I'm recording straight into an old ramsa board using the boards mic preamp, is there a benefit in using an external preamp then going into the boards line in rather than just plugging mic into board ?
Hi Mike. There is a lot of bullshit talked about mic amps in general and many great records were made using live boards. External mic amps have had a resurgence with the advent of digital recording and the slow demise of the large mixing console. Our board is a CADAC J series designed for live use and the mic amps are very clean, electronic balanced affairs. The sound and the way it behaves with the attached microphone (and the relationship between the two is important) is really determined by a couple of factors. Transformer balancing and discrete components. Transformers do colour the sound and IMHO discrete electronics (individual transistors/resistors) sound better than ICs. It’s subtle and by far the most important factors are the quality of the sound source and microphone choice and positioning - see parts #1 and #2 of this series.
Holy crap, that's a lot to remember in the recording process. Lots of information, say the least. Thank you for posting.
You bet!
I'm recording straight into an old ramsa board using the boards mic preamp, is there a benefit in using an external preamp then going into the boards line in rather than just plugging mic into board ?
Hi Mike. There is a lot of bullshit talked about mic amps in general and many great records were made using live boards. External mic amps have had a resurgence with the advent of digital recording and the slow demise of the large mixing console. Our board is a CADAC J series designed for live use and the mic amps are very clean, electronic balanced affairs. The sound and the way it behaves with the attached microphone (and the relationship between the two is important) is really determined by a couple of factors. Transformer balancing and discrete components. Transformers do colour the sound and IMHO discrete electronics (individual transistors/resistors) sound better than ICs. It’s subtle and by far the most important factors are the quality of the sound source and microphone choice and positioning - see parts #1 and #2 of this series.
@@Simon.Campbell thankyou
@@mikeindel No sweat. How old is your board? I am not very familiar with the brand. Does it have transformer-balanced inputs?
@Simon.Campbell it's a ramsa wr-t820...I'm pretty sure it has TF's but I could be wrong
Nice video,but why black and white 😅just curious 🤔