Anxiety & Depression From Abuse Leads to Death, Heaven & Healing from God

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @mitzinorris6894
    @mitzinorris6894 Рік тому +183

    I am Michelle’s mom. She has definitely been attacked her whole life. God showed us what a great anointing on her life, but also that the enemy had an assignment against her. Michelle has a voice like an angel! The Lord taught her to play the keyboard and write music ! She’s beautiful, talented and loving. I thank God for the work he is doing in her life.
    She can get on the keyboard and the Holy Spirit just takes over! Love you Shell

    • @bubbamanandkids2974
      @bubbamanandkids2974 Рік тому

      How to contact her to ask her questions?

    • @2601selah
      @2601selah Рік тому +3

      Hello to you and your family! How can we hear her music?

    • @ann2017carter
      @ann2017carter Рік тому

      God bless you

    • @pennybushell9506
      @pennybushell9506 Рік тому +4

      Love, joy, peace and God's blessings and favour be upon you, Michelle's mom. I pray that He anoints you a fresh with His wisdom, knowledge, revelation and discernment for a powerful witness and help to all those He brings across your path. 🙂😇

    • @marymiller2970
      @marymiller2970 Рік тому +3

      She is a beautiful soul!❤

  • @christinew9906
    @christinew9906 Місяць тому +1

    Oh, Michelle! When I stumbled on Randy Kay's testimony, the same thing happened to me! Randy's ministry is like a rock thrown on a pond. It affects people who affect people, and so on. I pray for God's perfect timing, mercy, grace, and favor upon Michelle's and Randy's lives, in Jesus's holy name.

  • @cindyhurd5488
    @cindyhurd5488 Рік тому +87

    I sure wish I could be healed of all my sadness and anxiety. I had such a terrible childhood myself. When people asked me how I didn't take my life when I was a kid..i tell them HELL kept me alive. I was always told if I took my life I would go to hell. So much trauma has followed me and ruined my marriage and effected my parenting. You would think you would not repeat the abuse process on your own children. But there is so many years of rage built up inside you and you take out that suppression out on the ones you love the most..the ones you think will always be there. It's terrible how it turns out that way. It was these interviews that delivered me from a lot of that rage...i am so so thankful brother Randy shares how strong Jesus loves ME! I still deal with sadness. I have the haunting memories of how bad I screwed up with my children. It breaks my heart that I am not able to go back and be the loving momma my babies deserved. I just keep asking God to forgive me and to reveal His love to them now so they too can be healed and saved. Thank you to whoever took out the time to read my comment. Just pouring out my heart cuz I feel safe to do so on this channel. God bless and love you all! 💗

    • @vivhiggins5656
      @vivhiggins5656 Рік тому +2

      God bless you,i know life can be awfull but we all go through it,i dont blame god,but people a round me growing up,has some people dont get it,so look afere your self,and be kind too your self,there some good people out there,i could write a book a bout my life you would weep,and laugf at the same time,but life is a test,and the enamey is gloating on us so try and reach out too some,sending love your way,and i will fore you and us all,ps see if u can find out more,why you are so hairy,🤲🤲🤲🤲♥️♥️♥️♥️🤗😋

