I don't care about rejections any more. Rejections are part of life any ways, u might as well try. The book the art of not giving a fuck is a highly recommended book
I reached that point, but unfortunately, in the modern day, there are real consequences to approaching girls beyond the old worst case scenario of her not being interested.
There's the possibility he's attracted to her but isn't single....he may just be looking but isn't looking for a relationship....One year is FAR too long for ANY guy to get his act together to make a move.
@Cody Bogard whoa!!!!!!!!! assume much!!!!! You don't even know the person asking and you need to name call and make some weird story about drug dealers and all that???? Less porn watching/more human interaction!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Cody Bogard I understand the metoo bit, it's a very complex problem with deep implications for human relationships. But the "tho" with the drug dealer part is not logical not even sure if that is even a stereotype, it's an assumption you are making, even if you personally know one person doing exactly what you are implying doesn't mean every woman out there is doing that also. This is not me being pc, that's me calling you out for an uncalled for ad-hominem. If your comment was based on facts and you knew her personally than it would be very pc (and stupid of me) to call you out for that. But since we are making assumptions here, let's at least try to be logical at it since you are so fond of logic...on the one hand the woman asking describes herself as shy, maybe she is not used to talking to a guy first and/or was taught not to do so, she is in a bind because in the metoo era some guys are afraid to approach women in case they get accused of harassment or else...on the other the one in the situation you are describing, this one most definitely is not shy and doesn't doesn't have a problem attracting male attention, why would she even ask about the one guy who isn't approaching her? She'd probably approach him herself! Here's the thing. I understand guys have it hard, making the first move is terrifying in itself...now it's even worse, but men who get accused either acted sleazy and gross. But in the odd case of the good guy it's usually because he went about it the wrong way, like if he comes on too strong too soon and doesn't have the common sense or social awareness to cues the woman is uncomfortable so they keep going at it. That is a real shame because women are very much on the defensive side when so used to the jerks they might confuse the just nervous or socially awkward dude behavior with something else. Of course, I am not going to imply all women are angels, there are some real evil nutbusters out there. So just use common sense, not stereotyping to guide your human relationships.Introduce yourself slowly with the women you see on occasion, like first some hellos, until you find the courage or a really good excuse to have a conversation...if that goes ok then after a few more convos you can try to ask her out...if no, leave it alone. And asking out a stranger is never a good idea.
@Cody Bogard Most girls don't...and I assumed you watch porn because the language and your analogy is one used by somebody who watches a lot more porn that the garden variety "most guys" watch. That is actually why...And by the way your snap judgement of women tells me more about you projecting your insecurities and your distorted view of reality rather than your knowledge of reality. Most people lead very ordinary, even boring lives (and I mean this in a good way) in comparison to what you are describing. So even if you lived in an environment where prostitution is rampant (sorry for that) your conclusion about women is coming from confirmation bias not on facts. "Because they do" is not a factual assessment. Whenever you have a better analysis than, based on facts and observation, then you can get back to me and I might answer back.
There's also a possibility he's not sure that she's interested so he doesn't want to be "that guy." "That guy" goes to my gym (the one who asks every single girl out) and he honestly ruins it for the rest of the guys because they don't want to come across as turds like him. My guy friends have confirmed this scenario to me. And "that guy" has asked me out three times and then publicly complained about me saying no. Meanwhile, a guy that I know there is a mutual attraction with has done little more than ask me if I'm using a machine.
This doubly sucks for super shy gals like me. I have a hard time even giving eye contact, let alone smile at guys I'm attracted to. There's one guy from my gym that I'm fairly sure is into me, but every time I have an opportunity to interact with him, I do something stupid like play with my phone. I even saw him at my supermarket standing in front of the one item I needed to buy...and I fumbled around in another department instead just because I felt so awkward. I'm so screwed. lol
@kansasgoldilocks hey, I'm actually having this issue with a girl at the gym lol. If I was the guy you liked what would be your advice to me in order to get you to interact with me.
"His lack of initiative to approach you is a reflection of his lack of initiative in his life." Well, at least he found the initiative to go to the gym and workout whereas most people don't bother to try taking care of their health.
Theres a guy at my gym, stares ALL the time. I smiled and he walked right beside me into my personal space bubble and like an idiot I turned away. I feel like a 14 year old school girl. SMH. 🤦♀️ This is all supposed to be a fun experience but it just creates so much anxiety for me. Im about to just walk up to him and be like "are we doing this or not"?
He's probably very shy, but also very lucky. Most guys who stare at a girl that they're attracted to find themselves in the managers office being told that they've gotten complaints that they've "made girls feel uncomfortable", then have the girl avoid eye contact at all costs.
