Last Warning! Tell them that I cannot wait any longer!

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • My wrath is coming! Very Urgent Vision and Message from God. For those who are ready and have prepared themselves, they will be saved from my wrath. My true, obedient, and faithful children will be saved from my wrath, but the foolish, the ignorant, and the unbelievers will be left behind. They will have to endure my anger as it pours out.
    Correction in video regarding pronunciation: not the son of man but the “sons of men” have angered me.
    1 Corinthians 15:51-58 KJVAAE
    Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    Revelation 10:7 But that when the days come when the trumpet call of the seventh angel is about to be sounded, then God’s mystery (His secret design, His hidden purpose), as He had announced the glad tidings to His servants the prophets, should be fulfilled (accomplished, completed).

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @noirhorror197
    @noirhorror197 29 днів тому +154

    When I was 15, I was walking down the sidewalk on the way to my home. It was winter. It was a beautiful night and the snow was gently falling. As I walked, I looked at the ground, and the sidewalk snow glittered in the streetlights. I was contemplating the story of Simeon, whom I love (Luke 2:22-38). This is when I wished in my heart that I would see Jesus return before I die, That is when Jesus said to me out of the blue, "You will see me coming in the clouds." It brought me to a standstill for I knew I had heard from my God. I remember it like it was yesterday.
    I will be 70 in a couple of months. As I watch these prophetc videos, I asked the Lord, "Why don't I dream dreams." I stopped dreaming years ago. He says, "I speak directly to you." Which is true. I asked the Lord, "How long do we have to wait for You, Our Blessed Hope?" He told me that I will be moving (which I am, long story) and that while I am living in that house, He will come. I don't know when or where God will move me yet. It should be in the next few months. Please pray that I get to live walking distance to a good church and I want to be near a cemetary. I want to see the dead in Christ rise. That would be a Wow!
    I've also been instructed to prepare food, water, medications, solar generators, Bibles, and a letter of explanation of what has happened, what will happen, and what they need to do to survive. For those that will be left behind. Since I received this message, I've seen many others that have also been instructed to do the same. It won't be too long now.
    I don't know what is going to happen during this election. No matter who wins, it's not going to be pretty. Fear not and put your trust in the Lord. His children will be protected. Pray your strength increase and put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).
    Much Love, Your sister in Christ

    • @juliemancil815
      @juliemancil815 28 днів тому +26

      I have had several rapture dreams in the past four years. When I was a child, I had a dream that Jesus was in the clouds, very close to me looking at me. I knew then that Jesus would come during my life time. All glory to God! I am 70 years old. I know He`s coming very soon. Bible prophecy is leaping off the pages of the Bible, I pray for the unsaved. I pray for believers eyes to be opened. I think many people are stuck to this world. We are going to be more alive in heaven than we ever have been here. I am so excited about His coming. Come Lord Jesus!

    • @noirhorror197
      @noirhorror197 28 днів тому +16

      @@juliemancil815 Bless you Sister. I'll see you at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Thank you for the confirmation. We are both 70.

    • @juliemancil815
      @juliemancil815 28 днів тому +12

      @@noirhorror197 I look forward to seeing you at the marriage supper of the Lamb, dear Sister!
      You're welcome! I felt very strongly that I should share. It is exciting that we are the same age! It's awesome how the Lord speaks to us and through us. It's wonderful to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 🙏🤗😊❤

    • @noirhorror197
      @noirhorror197 28 днів тому +2

      @@juliemancil815 yes, maam

    • @Darryl-ci5pv
      @Darryl-ci5pv 28 днів тому +2

      Thank you and bless you!

  • @cash5627
    @cash5627 Місяць тому +138

    I'm struggling with alcohol, please pray for me. As it is written "drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God"

    • @RUHDD4HVN
      @RUHDD4HVN Місяць тому +1

      I will pray, and for starts, after putting on the full armor of God that's described in the book of Ephesians chapter 6. All who call upon The Name of The Lord Jesus/Yeshua Ha Mashiach will be saved period. Salvation is His eternal free gift to you for nothing done in return but believing on Him and His good works shedding His innocent blood on the cross for all your sins, every one of them. Nothing you can do could pay for the free gift He offers for faith in return. He's alive and well and close enough to make you in your mothers womb. He's close enough to heal you and deliver you from any and every addiction known or unknown to others. He's our best friend and savior closer than a brother and has all the power to do anything to provide for you a way out where there seems to be no way at all......... He Is The Way. Amen ":^)
      p.s. Pastor JD Farag also had a huge struggle with alcohol addiction back in the day. If you don't know him or his testimony/ministry seek him out as well for your good benefit and strengthening. You'll just love him as a pastor too. Very wise man of God.

    • @LastMinuteMinistry
      @LastMinuteMinistry 27 днів тому +31

      Say this prayer with all your heart, “In the holy name of Jesus, I rebuke you spirit of alcohol, of addiction, of loneliness, of being unloved, of depression, etc… I command you to leave me, leave my life NOW in the name of Jesus Christ. Go to Jesus for your new sentence, in Jesus name amen!” ✋ Now, shut every door that each of these evil things entered into, fill your soul with the oil of the Holy Spirit every day and don’t look back!

    • @barbaradecker4358
      @barbaradecker4358 27 днів тому

      Praying for you in Jesus name the He binds & removes all demon spirits behind alcohol/ " spirits" , removing every temptation in your mind & in your taste buds/ mouth and bloodstream to be brought down Now by His Almighty Power!! Also make an adament determination to stay far away from bars, restaurants with bars, alcohol section at any stores/ gas stations, " friends" who temp u to drink with them ir go to any of these places! If they truelly care ❤- love you they will respect your decision & still be your Friend!! Also I think it really helps people when they continue to really struggle with any adfictiin/ idol to get on yiu tube sites that tell if peoples near death expierence or visions where God has taken them to hell telling then alk they expierenced there!! Try Nick Jones or. Darius holt Mitchell. They are both christians & are profound! Hell should scare us all and this is a motivational factor to stop us in oyr tracks to stop Any SIN ^ stay away from them! Praying for you dear one! Stay strong & stay in God's word & prayer! My older brother suffered lifelong from this ^ you can overcome because Jesus says He will never leave you ir forsake you! He loves uou with an incredible amazing love ❤️ that you can't even begin to imagine & he's saving the best ( heaven) for you!

    • @AandB0077
      @AandB0077 27 днів тому

      hey Cash, if you have believed in Jesus Christ for the remission of sin YOU have *died WITH* Christ. You *have died to sin.* There is no condemnation to you ANYLONGER (Romans 8:1) You can listen to this woman who says YOU MUST BE OBEDIENT *or you can take Gods word and see that the following verses of “drunkards will not inherit the kingdom..”* is *”But you were washed,* you were *sanctified,* you were *justified* IN *THE NAME OF* the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” Now note, all of the ED’s: washED, sanctifiED, justifiED and where are you in all of this? in Jesus Christ. Stop looking at your flesh and all of your sinful tendencies and questioning your salvation but instead realize that it’s not (speaking of salvation) about YOU but about the Christ IN YOU and you IN Him. You can’t turn away from sin enough to please or displease Him. Even your good deeds are as a filthy rag. God the Father is pleased with Jesus IN YOU and not old cash5627 and his independent works apart from God. How do you deal with sin? Do you like to read? I have a book to help you walk in the Spirit and the renewal of the mind. It’ll help you understand a lot

    • @paulagriffin338
      @paulagriffin338 27 днів тому +13

      ⁠​⁠@@LastMinuteMinistryI agree with your prayer of deliverance over this precious soul in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Amen!! 🙏 🙌❤️

  • @davidlynch5998
    @davidlynch5998 Місяць тому +460

    Why are so many people ignoring the truth about the return of Jesus Christ ?? Even when I bring up the subject of His return to my Christian friends they respond as if I am kind of off mentally.. Jesus will unleash His fury on this earth very soon.

