Controversial Nathan Chen's interview

  • Опубліковано 24 лип 2021
  • Спорт


  • @zatanna-
    @zatanna- 2 роки тому +120

    I didn't understand why people are mad. I must have missed something but he just said that figure skating is not only for feminen man/ homosexual man. He just said thats how people see skating.

    • @MM-co4lf
      @MM-co4lf 2 роки тому +33

      I agree. I think he was honest and people have really twisted his words around, like most cases in social media.

    • @imaextreme
      @imaextreme 2 роки тому +27

      He is just kinda messed up at his first answer but he cleared his intention on the following statements he said, I think he only saying that figure skating is for all, whatever your sexual orientation might be.

    • @MM-co4lf
      @MM-co4lf 2 роки тому +14

      @@imaextreme I agree. Also he did say that as a figure skater he did struggle up against the stereotype. I don't think he was talking bad against a particular group. Its just insane how so many UA-camrs are dysecting every word he said and politicizing every terms. It's as though there are some people out there just waiting for any opportunity to twist the words that someone says and then make that person into monster. Just nuts.

    • @oliviaxma
      @oliviaxma 2 роки тому +14

      i think ppl were mad bc he said that fs is not just a feminine thing its a genuine sport, and that made it sound like a sport that embraces femininity is not a true sport. I don't think he meant for it to come off like that, I do believe he had good intentions, he just phrased it wrong.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому +16

      @@oliviaxma...the thing is, he didn't say that because figure skating isn't feminine then it should be viewed as a real sport. People are spinning it that way, and not listening to what he actually said. What he said was that figure skating should be viewed as a real sport BECAUSE they(figure skaters) have worked their entire lives to hone their craft, just like athletes from any other sport. It's belittling when they're not taken seriously because they've worked hard all their lives just like any other athlete. People are making everything he said about the subject of femininity when that isn't the case. Femininity was only brought up at the beginning when he was talking about the stereotype that figure skating is for females/gay men. Nathan was actually talking about his personal experiences with several different stereotypes as a straight male figure skater. It's not just the false perception that figure skating is for females and gay men, but there are also stereotypes out there about how figure skating isn't a real sport or how it is all about posh ballet/classical music when that's not even the case at all. People claim he's suggesting bringing in other types of music to make figure skating seen as less feminine...but that's not true because what he actually said was that skating to music like pop/hip-hop generates interest BECAUSE it's not typical and traditional like classical music(even though there's nothing wrong with classical music). He didn't say anything about pop/hip-hop being more masculine or less feminine :/

  • @microsickful
    @microsickful 2 роки тому +98

    Not invalidating Nathan's personal struggle at all, but on a much broader scale, gay people deal with what Nathan goes through in ANY sport. So if there's just this ONE sport in which LGBT seems more "mainstream," then I really don't see anything wrong with it. You gotta make it at least a little bit fair, right? Lol
    Also, the "LGBT dominated" comment is indeed a little tone deaf. Just because a sport has around 5% of its athletes being gay instead of 0.5% doesn't make it LGBT dominated. I definitely don't believe Nathan is homophobic and the people calling him that are WAY over their heads, but the people who don't see anything wrong with what he said at all are definitely biased as well.

    • @sikavik
      @sikavik 2 роки тому +26

      Agreed. Nathan was talking like it’s shameful or embarrassing to be perceived as gay or for some men to skate in a feminine style, and so he wants to break that stereotype by propagating a masculinely athletic image for skating. Rather than trying to change whatever stereotype some people might have, it should be perfectly fine for some men to skate in a feminine style and other men (like Nathan) to skate in a masculine style. There’s no problem with either-in fact, both are beautiful.

    • @sikavik
      @sikavik 2 роки тому +7

      I just watched Nathan’s apology video on Twitter, and I appreciate it and consider it to be sincere. He’s a good guy.

    • @lmfao69420
      @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +9

      Estimates place it at 25-50% of men in figure skating are gay, so I think "LGBT dominated" is a correct assessment at least for the men in figure skating. If you looked at all the male figure skaters you'd see a lot more than 5% of them are gay.

    • @lmfao69420
      @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +4

      @@sikavik That's what Nathan was saying though, that both styles should be accepted, but that he feels the culture of skating is more drawn towards more classical ballet style pieces:
      "Traditionally speaking we always skate to a lot of classic pieces, and *I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, I think that’s absolutely fine, I think [if] that’s something you’re passionate about, that you connect with, that’s totally cool,* but I think there can be pieces out there, some of my friends and skaters like... more pop or hip hop style songs and that generates a lot more interest, like, ‘Oh, dude,’ you know, one of my friends skated to ‘Turn Down For What,’ ... and people lost their minds for that... and obviously that’s not... the most absurd song... but... within the skating world, that’s pretty kind of like out there... and I think just having a little bit more... hip hop or more like a dance feel that doesn’t necessarily gear towards... posh sort of ballet-style movement can... shift that approach to skating.