I just came across this issue. There is a guys in the gym I fancy, and we've been having those awkward eye contacts for a while. But since I look really mean and never smile back, he never comes up to me. Last week, I had the ball to write him a note with my number for a coffee sometime and ask my friend at reception to pass it for me. She said he's got the biggest smile ever on his face but he text me just now saying: it would have been a pleasure to meet up but he's got a girlfriend and it wouldn't be appropriate. I don't understand why he sent out those signals if that's the case
Maybe he just liked what he saw ‘ most men are visual creatures’ just because his in a relationship don’t mean he doesn’t find other women attractive’ but that’s it ‘ he just finds you attractive’ but won’t cross the line cos he isn’t single
It is not complicated. Just look his way and smile at him. Don't act like you're not noticing him, you don't want to be bothered and have your headphones on, and think you're the shit and take yourself too seriously. Not complicated at all.
i got news for you ladies to get a 100 percent non creep at the gym you are going to have to pull out all the stops, take it from me a single non creep, us guys don't notice the simple subtle hints, we see you we think you are cute but in all reality we are lifting heavy shit the adrenaline is pumping and most of us are so amped up on pre work out we could power a small city, we aren't there for social hour, and nine times out of ten inbetween sets we are mentally gearing up for the next set rather than looking around to see who is looking at us there are only two times you can really approach a solid guy at the gym that is before we start working out, not recommended because we are making a dash for that bench or squat rack that just opened up, real risk of being steamrolled with no remorse, and the seconds after we are completely done but good luck holding a normal conversation because our nervous systems are fried we are shaking like meth addicts and all we want to do is go home take a shower and eat about 3 pounds of steak but its safer that the first option, the guys that pick up on your subtle hints are low key creeps using the gym as the new night club and youll probably catch something that you need serious medication to clear up
This video is very eye opening so thank you for it. Edit- is funny because I wanted to approach a guy but I didn’t because I felt that if he was not interested I would still see him everyday.
Yeah. No. You are not the man. Let him be the man. If the really want it, they figure it out. Saying hello is NOT the same as hitting on someone, just saying. Don't just force yourself on anyone.
I'm so happy your back honestly I'm sharing your work with everyone. Your tips are very insightful, thanks to you I understand the guy mind better. Please keep posting videos. I subscribed to you after you left UA-cam and I was so upset. But now your back!!!! My question to you is... How do men decide when a girl is just a one night stand, a best friend, a girlfriend, or wife material. What do girls show that when a guy meets them for the first time, he can quickly make a first impression and say what category that girl belongs to. Seeing you as a friend,,,compared to seeing you as a wife or having a committed strong lasting relationship with you. What signs do girls give off for guys to jump to those conclusions so quickly?
Tuliah Jean It's 70% about physical appearance. That is a scientific fact of what makes a man attracted to a female. If he just want to be friends with her, she's probably not that hot.
+Tuliah Jean Wife - Attracted to you. You respect and don't emasculate him. He made his rounds with numerous women in his life and wants to settle with lifetime partner. You cook, clean, and hold him down in the bedroom and open to his sexual desires. Girlfriend - Attracted to you and wants to date you exclusive or with numerous women on the side. 1 night stand - Attracted or not but doesn't want anything serious and may possibly never see you again or hes desperate for sex. Friend - Attracted to you or not but is a afraid of rejection or doesn't see you more than that to not ruin friendship. Sees you like a sister.
hi i just have a few questions that i hope you can answer in one of your upcoming videos; How should women apologize to men? The safest way to do so. What goes through a man's mind when woman assume the wrong things about them? Does it turn them off ? How should women accept apologies from men? What happen if we don't/ do?
Girls. Guys don't want to seen as that creep that creeps on girls at the gym. Us guys are visual creatures, if we're staring you bets believe we're imagining what it would be like to be with you. Unless you're wearing something completely outrageous that's the only reason why he would be staring.
There is a guy at my gym really really confuse me! I notice he is always look at me while I'm working out but every time when I look at him he look away immediately! I asked my guy friends why he does that they said he might be shy and I should have an eye contact with him and smile but he won't look at my eyes. One day I walked to him and ask if I could take the 10kg plate;when he saw me walking towards him he looked shock and nervous and when I ask if I could take the plate he said"yeah go on!" With a cold voice and won't look at me! What confuses me the most is he seems to try to get my attention like he walks past me while I'm working out, quite a few times he was walking past me with a barbell and he purposely hit my hand with the barbell and pretend it was an accident....this has being carrying on for a couple of months now. He seems a bit strange to me!Can you guys tell me what he is up to? By the way, he is quite muscular but I'm older and taller than him. Thanks in advance!
+E K I think he's definitely attracted to you. But he is not sure if you are. Men know that women want taller men so he thinks you cannot be seriously attracted to him. So that is an extra hurdle to overcome for him. Definitely smile at him a few times. He has to be DEADsure you like him.
