+Wrecker1738 yeah.. me too. Got both crwes ready when they first announced it and planned to switch it asides with the Centurion Action X... the Chieftain crew is still waiting in the FV.
+The Austrian Avenger I could imagine something, like that from Conqueror, you can either go for Chieftain or FV215b, so that both of them would be avalaible. That would be the best, in my opinion. :)
+Wrecker1738 I think they even said it is an option. I love FV and don't want it replaced. Centurion AX is shit IMO and I really miss the old FV 4202. It was different than any other med and it was great. HESH ammo was unique and really did it's job. Centurion AX however is like a mix of other meds but without their best advantages. It does not have anything great, anything to make it different from other meds. So just leave my FV alone :)
+Eduard Axt nope. the only problem there is the stock grind. 17 pounder on the caernarvon is awful vs tier 10 tanks. but once you get everything upgraded, it's a beast hill warrior. the conqueror is an overpowered tank at tier 9 in my opinion, but the stock grind is bad there as well. can't help with the BP tho'.. that one only performs top tier, even if you spam gold at tier 8-9s, your alpha sucks, so does your dpm. BP is the worst of the line.
Heeеello sup guys! u gotta check out this hack my brother showed meI recommend to аaall this, Works really well, I goot all for 2 minutes! its on google here => twitter.com/ca6acb0609167652f/status/719233752296255488 World of Tanks How to Play the FV215b
RELEASE the chieftain MK6 already or are the russians too worried that the best tank in the world for 30 years would make the russian tanks show their true colours.
I recently aquirred this tank a few days ago and i am already loving it in comparision to my T110E5. The gun handling is just awesome, loved the gun on the Conqueror but love it even more on the FB215B. The armour is most certainly not the best. As other say, if you aim for the turret ring you can easily penertrate and do damage and if you are really lucky you can drop shots into the cupola if you hit the right spot.
Greetings from a Spanish Comunity Contributor... please don´t make the people believe as if the FV is op like the T110e5, it doesn´t have its armor, nor the speed. And don´t try to fool people because 90% of the people playing batchats, Skodas T50 and meds will obliterate the fv in a duel. with all respect not a good example of how to play the tank... of course with apcr you can´t miss... it´s apcr.... Good luck and we will see eachother on the battlefield
just 1 thing: the worst problem of the fv215b is the grind: churchill1->sucks; churchill 7 : even more ; BP-> is ok but not that good; cearnarvon -> lets call it "special"... well but the conqurerer is awesome
+Darth Luk I am grinding the Cearnarvon right now, the begining is just horrible, use as much op your free xp possible to get the tracks and turret. but after you get the turret, you dont die that that often en quick anymore, then you'll get the second gun with more easy than the turret. if you have the gun, the cearnarvon becomes quite playable and even enjoyable.
well ok that could have been the problem back in the time ive played it, but still, in random battles i barely see anyone doing at least well in a churchill 1 or 7
actually it has decent depression... not like super conc or chieftain though but angled right n it's good gun depression... side scraping in this if done right can get you your ht missions for blocking done easily... check out my replay of my 1st in this tank on wotreplays.com just a for an example of what it can do
@@stanycooper Watch claus kermans video of this tank And learn what a beast it can be Just because you're 43% mind candy handle how to play what use yo be the best clan wars tank
@@stanycooper also go into comparison and compare the fv215b with the chieftain and super conc It's just as good as they are stat wise People hate it cause it's easily caught on fire lol
+George Enache IS-3? But you can say any tank gets fucked by arty really...it's more play style than tank. Like T95 gets shit on because it barely moves, but it has armour...but AMX 13 90 can get oneshot by tier 6 arty if it high rolls...so everything can get fucked by arty really
we console comrades have stolen it from the PC proving ground server and are mass - producing them now, bye PC peasants, your dreams of getting the Chieftain are crushed.
