She WANTS to Be Religious But... (is she right?)

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @BlessGodStudios
    @BlessGodStudios  3 місяці тому +12

    🤝: Check Out The Bless God Leadership Planner Here:

    • @Raverraver9999
      @Raverraver9999 3 місяці тому

      How the Rosary Converted a Satanist Priest Bartolo Longo (1841-1926) to Saint.
      No one is beyond redemption.
      Bartolo was born to a devout Catholic family near Brindisi, in southern Italy. He was a brilliant, though mischievous kid, who began to lose his way at the age of ten after his mother died. His adolescence was a time of great upheaval in his country, when Garabaldi was seeking to eliminate the papal city states and unite Italy. By the time Bartolo entered the University of Naples law school, many of his professors were ex-priests preaching nationalist venom against the Church. He was quickly caught up in their fervor. “I, too, grew to hate monks, priests and the Pope,” he would later write, “and in particular [I detested] the Dominicans, the most formidable, furious opponents of those great modern professors, proclaimed by the university the sons of progress, the defenders of science, the champions of every sort of freedom.”
      In his confusion and emptiness, without God to turn to, he began to visit some of Naples’ infamous mediums. That was his introduction into the occult. Soon, his thirst for the supernatural led him into outright Satanism, where after a period of intense study and such rigorous fasting that he was reduced to skin and bones, he was consecrated a satanic priest and promised his soul to a demon. For the next year, he began to preside over satanic services and to preach more boldly and blasphemously against God and the Church - treating them, in a diabolical reversal, as the real evils.
      His family back home tried to talk him about of the path he had chosen, to no avail. The began to pray and to ask for help from whoever might lend a hand. Professor Vincenzo Pepe, a solidly Catholic professor at the university, responded. He began to meet with Bartolo, accosting him, “Do you want to die in an insane asylum and be damned forever?” Bartolo couldn’t ignore the psychological and physiological state he was in. Professor Pepe eventually convinced him to see a Dominican priest, who after three weeks of lengthy conversations, on the feast of the Sacred Heart in 1865, was able to welcome him back into the Church and give him absolution.
      To keep an eye on him, Professor Pepe allowed Bartolo to move in with him and started to surround him with faithful and dedicated Catholics. Each day for two years, as a voluntarily-imposed penance, Bartolo worked in the Neapolitan Hospital for Incurables. He prayed. He became a third-order Dominican. He made a promise of celibacy to serve God with an undivided heart. He sought to do reparation for his scandal by returning to his Satanist hangouts, holding up the Rosary and publicly renouncing his former ways.
      But he still despaired. He couldn’t forgive himself or see how God could ever forgive him. One day, while fulfilling some legal business in Pompeii for his client Countess Mariana di Fusco, and seeing how great was the people’s poverty, ignorance, moral corruption and dependence on witchcraft, God helped him to see both how he could be saved and how he could spend his life saving others.
      “One day in the fields around Pompeii,” he wrote, “I recalled my former condition as a priest of Satan… I thought that perhaps as the priesthood of Christ is for eternity, so also the priesthood of Satan is for eternity. So, despite my repentance, I thought: I am still consecrated to Satan, and I am still his slave and property as he awaits me in Hell. As I pondered over my condition, I experienced a deep sense of despair and almost committed suicide. Then I heard an echo in my ear of the voice of Friar Alberto repeating the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary: ‘One who propagates my Rosary shall be saved.’ Falling to my knees, I exclaimed: ‘If your words are true that he who propagates your Rosary will be saved, I shall reach salvation because I shall not leave this earth without propagating your Rosary.'”
      He spent the whole rest of his life, beginning in Pompeii, propagating the Rosary and imitating the mysteries it contained. With the financial support of the Countess, he built Pompeii’s famous Basilica of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, founded elementary schools and orphanages, inaugurated a print shop and technical school to give the children of convicted criminals the chance of a better life. He wrote books on the Rosary, composed novenas and prayer manuals. The former Satanist eventually became a friend of Pope Leo XIII, who had a great devotion to the Rosary. From Pompeii he also began the popular movement that led to the solemn dogmatic proclamation of the Assumption in 1950.
      Perhaps his most lasting contribution of all will prove to be the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. It was from Blessed Bartolo’s writings that Pope John Paul II found not only the idea of mysteries covering the time of Jesus’ public ministry, but also what the individual mysteries should be and what all five as a whole should be called. When he proposed the new Mysteries of Light in his 2002 encyclical “The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” Pope John Paul II didn’t hesitate to show his admiration for this holy man whose conversion and subsequent holy life demonstrate that no matter how far away from the faith one is, there’s always hope. After referring to Blessed Bartolo’s insights throughout his Rosary encyclical, Pope John Paul II concluded by quoting the prayer of the man he beatified in 1980.
      This prayer is a fitting way for us to conclude the month of the Rosary and to pray for those who, like Blessed Bartolo once was, are still caught under the bondage of Satanism and the occult:
      “O Blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain that unites us to God, bond of love that unites us to the angels, tower of salvation against the assaults of Hell, safe port in our universal shipwreck, we will never abandon you. You will be our comfort in the hour of death: yours our final kiss as life ebbs away. And the last word from our lips will be your sweet name, O Queen of the Rosary of Pompei, O dearest Mother, O Refuge of Sinners, O Sovereign Consoler of the Afflicted. May you be everywhere blessed, today and always, on earth and in heaven.”
      Additional Notes:
      The 150 Davidic Psalms (the Psalter of David) have always been prayed by Old Testament Israel, post-Temple Jews, and by Christians for personal prayer, communal prayer, lamentations, praise, thanksgiving, and, in the case of Christians, to demonstrate the fulfilment of prophecy.
      The reason why the rosary is so powerful is because every component of it comes from heaven. The Our Father was taught by Jesus and the “Hail Mary, full of grace” etc was said by Angel Gabriel the other lines come from the bible (Luke 1:28, 1:42, 1:43 & James 5:16). Praying the rosary is meditating on the life of Jesus from birth to death. It is prayed during exorcisms and also as a form of self-exorcism

    • @jacobdiden8967
      @jacobdiden8967 3 місяці тому

      Gay or straight this walk requires sacrifice. If God is requiring that your sacrifice your sex life then he will give you grace to do so. Also, how do you know that you dont have a spirit in you causing you think and feel that way?