    • @UserRandJ
      @UserRandJ Рік тому +1

      Hi Cindy, No matter the level of regret, sadness and complex ptsd that you & I may know, it is vital to understand Gods perspective-
      I drifted backwards out of Heaven from between two huge Angels into a black void and spent around 45 minutes in there.
      It starts here. I found myself standing on a ledge, as wide as a footpath or sidewalk. Behind me was a pitch dark abyss in all directions- I twisted around and looked behind me down into the black darkness and was afraid to fall off the ledge. I looked outward and my eyes could not perceive what I was looking at because it is a physical place, with nothing in it.
      In front of me to my left and right, were two huge Angels- they were about 10 foot tall, and very solid build- (if they were in your house their heads would be through the inner ceiling.) I was closest to the one on my left- and his calf muscle alone was up to my hip. He had curly hair. They did not talk to me, and were not aggressive but I could sense everything/ didnt need to talk. They did have a stance as though they were guarding. They each were standing in front of a large pillar, facing into Heaven. I didn't see any gates.
      I did not know it was Heaven I was viewing at first- but I felt this amazing contentment & peace, because I was viewing a quaint township. In front of me was a street- no cars, but it did have a footpath along the side. Then there were these quaint double story houses like what you see in inner cities- terraced buildings/ town houses, with little front garden, front fence and a front gate. I could see two people greeting each other with big smiles and an embrace in an entrance doorway- we visit each other like friends in Heaven.
      The street went to my right, and became a little town centre- quite narrow but very inviting- as though we can hang out together there. Off to the left of that street, a street went up a steep hill- it had a large tree half way up on the right and next to that was some kind of large town hall style building. That street went up to a crest and from my view the crest silhouetted into a blue sky. I sensed that over that hill was adventure, wilderness as though we can day trip as we do here.
      So I was standing there smiling, and I thought to myself " this is all I've ever wanted" - the peaceful existence, the happiness with life. Just so relaxed and content And then I began sensing what others could feel there. People there are glad about being there for so many reasons. You can feel eternity there/ you sense time is headed toward eternity. I could sense time because of my flow of thoughts, i was exactly me with my memories, and I even had my body but it was a spiritual or heavenly body. I was me.
      I sensed people are so glad because Heaven is all there is- it's the only place where life is. People were also just so glad because it's a beautiful place, and life is amazing there. Most of all though, I could sense Gods presence there- you can feel Gods love very strongly there- as though it's the air we breath there. I could see there was a gentle breeze through the parkland. It was like a gorgeous spring morning.
      So I was standing there buzzing, wowed, just observing this amazing place, and realising it was Heaven. I was awestruck and ultra excited- It feels like you have always belonged there now you see it. I was not yet even thinking of anything except just amazement, I couldn't stop smiling.
      But then it occured to me- what if I'm not going to enter? What if I was not to be allowed in? At that exact time- that thought turned into a heavy weight on my conscience, and I knew I was infact being judged- and might not enter. So by now I was desperately attached to the love and peace infront of me, this amazing existence in Gods presence. I wanted to enter and be there forever with those people, and those huge Angels. So as I wondered if I had lived a good enough life- or if I deserved to be in Heaven, deep down I really didn't know if I could enter. I could sense that by not entering I probably was going to drift backwards into the dark void. I noticed I was not actually standing on that ledge but floating 4 inches above it. We feel like we are standing in Heaven but we are floating just above the ground. It's an awesome feeling. I then slowly began drifting.. backwards at walking pace. Drifting backwards off that ledge, I could see under the ledge as I floated in the darkness- I could see the ledge now right in front of me was made of white light.
      The Angels stood guard exactly where they were, and that street and houses, and parkland, the light of the spring day warmth and fragrances, the township buzzing, Gods presence, all just started to drift away- at walking pace,
      I floated backwards into the darkest place- where there is nothing. Over 25 minutes- of my consciousness, Heaven became a small cube of colourful light. I was still not yet scared, because I was still looking at that cube of light, Heaven, and could still see the quaint township & trees. I was still BUZZING and smiling, from being in there for just 10 minutes. But the cube of light got smaller to a pin head dot of light, yet I still knew what was in there- Heaven, and an incredible life. Then it was gone. It was just me, and my thoughts...
      I floated there, thinking about what I had just experienced. I turned my attention to this dark place. It was so weird initially- floating in darkness alone, but you accept it initially, and just float there observing the thick blackness and thinking randomly. You can sense it's universal in size, this place of nothing. I then wanted to comfort myself from the immediate isolation and began to sing. I could only remember the lyrics to two full songs. And then singing felt intimidating because I suddenly realised that I could sense eternity, as I sang. So contrasted with eternity, it was actually really frightening to sing. I began to think about me, my life. My memories.
      I was bored of my memories in about 5 minutes, and quickly came back to the now, the dark void- where I could feel eternity. So I remembered me some more, so that I didn't have to think of eternity in darkness, but you run out of thoughts fast- because they are contrasted with eternity. So I was back in the now, in the void every time I tried to remember my life. There was no joy in it. You need new experiences to experience new joy. New gratitude, and so on.
      Before long, I started thinking about what might have been the memories I had which cost me my place in eternity with God. - those memories i had bought with my soul. I was focussed on my memories of sin- they were so stupid and meant nothing to me even here on earth, let alone in the eternal void. Stupid decisions- things I'd stolen, filthy pornography, basic trashy sins, had been what I had bought with my soul.
      I then was really upset with myself that I had been so pathetic to have chosen to not live a riteous life of any type- just continues gratification, like a pizza eating sloth, always chasing the next distraction from my thoughts.
      Well- in the void- you become your own Hell, because all you can remember, is the dumbass things you bought with your soul. It's all you can remember because you are angry at yourself. You don't find any peace thinking about the beautiful experiences, so I just found i was so sad about my poor choices/ now contrasted with eternity where there is no life. It's continuous consciousness there, no sleep, no death to look forward to, all you can do is think. No belongings. Nothing to even see. Nothing to hear. I could not pick up my guitar and play music. And then there is the most painful feeling I felt- being separated from God. Knowing what I had seen and felt in Heaven, and knowing I had just eternal me and barely any thoughts worth having. It was so so bad, because I was truely stuck there- and had this heavy dread, knowing it is eternal and im not going to see any more life. There are no words to describe all the things you feel, as well as the physical sensation of being in that terrifying place. Until you feel it for yourself, do not underestimate just how terrible it is to be in hell.
      I woke up with a loud shout at 2 am, next to my wife in bed. My heart was banging hard- bang bang bang bang, I was covered in sweat & I was rappid breathing, with that heart beat thumping so hard it was physically banging. My wife woke up startled at my shout. She asked what was wrong? and I told her I just dreamed I was in Hell. I tried to describe the fear I had just been in, and I could not talk but actually cried. I'm not a crier but I was a mess after that. I could not think of any words that made me feel better, when I described it. In the end, I just said it was " horrific ".
      About 6 months after this dream, I began searching about black voids. I found this video of a guy who died in a plane crash. Check out the exact word he uses to describe the black void!! It was real mate. It was so real. I have prayed for dreams ever since, and God has given me other incredible Heaven and Hell dreams that add more AMAZING perspective to what I saw. Please view this video to confirm the guys description of the void. God Bless mate, Jake in Australia. (The dream happened 10 years ago for me).
      Ps- Every thought you have, every decision you make now, every single action, becomes what you bought with your soul. Genuinely. You NEED Heaven, you want life, you want God. Do not missout.

    • @UserRandJ
      @UserRandJ Рік тому

      Just to add a little about my background.
      I had an alcoholic rapist paedophile father who went after all of the four of us. I'm the only male and first born, and I copped it from 11 to 13. And then my sisters did. Also, my mother was a hooker / prostitute who lived a double life- never home. We lived without power, and food, we starved a lot. Had no clothes. Shame is deep. Mum also got struck by a high speed car right next to us when I was 10. Our family home also burned down. Dad was struck by lightening in our home. I lived in 26 houses and went to 13 schools. I promised myself I would suicide by the age of 7. Sadness and fear at all times.
      I had complex ptsd upto my 30s and didn't know it. Also adhd innnatentive, which is very had to live with.
      But- God reached me, and straightened me out. Before I lost my life or was jailed.
      Take care this new year, and hand everything over to God in prayer and thanks.
      Don't mess with eternity.

