I'm not against anyone believing in a god. What I'm against is the organization by people of those beliefs into any type of politically guided, mass monetized social control system.
The T-Rex in _my_ yard lives outside the known universe and is completely undetectable by any known means, but left a book that tells me that I should but also should not kill people.
Because either it does exist, and you know it does, or it doesn't, and you know it doesn't. It's pointless to prove you wrong, As your t-rex only seems to affect you.
Miranox spaghetti is an Italian food and the FSM bible was written by an american. therefore he is a hoax perpetrated by Americans in order to make fun of Italians. where is my $1,000,000 dollars :D
+Miranox Can you name one person who GENUINELY believes in the FSM? As opposed to many brilliant scientists and leaders who believe in the God of the Bible.
Pat Condell: "Prove God doesn’t exist...... That’s a tough one. Show me how it’s done by proving Zeus and Apollo don’t exist, and I’ll use your method."
I did I let Jesus then Allah and everyone into my life and I went psyco. Not I'm agnostic. As a Christian I thought Jesus died so Christians could sin as much as they want, murder is a sin. Muslim is oppression of education of women and overall women's rights they each have extremist kkk, Isis. But there moral is not the same as ours. We know education is a right and murder isn't good, we don't need a old book to tell us what to believe. We don't need Scientologys money scam. We are sane people. Please let common sense into your life and use that curiosity for once.
***** I agree, Seth, but I do see where Eric is coming from. Some Christians have abandoned reason for their religion. Former Christians like you, Matt, and myself, all reached a point where our use of reason ceased being compatible with our religious beliefs. I'd modify Eric's phrase to say that "You cannot reason someone out of faith if their faith is not actively allowing them to engage reason."
Oddly, the thing about this video that amazes me more than anything else is your ability to speak so clearly and purposefully for 11 and a half minutes seemingly without cuts or retakes and with only 2 barely noticeable pronunciation flubs. Did you memorize that entire speech???
stiimuli Or someone can just let him know that there has been a million dollar prize waiting for decades to teh first person who proves God DOES exist.
Seth Andrews is a brilliant speaker. He has a fantastic podcast and great videos. I would love to see him in person it would be awesome. Very patient to the outlandish responses and replies he gets from Christians as well.
Seth Andrews That was absolutely awesome! Standing Ovation from me!!! I hope you don't mind if I quote you. A lot. I've watched and admired your output for years, but this one I'd missed. I have degrees in English Lit and Philosophy, I know a well conceived, well constructed and cogent argument when I hear one and I know rhetoric properly used. This one checks all of the boxes. 2 thumbs up!
darksidelead Oh right, just because they're plush that means they're care bears? That's racist. Come into the 21st century and stop stereotyping the plushies.
I used to be a Christian and then one day woke up and realized how dumb it made me. People choose to believe in the bible because it helps them with their insecurities in life, it helps them feel powerful being God's child. I came to realize that the more questions I had and the more I prayed, no God was hearing me. My prayers never got answered and it only led to confusion.
Just watched this video for the first time. Extremely well thought out, rational and fact based. I was exquisitely impressed with your delivery, and content. I wish I was half as eloquent a speaker and was able to maintain such a thoughtful and concise dialogue. Wonderful video.
The most common answer I get when I ask Christians if they would kill their child upon God's request is, "Yes, but God wouldn't actually make me go through with it. He would stop me before I did, like Abraham". sigh
Cortland Wheeler Human sacrifice in the bible that everybody has heard of. Some guy named Jesus. You don't have to dig through the bible to find a reference, hell, a reminder is hanging front and center in every christian church ever. Ask a christian what Jesus did for them, and the auto-response is he died for them. It doesn't get more human sacrifice-ey than that.
Jails across the country contain parents who killed their children because God told them to. Apparently God forgot to intervene and save the child. Must have been busy helping Joel Osteen's wife with her parking space.
I was a Sunday school teacher when I was in college. This video was the first one that got me thinking and following the yellow brick road out of oz 4 years ago. You have my not so eternal gratefulness.
Wow, some people have no sense of humor. It was neither a troll nor a serious opinion. I understand the point; you can't prove there isn't a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow but that doesn't mean there is. Sound about right?
Well thought out video that my family would disown me for if I shared it. UGH. Being a former Christian is rough and I'm sure our struggles are similar. Keep doing what you do.
Secularist FreeThought I was never a theist, before I was an atheist I was nothing, like I would expect most atheists. I participated in social and cultural life and even if some of them was in a church, I was never a christian. I never believed in an all powerful whatever. If you use reason you will end up on the atheist side as looking at the bible for instinct, it's basically a collection of errors.
Rolf wiberg Not to be a pain in the ass, but everyone is born an atheist. If you've never heard of a god, you don't think that there is one, i. e. you're an atheist, albeit unknowingly. So there is no "nothing" phase. What you mean is that you weren't raised religious.
TheDoomAmbassador You're right. I would go one further and say you CAN be raised religious, still take part and belonging to that society and still not believe in it, hence being atheist for whatever reason staying in that sphere. Maybe due to denial or self preservation (fear of harm). But main problem is still parents and surroundings forcing a view on children.
This video never gets old. As a none believer I have crushed every debate with these simple methods and logic againts the thumpers. You Mr Andrews along with Stephen hawkings, and Morgan freeman are my prophets! 🙇♂️
Christian here. I appreciate your thoughts, your clarity, and your calm response. This is the type of response that will get us talking instead of bickering. Well done. And, as I'm sure you have heard before, I am praying to God that you may know Jesus Christ and once again believe his claims.
WOW !!! i never thought of that .. you're right . man, do i feel like a fool . i'm sure the wbc needs the funds since freddie has kicked the bucket , oops,hu,hum,cough,fart,puck,,,, i mean ''past away'' . god rest his soul .
Whats the chances of someone having a dream thats almost the same exact, big event which happens that morning? Thats a simple short answer question for you to answer.