+E K if you like him too, then go up to him and introduce yourself and start a conversation, there's nothing wrong with that but 1st ask the management for some information on him, make sure he's not a psycho 1st. and he is not strange, he's acting according to himself, to be honest, it's you who is somewhat strange with having passive aggressive thoughts
If in one year he did not make a move just take your energy away from him. You need a stronger man. Also if he is afraid of humiliation then you by smiling at him might end up with your humiliation
Ughhh this is me right now there’s this guy he’s soooo cute I definitely see him look over at me a lot but I’m like scared to look back it’s been like maybe 2 weeks? I see him every morning he goes a little later than I do so just like 30 mins every day I’m gonna try looking back at him and do the smile I hope I have enough courage and like I’ll go over to use a machine next to him and he already did like 3 sets and he stays there and does like 3 more lol
Maybe the guy isn’t into the woman? We aren’t all robots that simply respond to women.. and most women dress in a way that we have to fight not to look. It doesn’t mean we are interests in you AT ALL.
There was a little asian chick at the gym who smiled at me. I thought she was just being polite. She also asked me if I was using a piece of equipment. I think I gave her the thumbs up that she can use it and didn't really acknowledge her. I'm used to blokes asking for attachments etc. Now that I think of it, maybe she was testing the waters. I did notice her energy seemed, abnormal around me. She was cute, tiny, and I'd have done many things to her. She just caught me when I was in my own world I guess. Or, it was just nothing. I don't know if I've seen her since actually.
It's no coincidence. A chick in the gym asked me if she could use a piece of equipment in my area, and I said yes and put my earbuds back in. And then she didn't use the piece of equipment. LOL!
same with a guy i like at the gym- he stares at me all the time- and i stare at him- i have introduced myself and that did not help- how do i know he likes me? i feel hes the one. so frustrating… were both shy
@@smugforce7859shy guys are losers, I’m sorry. No woman is going to be spelling anything out. Whilst they sit there all coy, the alpha males are taking all the women
This is a confusing topic. I've been a gym rat for 15 years and whenever I've see a girl I'm attracted to, I've approached her to see if we click or have any chemistry. If we don't, then I've either made a new gym friend or I walk away and we never talk again. If we do have chemistry or a spark, then I'll do my best to get her smiling and laughing, build the chemistry, and hopefully ask her out later. A guy who DOESN'T approach girls at the gym is either a newbie who's insecure, a naturally shy guy, or a guy who's gotten too much rejection and has given up approaching girls. No matter the case, if you're a girl, trust me when I say you can just walk up to your crush and talk to him. If he finds you attractive, I promise you'll get a positive response. How any girl can be shy about approaching a guy at the gym, assuming she's in decent shape, is beyond me.
We don’t want to approach for a few reasons - it puts us in our masculine energy and the dynamic starts off wrong, it makes the woman the pursuer - most men like the chase and when you approach them you have made it so easy that it bores them - what if he tells all his friends at the gym that you approached him, now everyone thinks you’re some loose cannon ball - finally rejection and having to see him around sure
First off I love your demeanor! Your delivery was everything. Great advice. It's been 1 month for me and I just can't wait to get to the gym and see him😍 I'm too chicken to actually smile or go anywhere near him! 😳But I like him a loooooooot
What if I’ve been smiling at him for like 3 months and nothing happens, I’ve deben him once trying to go back the stairs to talk to me and then going back, and he waves sometimes but that’s it 😂 Lol
Do you have any tips for getting males to not approach a female at the gym? I try to avoid eye contact, wear an engagement ring, wear all black, low brim hat, and over the ear headphones, and yet almost always have men approach me and try to talk. I really just want to quickly get to the gym, get my workout in, and leave, and I feel like I make that obvious in my routine, demeanour, and body language, but I feel I must be missing something crucial to avoid the unwanted attention?
I like a personal trainer at the gym I'm going... so he's working there. I want to get him to approach me. ..he's really hot muscular and really sweet he's smiling when he talks you. at first I don't know if he is interested in me ...when I talk to him he's really sweet but if I watch him in the crowd he walks with his head up... I got him once to watching me while I was doing cardio and when I saw him he took immediately his look...and the other day I was looking him and when he saw me looking him I took my look.... I haven't talked to him a lot yesterday he was living he finished his work and I was looking at him and he was also looking at me and he was about to say something but I asked him if he finished he's work he said yes smiling and said kisses and he blinked his 3ye...I don't know what to do because at first he is working so I understand that maybe it's not the best place to hung out with him...give me please some suggestions for my case..thank you
Thank you for your videos! I really enjoy it! And I have a question for you. Is it ok if a girl makes a first move? For example in that case (a gym problem) why don't you suggest that girl to make a first move, to start a conversation first and so on? Cause this is something I would do in the similar situation, but maybe its not right...
Yes, it's OK! ;) If you think that the guy has the "hots" for you can say anything... "Man, the weights are really heavy today!" And smile like a woman flirting smiles. Don't bust your head with intricate stories of why had to talk to him. You really don't have to. Say something stupid to engage him and just be feminine. All guys will respond with kind words and commend you for your assertiveness /courage. "Guys like to chase" is misunderstood! The "chase" is actually passion/desire we feel for you. You can only do so much from afar, looking "uninterested"...
