VermiBag Ep 32 Super Charged Worm Bedding with No Shredder

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @checkersx3556
    @checkersx3556 6 років тому +30

    Here's a tip for the cardboard boxes I've used. Tear up a box on the creases (top, sides, bottom) and pre-soak it in a bin or bucket until it softens. You can rip it up with ease, and it's completely saturated with moisture. Also, the stringy packaging tape becomes unglued and is easy to remove.

  • @cozam
    @cozam 6 років тому +14

    Thank you for this video. I am enjoying using my VermiBag. Being new to this worm farming adventure, I like learning how to keep my red wigglers happy. The VermiBag makes it very easy to harvest the castings. I have been doing something similar to what your video shows. I have some friends who have a coffee shop who give me all the coffee grounds I want. I just got 10 gallons from them. I wasn't sure how much to add to the mix. I have noticed that the worms really like the coffee grounds. I grind up egg shells, also had some ground up crab shells I added and a little green sand and some kelp meal. I am glad you mentioned the oyster shell and alfalfa meal, where I live we have a local store that sells all of the different soil amendments in small amounts. They are in bulk containers and you can fill a bag with whatever amount you want. This makes it nice, very inexpensve and allows me to buy only a few cups of any ingredient. I have been using the coconut coir, I like that it is a sustainable product versus peat moss. I will get some oyster meal and alfalfa meal to add. I like it when I receive packages that have the brown paper packing that is almost preshredded, it is sliced in thin strips that don't go quite to the end of the paper, makes it very simple to shred up. I do get more than a few strange looks when people ask me what I have been doing - when I tell them I have been playing with my worms they think I am kidding... if they only knew!

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  5 років тому +4

      It would be nice if I could buy the alfalfa meal or oyster shell dust in bulk...that would be great...unfortunately I have to get everything on I’m limited.. I add quite a bit of coffee to my bedding mix....and many time I add additional after it has been sitting outside for a week or two...worms don’t seem to mind😁

    • @Luis-zl5cg
      @Luis-zl5cg 3 роки тому +1

      @@vermibagcompostinggardenin5815 just wondering where you got that black bus box

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  3 роки тому +1

      @@Luis-zl5cg I picked them up at Lowe’s....mortar trays...

    • @jackiepousson8497
      @jackiepousson8497 3 роки тому +1

      @@vermibagcompostinggardenin5815 If you have a feed store around, try the alfalfa pellets. You can grind them as well.

  • @nicksurfs1
    @nicksurfs1 4 роки тому +8

    I soak all my paper sopping wet in a bucket and use a power drill to break it up. Works great and separates out any plastic you missed from your junk mail.

  • @AlvinMcManus
    @AlvinMcManus Рік тому

    Hell I caint even rip two sheets of TP these days! I'm sure glad I have a shredder. I also notice you are a real "hands-on" person. I'm glad I have my cordless drill and a plaster mixing blade. They go great together with that soupy stuff you got there. Good video bud and thanks.
    I used your recipe to start my first worm farm in another brand of bag. Wish I'd seen yours first, but time will tell if this new and improved version is up to snuff.

  • @LondonWorms
    @LondonWorms 5 років тому +7

    My worms love the corrugation - they play hide and seek in it lol. Great video. Thanks for sharing.

    • @TuckFwitter
      @TuckFwitter 5 років тому +2

      i hear the glue is made of corn starch sounds yummy

    • @irritilachichimecatl1193
      @irritilachichimecatl1193 4 роки тому

      @@TuckFwitter 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    • @irritilachichimecatl1193
      @irritilachichimecatl1193 4 роки тому


    • @irritilachichimecatl1193
      @irritilachichimecatl1193 4 роки тому


    • @irritilachichimecatl1193
      @irritilachichimecatl1193 4 роки тому


  • @maryeh7215
    @maryeh7215 6 років тому +2

    thanks for sharing your methods of making the worm bedding, I've done it both ways and it works well .

  • @hal7ter
    @hal7ter 2 роки тому

    He's really beating the hell out of the worms that are in there! Otherwise, lots of good info - thanks!

  • @AlvinMcManus
    @AlvinMcManus 2 роки тому

    I have a micro cut shredder that cuts stuff into small squares. I'm thinking that would work just fine for worms. It works really great for my hot compost piles.

  •  3 роки тому

    Thanks for the wonderful video.

  • @In20xx
    @In20xx 4 роки тому +2

    Lawn thatch is a great bedding!