    • @God.b.with.u
      @God.b.with.u Місяць тому +65

      You're not off mentally. If they don't yet believe you those who are left behind will remember your words.

    • @cheryle9453
      @cheryle9453 Місяць тому +33

      At least you were warning them. Prayerfully, they will except Jesus as their Lord and Savior before it’s too late. Some people will fall back, some people will cover their eyes, not to see anything, and some people will bury their head in the sand because they don’t want to see or hear. But then, you have those who are willing to stand and fight the good fight of faith. God bless you.

    • @lancecaldwell3163
      @lancecaldwell3163 Місяць тому +13

      When Jesus will take us through that tribulation when the rapture happens you'll be on one side or the other after the rapture the judgment there I said it

    • @Burlesque999
      @Burlesque999 Місяць тому +8

      Yes me too

    • @who_knowsidk996
      @who_knowsidk996 Місяць тому +18

      @david me too. I just keep praying for them, that's all you can do. Repent quickly and forgive quickly, our Lord is coming soon to get us.

  • @KryssN1
    @KryssN1 26 днів тому +84

    Everything has gone up in price!
    Except Salvation!
    It is still a Free Gift paid in Full by Jesus
    Amen! 🙏
    God Bless❤

    • @lullabyesmom
      @lullabyesmom 23 дні тому

      Lol amen!!!,😂😹🤣😂😹🤣 Harpazo! Maranatha! 😻✝️🙏🦁👍🐑

    • @Christmas-dg5xc
      @Christmas-dg5xc 20 днів тому

      I never understood that. The required changes in someone's life sound like work to me, unless you're saying no changes are necessary. "You'd better count the cost, if you want to be a believer" an old song goes.

    • @vaderx5
      @vaderx5 20 днів тому

      @@Christmas-dg5xc It's free in the sense that Jesus paid the price for our sins so we don't have to be held accountable. Of course, relationships and love require work, but that's not the point of the free gift sentiment.

    • @Christmas-dg5xc
      @Christmas-dg5xc 20 днів тому

      @@vaderx5 So if you do the required work, it's free. I guess my paycheck is free, also.

    • @vaderx5
      @vaderx5 20 днів тому

      @@Christmas-dg5xc it’s like going to court and being sentenced to pay a fine but then someone arrives to pay the fine for you. That’s the free gift. You could never do enough to earn your salvation anyway.

  • @ChicagoGurl
    @ChicagoGurl Місяць тому +217

    Can you guys believe that we’re the generation of the rapture?? What a time to be alive ❤❤❤❤

    • @graceandpeace3031
      @graceandpeace3031 Місяць тому +13

      I know! I keep thinking of that, and it seems more than incredible! God has brought us here for such a time as this!!!❤

    • @jeannie9234
      @jeannie9234 Місяць тому +13

      So so exciting! PRAY Psalm 91 over your home & anoint it with olive oil, just like they did with the blood on Passover. When it gets dark & we are locked down, it is GOD locking is in for our protection. We should NOT Fear instead be worshipping, singing at the top of our lungs, dancing & celebrating His return. Remember, The Lord tells us in Deuteronomy 31:8
      Do not be afraid or discouraged,
      for the LORD will personally go
      ahead of you. He will be with you;
      he will neither fail you nor
      abandon you." See you all in the ☁️ clouds! MARANATHA

    • @RetroreviewsPlus
      @RetroreviewsPlus 27 днів тому +4

      I'm ready lets get this party started! 🎉

    • @ChicagoGurl
      @ChicagoGurl 27 днів тому +7

      Stay prayed up!! See you all in the clouds my brothers and sisters in Christ 🙏♥️

    • @Mr.JeroldWallace
      @Mr.JeroldWallace 27 днів тому

      Smh every single generation has thought that they were the chosen generation for this “rapture”

  • @celinachalela426
    @celinachalela426 Місяць тому +69

    Being taken out of this evil world has become my dream, I can’t wait for the rapture to happen, this world is not my home and I feel like in don’t belong here, actually I never did. Let’s pray for all that don’t want to hear the calling of Jesus to repent and seek Him before is too late.

    • @rockydisciple8897
      @rockydisciple8897 28 днів тому +2

      Absolutely true words from the ❤...thanks for sharing. The other day I said to a friend of mine - we just passing through; this is NOT my Home!! We are a privileged generation to experience these last days as Kings and Priests for our Lord and Savior
      Take care
      GOD Bless

    • @RUHDD4HVN
      @RUHDD4HVN 22 дні тому +1

      For all who want to know and all those that don't: Jesus Christ is the only way up! And outta here...... Believe even on His name and you will be saved, saved from the second death mentioned in the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Salvation is already a paid for gift so you and I can enter Heaven without our unpaid sin keeping us outside of Heavens gates going to hell.
      Our departure/evacuation/rescue/harpazo/rapture is likely very soon. Don't miss it for the world. Accepting Jesus Christ is believing in Him, whosoever repents of their unbelief believes in Him and will not perish but have everlasting life freely given as a gift, and not by any works you could do to pay for your salvation.
      p.s. No spaceship will be needed....He's got it all covered and knows the way to your mansion at home in Heaven. Not kidding. He's done it all for you, me and all who trust in Him. Amen

    • @saludanite
      @saludanite 14 днів тому

      This "world" is not evil. There is "evil" in this world. The world was made by the Father.
      That is WHY Jesus came. To save the world.

  • @angelathomas1912
    @angelathomas1912 24 дні тому +29

    2022 I was stirring from my sleep.
    My bed was shaking a bright light filled my room as if the heavens were opening . I heard the trumpet sound (shofar) blow . Very loud .
    I lifted up my arm and shouted Jesus.
    He’s coming back soon, he’s at the door.
    Get ready for the rapture.
    King Jesus soon return 🙌😁🕊️✝️ hallelujah!

    @KING-ZEAL Місяць тому +168

    I was married to my beloved wife Veronica for 15 years and approaching our 16 year anniversary in days. We are not divorced, but have been separated now for 8 months, and have not spoken in 5. She now lives with her mother and step father, both are diehard atheists! We are still somehow married by the grace of God, but she will not speak to me or return any message since April 5th. I beg you all, brothers and sisters, please pray for her soul!! Please pray we reconcile!! Please pray for Veronica. I saw the Lord bring her back to life from an OD, years ago. I prayed, and she was revived in my arms!!
    Please pray for her soul and our reconciliation. She means everything to me. I am so alone without my soulmate. Please, Lord, please let us see you together in the Rapture.
    Please pray for her, saints. I shall see every single one of you in the sky, and I BELIEVE the Lord will reconcile us. This is the greatest spiritual battle of my life. The Enemy shall NOT have her, in JESUS mighty name. Amen.

    • @MrTracy80
      @MrTracy80 Місяць тому +10

      Praying for your marriage ❤

    • @LibbySlaughter101
      @LibbySlaughter101 Місяць тому +8

      Praying for salvation & reconciliation IJN🙏

    • @LeahMarissa726
      @LeahMarissa726 Місяць тому +6

      @@KING-ZEAL 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @JanetChildOfGod
      @JanetChildOfGod Місяць тому +12

      Dear God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior we pray for this man and his wife we pray for their marriage we pray for their salvation we pray for their protection please help these two and please help their love to reunite.. God you know our heart and you know and you know how it is when we are in love with someone please restore them in Jesus name amen❤

    • @katherineking3174
      @katherineking3174 Місяць тому +4

      Remember the LORD. Change me first!!!