I'll give 100,000 Monopoly dollars to the person who can prove there is not a china teapot in an elliptical orbit between Earth and Mars that is too small to be spotted by any human telescope.
"Flightless animals with wings" Aron Ra actually gives an explanation for why this is possible, and why the first animals with wings were in fact flightless. Wings were likely used by dinosaurs to cover their eggs and keep them warm, and thus they could support a much larger clutch than they could without wings. Wings have purposes beyond flight in many animals. Everything else you mentioned, however, are true vestiges and can only be explained through evolution.
It is obvious that the first animals with wings *must* have been flightless. Otherwise, the opposite must have been true: there were flying animals with no wings, that evolved wings afterwards. I wonder how exactly they flew :) Some animals gained the ability to fly once they developed wings, taking advantage of the fact that they did have wings (not the other way around). Maybe those wings were not evolutionarily discarded long before actually being suitable for flying because they provided some benefit, such as stabilization while running.
Dear religious individuals: Why do you place your beliefs in a pedestal? By that I mean, why are you skeptical about all sorts of things like politics and sports but not about religion? Think about it, if your faith is so strong why don't you dare corroborate the claims that have been spoon-fed to you since you were a child? For example, did Adam and Eve exist? We certainly can't corroborate that historically but we can hypothesize that a population of 2 individuals in ANY species has little to no chance of surviving, and zero chance of becoming this abundant in just a few thousand years. Then, you can follow-up with a logical statement such as: If Adam and Eve couldn't have existed, then there is no original sin, if there is no original sin, then there is no real reason for a sacrifice and finally, if there is no real reason for a sacrifice, then Christianity has been falsified. Now, people will tell you that they don't take Genesis literally, that they take it metaphorically. Most people that say this don't even have a clue as to what a metaphor is...so I guess I will tell you. First of all, a metaphor is a figure of speech, in other words a tool to convey meaning. There are metaphors in the bible but the objective will always be to give the meaning of one word to another like referring to god as a shepherd which begs the question, why would anyone get mad when they are called sheep? People want to feel as if they can lead themselves, but let's realize that this is a process. Each of us is born ignorant of the world around us, lets compare that to this fact: Christianity, at least in the US has a lot invested in education, private schools since the Separation of Church and State prohibits the advocacy of any given religion by state funded programs. You have such things as Sunday Schools and Baptism making sure that children start believing in god as soon as possible. Astounding, since that is the only way I can conceive one would believe such utter non-sense. On top of that, it is not enough that they believe a god exists, they have to fear as well. Because god is like Freddy Kruger, he needs our fear for his mere existence to be possible. In the past, fear was instilled by ignorance and violence, not much has changed except the downgrade of violence to a more socially oriented violence like bullying and ostracizing. Well, at least we are not being burned at the stake anymore. Any other system of ideas that would even dare to go to such measures to try and keep their people faithful would surely be ridiculed out of the county, but religion has always been placed in a pedestal, with a don't touch sing. The less you contemplate it, the less you think about it, the easier life will be for you. However, you are between that and living a lie. You choose. Eventually you will get out of the woods, but you will never get back the time lost pretending.
Jacob K fair enough, I just hope you realize that you can obtain that without having to believe the extraordinary claims Christianity requires you to believe. I'm pretty sure you've heard this before but there are millions of atheists out there that are living stable, meaningful, moral lives without a deity.
What "theory" means in ordinary speech: The term "theory" means a very different thing when used in everyday conversation and in science. In our day to day speech, we often use "theory" to mean a guess or unsubstantiated idea about how something works (as in "I have a theory that gremlins are hiding my car keys"). In science, we would call such a guess a hypothesis, not a theory. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observation. In this case, I am proposing that the explanation for why I can't find my car keys is that gremlins are hiding them.* The distinction between the words "Theory" and "Hypothesis" is very important because in science "Theory" does not mean "guess". I repeat, "Theory" does not mean "guess". So, what does the word "theory" mean in science? According to the National Academies of Sciences, "some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena". People who don't understand this distinction sometimes dismiss ideas saying "it's just a theory" (this is very commonly used to suggest that evolution is just speculation, for example). But, when scientists speak of the theory of gravity or the theory of evolution, they don't mean that these are random untested ideas that someone came up with after too many beers. The AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), the world's largest scientific society, has this explanation of what scientists mean when they use the word "theory": " A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."
+Eagle I'm pretty sure that at least most of them understand the word theory by now, both the scientific and common usage. Just as I'm sure they understand the word atheist. It's just more convenient at this point to stick to their script. After all its much easier to argue with a straw man than actual ideas. However, if someone genuinely does not understand I agree we should shed some light on this. Although, so far every time I've tried to explain it, I've noticed they prefer to use their preconceived notions.
Yes indeed - common parlance is wrong. Maybe worth giving this link: notjustatheory.com/ The creationtards will still lie, but now they know for sure they're lying.
I really hope someone who knows where he lives, confronts him in person and asks him for some stipulations for his challenge. Specifically, how he defines god. Possibly getting him to sign something saying he'd pay up the 100k if he was proven wrong. He might be too fearful of negative feedback if he refused to back his bet, that he might actually sign documentation. Given that the god of the bible actually contains contradictions, you can actually prove that he doesn't exist as described. Get a signed document, make the proof, and take him to court when he doesn't pay up.
this video help me with thoughts i've been trying to put words to. i was born and raised catholic, but have been steadily losing my faith. it just doesn't make sense to me anymore. the fact that so many religions exist makes me skeptical because they all have faith they are right, but when we all die a bunch of people are going to be pissed off that they were wrong. I'd rather live my life as full as I can, and if there is some being out there that wants me to do stuff for him I'd rather him tell me than leave it to supposed interpreters of old texts to tell me. cuz if he doesn't exist, then religion and faith were just a complete waste of my short life. i'd rather live it on my terms.
