Colorado food banks brace for increased need after emergency additional SNAP benefits expire

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Emergency additional SNAP benefits expire on March 1. Already strained food banks are anticipating more people to lean on the community resource.


  • @evening_streets
    @evening_streets Рік тому +8

    A fully dependent society and getting worse.

  • @greeniedrone2937
    @greeniedrone2937 Рік тому +3

    Where’s all the 9% local and state taxes going to? It is not to help the poor, I can guarantee it.

  • @monkshavano3613
    @monkshavano3613 Рік тому +3

    I watch people in new cars,apple phones,fancy nails,designer jeans wipe out the food bank???

  • @bobbylaw3928
    @bobbylaw3928 Рік тому +9

    Glad it ran out, it's time for people to do their part and take care of themselves. It's not the governments responsibly to feed you or house you. Lots of work to be had and if you can't afford to live here move!!!!

    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому +1

      Okay so what about somebody in my situation I'm a 37 year old single mother who has been gainfully employed by whole entire life up until this year when my health finally took over and I was placed on disability I take medications everyday on preparing for a brain surgery an implant to help stop my seizures I cannot go to work I fall down a flop like a fish I urinate on myself because I can't control my body when I have a seizure I cannot drive because I can likely kill someone if I got behind the wheel I live off of $840 a month from Social Security in my rent 1500 this year to 1800 but I can't afford to freaking move I get $220 a month for food stamps which is $7.30 a day for three meals for me and my child some people can't go to work I worked all the way up until I was approved for disability and you know how sick you have to be to get disability at 37 years old I mean literally considerate the fact that there are elderly people who have been waiting for disability for years that cannot get it so imagine how medically sick I have to be to be on disability at 37 years old and I pushed through everyday and I work until that approval letter when I just could not anymore I'm not a mooch off the government nor have I ever been I used to have the same views on the situation that you do that people that were on government assistance were just lazy until life threw me a curveball and I didn't have any choice so be very careful what you say because everybody is not classified together and you can be in that same situation tomorrow

    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому

      let's keep in mind that my job was a federal position and I worked there for years so this so-called system I paid into a lot and guess what my 401k from that job gone they took it with the promise to pay it back when the economy Rises so the few grand that I've had for emergencies if I ever did need it completely gone

    • @morgane8947
      @morgane8947 Рік тому +3

      Perfectly stated. I don't see this situation in poor third world countries - in fact, the poor people in third world countries mostly have a job even at low pay. But I am seeing the exploding population of deadbeats across the U.S. (still a first world country?)! The government should stop "enabling" ...

    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому

      @@morgane8947 have you ever lived in a poor third world country cuz I have and in my situation is not a good situation it's a situation of health problems that keep me from working severe epilepsy so does that make me a deadbeat because I can't control my body function help me understand because I'm not on welfare I'm on disability and I rely on food stamps to feed my child although it's only $7.30 a day for three meals doesn't do much but it doesn't make me a deadbeat considering that I work for the federal government for almost 15 years and they took my 401k because the economy is so bad so I have no choice but to rely on food stamps explain how the government can take something that I work 15 year for tell me the f*** off and then call me a dead because I need assistance after that

    • @RealMTBAddict
      @RealMTBAddict Рік тому +1

      @@roboxcarter You can afford to move.

  • @almacarter7968
    @almacarter7968 Рік тому +1

    this recession that we"re in has been building up for the reduction of the snap benefits to no end to people. Food is already way too high, most people who are able to shop are using coupons, markdowns etc.... hopefully those who got the increase were able to stock up

  • @donreinke5863
    @donreinke5863 Рік тому +4

    Two days ago my wife, who always buys too much food, cleaned out her closet-sized pantry. She had a good sized box with probably 25 cans and a lot of other non-perishable (dried and boxed) food items. I took it to a curbside food box in Littleton, there was a bum lady who was obviously living in her car there, she told me as I drove up in a ratty car I had been working on that there was no food in the box.(she thought I was a fellow bum) I told her there would be in a minute or so.
    She took everything I put in there. Told me thanks several times.
    We had over the years put food in that box when we lived in Littleton, previously there had always been a few items in it when we pulled up to unload. Not anymore
    Its even getting bad in the suburbs, bum camps are burgeoning.

    • @nomaderic
      @nomaderic Рік тому +1

      Yea there was one in arvada I used to go buy and put a couple things in there if I passed by there always used to be a few things in there. Now as soon as someone puts anything in there it's gone immediately

    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому +1

      Must be nice to have food to give away

    • @nomaderic
      @nomaderic Рік тому

      @@roboxcarter dude I'm homeless myself and have been for 3 years. I still give what I can.

    • @donreinke5863
      @donreinke5863 Рік тому +3

      @@roboxcarter If we didnt have that ability, a lot of people wouldnt have anything to eat.
      Life choices we made long ago put us in the position we are now.

    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому +1

      @@donreinke5863 oh no I think an absolute blessing and absolutely amazing what you're doing don't get me wrong at all I'm just saying I wish I had extra that's all that's it

  • @zefcha4670
    @zefcha4670 Рік тому +1

    did you ever here about drinking water? you seems to have money for cigarrettes, soda pop, liquer. beer...need help?

  • @alexiawells3774
    @alexiawells3774 Рік тому +11

    I am seeing from this video these people are collecting much better food than I can afford myself even though I am working 3 jobs! There are millions of jobs out there, if anyone is seriously searching for a job, instead of mooching on the system and on others who work so hard on several side hustles!

    • @donreinke5863
      @donreinke5863 Рік тому +3

      There are sign-toting bums mooching on curbs and medians within sight of multiple businesses with "help wanted" signs here in the south suburbs, some outside Kroger/King Soopers and they start at 15-20 dollars an hour.