  • @annalinemwahekange518
    @annalinemwahekange518 27 днів тому +9

    I receive this message on 02 MAY 2024 in a audible voice saying "GO TELL THEM I AM COMING. I AM NO LONGER GOING TO DELAY IT. I AM COMING"

  • @ShelovesJesusandElvis
    @ShelovesJesusandElvis 27 днів тому +23

    Ive always known that I’m in The Generation Jesus spoke of!!! We’re sooo BLESSED. Please pray for dear son Caleb!!! He needs to REPENT!!! He’s 21 and I did my best. He’s not living in a way that pleases Him. I love him so much

    • @Christmas-dg5xc
      @Christmas-dg5xc 23 дні тому

      "Ive always known that I’m in The Generation Jesus spoke of" What would you have said to those in earlier generations who were saying the same thing? None of them said we'd still be here in 2024.

  • @mitchellpersenaire1675
    @mitchellpersenaire1675 29 днів тому +16

    The delay in the rapture and judgement is proof of Gods mercy. He is withholding judgement to give EXTRA time to everyone! He is giving the maximum amount of time. Let’s use it wisely!

  • @777Witness
    @777Witness Місяць тому +18

    Dear brothers and sisters.
    Please pray for me. For about 15 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. I am in my mid 30 and would love to still have streingth to serve my Savior and Lord.
    Jesus is my Healer. Thank you all 🙏🏻
    Please also pray that God grants me strength to go through this valley with humility and thankfulness.
    Please also pray that the fire of Holy Spirit would be with me.
    God bless you all, beloved🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @RUHDD4HVN
      @RUHDD4HVN Місяць тому

      You ae serving Him even right now in the comments section, good job!! Keep it up! ":^)

  • @blueangel15
    @blueangel15 Місяць тому +64

    Come Lord Jesus! Hallelujah 🎉 ❤

  • @robertjstrand
    @robertjstrand Місяць тому +172

    In January I was praying for rapture and I heard his audible voice say "It won't be long my son". Can't wait to get out of this demon pit!

    • @ShawnRKA
      @ShawnRKA Місяць тому +13

      Yeah seriously, get me off this demon rock

    • @iknownothing495
      @iknownothing495 Місяць тому +14

      i heard that beginning of 2023. I had a vision, and I said "Lord I wanna get out of here'. And suddenly I felt Jesus' presence to my right. i didn't look but I just felt His presence. And He said: "It won't be long now.".

    • @SandandGravelTruth
      @SandandGravelTruth Місяць тому

      Do you know how to test the spirits to make sure the voice you're hearing is of God??? It says in 1 John 4:1, 2 to NOT believe every spirit, BUT test the spirits whether they are of God.
      Ask the spirit, Did Jesus Christ walk in the flesh on EARTH? PER scripture every spirit that confesses YES is of GOD.
      ALSO ASK, "IS JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH LORD?? Again, if the spirit is of GOD you will get a YES.
      I did not know how to test the spirit or even know it was in the Bible! Once I knew and started asking I got SEVERAL NO's. I WAS NOT hearing God's voice - it was the voice of unclean spirits aka demons.
      I can't recall the scripture confirmation for the second question but it IS biblical.
      This lady is NOT A MESSENGER of GOD. ALWAYS TEST BOTH the messenger and the message.
      Shalom & God bless

    • @phillipmccain7601
      @phillipmccain7601 Місяць тому

      Rapture is unbiblical and it’s true satan has deceived the whole world

    • @phillipmccain7601
      @phillipmccain7601 Місяць тому +2

      @@SandandGravelTruthyou are 10,000 correct and what she’s saying is 10,000 % false

  • @juliab.8200
    @juliab.8200 Місяць тому +32

    Hallelujah, come Jesus, come. I've been waiting for you for so long. I am tired of it.

  • @pmoore1191
    @pmoore1191 Місяць тому +25

    I’ve been praying to father God about how I can’t take the horrible plans the enemy is making to harm us and the children. I have a big heart for children. Two weeks ago , I was crying and I heard God say to come out from the flock and be separate. Later I read in the Bible where God called a certain few to be separated unto Him for His service. I keep telling my family the rapture is coming. I can’t watch anymore suffering . I hate the open mocking of God especially in government. I know God is calling others just like me to come out and be separate from this world. We don’t have any time left .

    • @user-ph7ud2gf1d
      @user-ph7ud2gf1d 23 дні тому

      How do you plan to "separate" ? Getting out of that "Babylon" is also something coming to my mind these days... for now we just live day by day but I think when we will really have to take a big decision and separate it would be when they make us to take the ma rk of the b east... Curious of your thoughts.
      God bless you and gives us strenght and peace for the times coming. 🙏🏻 ❤ 🙌

    • @pmoore1191
      @pmoore1191 23 дні тому

      @@user-ph7ud2gf1d For months now I’ve wanted to just get in a prayer closet and close the door. My walk with Jesus is getting deeper and more personal. I heard the Lord say that I’m in the bridal chamber. It’s a place for me and Him to learn more about each other. I’m talking more to Him and searching the scripture for more about Him, not just about what he’s done. Read Psalm 45, a lot is said about Jesus personally. I had a dream with Him and he has a very jubilant personality. I found in Psalm 45 that Father God anointed Jesus with exuberant joy above all his companions (amplified version). Song of Solomon is giving us an insight to Jesus . So this is how my walk has changed and how I am called to be separate into Him. If He’s tugging at your heart, please answer Him. Shut out the noice of the world. I still pray for everything but I’m not distracted by it. My time with Jesus alone has changed my focus to be about me and Him.

  • @InessaViktoria
    @InessaViktoria Місяць тому +164

    Thank you sister. I feel such an urgency, every day I feel it more and more. Heaven feels so close, like never before. I can hardly think of anything else. My heart breaks for those around me. But I can’t take being here much longer! It is so hard! Come Lord Jesus!

  • @octoberjubilee9866
    @octoberjubilee9866 27 днів тому +26

    Yes! My husband and I have been receiving dreams and visions over the last several years of the rapture and beyond. He is coming for His Bride, very, very soon! Amen!

  • @markchristensen3353
    @markchristensen3353 Місяць тому +154

    I heard yesterday a voice saying the time has come. I believe He is coming soon.

  • @Ian-ij4of
    @Ian-ij4of 28 днів тому +30

    I wish I could hear God's voice, I wish I could have a prophetic dream too. I don't seem to dream much anymore, I'm awake most of the night for some reason...God bless everyone ❤

    • @maryfolks9368
      @maryfolks9368 27 днів тому +4

      Wow, I pray for tbe exact same blessings. I would love to hear God like other believers do. I'd also love to have dreams from the Lord Jesus too, but I don't. Either way we know Lord Jesus is coming to meet us in the clouds very soon. Maranatha and God bless you always 🤗🤗🤗

    • @Ian-ij4of
      @Ian-ij4of 27 днів тому +1

      @maryfolks9368 Thank you beautiful , I'll be honest, I had to look up the meaning of maranatha, stay pretty and blessed..x

    • @maryfolks9368
      @maryfolks9368 26 днів тому

      @@Ian-ij4of don't worry I did too. The Watchman River channel is a great channel to be a part of. The community of our brothers and sisters are 2nd to none. If you need prayer or prayers said for someone else, they are quick to pray and let you know they are praying for you. That's also where I first heard the word Maranatha. But if you don't believe in pre-trib it's ok, I didn't for most of my life. After studying some of the verses about pre-trib I'm still not sure. The Holy Spirit hasn't led me to an answer yet. Either way I can atleast get caught up on what's going on around the world because Tom who owns the channel will give a 15 minute update and the wars and such. If you have a minute check it out and if you like that channel let everyone know you're new. Ask them to pray for you to hear the voice of God, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I should tell you that even though I don't hear Jesus usually a few days later I can sometimes look back and see where He was leading me or maybe confirming something to me. He could be testing you and me ya know? To see if we will stand strong in our faith in Jesus even though we don't see Him. Or He could be building our faith. Apologies for the long reply

    • @julietteclaasen6040
      @julietteclaasen6040 25 днів тому +6

      If you are awake and can't sleep, please pray for the sick, unsaved. Maybe that is what God wants us to do ❤ Blessings

    • @Ian-ij4of
      @Ian-ij4of 25 днів тому +2

      @julietteclaasen6040 I will certainly do that, that's a good idea..