    • @cindyhurd5488
      @cindyhurd5488 Рік тому +2

      @@UserRandJ wow thank you for taking time out to share your experience. I have experienced hell 2 times. The Holy Spirit was showing me where I would be if I continued down the selfish path I was living. It's just too traumatizing to share or even explain to someone. I just know I don't want to experience what I did for eternity. And I don't want to let our loving Jesus down. I hope you have found joy. Thank you for sharing the link. I will check it out. But honestly..i feel like I have been stuck in that black void my entire life. It wasn't until I watched Randy's life encounter that I actually saw the blinding light of Jesus light up the void in such blinding light that the valley walls could no longer even exist. I felt so much hope and joy for the first time in life just knowing Jesus loves ME. I wish I could experience Jesus like Randy did..cuz WOW..that is the ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE EVER! ☺💗

    • @cindyhurd5488
      @cindyhurd5488 Рік тому

      @@UserRandJ wow...just watched your link you shared. That is so! Thank you. I'm literally in tears 🙏💗

  • @JESUSLOVESYOU4everalways
    @JESUSLOVESYOU4everalways 6 місяців тому +7

    Thank You for this beautiful testimony!!! For anyone who is battling intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, HOLD ON TO GOD'S UNCHANGING HAND!!! Do not let go. Have the mindset of Jacob when he would'nt let GOD go until he was blessed. Have the faith of the woman who knew if she could touch the hem of JESUS garment she would be made whole! Speak life over yourself no matter how tough the days seem. Speak the WORD over your life. GOD hears your prayers so don't stop praying. When the morning of joy comes, remember to give HIM THANKS and share of HIS GOODNESS!

  • @delfinaguzmanpedroza4872
    @delfinaguzmanpedroza4872 5 місяців тому +1

    This was for me! I feel l was free from depression and anxiety too! Praise God!

  • @michellecogburn853
    @michellecogburn853 5 місяців тому +1

    Yes Randy, I agree! You brought back to God also. I had strayed so far away. Thank you for everything you do!

  • @michellecogburn853
    @michellecogburn853 5 місяців тому +1

    What an amazing story. Jesus is the truth,way and the life!

  • @jeandiazmarerro-lm2qi
    @jeandiazmarerro-lm2qi 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank u got your testimony Michelle. It just reminds us hoe great God is ❤

  • @scsauder
    @scsauder Рік тому +108

    I’m so excited for this conversation. These testimonies keep me going. Panic attacks have a way of changing you and forcing you into a new normal. God has been the only way I have kept going and will continue to do so. Being a new father to a son I can only hope that God gives me the patience to work myself out to be the best dad to Jacob as possible. Thanks Randy for choosing to share your gift to the world, so many people long for your experience. ❤️ Blessings to you all, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

    • @precious4111
      @precious4111 Рік тому +1

      Would love prayer, Nancy

    • @kaylynm6056
      @kaylynm6056 Рік тому

      Praying for you Steve!!❤

    • @kaylynm6056
      @kaylynm6056 Рік тому

      @residue junkie just be careful, if you take too much it can induce anxiety. At least it did that to me. Not all supplements affect everyone the same way. 😊

    • @Ellengin
      @Ellengin Рік тому

      Try 5-htp if you haven’t already. It’s amazing for panic.

    • @humblefarmer2619
      @humblefarmer2619 Рік тому

      God Bless you bro

  • @mollybailes5161
    @mollybailes5161 Рік тому +19

    I was tearing up when she was with her grandpa but when she was with Jesus and He said.....I miss you,
    I cried the rest of the story. Sweetie, if you're reading these comments, you are so Jesus and to anyone that's hurting. It takes someone that's been through what you have to reach people going through similar circumstances.
    Please be strong. You can help so many people with your testimony. 💜

  • @rubenmartharamirez2952
    @rubenmartharamirez2952 7 місяців тому +2

    I pray in the name of beautiful Jesus that Michelle receives a spirit of joy and never leaves her.❤

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! I receive that in Jesus name! God bless

  • @nancyduynslager6981
    @nancyduynslager6981 Рік тому +64

    Praying for everyone who has been deeply hurt, who need a financial miracle and for those who need restoration.
    Abba Father please send your presence of pure love & joy to heal the broken hearted, restore broken families, and salvation to the lost

    • @maricelacheverez6606
      @maricelacheverez6606 Рік тому +4

      AMEN I receive this is Jesus’s Name!

    • @ShelovesJesusandElvis
      @ShelovesJesusandElvis Рік тому +3

      Thank you ! I needed this prayer

    • @ShelovesJesusandElvis
      @ShelovesJesusandElvis Рік тому +2

      I can soooo relate to you Shell!! You were a worship leader -you were on the frontlines!! This is why you were attacked so hard!
      I too was in worship. I’m meant -born to sing! I’m also plagued with addictions depression anxiety very difficult abusive marriage now and I feel STUCK . I had a dream once that I died and went to Heaven so I can relate to all the experiences on here. It’s joy unspeakable and full of glory!!
      I also struggle with not feeling worthy, or loved . I believe in my mind He does but something keeps me from saying it and feeling it. I know Heaven is better than any high or drug there is but the feeling from my dream was soo amazing !! I just wanna feel it again😊. Depression and addiction is relentless. I’ve stayed in my marriage bc of covenant. Idk what the answer is. I ask for anyone here to pray for me! I want to minister again! I love Him. Sadly I have 2 teens that are oblivious to Him. My husband too says he’s born again but I don’t see it or experience it in 20+ yrs. I feel alone spiritually in my home!! Lonely. Sorry for being long winded!
      Michelle- you are a joy! You are not alone!! I think you’d be a great friend!! ❤Ty for your beautiful prayer!

    • @ShelovesJesusandElvis
      @ShelovesJesusandElvis Рік тому +3

      I would LOVE to be in one of your prayer rooms!!!

    • @faybelle2991
      @faybelle2991 Рік тому +1

      thank you, Sister Nancy

  • @ChildofYAH_33
    @ChildofYAH_33 Рік тому +5

    What an amazing testimony, thank you Michelle for sharing this.. I have suffered from addiction since I was 19 yrs old, and also anxiety so bad that i would have full blown panic attacks I am now 49yrs of age. I always believed in Jesus, I came from generations of Catholicism. Praise Jesus that I was shown what is happening in the Catolic church I have only recently started to know Jesus since 2021. I have been on fire for Christ Jesus, the only problem is I have not been able to find any like minded people in church, I feel like the 2 churches I've tried to attend are either lukewarm or asleep. I am having struggles and can't seem to find a church that's on fire for Jesus or have the Hily Spirit and I yearn to be baptized and I believe I still have strongholds that I need deliverance from. I have cried out to Jesus to pls help me ,I've gotten on my face in Repentance and begged to be filled with The Holy Spirit but I have not been delivered. Please brothers and sisters I ask for your prayers, that I may be delivered and filled with The Holy Spirit. Blessed be the Lord our God 🤲🏼 🙏🏼

  • @kayt7691
    @kayt7691 Рік тому +30

    She is so beautiful. What a kind and caring soul. Come as you are- my favorite line ever! I pray God continues to use her & randy to bring the lost souls home.

