Army reserve is the beeeeeeeesssssssst of both world hands down and cant wait to join. In my perspective you have a 90 percent chance to be successful in LIFE, the respect in the civilian world is huge.
Maybe from standard civis it is but the real civilians only respect the real veterans and when I say real vets I'm talking about combat vets those are the ones who will always get my highest respect active duty vets who haven't seen combat will get standard respect and well if you're reserves then well sorry no respect for you 🤷♂️ now through my enlistment if I dont see combat I'll tell people who thank me for my service etc an if I see combat which I hope I do wanna actually do something for pur country and defend my brothers in arms from threats hence why I've chosen 12b
@@nelsonjackson5718 see I'm joining the reserves to get that respect. Yes I'm aiming to get a POG job that doesnt deploy not because I'm scared by any means, but because I want to serve and play my part and because I have a 2yo that needs his dad. I'd love to earn the respect of a combat warrior and maybe near the end of my career I'll possibly request to change to 11 or 12b and do at least 1 tour to fight. My life in the civilian world is too important to risk because of my child but I'll happily serve in my own way. Its overcoming and obstacle and doing something most people wouldn't never even attempt out of fear. Just passing basic puts you above most civilians in terms of strength
I did 34 years total in active, National Guard, and Army Reserves. Never regretted it...would do it again. I was originally going to make the Army a career, but in those days with Nam going on...I was with my wife and baby a total of 11 months in a three year period. Went in as an E1,at Ft. Polk, went to regular army OCS at Ft Benning, and retired a full Colonel. So, I was a Mustang, and I have always believed every officer should spend time as enlisted, in a line unit, to see what its like to serve under good people, incompetent people, and dangerous people. I enjoy watching your videos. My Grand son is at Benning 19D MOS.
That's crazy!! My fiancé is now at basic , signed up reserves and the reason why he did it is to finish college and become an officer! This is amazing information
Alesha Singh you're making the right choice by joining the reserve make sure you take advantage of the opportunity that they give you to go to college that will help you out a lot go get your associate's degree or a bachelor's degree an the military will pay for that and if not they have a lot of Grants out there for you to apply for but I'm 100% sure that the military will pay for that you can't get the tuition assistance until you're in the reserves for I think a year but you can get the Montgomery GI bill right off after you get out of basic training and AIT enroll into school I promise you that it will help you out in the long run
If you have a good job and or are attending college and want a degree in life then reserves is for you if you have nothing and or want to serve your country for the whole then active is the way to go just remember if you join try to stay for 20 years the retirement is awesome.
Pretty much. But today you don't even have to stay active for 20 years. The new retirement system will go off of time in service so if you do 15 years you can still collect some retirement if you go with that plan. I'm not 100% on specifics but anybody who signs up now is ushered into the new retirement system. Guys who joined a little earlier like me have the choice.
oMuRDA-MiTTiNo PS4 damn look I totally would but I got 4 sisters I’m the only son 22 n no kid I need a son so I can join n won’t have a prob if I die I dnt wanna let my father down
I think you just convinced me man! I wasn't quite sure on what I wanted to do because I am a programmer as well and never knew you could be a soldier and a programmer! I'm going to set up a meeting with a recruiter soon. Thanks man!
Changing from reserves/National Guard to active is the same. It is not changing branches, it requires a DD 368 which is a conditional release. My brother switched from NG to active within 30 days. Active Duty, Reserves, and NG all have the same opportunity to attend ROTC, Airborne, Air Assault, Path Finder, Best Warrior Competition, All Army Shooting competition, etc. Difference between Reserve/NG attending ROTC (SMP) is that the NG gets tuition and room and board paid for. NG can also compete for a scholarship and go active just like the reserves. Reserves: Federal National Guard: Federal and State (duel mission) Reserves and National Guard can volunteer to be deployed. Hope this helps!
To each their own deciding with ANY components. Kudos to ALL who raised their right hand, timing and circumstances are different for everyone. My time in the Army National Guard had its ups and downs. My initial decision factor was availability of both federal and state benefits especially for school...
So I have had the luxury of doing all three, NG, Active Duty, and I am now a Reservist so with that being said I will say the Reserves has been the best so far because it has given me the best job opportunities to take advantage of-I got a DOD civilian job thru the Army Reserves and it's been great. Also he is right about the schooling while on AD, it took me 6 years to obtain a 2 year Automotive Tech degree and that included multiple re-enlistments just to get the full-time school options to do it, if you try an do school while on AD you'll drive yourself crazy depending on what your job is. CONUS (stateside) mobilizations are great too if you can volunteer for them, you'll get BAH and BAS regardless of your rank and even more depending on what your mission is.
Matt this video was really helpful to me. I'm meeting with a recruiter about a potential 2 year scholarship for my junior and senior year of college. I was a little stressed becuase although I see myself as an officer in the military, Idk what being in the army reserve was like. Hearing the reasons why you joined army reserves matches the reasons why I want to. God bless and wish you luck!
Matt I know this vid is a little old but you've just cleared up so much for me man thank you I was gonna go guard but now all the points you made about army reserve made so much sense for me and the MOS I want is available in reserves 31B
You joined the reserves for school benefits? Wrong move man. National guard has federal AND state tuition assistance. For example, Minnesota National Guard pays 100% tuition up to U of M. Thousands and thousands of dollars.
Master- Baitor You are absolutely correct! If school was his main focus, the Reserves doesn’t come close to the NG. Same way here in FL. The NG pays 100% up to bachelors degree and 50% of a masters. Reserves only give you federal benefits which is NOT enough to pay for school (if full time student). GI Bill SR and Kicker won’t cut it. You’ll still end up paying out of pocket. You also have to be MOSQ in order to use it. The NG’s EDD for instance, can be used as soon as you swear in. Wrong decision guy...
