 4 роки тому +2

    Sorry for the double comment, but after listening to this on repeat 100 times your "OooooOoooOoOOooo" is probably the most comforting sound I've ever heard.

  • @joeltorcheux7768
    @joeltorcheux7768 Рік тому

    J'aime beaucoup cette interprétation de All I Want par Jada, elle nous propose ce titre tout en douceur et en délicatesse. Très belle prestation, merci Jada.

  • @liberty9348
    @liberty9348 11 місяців тому +1

    Soothing... This cover has a very "ENYA" feel and sound to it. ENYA is my favorite music of all time... so I enjoyed this cover a great deal.

  • @riccardobarbaglia7225
    @riccardobarbaglia7225 4 роки тому

    The delicacy and the beauty of your soul is simply bewitching

  • @leosw1019
    @leosw1019 4 роки тому +22

    That jada notification always makes my day 💗💗💗💗

  • @yashpatel3194
    @yashpatel3194 4 роки тому +17

    I'm really confused what impressed me more,Her voice or her expressions😍❤

    • @Zero00FreaK2326
      @Zero00FreaK2326 4 роки тому +1

      is that needed? Why confused when YOU CAN BE IMPRESSED BY BOTH 😆

    • @gamzeblossomyildiz8107
      @gamzeblossomyildiz8107 4 роки тому +1

      You can check my Channel up🙈
      I would be really happy about it🌻

  • @jameschapeskie
    @jameschapeskie 4 роки тому

    Perfectly mixed song, simply beautiful

  • @patrickcalinga5734
    @patrickcalinga5734 3 роки тому

    With Racquel Calinga. Fr. The Philippines. She has a voice of an Angel. It's like an ocean waving slowly. Beautiful voice my dear.

  • @IamAstroSound
    @IamAstroSound 2 роки тому +4

    This song Is a masterpiece. I have seen no one do justice to it like you did.

  • @laurenyates718
    @laurenyates718 4 роки тому +3

    Your voice is so beautiful and you made this song (my favorite song) 100x better. You are my favorite singer now

  • @Din7815
    @Din7815 4 роки тому +1

    Это самое классное что я видел из такого рода исполнителей на ютубе!!95 тысяч просмотров и всего 5 тысяч лайков...-вы ,зрители.жмоты что ли??Она очень классно поёт и играет!!

  • @ronaldstephens5405
    @ronaldstephens5405 3 роки тому +1

    As usual just Beautiful Jada. When a person puts their heart and soul into something it is defiantly noticeable and cannot be denied. Thanks again Jada.

  • @ngandang96
    @ngandang96 4 роки тому +1

    The most pleasant cover of the song to me, I feel really sad listening to other covers but you make it sad but soothing at the same time

  • @kerstenschlegel646
    @kerstenschlegel646 4 роки тому

    You make me cry.. this song means so much to me.. and your performance makes me speechless..

  • @samaralourdes9273
    @samaralourdes9273 4 роки тому

    all i want is to repeat this video several times, her voice surprises me every time!

  • @kinzeehandy6762
    @kinzeehandy6762 4 роки тому +2

    O my goodness you just have the most beautiful voice ever I just wanted to cry so beautiful

  • @nateheskett333
    @nateheskett333 4 роки тому +5

    This is amazing. Every song you get better and better. Keep growing and keep going you deserve fame.

  • @yaniv505
    @yaniv505 4 роки тому +2

    Life isn't always perfect. life isn't always easy. life doesn't always make sense, but listening to your singing, make us to see the beauty of life

  • @petergergis3341
    @petergergis3341 4 роки тому +1

    You're exceptional , Jada . Now I listen to your songs every day. To me you're really a big star and your voice is distinguished...

  • @potatocatcher9018
    @potatocatcher9018 4 роки тому

    ok but this touched my heart. I didnt expect it to be this soft before i clicked on it

  • @MoskovFPS
    @MoskovFPS 4 роки тому +73

    You really have the most precious voice of the world... luv u 🥰

  • @KHuntGaming
    @KHuntGaming 4 роки тому +4

    soooo beautiful! can listen to your voice all day!