    • @JonsDailyHustle
      @JonsDailyHustle 4 роки тому +1

      I'm glad I just read that. I'm currently doing dethatching jobs and am getting ready to start a small worm bin maybe

  • @RA-rf4nz
    @RA-rf4nz 6 років тому +4

    Thanks for the info.
    While you were shredding the cardboard I thought I might try stacking cardboard sheets about 2 or 3 inches high and running it over my table saw for fast and easy thin cardboard shreds plus all the extra powdered cardboard dust produced by the cutting. Perhaps do newspaper stack the same way. I should add that this is very dangerous for anyone who is not experienced in using powered woodworking tools -- I have over 30 years experience with woodworking so I feel ok with shredding cardboard this way.
    Is there some reason we have to use "white" shredded paper?
    Can we just use cardboard and newspaper alone?
    How about saw dust from hardwoods?

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  6 років тому +3

      R A just be careful with a saw...the layers could kick back when cutting.. as far as white paper goes, yes you absolutely don’t need to use it....I should have said that in the video....I am a big advocate of using it though, since we throw so much of it away, ....I try to use all the stuff I would normally throw away. I use coconut coir instead of peat moss, since it’s renewable. Tom

  • @margaretkulp8062
    @margaretkulp8062 5 років тому

    Thank you so much for this video. I have just ordered a Mini VermiBag. This was very helpful for me to prepare the bedding so it is ready when my bag gets here :)

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  5 років тому

      Hopefully you will have have your new bag by the end of next the bedding has at least a week to ripen😁😁😁😁. The worms will love ....guaranteed 👍. Tom

  • @rebeccaloudermilk1145
    @rebeccaloudermilk1145 2 роки тому

    Got my Veribag tote a couple months ago and LOVE IT! Why do you use Alfalfa meal???

  • @3dp_edc
    @3dp_edc 2 роки тому

    a saw works great to cut off a chunk of coir ;) band saw, circular saw, sliding mitre, heck even a hand saw would probably get the job done

  • @johnclarkson-n6z
    @johnclarkson-n6z Місяць тому

    can i use shedded suger cane

  • @codybragg5918
    @codybragg5918 5 років тому +2

    What did you add to the mix after you added the coffee grounds and oyster shells it came out of the bag but I can't hear what you are saying. Thanks

  • @shinrin-yoku-
    @shinrin-yoku- 4 роки тому

    Invest in a quilters rotary cutter to cut paper, newsprint and cardboard strips. Its much quicker and easier on the hand.

  •  4 роки тому +1

    RESPEKT 👋🥳👍Hab dich abonniert!

  • @patriciarussell8450
    @patriciarussell8450 5 років тому +2

    Scissors is way too time consuming use a rotary cutter and self healing mat. I use it for my cardboard squares to.

  • @jamesbodin2408
    @jamesbodin2408 2 роки тому

    Go girl

  • @joanschoelman9973
    @joanschoelman9973 4 роки тому +2

    Where do u get coconut coir for $ 12.00 please let me know.

  • @bobbrawley2612
    @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому +2

    News papers are two dollars a day . Shredders are $100 , I'm sure I got plenty of leaves. Can I use leaves crushed up

    • @bobbrawley2612
      @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому

      Coconut core has to be ordered . Gods knows how much the shipping would be. Probably more than than the coconut core . I see where you said it renewable compared to peatmoss. Peatmoss would be so much more convenient to me

    • @bobbrawley2612
      @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому

      What is an alternative to oyster shells ? Domilite lime Prehaps. Which I can buy locally

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  5 років тому +2

      Peat moss is definitely cheaper and will work fine...I just tend to use the coco coir as it is renewable. And garden lime will also work great and is cheaper than oyster shell dust. Leaves will probably work better than paper really...but you will end up with a lot more “Other Things “ in your system, as the leaves are full of other Composting critters already...but it’s all good and as long as your system is not in your house it really doesn’t matter.

    • @bobbrawley2612
      @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому

      @@vermibagcompostinggardenin5815 thankyou you relieved my concerns

  • @agauerm
    @agauerm 3 роки тому

    How can you guys add newspaper and bleached paper to the worm bin? I only add brown cardboard, with no ink nor glue.

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 3 роки тому

      Many say ink is soy based so ok.. And paper as long as not glossy.. I guess we all gotta figure it out for ourselves and hopefully no worms get hurt!

    • @AlvinMcManus
      @AlvinMcManus 2 роки тому

      @@dana102083 All newsprint uses a soy based ink because the old solvent inks have been banned since 2021 in the US. The inks that used to use Toluene are gone because Toluene is a now a banned substance in US, EU, India and I believe Indonesia.