    • @chipperparrot
      @chipperparrot Рік тому +5

      It’s hard to get a job when you don’t have a cell phone, address, change of underwear, and haven’t bathed in weeks. Not to mention survive the first few weeks waiting on the first check. It’s not like the first paycheck will solve any problems either. You lack perspective and assume everyone has the same opportunities you have. There are plenty of high paying jobs out there, why are you working three jobs?

    • @lesliegibbons6917
      @lesliegibbons6917 Рік тому +5

      I agree. Everyone needs a little help once in a while. But this like everything else goes bad in a hurry. I help distribute commodities what really upsets me is qhen they show up in an 80 thousand dollar pickup and say we have 6 kids this is wrong. But I can't say anything. Or they show up they have money for cigarettes but can't buy food. After a while you get to where you can pick out the ones that really need help and te ones who are just playing the system and dont want a job. After a while you get to thinking. Here I am trying to help and I drive a 97 chevy with 250 thousand miles live in a 30 thousand dollar house and worry about how to pay the gas bill to stay warm. Why don't I just go get in line . I guess it is self pride what some people dont have any more. Or I am just a fool.

    • @bobbylaw3928
      @bobbylaw3928 Рік тому +1


    • @roboxcarter
      @roboxcarter Рік тому

      I see a lot of people here have comments about people on food stamps so let me try to help you understand me I'm at 37 year old single mother I have worked my whole entire life up until this year when I was placed on disability due to severe epilepsy I work my whole entire life even when I was applying for disability I still carried a job even though Social Security Disability told me I should really quit working I took care of Alzheimer's and Dementia patients at a federal facility here in Colorado MyHealth took such a turn that I could not continue after this year that is when I applied for food stamps I get $222 a month for food stamps I live off of 841 from Social Security all of that goes to my my rent which this year they moved up from 1500 to 1800 and I still have to figure out the rest at the end of the month every month now you take $220 and you divide that by 30 that gives you $7.30 a day let me ask you all can you feed your whole entire family even just you and one child off of $7.30 a day for three meals I find it very funny that people think that people that get food stamps or eating like kings because we're not we're actually eating way worse than you I can almost guarantee it and some people can't go to work they just can't some people can't drive to get to a food bank like myself I can't get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle cuz I could likely kill someone in the event of a seizure so how do you tell if someone who doesn't have any money no transportation that they don't need help or that they're mooching off the system do you think that I want to wake up everyday and flop like a damn fish or piss on myself because I can't control my body!!!!
      absolutely not !!!!!
      I've been to every neurologist I possibly can looking at invasive surgery to stop or control my epilepsy I moved to Colorado in 2018 to be close to a very prominent neurologist to get a brain surgery done I take my medication every day I don't want to take medication I don't want to be on disability I don't want to live off of the welfare system but I have absolutely no choice !! a lot of people don't...... and I absolutely have to say something because I used to be just like the person who posted up at the top I used to look at people on government assistance like they were just lazy and they didn't want to work until life set my ass down and I realize the need for it so be very careful what you say !!!!!
      life can throw you a curve ball that you are not ready for at a tea time you can end up on disability or unemployed or Worse do put your nose up to people because you have job security because the way the economy is going you may not have that job security anymore after this year so be careful who you put your nose up at and keep in mind that everybody situation is not the same everybody on assistance is not grouped into one category of lazy people

  • @anthonygarlic2292
    @anthonygarlic2292 Рік тому

    Who takes a college entrance exam 🤣🤣🤣 and gets railroaded like this.

  • @anthonygarlic2292
    @anthonygarlic2292 Рік тому

    Who's kidding who?

  • @anthonygarlic2292
    @anthonygarlic2292 Рік тому

    Isn't this just the 🚒🔥🔥🔥 bubonic plague?

  • @anthonygarlic2292
    @anthonygarlic2292 Рік тому

    The god's must be crazy 🤣🤣🤣

  • @RealMTBAddict
    @RealMTBAddict Рік тому

    Maybe people will learn to eat less and not processed foods. Just maybe.

  • @roboxcarter
    @roboxcarter Рік тому +2

    Oh no let's clarify how bad it really is it's not one in 12 is every coloradans I personally am a single mother on disability due to epilepsy I cannot legally drive to get to a food bank I have called Meals on Wheels Angel meals they are all at capacity and cannot help I have a son who is 7 years old I do not get p-ebt for him because he is over the age of 6 but he's only seven this morning I woke up and they had cut my food stamps down $200 we did not get the emergency allotment for February they did not give it to us I personally don't understand how they can make people suffer so much especially people in my situation like on disability or retired with small children there are no other means the closest food bank is 7 miles away how do you suppose I get there after my bills I have $0 left nothing for transportation and as it's at getting the extra allotment I can afford about two weeks worth of food take $400 and divide that by 31 now take $220 and divide that by 31 because that's what I get right now when you've done the math on that you'll know exactly what I have a day to spend on three meals for my household we are living under the limits of a third world country ..... so after you do the math on that know that I have $7.30 a day to spend on food for me and my kid that's three meals breakfast lunch and dinner where in the world can I get three meals for $7.30 please help us understand

  • @AprilApril82
    @AprilApril82 Рік тому +1

    I wish I was in Colorado so I could voluntarily participate in feeding the poor

    • @donreinke5863
      @donreinke5863 Рік тому

      You would be busy all the time. The number of bums here is skyrocketing despite many businesses having "help wanted" signs.
      The Democratik Peoples Republik of Kalifornia is even worse, the last time I went through Sacramento there was a bum camp every 10-20 feet on both sides of the railroad tracks from one end of town to the other.
      Thats what happens when people are stupid enough to elect (and keep electing) Democrats.