And if he doesnt come up to you after you smile and say hi with very clear signals, it can mean hes not attracted to you. There is always that reason too :-/
It depends. If you're hot or cute then he's likely shy or is more afraid of being labeled a creep. If you're not hot or cute then maybe he's not attracted to you.
Make YOUR OWN security. Learn how to do things on your car, charge the battery, fill up the tires...hang a picture, go back to school, learn an instrument. Little to nothing you can't learn on UA-cam, like how to rebuild a running toilet. It's 20 minutes and 20 bucks tops and a hardware store trip. One water line, one flap, and one water thingy. It just screws in. Flush toilet, shut water off install. Turn water back on SLOWLY, check for leaks. Now, you don't have to date a moron to get him to do it. There was a book written by the daughter of an H & R founder after she inherited. She was taught to let the MAN handle the money. Which he promptly spent or whatever. She wrote a book called Prince Charming isn't Coming. Just MOVE ON with your life. Forget men even exist. Don't call them or call them back. Just do what YOU WANT. Adopt a dog.
So there’s this guy at the gym that keeps looking at me and I look at him and he smiles when he sees me but he never makes a move and it’s been about Two weeks and he still hasn’t approached me for the last time I went to the gym there was this bad oder It smelled like rotten eggs and the cute guy was talking about the smells and his friend and then she was saying that he thinks he knows where the smells coming from and it was obvious he was talking about me and I’m not sure if he was trying to get my attention but I felt like that was very rude of him to say and I didn’t feel comfortable and left the gym after that so I’m gonna see what happens on Monday when I see him again lmfaooo
@@hairstylistterrymais4582 I havent seen him really since that day lmao i guess i lost my chances with him at this point? if he really was into me im sure he would have made a move by now.. fuck him lmao
@@leslierivera742 don’t you think he would’ve thought the same? If she was interested in me , she would’ve just come up to me and say hi or gave me her number. This ain’t the 1950s anymore it’s 2022
if a man likes you they will come to you if not they are not that attracted to you sorry 😁 a man will do anything to come to you and talk to you when they like you !! The rest is stories.. Man are not that shy and if he is hey he might be gay !! That's always a possibility Don't forget that !!!!!!! men when they like you are not shy !! I see guys all the time go up to girls on the gym and talk to them unfortunately for man is all about the looks so if you don't have the look they want or turns them on you can smile till you get cross eyed and nothing will happen !! Has nothing to do with them not being man enough !! It's all about the law of attraction!! So if this is being going on for a long time and he hasn't made a move then maybe you need to move on !! Or you can always make a move and take a chance or just stay frustrated and get nowhere with it 😬
Kaikai Kaikai I have approach anxiety when I am attracted to a girl. It is harder to approach after time as she has got used to you checking her out every evening. She either thinks you have a girlfriend or you have no balls. Eventually another guy will be in there and you stand there looking at her leaving with the guy. I know this by experience. You snooze you loose. No matter how much she likes you she won't approach you. Eye contact and other body language of attraction can only last so long. Then it stops as she is used to you doing nothing to move things forward.
He approached me by asking me to drop me home after gym…but i said no because I don’t want him to think i am easy and sit with him in the car…..I don’t know what to do 🤦🏼♀️
I don't care about rejections any more. Rejections are part of life any ways, u might as well try. The book the art of not giving a fuck is a highly recommended book
I reached that point, but unfortunately, in the modern day, there are real consequences to approaching girls beyond the old worst case scenario of her not being interested.
There's the possibility he's attracted to her but isn't single....he may just be looking but isn't looking for a relationship....One year is FAR too long for ANY guy to get his act together to make a move.
@Cody Bogard whoa!!!!!!!!! assume much!!!!! You don't even know the person asking and you need to name call and make some weird story about drug dealers and all that???? Less porn watching/more human interaction!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Cody Bogard I understand the metoo bit, it's a very complex problem with deep implications for human relationships. But the "tho" with the drug dealer part is not logical not even sure if that is even a stereotype, it's an assumption you are making, even if you personally know one person doing exactly what you are implying doesn't mean every woman out there is doing that also. This is not me being pc, that's me calling you out for an uncalled for ad-hominem. If your comment was based on facts and you knew her personally than it would be very pc (and stupid of me) to call you out for that.
But since we are making assumptions here, let's at least try to be logical at it since you are so fond of logic...on the one hand the woman asking describes herself as shy, maybe she is not used to talking to a guy first and/or was taught not to do so, she is in a bind because in the metoo era some guys are afraid to approach women in case they get accused of harassment or else...on the other the one in the situation you are describing, this one most definitely is not shy and doesn't doesn't have a problem attracting male attention, why would she even ask about the one guy who isn't approaching her? She'd probably approach him herself!