He said the main reason was because he wanted to give himself as much options as possible and stated that it's easier to switch to active duty in the reserves.
You have to have a GT Score 110 or higher. And normally AGR positions which is title 10 Federal, for the Army Reserve Component. And title 32 State Army National Guard Component. The National Guard Component of the Army and Air Force gets Federal and State Military benefits.
Please don't make a sound like they're passing out AGR slots like it's candy. If everybody could be active duty and stay home everybody in the city would be doing that option. You have a lot of people Who get the position and never leave so now the younger soldiers are stuck doing there waiting for AGR slots/waiting for somebody to retire. So with that means is the AGR's who have position who are not gonna leave until they retired reap the benefits of being paid full-time while the younger enlisted are getting only paid one week in a month and still have to get a part-time jobs to sustain their life. The only guarantee for for training, benefits and quality-of-life is active duty especially for younger soldiers
Thank you for your service Matt! I'm starting an Army Reserve career as an E-4. I was also initially considering a special women's special forces team after scoring a 70 and 115 line on ASVAB.
After doing 5 years active, I did a 3 year in the Army Reserve hitch. I had initially planned on staying in but it really started conflicting with my real world job. My very first task was to fill out PT Test cards for the entire section so they would be prefilled for the upcoming PT Test. I handed them back to the 1SG who promptly handed them back to me saying they aren’t filled out. I was like, pardon me 1SG? He said “yeah you didn’t put the scores in there. Everyone in this unit passes their annual pt test.” So I had to put in scores for like 40 people I never met, no idea if they were promotable and needed the points. Congratulations everybody got a 275.
Thank you for posting all your videos. They have helped me decide and also figure out I am capable. I will follow your advice to train and I will give an update when I can.
I respect you so g d much for being insightful and unbiased. Your channel has helped me decide to join the army reserves. Ship out for basic in about 3 months
anh trinh ,May I ask a question,I want to become a mercenary but the requirements are that I must have experience in a special branch of the military, but currently I don't know the odds of making it into any of the elite branches, perhaps some insight would be helpful
I’m actually about to start my programming courses.. I’ve considered enlisting years ago but wanted to wait until my son is older. Now he’s a little older and I’m considering the reserves! This just helped my decision.
You heard wrong, you need to be in the guard for over a year and you just request to go active. Also, the NG gets deployed just as much as the reserves if not more, they arent just "state", they are federal and state and you get both benefits, which is why I joined the NG. you get both benefits.
I was called yesterday from a recruiter and he asked me if I wanted to join the reserves. I was iffy about it because of school and all of those responsibilities but now that saw someone who is going through it and how it works for them im starting to think its for me. Thanks great vid
Army National Guard is usually better for the college student. You get all the same educational benefits as the Army Reserves plus additional state benefits that you don’t get in the Army Reserves. Once you get your degree, the Army Reserves might be better do to nationwide promotion potential rather than limitations from being bound by your state.
I'm so sick of seeing these blogs where people are dissing The National Guard like we're not part of the army what the fuck we're actually the oldest component of the military
Are we twins 😂 your situation is exactly where I am rn I graduated Clemson University this past May and was about to sign for active. Thanks so much brodie!!🤝
You have no idea how much this video just helped me.. I really appreciate it!! I was between the 2, active and reserve.. I work for the postal service already and many were wondering why I would leave this job for active when I could just go Reserve and continue.. and I agree.. i also want to get into other things out side of work... but thanks!
2 years later and this video is steel usefull for someone like me. Thks you guys for the comments... I want to join but at 34years I have alredy so many things in my life, wife kids...and professional life so that I see that reserve then may be active gonna feet more my current state
the process switching from guard to active is the exact same as reserves, also depending on what state you drill in, you will get better benefits for school while in the guard, i’m in illinois and i have 100% free tuition because of the guard and also get my gi bill, reserve units in illinois don’t get the 100%. just wanted to point that out because in some cases for college students guard would be the better option for your state. also the guard has more units in states than reserves with a ton of more mos’ to choose from.
Good grief. Get over it. 33% of the country are Democrats. 33% are Republicans. The rest are independent. We are not enemies of each other! Who the president is or isn't should not have an effect on your career choices. I enlisted 2 months after 9/11. Voted for Obama 2x and Hillary this time around, I can't stand Trump but he's the President - nothing I can do about it. Military service is about love of country. We are a nation of laws, not of men.
I finished my 3rd year in college and I have 3 quarters left till my Bachelors in Health Science. I wanted to finish one quarter (August-December) and go to active duty in Army in Jan because my recruiter said that I can finish my remaining two quarters while in active duty and come back in June and still walk the stage for my degree. It's only 2 quarters which will be left and I have no problem with not having a social life because my school comes first. I decided to do active duty because I want to know what's it's like to actually be a E-3 recruit. I think I will respect myself more if I actually go through training like everyone else. Not to disrespect you or anything, but I think I will respect myself more if I actually go through training like others. On the other hand, you are absolutely right. I don't like others bossing me around or yelling at me. I'm also a great leader and have the potential. So, it is a struggle but the con with the reserves is that you don't get to travel. It's only about 2 months of basic training, it really shouldn't be bad because from watching all your other videos, I am in good shape physically and mentally, I have no strings attached back home expect for my immediate family. Thank you for your videos though
+Shayal Singh That's a great plan but send me a PM talking more specifically about how you want to finish school? I don't wanna respond without all the info, if you want to anyways. But yeah since I enlisted for a few years before trying to be an officer I am definitely respected more than others who will have not gone to BCT and AIT. I think it's really good because BCT gives you such a different perspective on the military than anything. In my opinion some Cadets or even 2nd Lts don't understand the respect that certain ranks deserve and they take it for granted. But that's just my opinion haha
Ummm with reserves you do have to travel if they want you to go to Iraq you have to it’s in your contract. Whether active or reservists you still deploy!!
✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽watching this video helps a whole lot because am a very social life person. I love being around my loved ones and associating with civilians way of life rather than being somewhere in Iraq 🇮🇶🤦🏽♂️
After serving Ten Years on Active Duty, I ETS.I joined the Army Reserve under the Try One Program. I was in the Army Reserve for One Year and the Army National Guard for One Year. I was a SSG E-6(P) when I ETS and joined the Army Reserve. I kept my Rank while in the Army Reserve but my Employer would not give me the time off to attend drills. I had to trade days off and pay others out of pocket money to work for me so I could attend drills. My Employer said under the law they only had to give me time off for Two Weeks Summer Camp and that was all the time off I was given. After a year I got another job and joined the Army National Guard. Before signing the papers to join the Guard, the Company Commander was telling me I had to take an Admin Bust down to SGT E-5 because they did not have any slots open for a SSG E-6. I said no over and over again refusing to accept those terms. The Guard had a slot open for an SFC E-7 as the NBC NCO. At my previous Unit before going on to Recruiting Duty, I was the Unit NBC NCO and had attended the School. I was placed into the open slot and received my SFC E-7 Promotion because I was already a SSG(P) but had refused to convert to MOS 00R Army Recruiter which meant I would have had to Convert and Reenlist and remain on Recruiting Duty Assignment. I sai, NO and HELL NO TO THAT> The Army Reserve was ok and had much nicer equipment because it is under the Regular Army. The Army Reserve was on a Base while the Army National Guard was at an Armory. The Guard had hand me down equipment which always broke down. Many of the Soldiers had served on Active Duty but overall it was a JOKE Compared to my Ten Years on Active Duty in the Regular Army. Hands Down the Army Reserve was BETTER than the Army National Guard. One Big Difference is the Army Reserve does not have Combat Arms, the Army National Guard has Combat Arms. I was originally Infantry and then Armor. The only Guard Units with those Mos was far away from where I lived. The Guard Unit close to me which was 17 miles away is where I was the NBC NCO. The Army Reserve Unit was One Hour Drive from where I lived. You made the right choice choosing the Army Reserve
Enlisted in the PA Army National Guard on 12-18. Was deciding between reserves and guard. I picked the guard because I'm trying to get in with the Pennsylvania State Police, and the National Guard assists with civil disturbance, which is good experience. 11Bravo infantry is my MOS. Headed to Ft Benning on 2-12. Regardless of Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard, we are all one apart of the Army and all wear the same uniform.
Im a 25u ( signal support systems specialist), reserve. I thought about the special forces too but, I'll just see what other options I have. I was thinking about being an officer myself, just don't like all of that taking orders but i like leading. I didn't know you could still travel without going active...that blew my mind. thanks for tips, and anyone being pulled on going reserve or active by others, just remember it's YOUR choice, respect their opinions, but in the end it's YOUR choice.
I’m looking at joining the Army Reserves at 31, lol. Going through the process now. High ASVAB/PiCAT scores, first chose 25H, for the financial security, but now am thinking 37F for the balance or badassery and training.
Its crazy because ive watched almost all your videos and i joined the National guard as a 31B (Military Police) i also live in charlotte and stay around university area
I’m joining Army Reserves because for same reasons. But the main reason for me is to be prepare to be an Office after a year while waiting my citizenship to come in which is next year too 😇
Dude we are in the same path i guess, when i just arrive here in the U.S two years ago i wanted to go as active But i can't just easily give up my job as Full-Stack web developer position. I think i just get lucky, Imagine within 6 months i get a job right away and english is my third language and that's keep reminding me because i see a lot of people who wants to get into I.T industry (Programming aspect) but they don't have the right experience. I will be joining the Air force as reserve
Been NG and Reserve, now Reserve AGR. I like the Reserve more as an organization, but as a 68W I miss being out with the line troops getting dirty. I have spent most of my Reserve time in clinics and hospitals. Then again, as a SSG I probably wouldn't be on the line anymore if I stayed NG. The only downside to Reserve AGR is the moving every few years.
Nice video. Good stuff. few things: 3:14 Good thing you didn't do SF. Attention to detail is a must. 4:45 Very true. 6:32 You're still going to be bossed around and told what to do. It's... the military. You'd still get your ass chewed out, but at least now it's behind closed doors instead of just anywhere. If you're lucky with your commander. Don't get your ego all blown up, remember to listen to your NCO's. They went through the long process of being built into a leader. 6:50 I'd rather build a leader than assign one straight from college. 7:40 I Agree. It is a lifestyle.
The process to go Reserve to Active or Guard to Active is the same so if you’re going to post stuff please make sure it’s accurate especially since someone may make a decision based off of videos like this!
Being in the reserve takes a lot more personal responsibility than active because you will not be given a steady paycheck and room and board. It's up to you to make sure you have a solid civilian job that you can properly balance with reserve weekends. No one is going to drive you to drill, nor is the Army going to drive you there either. Not saying Reserve is harder, I'm saying that if you want to be successful you need to play by big boy rules.
Bruh, why wouldn't you just go ROTC straight through then? You could have got a contract 2nd semester freshman year, and had all 4 years paid for. Also, Guard has all the benefits of the reserves and active, plus state benefits that are exclusive to the Guard. Guard, you get deployments at the same rate. Plus, you have in-state deployments, and fed tech. jobs. You can just as easily switch from Guard to AD. My friend literally transitioned with in a month. You can get the same training seats with the Guard as reserves. Where are you getting your info? Lastly, it's components you're changing, not branches. We are the same branch (Army), different components. Someone get their private!!