  • @maryannesimpson8761
    @maryannesimpson8761 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Michelle for your wonderful testimony

  • @maijadamiano6734
    @maijadamiano6734 Рік тому +44

    Michelle you were on this show today at the right time for me. I've been fighting depression and have been battling for a awhile. I'm a believer and have moments of clarity and think I've come through and then I get attacked again and always feel like I've failed. You and your experience have just released me from that feeling of failure. That we may have set backs but to recognize them and go straight to Jesus. So you have my heart felt gratitude for sharing. May the Lord bless you always.

    • @annekegermers821
      @annekegermers821 Рік тому

      I recognise the ups and downs.
      Someone recommended the other day the writings of Saint John of the cross. He described perfectly what is happening.

    • @carollynnberwindscheffler398
      @carollynnberwindscheffler398 Рік тому

      I'm with you. Same things

  • @philliplamberth4075
    @philliplamberth4075 7 місяців тому +1

    Shell that was such great news you've given us. You went saw Jesus and your Grandpa I would love to see Jesus and my Gramdma and someday soon I will. I believe it's not long until Jesus catches us up into Rapture. I look for him continuously.

  • @annabrown4334
    @annabrown4334 Рік тому +2

    I pray that God strengthen Michelle every day. I'm a recovering addict. God has changed my life. Thanks for sharing your testimony.

  • @marycannon6046
    @marycannon6046 Рік тому +2

    ❤ Thank YOU---FATHER-GOD! This was so VERY powerful!!!

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 Рік тому

      @marycannon6046 so thankful to Jesus for using my story to minister to you.

  • @kethsisanthi4607
    @kethsisanthi4607 Рік тому +28

    Iam blessed by this so much. Iam a pastor's wife and I again committed myself to keep our church like a hospital to heal the broken hearted. God bless you brother. We as a family are knowing God's love and heart towards people clearly by watching your programs regularly. Praise be to God.

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 Рік тому

      The Joyful Heart Daily Meditations, Watchman Nee is a wonderful book - he was a Chinese " Paul "

  • @tinagonzalez_williams_lenz6281

    😭😭😭😭😭😭 beautiful, I remember the time when I was sick in bed for over a couple years and God spoke to me and said , Tina you could live the rest of your life without being able to "DO"" another thing for me, and I would still love you so much more than you can ever imagine!!! And I bursted into tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @teacuppup7215
    @teacuppup7215 Рік тому +3

    Plz pray with me for a miracle so that my only daughter has a baby...GOD BLESS 🙏🙏🙏

  • @johndonohue5717
    @johndonohue5717 Рік тому +11

    Church hurt is something I struggled with too. I appreciate the honesty Michelle.

  • @melaniegriffith1598
    @melaniegriffith1598 Рік тому +1

    I want to tell Shellie she has touched my heart so deeply as a sister in this world, and also in the previous one. She is such a tender inspiration for all those who are suffering. She can heal much like the Saviour and his love. Thank u Randy for all you do to put the word out. Loves

  • @keithmayer1417
    @keithmayer1417 Рік тому +9

    Michelle, Wow! LORD, pour out Your love, Your Spirit, upon me and my family.

  • @kelliridenour6301
    @kelliridenour6301 Рік тому +41

    I'm so grateful for you sharing your testimony 💖 I'm struggling with depression and addiction and have been feeling like I'm being attacked constantly but I have to say it's keeping me in constant prayer. Please pray for me and my family. Your sister in Christ Jesus

    • @TearDownThisWall
      @TearDownThisWall Рік тому +4

      Once and For All by Lauren Daigle helped me release a 40+ year addiction. Free of it for 22 months now.

    • @addmeuperfil
      @addmeuperfil Рік тому +4

      I just said a prayer for you. I too struggle with addiction, I know how difficult it is. Our Lord sees our struggle. His peace be upon you.

    • @vivhiggins5656
      @vivhiggins5656 Рік тому +1

      A men,

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 Рік тому +2

      Praying for you

    • @kelliridenour6301
      @kelliridenour6301 Рік тому +2

      I thank God for all that are keeping me and my family in prayer 🙏 May our Lord Jesus cover you with his peace 🕊️

  • @hannah5245
    @hannah5245 Рік тому +6

    God comes to comfort the afflicted, and to afflict the comfortable.

  • @Im4Him
    @Im4Him Рік тому +1

    Amen!! what a blessing, I was soo blessed by Michelle, thank you for sharing... just a mom whom was touched by this testimony!!

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 Рік тому

      @Im4Him so thankful and blessed that Jesus used my story to minister to you.

  • @bethw2445
    @bethw2445 Рік тому +6

    Come as you are...BUT DON'T STAY THE SAME✝️❤️✝️❤️

  • @ZachtheArvadite
    @ZachtheArvadite Рік тому +7

    I appreciated Michelle's experience; I too have struggled with depression, anxiety and addiction.

  • @Tracey..H
    @Tracey..H Рік тому +1

    Depression, anxiety, bipolar and so forth are real! Sadly, in certain circles they say medicine is sin and im hell bound. Wow! If they only walked a week in my shoes. I trust Jesus ❤️ love

    • @jodie9700
      @jodie9700 Рік тому

      Dear Tracey don't listen to those people I've been on medication for years and it has helped me so much and I also am a believing Christian God uses doctors and medication . Please do not feel condemned about taking it love Jo.

  • @annebourbonnais7558
    @annebourbonnais7558 Рік тому +8

    Precious little lamb of God! You are special Michelle...your testimony touched me deeply sweetheart. I ask for prayers for i am suffering from anxiety, depression and addiction.