    • @fullbarneystinsoness
      @fullbarneystinsoness 2 роки тому +2

      Been in a lot of rinks in a lot of countries... I'd say 50%+ if you are talking about males over 16. Obvi we are not including the kids

  • @sikavik
    @sikavik 2 роки тому +85

    Nathan Chen’s sincere & much-appreciated apology on Twitter 💙💚:
    “I recently did an interview where I was asked if people ever ask me why I don’t play hockey because of the connotation that skating is quote-unquote feminine and hockey is quote-unquote masculine.
    I gave an ignorant response to the question and I want to apologize for that. In that moment I had the opportunity to shut down the perception that there is such a thing as a masculine or feminine sport and to shed light that these perceptions have created an environment that make it unsafe, stigmatizing and even career-ending for athletes to come out.
    Skating is an art form as much as it is a sport. And the beauty in that is that there is room for individual expression and that’s something that should be celebrated. But instead of saying something meaningful I blurted out statements that aren’t even true, used language that’s harmful to the LGBTQIA+ community and to women and minorities and centered the response around myself.
    This was my chance to build toward more inclusivity in the sport and I messed it up. At the end of the day I love skating and all the people in it and I’m committed to growing myself so that I can be a more deserving member of the figure skating community. To those who reached out and spoken up, thank you for your honesty and accountability. I’m inspired by your drive to make the world a better place.”

    • @artistyoongimin8155
      @artistyoongimin8155 2 роки тому +3

      “much appreciated” appreciated by who? heterosexuals?

    • @sikavik
      @sikavik 2 роки тому +1

      @@artistyoongimin8155 Oh no. I am definitely not a heterosexual lol 😂

    • @user-gg9uu9kx9w
      @user-gg9uu9kx9w 2 роки тому

      at the end of the day ( uh(looks at computer monitor) i uh … love skating” so sincere king

  • @virgoinfilm
    @virgoinfilm 2 роки тому +88

    There was literally nothing wrong with this answer don't twist his words lol y'all need to touch some grass, stop the fanwars, and just be thankful we're living in a time where both Nathan Chen and Yuzuru Hanyu are pushing the boundaries of the sport

    • @virgoinfilm
      @virgoinfilm 2 роки тому +23

      ps I mentioned Yuzuru here because it's mostly lunatic fanyus attacking Nathan for this (as a fanyu myself we do not claim them

    • @littlelala4623
      @littlelala4623 2 роки тому +12

      Yall reduce to fanwars? What he said was wrong. His words don't need to be twisted. His words were offensive. He apologized and it's up to the individuals in the community he affected to accept or not accept. I personally accept his apology but that doesn't mean his initial words weren't offensive. Let him do and be better

    • @virgoinfilm
      @virgoinfilm 2 роки тому +5

      ​@@littlelala4623 That's fair. How you interpret his words is completely up to you. As someone who's also a member of the community, I still stand by my opinion that there was nothing wrong with what he said and was even quite insightful actually on the gender norms being imposed on sports. But clearly, not everyone felt the same and that's perfectly fine. At the end of the day he apologized and that's that. Looking forward to what he'll give us in the coming days

  • @cmadoyle1111
    @cmadoyle1111 2 роки тому +69

    why is this considered controversial? He answered the question just fine. Leave him the hell alone. He has nothing to apologize for.

  • @tor13128
    @tor13128 2 роки тому +101

    uhh... what was controversial about this? clickbait? he just said ppl generally have a certain view of the sport, which generally speaking, is not false. he didn't actually say anything racist himself.

    • @ppnexus2000
      @ppnexus2000 2 роки тому +3

      Calling it a LGBTQ dominated sport.

    • @samlee6938
      @samlee6938 2 роки тому +14

      @@ppnexus2000 He's obviously speaking about the men's side; the context is about the men side. He meant to say gay men but when he spoke so fast, he misspoke. Do you have a statistics to prove him wrong? I am under the impression that flight attendants or nurses are gay men dominated too. Even if I may be wrong, there's nothing wrong with me speaking what my perception is. Are you implying it's a bad thing to have figure skating dominated by gay men?

    • @ppnexus2000
      @ppnexus2000 2 роки тому +1

      @@samlee6938 I wasn't criticizing Nathan. Just answered a question.

    • @lmfao69420
      @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +9

      @@ppnexus2000 The only source I could find estimate the male figure skaters who are LGBTQ at 25-50%. Considering the LGBTQ population is at most 5%, I'd say he was right to call it "LGBTQ-dominated".
      (Gay person here. Not that it should matter, but for whatever reason some people think you have to be of a particular identity to speak on an issue related to that identity.)

    • @ppnexus2000
      @ppnexus2000 2 роки тому +1

      @O B Yeah. I agree that it really shouldn't be so controversial as he isn't exactly wrong. People on Twitter and reddit are still critiquing him for this and I don't understand.

  • @pewpewpew1834
    @pewpewpew1834 2 роки тому +31

    Huh wait why was this controversial? He’s literally just saying he wants to break the stigma that’s associated with mens figureskating.
    Some people need to go back to school and take reading comprehension again.

    • @area17alien
      @area17alien 2 роки тому +2

      aaand the stigma being ???