  • @karengrounds1564
    @karengrounds1564 Місяць тому +52

    God is about to tell his Son, “go get my children”!! 🙏

    • @yeshuaifollow5045
      @yeshuaifollow5045 25 днів тому

      Tears filled my eyes upon reading this ... LOOKING UP !

    • @angelabardo8820
      @angelabardo8820 24 дні тому +1

      Amen well gglloorryy live ready my extended family 👪 angel 😇 from brick NJ

    • @Carlamar11
      @Carlamar11 23 дні тому


  • @amazinggrace2608
    @amazinggrace2608 Місяць тому +43

    Thank you Dear Sister for this word..We are so Close to going Home! That Trumpet Is About To Sound! 🙌✝️🕊💖🙏🎺✈️🎺

    • @bukowski20
      @bukowski20 29 днів тому

      It might be a saxophone

  • @jillmiller1705
    @jillmiller1705 Місяць тому +41

    1 John 2:18 ⚠️
    Children we are in the last hour, many antichrist have come and gone, this is how we know it’s the last hour 🔥

    • @JudithRev1714
      @JudithRev1714 Місяць тому +1

      The „last hour“ already lasts 2000 years 😉
      Hebr. 1,2

    • @christinemiller1946
      @christinemiller1946 29 днів тому

      We will see soon enough, right? One will be free, the other eternally lost.

    • @JudithRev1714
      @JudithRev1714 28 днів тому

      @@christinemiller1946 what do you mean with this quote?

  • @dianestevens3150
    @dianestevens3150 Місяць тому +62


  • @LovesJesus09876
    @LovesJesus09876 Місяць тому +17

    All the popular self proclaimed "prophets" are proclaiming wealth...peace amd prosperity as they advertise their best sellers.
    Then you have humble people like this woman proclaiming our Saviors return. Praise The Lord.
    We must be wise...many false prophets out there..we have to know the heart of our Father.
    This sounds like the Heart of The Almighty...what she is saying.
    Im ready Lord.

    • @christinemiller1946
      @christinemiller1946 29 днів тому +1

      The Lord has already called out the false prosperity pastors, as well as others.
      God is not pleased with these false doctrines and lies from the pulpit.
      The Lord is calling for you to come out her my people!
      Separate yourself from the things of this world.
      Come away from the doctrines of demons and the ties to this fallen earth.

  • @jeremiahkirby6552
    @jeremiahkirby6552 Місяць тому +17

    Father gave me a waking vision of in the clouds, HE let me see how FEW have a relationship with Jesus. In the clouds it looked big enough for hundreds maybe thousands and that includes the dead in Christ. Call out to Jesus before it's too late. Don't let pride lead you to the lake of fire.

    • @jakeschwartz2514
      @jakeschwartz2514 Місяць тому

      No condemnation in Christ you egotistical fleshly ignorant of the free gift person

  • @JanetChildOfGod
    @JanetChildOfGod Місяць тому +168

    Jesus told me 2 days ago in the morning he said....YOUU HAVE V .E .R .Y . LITTLE TIME LEFT....❤.......I believe we are all getting the same messages

    • @RUHDD4HVN
      @RUHDD4HVN Місяць тому +14

      On June 15th, 2024 I got the word "10 weeks" which is August 24th, 2024 two weeks from today. Others have confirmed the date too. It will be undeniable that Gods hand moved mightily. With all the world events in play right now it does make sense. Blessings in Jesus Christ/Yeshua.

    • @kaydlc11
      @kaydlc11 Місяць тому +3

      Yes, we're all getting the same message

    • @Pol3189
      @Pol3189 Місяць тому +1

      Hello sister, how Jesus speaks to you?

    • @legomego6943
      @legomego6943 Місяць тому +10

      @@RUHDD4HVN what your saying goes against scripture. “No man knows the hour nor day.”

    • @legomego6943
      @legomego6943 Місяць тому +6

      @@RUHDD4HVN do not be deceived. Read the scriptures and step away from echo chambers of others that are throwing around dates. What if you’re wrong about the date? Then what? A new date?

  • @Jacquigoodflower
    @Jacquigoodflower Місяць тому +13

    Lord Jesus, I pray for my son Jaden…Please help me pray for my son, he’s heart now is so cold to our Lord 🙏🙏🙏 please Lord Jesus have mercy for all our beloved family members, open their eyes to your TRUTH and SALVATION 🙌🕊️ Holy Spirit my Lord come and unveil their hearts and eyes, Jesus is Lord! Maranatha 🤍🤍🤍🙌🙌🙌🕊️

  • @debradavid6150
    @debradavid6150 27 днів тому +14

    Lord saved me years ago in a hospital room...iv been waiting so my family Lord you promised in your looking forward to your promises...we need you Lord...this evil world is too much for my heart Lord

  • @stevek4449
    @stevek4449 Місяць тому +18

    I remember joking with a friend how “messed up” it would be to be the last person to die a second before the Rapture. Like, oh wow, an empty field and a second after getting there the trumpet sounds and instantly I would be surrounded by those Raptured. Then going to Gabriel and be like, “Seriously?? I was dying down there!! Couldn’t you have blown that trumpet a second earlier so I didn’t have to die?”😂😂
    Some time later I felt a response like walking over a hill and seeing it full of people. The response was like, “Had I called my bride home a second earlier, these people would not have been saved as they were one second away from finalizing their decision….should I send them back?”
    That’s why I believe God will wait till that last and final second. Somewhere outside the blast zone, someone will be getting saved at that moment….the last one(s).

    • @JS-fu2oh
      @JS-fu2oh 22 дні тому +1

      Yes, that was a perfect example of how I hold my heart accountable even though I am so very ready for us to be called up! I remind myself that my impatience is certainly not worth more than someone’s soul-otherwise, I might spend too much time chanting please come get us🩵

    • @DianaLR27
      @DianaLR27 6 днів тому

      @@JS-fu2ohThank you for this. I must remember your words. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  • @jaketokarczyk4509
    @jaketokarczyk4509 29 днів тому +25

    I had a dream/vision a few weeks ago. It was like more of hearing the Spirit while I was sleeping. Nothing like I have felt before. The dream was like a boat that had waves crashing against it. Many people were screaming to let them in. It was too late for them. And the screams became quiet. After this, I heard heavenly voices and Angels singing. It was so beautiful.

  • @vee10403
    @vee10403 Місяць тому +10

    In early June I woke up these words in my spirit, “we are living on borrowed time”. I don’t think I’ve ever used that expression in my life and figured it meant exactly that. We are now “in those days” the Bible frequently talks about.