  • @amandacaresdotcom
    @amandacaresdotcom 5 місяців тому +1

    God bless you Michelle, your testimony is definitely powerful and a blessing. Keep the faith in Jesus and continue to press your way in your walk with him. I am so proud of you Michelle. Be encouraged my sister. God bless you Randy for thee great work that you're doing in Jesus name.🙏💖🙏

  • @biancaconklin6456
    @biancaconklin6456 Рік тому +17

    Michelle, I listened to your testimony 4x’s in a row! It really touched me! Thank you for not giving up! Thank you for being so vulnerable! Thank you for reaching out to other’s in pain! God will truly bless you! I can’t wait to meet you in heaven and to give you a big hug!! Jesus loves you xxx!!

  • @marylamb128
    @marylamb128 Рік тому +9

    Wow your story is so me I’m a prisoner in my own home from depression and anxiety

  • @carina8273
    @carina8273 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much . I went thru anxiety that was due to a lie that landed on trauma that led me into 25 hospitalizarions over fifteen years . Ive been delivered from anxiety but still battle intrusive thoughts . Id love to be a part of come as you are or connect w you Michelle . Thanks Randy Kay . Your channel has blessed me so very much

  • @michelleleeschaeffer3482
    @michelleleeschaeffer3482 Рік тому +7

    I absolutely agree with you Randy regarding the Church. I actually used to go to church all the time but then I stopped going for a very long time for the very fact that it felt like I was going to a club and not a church. The words that you said to describe what the church isn’t was exactly what I saw for years! That somehow we know more than you, we’re better than you, like you sit here in the corner.. “ And there wasn’t this open and welcoming feeling as far as it being more of a hospital, welcoming people in that were sick and needed deliverance. I actually found Jesus in my living room! The one thing that I could not understand is why the people that were jumping up and down in church, clapping their hands and being all filled with this joy didn’t act that way once they walked out the doors of the church. I saw something very wrong with that from a very young age. My thing was if Jesus is real which I knew that he was we should be jumping for joy or be able to tap into that seven days a week 365 days a year anywhere we are!! Well to make a long story short I also wanted to add that we don’t find Jesus in a building, we don’t find the church just in a building, we are the church! There should be no difference in our worship and praise and our communion with the father whether we’re in church, at work or in our own living room. We should not need the hype of a church choir or the loud clapping etc. etc. in order to conjure up the presence of Christ Jesus. I was convinced early on that I can feel the full presence of the Lord in the silence of my own home. And I was 100% correct. But it saddens me that for years I watched the churches continue to act like they were a club and now we see today many of the churches are compromising to an extreme place. We should still be able to come together in church but we should never be looking to the music or the people or the particular message of that day but we should be carrying the kingdom of God with us wherever we go. And like you said the church should be a hospital and if we are saved baptized in the Holy Spirit when we go to church we should be looking for those that we can pray for and not just sitting every single week getting fat on the word and playing church.

  • @tiarabochette4022
    @tiarabochette4022 7 місяців тому +1

    God Bless you Michelle ❤
    Thanks for your life story, God Bless You! Keep on going for Christ 🙏

  • @michelleseale3635
    @michelleseale3635 Рік тому +1

    I have to say again your testimony has helped me so much tonight. I needed to hear what Jesus said to you. I feel so dirty and awful because of this addiction. I love my Jesus so much. I spend so much time with Him His presence is the only reason I dont hurt myself. I'm trying so hard to get off the medication they give you to get off the pain pills and it's so hard. In trying so hard. It's like something takes me over and I give in after days of saying no. I really really needed to hear that my King still loves me even though this horrible thing is in my life. I HATE my sin I HATE it so much. Hearing Jesus hears me worship and sing to Him means everything to me. It gives me hope. God bless you sister !!!!!!

  • @Shalome_
    @Shalome_ Рік тому +12

    So beautiful! I can really relate to this lady. No death experience but chronic unrelenting depression and anxiety since the age of 14. Now 33. Randy Kay’s channel has saved my walk with Jesus and changed me. I’m so grateful to have found it a few months ago.

  • @ayavandenbos9589
    @ayavandenbos9589 Рік тому +1

    Praise The Wonderful Name of Jesus. He alone is worthy to be praised.
    The Lord bless you both and may He continue use you in a mighty way to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reveal the truth.

  • @reddechicksrendition1141
    @reddechicksrendition1141 Рік тому +1

    I have been listening to these testimonials for 2 weeks now and this testimony has really touched.
    Some things I know is the Lord will fight for you. I actually want to be your friend!! So I know why Jesus said He missed you 😊.
    Gods speed and keep running the race.
    FYI -I love your hair

  • @Quantum-Omega
    @Quantum-Omega Рік тому +3

    I feel so sorry for this lady and all of the bad experiences she has endured.

  • @connieclarke9547
    @connieclarke9547 Рік тому +5

    Michelle is soooo precious!!!I will being praying for you!!!! My daughter went through alot of the same things and I know how dark it can be even for the family. You are not alone. ❤

  • @janetd.8216
    @janetd.8216 Рік тому +2

    I ❤ this. This testimony has given me so much hope and encouragement.

  • @Stella-bl7te
    @Stella-bl7te 6 місяців тому +1

    Dear Michelle, thank you for sharing! It is powerful! Please don't stop sharing to the broken hearted. Many Many Souls will be comforted and will enter the Kingdom of God by your Testimony. Continue Singing For Jesus! You are loved and honoured by the Family of Jesus Christ ! ❤🫂

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 2 місяці тому

      Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers.

  • @kimhaggarty1539
    @kimhaggarty1539 Рік тому +6

    The enemy’s greatest tool is to tell us we are not worthy to be in Jesus presence 😩we all battle this but the truth is the enemy isn’t and never will be✝️So he wants company in hell🙏✝️❤️

  • @davidwhiteside591
    @davidwhiteside591 Рік тому +2

    I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, but Christ said, " My grace is enough for you." The Lord spoke this scripture to me many years ago. His presence will be with you always and carry you through everything until you see Him.

  • @josingh3219
    @josingh3219 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful testimony Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🕊

  • @fishitreelitreelitfishit881
    @fishitreelitreelitfishit881 Рік тому +1

    I completely believe you Michelle. All glory and praise be for our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of Kings! Be blessed 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥🙏🏼!

