I used to fly at parks. I will NEVER fly in public again because I can get no peace. I was once flying a glider. FROM A HIGH START. It was completely silent. A man was watching for a while. He walked up and asked the question we’ve all had “is that gas powered?” I said, no, it’s nuclear powered, you better not stand too close” He literally ran away.
I had a similar incident, I guess we all have , a gentleman came over to watch me fly a plane that I had to rebuild so it was like starting from scratch all the trims were off , the I just had to say it flew for the first 5min on the ragged edge until I got it high enough to get it trimmed ,oh boy I looked around me that gentleman disappeared I guess he must of thought I was to loose it in his direction. 🤣🤣🤣
I flew my first apprentice into the only tree at a field. Like full throttle send into the tree. It sits there 100 feet high staring at me to this day as a reminder. Some people watch me fly other planes and ask if thats mine in the tree. Nah, probably some other guy.
Haha only a couple revisions for me Its glow / 2stroke About 60mph Lost count but the bare airframe is about 499 And of course have you ever flown before / question if they can then its a maybe haha but I'm pretty easy going and I fly on a private field aka my field out back so I only get those questions from friends haha
"Buy another plane beyond your skill level" - haha. I build indestructible laminated EPP wings and planks that are built to crash. Cheap, repeatable and increases my skill level without heavy investment and just terribly fun to fly.
2:48 relatable. I was flying in a field that is used to park horse trailers in, and I saw a pickup truck from the city with 2 people in it roll up. I thought, "They're definitely here to kick me out" but then they came up to me asking how they could get themselves one too. It's always nice when you attract potential pilots instead of private property petes
Here's a tip I once heard. If you're coming in for a landing and think you're going too fast and it's gonna crash, don't commit to the landing. Increase throttle and do another pass, slow down well in advance. It's better to come in slow and have to give it a little throttle than to come in too fast and crash.
@@TailHeavyProductions crazy talk! coming in too fast just means you're important and in a hurry to land. Just add forward pressure and kiss mother earth. Then go buy another plane beyond your skill level. Maybe a nice 90mm EDF...
"you forgot the question "is that gas" I answere "no it runs on chicken nuggets man" I love this channel its pure gold bro the topics are so appreciable these days. keep up the good work. Love this hobby its the most fun a piece of foam could ever possibly be.
Yep, just for you. How'd you know? Just as bad as the day you spliced two battery leads and realized after you finished soldering that it was still smoking. Oh, sorry that was me.
Personally, I enjoy people's amazement while park flying, I try and keep a positive mindset and encourage them to join the hobby.. Usually ends in "woah, that's a lot of money" even after I explain you can find RTF's under $150.
I can relate to almost every one of these. Amazingly enough though, so far in the 14 years I've been flying, I never lost a plane from accidental control reversal. The closest I came was a long tome ago, I flew my f27q Stryker which was my first plane with elevon mixing and I had it all screwed up. That was the most I had to rewire my brain bringing her back in but I somehow did! Always do a thorough pre flight check no matter what, you will never live to regret it, happy flying everyone!
It's true most of us are old. I'm a senior 😳 but we love when young people show up at the field, they're plenty of good used planes for sale and transmitters can be gotten cheap used. a lot of us buy planes second hand.
I will soon get a small RC plane, and i can say that these videos have helped me very much on what to expect and what to do, especially at fields. Keep up the videos, they are helping me and others very much. Thank you.
@@TailHeavyProductions Quick update- I got it, and my first flight went amazingly well thanks to your tips and tricks (like the use of rudder). From the day i found your channel out i have been visiting almost every day to pick up on the tips and tricks and the amazing help. Thank you once again for the help, you're amazing.
@@TailHeavyProductionsSorry for the late response- I stumbled upon your video about why kids don't fly RC planes anymore, I'm slightly triggered. Being 14 years old, I'm having a ton of fun. I've been practicing lately and I want to invest (once I gather the money) into a carbon cub. Sorry for bothering, and again, thank you for the help. You really got me loving this hobby, having it's goods and bads.
@@andreastz1190 The title of that video was an exaggeration to get people talking and to address the issue of not enough kids being in the hobby. That's all. 👍
a lot of this rings true- most common question I get from a spectator is - how far will it fly? I say, so far away you can't see it well enough to control it. So I try to keep it in closer and away from the trees. next question - how fast will it go - to which I replay - most of the ones I've flown are in the 30-120 mph range, fastest was about 160. next question- how high will it go, for answer see first question, but there is a 400 foot restriction from the powers that be. next question - how long would it take me to learn......I need to leave in about an hour I will not type the answer I am usually thinking. next and usually the last question - How much does it cost? The more I talk after that the more they stop smiling.
