The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
Someone I know bought two LV bags from *hotdups* before going on vacation. I found it interesting that it was very lightweight and felt just like the authentic ones.
Masha Allah good work ❤
The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
Someone I know bought two LV bags from *hotdups* before going on vacation. I found it interesting that it was very lightweight and felt just like the authentic ones.
Good working
Thank u
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *hotdups*
Assalamu alikum Bhai en ky bag website ka nam kya hy