You are walking through a forest. Nuclear winter has arrived and you have no idea where you are. As you sink deeper and deeper into the forest, You hear a faint sound in the distance. You start running toward the sound. When you reach the source of the music, you find a small campfire with a single tent next to it. The record player is still playing near it. You take a step closer when you hear a snap. You quickly turn around to see a revolver trap aimed at your head. The last sound you hear is the last beat of this song as you collapse into the snow.
POV: You’re a Russian conscript looking back at the aftermath of a harsh battle, seeing a level of brutality you never considered possible for mankind to inflict on itself, and sigh on the realization your still hundreds of miles from Berlin and therefore, plenty of time to see these bloody sights again, and than again, and than again.
Its 1991, your toes are numb from the cold of the gray winter. your father sits rocking back and forth in his small wooden chair, pieces missing, used to heat the house when wood was low. He is shaking and humming this song to himself. He hasnt been the same since he came back. You look out your window to see the banners of red covering the many buildings of your city fall limp to the ground, one after another. All that you suffered for, all that your father fought for has come to an end. Communism has failed you, your country has failed you, the world has failed you.
ENGLISH LYRICS Dark is the night, only bullets are whistling around With the wind singing songs in the wires and the stars softly gleaming You are awake though the night has long covered the grounds As you’re rocking the cradle, I know you are quietly weeping Oh, how l want to see that tender look in your eyes Oh how I want just one moment to kiss them gently! We’re miles apart. And although stars are lit in the sky Yet the dark steppe between us tonight feels so troubled and empty I do believe you’ll remain ever faithful and true It’s this faith that gave courage to me in the fiercest of battles And I’m at peace ‘cause I know I’m returning to you And whatever befalls me, for sure, I’ll return in fine fettle I fear no death. It’s been taking its toll all around And even now it is raging and will not settle You are awake though the night has long covered the grounds As you’re rocking the cradle I know I’ll return in fine fettle
Makes me think about walking through a ww2 era Stalingrad reduced to rubble. Not a single indication of life to see. Just apartment blocks and scores of buildings turned into piles of rock and stone under an ashy sky. The sound of faint wind is all you can hear
@@ДмитрийРадионов-э1шduring operation bagration after the Soviets retook Stalingrad. The artillery fire would have stopped as the line progressed but the state of the city would be the same
this song was actually made in a soviet war film in 1943, after a harsh battle, soviet soldiers dug in sit down as a guy starts to sing and play guitar
After Stalingrad there were 0 surviving buildings. What was once a bustling city on the Volga with a massive manufacturing industry, with workers, both men and women who had families, became a pile of rubble, where 1,500,000 souls were killed. Stalingrad had hundreds of thousands of people. In 1946 it had 1,500.
Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи, Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают. В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь, И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь. Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз, Как я хочу к ним прижаться сейчас губами! Темная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас, И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами. Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою, Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила... Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою, Знаю, встретишь с любовью меня, что б со мной ни случилось. Смерть не страшна, с ней встречались не раз мы в степи. Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится. Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь, И поэтому знаю: со мной ничего не случится!
i sadly have to disagree sadly i cant speak russian but that song sounds AWSOME and the world we are in Isnt... its garbage maybe we will have a good world (most likely after my time) then we can have that song as our Athem!
@@sirtommenom2949 that's literally the song in which a soldier talks to his beloved one, waiting for him at home while being in darkness under flying bullets and describing his emotioal state, nothing good about this situation, dude
Our world would had to be way, waaaay worse place to be worthy this song as it's anthem. Yes, it would fit for the last remnants of humanity after some kind of global catastrophe, doomed to extinction and before that to suffer that few years of pointless existence...
@@Poznan__ it would fit even now. we are destroying our planet as we're speaking...and many injustices are happening all over the world, though I agree the song would sound nice in that scenario
Why does this sound like something you would possibly hear in the Fallout (game series) universe. Imagine, of a fallout game which took place in Moscow, where the USSR didn't cease to exist, but the world experienced the nuclear apocalypse. Now imagine as the player, you're walking the post apocalyptic Red Square while this song is playing.