Michael Jones yeah it's weird, but since the National Guard is like it's own state military they need all branches of the army. The reserves are mostly support MOS' that deploy to get attached to or help other units. Plus After being in the reserves, I think it's a good thing they don't have SF or infantry reserves. It just wouldn't work as good since you can't train like you would when active or deployed.
Matt Ward thats a good point and if like me youre one of those lucky joes in a combat unit with like 50 extra mutas a year,it really gets in the way of your civillian life.maybe ita just my unit but im a 12B amd we spend about 4 to 5 days a month in the field...with 3 week AT etc.
I have a great job and just talked to a Army Recruiter and made a great ASVAB score just to do Reserve. I am getting paid pretty good on my job + I am taking advantage of the college because the army reserve.
I work PART-TIME for a cell phone company, make 45k+ a year... as much as I would love to go active, I honestly don't think I could afford it. Credit card and loan payments are over 800 a month alone, not including child support. I feel like if I go active... I would be going backwards in the work force. I've been with the company for 3 years plus. I'm working on signing up now and chose active duty but I think I'm going to switch it to Reserves. Anyone found themselves in this same boat?
Not to get political but I truly wanted to serve under President Trump but just because he lost the election didn’t change the calling to serve that I have. I talked to many military friends who insisted that my decision to serve should really have nothing to do with who is POTUS. It’s just immaturity in a way; I thought for sure if he lost I would give up on joining but my feelings didn’t change when he lost. I would just be proud to serve our amazing country regardless of who is in the White House.
FYI Reserves you sign a contract for 6yrs and 2 yrs inactive (so you can get called up at any time) Correction: National Guard is the only branch whether Air or Army they serve both Country and State... other branches is country.
I am thinking of joining the reserves instead of active duty. My biggest concern is when I graduate boot camp and finish AIT school, if I don't have a "home" to come back to, where do I go?
Another aspect he didn't mention is the mos selection. Reserve is suport MOS, Active and National Guard have all MOS available. Learned this after going back and forth from a National Guard and Army Reserve recruiters
Army reserve is the beeeeeeeesssssssst of both world hands down and cant wait to join. In my perspective you have a 90 percent chance to be successful in LIFE, the respect in the civilian world is huge.
Maybe from standard civis it is but the real civilians only respect the real veterans and when I say real vets I'm talking about combat vets those are the ones who will always get my highest respect active duty vets who haven't seen combat will get standard respect and well if you're reserves then well sorry no respect for you 🤷♂️ now through my enlistment if I dont see combat I'll tell people who thank me for my service etc an if I see combat which I hope I do wanna actually do something for pur country and defend my brothers in arms from threats hence why I've chosen 12b
Explain more please man considering
Nelson Jackson I mean some soldiers can’t help that they haven’t seen combat it depends on your unit dickhead
@@nelsonjackson5718 This is not a well thought out comment.
@@nelsonjackson5718 see I'm joining the reserves to get that respect. Yes I'm aiming to get a POG job that doesnt deploy not because I'm scared by any means, but because I want to serve and play my part and because I have a 2yo that needs his dad. I'd love to earn the respect of a combat warrior and maybe near the end of my career I'll possibly request to change to 11 or 12b and do at least 1 tour to fight. My life in the civilian world is too important to risk because of my child but I'll happily serve in my own way. Its overcoming and obstacle and doing something most people wouldn't never even attempt out of fear. Just passing basic puts you above most civilians in terms of strength
I did 34 years total in active, National Guard, and Army Reserves. Never regretted it...would do it again. I was originally going to make the Army a career, but in those days with Nam going on...I was with my wife and baby a total of 11 months in a three year period. Went in as an E1,at Ft. Polk, went to regular army OCS at Ft Benning, and retired a full Colonel. So, I was a Mustang, and I have always believed every officer should spend time as enlisted, in a line unit, to see what its like to serve under good people, incompetent people, and dangerous people. I enjoy watching your videos. My Grand son is at Benning 19D MOS.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your service, any tips on being a 19D from your grandson? Or how’s he liking it? I want to be a Calvary scout.
That's crazy!! My fiancé is now at basic , signed up reserves and the reason why he did it is to finish college and become an officer! This is amazing information
How'd everything go for you two?
@@titojesusmane9540 they broke up she ignored 🤣
Thank you for your information about Reserve. I'm in the same boat deciding on Active or Reserve, but I'm for sure going in Army Reserve now.
You're welcome, thanks for the feedback!
Shootemup89 you will be deployed soon front line combat like everybody else
Sea Level Cain tf
Alesha Singh you're making the right choice by joining the reserve make sure you take advantage of the opportunity that they give you to go to college that will help you out a lot go get your associate's degree or a bachelor's degree an the military will pay for that and if not they have a lot of Grants out there for you to apply for but I'm 100% sure that the military will pay for that you can't get the tuition assistance until you're in the reserves for I think a year but you can get the Montgomery GI bill right off after you get out of basic training and AIT enroll into school I promise you that it will help you out in the long run
looks like you're enlisting in the marines because you got a 3 on your ASVAB
If you have a good job and or are attending college and want a degree in life then reserves is for you if you have nothing and or want to serve your country for the whole then active is the way to go just remember if you join try to stay for 20 years the retirement is awesome.
Pretty much. But today you don't even have to stay active for 20 years. The new retirement system will go off of time in service so if you do 15 years you can still collect some retirement if you go with that plan. I'm not 100% on specifics but anybody who signs up now is ushered into the new retirement system. Guys who joined a little earlier like me have the choice.