and dont forget to very special type of ammo, the non-gold HESH ammunition which has 120mm of pen, which is enough to penetrate all light and a lot of medium wehicles (including some german TDs and the artillery ofc) and 515 avg. dmg :)
4:31 2500 HP Jesus in wot blitz this tank is total tragedy, after the nerf it is so bad, it has no side armour, you can't side scrape with it and the HP points of this tank are less than some tier 9 heavy tanks which is big disadvantage, example E 75 in wot blitz has 2200 HP this tank in wot blitz has 2150 all the rest tank of heavy type from all nations have more HP points than this tank, its almost unplayable on some maps. Not only that it's armour is trash in wot blitz only 100 mm of side armour which makes it impossible to side scrape with it, cuz you will aways get penetrated. Front plate yeah decent but when it come ro close range like in a 1v1 its paper bit not that bad. The bad thing about the lower plate is yeah its thin you should hide it, but on most maps you won't have such opportunity. And combining the fact that you can't side scrape makes the tank a scrap metal unusable, unplayable, unenjoyable
Is this video made to tell us: Keep Dreaming you wont get a chieftain? P.S. You can easily pen the 215b when sidescraping if you know where(under the turret cheeks) *Just get used to it: 1700 Damage from an arty shell in random pub. Have fun
+Greek Hoplite one of my fav tanks, really love playing it. I for one am happy its not going away. Every tank have weakness you just need to learn to run with it.
Actuall FV215b was my very first tier 10 tank in the game. It was like 5 or 6 years ago, I was totally lame, and tbh I could never really learn how to use well my lovely Fv215b. I LOVED the aim time, the accuracy, the reload time, but I HATED so much the many many burning, and the fact that every1 could penetrate me from front in tier X matches. And that shitty 390 alpha.....my friend did nearly 500 with IS-7, my bro did 1k with Jgpz100, and i had that low 390 alpha. I'm not even mentioning the grind and the fact how bad was the british heavy line when I grindid through. Do sidescrape they sad, do well no1 can hit you they said. And yet....with that huge weak spot on the side - which I didn't even know about back then - I was just failing. Later on when I realized how unicums like the Fv215b and watched some youtube vids, I tried to re-learn it again, but it was too little too late. my WN8 with it stayed shitty and im around 1k battles with it :D :D :D I'm just so happy that we got the Sup.Conq instead, but of course the Fv215b, my first tier X tank in the game will always stay in my garage.
1) In random battles you can't be sure that you will have a real "shield tank" (IS, American E serie, Maus etc) to do the "hold the lines" job, more than that the move forward one. So playing yourself a heavy tank which can't do that is a real penality for yourself and your team in too many situations and you increase too much your chances to end up in a weak team in which nobody is able to play in first line. 2) I think it's the main reason why exotic tanks (the ones which are really good but not excelling in the basic job they are supposed to do) are not that common in random battles: Random battle = poor team play and you can be sure the E4 will camp behind because it's a TD, asking the heavy tank to move forward because it's a heavy tank. He will no care it's a AMX50, T57 or whatever .
I really hope wargaming keeps both the FV and the CHIEFTAN in game..and you grind them from the CONQUEROR.like you see with the batchat and amx 30b!!!! I enjoy the tank, keep them both!!!
I feel...odd. Out of the 10 T10 tanks I own, this one is probably my favorite. As far as I'm concerned, the gun makes up for pretty much all the other shortcomings. And it really does feel a lot more responsive than any of the other heavies I have. And as for the grind, I really liked it. >_> I had a lot of fun with all the tanks and, to this day, the Black Prince remains statistically my best tank out of the 300 or so I've played. I really don't want this tank to go, but I'm in a minority. I'll miss it when it's gone.
There is a good reason this tank is rare in random battles and war gaming clearly have no idea what they are talking about or are willingly giving misleading information. Play the T11e5 instead. Much more mobile, Almost impenetrable from the upper frontal plate and up apart from a ring in the cupplola that is a 50/50 chance to penn with 270mm. The " weak" side is actually pretty troll when angled at about 45 degrees because it is also curved and covered almost entirely by tracks, which are spaced armor. The lower plate needs about 200 penetration to get through reliably and even then there are angles on it which I have bounced with 250mm guns and this can be confirmed using a site likes tanks gg. Also its better at using ridge lines since it can but its gun depression to use and coming around corners. FV cannot sidescrape because of cheeks which are 120mm. It's a novel tank, like the maus that has great features but there are objectively better choices.