Imagine you are a soviet tanker in your tank waiting for the germans to strike and you are just sitting there listening to this song on the rusty old radio. This song was actually made by a soviet soldier called Mark Berner.
Jestem Polakiem. Przykro sie patrzy na kraj, który w swojej zawiścu tak mocno dba o to by roztrwonić cały swój dobytek literacki, kinematograficzny i kompozytorski. Piękny utwór.
Раскрою тайну. К моменту ВОВ большая часть тех "красных" либо умерло от старости, либо от голода и в лагерях. Хорошо с ними Родина обошлась, не правда ли?
@@weed_lord Ооо, вот и проявился "ентехлект". Боюсь ты не угадал, я не из тех кто хоть с дьяволом но против большевизма. Наоборот отношусь уважительно к периоду ВОВ и нахожусь на стороне русского солдата
@@АСКР06 Дыа, какие классные истории можно придумать, почитав про продразвёрстку, НЭП и кулаков с 37 на закуску. Эх были времена и врагов народа не было и жили не боясь мужчин в синих фуражках и штанах.
This song for me is one of the best examples of war, no mater who wins, being just sad and dark event. ( Sad being an understatement, but I couldn't find other word)
Night… you were hiding from soviets, T-34’s passing burning Panthers and other Panzers. You see fires lighting up dark night, you see your favorite childhood places turn into dust… soldiers screaming: урааа! (Hurray) Soviet flags waving around, lighted by burning houses. You can’t cry, because you already lost everything. You lay down on ruins, and look up at the sky… even stars turn red because of the fire. Soviet soldiers sing their songs and enjoy the victory of the biggest war in the world. Next day you find newspaper called: „The Stars And Stripes”: Htlr dead. Soviets Going back home, and tell Stalin that they took Berlin. Other survivors coming out from the ruins and look around. They only see black smoke in the skies, and what their country turned into. Wounded kids, teenagers and adults. Soldiers coming back crying and praying that suffering is over. Your body is full of blood and scars, you lay down and feel, energy leaving your body. Last Tear comes out and close your eyes and say: I am fully yours, God
This makes me think of my grandfather. Sitting on the bank opposite stalingrad seeing a whole city burn knowing hed soon go kill facists or be killed maybe. Then at berlin. He told me he got so drunk that coulsnt believe war was over. I think of all the heroes who died when i hear this. They are in our blood, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. I would fight for them so they can live one dag more
This makes me think of my ancestors who fought for Russia in both world wars, and when I listen to this it just makes me feel like I’m there with my anscestors
Капитализм виноват. путин, зеленский, байден и вся остальная компания как правящий клас при этом капитализме и виноваты, на пару со всеми олигархами которые эту бойню продолжают во имя выгоды@@memnik0_0
Хахахаххаахаж... Ты раб капиталистической системы. А СССР великая страна, такой страны нет и не будет. А ты, продолжай оскорблять другую страну, покажи какой ты гнилой другим людям.
a pronúncia em caracte Tyómnaya nóch, tólyka puli svis-tyát pa stê-pi, Tôlyka vêter gu-dít v pra-va-dakh, túskla zvyôzdy mert-sáyut. V tyómnuyu nóch ty, lyu-bímaya, znáyu, ni spísh, I u dêtskoy kro-vátki tay-kóm ty sle-zú u-ti-ráyesh. Kak ya lyublyú glubinu tva-ikh lá-skavykh glaz, Kak ya khachú k nim pri-zhát-sya seychás gu-bámi! Tyómnaya nóch raz-di-láyet, lyu-bímaya, nas, I tre-vózh-naya chyórnaya stêp’ pra-lye-glá mezh-du námi. Véryu v tebya, v da-ro-gúyu pa-drúgu ma-yú, E-ta véra at pul’ minyá tyómnoy nóchy khra-níla. Rá-dastna mne, ya spa-kóyen v smer-tél’nom ba-yú: Znayu, vstré-tish s lyu-bóv’yu minyá, chto sa mnoy ni slu-chí-las’. Smért’ ni stra-shná, s ney ni raz my vstre-chá-lis’ v ste-pí, Vot i te-pér’ ná-da mnó-yu a-ná kru-zhít-sa. Ty minyá zhdýosh’, i u dêtskoy kro-vátki ni spísh, I pa-é-ta-mu, znáyu, sa mnóy ni-che-vó ni slu-chítsa.