Shootemup89 how old you was when you joined
Doppler Boy lol
oMuRDA-MiTTiNo PS4 damn look I totally would but I got 4 sisters I’m the only son 22 n no kid I need a son so I can join n won’t have a prob if I die I dnt wanna let my father down
I think you just convinced me man! I wasn't quite sure on what I wanted to do because I am a programmer as well and never knew you could be a soldier and a programmer! I'm going to set up a meeting with a recruiter soon. Thanks man!
Hey how did your experience turn out i am thinking about joining the reserves
What is your mos
Changing from reserves/National Guard to active is the same. It is not changing branches, it requires a DD 368 which is a conditional release. My brother switched from NG to active within 30 days.
Active Duty, Reserves, and NG all have the same opportunity to attend ROTC, Airborne, Air Assault, Path Finder, Best Warrior Competition, All Army Shooting competition, etc.
Difference between Reserve/NG attending ROTC (SMP) is that the NG gets tuition and room and board paid for. NG can also compete for a scholarship and go active just like the reserves.
Reserves: Federal
National Guard: Federal and State (duel mission)
Reserves and National Guard can volunteer to be deployed.
Hope this helps!
Yeah actually it did. With this apply for Air national guard?
Cody Barry NG also has Infantry as an MOS option the reserves don’t
Very helpful
jakob clark If you want to be infantry be infantry all the way
How long was your brother in the NG before switching to Active?
To each their own deciding with ANY components. Kudos to ALL who raised their right hand, timing and circumstances are different for everyone. My time in the Army National Guard had its ups and downs. My initial decision factor was availability of both federal and state benefits especially for school...
So I have had the luxury of doing all three, NG, Active Duty, and I am now a Reservist so with that being said I will say the Reserves has been the best so far because it has given me the best job opportunities to take advantage of-I got a DOD civilian job thru the Army Reserves and it's been great. Also he is right about the schooling while on AD, it took me 6 years to obtain a 2 year Automotive Tech degree and that included multiple re-enlistments just to get the full-time school options to do it, if you try an do school while on AD you'll drive yourself crazy depending on what your job is. CONUS (stateside) mobilizations are great too if you can volunteer for them, you'll get BAH and BAS regardless of your rank and even more depending on what your mission is.
So I was low key terrified but supper excited to do national guard reserves... But watching your videos and learning So much helps a TON...
Matt this video was really helpful to me. I'm meeting with a recruiter about a potential 2 year scholarship for my junior and senior year of college. I was a little stressed becuase although I see myself as an officer in the military, Idk what being in the army reserve was like. Hearing the reasons why you joined army reserves matches the reasons why I want to. God bless and wish you luck!
How is it now? I feel like going rotc but man I’m already in the reserve and officer life seems like hell
Watch in 1.25 speed, none the less great video and very very informative!
Fernando Acosta thanks
Matt I know this vid is a little old but you've just cleared up so much for me man thank you I was gonna go guard but now all the points you made about army reserve made so much sense for me and the MOS I want is available in reserves 31B
Thank you for this information! I really needed to hear it from an actual person in reserve instead of a recruiter!
You joined the reserves for school benefits? Wrong move man.
National guard has federal AND state tuition assistance.
For example, Minnesota National Guard pays 100% tuition up to U of M. Thousands and thousands of dollars.
Master- Baitor Spot on
Master- Baitor You are absolutely correct! If school was his main focus, the Reserves doesn’t come close to the NG. Same way here in FL. The NG pays 100% up to bachelors degree and 50% of a masters. Reserves only give you federal benefits which is NOT enough to pay for school (if full time student). GI Bill SR and Kicker won’t cut it. You’ll still end up paying out of pocket. You also have to be MOSQ in order to use it. The NG’s EDD for instance, can be used as soon as you swear in. Wrong decision guy...
He said the main reason was because he wanted to give himself as much options as possible and stated that it's easier to switch to active duty in the reserves.
Wrong again. It’s easy to switch to AD from NG.....
Master- Baitor yeah but when the war in Afghanistan started 80 percent of the national guard was deployed
Your backstory is spot on very similar to my experience in deciding to join the Reserves.
Thanks Matt, you're the only one worth listening too about the army love your vids man
This helped it definitely help get a better paid armed security as well so cheers for me
im about to head to MEPS for possibly the last time before officially signing on and this was one video i needed to watch, thank you
For people who have hard time deciding between Active or Reservist, ask your recruiter about being an Active Guard Reserve (AGR)
You have to have a GT Score 110 or higher. And normally AGR positions which is title 10 Federal, for the Army Reserve Component. And title 32 State Army National Guard Component. The National Guard Component of the Army and Air Force gets Federal and State Military benefits.
Please don't make a sound like they're passing out AGR slots like it's candy. If everybody could be active duty and stay home everybody in the city would be doing that option. You have a lot of people Who get the position and never leave so now the younger soldiers are stuck doing there waiting for AGR slots/waiting for somebody to retire. So with that means is the AGR's who have position who are not gonna leave until they retired reap the benefits of being paid full-time while the younger enlisted are getting only paid one week in a month and still have to get a part-time jobs to sustain their life. The only guarantee for for training, benefits and quality-of-life is active duty especially for younger soldiers
Thank you for your service Matt! I'm starting an Army Reserve career as an E-4. I was also initially considering a special women's special forces team after scoring a 70 and 115 line on ASVAB.
After doing 5 years active, I did a 3 year in the Army Reserve hitch. I had initially planned on staying in but it really started conflicting with my real world job. My very first task was to fill out PT Test cards for the entire section so they would be prefilled for the upcoming PT Test. I handed them back to the 1SG who promptly handed them back to me saying they aren’t filled out. I was like, pardon me 1SG? He said “yeah you didn’t put the scores in there. Everyone in this unit passes their annual pt test.” So I had to put in scores for like 40 people I never met, no idea if they were promotable and needed the points. Congratulations everybody got a 275.