***** Actually, according to the bible, even if we live good lives, we aren't christian; therefore, we deserve the same fate that murderers, rapists, and thieves get. Well, at least murderers, rapists, and thieves that didn't do those things under the bible.
If I may say, I suggest looking into as many faiths and beliefs as you can, before determining your standing on it. If you're gonna be an atheist, then do this to understand them.
If I was an ignorant, fearful, intuitive shaman living in the middle east 2000 years ago, I would think, speak and act like Jesus. If I was an ignorant, fearful, intuitive scribe living in the middle ages 2000 years ago, I would think, speak and write a book about Jesus. There is nothing written in any canon that an imaginative man could not write on his own.
Wow. This comment section is literally filled with theists making a huge effort to shift the burden of proof away from their claim that a god exists. I think most of them know what they are doing but have decided that dishonest discourse is allowed when in defense of their invisible superfriend.
Daniel Calhoun Man as God ... beautiful ... that is something to fear ... Let's hope Computers will be running the world soon ... Computers don't have emotions ... at least not yet
Nerdy Nachos Cows and Josh Feuerstein.......yep, I can see the similarities there. lol You know I'm probably being a little unfair here. So I would like to take this opportunity to apologize........to the cows. I'm so very sorry cows for comparing you to the likes of Josh Feuerstein. I realize you cows are much more attractive and not nearly as annoying to hang out with as is the case with Josh F. It shan't happen again. :)
William Strumfels I'll grant you that it certainly doesn't help. However Josh Feuerstein is small potatoes compared to the likes of Donald Trump. Now there's someone who's proving by the millions how stupid some of my fellow Americans can be.
i love how you are good at verbalizing things i cannot!! i get too frustrated and give up. seeing this video gives me a little hope that the world isn't so insane after all. I'm not the only one who doesn't believe in a book written thousands of years ago. with no proof. so thanks again.
It's about the command itself, and Abraham's willingness to proceed, going so far as to require intervention before the knife struck home. What kind of sadistic god would even consider such a command?
***** i dont believe it was for the sake of pleasure, nor do i think he was testing his faith, i believe that it was becuase abraham never really believed he was worthy of gods plan for him, but when he saw how far he was willing to go for god, as we all agree was pretty far, and that god acknowledged it so, abraham now had faith in himself.
I used to think that Christianity stole the Prometheus story somehow.Because the story I heard was that Lucifer take the shape of the snake and convinced Eve to eat the apple.Offering the humans knowledge.Just the way Prometheus stole the fire and gave it to the humans.
I feel like I need to warn you all, before its to late. The reason for spontaneous self combustion is caused by listening to the ideas by creationists like josh feuerstein. So beware.
I have just spoken with the Ghost That Never Lies (1.000.000 million dollars if you can prove that he doesn't exist) and he told me in no uncertain terms that we will never get that proof. Must be true since he never lies.
***** ***** Yea, and here is the mistake bud, atheist are not the judge of anything. Saying that you just disbelieve or have a lake thereof go's no further then the subjectivity of that doubt. We all know that to the ATHEIST god in their mind is equivalent to fairy's and such but the evidence defies. What is atheism exactly? (a)-theos which derives from the Greek or (a)theism means to be without theism. Theism is the belief in a creator God behind the influence of the universe that is interactive so (a) theism would be with out this. SO one of the premises that the theist burdens are to look for creative intent in any observation in nature, and it just so happens we do find creative intend from the start of the universe till life. For example: If we where going to measure things through a measurement of causality, where prior events have caused current events to come about what would be the best explanation for sequenced information or motors found on the mitochondria ect? Of course the CAUSE of this effect has always been the result of CREATIVE INTELLIGENT MINDS. It doesn't matter whether or not the atheist would still authoritatively protest this. This is a fact independent of you feelings. But even still the rejection of this should cause the following to be taken into consideration by atheist project their atheism: The lack of belief is not the only definition used to describe an atheist there are also multiple other definitions used to describe an atheist: 1)Belief there is no God 2)Doctrine that there is no God 3)Denial of the existence of God Depending on how an atheist will conduct himself will help a person conclude if that atheist behavior to said argument better classify him to other descriptions.
Colin Barr No, if you where not of Scottish blood nor ever been to the land it would be wrong to call yourself a scotsman . Your lack of understanding of the no true scottsman fallacy is evident .
TrueEmpiricism You would be right, however this person was a Christian. He believed that Jesus came to save everyone and he believed in god. Saying that because he now does not hold that belief that he was not a Christian is exactly a no true scotsman fallacy. (i.e. because of reason x he isn't really y)
Colin Barr Well, the bible is the lay out basically for what a christian is correct? Well, what does the bible say 1 Jon 2:19 : "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."
***** A Christian is born from above. When babies are born, they remain human their whole life. Right? A Sheep remains a Sheep and never becomes a goat.
I mean, science can 'prove' or 'disprove' god. My atheistic position is more like, I can explain what I observe with science, so I dont need a god. Edit* I just started watching
Nothing can really prove that a god does or does not exist, except for god himself. However, Atheists take up the position of that he doesn't exist, since the idea is a claim, and a claim without evidence is basically not even a claim at all.
Player Slayer Actually, atheists merely reject the theist claim that God exists, which is different than saying no gods exist. The latter is a positive claim that would need to be supported with evidence, similar to Russell's celestial teapot.
Excellent video! I once asked a pair of young ladies going from apartment to apartment in my complex spreading the word, "Would God exist if man didn't?" One immediately said NO! The other was silent. The young lady who said "no" reinforced my understanding that we created the concept of God at a time when we had little knowledge and understanding of our existence. Those times, however, are long gone. Still, many choose to believe in God because doing anything else is more difficult for them. Not those of us who don't believe (I used to also), but "them." That is why all the imaginary Gods continue to exist in this far more knowledgeable time. And that will slowly change, but slowly because humans change slowly. :)
Such an amazing video, spot on :)
is just me or dose he look like a fat Fred Durst ?