    • @animatedbros1
      @animatedbros1 2 місяці тому +1

      I know what Skyler is talking about and it's true. I'm Bisexual but I don't reject religion. Religion rejects me. I know that I didn't choose this path I was born this way. Do you wanna know how I know it? I used to do things that every child does when they're around the age of 3-6. When my aunt would have me sit on her lap, I would slowly move my hand inside her dress. Why? Cause I had feelings for women. Then when I would see my uncle shirtless, I would go (sorry for saying this out loud), I would go HARD. And then I would even tell him to sit down cause I wanted to play doctor. I would make him lay down and I would put my chest on his chest (I lied and said that when I lay down on his body I would heal his wounds or whatever. My point is, that I know I've been born this way and that GOD made me this way. So maybe all of you are WRONG. Maybe GOD has no problem with people who are truly gay, lesbian, etc. Maybe nature is god. Not Jesus. Or maybe it's both. I just lost but I know for sure that I was born this way so either GOD made me this way or I was born this way but god chose to reject me. I will marry a woman and have kids or I might marry a man and adopt kids. I know for sure that I will at least do something and do everything in my power to keep the generation going. Please either explain this to me in the comments @BlessGodStudios or make a video about this comment. I will choose then.

    • @inevitable934
      @inevitable934 16 днів тому

      Did you censor her saying the word gay??

  • @otterlybooked
    @otterlybooked 2 місяці тому +37

    The comment section basically just prove her point though. Everyone is basically saying she has to reject her sexuality to become a christian. Like, did you even hear yourself?

    • @INdySycive
      @INdySycive Місяць тому +3

      What I see most from the both the comment section and video is something else.
      The idea of coming into the faith with your problems solved, and THEN you become a Christian is not biblical. You can have this struggle of sexual sin (in her case being gay), and still be accepted into the church if you're someone who truly wants to follow God.
      Sexual sin is no different than any other sin, as long as it is something you recognize as an issue, and try to curb it as much as possible (*just like any other sin).*
      No one is perfect and everyone has their own vices, rejection of sin comes with being a Christian despite this. Therefore sexual sin isn't exempt from this, it's treated the same as any other.
      Like Ruslan said, the doors are open for everyone; the problems get solved when you enter the faith, not before. Through Christ, that sexual attraction that feels natural may just completely fade away with time, it's happened for multiple people like "Jackie Hill Perry" if you believe this is false.
      TL;DR - In short (best attempt at summary), to be a Christian you must reject ALL sin, even sin you still struggle with. This includes sexual sin, therefore rejecting her sexuality which is told to be a sinful practice isn't something anyone should be shocked about, it's treated no differently than any other sin we all struggle with.
      She can most certainly go into any church right now and start that journey into curbing the issues she has. She can most certainly be a Christian while still dealing with this issue, she just has to recognize that it's a sin and work on that THROUGH walking with God, that's all.

    • @alex-el-boludo-10
      @alex-el-boludo-10 Місяць тому +4

      I have no idea why so many people have problem with that. I was raised in a Catholic Household, my family isnt the most accepting of LGBT+ but they dont HATE them, they dont want them to burn in hell, heck! They even accepted a Gay Relative, defects and all. But all this people, in this and in Skylar's Comment section is so...Moronic! I am more or less Agnostic, but even I know that God will love you no matter if youre heterosexual or not, and I think Jesus would never hate you or dont accept you for being GAY! Heck, I think Jesus would be ashamed of someone who hates their sexuality, bcos theyre hating a part of themselves that has nothing wrong! Jesus loves everyone, thats his whole thing! At this point, Idk if its a Protestant Thing that im too catholic minded to see, or its just Americans/Gringos being weird as usual.

    • @adalon378
      @adalon378 17 днів тому +2

      Yes, the main reply to her video was that she shouldn't hesitate to go to come to religion, as long as she's open-minded about the possibility of religion eventually changing her, which in this case is not something "changeable". She's not looking for religion to look for answers, because she already went through the discovery/learning phase of her life. And that's the problem, not feeling accepted how she is, and will always be, without being tormented by the thought that she's expected to eventually change. She's defending that she would like to join for the values which she already lives by, precisely because she identifies.

  • @michaelroy6630
    @michaelroy6630 2 місяці тому +35

    Man I've never heard someone so perfectly sum up the tension between Christianity and same-sex identity. Most Christian takes on it (even my own) always seem to fall short of just how tough it must be for same-sex attracted people who long for God and a faith community. We talk about it like it's easy, but if we're being honest, most of us have never had to give up something as undeniably human as marital love for our faith. I can't pretend to know what that's like.

    • @TheExtremeCube
      @TheExtremeCube 25 днів тому

      First time I have ever heard a christian be honest about this and actually think through the implications of it. My only conclusion is that not everyone is meant to live the same life.

    • @inevitable934
      @inevitable934 16 днів тому +4

      Probably don't refer to her as LGBT because she's made like 2 videos on why she dislikes the community

    • @michaelroy6630
      @michaelroy6630 9 днів тому +1

      @@inevitable934 Thanks for letting me know, I edited my comment.

    • @inevitable934
      @inevitable934 9 днів тому

      @@michaelroy6630 ur welcome

  • @InHisImage999
    @InHisImage999 3 місяці тому +191

    Please reach out to her Ruslan. The Holy Spirit is calling out to her. We all need to stop and pray for her.
    Heavenly Father, we bless you and praise your name. We lift up Skylar to you and ask you to break every chain of fear, doubt, and rejection in the mighty name of Jesus. You know all that she is battling and ask that you reveal yourself to her in a big way. Make your presence undeniable, your design for life irresistible. We know that her salvation is in your hands; do the work only you can do Father. In Jesus' name, amen.

    • @MommaBeeb
      @MommaBeeb 3 місяці тому +8

      Thank you for this prayer. I just prayed it, too. Good bless you!

    • @KoinCollective
      @KoinCollective 3 місяці тому +3

      @@InHisImage999 amen

    • @rodneyjones1990
      @rodneyjones1990 3 місяці тому +3


    • @neveronhereXD
      @neveronhereXD 2 місяці тому +1


    • @ciaranrivera2902
      @ciaranrivera2902 2 місяці тому +1


  • @imimpo9316
    @imimpo9316 3 місяці тому +44

    She doesn't need to be religious, she needs to trust herself to God

  • @gpmoore
    @gpmoore 3 місяці тому +80

    This is conflating religion and SALVATION.
    She’s also speaking on what they call “Cultural Christianity” attempting to gain morality and safety using Judeo-Christian values without the foundation of what Christianity truly is.

  • @MiniLinlin
    @MiniLinlin 3 місяці тому +70

    I think people don't appreciate the virtue of Chastity, anyone regardless of who they're attracted to needs to appreciate it at least a little bit. I personally attest that God can save anybody, LGBT people included.