Like I said just check it on a site like wot gg and you will see a sizeable triangle that is 270 mm and either side if the 200 zone is about 240, with a low penetration role ( ie about 50% of time ) you can bounce here, also just listen to youtubers like Foch in his t57 heavy review if you somehow need in game evidence as well. Of course the gun is better on 215b, in every other regard it is worse, but not by much and enough to justify the following t110e5 vs fv : 20 % better power to weight, worse soft stats but overall more manoeuvrable. front mounted turret, allows it to use its turret armor to far greater effect because you can use ridges to go hull down, fv needs solid cover making it far less flexible. When it is hull down, and can do so FAR more often you have to get lucky accuracy and penetration roles. Facing an FV in same position you only have to get through 150mm once you hit the small weakspot on top. You can also penetrate the upper plate with over 280mm of penetration, you need about 320 for t110e5 and its angled better to deal with HEAT. FV is a great tank, and good players do really well in it, but clearly one of these tanks is objectively better than the other.
I got the impression that you disagreed with me because you mentioned ways the 215b is better. I sort of ignored everything else but your point is a fair one. The gun is really something to be exited about and hopefully gets a damage buff to 440, like on the sandbox, but please god I hope e5 is not buffed further.
The tank is still shit no matter how you present it lmao, also that e100 shooting at upper plate, you do realize e100 fire heat, easy pen as hell ... shit tank to the end.
long time ago, someone called me a noob, i was using the FV215b, he thought i can be like a maus and brawl~ guess im still a noob who can only snipe :(
If you give this an HD upgrade please buff it's side armor, as it stands right now it can't use the strengths of a rear mounted turreted tank. If this had 120mm of side armor it would be much more competitive.
I think it's rare because many players are discouraged by the awful line. I for one stopped playing after tier 5. Hated the Churchill so much that didn't even bothered to continue. And according to my investigating tiers 6 and 7 are equally shit. There are too much of a bother to get in. Why would you when there are other lines with pretty good top tanks too?
+Somnorila From my experiance, it only gets better. Churchill I was OK. VII could even bounce in same and even t7 (can't really expect from a t6 to bounce t8 anyway) and BP did even better. Caernarvon was OK as far as I remember, I like to be on 1st line so I had to change how I play a bit. Really enjoyed conqueror, of course free xp at least damn tracks. :D Don't have FV though, waiting for some discount again.
+Airborne Filip The whole line is shit even if u are a good player.Especially tiers 6.7.8 cant really play them unless u use a ton of gold ammo.FV anf Conq are good tanks
+mao amra Gold? With Caernarvon? Oh come on, you sound like you never played it. While Churchill VII and BP may lack pen for higher tiers, they had plenty for their own. So no, that line is playable. Annoying as hell, especially driving downhill or driving in general, fuck yeah but shit? No.
+mao amra Churchill 1 is a fine tank, Churchill 7 is pretty good when played correctly. and don't you dare talk shit about Caernarvon it's one of the best tier 8s imo (of course these tanks are only as good as the person who plays them)
I'm gonna say this that. the fv215b has an awful front hull lower glaces, gigantic tank can easily target when you exposed side, Large amount of credits you need spend and need atleast 4-5k damages to inc your credits, magnet-target, bad depression, but the good about the fv215b, it has a good accuracy, good aimtime, good dpm, monster sidescrape when you are a master on this tank, can duel 1v1 tanks, monster hulldown position etc.
03:55 lol i think the AMX 50b lost in traverse cause he was using the handbrake on place... lol and he didnt lose to the 2 skodas cause the skoda was a noob and ran away :P
+Esujin Serizawa because it's paper front cover over engine..., i have this tank and it's side armor are like paper (the angeled parts under turret, where is ammo)
Had this for about a month, died way too much at first but now I'm getting really good with it! Great tank if you know how to use it!