Thank you for posting all your videos. They have helped me decide and also figure out I am capable. I will follow your advice to train and I will give an update when I can.
This video helped me so much to make my decision thank you !
Glad it helped!
We actually need more reserve troops because we were at 1.1 million reserve now it's at 900 something thousand I'm gonna join active in the US Marines
I respect you so g d much for being insightful and unbiased. Your channel has helped me decide to join the army reserves. Ship out for basic in about 3 months
Vinny Greeley 92y?
Vinny Greeley or what mos ? I swear in next week I'll be 92y (only mos available in my state)
MI & the best of luck to you brother!! :)
No matter what rank you are someone is higher so there is no getting away with not being told what to do.
Our Excellent Life I was thinking the same thing 🤷🏽♀️
I join as 92a army reserve, im about to swear in this thursday and ship on May 30
anh trinh ,May I ask a question,I want to become a mercenary but the requirements are that I must have experience in a special branch of the military, but currently I don't know the odds of making it into any of the elite branches, perhaps some insight would be helpful
anh trinh logistics huh. Being reserve and having the training for logistics how easily is to get a job since u took training.
Bad choice bro
The national guard has that MOS as well, with twice the education payments.
Thebronyhoodpony try US Marines special forces
Ayyye that was my MOS
super informative in me weighing National Guard vs. Army Reserves! thanks!
I decided to army reserve also!
Her Beauty Closet when do you go to basic?
You in it now? Hows it like?
Did you finish your 6 years? Please respond. I’m 23 and thinking about doing it.
I’m actually about to start my programming courses.. I’ve considered enlisting years ago but wanted to wait until my son is older. Now he’s a little older and I’m considering the reserves! This just helped my decision.
So your telling me I can join the army reserves then go to active duty? Awesome.
My younger brother just left.
Thank you for making this video, I'm deciding on joining the Reserves while I go to a University.
I'm glad it helped!
Do ROTC if you want to be an officer!
You heard wrong, you need to be in the guard for over a year and you just request to go active. Also, the NG gets deployed just as much as the reserves if not more, they arent just "state", they are federal and state and you get both benefits, which is why I joined the NG. you get both benefits.
I was called yesterday from a recruiter and he asked me if I wanted to join the reserves. I was iffy about it because of school and all of those responsibilities but now that saw someone who is going through it and how it works for them im starting to think its for me. Thanks great vid
Army National Guard is usually better for the college student. You get all the same educational benefits as the Army Reserves plus additional state benefits that you don’t get in the Army Reserves. Once you get your degree, the Army Reserves might be better do to nationwide promotion potential rather than limitations from being bound by your state.
I'm so sick of seeing these blogs where people are dissing The National Guard like we're not part of the army what the fuck we're actually the oldest component of the military
Why do people look down on it so much?
God. This is so helpful!
+Sophia Hernandez haha I’m glad :)
Are we twins 😂 your situation is exactly where I am rn I graduated Clemson University this past May and was about to sign for active. Thanks so much brodie!!🤝
You can be both in the National Guard.
My Mom was Active Duty and my Dad was Reserves but financially Active Duty in the National Guard is better.
You have no idea how much this video just helped me.. I really appreciate it!! I was between the 2, active and reserve.. I work for the postal service already and many were wondering why I would leave this job for active when I could just go Reserve and continue.. and I agree.. i also want to get into other things out side of work... but thanks!
So which did you choose? I’m in the same situation. I’m not full time with the USPS though
Even though this isn't a new video it's my first time coming across it, and I appreciate the info. Thanks Ward.
I liked your video because you know what you want and you have planned your future, which what smart people do.
2 years later and this video is steel usefull for someone like me. Thks you guys for the comments...
I want to join but at 34years I have alredy so many things in my life, wife kids...and professional life so that I see that reserve then may be active gonna feet more my current state
the process switching from guard to active is the exact same as reserves, also depending on what state you drill in, you will get better benefits for school while in the guard, i’m in illinois and i have 100% free tuition because of the guard and also get my gi bill, reserve units in illinois don’t get the 100%. just wanted to point that out because in some cases for college students guard would be the better option for your state. also the guard has more units in states than reserves with a ton of more mos’ to choose from.
Good grief. Get over it. 33% of the country are Democrats. 33% are Republicans. The rest are independent. We are not enemies of each other! Who the president is or isn't should not have an effect on your career choices. I enlisted 2 months after 9/11. Voted for Obama 2x and Hillary this time around, I can't stand Trump but he's the President - nothing I can do about it. Military service is about love of country. We are a nation of laws, not of men.
Special forces are at the direct command of the president. Consider that briefly.
I like your comment ...I'm agree with you ! we serve the Country.
But your president determines weather you go to war or not...
If Hillary had been elected I definitely would not be going active duty.
Benghazi and rules of engagement. That's all I have to say about that
I finished my 3rd year in college and I have 3 quarters left till my Bachelors in Health Science. I wanted to finish one quarter (August-December) and go to active duty in Army in Jan because my recruiter said that I can finish my remaining two quarters while in active duty and come back in June and still walk the stage for my degree. It's only 2 quarters which will be left and I have no problem with not having a social life because my school comes first. I decided to do active duty because I want to know what's it's like to actually be a E-3 recruit. I think I will respect myself more if I actually go through training like everyone else. Not to disrespect you or anything, but I think I will respect myself more if I actually go through training like others. On the other hand, you are absolutely right. I don't like others bossing me around or yelling at me. I'm also a great leader and have the potential. So, it is a struggle but the con with the reserves is that you don't get to travel. It's only about 2 months of basic training, it really shouldn't be bad because from watching all your other videos, I am in good shape physically and mentally, I have no strings attached back home expect for my immediate family. Thank you for your videos though
+Shayal Singh That's a great plan but send me a PM talking more specifically about how you want to finish school? I don't wanna respond without all the info, if you want to anyways. But yeah since I enlisted for a few years before trying to be an officer I am definitely respected more than others who will have not gone to BCT and AIT. I think it's really good because BCT gives you such a different perspective on the military than anything. In my opinion some Cadets or even 2nd Lts don't understand the respect that certain ranks deserve and they take it for granted. But that's just my opinion haha
Ummm with reserves you do have to travel if they want you to go to Iraq you have to it’s in your contract. Whether active or reservists you still deploy!!