The chance of me being alive right now is around 7.6% not like a 100% like you. My family lived in eastern part of Poland right on the border of Germany and ussr in 1940. After the invasion of Poland half of my family went to some cities in Germany and the other half went to dip highgrounds of Ural mountains. During the operation Barbarossa my family from Ural mountains was deployed near the city of Stalingrad, which had the least chance for a soldier to survive. My great grandfather was born there by my mother being graped and later killed by German officers. My family literally had to fight eachother as one nation of Poland, but under different rules of Germany and ussr. Never say that Nazism or Communism is a good thing.
Вот представьте: июльская ночь, тайга к западу от Москвы. Вы гуляете ночью по лесу и вдруг слышите вдали эту музыку. Вы смотрите на соседнюю от себя тропу и замечаете на ней чёрные силуэты. Вы замечаете на их головах солдатские шлемы и на голове одного из них фуражку, а так же замечаете винтовки на их плечах. Они идут вперёд по тропе спокойным шагом, от них слышны разговоры на русском. Вслед за ними тихо проезжает чёрный силуэт грузовика на малом ходу, а так же уныло и нехотя, будто зная свою участь плетётся одинокий силуэт танка Т-34-76 образца 1941 года. Музыка и шум затихают, вы выходите на ту тропу, но никого не замечаете, понимая, что русская тайга всё помнит, и это лишь отголоски прошлого...
copy pasting this from a different comment: for people who want to sing it but dont know russian Tyomnaya noch', tol'ko puli svistyat po stepi, Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh, tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut... V tyomnuyu noch' ty, lyubimaya, znayu, ne spish', I u detskoy krovatki taykom ty slezu utiraesh'. Kak ya lyublyu glubinu tvoikh laskovykh glaz, Kak ya khochu k nim prizhat'sya khot' raz gubami! Tyomnaya noch' razdelyaet, lyubimaya, nas, I trevozhnaya, chyornaya step' prolegla mezhdu nami. Veryu v tebya, v doroguyu podrugu moyu. Eta vera ot puli menya tyomnoy noch'yu khranila... Radostno mne, ya spokoen v smertel'nom boyu: Znayu, vstretish' s lyubov'yu menya, chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos'. Smert' ne strashna, s ney vstrechalis' ne raz my v stepi... Vot i teper' nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya, Ty menya zhdyosh' i u detskoy krovatki ne spish', I poetomu znayu, so mnoy nichego ne sluchitsya!
stop idolizing russia. not only because my country is a terrible warmongering dictatorship, but also because all you know about russia is communism and vodka, which isnt true
Your in ww2 and your Soviet and your you are a normal Soldier your fiting in finland your leg gets cut in haf and you hear a bang after your comrad screams its him the sniper you see your comrad fall then a new bang you cravl to behand a big rock ther you find a radio you put on this music then evriting turns black then bang... you know you know
Tyomnaya noch, tol ko puli svistyat po stepi Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut V tyomnuyu noch ty lyubimaya znayu ne spish I u detskoy krovatki taykom ty slezu utiraesh Kak ya lyublyu glubinu tvoikh laskovykh glaz Kak ya khochu k nim prizhat sya khot raz gubami Tyomnaya noch razdelyaet lyubimaya nas I trevozhnaya chyornaya step' prolegla mezhdu nami Veryu v tebya v doroguyu podrugu moyu Eta vera ot puli menya tyomnoy noch yu khranila Radostno mne ya spokoen v smertel nom boyu Znayu vstretish s lyubov yu menya chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos Smert ne strashna s ney vstrechalis ne raz my v stepi Vot i teper nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya Ty menya zhdyosh i u detskoy krovatki ne spish I poetomu znayu so mnoy nichego ne sluchitsya
I love Russian music it’s so different especially folk
Mark Bernes was ukranian btw
Спасибо тебе, братан!