This video was created to say the community "You'll never get your Chieftain" in a gentle manner.
+The Austrian Avenger I really hope not. :D :( I'm looking forward to Chieftain a lot and already have a Chieftain trained sisterhood crew for it.
+Wrecker1738 yeah.. me too. Got both crwes ready when they first announced it and planned to switch it asides with the Centurion Action X... the Chieftain crew is still waiting in the FV.
+The Austrian Avenger I could imagine something, like that from Conqueror, you can either go for Chieftain or FV215b, so that both of them would be avalaible. That would be the best, in my opinion. :)
+Wrecker1738 I think they even said it is an option. I love FV and don't want it replaced. Centurion AX is shit IMO and I really miss the old FV 4202. It was different than any other med and it was great. HESH ammo was unique and really did it's job. Centurion AX however is like a mix of other meds but without their best advantages. It does not have anything great, anything to make it different from other meds.
So just leave my FV alone :)
i think its rarely seen because people get stuck on the techline T7 Black Prince and even worse the T8 Caenarvon and think "im outta here"
+Eduard Axt nope. the only problem there is the stock grind. 17 pounder on the caernarvon is awful vs tier 10 tanks. but once you get everything upgraded, it's a beast hill warrior. the conqueror is an overpowered tank at tier 9 in my opinion, but the stock grind is bad there as well. can't help with the BP tho'.. that one only performs top tier, even if you spam gold at tier 8-9s, your alpha sucks, so does your dpm. BP is the worst of the line.
I think getting tanks fully upgraded takes less xp and time than unloxking entire tanks
Should have titled the video: "No Chieftain boyz"
Yay I love this tank
Oh hey Console peasant, that's how we meet again
Heeеello sup guys! u gotta check out this hack my brother showed meI recommend to аaall this, Works really well, I goot all for 2 minutes! its on google here => twitter.com/ca6acb0609167652f/status/719233752296255488 World of Tanks How to Play the FV215b
_ Alex _ they should keep fv, and bring chieftain in too, with both of them branching off the conqueror.
this was my First Tier 10 ! he is very Good 😉
@@Samett98 hesh
@@soulenceve1l143 XD
Never got it. They took away my dream tank when I was at conqueror
These vids make the tanks look OP AF
3:39 The French baguette😂😂😂
This thing looks like the Scorpion tank in Halo XD!
tbh it does but Fv is faster
LOL I drove one
Roland Ramos me too lol
Madude 62 nah0
Having a engine at the front has a perk: added protection to the crew
My first Tier X and i still love this beast !
Yeah it is a beast when it's played by competent players
RELEASE the chieftain MK6 already or are the russians too worried that the best tank in the world for 30 years would make the russian tanks show their true colours.
+ACM 166 Amen
I just don't want the chieftain to replace this tank. The 215b is still a good, well balanced tank that I'd love to still see in random battles.
Joe Kabira maybe if they do what they did with the FVP and make the 215B a tier 8 prem?
+RagnarisFellhanded I'd prefer to just have it be an alternative tier 10
Joe Kabira that could work, but they would have to have a second heavy tank line like the russians with the IS4 and IS7
I recently aquirred this tank a few days ago and i am already loving it in comparision to my T110E5. The gun handling is just awesome, loved the gun on the Conqueror but love it even more on the FB215B.
The armour is most certainly not the best. As other say, if you aim for the turret ring you can easily penertrate and do damage and if you are really lucky you can drop shots into the cupola if you hit the right spot.
Greetings from a Spanish Comunity Contributor... please don´t make the people believe as if the FV is op like the T110e5, it doesn´t have its armor, nor the speed. And don´t try to fool people because 90% of the people playing batchats, Skodas T50 and meds will obliterate the fv in a duel. with all respect not a good example of how to play the tank... of course with apcr you can´t miss... it´s apcr....