🙂✌🏻Thank you! I appreciate the videos. God bless.
✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽watching this video helps a whole lot because am a very social life person. I love being around my loved ones and associating with civilians way of life rather than being somewhere in Iraq 🇮🇶🤦🏽♂️
I love the video, I gave me more confidence about my decision
I planned on being in us army reserves so I can be a pediatrician at the future. the main problem is that my grandmother will freak out.
Dude honestly thank you I’m in the same place right now my self and you have helped me a ton!!
Great! :)
Thank you so much for all your videos they are amazing. They're very helpful.
You will be bossed around as an officer as well.
Your one of my favs because your straight up with the shut
Better bet is Air Force reserves for deployment with a family- 6mo Army is most likely 1yr or more
I Always Watch Your Videos. Thank You You Made My Mind Up Reserves It Is 👏🏾
Thank you so much for this video
Have a meeting with the recruiter on Monday ✌🏾✌🏾😉😉
Thank you for this information, it actually helped me make up my mind to what I want to do.
The army reserve you get promoted faster rather get stuck in the same rank in the national guard
I’m late to this video but it was super helpful and I think you just helped me choose weather to go reserve or active
You definitely turned me on to the idea of doing army reserves after completing rotc as I am getting ready for my first semester of rotc
After serving Ten Years on Active Duty, I ETS.I joined the Army Reserve under the Try One Program. I was in the Army Reserve for One Year and the Army National Guard for One Year. I was a SSG E-6(P) when I ETS and joined the Army Reserve. I kept my Rank while in the Army Reserve but my Employer would not give me the time off to attend drills. I had to trade days off and pay others out of pocket money to work for me so I could attend drills. My Employer said under the law they only had to give me time off for Two Weeks Summer Camp and that was all the time off I was given.
After a year I got another job and joined the Army National Guard. Before signing the papers to join the Guard, the Company Commander was telling me I had to take an Admin Bust down to SGT E-5 because they did not have any slots open for a SSG E-6. I said no over and over again refusing to accept those terms. The Guard had a slot open for an SFC E-7 as the NBC NCO. At my previous Unit before going on to Recruiting Duty, I was the Unit NBC NCO and had attended the School. I was placed into the open slot and received my SFC E-7 Promotion because I was already a SSG(P) but had refused to convert to MOS 00R Army Recruiter which meant I would have had to Convert and Reenlist and remain on Recruiting Duty Assignment. I sai, NO and HELL NO TO THAT>
The Army Reserve was ok and had much nicer equipment because it is under the Regular Army. The Army Reserve was on a Base while the Army National Guard was at an Armory. The Guard had hand me down equipment which always broke down. Many of the Soldiers had served on Active Duty but overall it was a JOKE Compared to my Ten Years on Active Duty in the Regular Army.
Hands Down the Army Reserve was BETTER than the Army National Guard.
One Big Difference is the Army Reserve does not have Combat Arms, the Army National Guard has Combat Arms. I was originally Infantry and then Armor. The only Guard Units with those Mos was far away from where I lived. The Guard Unit close to me which was 17 miles away is where I was the NBC NCO. The Army Reserve Unit was One Hour Drive from where I lived.
You made the right choice choosing the Army Reserve
thanks for the info, I didn't know reserves was this beneficial
Enlisted in the PA Army National Guard on 12-18. Was deciding between reserves and guard. I picked the guard because I'm trying to get in with the Pennsylvania State Police, and the National Guard assists with civil disturbance, which is good experience. 11Bravo infantry is my MOS. Headed to Ft Benning on 2-12. Regardless of Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard, we are all one apart of the Army and all wear the same uniform.
Thank you for the insight! I was going to do active but now I’m doing reserves.
Love the videos man keep up the good work I'm planning on joining soon and your bids motivate the hell out of me
Debating between navy or Air Force .. I’m now watching this about reserves I’m 20 a bit confused lol I watched ur benefits video I’m impressed
Im a 25u ( signal support systems specialist), reserve. I thought about the special forces too but, I'll just see what other options I have. I was thinking about being an officer myself, just don't like all of that taking orders but i like leading. I didn't know you could still travel without going active...that blew my mind. thanks for tips, and anyone being pulled on going reserve or active by others, just remember it's YOUR choice, respect their opinions, but in the end it's YOUR choice.
Thank you for all the information!
I’m looking at joining the Army Reserves at 31, lol. Going through the process now. High ASVAB/PiCAT scores, first chose 25H, for the financial security, but now am thinking 37F for the balance or badassery and training.
Its crazy because ive watched almost all your videos and i joined the National guard as a 31B (Military Police) i also live in charlotte and stay around university area
National Gaurd 🇺🇸
Thank you, for your Service…..
Thumbs down or thumbs up it all counts as views. Comments give you good algorithms give you a count no matter what. Here is another. Keep it up.
