I am 61 years old on long term disability since Jan 2020. I just got a letter from my employer telling me that they are now requesting a medical evaluation from my doctor stating that I am OK enough to go back yo work otherwise they will terminate my employment. I am also eligible for early retirement without penalty as of Jan 1st,2024 basically in 2 months from now. My insurance company did force me to apply for CPP disability awhile back because of my age and I was accepted. The question is if I decide to take early retirement can I still request the Vocational Rehab Progam so that I can be trained in another field for I still need to work because of my finances or lack of, for my functions at my present job might be to hard to handle if I go back to it in my present condition. Thank you!
David, thanks for this informative video. What type of training programs are most likely to be accepted? How long are the ones that are approved?
Self employment- do you know if you can get part time courses to upgrade?
Reason, I've started a small business (not yet profitable) and I need some learning about marketing
I am 61 years old on long term disability since Jan 2020. I just got a letter from my employer telling me that they are now requesting a medical evaluation from my doctor stating that I am OK enough to go back yo work otherwise they will terminate my employment. I am also eligible for early retirement without penalty as of Jan 1st,2024 basically in 2 months from now. My insurance company did force me to apply for CPP disability awhile back because of my age and I was accepted. The question is if I decide to take early retirement can I still request the Vocational Rehab Progam so that I can be trained in another field for I still need to work because of my finances or lack of, for my functions at my present job might be to hard to handle if I go back to it in my present condition. Thank you!
I got vacation pay which is accumulated for 3/4 years. Some of them before my disability. Is that vacation pay reduce my cpp disability benefits