I tend to forget the crashes after a while, but I can still remember the first time I successfully landed my 1200mm Mustang on the gear & black stuff without a ground loop! It only took about a 200 landings, but it was rewarding. 😂
I bought a used plane and was excited and confident that I could fly it in expert mode (it has no safe features) I had around 10ish hours of fly time with real flight included. I made sure everything was trimmed and setup or so I thought... I took off with ailerons reversed and didn't realize until after I went nose first into the ground. I still think I could of had a successful flight had that not happened.
and from now on youll do a simple checklist in your head everytime you set up a model lol. I always check the control surfaces when I switch to another model before flight, you never know :D
I remember the most embarrassing accidents I've had with a BF109 and a glider. I forgot to check the elevator servo direction on the BF109. It nosed into the ground after an attempted hand launch. With the glider, I had no awareness that the left aileron servo wasn't functional until I launched it. It crashed in tall grass as a result. Simply own up to mistakes, which aid in becoming a better pilot like he said. Always remember your pre-flight checks and inspect your equipment. Happy flying!
Well that pretty much summed it up, You nailed it! Just got done flying one of my r c helicopters, After not flying for about a year. And that morning cup of coffee kicked in, and went straight to my thumbs. Had one close call (lost orientation) with a full throttle bailout. But no crash! 😊😂
Just bought my first 1500mm plane and joined a club in the UK. Enjoying your videos therefore and yes can relate so well lol. Mind you I am also seeing myself at times (The Producer). I started on 400mm 60 gram warbirds for two years and have a squadron but each time I take them to the club feel as if I've walked on the field with my plane needing a dose of Viagra. Still I love them because I'm the only one daring to fly low and close, and coming home in a 25 mph wind. Keep up the good work guys, so entertaining. Fly casual.
Love all the videos! The humor and brutal honesty are so awesome and refreshing!!! Great for a good laugh while also super informative, which is what i need since im a newbie who hasnt flown yet. I just finished assembling my first plane. Fms 1220mm ranger. Waiting for a simulator so i can practice! Thanks for getting me into the hobby. Happy flying!!! Cant wait for my maiden!!! Needed another hobby beside flying paramotors and rc airplanes seems perfect!!!
I only had one crash that was not my fault and that was because someone turned on their transmitter on my frequency. I've crashed because my receiver or servo failed. A dust devil came out of nowhere while on short final. Sun in my eye, dead battery, dim thumb. If you don't take credit for the crash, you are doomed to have it happen again.
I just enjoy your videos so much. Keep doing what youre doing. I hope to one time in the future visit the US and maybe have a visit at your legendary RC field(s) :D
Spectators think that I am a gifted demo pilot. But the truth I never speak of is that I've learned from my mistakes and that didn't discourage me to leave the hobby:)
lessons learned as a Slope Glider Pilot. 1. Getting so excited about the wind picking back up, that you chuck your foamy wing off the mountain, before turning it on.
7:04 I once flew with my extra ng 78 and noticed that the plane is just wobbeling thru the sky and I trimmed and trimmed but nothing seemed to help so I tried to land it (which has gone very well ofc) and as I looked at the plane I noticed that a screw on the elevator had become loose so the elevator was just wobbeling around (was a hell of a experience 💀)
Bought my first EDF a year ago. My wife and I stopped at a park on the way home from the gym. Was getting it ready and I can’t remember what my reason was for my next move lol but I flipped the power switch to off on the transmitter and watched my brand new rc jet go full blast 60 mph kamikaze into a curb and turn into snow flakes. That was a very upsetting drive the rest of the way home. I just left the pieces of the jet and transmitter in my car for like a month till I did something with it. I’ve since learned and improved a lot lol. Learned about fail safes and everything.
In my opinion, the most annoying people are the "can i try it?" people and the "aeroscout wants to get a giant p47" type people, one of my best friends is always trying to make these GIANT leaps to jets after 7 flights with an apprentice and I always have to remind him what he's getting himself into. XD love these kinda videos!