  • @lindacox4176
    @lindacox4176 Рік тому +8

    God bless you Michelle, for your courage, in sharing your testimony. It was so remarkable to hear. It really touched me. I grew up abused and had similar events in my life.

  • @thetruth5836
    @thetruth5836 Рік тому +1

    It's so sad to hear that some churches hurt people in this way, it's so disheartening. This child of God has gone through demonic oppression, hurt by those who were supposed to love her towards a healing process with encouragement and not with bashing her with authoritative mightiness, even probably hushing down the Holy Spirit at times and probably more often than not, but thank God that He is there patiently waiting for the moment to restore to good health His children, His timing is always perfect, and it's so beautiful to see Michelle, loved encouraged and sharing her testimony with such renewed confidence and a wonderful prayer. As she continues to submit to God and resist the devil's lies and deceptions, he will have no choice but to flee from her, Alleluia God, thank you, Jesus, thank you Lord for all your helping holy angels who assist us here on earth. Keep holding on to Jesus Michelle for He will never leave you nor forsake you.

  • @sandrareyes987
    @sandrareyes987 Рік тому +3

    ALWAYS encouraging ty Michelle in JESUS MIGHTY NAME

  • @suzannecurry4398
    @suzannecurry4398 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for bringing Michelle testimony to us it has given me peace.

  • @SalwaSamra
    @SalwaSamra Рік тому +29

    Please Lord deliver me from this torment, sorrow, terror, anxiety, chronic trembling and so many other morbid symptoms. I need to live Lord. It’s been a 6 year battle. I have stood, believed, continually prayed your word for 26 years, passages and passages for myself and 40+ others. Now I’m in this place of bedridden with oppression and need deliverance.
    I’m highly humiliated on going on so many platforms wailing out for deliverance and for you to come and deliver. None of the ministries have helped in seeking your face for me. I have a calling. Satan is trying to stop it. But you’re my deliverer. Come and set me free. Please. I need to live. I’m in great sorrow and despair. This is NOT who I am. Please pray God comes and delivers me because I’m called to authority of Christ to use against the Kingdom of Darkness.
    Please ask our Lord to quicken the revelation and deliverance. I can’t bear this anymore.
    I ask Randy and Michelle please raise my wailing to God. So much loss of life. My family needs me. My elderly parents need me. How do I explain the hopelessness and trauma, yet, still calling out for healing and deliverance.
    My email address is

    • @kelliridenour6301
      @kelliridenour6301 Рік тому +2

      Daniel Adams supernaturallife on UA-cam has online deliverance ministry. Check it out. I believing for a complete deliverance, restoration and healing for you my sister in Christ Jesus 💕 in Jesus Christ of Nazareth name 🙏 amen

    • @bethw2445
      @bethw2445 Рік тому +3

      Sister, you and I need to talk! I am in tears reading your words as they could've been written by me. Literally all the same things are what I have been experiencing. 6 yrs, family that needs me and lacking me, in bed most if the time with weitd symptoms from anxiety, depression. I too have a calling... that the Lord has made clear to me. Just today I spent 3 hrs in pain in bed doing deliverance prayers.
      In the name of Jesus, may we be delivered from the darkness to march forth as soldiers for Jesus Christ in these coming days of lost souls!! Amen🙏✝️🙏✝️🙏✝️🙏✝️

    • @marynau6016
      @marynau6016 Рік тому +4

      Beautiful Salwa, there was a time I had when I hated to hear my own voice in prayer. I was so desperate. I remember getting some index cards and writing a prayer out and laying the cards out before God so He wouldn’t hear my voice. I had night terrors for years and thought they would never end. But they did. Then I had a time of peace until my latest trial. My husband had a stroke and I’m dealing with the ramifications of it. The Lord has been holding my heart together. But every day for two years since his stroke, my faith has been tested very severely. One thing I do is listen to Dodie Osteen reading healing scriptures. I have them on throughout the night. I also listened to Joseph Prince. It helped me to understand grace and no condemnation from God. Right now I speak this over you life:
      In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I rebuke the demons attacking you. I command them to leave and I plead the blood of Christ Jesus over you. I break any and all assignments against you. I declare that you will live and not die and that you will declare the wonderful works of the Lord! I write this and I now speak this aloud before the holy angels and our Savior lifting you up! Take heart! Jesus is not called a Savior for no reason - it’s His job description! He will save you from this oppression, He does not despise His oppressed ones! You are greatly loved and highly favored! Your deliverance is dispatched!

    • @BohoHobo948
      @BohoHobo948 Рік тому +4

      Derek Prince was a "modern pioneer" of biblically based deliverance ministry. His teachings were the basis of many if today's deliverance teachers and I've found them to be fantastic. His practical videos are on UA-cam. Blessings!

    • @SalwaSamra
      @SalwaSamra Рік тому +3

      @@kelliridenour6301 - thank you so much. I have. And there’s been no deliverance. I subscribe to him and watch him all the time. Thank you so much, Kelli, I’m going through so much deep sorrow, suffering, pain, trauma and torment and many other things. I hardly sleep from the terror and warfare I do all night.
      I have to be careful not to get angry at God. I wail and ask for His mercy. It’s been 6 years of the most horrific trials. Drs, specialists, holistic drs, integrative drs, hospital visits. All trauma. All no help. I believe so much he can do it. I’ve believed and trusted for so long and I feel so abandoned by Him, knowing He can right now.

  • @violablackbird
    @violablackbird Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your testimony Michelle. Your words are life to me.

  • @lynncontic6913
    @lynncontic6913 Рік тому +2

    My God in Heaven her story is where I'm at, somehow alive in a broken body.

  • @julieniven3671
    @julieniven3671 Рік тому +16

    Randy, I too want to thank you for your obedience In producing this show as the testimonies I hear on here give me such hope!! I appreciate it so much.