    • @ghostaetip3494
      @ghostaetip3494 2 роки тому +6

      Aaand the stigma being fs is being seen as a "feminine" sport so he and his friends wants to "fix" this by making it more "Masculine". Yeah great perspective

    • @pewpewpew1834
      @pewpewpew1834 2 роки тому +2

      @@ghostaetip3494 well now you’re just putting words in his mouth, the stigma being that if you’re a figure skater, people will assume you’re gay or feminine, but he wants to show people that you can do figure skating and still be masculine.

    • @ghostaetip3494
      @ghostaetip3494 2 роки тому +2

      @@pewpewpew1834 I was explaining to you why his comments were controversial. Because this is what he came off as. Because there is nothing wrong with fs being feminine, it is delicate and beautiful. And if someone says fs is gay its their prejeduced problem that needs fixing. Its not that fs needs someone to better the stigma by beingmore masculine. Fs will always have feminine qualities, its not something to change but embrace, because its what makes it beautiful

    • @area17alien
      @area17alien 2 роки тому

      @@pewpewpew1834 people assuming you're gay is an insult or what ?? and what if it looks feminine? wats he gonna do abt it ? you can't be b-boying on the ice. i can't understand y'all homophobic asses.

  • @cecilewhite1897
    @cecilewhite1897 2 роки тому +62

    There is no way I would ever believe that Nathan is homophobic.

  • @revagreen2303
    @revagreen2303 2 роки тому +12

    Doesnt make a lot of sense coming from someone who grew up as a ballet dancer to now criticize those roots and classical music.

    • @Boymanjusri
      @Boymanjusri 2 роки тому +8

      People can be very snobbish particularly these two gay figure skating commentator Dave and Jonathan at Skating lesson who always trash Nathan for not performing traditional ballet style programs... But Natan only wants to be himself, gay or straight or whatever, he wants to bring music and programs that resonate with his life. That is what Nathan is referring to in this interview in my opionion.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому +9

      How did he criticize classical music? He says that it is traditional and that it's perfectly cool and fine if it's what you're passionate about. He's just saying that bringing in other styles too would help increase interest and maybe help change the public's poor perception of the sport. Not everyone enjoys the same kind of music, you know. Nathan was just talking about being more inclusive of others and broadening music choices. The only ones I see taking issues with this are the figure skating purists who encourage the stereotypes by acting like skating _must_ be a certain way and that it is indeed only for a certain group of snobs.

  • @ObamaMpreg
    @ObamaMpreg 2 роки тому +5

    As a queer person I accept his apology, but I can’t force anyone to do the same

  • @notxiao332
    @notxiao332 2 роки тому +26

    Thank you Nathan for clarifying that you are straight multiple times.

    • @leo-vr4yr
      @leo-vr4yr 2 роки тому +11

      he wasn’t “clarifying” he was just stating it as it is, like if they were having a conversation about race and he was stating “… as an asian american” etc

    • @bingboyify
      @bingboyify 2 роки тому +3

      yea his answer wasn't too bad, but i get a little bit of " i'm a straight guy, ice skating is perceived as a gay sport and its a bad thing" feel, it sounds a bit condescending. idk...

    • @dz1926
      @dz1926 2 роки тому

      @@bingboyify Completely agree. Both dumb and insecure as if he is carrying a huge chip on his shoulder.

  • @cityonamountain3169
    @cityonamountain3169 2 роки тому +13

    its all about culture-- in Russia ballet is considered one of the most masculaine endeavos a man can take up.

    • @yavannakementari4632
      @yavannakementari4632 2 роки тому

      Which is literally opposite in America. I think it’s brave for a man to be a dancer, because people would be like “it’s a girly thing, you should play football” or whatever when dancing, ballet especially, is MUCH harder

    • @mudae2215
      @mudae2215 2 роки тому +2

      It is simply not very intelligent to link masculinity with sexuality or types of music ppl uses. It further proves that he is biased.

  • @fishythefish7984
    @fishythefish7984 2 роки тому +48

    FYI: He spoke about it now! He apologized and addressed the issue. :D for anyone wondering about an update!

    • @fishythefish7984
      @fishythefish7984 2 роки тому +8

      @@elisabeth2149 He had to apologize bc he said some stuff that was wrong and ppl were making it a big deal. 😐 idk what ur trying to do, to invalidate it or whatever but it was a good genuine apology 🤨 & considering in his original statement he didn't say anything that bad or outright straight up homophpbic or smthing.

    • @owlishart2335
      @owlishart2335 2 роки тому +13

      what's the issue here exactly?

    • @ducklingandthetrees
      @ducklingandthetrees 2 роки тому +10

      @@fishythefish7984 yeah what’s the issue? He clearly hasn’t said anything homophobic and he’s clearly an ally, so what’s the deal?

  • @konstantine26
    @konstantine26 2 роки тому +47

    I don’t get why this is controversial. I thought he was totally respectful, and got his point across

    • @ricosuave7102
      @ricosuave7102 2 роки тому +3

      I agree. This is the problem with cancel culture. Everything is offensive because their argument for rights is BS.