They are really nice to look at and tempting to buy, so i can sort of understand lol.. Tell him to buy it when it goes on sale, build it, and hang it up on display until he's absolutely ready lol might make think twice after seeing it for so long and not wanting to crash it haha..
0:08- i did it once with a knife. After the spark went off i've and checked for any smoke coming from the things in the room, i noticed that there was a HOLE on the place, where i cut the wires at. I never repeated this "experiment".
Maybe I'm just weird, but I like crashing. Usually, the longer I'm in the air and don't crash, the more anxious I get... LOL. I love to design and make unlikely planes and try to learn why it REALLY doesn't want to fly... thus crashing, as an aid-to-learning. Hint: I buy foamboard by the case. Then I will try to fix the issues, usually having to make new parts, then go fly it again, bringing along my trusty extra heavy duty trash bag. Don't litter, foam doesn't biodegrade. Do I ever get the kinks worked out and get a weird but flyable plane... yep, a few, but my imagination still wants to make and play with toys.
Since I had a record of success with my foamies, the last plane I built had everything as unorthodox as I could make it. Reverse swept wing, V tail, low center of drag with a high center of thrust. EDF powered. Idk why I was surprised when I nosedived inmideately after takeoff. It's been a while and I've yet to finish my current airplane.
I’m back with a near almost bleeding to death story. OK been into flying 6 months and had graduated myself to a Conscendo Evolution. I was struggling with hand launches because of too low a throttle setting. Trying to launch under 60% does not work for a rookie pilot, motor torque causing left wing stall was drying me nuts. Well at the field alone I launched anticipating another big corkscrew left ending with a crushed noise. LAUNCH!!! crap there it goes again, so I jam the throttle to 120% with full up elevator with full ailerons right. Well I saved it, but the Conscendo screaming like a hyena was coming back straight at my noise. I ducked while reversing all controls. I did not see it but heard it make a tight circle maybe 8 feet over my head then fly off nicely like nothing had happened. Literally shaking I flew around until I regained control of myself and had a nice landing. GOOD GOSH ALL MIGHTY, WHAT FUN!!! Told this story to a veteran pilot who told me to try launching over 85% power. That worked and he saved my sanity.
I was literally flying my night Pawnee and some kid came up to me and started asking questions while I was flying and it made me nearly crash a number of times and that is something I genuinely hate about getting asked questions
I got my first rc plane when I was 12 or maybe 13. I went to an old airport which was seldom used. Another RC group was there. They looked to be 55-60 year Olds. They practically told me to piss off
Your Funcub for example isn’t made in China, it‘s German quality 👌🏻 I think you know, I would really like to see a review of the new Funcub NG and if it’s really better than the OG good video, keep going 💪🏻
You got that right! We have tried to reach out to Multiplex about getting an NG and never heard back, and they're difficult to get in the US. For now, we're more than happy with our OG Fun Cubs. They're lighter, too. One day we'll try the new ones...just can't put a firm timeline on it. -Zach
@@TailHeavyProductions Ah ok, I hope you get one sometime. I prefer the OG too, but a comparison would be very interesting cause you do the best reviews here on UA-cam. greetings from Germany -Tom
I’m looking at three different planes to get one which will be my second plane. My three options are the funcub NG, turbo timber evolution, and fms 1300mm super cub. Which one would you guys recommend?
As a second plane? The 1300mm Cub’s landing gear will take more abuse than the Fun Cub NG but it flies heavier. If you’re confident in your landings, the Fun Cub is always our top pick for a park flyer sized bush plane. 👍
Ive seen this Hobby change from a Good ole Boy network till today 50 yrs no joke ! 7 Drones 3 Cars 7 Boats 1 Wing and a 1 V Tail The most Difficult is the Wing... One thing I will agree with is that's Kids Hobby !! Because I'm not going to get Old the Hobby keeps me young !! LOL
I relate to the people coming up and asking 50 million questions one just because of my Traxxas Rally Car that's modified for two batteries and has metal gears and stuff, passed down from my dad but I don't have the money nor know where to get LiPo batteries for it because it's using the old NiMH batteries that are completely shot. They do not hold a charge for more than a minute and I can barely drive the car out of my driveway and back up before it dies. I tried to use the parallel connector for the two batteries but the ESC didn't recognize it and the ESC is old to the point that there is no useful info left to diagnose it. Edit: Also just wait for the guy who just burnt money on the 120 inch mustang to say that he's a WarThunder player, that's who you simultaneously want and DONT want in the hobby, as they have plenty of money to spend on the hobby because of Gaijin being greedy, but also because a massive chunk of our community love aviation you will see a massive increase in people genuinely interested in it, at the cost of a few people leaking classified government info to make 100% realistically accurate aircraft *_lol_*
I work on electronics and with my experience I have developed many ways to design fail safe devices with redundant systems and double check lists to avoid Murphy's Law oops as much as possible so if i decide to have RC plane I would like to try DIY instead of buy but knowing myself i will end making a sturdy brick with huge motors.