Here's the thing. I understand guys have it hard, making the first move is terrifying in itself...now it's even worse, but men who get accused either acted sleazy and gross. But in the odd case of the good guy it's usually because he went about it the wrong way, like if he comes on too strong too soon and doesn't have the common sense or social awareness to cues the woman is uncomfortable so they keep going at it. That is a real shame because women are very much on the defensive side when so used to the jerks they might confuse the just nervous or socially awkward dude behavior with something else. Of course, I am not going to imply all women are angels, there are some real evil nutbusters out there.
So just use common sense, not stereotyping to guide your human relationships.Introduce yourself slowly with the women you see on occasion, like first some hellos, until you find the courage or a really good excuse to have a conversation...if that goes ok then after a few more convos you can try to ask her out...if no, leave it alone.
And asking out a stranger is never a good idea.
@Cody Bogard Most girls don't...and I assumed you watch porn because the language and your analogy is one used by somebody who watches a lot more porn that the garden variety "most guys" watch. That is actually why...And by the way your snap judgement of women tells me more about you projecting your insecurities and your distorted view of reality rather than your knowledge of reality.
Most people lead very ordinary, even boring lives (and I mean this in a good way) in comparison to what you are describing. So even if you lived in an environment where prostitution is rampant (sorry for that) your conclusion about women is coming from confirmation bias not on facts.
"Because they do" is not a factual assessment. Whenever you have a better analysis than, based on facts and observation, then you can get back to me and I might answer back.
There's also a possibility he's not sure that she's interested so he doesn't want to be "that guy." "That guy" goes to my gym (the one who asks every single girl out) and he honestly ruins it for the rest of the guys because they don't want to come across as turds like him. My guy friends have confirmed this scenario to me. And "that guy" has asked me out three times and then publicly complained about me saying no. Meanwhile, a guy that I know there is a mutual attraction with has done little more than ask me if I'm using a machine.
This doubly sucks for super shy gals like me. I have a hard time even giving eye contact, let alone smile at guys I'm attracted to. There's one guy from my gym that I'm fairly sure is into me, but every time I have an opportunity to interact with him, I do something stupid like play with my phone. I even saw him at my supermarket standing in front of the one item I needed to buy...and I fumbled around in another department instead just because I felt so awkward. I'm so screwed. lol
Guys generally find this behavior cute if they can spot it, but most are oblivious, and in the gym tough luck because they don't wanna be "that creep"
@@smugforce7859she can’t post anymore .. she ended stalk8ng him and is in the clink now
I relate to this so much 😅
@kansasgoldilocks hey, I'm actually having this issue with a girl at the gym lol. If I was the guy you liked what would be your advice to me in order to get you to interact with me.
"His lack of initiative to approach you is a reflection of his lack of initiative in his life." Well, at least he found the initiative to go to the gym and workout whereas most people don't bother to try taking care of their health.
Or maybe he's just not that into her.
Theres a guy at my gym, stares ALL the time. I smiled and he walked right beside me into my personal space bubble and like an idiot I turned away. I feel like a 14 year old school girl. SMH. 🤦♀️ This is all supposed to be a fun experience but it just creates so much anxiety for me. Im about to just walk up to him and be like "are we doing this or not"?
He's probably very shy, but also very lucky. Most guys who stare at a girl that they're attracted to find themselves in the managers office being told that they've gotten complaints that they've "made girls feel uncomfortable", then have the girl avoid eye contact at all costs.
Should I wear a tshirt saying I'm single🤷🏿♀️
Did it work?
that would work.
Try a bikin that says it. LOL
I just came across this issue. There is a guys in the gym I fancy, and we've been having those awkward eye contacts for a while. But since I look really mean and never smile back, he never comes up to me. Last week, I had the ball to write him a note with my number for a coffee sometime and ask my friend at reception to pass it for me. She said he's got the biggest smile ever on his face but he text me just now saying: it would have been a pleasure to meet up but he's got a girlfriend and it wouldn't be appropriate. I don't understand why he sent out those signals if that's the case
He likes your attention not you !!!
They're ALWAYS hunting for a new one. This is why you let THEM be the man. Unless you want to be the man.
Yeah you shouldn't have pursued him, it comes across as a pick me girl tbh
Maybe he just liked what he saw ‘ most men are visual creatures’ just because his in a relationship don’t mean he doesn’t find other women attractive’ but that’s it ‘ he just finds you attractive’ but won’t cross the line cos he isn’t single
He considered cheating
It is not complicated. Just look his way and smile at him. Don't act like you're not noticing him, you don't want to be bothered and have your headphones on, and think you're the shit and take yourself too seriously.
Not complicated at all.
i got news for you ladies to get a 100 percent non creep at the gym you are going to have to pull out all the stops, take it from me a single non creep, us guys don't notice the simple subtle hints, we see you we think you are cute but in all reality we are lifting heavy shit the adrenaline is pumping and most of us are so amped up on pre work out we could power a small city, we aren't there for social hour, and nine times out of ten inbetween sets we are mentally gearing up for the next set rather than looking around to see who is looking at us there are only two times you can really approach a solid guy at the gym that is before we start working out, not recommended because we are making a dash for that bench or squat rack that just opened up, real risk of being steamrolled with no remorse, and the seconds after we are completely done but good luck holding a normal conversation because our nervous systems are fried we are shaking like meth addicts and all we want to do is go home take a shower and eat about 3 pounds of steak but its safer that the first option, the guys that pick up on your subtle hints are low key creeps using the gym as the new night club and youll probably catch something that you need serious medication to clear up
The shaking part is soooo true. I can barely hold on to my water bottle.