    • @yan5260
      @yan5260 2 роки тому

      @@ricosuave7102 cancer?

    • @ricosuave7102
      @ricosuave7102 2 роки тому

      @@yan5260 I corrected my typo. I meant cancel culture

  • @Vladi0310
    @Vladi0310 2 роки тому +56

    I agree with him, he said everything most of us thinking, STOP ! How about what he already achieved and let’s concentrate on that!

  • @maria-fu7vm
    @maria-fu7vm 2 роки тому +6

    El Nathan dijo: 100% heterosexual, así nací

  • @sebastianenjcb193
    @sebastianenjcb193 2 роки тому +25

    I don’t believe Nathan Chen is homophobic. I just don’t think he cares enough to even be like that, but his wording was a bit ignorant and insensitive. If I was in that conversation, I would try to make him understand that there are gonna be people who feel uncomfortable with his answer and his point of view.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому +17

      ...what about his answer and point of view should make people uncomfortable? Him saying that he thinks figure skaters have worked too hard their entire lives and should be taken seriously like any other athlete and that it's belittling when they're not? Him saying that figure skating isn't inherently feminine as stereotyped even if there are women and plenty of gay people in figure skating? The fact that bringing different styles of music to figure skating would generate interest because it's not traditional and typical like classical music? I'm seriously lost on what it is that has gotten people so riled up.

    • @heniopajarito7897
      @heniopajarito7897 2 роки тому +5

      Huh? What a snowflake. He said nothing wrong. He made a disclaimer at the start of his statement that there is a connotation that it is “fairly homosexual dominated sport” and yes, that is true. There is that notion and Nathan tries to break that. 💁🏻‍♂️

    • @danielzhang1916
      @danielzhang1916 2 роки тому +1

      it shouldn't matter what his wording was, he was asked his opinion, I didn't hear anything negative

    • @littlelala4623
      @littlelala4623 2 роки тому +6

      @@heniopajarito7897 why would he need to break it? Whats wrong with a homosexual dominated sport? Care to tell?

    • @RM-uc4mf
      @RM-uc4mf 2 роки тому +3

      @@littlelala4623 figure skating is seen as effeminate in america. straight guys who actually enjoy doing it gets discriminated as well and harassed by ignorant people. Imagine your jockey highschool dudes or hockey players sneering at a guy who does figure skating, that is the context mostly in america. Because skaters wear costumes and dance on ice, they are seen as soft then gay and not as masculine as other body clashing sports, gets? And gay figure skaters really do get most of the attention in the sport nowadays. It would be frustrating for anyone, may they be straight or gay.

  • @Boymanjusri
    @Boymanjusri 2 роки тому +30

    I am a gay man and I found Absolutely Nothing Offensive from what he said.

    • @littlelala4623
      @littlelala4623 2 роки тому +9

      You are not a spokesperson for gay people. His words were offensive. He apologized which is fine and I accepted but don't baby a grown man for his terrible words.

    • @RM-uc4mf
      @RM-uc4mf 2 роки тому +2

      @@littlelala4623 the experiences of a frustrated straight guy perceived to be gay just because he loved a sport seen as effeminate means nothing to gay people. Hypocrites!

    • @lmfao69420
      @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +8

      @@littlelala4623 You're not a spokesperson for gay people either, and don't have a right to tell other people what they need to find offensive. But as a gay man himself, I would be interested in knowing what you found offensive by his comments.

    • @littlelala4623
      @littlelala4623 2 роки тому +1

      @@lmfao69420 I never told the person what to find not offensive or offensive. But you guys are signaling off trying to defend his words: "im gay, i dont find it offensive". Like okay cool, good for you, but that does make his words less hurtful for ALOT of his fans. Like this T person might not find it offensive but many people did and we are huge fans of NC. I don't expect NC to be perfect and I accepted his apology. Calling his words not offensive in general is invalidating his sincere apology, bc you're basically saying his apologized for nothing. His apology is a step for him to unlearn some subconscious bias and I'm here to see him grow everyday

    • @lmfao69420
      @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +3

      @@littlelala4623 You said "it is offensive" as if that were a fact.
      I disclose that I'm gay to push back against a vocal minority who use social media to silence others for unjustified reasons. Staying silent allows cancel culture to thrive. So if I'm going to use my voice to speak up against what is right, I will.
      "Calling his words not offensive in general is invalidating his sincere apology, bc you're basically saying his apologized for nothing." That is exactly what I'm saying. In my view, he apologized for nothing. And probably more for his career than him actually thinking he did anything wrong.
      You still haven't explained how any of this is offensive. In my view, he was saying that many people think figure skating is a female-dominated sport and belittle men for playing it, and he thinks this is wrong and wants to be taken seriously. The comment that it is LGBT dominated is true among male figure skaters, who are estimated to be about 25-50% LGBT, whereas LGBT people are no more than 5% of the population. This adds to stereotypes that figure skating is "feminine" whereas other sports are "masculine," stereotypes that he acknowledges and disagrees with.
      I think you're far too sensitive and finding harm in a completely harmless statement.

