My dear brother, with all due respect to you, do you notice that most of the work and most of the training is to clarify some of the mistakes of many people who act in the same way and there is no change in the process of explanation or clarification? Most of them are boring and not what makes you optimistic, or in other words, boring. If you get bored of something, you will no longer follow it, so make your own songs or training. It makes the listener excited and not bored so that they follow you through the channel. Thank you, my dear
الله اطول عمرك حبيبي يا اخي الكريم 👍
ياسلام عليك يا استاذي ممنون لك
رووووعة تسلم ايدك
بارك الله فيك و الله يرحم والديك 🙏🌹
لك الله محياك ❤
الف شكر وتقدير استاذ
تحياتي ومحبتي
روعة تسلم ايدك واختيارك الجميل
My dear brother, with all due respect to you, do you notice that most of the work and most of the training is to clarify some of the mistakes of many people who act in the same way and there is no change in the process of explanation or clarification? Most of them are boring and not what makes you optimistic, or in other words, boring. If you get bored of something, you will no longer follow it, so make your own songs or training. It makes the listener excited and not bored so that they follow you through the channel. Thank you, my dear
عفوا ليه ما بتحط نوتة نقدر نلحق مع العزف
شو اسم تطبيق التيقاع لو سمحت
O&D عود و طبله
عندي طلب لو تكرمت استاذ، سمعت تقسيمة ملكتني ،بالله عليك اذا طلبتها بالنوطة كم ستكلفني ، المقدمة فقط