  • @Yeojeong5205
    @Yeojeong5205 Місяць тому +31

    Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! 💗🙏🙏🙏

  • @macho13us
    @macho13us Місяць тому +29

    Dont get ready, BE READY! We are leaving Now!

    • @KING-ZEAL
      @KING-ZEAL Місяць тому +4

      It is TIME!! He is about to split that sky! "You shall go up as the bombs come down." I heard in my spirit, over and over, for months. He comes in between the seconds of time. He snatches us in between the final seconds!

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Місяць тому +2

      You need to read all the end of the age scriptures. Daniel, Matthew, Thessalonians, Revelation etc.. . . . There are specific things that still have to occur. Yes we should live holy lives, preach the gospel, and always be ready. But many people here are showing they do not know scripture. There are some things left that must occur on earth before Yeshua comes for His Bride.

    • @kaydlc11
      @kaydlc11 Місяць тому +3

      Now as in now or now was in who knows when?

  • @Carol-fu2ov
    @Carol-fu2ov Місяць тому +14

    I had a vision this morning of a lion with fire ciming out of it's mouth. I knew it meant thst God is getting ready to release his wrath.

  • @RachelDaveiga
    @RachelDaveiga Місяць тому +68

    This matches what Brandon from the channel LAST DAYS! He put out a video a few days ago and Jesus was saying “Last call! Last call!!”. Giving a final call

    • @InessaViktoria
      @InessaViktoria Місяць тому

      Brandon is a false prophet. Please test him against the Bible and you will see this. The Bible tells us to have nothing to do with people like him. God said he allows false prophets to test us. They will be very convincing and say some truth. Please do the research and turn away from the destruction that will come swiftly upon him. Mark and avoid him, scripture commands. Praying for you

    • @markchristensen3353
      @markchristensen3353 Місяць тому +9

      I’ve seen that and his recent ones. I’ve seen vids too of revival around the globe. Gatherings worshipping Jesus.

    • @reasons2believeministries
      @reasons2believeministries Місяць тому +2

      The Father is letting so His children know, it is now. Be listening for yourself ❤

    • @user-hn1nh8gg6b
      @user-hn1nh8gg6b Місяць тому +8

      Brandon also said that the Lord showed him it was not time for the rapture yet if you listened to the second half of the open vision he had. There will be some very unpleasant shaking going on in the earth, but this is to bring unbelievers to Christ and awaken the Church. Shortly after this shaking, healings and miracles which are unprecedented will take place. Thousands upon thousands will come to know Jesus, then He will come for all those who have come to Him and know Him as Savior.

    • @glohawk
      @glohawk Місяць тому +3

      @@user-hn1nh8gg6byes , I don’t know who to believe, some prophets say we will be gone very soon and not have to go through the hard times , others like Brandon say we need to get ready for some hard times and store food and water. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @AbidingAuthor
    @AbidingAuthor 24 дні тому +6

    Sister, i am receiving the same message!
    I haven’t heard from the Lord in such a long time I thought maybe He forgot about me. And then, after thinking about it and praying about it, I believe it was because I was not obedient to him to continue warning everybody.
    I felt all of his messages were the same, so I did not post all of them. So now He has given me another message, and I will be obedient and post it.
    He started giving these messages to me over a year ago! How great is His love to give us fair warning and enough time to get our hearts and houses in order!
    ❤️ 8/16/24
    Hark! I am coming! I am at the door. Where are my children? Are you asleep? Or are you alert and ready? The sirens are blasting and soon the trumpets will as well! Take heed from the watchmen and lend your ear to their word of warning.
    The time has come to choose which side you are on. Mine or the evil one? If you do not choose, then I will choose for you. I am sifting not only the sheep from the goats, but I am also sifting my people! My people are weak and blind! Wake up! Wake up!
    Did I not say in my word that when Israel is surrounded to look up for your redemption draweth nigh?
    What do you see? This world continues to disintegrate before your eyes but everyone is living as if nothing is amiss. Wake up o’sleeper before it’s too late!
    My righteous ones call on me day and night and I answer them. I tell them great and marvelous things.
    They plead for my return, but my heart is torn because many of my children are lost!
    No longer my child! I can no longer hold back the enemy and what has been set into motion, for now is the time! My coming is imminent. Look up my children, your redemption is coming!
    All Glory to God!

  • @Burlesque999
    @Burlesque999 Місяць тому +20

    Thank you we all feel this urgency and yet we get mocking and scoffing when we warn friends and family. I still pray for more time to keep putting my tracts out

  • @user-jk9xh4ok8u
    @user-jk9xh4ok8u Місяць тому +24

    Praise the LORD GOD. Thankyou sister in CHRIST. Please pray for me to be a light for JESUS

  • @user-hl4vi4nr6l
    @user-hl4vi4nr6l Місяць тому +23

    恐ろしい恐ろしい 「巨大地震 南海トラフ」の直前だと言うのに…😓

    • @barbaradecker4358
      @barbaradecker4358 Місяць тому +3

      Ive been praying for all my brothers every day since the large earthquake there this past week 🙏 We live all of you there & are continuing to watch & pray for you & pray for the Lord's protection for you!❤❤❤

  • @Harmonyloveraymond
    @Harmonyloveraymond 27 днів тому +6

    My church has the same revelation. The Lord spoke and told us He is coming but first He is doing a mew thing. We will see healings and miracles and the supernatural in the church.

  • @karinhuman1703
    @karinhuman1703 Місяць тому +43

    Holy Spirit prepare me and my family get ready for the rapture in Jesus Name l

    • @melindascicluna5268
      @melindascicluna5268 Місяць тому

      Yes and Amen for ourselves family and all our unsaved loved ones
      In Jesus Christ mighty and powerful name 🙏

    • @b1burck
      @b1burck Місяць тому

      The rapture is at the end of the tribulation. We have at least 7 more years before Jesus returns for the harvest. 1 Corinthians 15:52

    • @ronaldbraithwaite6504
      @ronaldbraithwaite6504 29 днів тому +2

      ​@@b1burckthe rapture is before the Great Tribulation

  • @believer2361
    @believer2361 Місяць тому +44

    Amen 🙏 sister! Thank you for giving us this message from our Father! I know 💯 you are correct! The Lord has spoken to me several times. When I was around the age of 7, I needed help and He was there for me. He audibly told me “life is a test” and “you don’t need to worry about dying”. In high school, the Holy Spirit led me to forgive my stepdad for all the abuse and all my anger was gone! I was given a new heart full of love! He told me several times while walking to school, “watch for the Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast”. It wasn’t audible, but I could hear it in my head. He let me know it would happen when I was around the age of 53. I turned 54 in November 2023. I always thought we would have been gone by now, but I know it soon! I’m praying 🙏 for all the stragglers to get saved and I’m hopeful they might be some of our unsaved family members. Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve prayed to the Lord about the timing and I believe he said to seek his prophets. God bless!

  • @vincentloomis345
    @vincentloomis345 Місяць тому +9

    This is the best message on the internet. Praise God!

  • @VianeyRodriguez-qj8hf
    @VianeyRodriguez-qj8hf 29 днів тому +10

    I had a dream that we were waiting for our flight right after a giant flood and storm. There were five angels in the sky as the storm approached. The church ran to a specific place to wait for 2 hours.
    All glory to our Father in heaven !