@@reborn729he was born in Ukraine but he is a Russian artist
ok cope @@reborn729
You are walking through a forest. Nuclear winter has arrived and you have no idea where you are. As you sink deeper and deeper into the forest, You hear a faint sound in the distance. You start running toward the sound. When you reach the source of the music, you find a small campfire with a single tent next to it. The record player is still playing near it. You take a step closer when you hear a snap. You quickly turn around to see a revolver trap aimed at your head. The last sound you hear is the last beat of this song as you collapse into the snow.
Мрачные у тебя представления, брат....
@@blackcat1528 true my friend
holly crap
Боже, это прекрасно
one of my favorite songs even tho im not russian but i love the music of russia.
Where are you from
@@nagibatel9996 states
спасибо пожалуйста!! ❤️
Same down to the last word, but the twist is i despise Communists
@@quakeknight9680 so do I
The art that comes out of Russia is so unique. Such beauty comes from such pain
Same shit different color@@Roma734t
Какой же крутейший ремикс!! Не могу никак остановиться слушать уже в сотый раз.
Я тоже, это очень хорошо
POV: You’re a Russian conscript looking back at the aftermath of a harsh battle, seeing a level of brutality you never considered possible for mankind to inflict on itself, and sigh on the realization your still hundreds of miles from Berlin and therefore, plenty of time to see these bloody sights again, and than again, and than again.
Good, i would bored if I did not have anything to fight again
War can be fun but not always 🔳🔲
He died just 12 kilometres from berlin
Its 1991, your toes are numb from the cold of the gray winter. your father sits rocking back and forth in his small wooden chair, pieces missing, used to heat the house when wood was low. He is shaking and humming this song to himself. He hasnt been the same since he came back. You look out your window to see the banners of red covering the many buildings of your city fall limp to the ground, one after another. All that you suffered for, all that your father fought for has come to an end. Communism has failed you, your country has failed you, the world has failed you.
Не мы такие жизнь такая
Dark is the night, only bullets are whistling around
With the wind singing songs in the wires and the stars softly gleaming
You are awake though the night has long covered the grounds
As you’re rocking the cradle, I know you are quietly weeping
Oh, how l want to see that tender look in your eyes
Oh how I want just one moment to kiss them gently!
We’re miles apart. And although stars are lit in the sky
Yet the dark steppe between us tonight feels so troubled and empty
I do believe you’ll remain ever faithful and true
It’s this faith that gave courage to me in the fiercest of battles
And I’m at peace ‘cause I know I’m returning to you
And whatever befalls me, for sure, I’ll return in fine fettle
I fear no death. It’s been taking its toll all around
And even now it is raging and will not settle
You are awake though the night has long covered the grounds
As you’re rocking the cradle I know I’ll return in fine fettle
Больше половины текста ошибки или это переводчик ютуба хреновый
i sang this to the song and it fits perfectly OMFG
@@ДаниилТетерин-с3жОн был изменен, чтобы соответствовать ритму
Его тексты и мелодия настолько прекрасны, что помогают мне очистить голову.
Makes me think about walking through a ww2 era Stalingrad reduced to rubble. Not a single indication of life to see. Just apartment blocks and scores of buildings turned into piles of rock and stone under an ashy sky. The sound of faint wind is all you can hear
не совсем
артиллерийская канонада почти никогда не прекращалась
@@ДмитрийРадионов-э1шduring operation bagration after the Soviets retook Stalingrad. The artillery fire would have stopped as the line progressed but the state of the city would be the same
That only make the music more appealing to listen to friend
this song was actually made in a soviet war film in 1943, after a harsh battle, soviet soldiers dug in sit down as a guy starts to sing and play guitar
After Stalingrad there were 0 surviving buildings. What was once a bustling city on the Volga with a massive manufacturing industry, with workers, both men and women who had families, became a pile of rubble, where 1,500,000 souls were killed.