  • @micaelaf4949
    @micaelaf4949 2 роки тому +18

    As a fan of hanyu I was watching beijing2020. nathan win and and people start complainig in twitter saying his homophobic. I clik this video expecting a horrible, close minded, arrogant guy saying horrible things.🤦🏻‍♀️ he is so well spoken. The 1984 is really here and its scaring me. I actually take so much care of my words recently. Say bye to our freedom.

  • @starlightonice1748
    @starlightonice1748 2 роки тому +36

    He spoke the truth and there is nothing wrong with what he said.

  • @sj3409
    @sj3409 2 роки тому +9


  • @chinkara2140
    @chinkara2140 2 роки тому +24

    What I have understood- people on twitter really have no job, are very judgemental and love to twist words... basically the lunatic fanyus are attacking nathan

  • @edmundgeswein
    @edmundgeswein 2 місяці тому

    Some people have totally taken what he said out of context and twisted it into something it isn't. There is no hatred or negative attitude towards homosexuals expressed here. I think calling it a homosexual dominated sport was a major exaggeration, but I think he was referencing the many gay men who excelled at the sport. And as far as it being hard to be a straight male in the sport, he was probably referring to backlash from ignorant people who aren't involved in the sport. No straight likes to be falsely accused of being gay. But that does not mean they hate homosexuals. He was put on the spot and didn't have much time to formulate a better response. But I totally see where he's coming from and it's not homophobic.

  • @Sebastian-wz1wh
    @Sebastian-wz1wh 2 роки тому +7

    Okay so where’s the controversy?

  • @dragonboy718
    @dragonboy718 2 роки тому +25

    1. he was LED into that question, 2. it was true

  • @nicolehourcade
    @nicolehourcade 2 роки тому +1

    I don’t understand this trial of intent, maybe as European, i am not in the same mood😇

  • @lmfao69420
    @lmfao69420 2 роки тому +21

    As a gay man, I don't see his original comments as offensive. All he was doing was speaking to the realities that figure skating is considered a "feminine" sport by many people and that they would prefer to watch hockey. He went on to explain that he felt that was "messed up" and said that male figure skaters shouldn't be belittled and should be respected for their craft. So what exactly about that is offensive?

  • @cm-ht6iq
    @cm-ht6iq 2 роки тому +14

    I'm sorry but this ignorant 0:22 since when a sport is "heterosexual" or "homosexual"? I know he already apologized but this reflects how he truly thinks

    • @lightening1296
      @lightening1296 2 роки тому

      He literally just stated the reality and was tring to break the stereotype. Why does it make him homophobic.

    • @user-gg9uu9kx9w
      @user-gg9uu9kx9w 2 роки тому +2

      @@lightening1296 what’s wrong with the stereotype? why should it be broken?

    • @lightening1296
      @lightening1296 2 роки тому +1

      @@user-gg9uu9kx9w Eh, because it's a STEREOTYPE?

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому

      @@user-gg9uu9kx9w...nothing wrong with being an LGBTQ+ or woman skater but the perception that figure skating is a sport ONLY for them is inaccurate? That's all he's getting at. Some of ya'll are getting upset at someone who's just trying to stand up to various, horrible public FS stereotypes 'cos hearing certain words are triggering to you.

  • @EastSide-qc5oy
    @EastSide-qc5oy 2 роки тому +6

    He didn’t have to apologize. But what I really don’t get about his comments is what does classical music versus pop or hip hop have to do with gay or straight? Plenty of straight people like classical musical. Pop is somehow “less gay”? Gay men don’t listen to pop or hip hop? That didn’t make sense to me.

    • @bingboyify
      @bingboyify 2 роки тому +1

      maybe this is his stereotypes of straight and gay?

    • @celsdd6906
      @celsdd6906 2 роки тому +7

      He's totally ignorant. How come he was admitted to Yale?

    • @bingboyify
      @bingboyify 2 роки тому +3

      @@celsdd6906 i mean lets say he is still just a kid. Hopefully he can lose this toxic masculinity way of thinking after taking some liberal art classes at Yale...

    • @dz1926
      @dz1926 2 роки тому

      @@celsdd6906 He is certainly not very bright. Name schools sometimes admit dumb students for non IQ related reasons.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому

      Uh, that's because he didn't say that! That's you guys asserting your own narrative in there. You guys are the ones putting labels on music genres. He was talking about the stereotype that figure skating is all about ballet and classical music. He mentioned diversifying music to help generate more interest because, duh, not everyone enjoys the same kind of music. Not once did he say that pop/hip hop music was straight music. Poor comprehension skills, people. Ya'll getting mad at something he never said.

  • @mudae2215
    @mudae2215 2 роки тому +14

    It is simply not very intelligent to link masculinity with sexuality or types of music ppl uses. It further proves that he is biased.