Good luck and we will see eachother on the battlefield
just 1 thing: the worst problem of the fv215b is the grind: churchill1->sucks; churchill 7 : even more ; BP-> is ok but not that good; cearnarvon -> lets call it "special"... well but the conqurerer is awesome
+Darth Luk I am grinding the Cearnarvon right now, the begining is just horrible, use as much op your free xp possible to get the tracks and turret. but after you get the turret, you dont die that that often en quick anymore, then you'll get the second gun with more easy than the turret. if you have the gun, the cearnarvon becomes quite playable and even enjoyable.
+Dryalga do the same with the conqueror : tracks, turret, gun and th2n ur fine at first
+Darth Luk Churchill 1 is good but I agree with the rest.
+Darth Luk Bro. You have to learn the game first. Churchill tanks are one of the best in their tier. Just learn how to play.
well ok that could have been the problem back in the time ive played it, but still, in random battles i barely see anyone doing at least well in a churchill 1 or 7
Really WG? Good sidescraper and good gun depression? Is this a joke!!?!?
actually it has decent depression... not like super conc or chieftain though but angled right n it's good gun depression...
side scraping in this if done right can get you your ht missions for blocking done easily... check out my replay of my 1st in this tank on wotreplays.com just a for an example of what it can do
@@StaceyIsles 7 decent, sure :D
@@StaceyIsles let me guess you are 46% bot...
Watch claus kermans video of this tank
And learn what a beast it can be
Just because you're 43% mind candy handle how to play what use yo be the best clan wars tank
@@stanycooper also go into comparison and compare the fv215b with the chieftain and super conc
It's just as good as they are stat wise
People hate it cause it's easily caught on fire lol
Oh goody! Excited to get this tank. Had fun with the Churchill VII. Having a good time with the BlackPrince.
3:11, this guy will be there on time, he says as the fv215b drives behind all the other tanks..............
ikr xD, he also said it can move as quickly as the t57 heavy
playing too Blitz?
because the tank will be ON TIME, unlike the others, they will arrive earlier than on time.
get it now?
4:33 irrelevant today in wotb - got its HP nerf ed down gradually, now it stands at 2150HP so depressing
You forgot to say that if there is an artillery in the game, you are fucked
without arty I can use its armor and average 4k dmg
name a single Heavy tank that doesn't gets fked by arty
+George Enache Maus
+George Enache IS-3? But you can say any tank gets fucked by arty really...it's more play style than tank. Like T95 gets shit on because it barely moves, but it has armour...but AMX 13 90 can get oneshot by tier 6 arty if it high rolls...so everything can get fucked by arty really
+CREEPY NERD Maus one shot confirmed by CGC
lol no artillery in blitz XD
"only 76mm protect the front armour" tank catches on fire and blows up "or does it?"
That's great, but where is the chieftain mk. 6??
+Luís Roque chinese server already has chieftain.
+pfcremus yyeah, nobody plays on those servers though.
+pfcremus Yeah I know, so why they are delaying so much to EU server and others.
we console comrades have stolen it from the PC proving ground server and are mass - producing them now, bye PC peasants, your dreams of getting the Chieftain are crushed.
L Roque yep, they should keep the fv, but have the chieftain come out as a second branch from the conqueror.
and dont forget to very special type of ammo, the non-gold HESH ammunition which has 120mm of pen, which is enough to penetrate all light and a lot of medium wehicles (including some german TDs and the artillery ofc) and 515 avg. dmg :)
6:36 The T57 Heavy has the best DPM of T10 heavy tanks.
By far my favourite heavy in the game, it's an absolute beauty with the DPM and the turret :)
Well that the only thing it has.
Vytenis Kajackas mate, that's the only thing it needs
+Sam Hilton I'm definitely picking this tank up :D
You should make a 3D stile for this tank like an old lonely lion, it would be the best!
Thanks for tips. I'm one behind to get it and when I did it's going to be awesome
The real problem of this tank is the awful moment experience you get by trying to get the Caernarvon with the BP ...