Stalingrad had hundreds of thousands of people. In 1946 it had 1,500.
После всех современых песен которые трудно назвать песней зашел сюда найти эстетичечкое удовольствие. И я нашел.
I absolutely love this song and it’s constantly stuck in my head
всем ветеранам спасибо за мирное небо❤
на диване оно всегда мирное
Мирного неба сейчас нет. А в ближайшем бущем надвигается ещё более немирное небо
@@gordeyvolnik атомное
@@gordeyvolnikвна украине может и нет. а в нижнем новгороде - вполне себе мирное
Best version of this song.
Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи,
Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают.
В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь, И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь.
Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз,
Как я хочу к ним прижаться сейчас губами!
Темная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас, И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами.
Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою,
Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила...
Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою, Знаю, встретишь с любовью меня, что б со мной ни случилось.
Смерть не страшна, с ней встречались не раз мы в степи.
Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится.
Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь,
И поэтому знаю: со мной ничего не случится!
if there is a song that sounds like an athem of our world, our reality, then its definitely this one.
i sadly have to disagree
sadly i cant speak russian but that song sounds AWSOME
and the world we are in Isnt... its garbage
maybe we will have a good world (most likely after my time)
then we can have that song as our Athem!
@@sirtommenom2949 that's literally the song in which a soldier talks to his beloved one, waiting for him at home while being in darkness under flying bullets and describing his emotioal state, nothing good about this situation, dude
@@ТимурБуранов-р1о .... why do these sad songs sound so good :(
wellp then its maybe our athem
Our world would had to be way, waaaay worse place to be worthy this song as it's anthem. Yes, it would fit for the last remnants of humanity after some kind of global catastrophe, doomed to extinction and before that to suffer that few years of pointless existence...
@@Poznan__ it would fit even now. we are destroying our planet as we're speaking...and many injustices are happening all over the world, though I agree the song would sound nice in that scenario
this song calms me down
Why does this sound like something you would possibly hear in the Fallout (game series) universe. Imagine, of a fallout game which took place in Moscow, where the USSR didn't cease to exist, but the world experienced the nuclear apocalypse. Now imagine as the player, you're walking the post apocalyptic Red Square while this song is playing.
Bruh that's just Metro 2033
Метро 2033? Глуховский, ты ли это?
Never played it. On the bucket list though.
@@MitchellMcLean1992 Definitely do.Or, read the book, even though they have differences.
@@MitchellMcLean1992 be wary of blatant anti-communist bias
This adds a different intensity, love what you did here.
Imagine you are a soviet tanker in your tank waiting for the germans to strike and you are just sitting there listening to this song on the rusty old radio. This song was actually made by a soviet soldier called Mark Berner.
1:16 - 2:18 just depressingly beautiful, hits the void just fine
Hermosa cancion ! Todas las interpretaciones son bellas
Вечная память нашим Предкам одавшие свои жизни за борьбу с нацизмом.
whenever you try to perfect perfection, it becomes imperfect
Thanks for existing
Теперь она стала моей любимой песней.
Jestem Polakiem. Przykro sie patrzy na kraj, który w swojej zawiścu tak mocno dba o to by roztrwonić cały swój dobytek literacki, kinematograficzny i kompozytorski. Piękny utwór.
Извини, не понял что ты сказал, может перевод Google не правильный
@@MANISYT он имел что ему жалко за то что в Европе русских поливают грязью забывая о прошлом
Thank You Man
Спасибо моему прадеду за то что он сражался за красных в гражданскую и страна наша выстояла эту страшную войну на уничтожение
Раскрою тайну. К моменту ВОВ большая часть тех "красных" либо умерло от старости, либо от голода и в лагерях. Хорошо с ними Родина обошлась, не правда ли?