    • @the_Jimmyest_of_Jim
      @the_Jimmyest_of_Jim Місяць тому +2

      @@MiniLinlin "Even sinful people are good people, and god will always accept a good person regardless of who they are. You can never become the villain unless you think you're still the hero and everyone else are the villain, that your actions are justified even though you do it for self gain. Those are the truly evil people".
      -The Jimmyest of Jim 2024

  • @paulsmith410
    @paulsmith410 3 місяці тому +12

    Finding Sky is a really neat channel. She thinks for herself. I recently discovered her speaking out against Pride Month. As someone who lives with SSA, I really appreciate that she is thinking through the journey. The issues of identity are huge in this struggle. She is still in that space of believing that feelings define us. It's not just non-believers that do this. Romantic/sexual attraction feels core to our identity though it is not; and we are offered a new identity in Christ. This is a long conversation and cannot be covered in a single comment.

  • @_Half_Pint
    @_Half_Pint 3 місяці тому +76

    That’s the problem. Don’t look to be religious. Look to form a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are sincere, the Holy Spirit will guide you in your walk.

    • @MexicanNerd10
      @MexicanNerd10 3 місяці тому +6

      Christianity is not a religion, *it’s a relationship*

    • @key1853
      @key1853 3 місяці тому +3

      @@MexicanNerd10it’s both

    • @Simplelivingslowliving
      @Simplelivingslowliving 3 місяці тому


    • @romariosmith422
      @romariosmith422 3 місяці тому +1

      It's both!!

    • @_Half_Pint
      @_Half_Pint 3 місяці тому +3

      ⁠no, it’s really not. Religion has no place in a relationship with Christ. Religion, in my opinion, is full of rules, consequences and all kinds of negative things. A relationship with Christ is about learning who he is, why he did what he did for you and me and knowing and accepting his love so much that you literally change your ways to please him.

  • @Christianfighterministries
    @Christianfighterministries 3 місяці тому +7

    I don’t wanna call her in atheist because in atheist is somebody who doesn’t believe in any kind of God I’m not sure if she believes in a God, but I love non-religious people like her she’s literally spitting facts God is definitely working in her.✝️

  • @bronzemuseum504
    @bronzemuseum504 3 місяці тому +89

    I hope God blesses her heart. Come as you are and Jesus will change you over time.

  • @oblivionfan345Tony
    @oblivionfan345Tony 3 місяці тому +117

    "but I was born this way"
    Jesus: "you must be born again."

    • @BingoNamo-gb8pz
      @BingoNamo-gb8pz 3 місяці тому

      Yep. Doesn’t matter what your current state is. Whether it looks acceptable or not, all of it has to go. The greatest deception in Christianity is looking so reformed in the flesh that you never notice you haven’t been born of God. The flesh can easily disguise itself amongst the undiscerning. The Pharisees kept the law & taught the law but the love of God was not in them. Jesus said they will look good on the outside but inside they are full of dead men’s bones.

    • @djargen
      @djargen 2 місяці тому +4

      Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

    • @BingoNamo-gb8pz
      @BingoNamo-gb8pz 2 місяці тому

      @@oblivionfan345Tony hmm where’d my comment go? Is it still there?

    • @wackywitchwoman
      @wackywitchwoman 2 місяці тому +8

      You cant just factory reset sexuality bud

    • @gklovesGod
      @gklovesGod 2 місяці тому +5

      @@wackywitchwoman with Jesus Christ that's how it basically works

  • @litigioussociety4249
    @litigioussociety4249 3 місяці тому +67

    The gay thing is always a weird argument, because no one applies it to any other sin. You don't see people arguing the urge to kill justifies murder, or to identify as murderous. We don't usually apply it even to sexual lust in general with people identifying as filled with lusts, but focus on overcoming it.

    • @Getthetruth5
      @Getthetruth5 3 місяці тому +3

      @@litigioussociety4249 agreed

    • @ajclarke9189
      @ajclarke9189 3 місяці тому +3

      “I want to add some religious flavor to my life, but I AM my sin,” would have been a better title for that video.

    • @metaouroboros6324
      @metaouroboros6324 3 місяці тому +2

      People in an unmarried relationship would be a better comparison for people that are not deep in their faith yet.

    • @frogtownroad9104
      @frogtownroad9104 3 місяці тому +10

      Dude, come on. Don’t pretend like murder and same sex marriage are the same. Let’s say same sex marriage is not allowed via biblical law, okay, it violates at most 6 parts of the Bible. Murder violates all of it: Love your neighbor, love you enemy, the 6th commandment, turn the other cheek, lord detests the violent, on and on and on. Don’t fake ignorance insulting our intelligence.

    • @samanthanyongani4549
      @samanthanyongani4549 3 місяці тому +2

      I have had this same view for a long time. They act like it's a special sin nooo it's just sin like any other.

  • @Jaehuanhuan
    @Jaehuanhuan 3 місяці тому +30

    God is definitely calling her. I'm praying that she sees God for who he really is and eventually accepts Jesus into her life.

  • @michaelmacdonald1889
    @michaelmacdonald1889 3 місяці тому +32

    She’s so close just needs to accept that her sexuality isn’t her identity and Christ will do the rest for her. I’ll be praying for her I hope the rest of you will do the same. Bless God Amen 🙏✝️

    • @jaythemachine3845
      @jaythemachine3845 3 місяці тому +4

      That’s the hard part. I loved being a drunkard and a criminal so it was sooo hard to face the fact that the way I’m living is wrong and I have to change the way I live and think. I started feeling so empty and broken inside and had no clue why then I realized it was my spirit craving Jesus so I gave my life to the lord. Gods working on me I’ve changed a lot in the past 7 months I’m not there yet but God isn’t done with me yet 🙌🏽🧎🏻‍♂️‍➡️✝️🕊️

    • @Feminem-bois
      @Feminem-bois 2 місяці тому +6

      That's the thing, she doesn't make being gay her whole personality. If you were to check out her Channel, she doesn't talk about it often, to her its normal, just like it is to me and for others to be straight. She just doesn't know what to turn to.

  • @kimpeavy7777
    @kimpeavy7777 3 місяці тому +51

    This was my favorite part of your live last night. I would love it if you did try and reach out to her. She is sooooo close. She needs support from people like you!

    • @mhmw0nder478
      @mhmw0nder478 3 місяці тому +8

      He should! one of my coworkers is LGBTQ and was interested in Jesus because of a few Christians at work and how we treated her. She bought a bible last week!