Thanks :D
Crew Knocked Out.
i got 3 marks on it after 144 games
Until now, this tank is still my favorite~
4:31 2500 HP Jesus in wot blitz this tank is total tragedy, after the nerf it is so bad, it has no side armour, you can't side scrape with it and the HP points of this tank are less than some tier 9 heavy tanks which is big disadvantage, example E 75 in wot blitz has 2200 HP this tank in wot blitz has 2150 all the rest tank of heavy type from all nations have more HP points than this tank, its almost unplayable on some maps.
Not only that it's armour is trash in wot blitz only 100 mm of side armour which makes it impossible to side scrape with it, cuz you will aways get penetrated. Front plate yeah decent but when it come ro close range like in a 1v1 its paper bit not that bad. The bad thing about the lower plate is yeah its thin you should hide it, but on most maps you won't have such opportunity. And combining the fact that you can't side scrape makes the tank a scrap metal unusable, unplayable, unenjoyable
And now you removed it , good job Wargaming
Awesome video.
i realy enjoiy your how to play videos. you should do one for every prem tank.
Hehe nice to see this it is indeed a rare tank...I have it and I love it....
and i would love it if it will be HD soon :)
I remember when it was such a op tank back then.
So.. When comes the Chieftain?
+Vessel Grenlund Yesterday
theres a big weakspot when ur sidescraping fv215b.
+SMOKER Yeah, funny how they intentionnally forget it, right ? ;D
TeteBruleeFR yep
if you dont minf could you say cuz im gonna get it soon can i know the weakspot
The spot sticking out on the hull below your turret. And the medium tank side armor.
6:18 6:19 FULL GOLD GG not enougth penetration
From when i come from the fv215b is a tank destroyer
1:50 whats the music name?
Is this video made to tell us: Keep Dreaming you wont get a chieftain?
P.S. You can easily pen the 215b when sidescraping if you know where(under the turret cheeks)
*Just get used to it: 1700 Damage from an arty shell in random pub. Have fun
fuck the chieftain
agree its fucking soft for an arty and you can not sidescrape.... only good thing is the gun
+Greek Hoplite one of my fav tanks, really love playing it. I for one am happy its not going away. Every tank have weakness you just need to learn to run with it.
I agree the chieftain is no match for the 215b
Sorry, I can only understand binary numbers up to 255.
Why are you not doing so many world of tanks videos?
Definition of the FV215B Centaur : It's the James Bond of all British heavy tanks
Actuall FV215b was my very first tier 10 tank in the game. It was like 5 or 6 years ago, I was totally lame, and tbh I could never really learn how to use well my lovely Fv215b. I LOVED the aim time, the accuracy, the reload time, but I HATED so much the many many burning, and the fact that every1 could penetrate me from front in tier X matches. And that shitty 390 alpha.....my friend did nearly 500 with IS-7, my bro did 1k with Jgpz100, and i had that low 390 alpha. I'm not even mentioning the grind and the fact how bad was the british heavy line when I grindid through. Do sidescrape they sad, do well no1 can hit you they said. And yet....with that huge weak spot on the side - which I didn't even know about back then - I was just failing. Later on when I realized how unicums like the Fv215b and watched some youtube vids, I tried to re-learn it again, but it was too little too late. my WN8 with it stayed shitty and im around 1k battles with it :D :D :D I'm just so happy that we got the Sup.Conq instead, but of course the Fv215b, my first tier X tank in the game will always stay in my garage.
When will be the next Guide Park?
Can you do the Centurion AX next
The weak spot under the turret on the side makes side scrapping a pain at anything less than 150m range.
Finally found it
After 4 years of searching for this
Is finally back
this tank is rare yes because the grinding to it is harder than the m3 lee or amx 40
that James Bond music in the end ....
1) In random battles you can't be sure that you will have a real "shield tank" (IS, American E serie, Maus etc) to do the "hold the lines" job, more than that the move forward one. So playing yourself a heavy tank which can't do that is a real penality for yourself and your team in too many situations and you increase too much your chances to end up in a weak team in which nobody is able to play in first line.