    • @dz1926
      @dz1926 2 роки тому +5

      Biased or not, he certainly doesn't come across as very bright. You simply don't make controversial remarks like that. He seems to have very little media or social savvy despite all those media trainings.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому's the public's stereotypes/false perceptions of the sport, not his own. He's talking about his experiences with what the American public thinks of figure skating....that it isn't a sport for straight males, that it's not a real sport(just a hobby), and that it's all about posh ballet/classical music. He said pop/hip hop would diversify music and help generate interest because it's not traditional to the world of figure skating. He never linked it with masculinity! That's just you guys asserting that based on the fact that he's a straight male and that he was initially talking about how the public doesn't view figure skating as a sport for straight men. He changed the subject from that to how figure skating athletes should be taken seriously because skating is an actual sport just like any other, and then also how skating is more than just ballet and classical music.

    • @divinemaria1600
      @divinemaria1600 5 місяців тому +1

      He was just making up excuses for not being able to do any artistic signature moves... nothing to do with masculinity or sexuality or types of music... other "straight male" skaters have already done rock, pop, and hip-hop, along with traditional, classical, ballet, warrior programs...

  • @markjc6
    @markjc6 2 роки тому +19

    How he responded to the question was offensive. It his tone and demeanor that was offensive to me. First- he reiterated that he is straight and the tone is like- do not associate with with homosexuals (he used this word) like it is disgusting. He himself is stereotyping and stigmatizing that figure skating by emphasizing that the sport is dominated by homosexuals. When he used the word homosexual he instantly knew that was offensive and so he self correct by saying lgbtq (interesting in his twitter apology he self-correct again by saying lgbtqia). This is his honest response given that he was teased as a child growing up doing figure skating- and he is defensive and deflecting- No I am not gay - I am "straight". A more compassionate answer would have been better and say they (the homosexuals) are my skating family and I love them dearly- Instead his tone was like he wants to distance himself from the gay skating community.

    • @celsdd6906
      @celsdd6906 2 роки тому +3

      Very well said. I had the same feeling as yours. His answer made me feel very uncomfortable. The guy seemed to be wanting to shout out loud: "Hey, I'm a figure skater but I'm not homosexual". Him going back again and again to "I'm straight", I want to bring hip-hop to FS because it perspires masculinity while classical music is for the feminine audience, YUCK. This guy is whether clumsy or a hidden homophobic person.

    • @debunked-
      @debunked- 5 місяців тому +2

      Just because he was stiff as log, not at all flexible, unable to do any classic, balletic, artistic, signature move... he decide to change the sport into ''masculine'' hip-hop jumping jack show, to cover up his weak component side... and looked down on more flexible artistic skaters as ''feminine'' gay male skaters, and making sure that he's straight male skater.

    • @debunked-
      @debunked- 5 місяців тому +2 if he could do layback ina bauer, layback biellmann spin, side lunge, spider lunge, hydroblade, Y stand spiral, sit twizzles, splits, squats... if he was gay. Basically he was giving du/mb excuses for not being artistic.

  • @mrmosk2011
    @mrmosk2011 2 роки тому

    Dave Chappelle

  • @doranme8914
    @doranme8914 2 роки тому +3

    i don’t think this was a homophobic comment however i do think it is controversial for a reason? he spoke about the views some men have of the sport and his response to that was to say that he’s essentially changing the sport when it is those men who should change their views. like to say ‘oh we have hip hop routines now not just classical music’ just seems like he’s trying to please these men and i don’t like that at all.

    • @user-gg9uu9kx9w
      @user-gg9uu9kx9w 2 роки тому

      pleasing men… not very straight of him

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому

      ...the things he talked about aren't just perspectives from men. They're general stereotypes/false perceptions from the public, both men and women. He also said nothing about hip-hop being straight music or not. That's you jumping to conclusion but he never said that. What he talked about was diversifying music to generate more interest and to counter the narrative that skating is only about ballet and classical music. He's being inclusive of other music types because he believes skating is up to an individual and can be whatever one wants it to be. He also talked about other stereotypes like how some do not consider skating to be a sport for straight males(straight males should go play hockey instead!) or that skating is just a hobby and not an actual sport to be taken seriously like other sports.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому you've just proven he isn't a homophobe and that you just have poor comprehension skills then.

  • @bryandiaz3986
    @bryandiaz3986 2 роки тому +69

    His response was tone-death and, for the most part, inaccurate. He's perpetuating the stereotype that men who figure skate are somehow gay or a part of the lgbtq+ community by saying it's a "fairly homosexual dominated sport," which is not true. There are only a few openly gay skaters; most are closeted due to fear of judgment and controversy. He then points out that bringing pop or hip-hop music into routines will encourage other straight men to be comfortable with the sport. Like I'm sorry I didn't know classical music was gay. Nathan really disappointed me because I thought he was different, I mean he hangs out and trains with Adam Rippon (iconic gay skater).

    • @everythingoes4956
      @everythingoes4956 2 роки тому +42

      Sorry but Nathan isn't perpetuating the stereotype at all. Instead, he's acknowledging it and talking about how he's actively trying to disprove it. The image that the public has of figure skating is frilly costumes while skating to classical music and is a a sport considered to be feminine in nature by most outsiders. Nathan likely attracted homophobic bullies as a result, especially as a young Asian American growing up in Utah. It's good on him that he's trying to grow the sport to be more contemporary with hip hop and pop influence, so that kids aren't afraid to join the sport and immediately be labeled as "gay".