I got pulled over one time on my PW! Shaking and sweating repeatedly. This was back in the good old Jack 3D days
This video is very eye opening so thank you for it.
Edit- is funny because I wanted to approach a guy but I didn’t because I felt that if he was not interested I would still see him everyday.
Yeah. No. You are not the man. Let him be the man. If the really want it, they figure it out.
Saying hello is NOT the same as hitting on someone, just saying. Don't just force yourself on anyone.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 No it doesn't matter who approaches who. Stop forcing what you want to happen to yourself onto other people
you're the best UA-cam keep going!
I love your videos, so glad I found you!
Ty mate, u were spot on w ur explanations.
I'm so happy your back honestly I'm sharing your work with everyone. Your tips are very insightful, thanks to you I understand the guy mind better. Please keep posting videos. I subscribed to you after you left UA-cam and I was so upset. But now your back!!!! My question to you is... How do men decide when a girl is just a one night stand, a best friend, a girlfriend, or wife material. What do girls show that when a guy meets them for the first time, he can quickly make a first impression and say what category that girl belongs to. Seeing you as a friend,,,compared to seeing you as a wife or having a committed strong lasting relationship with you. What signs do girls give off for guys to jump to those conclusions so quickly?
Thanks for your kind words and excellent question! I will make a video response to your question as soon as I can! :)
Tuliah Jean It's 70% about physical appearance. That is a scientific fact of what makes a man attracted to a female. If he just want to be friends with her, she's probably not that hot.
Tuliah Jean yeah... I'm so happy to see him back on youtube too. :) Really like his approach.
+Tuliah Jean
Wife - Attracted to you. You respect and don't emasculate him. He made his rounds with numerous women in his life and wants to settle with lifetime partner. You cook, clean, and hold him down in the bedroom and open to his sexual desires.
Girlfriend - Attracted to you and wants to date you exclusive or with numerous women on the side.
1 night stand - Attracted or not but doesn't want anything serious and may possibly never see you again or hes desperate for sex.
Friend - Attracted to you or not but is a afraid of rejection or doesn't see you more than that to not ruin friendship. Sees you like a sister.
hi i just have a few questions that i hope you can answer in one of your upcoming videos;
How should women apologize to men? The safest way to do so.
What goes through a man's mind when woman assume the wrong things about them? Does it turn them off ?
How should women accept apologies from men? What happen if we don't/ do?
Okay we need an update bc we’re wearing masks at the gym now
Facts girl
Right I've never even seen the lower half of my crushes face 😫
Girls. Guys don't want to seen as that creep that creeps on girls at the gym. Us guys are visual creatures, if we're staring you bets believe we're imagining what it would be like to be with you. Unless you're wearing something completely outrageous that's the only reason why he would be staring.
There is a guy at my gym really really confuse me! I notice he is always look at me while I'm working out but every time when I look at him he look away immediately! I asked my guy friends why he does that they said he might be shy and I should have an eye contact with him and smile but he won't look at my eyes. One day I walked to him and ask if I could take the 10kg plate;when he saw me walking towards him he looked shock and nervous and when I ask if I could take the plate he said"yeah go on!" With a cold voice and won't look at me! What confuses me the most is he seems to try to get my attention like he walks past me while I'm working out, quite a few times he was walking past me with a barbell and he purposely hit my hand with the barbell and pretend it was an accident....this has being carrying on for a couple of months now. He seems a bit strange to me!Can you guys tell me what he is up to? By the way, he is quite muscular but I'm older and taller than him. Thanks in advance!
+E K I think he's definitely attracted to you. But he is not sure if you are.
Men know that women want taller men so he thinks you cannot be seriously attracted to him. So that is an extra hurdle to overcome for him.
Definitely smile at him a few times. He has to be DEADsure you like him.
+E K if you like him too, then go up to him and introduce yourself and start a conversation, there's nothing wrong with that but 1st ask the management for some information on him, make sure he's not a psycho 1st.
and he is not strange, he's acting according to himself, to be honest, it's you who is somewhat strange with having passive aggressive thoughts
+allaround008 hate that when someone trying hard to be an expert!
If in one year he did not make a move just take your energy away from him. You need a stronger man.