@@sturmpionier6986"Не выдуманные истории, о которых невозможно умолчать"
Спасибо деду за попытку
@@weed_lord Ооо, вот и проявился "ентехлект". Боюсь ты не угадал, я не из тех кто хоть с дьяволом но против большевизма. Наоборот отношусь уважительно к периоду ВОВ и нахожусь на стороне русского солдата
@@АСКР06 Дыа, какие классные истории можно придумать, почитав про продразвёрстку, НЭП и кулаков с 37 на закуску. Эх были времена и врагов народа не было и жили не боясь мужчин в синих фуражках и штанах.
I noticed that Russian music never fails. I literally haven’t been let down even once. It must be in the soul of the land
so obsessed with this song
listening to it in 2024 trying to become a soviet style boxer!! wish me luck
Good Luck Comrade ☭
Эта композиция прекрасна 🍷
Played this on a big transceiver in some DAYZ server. They kinda freaked out. After that they got raided.
Я люблю русские песни, они очень крутые и переносят меня в другой мир, привет из Польши.
Hi from Russia❤
Nice lullaby version ♥️
goosebumps every tiime i listen to this...
Feels like i fought for the USSR in my past life 😢
Everywhere At The End Of Time
Everywhere At The End of Russia
Incredibly based
Great video 👍
May I ask where you got the music from?
Eternal Russian anti-nazi y Love yours,Brazil at Russian ❤
Bro wtf, I want to sleep tonight
This actually helps me when I have insomnia. This was the only reason I haven't ended myself
Bela música ❤
Only bullets whistle across the steppe...
Perfect song: **Exist**
Some maniac: Slowed & Reverb 🗣️📢🔥❗❗❗
This song for me is one of the best examples of war, no mater who wins, being just sad and dark event.
( Sad being an understatement, but I couldn't find other word)
Night… you were hiding from soviets, T-34’s passing burning Panthers and other Panzers. You see fires lighting up dark night, you see your favorite childhood places turn into dust… soldiers screaming: урааа! (Hurray) Soviet flags waving around, lighted by burning houses. You can’t cry, because you already lost everything. You lay down on ruins, and look up at the sky… even stars turn red because of the fire. Soviet soldiers sing their songs and enjoy the victory of the biggest war in the world. Next day you find newspaper called: „The Stars And Stripes”: Htlr dead. Soviets Going back home, and tell Stalin that they took Berlin. Other survivors coming out from the ruins and look around. They only see black smoke in the skies, and what their country turned into. Wounded kids, teenagers and adults. Soldiers coming back crying and praying that suffering is over. Your body is full of blood and scars, you lay down and feel, energy leaving your body. Last Tear comes out and close your eyes and say: I am fully yours, God
Fun Fact:if u were a soviet soldier in stalingrad the avarage life time of soviet soldiers were 15 minute
What a quiet music
Nice work.
What is it with the plough star formation??
icl i grew up a nzi never really thought of anything else but this is a master peacie
i need more songs like this.
Man, this is truly a beautiful song. Russian music is awesome
This makes me think of my grandfather. Sitting on the bank opposite stalingrad seeing a whole city burn knowing hed soon go kill facists or be killed maybe. Then at berlin. He told me he got so drunk that coulsnt believe war was over. I think of all the heroes who died when i hear this. They are in our blood, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. I would fight for them so they can live one dag more
This makes me think of my ancestors who fought for Russia in both world wars, and when I listen to this it just makes me feel like I’m there with my anscestors
It's "Just A Burning Memory" of the Great Patriotic War.
Somehow this is the eeriest song I’ve ever listened to
People speaking of Russia, it is not Russia it is CCCP
It is ,my family was there ,there were many Republics but all obeyed moscow.
it's like saying it's not U.K. it's Scotland.