Excellent argument. To bad his opponent is a gibbering idiot and won't be able to comprehend it.
I'm not against anyone believing in a god. What I'm against is the organization by people of those beliefs into any type of politically guided, mass monetized social control system.
+Dill very insightful
Merle Patterson Religion is a business, every human being has the right to believe in a god, but not mafia should be allowed to work, i agree
Such an eloquent response. Thank you for the much needed words of wisdom and reason you provide.
I have an invisible, intangible T-Rex in my yard. Don't believe me? Prove I don't.
My T-Rex is better than yours, it can do anything it chooses.
The T-Rex in _my_ yard lives outside the known universe and is completely undetectable by any known means, but left a book that tells me that I should but also should not kill people.
Because either it does exist, and you know it does, or it doesn't, and you know it doesn't. It's pointless to prove you wrong, As your t-rex only seems to affect you.
Michael Lamb
Why are you angry at the T-Rex? He only wants to save you from being eaten by himself. Let the T-Rex into your heart!
Because it's obviously a false T-Rex, mine is much better.
I offer $100000 to anyone who can prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist.
Miranox spaghetti is an Italian food and the FSM bible was written by an american. therefore he is a hoax perpetrated by Americans in order to make fun of Italians. where is my $1,000,000 dollars :D
J. Cole
Yes, it was written by an American who received divine inspiration :)
Miranox I was touched by his noodle-y appendage.
Miranox I ate him. He doesn't exist......anymore
+Miranox Can you name one person who GENUINELY believes in the FSM? As opposed to many brilliant scientists and leaders who believe in the God of the Bible.
Pat Condell: "Prove God doesn’t exist...... That’s a tough one. Show me how it’s done by proving Zeus and Apollo don’t exist, and I’ll use your method."
Thanks for reminding me to check out his channel.
They live on mount Olympus we've seen the top of mount Olympus mind blown
George the hacker you have to believe before they reveal themselves to you.
...meanwhile Isis is passing thor a cup of tea while having a laugh about the christians and their "unique" god ;)
I did I let Jesus then Allah and everyone into my life and I went psyco. Not I'm agnostic. As a Christian I thought Jesus died so Christians could sin as much as they want, murder is a sin. Muslim is oppression of education of women and overall women's rights they each have extremist kkk, Isis. But there moral is not the same as ours. We know education is a right and murder isn't good, we don't need a old book to tell us what to believe. We don't need Scientologys money scam. We are sane people. Please let common sense into your life and use that curiosity for once.
Question everything.You can't reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into.
If that was true, I'd still be a Christian. I, Matt Dillahunty and many others were reasoned out of our faith.
***** I agree, Seth, but I do see where Eric is coming from. Some Christians have abandoned reason for their religion. Former Christians like you, Matt, and myself, all reached a point where our use of reason ceased being compatible with our religious beliefs. I'd modify Eric's phrase to say that "You cannot reason someone out of faith if their faith is not actively allowing them to engage reason."
i question THAT.
***** Oxford comma fail. Thought this was written by Matt Dillahunty.
Or was it o.O ?
I am living proof that the latter portion of your comment is false.
Oddly, the thing about this video that amazes me more than anything else is your ability to speak so clearly and purposefully for 11 and a half minutes seemingly without cuts or retakes and with only 2 barely noticeable pronunciation flubs. Did you memorize that entire speech???
That said, someone needs to issue a totally serious looking $100,000 "prove leprechauns don't exist" challenge in response to that guy.
He was a radio personality for 10 years, he's used to speaking in only one take.
He spent years in radio. He's a pro.
Or someone can just let him know that there has been a million dollar prize waiting for decades to teh first person who proves God DOES exist.
Seth Andrews is a brilliant speaker. He has a fantastic podcast and great videos. I would love to see him in person it would be awesome. Very patient to the outlandish responses and replies he gets from Christians as well.
Seth Andrews That was absolutely awesome! Standing Ovation from me!!! I hope you don't mind if I quote you. A lot.
I've watched and admired your output for years, but this one I'd missed. I have degrees in English Lit and Philosophy, I know a well conceived, well constructed and cogent argument when I hear one and I know rhetoric properly used. This one checks all of the boxes. 2 thumbs up!
Great voice.
TCBeads Yeah, he does have that perfect radio voice, and can even tackle video, as he is not ugly. Not a 10, by any means, but not ugly
You can tell he has a history in radio. ☺️
I was a atheist growing up, but later became a christian when I heard pat robertson on tv.
JK, that doesn't happen
Pat Robertson ensured I'd never go back to Christianity ever again.
Are you denying the existence of plush time-traveling teddy bears? How can you say that? Why are you dissing my religious beliefs.
darksidelead Oh right, just because they're plush that means they're care bears? That's racist. Come into the 21st century and stop stereotyping the plushies.
Michael Price Ted be with you.
MelkorHimself And also with you.
Michael Price it's 'and with your spirit' now. they changed it.
Matthew Ficocelli " it's 'and with your spirit' now. they changed it."
I used to be a Christian and then one day woke up and realized how dumb it made me. People choose to believe in the bible because it helps them with their insecurities in life, it helps them feel powerful being God's child. I came to realize that the more questions I had and the more I prayed, no God was hearing me. My prayers never got answered and it only led to confusion.
Just watched this video for the first time. Extremely well thought out, rational and fact based. I was exquisitely impressed with your delivery, and content. I wish I was half as eloquent a speaker and was able to maintain such a thoughtful and concise dialogue. Wonderful video.
The most common answer I get when I ask Christians if they would kill their child upon God's request is, "Yes, but God wouldn't actually make me go through with it. He would stop me before I did, like Abraham".
Human sacrifice is in the Bible. Tell them to read Judges 11:29-40. The story of Jephthah's daughter.
Cortland Wheeler Human sacrifice in the bible that everybody has heard of.