  • @yurdaraditia
    @yurdaraditia Місяць тому +1

    All I want is nothing more
    To hear you knocking at my door
    'Cause if I could see your face once more
    I could die as a happy man I'm sure
    When you said your last goodbye
    I died a little bit inside
    I lay in tears in bed all night
    Alone without you by my side
    But if you loved me
    Why did you leave me
    Take my body
    Take my body
    All I want is
    All I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    'Cause you brought out the best of me
    A part of me I'd never seen
    You took my soul wiped it clean
    Our love was made for movie screens
    But if you loved me
    Why did you leave me
    Take my body
    Take my body
    All I want is
    All I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    Ooh oh
    Ooh ah
    Ooh oh
    Ooh, if you loved me
    Why did you leave me
    Take my body
    Take my body
    All I want is
    All I need is
    To find somebody
    I'll find somebody

  • @mayday85baam45
    @mayday85baam45 4 роки тому

    emma bale has already sung the song world class and i thought it couldn't be topped ... respect and thanks

  • @ramon_vg
    @ramon_vg 4 роки тому

    If u only knew how many times you blew me away with your angelic voice Jada💚 like honestly, I usually get bored of things after a while especially with music but that still hasn't happened to ur music.

  • @هيثم-ظ2خ
    @هيثم-ظ2خ 4 роки тому +1

    Wow, this great performance, the amazing feeling, the beautiful song, the soft and gentle voice. Keep up my lovely little girl I'm your biggest fan of the world.

  • @bidulechouette7421
    @bidulechouette7421 4 роки тому

    You are the double of my ex. Seeing and hearing you singing these kinds of songs... The kind of lyrics that I would have liked to hear in the past fills me with joy.
    Thank you for this moment of calm and rest.

  • @elmanooralfisyah21
    @elmanooralfisyah21 4 роки тому +6

    This is the best acoustic cover what i am searching for!! I am crying. 😭😍 Bagus banget ini. Love from Indonesia ❤

  • @gamingniyx1693
    @gamingniyx1693 4 роки тому +2

    Her tone is rich, smooth and pure with an angelic tone to it which really brings out this music and she puts all into it and her soul into it which not many singers can do which is a true gift 100% putting this into my fav song list cause it’s sooo good keep singing! Let’s end off 2020 by enriching the hearts of everyone by us singers wooing the populous and cheering the covid people up! Let’s goo

  • @shashankashekharsharma1479
    @shashankashekharsharma1479 4 роки тому +1

    Jada your voice 😭😭😭 how can it be so lovely

  • @samanthazambo-zw7kp
    @samanthazambo-zw7kp Рік тому

    La meilleure des meilleures façon sa voix m'apaise 😢😢

  • @Capt-Bloodbeard
    @Capt-Bloodbeard 4 роки тому +1

    You literally have one of the most amazing and beautiful voices that I’ve every had the grace of listening to. You effortlessly sing with such emotion and beauty. It’s honestly breath taking❤️

  • @superhunk1989
    @superhunk1989 4 роки тому +5

    Nothing in the world sounds more beautiful than your voice.

  • @HasiniDesilva2003
    @HasiniDesilva2003 4 роки тому +3

    Jada it's soo lovely. You are like an angel. An angle who gives smiles to everyone's faces with your magical voice. You make us surprises. Good luck for your journey 😇

  • @vitoriasoares5808
    @vitoriasoares5808 Рік тому

    Your voice makes me get so calm the way that I've never been

  • @randomvideosbymark8095
    @randomvideosbymark8095 4 роки тому +49

    This song gives me chills of bliss!!!!! Wow what a touchingly beautiful performance Jada😊👌

    • @JadaFacer
      @JadaFacer  4 роки тому +20

      thank you 💕 it's one of my favorite songs :)

    • @gamzeblossomyildiz8107
      @gamzeblossomyildiz8107 4 роки тому +1

      You can check my Channel up🙈
      I would be really happy about it🌻

    • @lgbalitenan4978
      @lgbalitenan4978 3 роки тому +1

      @@JadaFacer joiu fgjy sde aaauy ewwh?

    • @lgbalitenan4978
      @lgbalitenan4978 3 роки тому

      @@gamzeblossomyildiz8107 yoou sdtr bjoo xvcfd vvgh seaah?