2) I think it's the main reason why exotic tanks (the ones which are really good but not excelling in the basic job they are supposed to do) are not that common in random battles:
Random battle = poor team play and you can be sure the E4 will camp behind because it's a TD, asking the heavy tank to move forward because it's a heavy tank. He will no care it's a AMX50, T57 or whatever .
All hail the Mighty Conqueror
Nice video guys :D
It's my favourite tank. But it's speed does let you down.
RIP fv we miss you
Vital 23 fv u will be missed...
I really hope wargaming keeps both the FV and the CHIEFTAN in game..and you grind them from the CONQUEROR.like you see with the batchat and amx 30b!!!! I enjoy the tank, keep them both!!!
I feel...odd. Out of the 10 T10 tanks I own, this one is probably my favorite. As far as I'm concerned, the gun makes up for pretty much all the other shortcomings. And it really does feel a lot more responsive than any of the other heavies I have.
And as for the grind, I really liked it. >_> I had a lot of fun with all the tanks and, to this day, the Black Prince remains statistically my best tank out of the 300 or so I've played.
I really don't want this tank to go, but I'm in a minority. I'll miss it when it's gone.
There is a good reason this tank is rare in random battles and war gaming clearly have no idea what they are talking about or are willingly giving misleading information. Play the T11e5 instead. Much more mobile, Almost impenetrable from the upper frontal plate and up apart from a ring in the cupplola that is a 50/50 chance to penn with 270mm. The " weak" side is actually pretty troll when angled at about 45 degrees because it is also curved and covered almost entirely by tracks, which are spaced armor. The lower plate needs about 200 penetration to get through reliably and even then there are angles on it which I have bounced with 250mm guns and this can be confirmed using a site likes tanks gg. Also its better at using ridge lines since it can but its gun depression to use and coming around corners. FV cannot sidescrape because of cheeks which are 120mm. It's a novel tank, like the maus that has great features but there are objectively better choices.
Like I said just check it on a site like wot gg and you will see a sizeable triangle that is 270 mm and either side if the 200 zone is about 240, with a low penetration role ( ie about 50% of time ) you can bounce here, also just listen to youtubers like Foch in his t57 heavy review if you somehow need in game evidence as well. Of course the gun is better on 215b, in every other regard it is worse, but not by much and enough to justify the following t110e5 vs fv :
20 % better power to weight, worse soft stats but overall more manoeuvrable.
front mounted turret, allows it to use its turret armor to far greater effect because you can use ridges to go hull down, fv needs solid cover making it far less flexible.
When it is hull down, and can do so FAR more often you have to get lucky accuracy and penetration roles.
Facing an FV in same position you only have to get through 150mm once you hit the small weakspot on top. You can also penetrate the upper plate with over 280mm of penetration, you need about 320 for t110e5 and its angled better to deal with HEAT.
FV is a great tank, and good players do really well in it, but clearly one of these tanks is objectively better than the other.
I got the impression that you disagreed with me because you mentioned ways the 215b is better. I sort of ignored everything else but your point is a fair one. The gun is really something to be exited about and hopefully gets a damage buff to 440, like on the sandbox, but please god I hope e5 is not buffed further.
pascalm Hate to burst your bubble but a major nerf is coming to t110e5 but you already know this :)
Türkçe alt yazılı bayılıyorum bu kanala Harikasınız
1:23 "How would they know ?"
David's Beckham right foot.........hahahahaha
I hope we get soon intel on the chieftain i don't know if i take the fv 215b or i wait for him :/
Cheiftan is on PC China server and console
Before I grind for this,
Does it have HESH rounds?
And can the turret rotate 360°?
I'd love to get a HD-Model for this great tank! :)
The tank is still shit no matter how you present it lmao, also that e100 shooting at upper plate, you do realize e100 fire heat, easy pen as hell ... shit tank to the end.
nice video
Looks like I have another tier 10 I should pick up :)
Anybody know that the Fv use gold spam only APCR XD at 6:14
The gun of the fv is high caliber
Best gun in the game, best looking too.
I'm still waiting on that HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So.. When comes the Chieftain mk.6 ?