You know I consider learning to fly like learning how to ride a bicycle. Once you've got it you're good. As long as I don't do anything stupid in the setup of an airplane it flies and I don't crash. Most of the time they just wear out. I've got one sitting in front of me I've had for years and it's a monster. Crashing does happen but in my experience it's been pretty rare and usually caused by something stupid in the setup.
For my first plane I made a foam board simple stick model(flight test style). This was a simple 4 channel plane with no SAFE or gyros. It lasted a while before a kid (I’m 14 yes old ) put full forward pressure on the elevator, causing it to meet the ground. TLDR: I built a plane, flew it, then it crashed because a kid tried to take my controller.
we're a very jestful bunch in our RC club and often make tongue-in-cheek judgements and jokes, but one thing we never do is shame anyone for their mistakes leading to a crashed plane because it happens to anyone, from a beginner to experienced veteran... We have a wisdom that rings true among any age bracket here: "Know that when flying RC, you will crash at least ONCE... If you've never crashed before, you eventually will, and if you think you never will crash, you haven't flown RC enough."
Now that you mention it, 400 is quite a bit to spend on a plane. Haha. I remember when trying to pry a hundred bucks out of my wallet for a plane was painful. Now im dropping way more then that and not even thinking anything other then, "i cant wait for this one to be the best rc plane ive ever flown."
My first RC flight ever was with a Horizon Icon A5. Holy crap was that a bad decision! Also, my ailerons were reversed so it lasted about 3 seconds before slamming back onto the water and shattering into a hundred pieces. Nearly 2 decades later, I still crash.
I miss the episodes of flite test where you used to feel like you were watching creations. Where you thought that the stupid shit they were doing was actually kinda clever.
last year i had a old Hanger 9 Piper j3 cub that i really enjoyed flying crash literally from 3 meters in the air. it was a nice warm and windy day while i was flying the cub and right as i turned to land on the runway the wind let go with the plane to slow to stay in the air and the thing tipped onto its side and was completely destroyed. sad thing is i was trying to save it from tipping by slamming the throttle into the firewall and nitro engines don't like that. i was pissed after that plane hit the ground
I consider myself extremely lucky. My better half and I support each other's hobbies. She doesn't have to try and hide purchases from me, and I don't have to tell her I'm heading to the strip club when I'm actually going to the hobby shop. She did get some laughs, though, when I shared the meme on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, with the wife saying, "YOU BOUGHT ANOTHER AIRPLANE?!? WHY CAN"T YOU JUST WATCH P0RN LIKE A NORMAL HUSBAND?!?"
I used to fly at parks. I will NEVER fly in public again because I can get no peace.
I was once flying a glider. FROM A HIGH START. It was completely silent. A man was watching for a while. He walked up and asked the question we’ve all had “is that gas powered?”
I said, no, it’s nuclear powered, you better not stand too close”
He literally ran away.
HA! Good one!
Lolllll gliders are quite hard to fly for me in the strong wind
Had i woman asking me "If it comes back" I said, im trying my best
I had a similar incident, I guess we all have , a gentleman came over to watch me fly a plane that I had to rebuild so it was like starting from scratch all the trims were off , the I just had to say it flew for the first 5min on the ragged edge until I got it high enough to get it trimmed ,oh boy I looked around me that gentleman disappeared I guess he must of thought I was to loose it in his direction. 🤣🤣🤣
I flew my first apprentice into the only tree at a field. Like full throttle send into the tree. It sits there 100 feet high staring at me to this day as a reminder. Some people watch me fly other planes and ask if thats mine in the tree. Nah, probably some other guy.