    • @JoaoPaulo-cm7rq
      @JoaoPaulo-cm7rq Рік тому


  • @kael9549
    @kael9549 4 роки тому +2

    when I hear this song I remind someone I used to love so much, even until this second :)Thank you for covering this song for accompanying me to sleep and for remembering the time when I loved that person❤️

  • @heniimlyw
    @heniimlyw 4 роки тому

    Apapun yg di coverin jada facer pasti mantapp😭😍

  • @barrythemushroomking
    @barrythemushroomking 4 роки тому

    I don't comment alot but I have been a fan of your music for a long time. Your singing is amazing and you seem like a great person keep it up I will be here listening every time

  • @anahawkins7677
    @anahawkins7677 4 роки тому +1

    This is so beautiful I started to cry😭 Your voice and you are so beautiful

  • @BowlingwithTbone300
    @BowlingwithTbone300 4 роки тому

    Super beautiful. And heart touching also just such a pleasure to listen to!!! Jada never give up keep on going and your just amazing out right

  • @jbuck212121
    @jbuck212121 4 роки тому

    Fav cover of my fav song. What a voice

  • @MattiaFracagnano-gr5xj
    @MattiaFracagnano-gr5xj Рік тому

    This song with this voice is perfect, it makes us forget all the bad things in life and transports us to another dimension, super...

  • @zenvirtravolta
    @zenvirtravolta 3 роки тому +1

    Nice Sung.. amazing.. Superb Voice. I really liked it..Keep it up

  • @三千雄滝坂
    @三千雄滝坂 4 роки тому

    I will be healed by your singing voice! I always check and save your videos and listen to your songs carefully! I support you!

  • @jaretalexisescobarbarrera6935
    @jaretalexisescobarbarrera6935 4 роки тому

    Listening to this song sung by you is the best gift there can be in life. You are very talented and the best artist I have ever heard ❤️

  • @ProVeer729
    @ProVeer729 4 роки тому

    You've got an angelic voice which makes me wanna come back every single time. Beautiful. Just pure beautiful. 🔥

  • @dannynightmare
    @dannynightmare 4 роки тому

    When I have a stressful day your voice always calms me down Jada, thank you for that!

  • @gwsh4254
    @gwsh4254 4 роки тому

    Your voice is able to make me feel warm, thank you for singing

  • @merajahmad4795
    @merajahmad4795 3 роки тому

    She sound like a angel what a voice and I love this song and I am big fan of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @alvinahianishti8149
    @alvinahianishti8149 4 роки тому

    you're voice is very calm and cold which is awesome

  • @a.duncan6791
    @a.duncan6791 3 роки тому

    This person's voice is soothing and perfectly suited for this song. The camera work and the editing is distracting, but the voice makes the post worth revisiting.

  • @chrisfletcher2842
    @chrisfletcher2842 4 роки тому

    One of my favourite songs. Now this is one of my favourite covers. Great voice!

  • @charberryx
    @charberryx 4 роки тому +2

    god i love you jada and now you're singing one of my fav songs 😭ilysm thank you for the music❤️

    • @JadaFacer
      @JadaFacer  4 роки тому +2

      it's one of my favorites too ❤️ thank you!!

  • @rentarothesedays1220
    @rentarothesedays1220 4 роки тому +2

    most beautiful cover i heard 🥺

  • @ezeast5279
    @ezeast5279 3 роки тому

    it is rare to find such a voice like this....amazing voice👍👍👍

  • @MisunderstoodCyclops
    @MisunderstoodCyclops 4 роки тому

    This touched me in a way I no longer thought possible

  • @bodi6718
    @bodi6718 4 роки тому

    I always listen to this song when I am missing her, thanks for giving me this beautiful version 💕

  • @Sergey-f5y
    @Sergey-f5y 3 роки тому

    ....я буду её слушать всю свою жизнь...просто невероятно волшебный голос..я покорён

  • @jzawahaise
    @jzawahaise 4 роки тому +1

    You have lots of character to your vocal which really assists in delivering the story of the song 🙂🙂🙂
    My next caller tune 😁😁😁

  • @JaskeeratSinghSandhu
    @JaskeeratSinghSandhu 4 роки тому +2

    All I Want Is Nothing More
    Than To Watch Your Covers For Hours

  • @annasherylnguyen5299
    @annasherylnguyen5299 4 роки тому

    this performance brings a new color to this beautiful song.