Some guy named Jesus. You don't have to dig through the bible to find a reference, hell, a reminder is hanging front and center in every christian church ever. Ask a christian what Jesus did for them, and the auto-response is he died for them. It doesn't get more human sacrifice-ey than that.
Cortland Wheeler Took the words right out of my mouth. That's exactly what I was thinking of.
Jails across the country contain parents who killed their children because God told them to. Apparently God forgot to intervene and save the child. Must have been busy helping Joel Osteen's wife with her parking space.
Your voice is just so relaxing, smooth, and something to listen to. Amazing channel.
Seth.. thank you.. I appreciate you standing up! This video was sent out to my friends and family. ..woot woot keep up the awesome work.
You should do more videos like these alongside your podcasts Seth.
God is as much real, as his $100,000.
Nice one
He should show us a bank statement. I'm not buying that 100,000 story on faith and faith alone.
Thank you
I was a Sunday school teacher when I was in college. This video was the first one that got me thinking and following the yellow brick road out of oz 4 years ago. You have my not so eternal gratefulness.
Justin Bieber has millions of views, that's your proof there is no god.
Either you failed at trolling or you are stupid as a brick, because you missed main point about this video
Wow, some people have no sense of humor. It was neither a troll nor a serious opinion. I understand the point; you can't prove there isn't a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow but that doesn't mean there is. Sound about right?
your humor is bad and you should feel bad
Jay Kline of what?
It works for me.
This started off a bit weak but ended very strongly. Thumbs way up, well deserved.
Well thought out video that my family would disown me for if I shared it. UGH. Being a former Christian is rough and I'm sure our struggles are similar. Keep doing what you do.
Same :)
Rock the boat! Jesus said he came to bring the sword, I say bring a .45.
6 years later I hope you're doing well, I have a similar situation.
"A god who is the hide and seek champion of the universe" - that line just had me in stitches
Oh the sweet sound of reason! Hallelujah brother TTA :)
as a Christian, I want to apologize for that man.
Best radio voice I ever heard.
This was inspiring. I love his calm logic and the questions he asked. Great video, absolutely loved it!
11 minutes of common sense.
"Why is anyone listening to you? [Feuerstein]"
That's a question I ask whenever I glimpse one of his videos.
+Mike Davey People afraid of death love to listen to idiots who tell them there's life after death.
+Mike Davey that's a paradox...?
Well reasoned, passionate but not abusive. We need more guys like Seth Andrews. Great speaking voice too!
As an aspiring broadcaster, I will say that your voice and oration skills are outstanding! I hope to hear you in a wider platform soon.
It really doesn't matter, you can't reason with religious people by default. Pure empirical data will not change anything.
It doesn't work with people who would believe 2+2=5 though.
Secularist FreeThought I was never a theist, before I was an atheist I was nothing, like I would expect most atheists. I participated in social and cultural life and even if some of them was in a church, I was never a christian. I never believed in an all powerful whatever. If you use reason you will end up on the atheist side as looking at the bible for instinct, it's basically a collection of errors.
Rolf wiberg
Not to be a pain in the ass, but everyone is born an atheist. If you've never heard of a god, you don't think that there is one, i. e. you're an atheist, albeit unknowingly. So there is no "nothing" phase. What you mean is that you weren't raised religious.
TheDoomAmbassador You're right. I would go one further and say you CAN be raised religious, still take part and belonging to that society and still not believe in it, hence being atheist for whatever reason staying in that sphere. Maybe due to denial or self preservation (fear of harm). But main problem is still parents and surroundings forcing a view on children.
If you couldn't reason with religious people, I'd still be religious. -Seth
You were already way over Josh's head when you said, "hey, I'm Seth Andrews".
that guys like a Fred Durst Kevin James hybrid, we must destroy it!
Haha yess
This video never gets old. As a none believer I have crushed every debate with these simple methods and logic againts the thumpers.
You Mr Andrews along with Stephen hawkings, and Morgan freeman are my prophets! 🙇♂️
Thank God I'm an Atheist
Wow. Seth took the gloves off. Josh got his ass smashed.lol
***** Lol...I agree my friend. Gottta love watching these clowns get owned.
I exist. You exist. Dogs exist. The world exists. Where is my $100,000?
Christian here. I appreciate your thoughts, your clarity, and your calm response. This is the type of response that will get us talking instead of bickering. Well done. And, as I'm sure you have heard before, I am praying to God that you may know Jesus Christ and once again believe his claims.
I love that "hide and seek champion" remark.
i'll give $1,000,000 to anyone that can prove the existence of a god ...
any takers ??
WOW !!! i never thought of that .. you're right .
man, do i feel like a fool .
i'm sure the wbc needs the funds since freddie has kicked the bucket , oops,hu,hum,cough,fart,puck,,,, i mean ''past away'' . god rest his soul .
I feel a tickle in my balls. Is that god too?
illusion of freedom Inwould like to point you to the DNA strand, evidence of god
Whats the chances of someone having a dream thats almost the same exact, big event which happens that morning?
Thats a simple short answer question for you to answer.
Mace Sondheim And I would point you to the watchmaker fallacy and anthropic principle.
Hey Christians, if we came from dirt why is there still dirt?
You're walking on my future progeny.
Justin Webb XD
Been following you for a while. Thank you. You do it well!!!! And I so agree- keep it going, because it is hard. Well done, sir!
This might be a silly question, but how do you get your voice to sound like that? It sort of sounds like those old radio broadcasters/announcers.
+Aaron Davis good mic and a software/hardware compressor
+Игровой канал RobosergTV And a fine ass voice box
Seth's past was in Xian FM radio. His voice patterns no doubt reflect it.
l think it adds to his charm.
I'll give 100,000 Monopoly dollars to the person who can prove there is not a china teapot in an elliptical orbit between Earth and Mars that is too small to be spotted by any human telescope.
That teapot fell out of orbit, landed on the trampoline in my backyard, and I caught it on the third bounce.
It's now in my china cabinet, pay up.
Pics or didn't happen
I can't find my camera.