Обожаю эту песню а ремикс ещё круче
Всем ветеранам спасибо за мирное небо❤
Жаль что Путин обесценил их труды...
Только лишь Путин виноват ?
Капитализм виноват. путин, зеленский, байден и вся остальная компания как правящий клас при этом капитализме и виноваты, на пару со всеми олигархами которые эту бойню продолжают во имя выгоды@@memnik0_0
Хахахаххаахаж... Ты раб капиталистической системы. А СССР великая страна, такой страны нет и не будет. А ты, продолжай оскорблять другую страну, покажи какой ты гнилой другим людям.
a pronúncia em caracte
Tyómnaya nóch, tólyka puli svis-tyát pa stê-pi,
Tôlyka vêter gu-dít v pra-va-dakh, túskla zvyôzdy mert-sáyut.
V tyómnuyu nóch ty, lyu-bímaya, znáyu, ni spísh,
I u dêtskoy kro-vátki tay-kóm ty sle-zú u-ti-ráyesh.
Kak ya lyublyú glubinu tva-ikh lá-skavykh glaz,
Kak ya khachú k nim pri-zhát-sya seychás gu-bámi!
Tyómnaya nóch raz-di-láyet, lyu-bímaya, nas,
I tre-vózh-naya chyórnaya stêp’ pra-lye-glá mezh-du námi.
Véryu v tebya, v da-ro-gúyu pa-drúgu ma-yú,
E-ta véra at pul’ minyá tyómnoy nóchy khra-níla.
Rá-dastna mne, ya spa-kóyen v smer-tél’nom ba-yú:
Znayu, vstré-tish s lyu-bóv’yu minyá, chto sa mnoy ni slu-chí-las’.
Smért’ ni stra-shná, s ney ni raz my vstre-chá-lis’ v ste-pí,
Vot i te-pér’ ná-da mnó-yu a-ná kru-zhít-sa.
Ty minyá zhdýosh’, i u dêtskoy kro-vátki ni spísh,
I pa-é-ta-mu, znáyu, sa mnóy ni-che-vó ni slu-chítsa.
The chance of me being alive right now is around 7.6% not like a 100% like you. My family lived in eastern part of Poland right on the border of Germany and ussr in 1940. After the invasion of Poland half of my family went to some cities in Germany and the other half went to dip highgrounds of Ural mountains. During the operation Barbarossa my family from Ural mountains was deployed near the city of Stalingrad, which had the least chance for a soldier to survive. My great grandfather was born there by my mother being graped and later killed by German officers. My family literally had to fight eachother as one nation of Poland, but under different rules of Germany and ussr. Never say that Nazism or Communism is a good thing.
What a history your family has, God bless them.
Finally someone with common sense, neither fascism or communism is good
I think Original is Better, The Man Has a Very Soft and Calming Voice
he was an actor too
Mark Bernese . He is from Odessa.
1:16 - 2:18 depressingly beautiful
Pov yourea a 97-100 ear old ww2 veteran suffering from terminal alzheimer and this is the last thing you hear in terminal lucidity
Just dark night
thats so 👌👌
Вот представьте: июльская ночь, тайга к западу от Москвы. Вы гуляете ночью по лесу и вдруг слышите вдали эту музыку. Вы смотрите на соседнюю от себя тропу и замечаете на ней чёрные силуэты. Вы замечаете на их головах солдатские шлемы и на голове одного из них фуражку, а так же замечаете винтовки на их плечах. Они идут вперёд по тропе спокойным шагом, от них слышны разговоры на русском. Вслед за ними тихо проезжает чёрный силуэт грузовика на малом ходу, а так же уныло и нехотя, будто зная свою участь плетётся одинокий силуэт танка Т-34-76 образца 1941 года. Музыка и шум затихают, вы выходите на ту тропу, но никого не замечаете, понимая, что русская тайга всё помнит, и это лишь отголоски прошлого...
this is so good
Pov: You are walking through death and need to constantly choose Life/God to remain alive.