It's electric
About 85mph
As far as you can see
About 5 minutes
Below 400 ft
Around $599
Yes it can do a loop
everyone knows the last one
I just want to have that printed out and hand it to them instead of saying anything
I remember seeing a shirt for sale with these answers
Haha only a couple revisions for me
Its glow / 2stroke
About 60mph
Lost count but the bare airframe is about 499
And of course have you ever flown before / question if they can then its a maybe haha but I'm pretty easy going and I fly on a private field aka my field out back so I only get those questions from friends haha
"Buy another plane beyond your skill level" - haha. I build indestructible laminated EPP wings and planks that are built to crash. Cheap, repeatable and increases my skill level without heavy investment and just terribly fun to fly.
Perfect balance of snarky sincerity and encouragement!! Thanks for the relatable entertainment and insight :)
2:48 relatable. I was flying in a field that is used to park horse trailers in, and I saw a pickup truck from the city with 2 people in it roll up. I thought, "They're definitely here to kick me out" but then they came up to me asking how they could get themselves one too. It's always nice when you attract potential pilots instead of private property petes
Here's a tip I once heard. If you're coming in for a landing and think you're going too fast and it's gonna crash, don't commit to the landing. Increase throttle and do another pass, slow down well in advance. It's better to come in slow and have to give it a little throttle than to come in too fast and crash.
Yep! As we say - there's a zero fault go around policy in aviation. No shame in it! 👍
@@TailHeavyProductions crazy talk! coming in too fast just means you're important and in a hurry to land. Just add forward pressure and kiss mother earth. Then go buy another plane beyond your skill level. Maybe a nice 90mm EDF...
"you forgot the question "is that gas" I answere "no it runs on chicken nuggets man"
I love this channel its pure gold bro the topics are so appreciable these days. keep up the good work. Love this hobby its the most fun a piece of foam could ever possibly be.
hey im 12 been in the hobby for 5 months now just got the viper 70mm thanks for all your vids i love them
The one about cutting two battery leads at once felt personal
Yep, just for you.
How'd you know?
Just as bad as the day you spliced two battery leads and realized after you finished soldering that it was still smoking.
Oh, sorry that was me.
You do that once and you are more experienced that the ones who haven't.
Nice video, as an RC pilot of 40+ years you really nailed it on many topics covered here.
Wow 40 years of rc flying, dose that make you feel superior ?
Thank you!
I love your sense of humour in all of your videos!
These past two videos have been super hilarious and very relatable!
Personally, I enjoy people's amazement while park flying, I try and keep a positive mindset and encourage them to join the hobby.. Usually ends in "woah, that's a lot of money" even after I explain you can find RTF's under $150.
Lol!, this channel is becoming more and more funny to watch everytime!, i wish i got the same "spark" on mine ! :)
I can relate to almost every one of these. Amazingly enough though, so far in the 14 years I've been flying, I never lost a plane from accidental control reversal. The closest I came was a long tome ago, I flew my f27q Stryker which was my first plane with elevon mixing and I had it all screwed up. That was the most I had to rewire my brain bringing her back in but I somehow did! Always do a thorough pre flight check no matter what, you will never live to regret it, happy flying everyone!
It's true most of us are old. I'm a senior 😳
but we love when young people show up at the field, they're plenty of good used planes for sale and transmitters can be gotten cheap used. a lot of us buy planes second hand.
Love it. You guys and two bros rc are my favorite rc channels.
Yooo guys,
Love ur vids, always watching them and they r the only thing that motivates me to go flying :)
Pretty much hit the nail on the head! Great video!
I will soon get a small RC plane, and i can say that these videos have helped me very much on what to expect and what to do, especially at fields. Keep up the videos, they are helping me and others very much. Thank you.
That's so awesome - super glad to hear it!
@@TailHeavyProductions Quick update- I got it, and my first flight went amazingly well thanks to your tips and tricks (like the use of rudder). From the day i found your channel out i have been visiting almost every day to pick up on the tips and tricks and the amazing help. Thank you once again for the help, you're amazing.
@@andreastz1190 That's awesome! Welcome to the hobby, and appreciate the support!
@@TailHeavyProductionsSorry for the late response- I stumbled upon your video about why kids don't fly RC planes anymore, I'm slightly triggered. Being 14 years old, I'm having a ton of fun. I've been practicing lately and I want to invest (once I gather the money) into a carbon cub. Sorry for bothering, and again, thank you for the help. You really got me loving this hobby, having it's goods and bads.