  • @sarahlopes_16
    @sarahlopes_16 2 роки тому

    your voice is beautiful and calms people down when they hear it, I cry every time I listen to this video 💔😔

  • @KingMetaloy
    @KingMetaloy 4 роки тому

    Nice one I'm in tears now good tone

  • @Mohammad_General
    @Mohammad_General 10 місяців тому

    I can feel myself by your speeches. God bless you and stay in our Heart forever.
    Love and Respect from Bangladesh.

  • @demonsayion
    @demonsayion 4 роки тому

    This is amazing Jada. I miss your singing but I understand that you can have a busy schedule. Your singing just brings that calmness and smoothness and just brightens up my day. Thank you for a great video and hope your doing well.

  • @ΓεωργίαΝίκου-λ3ζ
    @ΓεωργίαΝίκου-λ3ζ 2 роки тому

    Fantastic welll doneeee Jada and you go the eurovision because it is first with you

  • @thomashobson8892
    @thomashobson8892 4 роки тому

    My favourite song! You made me feel like I was hearing it for the first time again!

  • @joanamari7354
    @joanamari7354 4 роки тому

    Waaah, it's my birthday today, and it's a very beautiful gift from jada. Thanks for this cover jada! Such a sweet voice, continue to shine my little star ✨

  • @milicaslavkovic2197
    @milicaslavkovic2197 4 роки тому +2

    This is so beautiful. You have amazing voice!

  • @dmtube57
    @dmtube57 4 роки тому

    Very nice. This song is an excellent with your voice.

  • @cassandrastevens6222
    @cassandrastevens6222 4 роки тому +1

    Keep it up cuz I love your songs make some more

  • @M.M.M.L.
    @M.M.M.L. Рік тому

    I sometimes like to do this. Scroll through the channels that I follow and subscribe to and find myself in older videos and content, and listen to pieces that I have already heard or that I may no longer remember. I have the opportunity to listen to beautiful music that touches my soul. In this case, both: I admit that the songs where you play the piano are my favorites (because this instrument is part of me), plus I have the chance to hear your beautiful voice Jada again :)

    • @JadaFacer
      @JadaFacer  Рік тому +1

      aww thank you! ❤️❤️

  • @manlist4280
    @manlist4280 4 роки тому

    All i want is for you to keep singing and mesmerizing us forever....Always waiting for ur cover songs😍

  • @JuanRivera2002Tari
    @JuanRivera2002Tari 4 роки тому +1

    The best voice 🥰
    That was amazing Jada

  • @rangie999
    @rangie999 4 роки тому

    Outstanding Excellence Jada. Many Thanks in sharing your Immensely Beautiful Voice. XX

  • @akhemei4140
    @akhemei4140 19 днів тому

    Her voice is everything ❄️🔥🥀

  • @riyasingh6053
    @riyasingh6053 4 роки тому +1

    Your voice is god gifted for us...😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @fukutsuno9163
    @fukutsuno9163 4 роки тому

    Beautiful !!! From France ! Magnifique :)

  • @yousefahmad538
    @yousefahmad538 3 роки тому

    There are songs I naturally hate, your voice changes it for me completely I can't stop listening ❤️❤️

  • @rooseveltingudam6354
    @rooseveltingudam6354 4 роки тому +1

    OMG ! What a WOwwww voice ! I loved it so much than the rest !

  • @Build1ngaBetterYou
    @Build1ngaBetterYou 4 роки тому +4

    Это великолепно (ангельский голос) !🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @linusgrabe1407
    @linusgrabe1407 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful Jada. You have a so nice Voice . I Love You♥️😍

  • @rishabhbansal4755
    @rishabhbansal4755 4 роки тому

    And this song has been on loop for straight 5 hrs now!
    Nice one jada!! ❤️❤️

  • @kennedysamarakody4925
    @kennedysamarakody4925 4 роки тому

    Jada, you sang this song so beautifully

  • @lutfianieka2182
    @lutfianieka2182 4 роки тому

    luv ur voice jada,...i m a big fan from indonesia since ur cover Lathi,.