1:16 - 2:18 oh the melancholy
I couldve sworn they were facing away.....
THis looks like what someone would hear after the aftermath of nuclear war
❤❤❤Gold culture Russia forever right❤❤❤
❤ as musicas Russas sao maravilhosas !!❤ viva o Grande povo Russo !!
That Voice 💀💀💀💀
What's wrong? It's good for slowed version
@@ЕкатеринаМи-ы3ъIt's as if the cosmos itself is singing with the voices of millions of dead soldiers
As a Russian person this makes me so happy lol
1:16 - 2:18 oh sadness my old friend, we meet again
copy pasting this from a different comment:
for people who want to sing it but dont know russian
Tyomnaya noch', tol'ko puli svistyat po stepi,
Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh, tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut...
V tyomnuyu noch' ty, lyubimaya, znayu, ne spish',
I u detskoy krovatki taykom ty slezu utiraesh'.
Kak ya lyublyu glubinu tvoikh laskovykh glaz,
Kak ya khochu k nim prizhat'sya khot' raz gubami!
Tyomnaya noch' razdelyaet, lyubimaya, nas,
I trevozhnaya, chyornaya step' prolegla mezhdu nami.
Veryu v tebya, v doroguyu podrugu moyu.
Eta vera ot puli menya tyomnoy noch'yu khranila...
Radostno mne, ya spokoen v smertel'nom boyu:
Znayu, vstretish' s lyubov'yu menya, chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos'.
Smert' ne strashna, s ney vstrechalis' ne raz my v stepi...
Vot i teper' nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya,
Ty menya zhdyosh' i u detskoy krovatki ne spish',
I poetomu znayu, so mnoy nichego ne sluchitsya!
This gives me new order. Last days of europe feels.
When you smoke a cigarette in a cold winter night be like
i would like to go to russia, play this song in moscow and drink vodka
stop idolizing russia. not only because my country is a terrible warmongering dictatorship, but also because all you know about russia is communism and vodka, which isnt true
с днём победы всех кто понимает смысл!
Now it's built different ❤❤❤❤❤❤🗿
Slavic and proud :)))
Your in ww2 and your Soviet and your you are a normal Soldier your fiting in finland your leg gets cut in haf and you hear a bang after your comrad screams its him the sniper you see your comrad fall then a new bang you cravl to behand a big rock ther you find a radio you put on this music then evriting turns black then bang... you know you know
Sorry for the spelning im a fish after all
This is not Russian nor Ukrainian music.
This is Soviet ⭐️❤️
When you step on a landmine...0.11
Слава всем воинам рабоче крестьянской Красной Армии
Goodnight, Rodina.
Tyomnaya noch, tol ko
puli svistyat po stepi
Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh
tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut
V tyomnuyu noch ty
lyubimaya znayu ne spish
I u detskoy krovatki
taykom ty slezu utiraesh
Kak ya lyublyu glubinu
tvoikh laskovykh glaz
Kak ya khochu k nim
prizhat sya khot raz gubami
Tyomnaya noch razdelyaet
lyubimaya nas
I trevozhnaya chyornaya
step' prolegla mezhdu nami
Veryu v tebya v doroguyu podrugu moyu
Eta vera ot puli menya
tyomnoy noch yu khranila
Radostno mne ya spokoen
v smertel nom boyu
Znayu vstretish s lyubov yu menya
chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos
Smert ne strashna s ney
vstrechalis ne raz my v stepi
Vot i teper nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya
Ty menya zhdyosh i u
detskoy krovatki ne spish
I poetomu znayu so mnoy
nichego ne sluchitsya
Великим человеком был
I Love East Roman 💌
Wtf- thats a soviet song
Bruh that soviet song
Не посрамим их память, просто не имеем права.
Я обращаюсь к иностранцам. Знайте, что это русские!
in love with russian language
Suddenly I'm afraid of war...
where are the images from?
Most likely Google images
"Ursa Major" Rinat Voligamsi