  • @srichey444
    @srichey444 Рік тому +3

    Such a sweet Soul. I too have experienced so much Trauma and like her, it was all unprovoked. I grew up in an extremely Christian Household and was a sweet, innocent child. It's when I started to school and left the comfort of home is when I realized that Evil existed. So much has happened that for years I suffered from PTSD and still suffer from Social Anxiety. But God is Faithful and He does War for His Children. God bless her. *** PS: The Sermons "Steady In The Storm" and "Storm Drains" by Bishop TD Jakes are excellent to listen to in reference to the demon possessed Man in the tombs who Jesus delivered. God bless you all 🙏🏽✝️

  • @SoniaAzam7
    @SoniaAzam7 Рік тому +2

    Oh Michelle I wish I could give you a big hug 💜

  • @MDen69
    @MDen69 Рік тому +6

    What an exceptional testimony. Without your tragedies you would't be who you are now and you wouldn't be in the position to help those who need you.
    I am also broken and lived through so many trials that I've become an expert in tragedy. I wish I would've had someone who could've helped me in those times. Because I had no one, I try to be that person for others who are going through hard times. We are all broken, some of us more than others & in all different ways, but we all need Jesus to put us back together. I will pray that you're able to reach many. It's our duty as Christians to bring along every lost soul that we can find to Jesus. He'll heal them. God bless Michelle.

  • @susanneguzman5339
    @susanneguzman5339 Рік тому +1


  • @stanleystcyr4307
    @stanleystcyr4307 Рік тому +1

    Thank you jesus amen god is good always amen

  • @olusolaokuboyejo7291
    @olusolaokuboyejo7291 Рік тому +9

    Thanks Randy for bringing Michelle over to share her testimony. I have been tremendously blessed by her story. God bless you and your ministry.

  • @joegiuffrida6779
    @joegiuffrida6779 7 місяців тому +1

    Her story is the quintessential example of how God can take the darkest night of the soul and turn it into paradise, and its amazing to me how he can engineer that outcome in someone's life...I mean, He is the Master at the life turn around...I was asking myself all through her testimony how in the name of God was she able to get back up from each diabolical blow that came at her... and there is no other answer but that even in her darkest hour, He was there giving her the life support she needed, knowing that He would bring a glorious rebirth in her life, and then send her out to spread that glory to everyone around her. If ever there was a worthy life story to put up on the big screen...James Cameron are you listening.

  • @keishalezamagordon4594
    @keishalezamagordon4594 Рік тому +1

    Great testimony thanks be to God ALWAYS 🙏❤❤❤

  • @philiphester9103
    @philiphester9103 Рік тому

    My depression is so deep. I have just started reaching out to Jesus. I hope it will subside.

  • @martamccurdy1379
    @martamccurdy1379 Рік тому +13

    Michelle Thank you soo much for giving me hope today. My little brother is out on the streets right now.I also agree with you and always say psychological help is incomplete with out the hope, acceptance and Love of Jesus. I’ve struggled with severe depression, worthlessness, anxiety and that resonated so much with me about our Lord being the only way or ultimately the most and only complete answer to all the above!!!!! I love you sister!!

  • @troldepus1956
    @troldepus1956 8 місяців тому

    Thank you Michelle and Randy and Jesus 💕💕💕

  • @JCGlory
    @JCGlory Рік тому +5

    Bless her precious heart , she ministered to me :) I never got an out of body , experience to meet the Lord that way , But he took away my Bi-Polar, and healed the breeches( altars ) in my soul, and like this one , I have always had to battle , if I get lazy and dont worship the enemy starts to bother me at night , ( But if I worship before I sleep the demons dont manifest )

  • @gordoneighan2106
    @gordoneighan2106 Рік тому +1

    Praise Be to God, that young lady's testimony is fresh and raw, well done in putting her testimony out there.
    Father God give her strength and shed Radiant vibrant Light into all people/victims, suffering emotional and abusive turmoil by the Mighty Hand of Jesus ,Amen. Where there is darkness Let there Be Light, Amen

  • @carolhaney8271
    @carolhaney8271 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Michelle for your testimony and thank you Randy for your empathy. God Bless.

  • @marymiller2970
    @marymiller2970 Рік тому +3

    What a beautiful testimony. I cried and cried. I love this woman’s beautiful soul. ❤

  • @elizabethfitgerald9775
    @elizabethfitgerald9775 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful sister in christ Jesus.

  • @juliemuthui8795
    @juliemuthui8795 Рік тому +7

    This was a powerful testimony. God bless you Michelle, God bless you Randy for obeying the voice of God. You have really blessed so many through this platform 🙏 🙌

  • @elizabethfitgerald9775
    @elizabethfitgerald9775 Рік тому +1

    I needed to hear this I lose my identical twin sister this year. Its been the hardest times in my life. I've seen a few hard days too . God bless you beautiful lady

  • @elizabethdumas4147
    @elizabethdumas4147 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for sharing Michelle. I saw that bright white light of God when i was 19. I had been through a long period of anxiety and depression and every day i'd think, it can't get worse than this and then it would get worse. I felt possessed and so out of control i thought i might do something to myself and was terrified. I did not die, but that light appeared as i looked outside my dorm suite window. It filled me with such an overpowering love and peace and an absolute certainty that i was going to be alright. I went from feeling like there was nothing to hold on to, to a realization that i was never alone. I had believed in God, but did not know Jesus. I went on a long journey of trying to find out what happened to me. It wasn't until i started reading the Bible that i realized what it was. It felt like i was reborn. That was 55 years ago and i will never forget it.

  • @jjl7852
    @jjl7852 Рік тому +2

    My daughter really needs help!!! God pls set her free!! Ty Jesus

  • @jaye7266
    @jaye7266 Рік тому +6

    Oh my! This is exactly what I experienced. I didn’t die and come back but I did have a life altering experience. Over the years I think Satan tried to convince me that it never really happened. I blamed myself for being so awful. I have missed the joy I had from my experience so much! Thank you for this.