  • @-gordon3817
    @-gordon3817 Місяць тому +17

    Hello Sis, I came across your channel for the first time as I was getting ready for bed. As I was reading the comments, someone mentioned Australia & right away it prompted me to call a dear friend whom I've not spoken to in over 2 yrs who lives in Australia (I live in the U.S). I reached her, & we ended up talking for some time. Thankfully, I got to encourage her about the importance of focusing on Christ, which she's doing as well. It's surreal how the same darkness that is happening in the U.S is going on there as well. We truly need to draw closer to Christ!!
    In Yeshua, the U.S

  • @pamlovesJESUS
    @pamlovesJESUS Місяць тому +21

    Sister, I am watching. I love your passion and THE HOLY SPIRIT is using you in a mighty way. I love the excitement that you bring. This has to be weighing heavy on you to give this warning. Oh, bless your heart sister. I also have such a passion for THE LORD and to warn family and friends. Thank you very much and I am praying for the people of the world.
    GOD bless you 🤗

  • @ruandahaasbroek1950
    @ruandahaasbroek1950 27 днів тому +5

    Sister as you were speaking I started to cry and shake as I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Time is really up! We have to be ready as never before

  • @ritacable6159
    @ritacable6159 Місяць тому +15

    I believe you , come Lord Jesus .
    From Australia 🦘

    • @AmadeuShinChan
      @AmadeuShinChan Місяць тому


    • @kaibaby998
      @kaibaby998 Місяць тому

      Hi I am fellow Ozzy, prayed to be lead to others. Several days ago I was given warning about war of de worlds ship from the LORD. Urgent that you follow the song "A world of our own", the Seekers which =Isaiah 26.20. Do NOT go out esp after seeing the lights in the skies and please bring all animals in! The inv sion any day now!!! Watch "the Shelter" (Spanish series) there is an episode where the little girl sings out loud and strong to ward off the demondz! Crazy! Just ignore where they tell you to flee to sacred places, we MUST follow Isaiah 26.20 and stay in our own sanctuary. Please also pray for animals of non believers that they not be sacrificed. The King is literally on the way, so hang on tight!! GOD speed!

    • @kaibaby998
      @kaibaby998 Місяць тому

      Hi I am fellow Ozzy, prayed to be lead to others. Several days ago I was given warning about war of de worlds ship from the LORD. Urgent that you follow the song "A world of our own", the Seekers which =Isaiah 26.20. Do NOT go out esp after seeing the lights in the skies and please bring all animals in! The inv sion any day now!!! Watch "the Shelter" (Spanish series) there is an episode where the little girl sings out loud and strong to ward off the demondz! Crazy! Just ignore where they tell you to flee to sacred places, we MUST follow Isaiah 26.20 and stay in our own sanctuary. Please also pray for animals of non believers that they not be sacrificed. The King is literally on the way, so hang on tight!! GOD speed!

    • @user-qb1qr1sh5t
      @user-qb1qr1sh5t 8 днів тому

      So fewbelievers in my town in West Australia.

  • @DL-ip4im
    @DL-ip4im Місяць тому +24

    “Behold I am coming soon, see I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut, I know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word, and have not denied my name, I am coming soon- my reward is with me”

  • @madelinebecka6673
    @madelinebecka6673 22 дні тому +3

    Thank you for your video. Many people have had near death experiences where they actually saw Jesus Christ with wounds in His hands, feet, and side. Some of these people had never even heard of Jesus Christ before. They all said it’s not important what church building you go into or what religion you profess to be, but that you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord, Savior, and Redeemer. And that you believe in His and your Heavenly Father or God and in the Holy Spirit. All unborn children and aborted babies were in Heaven.

  • @dianamorley8238
    @dianamorley8238 Місяць тому +8

    Thank you for your obedience ❤ I feel your heart and also feel like I'm pleading, begging, praying constantly on how to convince people to WAKE UP!!! 🙏🏼😭🙌🏼
    It'll be the ultimate bitter sweet moment, rejoicing in being present with the Godhead, but grieving the absence of sadly, so many still here 😭

  • @michellepryor2735
    @michellepryor2735 Місяць тому +11

    I just found this video and I agree with it. Lord remember me please forgive me save me don’t cast me out of your presence thank you Jesus for mercy amen

  • @LuckyBogCat
    @LuckyBogCat Місяць тому +10

    Sometimes I’m so scared that I’ll be one of those left behind when the Rapture happens. There’s so many things I should have done differently, should not have done etc. anyone else have this fear?

    • @blessedhope2093
      @blessedhope2093 27 днів тому +2

      Not at all Once you’re saved you are always saved Jesus Christ is the only perfect one, That is why he died on the cross for us for all the sins in the world past present and future, doesn’t give us a license to sin we try our very best to obey 😇

    • @CritterChurch
      @CritterChurch 26 днів тому +4

      You are humble in spirit and not arrogantly proclaiming that you are ‘certain to be found worthy’. Remember the parable from Luke 18 about the two men that went to the temple to pray - one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee thanked God that he was not like other men, fasting twice a week and tithing in his income.
      The other man, shamefaced and unable even to lift his eyes to heaven, beat upon his chest and said, “Lord, be merciful unto me, a sinner.”
      And the Scripture said this man went down to his house justified instead of the one that exalted himself. You, friend, are in the position of the second man. Do the absolute best that you can and Walk with the Lord. You can trust that He knows your heart.

      @GREEKKINGG 23 дні тому

      I feel that way. I see the signs and know it's close but feel why would he want me.

    • @artandrea5348
      @artandrea5348 23 дні тому +1

      Just love the Lord more than anything or anyone else! Put Him first and make Him your top priority. If you hear His voice, be obedient and make sure you don't have any unforgiveness in your heart. God looks at our hearts, not our works! Our works are based on where our hearts are! Evaluate your it close to Jesus? Are you clinging to Him? That is what matters as far as being a believer taken in the rapture! Love Him first and most, obey Him, live a life of repentance, do not be lukewarm!🙏

  • @nenaliemixvideo
    @nenaliemixvideo Місяць тому +7

    This year of february i had a dream,God is appearing with his golden glowing around him and he told me "Tell to the people that i will showing my self soon and on that moment they see me they follow me".I am not alone when he told this because i see other people also around me,after that i see 2 roads and people are fall in line on the left side i see a negative energy people are soo fast moving there and on the right side people are soo slow moving. This July again i dream it was soo bright around and you can feel the calmness and peace.The sky are soo nice blue and soo close to me where i am standing after that i see a man looks like about 40s and he told me that he already feel we are on the LAST DAYS and the RAPTURE is coming soon...He is very excited about it with smile in his face. Jesus is coming soon!!🙏🙏🙏

  • @noxsocial
    @noxsocial Місяць тому +20

    I had a rapture dream this morning where a mushroom cloud came over the southern u.s. & at the moment when the blast wave would have hit i was sucked up. Still felt like i was floating when i was waking up.

  • @VeluRamaseyam-wr3ht
    @VeluRamaseyam-wr3ht Місяць тому +18

    My Lord Jesus please save me from evil thoughts

  • @kaydlc11
    @kaydlc11 Місяць тому +63

    I believe it. Yahweh is furious, He's sending his Son YASHUAH any moment now to destroy who has rejected him, and to save who has received him.

    • @jillmiller1705
      @jillmiller1705 Місяць тому +3

      Isaiah 34;2
      God is angry at all nations, his wrath is upon all their military’s

    • @michaelmoroney7785
      @michaelmoroney7785 Місяць тому

      Much yet must happen
      War persecution One World order Anti Christ.... things are ramping up....

    • @normansmith3427
      @normansmith3427 Місяць тому

      ​@@leegmc1985kinda worried about these rapture believers, I used to be one and most of my family still believe in it, I think millions will disappear but that it will be Satan removing part of his measure, I think the rapture belief is his trick to try and convince everyone left that God has forsaken them, the great deception that will fool even the elect,perhaps.