I think it's in orbit somewhere between Earth and Mars. I've looked everywhere else.[:
you are wrong: the teapot orbits between the earth & venus!
i mean, who wants cold tea?
Well said sir. Very eloquently and no offensive words. two thumbs up for you.
"Flightless animals with wings"
Aron Ra actually gives an explanation for why this is possible, and why the first animals with wings were in fact flightless. Wings were likely used by dinosaurs to cover their eggs and keep them warm, and thus they could support a much larger clutch than they could without wings. Wings have purposes beyond flight in many animals. Everything else you mentioned, however, are true vestiges and can only be explained through evolution.
I wasn't speaking at that moment about evolution. I was speaking to "design."
all nicely explained, but has nothing to do with Seth's statement in the video :) please watch again.
Many flightless birds today evolved from birds that did fly in the past.
Bryce William turkeys and chickens are not flightless.
It is obvious that the first animals with wings *must* have been flightless. Otherwise, the opposite must have been true: there were flying animals with no wings, that evolved wings afterwards. I wonder how exactly they flew :)
Some animals gained the ability to fly once they developed wings, taking advantage of the fact that they did have wings (not the other way around). Maybe those wings were not evolutionarily discarded long before actually being suitable for flying because they provided some benefit, such as stabilization while running.
hide and seek champion... lol
Walter White Walt! We NEED to cook!
Neb ontha sorry, i dont use partners anymore.
You nailed it, Seth!
Seth, this is one of the best responses ever. Thank you!
Dear religious individuals:
Why do you place your beliefs in a pedestal? By that I mean, why are you skeptical about all sorts of things like politics and sports but not about religion? Think about it, if your faith is so strong why don't you dare corroborate the claims that have been spoon-fed to you since you were a child? For example, did Adam and Eve exist? We certainly can't corroborate that historically but we can hypothesize that a population of 2 individuals in ANY species has little to no chance of surviving, and zero chance of becoming this abundant in just a few thousand years. Then, you can follow-up with a logical statement such as: If Adam and Eve couldn't have existed, then there is no original sin, if there is no original sin, then there is no real reason for a sacrifice and finally, if there is no real reason for a sacrifice, then Christianity has been falsified. Now, people will tell you that they don't take Genesis literally, that they take it metaphorically. Most people that say this don't even have a clue as to what a metaphor is...so I guess I will tell you. First of all, a metaphor is a figure of speech, in other words a tool to convey meaning. There are metaphors in the bible but the objective will always be to give the meaning of one word to another like referring to god as a shepherd which begs the question, why would anyone get mad when they are called sheep? People want to feel as if they can lead themselves, but let's realize that this is a process. Each of us is born ignorant of the world around us, lets compare that to this fact: Christianity, at least in the US has a lot invested in education, private schools since the Separation of Church and State prohibits the advocacy of any given religion by state funded programs. You have such things as Sunday Schools and Baptism making sure that children start believing in god as soon as possible. Astounding, since that is the only way I can conceive one would believe such utter non-sense. On top of that, it is not enough that they believe a god exists, they have to fear as well. Because god is like Freddy Kruger, he needs our fear for his mere existence to be possible. In the past, fear was instilled by ignorance and violence, not much has changed except the downgrade of violence to a more socially oriented violence like bullying and ostracizing. Well, at least we are not being burned at the stake anymore. Any other system of ideas that would even dare to go to such measures to try and keep their people faithful would surely be ridiculed out of the county, but religion has always been placed in a pedestal, with a don't touch sing. The less you contemplate it, the less you think about it, the easier life will be for you. However, you are between that and living a lie. You choose. Eventually you will get out of the woods, but you will never get back the time lost pretending.
Not every Christian out there is a cradle-Christian who accepts christianity merely because they've been told to.
Jacob K so what is your excuse?
Hector Flores there are many reasons why I'm a Christian. But to name a few would be stability, purpose, value for others, and a moral code to follow
Jacob K fair enough, I just hope you realize that you can obtain that without having to believe the extraordinary claims Christianity requires you to believe. I'm pretty sure you've heard this before but there are millions of atheists out there that are living stable, meaningful, moral lives without a deity.
Hector Flores it is very difficult to live a stable, meaningful life when you have nobody to support you throughout the way.
You have the voice of a god; (ironically) you sound like the radio host on Silent Hills P.T. Keep up the good work!
JaySpacey fuck that was a good demo. Sucks they scrapped it
HydraLinsK Yeah It's too bad :(
JaySpacey del toro and kojima are both working on a joint project together. nothing is known about it except it exists.
What "theory" means in ordinary speech:
The term "theory" means a very different thing when used in everyday conversation and in science. In our day to day speech, we often use "theory" to mean a guess or unsubstantiated idea about how something works (as in "I have a theory that gremlins are hiding my car keys").
In science, we would call such a guess a hypothesis, not a theory. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observation. In this case, I am proposing that the explanation for why I can't find my car keys is that gremlins are hiding them.*
The distinction between the words "Theory" and "Hypothesis" is very important because in science "Theory" does not mean "guess". I repeat, "Theory" does not mean "guess".
So, what does the word "theory" mean in science?
According to the National Academies of Sciences, "some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena".
People who don't understand this distinction sometimes dismiss ideas saying "it's just a theory" (this is very commonly used to suggest that evolution is just speculation, for example). But, when scientists speak of the theory of gravity or the theory of evolution, they don't mean that these are random untested ideas that someone came up with after too many beers.
The AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), the world's largest scientific society, has this explanation of what scientists mean when they use the word "theory":
" A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."
We need to spread this around so that the scientific illiterate know the difference.
+Eagle I'm pretty sure that at least most of them understand the word theory by now, both the scientific and common usage. Just as I'm sure they understand the word atheist. It's just more convenient at this point to stick to their script. After all its much easier to argue with a straw man than actual ideas. However, if someone genuinely does not understand I agree we should shed some light on this. Although, so far every time I've tried to explain it, I've noticed they prefer to use their preconceived notions.
