B”DE 0:00:00 Introduction 0:02:23 Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child 0:05:15 Abandoning G-d Yields Wicked Son; Partial Faith Yields Son Abandoning Torah 0:07:52 Avraham Avinu's Preparation for a Righteous Son 0:11:09 Avraham Avinu's Tractate of Avodah Zara Comprised of 400 Chapters (Avodah Zara 14b) 0:12:46 Book of Ruth-Great-Grandmother of Moshiach 0:12:46 Now These Are the Generations of Perez: Perez Begot Hezron (Ruth 4 v. 18) 0:17:54 Righteous People & Their Moments of Truth 0:20:43 And Hezron Begot Ram... (Ruth 4 vv. 19-22) 0:21:22 Chain of Ten Generations of Tzadikim Corresponding to Ten Sefirot-Hidden in David's Name 0:29:44 Holiness Prerequisite for the Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child 0:30:59 The Immodest Behavior of Shelomit bat Divri 0:33:57 Unkosher Etiquette While Eating and Drinking & Forbidden Places 0:36:16 Forbidden to Bring Oneself Improper Thoughts (Sefer Hachinuch 188) 0:37:23 Forbidden to Test Oneself: Evil, Even with Eyes Closed (Bava Basra 57b; R. Wosner) 0:41:09 And You Shall Not Bring an Abomination into Your Home... (Sefer Hachinuch 429 to Dt. 7 v. 26) 0:42:58 Forbidden Thoughts of Heresy (Sefer Hachinuch 387) 0:44:29 Achieving Holiness 0:45:19 One Cannot Lie About One's Righteousness (Ber. 62; Shul. Aruch, Yoreh Deah 344) 0:48:07 Modesty During Intimacy Most Important & Examples 0:57:21 Preparation; Not Just for Relief; Awe of Heaven on Mind 1:00:05 The Hearts of Man are Drawn After Their Actions (Sefer Hachinuch 16) 1:07:36 Why are There So Many Mitzvot? 1:09:08 Achieving Holiness: Clean Actions, Clean Mind 1:09:48 Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child (cont.) 1:14:51 Why a "Child" of the Ramban Went off the Derech 1:20:54 Conclusion 1:28:48 Ramban's Prayer for Couples Before Intimacy 1:36:17 Be'Ezrat HaShem: Make Eternal Investments
Thank you, Rabbi ,for this amazing series.
Tikkun Avon// קפרה עון
תודה לתורה ה!
All Glory and Praise to HaShem. Going back to the beginning of the series and watch them all. Thank you Rabbi Yaron Reuven.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:23 Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child
0:05:15 Abandoning G-d Yields Wicked Son; Partial Faith Yields Son Abandoning Torah
0:07:52 Avraham Avinu's Preparation for a Righteous Son
0:11:09 Avraham Avinu's Tractate of Avodah Zara Comprised of 400 Chapters (Avodah Zara 14b)
0:12:46 Book of Ruth-Great-Grandmother of Moshiach
0:12:46 Now These Are the Generations of Perez: Perez Begot Hezron (Ruth 4 v. 18)
0:17:54 Righteous People & Their Moments of Truth
0:20:43 And Hezron Begot Ram... (Ruth 4 vv. 19-22)
0:21:22 Chain of Ten Generations of Tzadikim Corresponding to Ten Sefirot-Hidden in David's Name
0:29:44 Holiness Prerequisite for the Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child
0:30:59 The Immodest Behavior of Shelomit bat Divri
0:33:57 Unkosher Etiquette While Eating and Drinking & Forbidden Places
0:36:16 Forbidden to Bring Oneself Improper Thoughts (Sefer Hachinuch 188)
0:37:23 Forbidden to Test Oneself: Evil, Even with Eyes Closed (Bava Basra 57b; R. Wosner)
0:41:09 And You Shall Not Bring an Abomination into Your Home... (Sefer Hachinuch 429 to Dt. 7 v. 26)
0:42:58 Forbidden Thoughts of Heresy (Sefer Hachinuch 387)
0:44:29 Achieving Holiness
0:45:19 One Cannot Lie About One's Righteousness (Ber. 62; Shul. Aruch, Yoreh Deah 344)
0:48:07 Modesty During Intimacy Most Important & Examples
0:57:21 Preparation; Not Just for Relief; Awe of Heaven on Mind
1:00:05 The Hearts of Man are Drawn After Their Actions (Sefer Hachinuch 16)
1:07:36 Why are There So Many Mitzvot?
1:09:08 Achieving Holiness: Clean Actions, Clean Mind
1:09:48 Kabbalah Guarantee to Have Righteous Child (cont.)
1:14:51 Why a "Child" of the Ramban Went off the Derech
1:20:54 Conclusion
1:28:48 Ramban's Prayer for Couples Before Intimacy
1:36:17 Be'Ezrat HaShem: Make Eternal Investments
Can you make a shorter version so people could grasp on to the most important parts