    • @Parfait-zi4wd
      @Parfait-zi4wd Місяць тому

      Sorry but you're wrong. Were the ones who remained in Sodom and Gommohrra, those who were saved? No!!! And did God kill Lot and his family, who were taken out? No.
      🎯 Have you ever read these verses ?
      ."For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      Then WE which are ALIVE and remain SHALL be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds, to MEET the LORD in the AIR : and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
      Do you really still think, the ones that are caught up/raptured are Unbelievers and that The Church is the one to remain on earth to be killed ? Makes no sense 🎯
      And remember, the Lord didn't say anywhere, we must all suffer the same losses or suffering. Only the Lord knows which and how much of any test everyone of us will go through

    • @LeahMarissa726
      @LeahMarissa726 Місяць тому +10

      @@leegmc1985 are you suggesting that the price that JESUS CHRIST paid on the cross by shedding HIS innocent blood was not good enough to pay for ALL of our sins?? Are you implying that when HE said “it is finished” that it actually wasn’t finished and that we still have to go through part of the tribulation or all of the tribulations to somehow finish what needs to be done???
      If so, you have gotten it mighty wrong friend.
      When JESUS died on the cross and shed HIS innocent blood, HE PAID IT ALL.
      When JESUS said “it is finished”,
      HE really meant that IT IS FINISHED.
      We are not children of wrath.
      And yes, I have lost it all. I am DEAD to this world, but I’m alive with CHRIST.
      THE BRIDE, THE CHURCH, will not be here for the tribulation.
      We will be raptured before. It’s stated all throughout the Bible in multiple places and in multiple different ways.

  • @strongtowerministries9507
    @strongtowerministries9507 Місяць тому +6

    Thank you for sharing this message. Take heed all you who hear this and other warning messages. Submit and bow your knees to the Lord Jesus Christ. Confess your sin repent and believe.

  • @perpetuafernandes2929
    @perpetuafernandes2929 21 день тому +2

    All praise and glory to God for this last warning in Jesus mighty name. ❤😊

  • @onelovenation76
    @onelovenation76 Місяць тому +30

    The LORD told me last week that this is THE END & to tell everyone​

  • @viperx220racing3
    @viperx220racing3 Місяць тому +27

    Come Lord Jesus, this world is in such rebellion against our God. Please father help me be a light for you in these final moments 😌🙏

  • @lavidamia9
    @lavidamia9 Місяць тому +19

    I have prayed and told all my family to repent and to seek God. I have lost connection with everyone, they call me crazy, and I even lost my spouse to the worldly world, seeking women when he has a Bride. I still pray for him day, and I have told Jesus I am trying my best. 😢😢😢

    • @kathleenhutchings3854
      @kathleenhutchings3854 Місяць тому +4

      I am so sorry this has happened to you with your husband. I know how painful this is as I am going through something similar. Stay hopeful sister, our time is almost up in this place of despair. We are almost home and in full glory with our Lord Who will wipe every tear from our eyes and give us eternal peace. ❤

    • @LastMinuteMinistry
      @LastMinuteMinistry 27 днів тому


    • @Tammy-q3w
      @Tammy-q3w 26 днів тому

      If you are following him and not willing to give up everyone else, he said your not worthy to be his.... Your in good company. They have left you, but you haven't left the Lord. Your tests and reward are noted. Stand fast., almost home✝️🕊️🌅 He said this would happen... Will be so worth it, I'm separated too.

  • @benmcfarren6337
    @benmcfarren6337 Місяць тому +23

    Stand frim faith. Stand frim faith coming good news gospel

  • @g-manprayerwarrior4146
    @g-manprayerwarrior4146 29 днів тому +9

    Wow, the Holy Spirit is on you, I agree

  • @Mamarita3333
    @Mamarita3333 21 день тому +2

    Come soon Lord 🙌🏼 May we all be ready and may our lamps be filled with oil!

  • @JanetChildOfGod
    @JanetChildOfGod Місяць тому +87

    ❤. GET SAVED NOW !!..... ❤. SALVATION PRAYER...... Dear God I am a sinner and in need of a savior, I acknowledge your son Jesus Christ ,who shed his blood died on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day, I repent ,will you please forgive me of my sins, I forgive those who have sinned against me, and Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart, live your life in me ,and from This moment on I am yours, thank you for giving me forgiveness, thank you for giving me eternal life, in Jesus name Amen.. ❤

    • @user-bq4jr6pj1v
      @user-bq4jr6pj1v Місяць тому +2

      2 Corinthians 15: 1-4

    • @roenelkriek2279
      @roenelkriek2279 Місяць тому


    • @Elsa.qxhz7
      @Elsa.qxhz7 Місяць тому

      Yes. We don’t have a lot of time. The enemy has said they will be in control of our mind soon by 2030. Thats their goal.. the leaders of this world have planned it. The enemy knows he doesn’t have much time. If we have God theres no way they can take our souls.

    • @vickypepico7741
      @vickypepico7741 23 дні тому


    • @longingfortheharpazomoment7743
      @longingfortheharpazomoment7743 22 дні тому

      Romans 10:9.10. Why do you add to it???????

  • @sallybrown359
    @sallybrown359 Місяць тому +11

    We can't wait much longer either.

  • @jbhk7977
    @jbhk7977 Місяць тому +32

    I don't know if I'm worthy of your heaven my lord, my health stopped me from being the person that I would like to have been. 4 years ago I tried to warn my children, I tried to warn their mother, I tried to warn my brother . . . I tried to warn friends but no one listened. They all laughed at me, pointed fingers at me, dismissed me, telling me it's impossible to be around me. They called me a conspiracy theorist and they are still vast asleep to this day. But I love them, please take them to a better place when the time comes. x amen

    • @DL-ip4im
      @DL-ip4im Місяць тому +6

      None of us are worthy- only by grace can we enter and stand, ONLY by The Blood of Jesus- He trades out filth for His purity, our guilt for His innocence- by The Cross, we have been given the right to become God’s Very OWN Children- e we are called to repent of our sins everyday, read Gods Word - He is calling you 🙏🙏🙏

    • @jakeschwartz2514
      @jakeschwartz2514 Місяць тому

      @@DL-ip4imyou didnt earn salvation and only God will perfect your faith. Its all God’s labor and its a free gift by faith you legalist

  • @Growninfaith
    @Growninfaith 26 днів тому +3

    Amen thank you JESUS & thank you sister!!! 🙏🏽 “Romans 10:9
    New King James Version
    9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

  • @barbaradecker4358
    @barbaradecker4358 Місяць тому +6

    Thank you dear sister for putting this strong last minute warning from our Almight God on here!! Ive been watching diligently every minute since 2020/ covid! Ive had a powerful raoture dream all about those who have called themselves christians but will get left behind for their lukewarmness & those still serving sin!! God bless u sister Christine 🙏 ❤️

    • @Darryl-ci5pv
      @Darryl-ci5pv 27 днів тому +1

      Thank you for your encouraging word please pray for me that I will not be lukewarm and I will be passionate for Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel

    • @barbaradecker4358
      @barbaradecker4358 27 днів тому +1

      @Darryl-ci5pv praying for uou Daryll! Be excited about meeting uour Savior face to face, one on one!! He loves uou more than you'll ever know! Also we are to fear hell and everything that's there and the torment and the lysts that people lived for here on this earth and that's forced upon them ( their idols) by the demons in hell! This is a strong motivator to stay passionate about our Lord & our closeness with Him! Love you Daryll & wish Gods blessings over you always! Stay strong dear brother. We're almost home!