@@andreastz1190 The title of that video was an exaggeration to get people talking and to address the issue of not enough kids being in the hobby. That's all. 👍
Really enjoying your videos! I’ll definitely join the discord! Your channel is a breath of fresh air in the UA-cam scene!
Outstanding video as always. I like the approach you have to developing the content. No pressure but I can't wait for the next one.
a lot of this rings true-
most common question I get from a spectator is - how far will it fly?
I say, so far away you can't see it well enough to control it. So I try to keep it in closer and away from the trees.
next question - how fast will it go - to which I replay - most of the ones I've flown are in the 30-120 mph range, fastest was about 160.
next question- how high will it go, for answer see first question, but there is a 400 foot restriction from the powers that be.
next question - how long would it take me to learn......I need to leave in about an hour
I will not type the answer I am usually thinking.
next and usually the last question - How much does it cost? The more I talk after that the more they stop smiling.
This is absolutely the best UA-cam channel. Thanks for your content. Always puts a smile on my face
Thank you - glad you're enjoying it!
I tend to forget the crashes after a while, but I can still remember the first time I successfully landed my 1200mm Mustang on the gear & black stuff without a ground loop! It only took about a 200 landings, but it was rewarding. 😂
Ahh, but those ground loops are SO much fun! (Said no one, ever) LOL
I bought a used plane and was excited and confident that I could fly it in expert mode (it has no safe features) I had around 10ish hours of fly time with real flight included. I made sure everything was trimmed and setup or so I thought... I took off with ailerons reversed and didn't realize until after I went nose first into the ground. I still think I could of had a successful flight had that not happened.
Objection on the grounds of speculation.
@@murrijuana2842 huh?
@@murrijuana2842 I fly my other plane in expert mode all the time, just was my first flight with that plane.
Me too kid, me too
and from now on youll do a simple checklist in your head everytime you set up a model lol.
I always check the control surfaces when I switch to another model before flight, you never know :D
I remember the most embarrassing accidents I've had with a BF109 and a glider. I forgot to check the elevator servo direction on the BF109. It nosed into the ground after an attempted hand launch. With the glider, I had no awareness that the left aileron servo wasn't functional until I launched it. It crashed in tall grass as a result. Simply own up to mistakes, which aid in becoming a better pilot like he said.
Always remember your pre-flight checks and inspect your equipment.
Happy flying!
Well that pretty much summed it up, You nailed it!
Just got done flying one of my r c helicopters, After not flying for about a year. And that morning cup of coffee kicked in, and went straight to my thumbs. Had one close call (lost orientation) with a full throttle bailout. But no crash! 😊😂
Just bought my first 1500mm plane and joined a club in the UK. Enjoying your videos therefore and yes can relate so well lol. Mind you I am also seeing myself at times (The Producer). I started on 400mm 60 gram warbirds for two years and have a squadron but each time I take them to the club feel as if I've walked on the field with my plane needing a dose of Viagra. Still I love them because I'm the only one daring to fly low and close, and coming home in a 25 mph wind. Keep up the good work guys, so entertaining. Fly casual.
Love all the videos! The humor and brutal honesty are so awesome and refreshing!!! Great for a good laugh while also super informative, which is what i need since im a newbie who hasnt flown yet. I just finished assembling my first plane. Fms 1220mm ranger. Waiting for a simulator so i can practice! Thanks for getting me into the hobby. Happy flying!!! Cant wait for my maiden!!! Needed another hobby beside flying paramotors and rc airplanes seems perfect!!!
I only had one crash that was not my fault and that was because someone turned on their transmitter on my frequency. I've crashed because my receiver or servo failed. A dust devil came out of nowhere while on short final. Sun in my eye, dead battery, dim thumb. If you don't take credit for the crash, you are doomed to have it happen again.
Eachine p51 great first plane, at least for me. Had success first battery, only $100.
I'm now hooked
I slammed mine into a metal pole head and melted a servo 2 months later still flying .the most durable beginner plane ever
Really enjoy your video guys, keep it up
Lol... I simply love your videos... a very fresh approach to the hobby... Keep it up 👍
I just enjoy your videos so much. Keep doing what youre doing. I hope to one time in the future visit the US and maybe have a visit at your legendary RC field(s) :D
Your episodes are on the money bud, keep it up please.
Great vid..... But still waiting for the nitro timber.
Spectators think that I am a gifted demo pilot. But the truth I never speak of is that I've learned from my mistakes and that didn't discourage me to leave the hobby:)
lessons learned as a Slope Glider Pilot.
