Sara is fantastic. Looking forward to her book release in a couple of weeks. BTW, at 26:18, what does “really wealthy people” have to do with the question you asked??
You would be better off calling it artificial lifelike. Ask Sara in what time period, artificial lifelike might understand Gödel's incompleteness theorems? Brains are not computational. There is no doubt at all that robotics could and most likely will wipe out any human in relation to warfare confrontations. Then the best human inventor of the best robotic killing machine will rule the world.
Sara is fantastic. Looking forward to her book release in a couple of weeks. BTW, at 26:18, what does “really wealthy people” have to do with the question you asked??
Do you enjoy space? Or just vividly just watching as you learn from her as she teaches you something you don’t completely understand.
Love Sara - this was a great interview that let her talk in different ways
Glad you enjoyed! Sara is fantastic.
"Super biased by my background as a physicist" you don't say lol
You would be better off calling it artificial lifelike. Ask Sara in what time period, artificial lifelike might understand Gödel's incompleteness theorems? Brains are not computational. There is no doubt at all that robotics could and most likely will wipe out any human in relation to warfare confrontations. Then the best human inventor of the best robotic killing machine will rule the world.
Why and how are brains not computational?
because neurons are slow@@Amethyst_Friend