Also if he is afraid of humiliation then you by smiling at him might end up with your humiliation
Ughhh this is me right now there’s this guy he’s soooo cute I definitely see him look over at me a lot but I’m like scared to look back it’s been like maybe 2 weeks? I see him every morning he goes a little later than I do so just like 30 mins every day I’m gonna try looking back at him and do the smile I hope I have enough courage and like I’ll go over to use a machine next to him and he already did like 3 sets and he stays there and does like 3 more lol
Maybe the guy isn’t into the woman? We aren’t all robots that simply respond to women.. and most women dress in a way that we have to fight not to look. It doesn’t mean we are interests in you AT ALL.
There was a little asian chick at the gym who smiled at me. I thought she was just being polite. She also asked me if I was using a piece of equipment. I think I gave her the thumbs up that she can use it and didn't really acknowledge her. I'm used to blokes asking for attachments etc. Now that I think of it, maybe she was testing the waters. I did notice her energy seemed, abnormal around me. She was cute, tiny, and I'd have done many things to her. She just caught me when I was in my own world I guess. Or, it was just nothing. I don't know if I've seen her since actually.
It's no coincidence. A chick in the gym asked me if she could use a piece of equipment in my area, and I said yes and put my earbuds back in. And then she didn't use the piece of equipment. LOL!
@@smugforce7859The piece of equipment she wanted to use was you.
Helpfull tips
same with a guy i like at the gym- he stares at me all the time- and i stare at him- i have introduced myself and that did not help- how do i know he likes me? i feel hes the one. so frustrating… were both shy
Small talk doesn't work on shy guys. You need to spell it out loud and clear. They're oblivious!
@@smugforce7859shy guys are losers, I’m sorry. No woman is going to be spelling anything out. Whilst they sit there all coy, the alpha males are taking all the women
This is a confusing topic. I've been a gym rat for 15 years and whenever I've see a girl I'm attracted to, I've approached her to see if we click or have any chemistry. If we don't, then I've either made a new gym friend or I walk away and we never talk again. If we do have chemistry or a spark, then I'll do my best to get her smiling and laughing, build the chemistry, and hopefully ask her out later.
A guy who DOESN'T approach girls at the gym is either a newbie who's insecure, a naturally shy guy, or a guy who's gotten too much rejection and has given up approaching girls.
No matter the case, if you're a girl, trust me when I say you can just walk up to your crush and talk to him. If he finds you attractive, I promise you'll get a positive response.
How any girl can be shy about approaching a guy at the gym, assuming she's in decent shape, is beyond me.
We don’t want to approach for a few reasons
- it puts us in our masculine energy and the dynamic starts off wrong, it makes the woman the pursuer
- most men like the chase and when you approach them you have made it so easy that it bores them
- what if he tells all his friends at the gym that you approached him, now everyone thinks you’re some loose cannon ball
- finally rejection and having to see him around sure
First off I love your demeanor! Your delivery was everything. Great advice. It's been 1 month for me and I just can't wait to get to the gym and see him😍 I'm too chicken to actually smile or go anywhere near him! 😳But I like him a loooooooot
You have a 96% chance of bagging a natty single gym guy if you have a nice booty and then just go up to him and ask him out.
Ok I am gonna bit my pride and try........smile and make eye contact with him ... I hope it turns out well... thanks so much
Did it work?
What if I’ve been smiling at him for like 3 months and nothing happens, I’ve deben him once trying to go back the stairs to talk to me and then going back, and he waves sometimes but that’s it 😂 Lol
This is what happened to Reese from Malcolm in the middle.
Do you have any tips for getting males to not approach a female at the gym? I try to avoid eye contact, wear an engagement ring, wear all black, low brim hat, and over the ear headphones, and yet almost always have men approach me and try to talk. I really just want to quickly get to the gym, get my workout in, and leave, and I feel like I make that obvious in my routine, demeanour, and body language, but I feel I must be missing something crucial to avoid the unwanted attention?
Looks like your pussy is a cock magnet.
get out of shape and problem solved.
Wear a shirt that says" leave me alone seriously"
4:38 it can also mean he's got other preferences and isn't into you...
I like a personal trainer at the gym I'm going... so he's working there. I want to get him to approach me. ..he's really hot muscular and really sweet he's smiling when he talks you. at first I don't know if he is interested in me ...when I talk to him he's really sweet but if I watch him in the crowd he walks with his head up... I got him once to watching me while I was doing cardio and when I saw him he took immediately his look...and the other day I was looking him and when he saw me looking him I took my look.... I haven't talked to him a lot yesterday he was living he finished his work and I was looking at him and he was also looking at me and he was about to say something but I asked him if he finished he's work he said yes smiling and said kisses and he blinked his 3ye...I don't know what to do because at first he is working so I understand that maybe it's not the best place to hung out with him...give me please some suggestions for my case..thank you
He's not gonna risk his job. I wouldn't. Sorry.
His just being friendly’ it’s his job ‘ he gets paid to do that
I have a gym crush, should I talk to him tomorrow? ( I've never talked to him before and I'm quite a shy introverted person)
No. Let him be the man. Smile at him. Listen to comedy on your phone and laugh. He'll probably say something.