1. Getting so excited about the wind picking back up, that you chuck your foamy wing off the mountain, before turning it on.
5:01 A cessna aerobat on a store shelf... must of been taken back in the good ole days when balsa arfs were in their prime
RIP E-Flite Balsa ARFs ☠
@Tail Heavy Productions ☹️
I just smiled and laughed quietly to myself about the relatability 😅
Love it! I would love to see a video about night flying ✈️
Great vid! Great info. Thanks!
7:04 I once flew with my extra ng 78 and noticed that the plane is just wobbeling thru the sky and I trimmed and trimmed but nothing seemed to help so I tried to land it (which has gone very well ofc) and as I looked at the plane I noticed that a screw on the elevator had become loose so the elevator was just wobbeling around (was a hell of a experience 💀)
Man! This was totally relatable 😂👍🏻
that first joke got me rolling on the floor about to pass out🤣
Another great video, I need to get a beater plane !
Bought my first EDF a year ago. My wife and I stopped at a park on the way home from the gym. Was getting it ready and I can’t remember what my reason was for my next move lol but I flipped the power switch to off on the transmitter and watched my brand new rc jet go full blast 60 mph kamikaze into a curb and turn into snow flakes. That was a very upsetting drive the rest of the way home. I just left the pieces of the jet and transmitter in my car for like a month till I did something with it. I’ve since learned and improved a lot lol. Learned about fail safes and everything.
That was an excellent photo of Peter
In my opinion, the most annoying people are the "can i try it?" people and the "aeroscout wants to get a giant p47" type people, one of my best friends is always trying to make these GIANT leaps to jets after 7 flights with an apprentice and I always have to remind him what he's getting himself into. XD love these kinda videos!
Let him crash 🤑🤑🤐🤐🤐
They are really nice to look at and tempting to buy, so i can sort of understand lol.. Tell him to buy it when it goes on sale, build it, and hang it up on display until he's absolutely ready lol might make think twice after seeing it for so long and not wanting to crash it haha..
I can relate to the viagra part.... I was addicted to viagra, my family came to terms with it but my girlfriend took it pretty hard!
I'm sure she did!
Great stuff Dude 😁 bring it on 😎
0:08- i did it once with a knife. After the spark went off i've and checked for any smoke coming from the things in the room, i noticed that there was a HOLE on the place, where i cut the wires at. I never repeated this "experiment".
You guys deserve more subs, so.. subbed!
Relatable. One time some random dude was like, “ DO A FLIP!” But my plane was clearly broken after a crash.
if you still blame you crash on the plane or radio, you have not been flying long enough to be honest to your self.
as someone who has never flown in a AMA field I've heard all of those and more
5:21 is J-Wings, not Flite Test. I encourage you guys to look up J-Wings, good stuff and Tom is a good guy
Brilliant video!
You: *leaving the field because it's a little bit too gusty*
Me: *laughing with my FunCub at full flaps flying at 0m/s HSPD*
Maybe I'm just weird, but I like crashing. Usually, the longer I'm in the air and don't crash, the more anxious I get... LOL.
I love to design and make unlikely planes and try to learn why it REALLY doesn't want to fly... thus crashing, as an aid-to-learning. Hint: I buy foamboard by the case.
Then I will try to fix the issues, usually having to make new parts, then go fly it again, bringing along my trusty extra heavy duty trash bag. Don't litter, foam doesn't biodegrade.
Do I ever get the kinks worked out and get a weird but flyable plane... yep, a few, but my imagination still wants to make and play with toys.
Since I had a record of success with my foamies, the last plane I built had everything as unorthodox as I could make it. Reverse swept wing, V tail, low center of drag with a high center of thrust. EDF powered.
Idk why I was surprised when I nosedived inmideately after takeoff.
It's been a while and I've yet to finish my current airplane.
Fun video as usual 👍😎
I’m back with a near almost bleeding to death story. OK been into flying 6 months and had graduated myself to a Conscendo Evolution. I was struggling with hand launches because of too low a throttle setting. Trying to launch under 60% does not work for a rookie pilot, motor torque causing left wing stall was drying me nuts. Well at the field alone I launched anticipating another big corkscrew left ending with a crushed noise. LAUNCH!!! crap there it goes again, so I jam the throttle to 120% with full up elevator with full ailerons right. Well I saved it, but the Conscendo screaming like a hyena was coming back straight at my noise. I ducked while reversing all controls. I did not see it but heard it make a tight circle maybe 8 feet over my head then fly off nicely like nothing had happened. Literally shaking I flew around until I regained control of myself and had a nice landing. GOOD GOSH ALL MIGHTY, WHAT FUN!!! Told this story to a veteran pilot who told me to try launching over 85% power. That worked and he saved my sanity.