Eagle 👌😊👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yes indeed - common parlance is wrong.
Maybe worth giving this link: notjustatheory.com/
The creationtards will still lie, but now they know for sure they're lying.
Watching since 2010, and still as good as ever. Time to sit back on the couch, have a good craft beer, and just be entertained in an educational way.
I wonder if Feuerstein has proven he actually has $100,000.
If he had the money, he would have already spent it at KFC by now.
You have to BELIEVE he has $100,000 then the cash will reveal itself to you. But you don't get to keep it until after you die.
***** lol
well, he is a pastor so...
I really hope someone who knows where he lives, confronts him in person and asks him for some stipulations for his challenge. Specifically, how he defines god. Possibly getting him to sign something saying he'd pay up the 100k if he was proven wrong. He might be too fearful of negative feedback if he refused to back his bet, that he might actually sign documentation.
Given that the god of the bible actually contains contradictions, you can actually prove that he doesn't exist as described. Get a signed document, make the proof, and take him to court when he doesn't pay up.
this video help me with thoughts i've been trying to put words to. i was born and raised catholic, but have been steadily losing my faith. it just doesn't make sense to me anymore. the fact that so many religions exist makes me skeptical because they all have faith they are right, but when we all die a bunch of people are going to be pissed off that they were wrong. I'd rather live my life as full as I can, and if there is some being out there that wants me to do stuff for him I'd rather him tell me than leave it to supposed interpreters of old texts to tell me. cuz if he doesn't exist, then religion and faith were just a complete waste of my short life. i'd rather live it on my terms.
exactly. nobody really knows what happens when you die besides decomposition. i'd rather utilize the life i have now
Actually, according to the bible, even if we live good lives, we aren't christian; therefore, we deserve the same fate that murderers, rapists, and thieves get. Well, at least murderers, rapists, and thieves that didn't do those things under the bible.
If I may say, I suggest looking into as many faiths and beliefs as you can, before determining your standing on it. If you're gonna be an atheist, then do this to understand them.
garbagehead how does your search go after a few years?
If I was an ignorant, fearful, intuitive shaman living in the middle east 2000 years ago, I would think, speak and act like Jesus. If I was an ignorant, fearful, intuitive scribe living in the middle ages 2000 years ago, I would think, speak and write a book about Jesus. There is nothing written in any canon that an imaginative man could not write on his own.
Your voice is a pleasure to listen to sir.
If god doesnt exist then how do you explain your smooth as fuck voice!?
Checkmate atheists
Good one
damn... got me...
Admitting to not know something is not forbidden at all, and though assuming a god explains everything, it predicts nothing and is thereby useless.
You realize he was being sarcastic, right?
Great video, you've earned my sub.
Wow. This comment section is literally filled with theists making a huge effort to shift the burden of proof away from their claim that a god exists.
I think most of them know what they are doing but have decided that dishonest discourse is allowed when in defense of their invisible superfriend.
Wow, Seth. You totally killed it with this one. Well done, sir!
Offer $150,000 if he can prove God DOES exist.
Then sit back and enjoy the show.
omg first time ive been to this channel WHERE DID HE GET THAT VOICE its fuckin AWESOME i wish i had a voice like that >.>
It's like the voice of God! :-)
***** I think your on to something...
Daniel Calhoun Man as God ... beautiful ... that is something to fear ... Let's hope Computers will be running the world soon ... Computers don't have emotions ... at least not yet
reference2me lol what? Computers do have emotions, my computer hates me... :(
who here would buy a used car from Josh Feauerstein. because thats all he is.. its called SNAKEOIL
+jeremybr2020 I've heard stories of cows getting hit by cars and being totaly fine, the cars on the other hand, it'd probably be a bit like that.
Nerdy Nachos
Cows and Josh Feuerstein.......yep, I can see the similarities there. lol You know I'm probably being a little unfair here. So I would like to take this opportunity to apologize........to the cows. I'm so very sorry cows for comparing you to the likes of Josh Feuerstein. I realize you cows are much more attractive and not nearly as annoying to hang out with as is the case with Josh F. It shan't happen again. :)
William Strumfels
I'll grant you that it certainly doesn't help. However Josh Feuerstein is small potatoes compared to the likes of Donald Trump. Now there's someone who's proving by the millions how stupid some of my fellow Americans can be.
maybe it how our great country comes to a end. just how many safe guards are there against these loons?
@William Srumfels
*proof* >.>
love this guys voice, soothes me to sleep every night, glad hes got heaps of content as ill be listening to this for years to come.
Let me just say I am jealous of your speaking voice and on camera presence and how you got this all done in one take.
Its like saying "prove that Santa Claus doesn't exists". SMH such a lazy and dishonest way to prove your point.
Damn, this guy is good.
i love how you are good at verbalizing things i cannot!! i get too frustrated and give up. seeing this video gives me a little hope that the world isn't so insane after all. I'm not the only one who doesn't believe in a book written thousands of years ago. with no proof. so thanks again.
You can't prove a negative.
a little issue at 5:45 ,you do know that god did not let abraham kill his son, right?
It's about the command itself, and Abraham's willingness to proceed, going so far as to require intervention before the knife struck home.
What kind of sadistic god would even consider such a command?
***** i dont believe it was for the sake of pleasure, nor do i think he was testing his faith, i believe that it was becuase abraham never really believed he was worthy of gods plan for him, but when he saw how far he was willing to go for god, as we all agree was pretty far, and that god acknowledged it so, abraham now had faith in himself.
Why would the creator and master of a universe with trillions of stars be suffering from self-esteem issues?
Moon and back hey moon dude, in case you didnt realize, it was abraham i was talking about....
"You do know that GOD! did not let Abraham kill his son, right?" Sure seems to me like that's about god.