@@bryanlevan5640 update: were now dating!!
Mia Barriskill cool! Who approached who ?
@@miabarriskill5285 I need too hear what happened
@@cristalperez6729 i did! I went up to him one day before I left the gym, gave him my phone number and said text or call me sometime, and he did!
Thank you for your videos! I really enjoy it!
And I have a question for you. Is it ok if a girl makes a first move?
For example in that case (a gym problem) why don't you suggest that girl to make a first move, to start a conversation first and so on? Cause this is something I would do in the similar situation, but maybe its not right...
Yes, it's OK! ;) If you think that the guy has the "hots" for you can say anything... "Man, the weights are really heavy today!" And smile like a woman flirting smiles. Don't bust your head with intricate stories of why had to talk to him. You really don't have to. Say something stupid to engage him and just be feminine. All guys will respond with kind words and commend you for your assertiveness /courage. "Guys like to chase" is misunderstood! The "chase" is actually passion/desire we feel for you. You can only do so much from afar, looking "uninterested"...
Perhaps hes not looking at you because he already has someone in their life
And if he doesnt come up to you after you smile and say hi with very clear signals,
it can mean hes not attracted to you. There is always that reason too :-/
It depends. If you're hot or cute then he's likely shy or is more afraid of being labeled a creep. If you're not hot or cute then maybe he's not attracted to you.
She could probably try removing the earbuds and getting her face out of her phone between sets. The world is out here...not in your phone.
Make YOUR OWN security. Learn how to do things on your car, charge the battery, fill up the tires...hang a picture, go back to school, learn an instrument.
Little to nothing you can't learn on UA-cam, like how to rebuild a running toilet. It's 20 minutes and 20 bucks tops and a hardware store trip. One water line, one flap, and one water thingy. It just screws in. Flush toilet, shut water off install. Turn water back on SLOWLY, check for leaks.
Now, you don't have to date a moron to get him to do it.
There was a book written by the daughter of an H & R founder after she inherited. She was taught to let the MAN handle the money. Which he promptly spent or whatever.
She wrote a book called Prince Charming isn't Coming.
Just MOVE ON with your life. Forget men even exist. Don't call them or call them back. Just do what YOU WANT.
Adopt a dog.
Yup I'm the few.
& btw mate I'm part Italian :)
Wow I really like what he said he is absolutely right.
So there’s this guy at the gym that keeps looking at me and I look at him and he smiles when he sees me but he never makes a move and it’s been about Two weeks and he still hasn’t approached me for the last time I went to the gym there was this bad oder It smelled like rotten eggs and the cute guy was talking about the smells and his friend and then she was saying that he thinks he knows where the smells coming from and it was obvious he was talking about me and I’m not sure if he was trying to get my attention but I felt like that was very rude of him to say and I didn’t feel comfortable and left the gym after that so I’m gonna see what happens on Monday when I see him again lmfaooo
How it went?
@@hairstylistterrymais4582 I havent seen him really since that day lmao i guess i lost my chances with him at this point? if he really was into me im sure he would have made a move by now.. fuck him lmao
@@leslierivera742 🤣🤣🤣
@@leslierivera742 don’t you think he would’ve thought the same? If she was interested in me , she would’ve just come up to me and say hi or gave me her number. This ain’t the 1950s anymore it’s 2022
@@theworldisimmenseoh be a man you weirdo
if a man likes you they will come to you if not they are not that attracted to you sorry 😁 a man will do anything to come to you and talk to you when they like you !! The rest is stories.. Man are not that shy and if he is hey he might be gay !! That's always a possibility Don't forget that !!!!!!! men when they like you are not shy !! I see guys all the time go up to girls on the gym and talk to them unfortunately for man is all about the looks so if you don't have the look they want or turns them on you can smile till you get cross eyed and nothing will happen !! Has nothing to do with them not being man enough !! It's all about the law of attraction!! So if this is being going on for a long time and he hasn't made a move then maybe you need to move on !! Or you can always make a move and take a chance or just stay frustrated and get nowhere with it 😬
I agree
Kaikai Kaikai I have approach anxiety when I am attracted to a girl. It is harder to approach after time as she has got used to you checking her out every evening. She either thinks you have a girlfriend or you have no balls. Eventually another guy will be in there and you stand there looking at her leaving with the guy. I know this by experience. You snooze you loose. No matter how much she likes you she won't approach you. Eye contact and other body language of attraction can only last so long. Then it stops as she is used to you doing nothing to move things forward.
This is 100% untrue.
no this is not true i like a girl and ahe look at me several time and smike but no balls to talk to her we just say hi to each other
So not true. A majority of men are too shy to make a move
He approached me by asking me to drop me home after gym…but i said no because I don’t want him to think i am easy and sit with him in the car…..I don’t know what to do 🤦🏼♀️
Goooooo!! that’s so normal and totally fine !it won’t mean you are easy at alllllllllll
Men tend to want to feel useful, especially to the girl he has his eyes on.