  • @thomashauguel6811
    @thomashauguel6811 Місяць тому +3

    I've seen Ms. Skyler's video before and understand where she is coming from. I've seen churches where, upon finding out a member is not hetero, will cast out that person. It's not always directly, but often indirectly through a SERIOUS change in attitude toward the member (be it hurtful or benign). Some religious dogma demands those actions, others imply it. Results vary from church to church depending on the interpretation of the word. I can only imagine how hard it would be to reach out to a congregation only to have them ostracize you for something like her sexual preference.
    I've always believed a person should have faith in Divinity, not devotion to a religion or a particular church. A religion is just one group's codified interpretation of Divinity's word, and church is just four walls and a roof where people gather to discuss their faith; it is not the faith itself. It may not be a perfect quote (having come from a movie), but "The heart is the temple wherein all truth resides." The truth is obviously in Skyler's heart. She just needs to realize that the temple itself has nothing to do with religion, but with faith.

  • @whenyouwishuponastar6643
    @whenyouwishuponastar6643 3 місяці тому +10

    What I hope she understands is that she is all of us! We have all defied God and have some facet of our personality or things about us that feel inherent that God is displeased by. That’s why Jesus is the good news! If you’re in her position, start praying, start reading the Bible, start learning about Jesus, see where God takes you

  • @mariembuenaventura1278
    @mariembuenaventura1278 3 місяці тому +6

    Shes correct about the "religion rejects me". Romans 3, that's why we need Jesus.

  • @kaenwanderer4547
    @kaenwanderer4547 3 місяці тому +159

    I used to identify as a video gamer. I played so many video games over the years from world of warcraft, starcraft, diablo, pokemon, Mario 64, Mario cart, final fantasy 7 and 8, and I could list thousands of games. But because of Jesus Christ he has changed me and my identity is now in Christ. There's hope for her she just needs to surrender to Jesus.

    • @nick-xz2ej
      @nick-xz2ej 3 місяці тому +45

      I can't tell if this is a troll

    • @kaenwanderer4547
      @kaenwanderer4547 3 місяці тому +46

      @@nick-xz2ej idolatry comes in all forms.

    • @deprecated8036
      @deprecated8036 3 місяці тому +48

      You know you can also be a gamer and follow Christ, right?

    • @duck0023
      @duck0023 3 місяці тому +12

      but i dont think there is anything wrong with gaming bro?

    • @quilodinerro
      @quilodinerro 3 місяці тому +20

      Me when I end up in hell for being extra skilled at smash bros

  • @Lilyness1337
    @Lilyness1337 17 днів тому +2

    I never understood this since I am a little girl. Can we please stop pushing them away? We're all human and SINNERS. We need to stand together and show people that Jesus is their to help us. You do not have to practice your religion. I dont. However, I often find myself talking or thinking about Jesus and this give me some comfort.

  • @RagnaRogue
    @RagnaRogue 3 місяці тому +5

    I stumbled upon her channel a few times. She's a cool girl, and quite based. Happy to see her here!

  • @eleanor_m355
    @eleanor_m355 Місяць тому +2

    I don't know how i feel about your video. I'm glad that you can be respectful and kind despite the disagreement. This is one of the most respectful videos I've seen from a Christian on an atheists/ agbostics, LGBQT+ channel.

  • @Phiiiiiiiiiiiii
    @Phiiiiiiiiiiiii 24 дні тому +2

    Jesus hating gays is simply a human assumption in scriptures written and interpreted by human. If your heart is pure, regardless of who you are attracted to, then a just God will accept you.

  • @ElijahMore-it5mg
    @ElijahMore-it5mg 3 місяці тому +8

    I'm prayingshe finds this video, she needs to know that you can come to church without being a Christian, the door is open for everyone

  • @raenycole100
    @raenycole100 3 місяці тому +5

    She has some amazing points and I see why she is ready to answer Jesus’ knock but I pray she allows God to teach her truths where she goes awry

  • @treybarker8167
    @treybarker8167 3 місяці тому +24

    I can relate to her alot. Difference between me and her is that I decided to do my best to follow God and I pray he wont let me go astray. But sanctification and self-denial is a rough process. In that regard I relate alot to the testimony from Nick Jones you posted a few days back

    • @treybarker8167
      @treybarker8167 3 місяці тому +8

      Kind of been fighting depression when it comes to all of this as well. So if anyone can offer prayer and maybe even advice or scripture, I'd appreciate it 🙏🏾

    • @Luuv_Jesh
      @Luuv_Jesh 3 місяці тому

      @@treybarker8167gotchu, bro in Christ!

    • @Mwinslow1467
      @Mwinslow1467 3 місяці тому +6

      @@treybarker8167 I'll pray for you trey. Psalm 77 is quite strong and a nice one to reflect on when in times of despair. Much love

    • @treybarker8167
      @treybarker8167 3 місяці тому

      @@Mwinslow1467 Thanks

    • @DeSalvo511
      @DeSalvo511 3 місяці тому

      Take some time to mediate on the reality of Zephaniah 3:17. God loves you more than you realize. May you begin to see the depths of His love for you.
      "The Lord your God is in your midst,
      a mighty one who will save;
      He will rejoice over you with gladness;
      He will quiet you by His love;
      He will exult over you with loud singing."

  • @beetastik8219
    @beetastik8219 3 місяці тому +29

    I’ll be honest, before my awakening I always thought something like “I don’t have my shit together yet, they’re going to judge me”. So I get it. I was convinced that I was also a lesbian, but when I encountered the Holy Spirit it all went away. It’s real.

    • @Hello-bi1pm
      @Hello-bi1pm 3 місяці тому

      How do you encounter Him (Holy Spirit) beyond just believing Jesus died and resurrected?

    • @beetastik8219
      @beetastik8219 3 місяці тому

      @@Hello-bi1pm it’s not just believing. It’s knowing in your heart and accepting it. Take him as lord and savior, truly. Completely give yourself to him. Repent for any and all sins you have ever done, and anything that you have done that makes you feel bad. It’s a continuous process that took me days initially, and still I continue to have things come to mind. Talk to Jesus and if you pay attention you will get answers. Witch/new age to Jesus testimonies on UA-cam helped a ton for me to better understand everything. For months I listened to them all day. Far more knowledge in those than what I can comment. I also suggest Vlad the deliverance minister here on UA-cam. I went through a self deliverance and through all of these things I feel like a COMPLETELY different person (for the better). It’s unbelievable until you believe in it, God Bless You and I will pray that you find Him.