    • @a.g6388
      @a.g6388 2 роки тому +22

      Nathan Never said classical music was gay, it's your own interpretation, as many fanyus have done by the way.
      And Nathan isn't the only skater who has spoken about it, Javier talked about it too, neither of the both are homophobics though !
      He wasn't talking about athletes only but figure skating environment in general, athletes, staff, choreographers, fans etc.

    • @bryandiaz3986
      @bryandiaz3986 2 роки тому +23

      @@a.g6388 His poor wording sure did imply it though. I'm not saying he's homophobic, he's just a bit ignorant and tone deaf.

    • @bryandiaz3986
      @bryandiaz3986 2 роки тому +13

      ​@@everythingoes4956 I get your point of view, but he's disapproving it by doing what exactly? I'm sure Nathan has good intentions, but it just falls on death ears because he's giving in to the idea of heteronormative views which doesn't help the queer community in skating. Idk I just wish he was more supportive of the LGBTQ+ community instead of giving a tone-deaf response.

    • @everythingoes4956
      @everythingoes4956 2 роки тому +15

      @@bryandiaz3986 I mean hey, maybe he's approaching skating heteronormatively because he's, you know, heterosexual? I know LGBTQ still has a long way to go in the sport, but I don't see why someone has to act like something they're simply not.

  • @bibiz6130
    @bibiz6130 2 роки тому +13

    There was nothing wrong with his answers. He was ASKED a tone deaf question and he just answered. The key words were wanting figure skating to be inclusive to LGBT AND everyone. he didn't gender music which ironically, a lot of fanyus did which is brainless. Music has no genders. So there shouldn't even be a debate, it's an unnecessary drama built by petty bitter fans of his rival 😉
    For the record, javi and other gay skaters have talked about the same thing in the past, why didn't it create a "drama" 🤔🤔🤔
    Lastly, it is a known fact in the US that figure skating is one of the sports which has /is viewed as the most lgbt environment.

  • @madeleyvel9647
    @madeleyvel9647 2 роки тому +29

    Nathan we support you, keep going, don't pay attention to the negative commentaries.(Sorry if my english isn't good enought)

  • @sj3409
    @sj3409 2 роки тому +10


  • @PKiradel
    @PKiradel 2 роки тому +16

    I remember when this interview came out. I do not agree with anything that Nathan said because he clearly wants to just put blanket statements on the sport that has brought him fame..... but why? because he is insecure that a sport is more feminine than masculine. Way to show that you are "straight male" . Historically Figure skating has always been led by straight men and not the "Homosexuals" as he states. but him and most of the people in these comments want to agree with that notion because of ignorance. I dare him or anyone to name me an LGBTQ+ male competitor that has won a gold medal. the moment you realize it, you will see how dumb his statements are. Remember that he only apologized because he got heat and his company made him do it. If he says this publicly, I can only imagine what he thinks privately.

    • @notxiao332
      @notxiao332 2 роки тому +2

      hmm let me name you a gold figure skaters who is part of LGBTQ hmm... hold on I can't lol.

    • @leo-vr4yr
      @leo-vr4yr 2 роки тому +7

      you’re reading way too much into this, you’re projecting your own thoughts onto what you think he thinks, but you have no idea what he really thinks. i watched the same video as you and i see a completely different perspective. nathan is not insecure at all, he’s just telling it as it is

    • @notxiao332
      @notxiao332 2 роки тому +2

      @@leo-vr4yr we are coming back to the same thing, we both don't know what he is thinking neither you , me or whoever wrote this comment. Personally I am sick of people labeling figure skating as a homosexual sport (not that anything is wrong with it) but the figure skating culture has been very homophobic historically. I wish he thought these interviews a lesson instead of agreeing with them. Thats all from my point of view.

    • @yankee04
      @yankee04 2 роки тому

      Rudy Galindo won at US Nationals.

    • @dz1926
      @dz1926 2 роки тому

      I really just find him very dumb....

  • @aliciapark6241
    @aliciapark6241 2 роки тому +10

    He obviously doesn’t like the fact that this sport is feminine so he doesn’t skate beautifully and without a soul without an artistic and simple clothes...

    • @dz1926
      @dz1926 2 роки тому +2

      Well said!

  • @babyssmoonlight4658
    @babyssmoonlight4658 2 роки тому +1

    I can’t believe people made him apologise for this. Do they seriously get offended by literally EVERYTHING???

  • @gcmacyman
    @gcmacyman 2 роки тому +4

    All he did was tell the truth. Nothing wrong with that. Same for skating being dominated by NON ASIAN competitors. That would be no different if they asked him a question about that and I bet people wouldn't have a problem with it because he would also be telling the truth. He said nothing wrong.

  • @FearFanatic86
    @FearFanatic86 2 роки тому +7

    I'm a gay man and this was NOT offensive...people really need to chill!

  • @lightening1296
    @lightening1296 2 роки тому +1

    Still don't see anything wrong w the answer or any sign of him being homophobic.