    • @AlvinMcManus
      @AlvinMcManus 2 роки тому

      see my reply below.

  • @elizabethallstaedt722
    @elizabethallstaedt722 4 роки тому

    You should always mix the worms in last.

  • @shirleybravomalo8939
    @shirleybravomalo8939 4 роки тому

    Where do you get those black bins??

    • @shirleybravomalo8939
      @shirleybravomalo8939 4 роки тому

      What kind of shredder do you have? I have a6 sheet micro shredder, do you think that will handle cardboard?

  • @myacrylicjourney624
    @myacrylicjourney624 4 роки тому

    Can’t a person just use shredded paper for the whole bed? Is peat or coconut coir really necessary?

    • @snoopylyn9065
      @snoopylyn9065 4 роки тому

      I didn’t use it and my worms tried to escape after I added coco coir they are happy and don’t try to crawl up because it’s very moist and cool! Just have ti check all the time if the coco coir is still moist or drying out so you can add water just carefully not too wet

    • @haileythornton1281
      @haileythornton1281 3 роки тому +1

      I've only used it for my very first ever bin.. never used it since! The little fibres stay in the castings forever!
      When I make a new bed I only use newspaper, cardboard food scraps and oats
      Wet it all down and add the worms
      They love it!

  • @brianseybert2663
    @brianseybert2663 5 років тому

    Are you associated with Vermicorp?

  • @veronicawilliams2612
    @veronicawilliams2612 5 років тому

    My worms last sense last year just by me using my soil and coffee,fruit and veggie,eggs shells ect...

  • @GokuSuper69
    @GokuSuper69 3 роки тому

    Invest in a shredder folks. 🤣

  • @jimtucker1631
    @jimtucker1631 6 років тому +1

    do the worms actually eat the bedding/food, or the bacteria that eat them?

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  6 років тому +1

      Zenjim237 they definitely eat the material as well as bacteria. Many times i will have newspapers or thin cardboard on top and in a day ir two there are noticeable holes chewed through it

  • @PollekeD.
    @PollekeD. 3 роки тому +1

    Am I the only one who believes you shouldn't feed your worms ink or greens sprayed with pesticides 🤔.

  • @veronicawilliams2612
    @veronicawilliams2612 5 років тому +1

    Every time I turn around you got to spend more money not me I'm doing it my way my worms still here sense last year feeding and all that they love.

    • @TheFrogfeeder
      @TheFrogfeeder 4 роки тому +2

      Veronica Williams lol seriously, people buying stuff for their worm bins, and all the recommending of peat and paper....ridiculous...
      I do use some fertilizer meals in 2 of my bins, one is high nitro one is high phosphorous, that’s for my weed tho. Horse manure and leaves is the main bedding, food and whatever else you wanna call it

    • @snoopylyn9065
      @snoopylyn9065 4 роки тому +1

      TheFrogfeeder I have to spend money for my bins I bought paper bedding for rabbits and that’s good also for worms $6 a small pack but it’s enough and left so much in the bag for next time also coco coir is only $5 and alfalfa grass $5 and $33 for my anc and $15 for the containers ! Now there’s mites in the bins I have to spend again $12.99 for DE food grade to eliminate them 😓

    • @heatherwhite2788
      @heatherwhite2788 4 роки тому +2

      I bought my worm bins, but the whole point here is for them to eat my scraps, confidential papers I cannot recycle, etc. so I don’t see buying stuff to go inside the bins-other than the worms themselves.

  • @joanschoelman9973
    @joanschoelman9973 4 роки тому

    The 5 kg ones

    • @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815
      @vermibagcompostinggardenin5815  4 роки тому

      I picked mine up from Amazon...the price is always changing..right now it looks like it’s around $14.00 for the 5kg package

  • @TheYeka76
    @TheYeka76 6 років тому

    It seems to me that there is little organic matter in the substrate. (

    • @bobbrawley2612
      @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому

      Wood paper pulp . I guess

    • @ElectricBoogaloo007
      @ElectricBoogaloo007 5 років тому

      What isn't organic matter in the substrate?

    • @bobbrawley2612
      @bobbrawley2612 5 років тому

      @@ElectricBoogaloo007 good question that I haven't nailed down yet. What is the purpose of organic matter in soil
      To allow easy passage for worms
      To feed worms
      To letch vitamins and minerals to
      Plant roots
      Will fresh leaves and sticks be suitable as organic mater
      Must organic matter be composted