    • @beetastik8219
      @beetastik8219 3 місяці тому +3

      @@Hello-bi1pm To help better understand I will say this. Jesus was God in the flesh to prove to us that he is real, because he had full control over his own death and resurrection. To truly believe in those events is to believe in God. “No one comes to the Father but though me”. That’s why the Holy Trinity is one God. The one true God will always best any bad spirits or demonic forces. God Bless You.

    • @SDRicky
      @SDRicky 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@beetastik8219God bless you, sister.😊

    • @beetastik8219
      @beetastik8219 3 місяці тому

      @@SDRickyyou as well

  • @ares3914
    @ares3914 3 місяці тому +4

    I recently in the past 6 months opened my house to family that 1 is gay and the other Trans and when I asked God our Father what can I do, all he said was to love them. Isn't that what Jesus commanded from us to love one another as he has?
    I share with them the things that God reveals to me and they receive it and at first thought they couldn't because they felt unwelcomed by the community. Do you brothers and sisters think that's what God wants from us? They are of the world and are awakening from spiritual sleep and we should be able to guide them to our Father and allow our Father to do his work. God loves them regardless and desired for them to live the same way he desires you to live.
    Treat them with respect and be patient with them. They barely comprehend the things of this world and see that it's only vanity. They seek the heavenly things but don't have a guide. Treat them as you would want to be treated. They need our help. Don't forget to love them.

  • @nataliegerber3759
    @nataliegerber3759 3 місяці тому +9

    Girl - Jesus is coming for you!! I was in a church for all people, which is basically 99% gay people.
    I have always felt drawn to God and knew that this life was not what He had for me. But I carried on serving God as a gay Christian.
    Untill one day, God gave me a word in this church and I knew, that I knew... I had to make the most horrific decision in my life.. I had the partner of my dreams, we were in n Christian monogamous relationship and I have never been happier..
    We were happily engaged and... I had a choice to make - my love for her or my obedience to God. I chose God.
    I am broken BUT it was the best choice I have ever made - God is still healing me, it will be a long journey but oh my... I cannot begin to explain how much thing's have changed.
    Just go to church, spend time with Jesus and He will transform you!!! He does all the work, all you need to do is be open before Him.
    Oh, and find a church that accepts you as you are BUT sees the you God has created you to be!

  • @nam3ofus3r
    @nam3ofus3r 3 місяці тому +26

    She clearly has a fundamental misunderstanding of Christianity’s teachings on disordered sexuality. People and their orientations aren’t rejected; acting upon disordered orientations is rejected.

    • @aaromotivestudio3869
      @aaromotivestudio3869 3 місяці тому +13

      Unfortunately the church hasn’t done that great of a job in how it addresses people with same sex attraction

    • @Nighhhts
      @Nighhhts 3 місяці тому

      None of that has anything to do with eternal salvation…

    • @ArtanHusaj
      @ArtanHusaj Місяць тому +2

      Calling it a 'disordered orientation' is such a strange way to put it. She was born with it, and it's a part of who she is. Also, you misunderstood her point-saying 'no acting upon it' is just another way of rejecting her sexuality.

  • @Faith_Southers
    @Faith_Southers 3 місяці тому +6

    She needs to listen to talks from Jackie or read her book. I pray that she finds her and can use her story to come to Jesus! 🙌

  • @_lavvy_sage
    @_lavvy_sage 3 місяці тому +1

    Sky is an incredible person and she provides such deep, meaningful insight and commentary on today’s culture. She truly is “real”, genuine, raw, authentic. I highly recommend people follow her, Christian or not, because we can never reach those who seek Christ if we refuse to understand them in the first place.

  • @giannihatzianmevris1861
    @giannihatzianmevris1861 3 місяці тому +4

    God is merciful & God is forgiving. Although we may identify as been born a certain way, Jesus calls us to be Born Again John 3:3

  • @ThatBiWomanTee
    @ThatBiWomanTee 10 днів тому

    You are a true man of Christ 🤲 So glad I found your channel tonight. I actually found you through Sky who I think is amazing as well. Looking forward to seeing more of your content as well. God bless 🙏

  • @tomJ1.1-3
    @tomJ1.1-3 3 місяці тому +11

    See the Pints with Aquinas episodes with Kim Zember and Marco Casanova for really wonderful testimonies that are on point here.

  • @buckanderson3520
    @buckanderson3520 3 місяці тому +22

    No one comes to the Jesus unless they have been called by the Father. In whatever state they are in when they are called it is the will of God that they be saved.

    • @estherruth4692
      @estherruth4692 3 місяці тому

      He’s given us all a conscience. We all can choose whether or not to respond to God’s gift of salvation.

    • @buckanderson3520
      @buckanderson3520 3 місяці тому

      @@ShiniGuraiJoker Jesus said that no one comes to him unless they have been called by the Father. It's both, God calls us to salvation through Christ and we answer. The Bible says that those who will be saved are a chosen people. God knows who will answer and receive salvation and who will not but we don't so we must still choose for ourselves. It may be the choice we were always going to make but God still gives us a life in which to make that choice.

    • @ShiniGuraiJoker
      @ShiniGuraiJoker 3 місяці тому +1

      @@buckanderson3520 So, has God already chosen those saved, or is it the choice of man? Those are contradictory statements, it seems.

    • @SliderFury1
      @SliderFury1 3 місяці тому

      ​@@ShiniGuraiJokerGod exists outside of time. That's always the hardest thing to wrap your mind around. He didn't choose anything for us, he simply knows what we will choose before we choose it because for him, the future has already happened, but also hasn't happened yet. It's weird. But we're talking about God here, we can't fully comprehend his existence, especially while we're in this corporeal form and bound by time and our perception of the world through our bodily senses.
      So since he knows that certain people will reject him via their free will, there's no need for him to "call" them. He knows they won't listen. So he calls the ones he knows will, but it's still up to us to choose to hear and follow.

    • @ShiniGuraiJoker
      @ShiniGuraiJoker 3 місяці тому

      @@SliderFury1 Then why witness/evangelize to the masses? It seems pointless when you state he knows who not to call. It seeks like a false message that everyone could be saved when, in reality, by God's own design, that is simply not the case.
      It is clear that God allegedly does not change the heart or mind of those he has foresaw to reject his gift.