I prefer the Prometheus movie version of a creator(s) Waay more interesting anyway
I used to think that Christianity stole the Prometheus story somehow.Because the story I heard was that Lucifer take the shape of the snake and convinced Eve to eat the apple.Offering the humans knowledge.Just the way Prometheus stole the fire and gave it to the humans.
MadBrainBox Oh i meant the movie Prometheus :)
Nitrobucket Dude that would be awesome. Though terrifying because we would have face raping aliens
thank you Seth. great to hear you.
Prove god doesn't exist. Okay, done.
Now prove me wrong.
Yep a leprechaun
the burden of proof is with the oe that is making the positive claim. You can't prove a negative
Science bitches.. IT WORKS
If we're made in god's image why aren't we invisible?
thatdevilguy ha ha ha ha loved it. As far as I can tell, we are invisible to all gods.
I wonder if Mr. Feuerstein looks in the mirror, and thinks, 'So this is what God looks like'?
That was excellent. Thank you Seth Andrews.
Feuerstein, a true blue believer?....You are referring to Money, right?
+energyquicksand Yup. He's all about building a massive audience to have his own sacred cash cow mega church.
I feel like I need to warn you all, before its to late. The reason for spontaneous self combustion is caused by listening to the ideas by creationists like josh feuerstein. So beware.
All I can say to you is, you will get your proof, and soon. We all will.
I have just spoken with the Ghost That Never Lies (1.000.000 million dollars if you can prove that he doesn't exist) and he told me in no uncertain terms that we will never get that proof. Must be true since he never lies.
***** ***** Yea, and here is the mistake bud, atheist are not the judge of anything. Saying that you just disbelieve or have a lake thereof go's no further then the subjectivity of that doubt. We all know that to the ATHEIST god in their mind is equivalent to fairy's and such but the evidence defies. What is atheism exactly? (a)-theos which derives from the Greek or (a)theism means to be without theism. Theism is the belief in a creator God behind the influence of the universe that is interactive so (a) theism would be with out this. SO one of the premises that the theist burdens are to look for creative intent in any observation in nature, and it just so happens we do find creative intend from the start of the universe till life. For example: If we where going to measure things through a measurement of causality, where prior events have caused current events to come about what would be the best explanation for sequenced information or motors found on the mitochondria ect? Of course the CAUSE of this effect has always been the result of CREATIVE INTELLIGENT MINDS. It doesn't matter whether or not the atheist would still authoritatively protest this. This is a fact independent of you feelings. But even still the rejection of this should cause the following to be taken into consideration by atheist project their atheism:
The lack of belief is not the only definition used to describe an atheist there are also multiple other definitions used to describe an atheist:
1)Belief there is no God
2)Doctrine that there is no God
3)Denial of the existence of God
Depending on how an atheist will conduct himself will help a person conclude if that atheist behavior to said argument better classify him to other descriptions.
Dragonsnack73 10/10
would read again
Dragonsnack73 My unicorn's horn really vibrates when in my arse. Prove I'm wrong.
Proof of? The collapse of America? Global Warming? Zaros's return?
Man, I love your cadence and how you do your videos..
If you're not a Christian now, you never were… You better think again.
So a no true scotsman fallacy eh?
Colin Barr No, if you where not of Scottish blood nor ever been to the land it would be wrong to call yourself a scotsman . Your lack of understanding of the no true scottsman fallacy is evident .
You would be right, however this person was a Christian. He believed that Jesus came to save everyone and he believed in god.
Saying that because he now does not hold that belief that he was not a Christian is exactly a no true scotsman fallacy. (i.e. because of reason x he isn't really y)
Colin Barr Well, the bible is the lay out basically for what a christian is correct? Well, what does the bible say 1 Jon 2:19 : "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."
A Christian is born from above. When babies are born, they remain human their whole life. Right? A Sheep remains a Sheep and never becomes a goat.
I mean, science can 'prove' or 'disprove' god.
My atheistic position is more like, I can explain what I observe with science, so I dont need a god.
Edit* I just started watching
Nothing can really prove that a god does or does not exist, except for god himself. However, Atheists take up the position of that he doesn't exist, since the idea is a claim, and a claim without evidence is basically not even a claim at all.
Player Slayer Actually, atheists merely reject the theist claim that God exists, which is different than saying no gods exist. The latter is a positive claim that would need to be supported with evidence, similar to Russell's celestial teapot.
I actually prefer to call myself a ''scientific naturalist'', coined by thunderf00t.
This Josh Frankenstein should be stopped before he actually can influence children of gullible Christian parents.
Excellent video!
I once asked a pair of young ladies going from apartment to apartment in my complex spreading the word, "Would God exist if man didn't?" One immediately said NO! The other was silent.
The young lady who said "no" reinforced my understanding that we created the concept of God at a time when we had little knowledge and understanding of our existence. Those times, however, are long gone.
Still, many choose to believe in God because doing anything else is more difficult for them. Not those of us who don't believe (I used to also), but "them." That is why all the imaginary Gods continue to exist in this far more knowledgeable time. And that will slowly change, but slowly because humans change slowly. :)
Don't mess with science , science will always trump Aesop's Fables
I think Feurstein should empty his calories as well ^_^
You forgot something. You know who else gets millions of views?
Guess we know who's the most humble among us.
+Clayton Ousley
I don't know whether that was a jab at atheists or fundamentalist Christians.
Not a jab at atheists at all.
+Clayton Ousley Blessed are the humble for they shall inherit the earth. Religitards will no doubt all burn in hell. Ya know that fairy tale place.
I could listen to you talk all day
Please applaud this man
I'm disappointed that I was the first like on this comment
You are a wonderful person. Thank you.
Love the voice, and love the reasoning and logic even more.
Seth, you have a great radio voice. And a great, succinct delivery in debunking Feuerstein's idiocy.
subbed for your amazing thoughts and VOICE!
Outstanding, as usual!
An excellent rebuttal. Clear and concise.
Love your logic! :D I have tried to express this concept many times to religious people for years and years now.