    • @michellerahaim4202
      @michellerahaim4202 Рік тому +1

      So thankful to Jesus for reminding you of your experience with Him and remembering what He has done for you. Hold on to that and don’t let satan steal that priceless gift

  • @nataliegonzalez5050
    @nataliegonzalez5050 Рік тому +1

    Hi Randy Kay, I want to thank you so much for all of the videos that you upload. I love listening to these beautiful testimonies that everyone shares about being in Heaven. What a glorious place to be and to see God. These videos have helped me a lot, I recently lost my grandma, who I was really close to throughout my whole life. My life has changed so much without her in it, and it caused a lot of anxiety and sadness for me. I prayed to God every day to get rid of my anxiety, and I no longer have it. God has healed me in so many ways, I have turned to him during this time and I noticed he has been there for me and listening to my prayers. My grandma was a huge believer of Christ, and she would tell everyone about God. She would pray for me every day, I can only imagine the beauty she is seeing right now. She's in a better place, she is with her family, and these videos help remind me of the beautiful Heaven that she is in, even though I miss her more than anything and think about her every day. I have had some dreams about my grandma telling me that God healed her, and that he told her that I'm going to be okay and that she's going to be okay.

  • @sarah4958
    @sarah4958 Рік тому +11

    What a beautiful testimony ❤ Thank you Jesus! ❤❤❤❤

  • @Love-is-nbr1
    @Love-is-nbr1 Рік тому +3

    Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me.

  • @Watching4
    @Watching4 Рік тому +6

    And Randy I just adore the love you have for Jesus… thank you for all you do❣️

  • @dalb2081
    @dalb2081 Рік тому +2

    As soon she started praying, I felt someone holding my forehead and could feel the blessing! Thank you

  • @carrieland6945
    @carrieland6945 Рік тому +4

    I surrender my all to you Lord Jesus, use me as your servant to minister to others, in Jesus name, Amen
    Thank you Randy for sharing Gods love ❤️

  • @beverlynsantiago9439
    @beverlynsantiago9439 Рік тому +1


  • @kimberly8762
    @kimberly8762 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Michelle for your testimony. It blessed me so much, as I know so many who struggle with the same thing, including my own family. God bless 🙌

  • @tammiecanada5837
    @tammiecanada5837 Рік тому +2

    God bless this precious lady..Continued prayers for her. There is always VICTORY in Jesus! I do believe that God does use medicine at times to help us with depression and anxiety.

  • @stephaniebarnett4849
    @stephaniebarnett4849 Рік тому +4

    Praise the Lord!! Your testimony Michelle will impact so many !! Bless you !! The Lord is with you!! You are serving the Lord greatly! Remember that!!😇🌈🙏❤️

  • @ericaSrami-womanatthewell
    @ericaSrami-womanatthewell Рік тому +7

    Such a beautiful testimony! I felt this one in particular speak to me. Many times we are seeing others around us and their calling from the Lord being fulfilled... that we miss the Lord talking to us of what our calling is. I am blessed to have heard this testimony and I know the chains I had on me for so long, have fallen off, all by the blood of Jesus. These past few weeks I hear from different people that there is something in me and they can't pinpoint what it is but I know it's Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Use me, Lord, for your honor and glory, my Lord.

  • @erinmeow8966
    @erinmeow8966 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony Michelle. Jesus Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner and help and restore me to be pain-free.

  • @wendyjomendy
    @wendyjomendy Рік тому +4

    Michelle your testimony is powerful, needed and an immense blessing. I have family that need to hear your testimony. So ill pass it on over. My mother was an iv heroin addict for years until God lead me to Him at 8 yrs old. I asked if she would go to my baptism she agreed and she got baptised and the Holy Ghost 1977. She is still serving God today. Many miracles along the way.
    I KNOW how rehab is too! They seem like they want the addicts dead! So God truly had His hand around you that day! God bless you Sis Michelle!

  • @patyp.7401
    @patyp.7401 Рік тому +4

    Michelle your testimony is a blessing and God is using it for his glory. I was praying for my brother who had a 30 foot fall hiking about 12 years ago he was serving the Lord at the time of the fall. He got a traumatic brain injury but Got let him live. It’s been a roller coaster he struggles with depression and the enemy uses his tbi to make him feel like God’s has given up on him it’s been very hard to make him believe that God still loves him. He takes meds and they seem to help but I believe he will be healed and completely delivered so that God can use him like he’s using your testimony ❤

    • @AnaRodriguez-lx5nl
      @AnaRodriguez-lx5nl Рік тому +1

      I have a traumatic brain injury also. It's the way Satan comes w all.his might against us. I also thought the same but now I know it's the enemy and not God.

    • @patyp.7401
      @patyp.7401 Рік тому

      @@AnaRodriguez-lx5nl thanks for sharing, I wish my brother understood that! he does not want to take meds but they do seem to calm him down. We have prayed for years that the Lord would heal him. He has a good heart but he struggles with feeling rejected by God. I still have faith God will fully restore him🙏🙏

  • @ellacrazyaboutjesus8299
    @ellacrazyaboutjesus8299 Рік тому +3

    God bless you Michelle. Thank you for sharing your testimony. God bless you!
    Thank you Randy for this platform. God bless you!
    All Glory to God.

  • @user-th8fx1yk9k
    @user-th8fx1yk9k Рік тому

    Michelle you are SO special to the Lord and ur brothers n sisters in Christ. Thank you for your courage in sharing ur testimony. Has helped me. Ur a treasure in the Lord! ❤

  • @amandaguffey3128
    @amandaguffey3128 Рік тому +1


  • @estmast7310
    @estmast7310 Рік тому +1

    Your testimony releases so much hope, Michelle! Thank you for your willingness to share!

  • @MissDebra
    @MissDebra Рік тому +1

    Thank you for your testimony, Michelle. It really blessed me and gave me so much hope for others as well as myself, that no matter how isolated or separated we may be, God has a plan for us, and He will go through great lengths to have us fulfil this plan in His love and mercy.

  • @DanaBrown
    @DanaBrown Рік тому +1

    Love this testimony!! Love the revelation of church being a hospital for broken people!! “Come as you are,” beautiful. I also love how God reviled the spiritual realm to you! Wow, you are so brave and strong to endure all that you have. Im so proud of you. Thank you for sharing your experiences. What a light 💡 keep shining bright and sing to the Lord!! PS YOU ARE SPECIAL AND VERY LOVED ❤️‍🩹🫶👑🇮🇱😭🎶🎶🎶🎁💜💍✝️👰🏻‍♀️👟🏟️🥰🌈💕🏋️‍♂️💡

  • @peteroreilly7065
    @peteroreilly7065 Рік тому +1

    You are so blessed and loved