  • @soulanstreets222
    @soulanstreets222 3 місяці тому +1

    She's actually right about "tainting" not because she exists but because she already has a god...herself. She also believes that her desires or "innate" desires as she calls them is more important than any religion or any deity. She doesn't want to give that up or be told she has to so she respectfully stays she should. Religion requires changing your life, not staying stagnant and Skyler doesn't want to live a life like a nun, neither does she want to be with a that okay? No...but is that her choice? Yes and she is free to choose that.
    Religion isn't for everyone, if it was, there would be no weeping and gnashing of teeth foretold. Some people....just think their way is better. So if any man be ignorant, let them.

  • @TheAlexDicker
    @TheAlexDicker 3 місяці тому +4

    No doubt I can pray for her myself, no doubt you already did, but I reckon finishing with a quick prayer would be a great way to encourage viewers to join in when they otherwise might just go on with their day and forget! Love the videos mate 😊

  • @BrotherDave80
    @BrotherDave80 3 місяці тому +5


  • @overlyfatman9722
    @overlyfatman9722 3 місяці тому +1

    Let’s pray for her for God to bless her journey in finding Jesus.

  • @TheFearlessBabe
    @TheFearlessBabe 3 місяці тому +2

    😂😂😂😂The “LGTV” still staking me out!

  • @randyfoy4750
    @randyfoy4750 3 місяці тому +6

    Would love to see you two connect and talk

  • @shaniecebrazwell1321
    @shaniecebrazwell1321 Місяць тому +1

    She may not be aware of the fact that a lot of us leave our sin to follow Christ. We leave sexual sins whether we are gay or straight

  • @denniszaychik8625
    @denniszaychik8625 3 місяці тому

    Wow. Honestly wasnt expecting to see such respectful content. If only more people like than maybe the Church would have a chance of being reborn and getting its idealism under control.

  • @trejohnson2448
    @trejohnson2448 3 місяці тому +1

    She is wise. Jesus wants a relationship with her.

  • @jdz3446
    @jdz3446 3 місяці тому +3

    If you turn away from God because of church. You have been following people not God.

  • @MilesGar
    @MilesGar 3 місяці тому +1

    Everyone wants to be “religious” few wanna follow Christ. Jesus’ multitude of disciplines all left him after he said “weigh the cost”.

  • @JustUsCrazyBoyz
    @JustUsCrazyBoyz 3 місяці тому +1

    I hope God guides her way!

  • @ogloc6308
    @ogloc6308 3 місяці тому +15

    Pray for her ❤

  • @Zamasu_EDTZ
    @Zamasu_EDTZ 3 місяці тому +1

    I hope the lord Jesus blesses her

  • @InvaderROO420
    @InvaderROO420 2 місяці тому +1

    Then she should reject that identity like I have, I promise she will be much happier and if she asks God will show her what went wrong and when your aware of the cause it becomes much easier to fight it.

  • @davidsmither95
    @davidsmither95 3 місяці тому +4

    I wanna say this…there Christian’s including pastors that don’t allow lgbt members inside the church buildings and there are preachers and churches like the Westboro Baptist Church outside of concerts and parades that are condemning the lgbt and other Christian’s saying that they are going to hell for listening to that person or for sports like wwe and even towards people including Christian’s that go to concerts and some even use the F slur and the R word and It’s all over UA-cam too cause there Christian’s that against horror movies that say that horror movies open up doors to demons.
    It’s not all Christian’s but there are Christian’s that do that stuff on UA-cam, social media, inside the church and outside the church.
    Also, I subscribe to that lady’s channel cause I thought the video was very good.

  • @DevineHabits
    @DevineHabits 3 місяці тому +1

    Looks to me like she’s heading the right direction. Doubt is the enemy and Faith deletes doubt. You grow your faith by getting in the word and living by it. The enemy does not want us to question our doubts. He wants us to believe the lies and be deceived. Having faith says that we don’t need to know and we’re putting all our trust in him, Jesus.

  • @ahmadharris8330
    @ahmadharris8330 3 місяці тому +4

    Yo this was a beautiful vide

  • @streetballize
    @streetballize 3 місяці тому

    Sooo close, but I feel for her! But hopefully she opens up her heart more, she won’t taint anything!!!

  • @sanctuarysupport7315
    @sanctuarysupport7315 3 місяці тому +1

    This young woman would benefit from reading/watching Becket Cook and Rosaria Butterfield. Both gay converts to Christianity. Their lives prove that a vibrant life in Christ is possible for people with same sex attraction.

    • @jovanarosic3606
      @jovanarosic3606 2 місяці тому

      @@sanctuarysupport7315 Respectful I struggle with this but I got over It. The most important thing to me is to work on my faith. I don't want anyone tell me what exactly should I do or believe unless God and Jesus wanted It to be first. Even God knows that we are stubborn sometimes and full of chaos and self-destructive. I believe that God doesn't care for your sin If you repent. So you can be with him homosexual or full of tattoos and piercings and with dark past. But one day he will cleanse you from all of bad and evil. Can be this life or life in heaven. This lady is on her way to Christ

  • @SupremeSkeptic
    @SupremeSkeptic 3 місяці тому +1

    You don't believe in a religion because your life is not perfect or if the religion teaches you good things.
    You believe because the religion is true and God is real

  • @tab207
    @tab207 3 місяці тому +12

    I think the most beneficial thing Christians can do in this conversation is address childhood sexual trauma bc statically that is why they’re practicing this lifestyle

    • @alourens4187
      @alourens4187 3 місяці тому +8

      The devil also use poor Father/Mother relationships as an entry.

    • @jaythemachine3845
      @jaythemachine3845 3 місяці тому +9

      Not always the case at all.

    • @tab207
      @tab207 3 місяці тому +5

      @@jaythemachine3845 statistically doesn’t mean always, it means overwhelmingly & overwhelmingly there is a history of having been abused

    • @Wi_Gong_Dye
      @Wi_Gong_Dye 3 місяці тому +1


    • @nylamaris5107
      @nylamaris5107 2 місяці тому

      @@tab207 Please, stop spreading misinformation. The old but false tale that homosexuality is caused by traumatic events in childhood is not really supported by good evidence.

  • @chashiu169
    @chashiu169 3 місяці тому

    The name meaning of Skylar means scholar in German in which the name comes from Schuyler. In English, it means eternal life,strength, love and beauty. Ruslan’s name means one who is like a Lion which is from Russia.

  • @benjaminmoore528
    @benjaminmoore528 3 місяці тому +4

    We submit to God standards he does not submit to ours. And it's very explicit in the Bible as to how he feels about homosexuality and even adultery.