  • @dashoverton1963
    @dashoverton1963 2 роки тому +6

    What’s controversial about this??

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому

      People asserting their own interpretations of what they believe he said and getting upset over it, basically. For example, they claim he's saying pop/hip-hop is masculine when he never said such a thing. He said pop/hip-hop would help generate interest because it's not traditional to figure skating. He's talking about diversifying music to help generate more public interest because not everyone enjoys classical or ballet music but, you know, just pretend he said something else and get upset about it.

  • @wtfdddd
    @wtfdddd 2 роки тому +6

    He did not say anything wrong actually,he wasn't homophobic at all

  • @dashoverton1963
    @dashoverton1963 Рік тому

    Nathan didn’t need to apologize for telling the truth.

  • @sj3409
    @sj3409 2 роки тому +12

    he’s so messy

  • @pumpkinbonfire
    @pumpkinbonfire 2 роки тому +3

    everyone who are against nathan are picking up every single big word like "heterosexual," "lgbtq" and "homophobic" are so ignorant lmao. i swear y'all choose who and who doesn't get to be attacked and called homophobic. any straight person could be asked for their opinion on what they think about the lgbtq and y'all would find every way to call them homophobic. you can't just throw around a title with false information. and the fact that it's the straight people saying nathan is homophobic is so stupid lol. i've seen at least 5 gay men already say that they find nothing wrong with this video. did nathan ask to be put onto the spot? no. what if nathan isn't as educated towards the lgbtq community, but he knows boundaries and how to respect them? y'all do the most to bring up anything bad from the past. what if one of your favorite figure skaters were racist in the past, but apologized and learned from their mistakes? you still gonna support and defend them, or are you just gonna attack them and bring them down like how y'all treating nathan here?

  • @lozza821
    @lozza821 2 роки тому +1


  • @assi3410
    @assi3410 2 роки тому +18

    Stop defending him gringos 💀

    • @pumpkinbonfire
      @pumpkinbonfire 2 роки тому +1

      ok, everyone is entitled to their opinion

  • @censoredyoutube4902
    @censoredyoutube4902 2 роки тому +24

    Hey yo! Have nothing to be critical of Nathan Chen in order to bring him down? Lol...Now you're creating drama off the rink! Better get a real life! Crazy Fanyu!

    • @rhinyhanyu4525
      @rhinyhanyu4525 2 роки тому +14

      Fanyu??you better watch your mouth don't talk nonsense do you have proof that Fanyu fans did it

    • @tolkienesque184
      @tolkienesque184 2 роки тому +10

      Might be good if you didn’t make assumptions right away? did you check out their channel ? there’s not a single uploaded Hanyu video that I can find

    • @a.g6388
      @a.g6388 2 роки тому +6

      @@rhinyhanyu4525 of course, they slandered him on Twitter, proofs are all on Twitter to see... And they contacted journalists too, and his sponsors apparently 😕😕😕

    • @a.g6388
      @a.g6388 2 роки тому +7

      @@tolkienesque184 not talking about this channel particularly, it's a well known fact that fanyus created this drama

    • @tolkienesque184
      @tolkienesque184 2 роки тому +1

      @@a.g6388 I mean, I take your point that some of the craziest of Yuzuru’s fans are definitely furthering this but on the other hand some of the craziest of Nathan’s fans refuse to believe there was anything wrong with what he said. I don’t think it’s all just “ drama” I thought his answers were at best tone deaf and insensitive as much from a woman’s standpoint as an LGBTQ. However I recognize they caught him off guard and whether that makes it better or worse only time will tell . I do firmly believe that he should not be attacked over this.

  • @phyrruskarimarmalgold3660
    @phyrruskarimarmalgold3660 2 роки тому +17

    Nathan Chen is acting and speaking like Alexei Yagudin. So disappointing for a three time World Champion like him.

    • @tojismassivemantiddies1484
      @tojismassivemantiddies1484 2 роки тому +12

      but there’s still the believe that every man that does figure skates are gay and or “feminine” which of course 1.there’s nothing wrong with being “feminine” 2.Straight man can be part of the sport and be feminine or not.

    • @divinearia1601
      @divinearia1601 2 роки тому +21

      ...whatever, fanyu. I've seen you straight-up hating on Nathan long before any of this. I was going to call you out on it but decided you weren't worth my time. You're so pretentious. And how is Nathan acting and speaking like Yagudin? Pls be specific. You putting a spin on what he said and his intentions doesn't count as him being the same as Yagudin.

    • @activelivingchallenger4298
      @activelivingchallenger4298 2 роки тому +21

      Yagudin is straight homophobic. If u think this is any way similar ur either drunk or crazy.

    • @Vladi0310
      @Vladi0310 2 роки тому +6

      Enough with that, it’s when he comes on ice, how he delivers, think about that, because that’s what he judged on!!! STOP WITH PETTY BS!!!

    • @a.g6388
      @a.g6388 2 роки тому +10

      He's nowhere near yagudin. If you think so, you really have a pb with basic understanding 😔