5:12 Easily is definitely a word lol
It's not as easy as it sounds to make a 18 minute video with all the info without tripping up even once
I’m joining Army Reserves because for same reasons. But the main reason for me is to be prepare to be an Office after a year while waiting my citizenship to come in which is next year too 😇
how long can you apply for citizenship after joining army reserves
Dude we are in the same path i guess, when i just arrive here in the U.S two years ago i wanted to go as active But i can't just easily give up my job as Full-Stack web developer position. I think i just get lucky, Imagine within 6 months i get a job right away and english is my third language and that's keep reminding me because i see a lot of people who wants to get into I.T industry (Programming aspect) but they don't have the right experience. I will be joining the Air force as reserve
Been NG and Reserve, now Reserve AGR. I like the Reserve more as an organization, but as a 68W I miss being out with the line troops getting dirty. I have spent most of my Reserve time in clinics and hospitals. Then again, as a SSG I probably wouldn't be on the line anymore if I stayed NG. The only downside to Reserve AGR is the moving every few years.
Nice video. Good stuff. few things:
3:14 Good thing you didn't do SF. Attention to detail is a must.
4:45 Very true.
6:32 You're still going to be bossed around and told what to do. It's... the military. You'd still get your ass chewed out, but at least now it's behind closed doors instead of just anywhere. If you're lucky with your commander. Don't get your ego all blown up, remember to listen to your NCO's. They went through the long process of being built into a leader.
6:50 I'd rather build a leader than assign one straight from college.
7:40 I Agree. It is a lifestyle.
The process to go Reserve to Active or Guard to Active is the same so if you’re going to post stuff please make sure it’s accurate especially since someone may make a decision based off of videos like this!
Being in the reserve takes a lot more personal responsibility than active because you will not be given a steady paycheck and room and board. It's up to you to make sure you have a solid civilian job that you can properly balance with reserve weekends. No one is going to drive you to drill, nor is the Army going to drive you there either.
Not saying Reserve is harder, I'm saying that if you want to be successful you need to play by big boy rules.
Extremely helpful, thank you sir
You're welcome!
I want to join the army once I'm done with highschool
Thinking about joining the reserves as well 👊
Bruh, why wouldn't you just go ROTC straight through then? You could have got a contract 2nd semester freshman year, and had all 4 years paid for. Also, Guard has all the benefits of the reserves and active, plus state benefits that are exclusive to the Guard. Guard, you get deployments at the same rate. Plus, you have in-state deployments, and fed tech. jobs. You can just as easily switch from Guard to AD. My friend literally transitioned with in a month. You can get the same training seats with the Guard as reserves. Where are you getting your info? Lastly, it's components you're changing, not branches. We are the same branch (Army), different components. Someone get their private!!
I just wanna know why you can't do infantry in the reserves. You can in the National Guard but not reserves.
Michael Jones yeah it's weird, but since the National Guard is like it's own state military they need all branches of the army. The reserves are mostly support MOS' that deploy to get attached to or help other units. Plus After being in the reserves, I think it's a good thing they don't have SF or infantry reserves. It just wouldn't work as good since you can't train like you would when active or deployed.
Matt Ward thats a good point and if like me youre one of those lucky joes in a combat unit with like 50 extra mutas a year,it really gets in the way of your civillian life.maybe ita just my unit but im a 12B amd we spend about 4 to 5 days a month in the field...with 3 week AT etc.
Because the reserves is a joke
Yet look at what he's accomplishing compared to you, random internet douche.
Camgocrvzy I’m in the army as well. So I can speak from personal knowledge
I wanted to go active but I don’t wanna be in school for 8 year’s 😂
8 yrs?
Easily is a word lol you just said it weird but good info bro love it
Only crappy thing about the reserves is that they have very few combat arms MOS's
I have a great job and just talked to a Army Recruiter and made a great ASVAB score just to do Reserve. I am getting paid pretty good on my job + I am taking advantage of the college because the army reserve.
I think I'm going to go in the air force reserves
I work PART-TIME for a cell phone company, make 45k+ a year... as much as I would love to go active, I honestly don't think I could afford it. Credit card and loan payments are over 800 a month alone, not including child support. I feel like if I go active... I would be going backwards in the work force. I've been with the company for 3 years plus. I'm working on signing up now and chose active duty but I think I'm going to switch it to Reserves. Anyone found themselves in this same boat?
Twice active duty and twice reserves, active duty is way better. I just had a few problems on active duty. But I loved my time in active duty.
Not to get political but I truly wanted to serve under President Trump but just because he lost the election didn’t change the calling to serve that I have. I talked to many military friends who insisted that my decision to serve should really have nothing to do with who is POTUS. It’s just immaturity in a way; I thought for sure if he lost I would give up on joining but my feelings didn’t change when he lost. I would just be proud to serve our amazing country regardless of who is in the White House.
I respect you for that! How’s the military?
FYI Reserves you sign a contract for 6yrs and 2 yrs inactive (so you can get called up at any time)
Correction: National Guard is the only branch whether Air or Army they serve both Country and State... other branches is country.
Correction: National guard is not a branch, it's a component of the Army
I am thinking of joining the reserves instead of active duty. My biggest concern is when I graduate boot camp and finish AIT school, if I don't have a "home" to come back to, where do I go?
same question lol
Ask recruiter I'm actually curious what he/she says
go active duty, they’ll give you a beautiful room in the barracks lmao
@@44bulldog53 I mean if you're gonna serve go all out man up and go active duty
You don’t have to go active there are organizations in the army that will give you loans that you don’t have to pay back to to your recruiter
Another aspect he didn't mention is the mos selection. Reserve is suport MOS, Active and National Guard have all MOS available. Learned this after going back and forth from a National Guard and Army Reserve recruiters
Go Army! Beat Navy!
I wanna join the reserves and also I want to be a state trooper as a dream career
this was really helpful i've been considering going to the army for school, but don't know if i should go for a national guard, or reserve.