  • @rodneyjones1990
    @rodneyjones1990 3 місяці тому +1


  • @Jawond34
    @Jawond34 3 місяці тому

    She's welcome to come to my church we would love to love on her , tell her the gospel and see her transformed .honestly it breaks my heart that her existence would ruin Christianity. I feel bad honestly . Man she is so close like right there literally like right there

  • @cam6790
    @cam6790 3 місяці тому +1

    You need to have her on the show with you asap.

  • @Yipper64
    @Yipper64 3 місяці тому +1

    2:47 I think you need to rightly understand hell. As in, it is not a threat for what your fate will be if you do not behave a certain way, it is the consequences of your actions. And then understanding the love of Christ to save you from those consequences, by taking them onto himself.
    THAT is why you should love God. Because he loves you enough to do that.

  • @Chase_R.6
    @Chase_R.6 2 місяці тому

    Sooo how am i going to start this. I am a person who isn't following your nor any other religion but, i think it is a very important thing to have something that upholds our community. And many people are just missing some kind of path to follow and they get lost in anger and hate. So would i ever join church probably not but, do i think it is very important in this day and age yes we kind of lost the way of being just good humanbeings and being kind to eachother and a church would help many people to get back on track. (I would love to have a nice and friendly conversation about this topic) Have a nice day to whom ever reads this :D

  • @mentalwarfare2038
    @mentalwarfare2038 3 місяці тому +7

    God is not a means to an end. God is the end.

  • @broco6608
    @broco6608 3 місяці тому

    Real question: for anyone coming to church who isn't saved or a babe, how far should the church go in allowing them to do what they want to do in the midst of the congregation? For example, there are folks coming in the midst of congregants (including in front of children) in drag, revealing clothing, showing heavy PDA to their partners, cursing out loud, etc,. These folks are either unsaved or new coverts. How should the church handle this and for how long?

  • @nathancjarrett
    @nathancjarrett 3 місяці тому

    If you have her on to talk i will definitely tune in for that.

  • @Yipper64
    @Yipper64 3 місяці тому +1

    5:50 this perspective on religion is always interesting, but it kind of only gets at part of the truth, ignores the real crux of the truth. You know like that story of someone seeing shadows on the wall of a cave and that's their entire world. Someone escapes the cave and sees the truth, and tries to come back to tell their friends and they wont believe him.
    She only sees the shadows. "hey, this worked for society, we left it behind, its not working anymore"
    The thing is this would imply that it can be replaced by a similar tool. Just something else for society to rally behind, that would be just as functional.
    Why has this not happened? Because only one religion can provide that stability because a lie cannot provide stability. A lie will always reveal itself eventually.

  • @MarvinThomas-nw3yi
    @MarvinThomas-nw3yi 3 місяці тому

    I'm just trying to help the people around me as I struggle to repent. The world? I know its agenda and will not capitulate but, I'm not gonna lie, I DO probably take too much joy from verses like Zephaniah 3:8 and my desire to see it fulfilled.

  • @QZigZagg
    @QZigZagg 3 місяці тому

    I actually missed the “Hide your kids… EXPLICIT… EXPLICIT….”

  • @joshuarivas8488
    @joshuarivas8488 3 місяці тому

    The issue is sin. We all come into Christ dirty and if the selling point is “be clean then you can shower” then people loose heart and don’t get to understand that Jesus makes us clean. The Holy Spirit moves and helps us align to Gods desires - Ezekiel 36:26 - the process is building a relationship with God and his people wrestling with the word, encouraging one another and holding each other accountable.

  • @ForkThe6
    @ForkThe6 2 місяці тому

    I believe the key to solving her problem and in the same time the problem for most of other LGBT's and fornicators or even anyone who lives sinful life, is if they understand that they are committing sin and if they work on changing the behavior. Otherwise the following verse applies:
    2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him. (NKJV)
    But this is mainly the view of the Orthodoxy, and I am part of it. Anyone can enter in the Church at any point, but in order to be part of the last part of Sunday's liturgy and prtake in the Eucharist you have to confess possibly all of your big sins and ask God to start the change. Also we need to fast as much as we can with all of our heart, mind and soul. And if eating meat is a problem how much more the sexual acts that are outside the marriage and with that reduced to enjoyment only through the physical parts.

  • @michaelau5159
    @michaelau5159 3 місяці тому +1

    I replied to her video and pointed her to your extended video with Brenna Blain.

  • @Kurtio_
    @Kurtio_ 3 місяці тому +2

    Don't define yourself by Ur sexual orientation. The power of God can change anything about u prayer is powerful just work on it.

  • @Alexander44665
    @Alexander44665 3 місяці тому

    As a man who is attracted to both men and women, I go to church. I don't act on it. I still want to get married to a woman. If you are in a similar situation to me, DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT YOUR STRUGGLE! THEY WON'T UNDERSTAND. Its best to stay in the closet-if possible try to marry from the opposite gender. If you are a woman, you can be more honest, but as men we must keep it secret.

  • @imimpo9316
    @imimpo9316 3 місяці тому

    I think, she should start reading the Gospels, join the Church and over time, through prayer and help of community and God Himself, she will be able to overcome her problems, just as addicts and other struggling people do

  • @maximilianborden313
    @maximilianborden313 3 місяці тому

    Ruslin you are awsome real deal evangelist

  • @nealcoles3359
    @nealcoles3359 3 місяці тому

    Paul got word from one of the churches and heard that there was a son have relations with his dads wife and that the church tolerated it. Paul rebuks them tells them to kick those out of the church to deliver them over to satan hoping that they may see the errors is their ways and return to God truly repentant of what they were doing how then does a church whos job is to keep their body holy let those who would come in

  • @bairfreedom
    @bairfreedom 3 місяці тому +1

    Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me -- Jesus

  • @hanygamal3580
    @hanygamal3580 Місяць тому +2

    seriously mate, why are you so afraid of saying "gay" like you're going to burn after you say it! lmao
    As a reply for your point when you said that "you have to have everything in order before you step foot in a church " my answer is you can't! you can't just believe in a religion that says you're a sin and have conflict on a daily basis in terms of your sexuality which in direct conflict with religion. you'll end up being depressed because you can't change yourself.