  • @severinabanks9335
    @severinabanks9335 Місяць тому +6

    I knew it. I received this last minute, last second close of this Age of Grace years ago. 2010 even if not before one day as I pondered on how it would play out and how bad it would become before He came for His own. Hallelujah!!!

  • @susanwhyld2193
    @susanwhyld2193 Місяць тому +10

    Last night had a dream of being on the beach with others ; I saw a huge wave coming we ran so fast off the beach , I made it with my husband 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🤴

    • @ligyasouza755
      @ligyasouza755 Місяць тому

      I had a vision of a huge tsunami invading the Americas from north to south

    • @lexhawkins7442
      @lexhawkins7442 29 днів тому

      @@ligyasouza755 So I am curious. Since Canada is in the way, how would a tsunami come in from the north?

    • @ligyasouza755
      @ligyasouza755 27 днів тому

      @@lexhawkins7442 the sea is on the righy.The Atlantic Ocean

    • @user-li6vc6gi3t
      @user-li6vc6gi3t 22 дні тому

      I have also had two of those dreams and I find something to hold on to and the huge wave is just crushing me!

    • @ligyasouza755
      @ligyasouza755 21 день тому

      @@lexhawkins7442 the water came from the Atlantic ocean pn the right

  • @FiredUpForTheGloryOfGod777
    @FiredUpForTheGloryOfGod777 Місяць тому +8

    Praise God! God bless you, dear beloved sister in Jesus Christ! I thank God for using you in such a special way for his Glory and to wake up all sleeping souls. I sincerely appreciate God's heart of compassion in Jesus Christ and for you being obedient with sharing such a powerful message! God bless you, sister Christine!
    I will be praying for you, your family and for all of the Body of Jesus Christ, extending the peace, love and blessings to you. Thank you!

  • @margiepatterson1134
    @margiepatterson1134 Місяць тому +9

    Thank you for sharing! Praying for mine to come from backslidden state now!! I feel an urgency from Holy Spirit in me, too. Let us pray without ceasing for lost

  • @rennielobo7101
    @rennielobo7101 Місяць тому +4

    Thank you sister for sharing. I believe and know the return of the Lord is imminent. I pray that my loved ones and me are counted worthy to escape and stand before Jesus Christ

  • @timothytan9359
    @timothytan9359 Місяць тому +17

    Amen. Even so come lord Jesus

  • @PeaceUnforsaken
    @PeaceUnforsaken Місяць тому +7

    Amen. Don't look back. Your not going that way. Look up our Redeemer draws near.

  • @yadayeshua
    @yadayeshua Місяць тому +9

    Praise GOD 👏 🙌 let's finish this i pray always to be counted worthy to escape all of this in Yahshuas mighty name Amen 👏 🙌 🙏

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому +5

    Obedience is very important to God. People know the Bible but don't bother to obey.

  • @dianestevens3150
    @dianestevens3150 24 дні тому +1

    I am prepared.I have surrendered every relationship and every detail of my life to the Lord..I have gone into the courts of heaven and laid every SIN I COULD REMEMBER BEFORE JESUS AND MY HEAVENLY FATHER

  • @SummerSkiesCountry
    @SummerSkiesCountry Місяць тому +11

    Amen! Please come Lord Jesus and fetch your bride.🙏❤

  • @miyamartin8585
    @miyamartin8585 6 днів тому

    I am a pagan, I am a Buddhist but my heart only believes in Jesus. The reason is because the Lord has saved me so many times. I admire all brothers and sisters who are the people of Jesus. Yesterday I had a very strong connection with the Lord so I prayed and asked the Lord if I can do anything for the Lord, please guide me. The signs led me to the Bible Psalms 47, and after watching the video I understood. I believe this is an urgent message and Jesus wants to awaken as many people as possible.

  • @christadasmathias709
    @christadasmathias709 Місяць тому +3

    Praise God! Indeed, the time is short, short in terms of fractions. It is time to wake -up, time to wait upon the groom.
    Any carelessness, delay, slumber nothing but missing the mark. Loosing eternally.
    Thank you for this caution dear sister.
    God bless you😇

  • @ronboloseno4677
    @ronboloseno4677 15 днів тому +2

    I believe...God Thank You...for Your message...

  • @reneandersen4940
    @reneandersen4940 Місяць тому +12

    O I don't want to be lift behind always thinking of it will the lord lift me up with all the others

  • @adrianch2527
    @adrianch2527 Місяць тому +15

    Let's Go.. Chaos has started..

  • @JamieGarcia-ir6mj
    @JamieGarcia-ir6mj Місяць тому +9

    Awesome come quicker lord can't wait to see you.

  • @thegoodfight426
    @thegoodfight426 28 днів тому +6

    Thank you for this passionate message!!! This blessed me greatly!!!❤❤❤

  • @susanwhyld2193
    @susanwhyld2193 Місяць тому +5

    Thank God we are hearing his Word clearly . PLEASE GET SAVED NOW !!!

  • @BriciaCosmica
    @BriciaCosmica 20 днів тому +2

    JESUS I love you 💐

  • @deliahniemandkadoshbride7440
    @deliahniemandkadoshbride7440 Місяць тому +3

    God's word is TRUE AND WILL BE FULFILLED IN TIME...AMEN...This word is YES and AMEN !! Time for excuses are over...we should listen and obey His true prophets...we should warn others without hesitation!!
    Thank you sister Krisztine, the Lord bless you !!❤

  • @claystone7729
    @claystone7729 24 дні тому +1

    ❤ the Lord is speaking through YOU a great deception is about to appear to blind those that have not repented and have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Thank you Lord for keeping your Grace and changing me. ❤❤❤ I want to go home.

  • @davidlynch5998
    @davidlynch5998 28 днів тому +9

    I understand my dear sister, know that I love you and I thank the Lord for you bringing these visions. I plead the precious shed blood of Jesus over you always

  • @user-zn4yb9hg6q
    @user-zn4yb9hg6q 9 днів тому +2

    I struggle with lust and lukewarm hypocrisy, please pray for me too thanks

  • @g-manprayerwarrior4146
    @g-manprayerwarrior4146 29 днів тому +4

    Pastor Patrick Winfrey a amazing you tube Pastor I’ve known for 12 yrs and he hears from God , huge. He said God told him the red line was crossed with humanity regarding the mockery of the Olympics. He’s coming soon. He said a lot of what u said Only God

    • @stacyfolston7243
      @stacyfolston7243 28 днів тому +1

      Yes! I've listened to him for over a decade now as well ✨ God bless!

  • @user-nq6bt8hy2l
    @user-nq6bt8hy2l 23 дні тому +1

    I sure am glad that thanks to Jesus, I have not been appointed unto wrath..! (I Thessalonians 5:9)

  • @miriambochenek9083
    @miriambochenek9083 Місяць тому +4

    Pray ...please for Damian, David Deci ...and my family to get KNOWING God. I don't want anybody of God spirit people to be left behind. I pray for all of you to change your paths and follow God. People wake up. Something is coming. For believers and living the life Gods commended there is a happy time...but no one likes to see their loved ones to be left behind. Pray one for another. May God save you May He protect you May He keep you stronger to RESIST sin. Sin NO MORE. Repent. It is not worth it to loose our soul. Ask for forgiveness . Quit the world...join Jesus. Amen

  • @patriciaowens3479
    @patriciaowens3479 26 днів тому +2

    In Scriptures our Lord Jesus told us What to Look for, and some people even wonder why we're still here !?) because when you Look at the world. . . how could He Not be at the Door????!😮🎉

  • @blessedmamags7796
    @blessedmamags7796 Місяць тому +5

    Hallelujah ❤🎉. The Lord has heard the cries and prayers and weeping.