+TheNozdormu never, thats this video about
long time ago, someone called me a noob, i was using the FV215b, he thought i can be like a maus and brawl~
guess im still a noob who can only snipe :(
Can u do KV-2 pls
RIP FV. Still have it as a premium since S Conqueror update
Well it is for competitive players and for competitive matches. If u like randoms more then go pick E5, e100 or IS7
I'm not a player that is known for having a good win rate I have 51% win rate in the 215b and I still am good with that it's a fine tank in random
If you give this an HD upgrade please buff it's side armor, as it stands right now it can't use the strengths of a rear mounted turreted tank. If this had 120mm of side armor it would be much more competitive.
not listed anymore? guess was a misstake to upload it
All so true! apart from that it is the primary target for arties!
It's quite small
I think it's rare because many players are discouraged by the awful line. I for one stopped playing after tier 5. Hated the Churchill so much that didn't even bothered to continue. And according to my investigating tiers 6 and 7 are equally shit. There are too much of a bother to get in. Why would you when there are other lines with pretty good top tanks too?
+Somnorila From my experiance, it only gets better. Churchill I was OK. VII could even bounce in same and even t7 (can't really expect from a t6 to bounce t8 anyway) and BP did even better. Caernarvon was OK as far as I remember, I like to be on 1st line so I had to change how I play a bit. Really enjoyed conqueror, of course free xp at least damn tracks. :D Don't have FV though, waiting for some discount again.
+Airborne Filip The whole line is shit even if u are a good player.Especially tiers 6.7.8 cant really play them unless u use a ton of gold ammo.FV anf Conq are good tanks
+mao amra Gold? With Caernarvon? Oh come on, you sound like you never played it. While Churchill VII and BP may lack pen for higher tiers, they had plenty for their own. So no, that line is playable. Annoying as hell, especially driving downhill or driving in general, fuck yeah but shit? No.
+mao amra Churchill 1 is a fine tank, Churchill 7 is pretty good when played correctly. and don't you dare talk shit about Caernarvon it's one of the best tier 8s imo (of course these tanks are only as good as the person who plays them)
I once had a game with the tier 6 bouncing and bouncing shells! And then I end up having 3000 dmg done :)
Best replays?
1: pay a lot
2: win
I'm gonna say this that. the fv215b has an awful front hull lower glaces, gigantic tank can easily target when you exposed side, Large amount of credits you need spend and need atleast 4-5k damages to inc your credits, magnet-target, bad depression, but the good about the fv215b, it has a good accuracy, good aimtime, good dpm, monster sidescrape when you are a master on this tank, can duel 1v1 tanks, monster hulldown position etc.
Bring it back to the British tech tree WG to replace the super conqueror or be a double end line where you can choose which one you want
Do the Luchs plz
Best gun handling in the game* Cheiftan mk6 hold my beer
03:55 lol i think the AMX 50b lost in traverse cause he was using the handbrake on place... lol and he didnt lose to the 2 skodas cause the skoda was a noob and ran away :P
yes they updated this one :)
Dis iz very stronk tenk nothing beats it :) plz add back
Anyone find it funny that the is4 in the speed test was beating all the others even the t57 heavy and the is7 interesting
¡¡¡¡Music name at 1:23 PLS!!!!!
Yeah the font armor is the thickest
Pls do grille 15!
I don't own 215b but i occasionally see it getting penned by arty shell up to 2000 dmg. Oh how i love my GC :)
+Esujin Serizawa because it's paper front cover over engine..., i have this tank and it's side armor are like paper (the angeled parts under turret, where is ammo)
Esujin Serizawa
Honestly though, how do you do it? The highest tier ever got was the Crusader SP. It just gets boring for me...
As you know, GC is known for its high shell arc. So if you manage to land a shot, then it's cancerous (depending on tank size and distance)
+Esujin Serizawa Churchill GC OP, please nerf that tier 6 TD! :D
the statement "ELC AMX" for example of speed is not appliable anymore you know
wait does the 50b not traverse on the spot?
+DEANOGTO i think only one track operates when u turn the tank, so no