  • @texmaxx3261
    @texmaxx3261 3 місяці тому +1

    Yooo, I watched a video❤❤❤

  • @areneem87
    @areneem87 3 місяці тому

    That would be a very interesting conversation between you and her

  • @prestonmccoy7097
    @prestonmccoy7097 3 місяці тому

    She was cooking! Like she was espousing many things that I have said literally word for word. “Everyone has a God.” You don’t realize this especially if you’re an athiest, for sure, but you do have a stand-in so-to-speak.
    You know things are getting bad when even people who don’t necessarily believe or are somewhere in between and they see the world around us and are like, “Hold on. Christianity, or just religion, might just be a better framework than where we are heading.” I mean people like this woman, Joe Rogan, and Richard Dawkins have been moved to admit the value of Christianity as opposed to this supposed world of “rationality” that we’re supposed to be heading in as Christianity numbers wane. And there is a VERY direct correlation between the state of the world and Christianity’s popularity, no doubt.
    I hope this girl finds her way in whatever way possible. Some people may say she believes the way she does because of her prior “indoctrination.” I don’t believe so. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the state of the world and see the evident truths of the Bible. It’s getting very crazy out here. We DO need a Savior. And you already know who it is too.

  • @albertito77
    @albertito77 3 місяці тому

    It's a tough one that's for sure. Although the number of true lesbians is quite low (as opposed to bisexual women in lesbian relationships) it's not easy to he told to break up with someone you may well love--at least to break up as a romantic couple.
    Even on this side of heaven, gays and lesbians will be happier engaged in a church community and living as celibate Christians. Yes, happier here let one heaven.

  • @honest_abe777
    @honest_abe777 3 місяці тому +1

    Repentance not Tolerance, The Bible is a Book for one of 2 things: 1 to encourage you and the other is to offend you. Every Culture wants things to coexist based upon what they want it to be and we try so hard to get our version based upon it by each others our opinion. God chose to send Jesus to die for us so we can live a new life not our own opinionated old life. Being a Christian is not about Unicorns and Rainbows it is about having yourself not be apart of the world and because of that lifestyle people start to not like you anymore, you will be persecuted, families and friends will distance themselves from you. Jesus talks about this over and over again to the point that even just the word of Jesus to others is going to be considered an offense to others like a Curse Word. The Road is Narrow and only a few find it. Jesus from back around 2,000 years ago to now is not making Christianity a popularity concept he said to Go Into All Nations it is up to us if we choose to make the choice for him or not. He is not forcing us to drink the water or putting a gun next to our head. The Thing about Homosexuality is that when you become a Christian you may still have thoughts of the same sex but you have to live a celibate life and you have to not give into Lustful Impurity. That is what the Bible really says. Jesus says to the Pharisee's the Prostitutes and Tax Collectors are Entering ahead into the kingdom of God, why because they wanted to Repent or in Hebrew Teshiva which means to change with both thoughts and actions differently a change of heart and mind. When Jesus sat with the Sinners he was sitting with people eager to change there ways not Hyped Up Religious Prideful people who said they have never sinned that is why often when you read 1 John 1 it states whoever says they have never sinned is a liar and the Truth is not in them.

  • @zachberry4742
    @zachberry4742 3 місяці тому

    So if I choose to follow god he may put me on a life path where he doesn’t want me to be married, but if I don’t follow god and can do whatever I want I can marry someone even if it’s not gods plan for my life… sounds like a headache and a half.

  • @CountrySingerWannabe
    @CountrySingerWannabe 3 місяці тому

    I wish she could see that she is asking for the Holy Spirit through this whole thing.

  • @christiang4497
    @christiang4497 3 місяці тому

    Bring her on the show

  • @inhaeroisa2911
    @inhaeroisa2911 3 місяці тому

    So i agree with you guys with the fear of hell thing. the problem i have with that thought process is that you are saying that hell is stronger than God or even equal and opposite of God.
    Which is entirely incorrect. Hell is the absence of God.
    We don't Love the Lord because we scared of the devil...
    We should not sin because we fear being apart of our Lord.
    "Though i walk through the shadow of Death..."

  • @Marc-kw4tk
    @Marc-kw4tk 3 місяці тому

    The internet is poison.

  • @JTHill-ed7qe
    @JTHill-ed7qe 3 місяці тому

    I agree that people should always welcome them. BUT, if I'm preaching. At whatever point God were to lay it on my heart to preach on the sin, I'm gonna preach on it.. I know that would seem like a personal attack or I'm singling them out but, the truth is the truth and if God wants it spoke, it'll be spoke. One thing we cannot do is deny God the truth in order to spare people. If we gonna preach on sin, we preaching on ALL Sin! No one is spared!! Fear not though, because people gonna hear about God's eternal mercy, grace and Love. He is long suffering. If he wasn't, this world would of been gone thousands of years ago.
    God Bless! Jehovah Shalom, Shalom ✌️

  • @stephenbailey9969
    @stephenbailey9969 3 місяці тому

    "I am ...(this or that or the other thing)..."
    We spend much of our young lives trying to become someone, defining ourselves in various ways to fit into our social communities and roles. Our behavior adjusts to reinforce those identities.
    But our self-perception and uniform of identities just become a tiresome weight. They confine and limit our ability to just be.
    Jesus said, 'Deny self, let all those old things die, and just walk with me.' As Paul said, 'It is for freedom we have been set free.' Free to be. And he is always there, with us.
    First step is to recognize we can't fix anything ourselves. Then, let go and trust Him to be who He has promised.

  • @clayyeagley
    @clayyeagley 3 місяці тому +8

    We are given a free will and being "gay" IS A CHOICE we are not victims to our URGES or our FEELINGS we are ACCOUNTABLE and will give an account before Christ on Judgement day1

    • @MexicanNerd10
      @MexicanNerd10 3 місяці тому +7

      Completely agree, but that won’t convince that community. They truly believe that they are “born this way”, so I like to refer to John 3:3-8. Hope this helps ✝️❤️

  • @Alien1375
    @Alien1375 3 місяці тому

    Not all religions are so stuck up about what people do in their bedrooms.

  • @johnny5654
    @johnny5654 3 місяці тому

    Her social media calls out Pride parades and the gross they do to kids. She sees and calls out some truth in that. Please pray for he...i know i will.

  • @denniszaychik8625
    @denniszaychik8625 3 місяці тому

    Her orientation is a part of her identity. Problem is that according to Christianity and other monotheistic religions that cannot be so because it does not confine with the divine order/law.

  • @LordDigby
    @LordDigby 3 місяці тому +1

    Not that this lady's life is necessarily over, reference to the "pizza party youth group" model, and it working--did it??
    I mean, if she thinks she can have both the sexual immorality AND salvation (faith fully in Jesus and repentance of sin), she is woefully mistaken. Plus, considering that she said what was being taught in those youth group meetings went over her head, it seems that that local church needed to focus more on its hermeneutics and teaching, and less on the "fun".

  • @Christianfighterministries
    @Christianfighterministries 3 місяці тому

    I actually commented Jesus loves you on one of this girls videos.