C'est, pour moi la meilleure interprétation de la source du lyson un morceau au prim abord facile, mais qui requiert une bonne maîtrise de l'instrument.
Quelle magnifique prestation! Quelle musicalité! L'énergie, la fougue mais aussi la douceur et la sensualité se trouvent réunies chez cette musicienne hors pair. J'ai été fasciné du début à la fin.
Me encantó tu técnica y tu sonido, me parecen únicos, además de la ternura que manifiestas tienes una notoria sensibilidad. Amo tu interpretacion. Felicidades, un abrazo desde México.
Finalmente l'800 come deve o dovrebbe essere suonato, su strumenti d'epoca cercando una prassi filologica il più fedele possibile. Basta sentire l'800 su strumenti moderni da concertisti anche di fama ma che di filologico non hanno nulla. Complimenti da Max
That guitar was most likely build by a woman. The daughter of the luthier Francisco Gonzalez to be more precise. It's a beautiful guitar optically and acustically.
Sean, not always. I have an Altimira ca. 1840 and I can asure you that it sounds absolutely amazing, never toy-like. But I agree with you for most of xix th. century guitars.
Truly excellent. We get swept along from one mood to another under the magic of her supple, capable fingers. Delightful.
C'est, pour moi la meilleure interprétation de la source du lyson un morceau au prim abord facile, mais qui requiert une bonne maîtrise de l'instrument.
Quelle magnifique prestation! Quelle musicalité! L'énergie, la fougue mais aussi la douceur et la sensualité se trouvent réunies chez cette musicienne hors pair. J'ai été fasciné du début à la fin.
Spannend, lebendig und mit viel Freiheit gespielt. Sehr schön!!!
Me encantó tu técnica y tu sonido, me parecen únicos, además de la ternura que manifiestas tienes una notoria sensibilidad. Amo tu interpretacion. Felicidades, un abrazo desde México.
Bravissima Enrica .... sono onorato di averti con noi ne La Follia Guitar Orchestra. Sei una piacevolissima sorpresa. Stracomplimenti!!!!
Excelente interpretación y asombroso el sonido q tiene esta guitarra
Bravissima!!! È sempre un grande piacere ascoltarti!!
Sei mitica da farmi commuovere ❤️ grazie di esistere!! 👏👏
What an absolute beauty! 😍
Do you mean the piece? the guitar?, the guitariste?
Bom demais! Não canso de ver este video! Fantástica!
Che talento! Bravissima
This is excellent playing and ofcourse also a very nice instrument.
so beautiful..
ufff bellisimo, desde mexico saludos
Magnifica performance! Davvero incantevole
Fabulous musicianship and technique.
Beautifully done! Flawless and yet with great expression.
Brava Enrica!!!
Bellissimo! Complimenti!
That's lovely Enrica.
Encantada com seu talento
¡Muy bueno! Me gusta eso de tocar de pie. Además una muy bonita interpretación.
I loved this; very beautiful.
magnifique! et merci pour interprétation de référence
Bravissima! Une fille spirituelle de Napoléon Coste...
Bellissima interpretazione
This is so metal.
Napoléon Coste è molto contento della performance musicale di Erica Savigni nel brano "La source du Lyson".
È così brava che sembra che l'abbia scritta lei questa musica, complimentissimi!
Is that traffic noise in the back ground? Or, is tape compromised?
Hi Rob! It is traffic, unfortunately that nice church is closed ti the street!
Hermoso sonido. ¿Tocas sin uñas largas?
I love that guitar. It looks like it's fun to play. Where did it come from? What kind of woods is it made of and where can I get one?
Romantic guitar from Madrid, 1868, "Hijos de Gonzalez". It's most probably highly expensive and very difficult to get :).
Great performance. I wish more performers played Coste at recitals. How made your instrument?
Finalmente l'800 come deve o dovrebbe essere suonato, su strumenti d'epoca cercando una prassi filologica il più fedele possibile.
Basta sentire l'800 su strumenti moderni da concertisti anche di fama ma che di filologico non hanno nulla.
Complimenti da Max
Nice romantic guitar. Never heard of those makers. Looks a little bit like Panormo but with a more decorative rosette and a somewhat different tone.
Lovely, but a pity about all the background noise.
What kind of guitar is this ?
Hi! this is a 19th century guitar, inside it's written that was made by Hijos de Gonzalez from Madrid, but probably this is a French guitar!
Vintage parlor guitar
Good to see someone using a simple strap to hold the guitar .You can sit like this too! .
Che stile sta ragazza :-P
That guitar was most likely build by a woman. The daughter of the luthier Francisco Gonzalez to be more precise. It's a beautiful guitar optically and acustically.
This is an 1868 guitar?
Didn't think guitars aged that well.
Oh yeah! Play it the Skyrim style.
that guitar cost 450 euro.. second hand !!
Please tell me the source of this offer - I'd immediately buy one!
I understand why luthiers continue to innovate to this day. The romantic guitatrs of the 19th century are cool but will always sound kind of toy-like
Sean, not always. I have an Altimira ca. 1840 and I can asure you that it sounds absolutely amazing, never toy-like. But I agree with you for most of xix th. century guitars.