I was literally flying my night Pawnee and some kid came up to me and started asking questions while I was flying and it made me nearly crash a number of times and that is something I genuinely hate about getting asked questions
I got my first rc plane when I was 12 or maybe 13. I went to an old airport which was seldom used. Another RC group was there. They looked to be 55-60 year Olds. They practically told me to piss off
@@RockyFoxxowo I did not piss off
Only issue I had with flite test was I was able to strip 5 gram servos but now looking back may have been the ground that stripped both of them
Your Funcub for example isn’t made in China, it‘s German quality 👌🏻
I think you know, I would really like to see a review of the new Funcub NG and if it’s really better than the OG
good video, keep going 💪🏻
You got that right! We have tried to reach out to Multiplex about getting an NG and never heard back, and they're difficult to get in the US. For now, we're more than happy with our OG Fun Cubs. They're lighter, too. One day we'll try the new ones...just can't put a firm timeline on it. -Zach
@@TailHeavyProductions Ah ok, I hope you get one sometime.
I prefer the OG too, but a comparison would be very interesting cause you do the best reviews here on UA-cam.
greetings from Germany
@@TailHeavyProductions I still have a Fun Cub in the box, believe it or not. Would trade it for a nib Twinstar 2 in a heartbeat
@@davidhogue100 We'll buy it if you ever decide to sell it! Shoot me an email: zach@tailheavyrc.com 😁
@@TailHeavyProductions I'll have to look but I think the wing might be glued together
I’m looking at three different planes to get one which will be my second plane. My three options are the funcub NG, turbo timber evolution, and fms 1300mm super cub. Which one would you guys recommend?
As a second plane? The 1300mm Cub’s landing gear will take more abuse than the Fun Cub NG but it flies heavier. If you’re confident in your landings, the Fun Cub is always our top pick for a park flyer sized bush plane. 👍
@@TailHeavyProductions Funcub it is! Thanks for the guidance and blue skies.
One more question; can you put floats on the Funcub and if so which ones?
I laughed too many times watching this XD
Ive seen this Hobby change from a Good ole Boy network till today
50 yrs no joke ! 7 Drones 3 Cars 7 Boats 1 Wing and a 1 V Tail
The most Difficult is the Wing...
One thing I will agree with is that's Kids Hobby !!
Because I'm not going to get Old the Hobby keeps me young !! LOL
You guys are great! Crack me up..
Honestly, im so used to hearing people ask how tall i am, that having them ask me to blab about my plane is a welcome change of pace
At minute 1:10, your F-35 did exactly what mine just did!
what do you reccomend when you get into a cold streak and seem to keep crashing or cant get a good landing
Stick to the simulator for a bit.
LOL! I've launched with no elevator control. That was spicy. My plane landed fine though. It was a Draco.
The most annoying question is when they say "How far does it fly". Bro you're not flying fpv😂
“FaRtHeR tHaN yOu cAN sEe.” -Pilot
“REALLYYYY?!?!?!” -Shocked Spectator
I relate to the people coming up and asking 50 million questions one just because of my Traxxas Rally Car that's modified for two batteries and has metal gears and stuff, passed down from my dad but I don't have the money nor know where to get LiPo batteries for it because it's using the old NiMH batteries that are completely shot. They do not hold a charge for more than a minute and I can barely drive the car out of my driveway and back up before it dies. I tried to use the parallel connector for the two batteries but the ESC didn't recognize it and the ESC is old to the point that there is no useful info left to diagnose it.
Edit: Also just wait for the guy who just burnt money on the 120 inch mustang to say that he's a WarThunder player, that's who you simultaneously want and DONT want in the hobby, as they have plenty of money to spend on the hobby because of Gaijin being greedy, but also because a massive chunk of our community love aviation you will see a massive increase in people genuinely interested in it, at the cost of a few people leaking classified government info to make 100% realistically accurate aircraft *_lol_*
All I have to say is I’m jealous of your flying skills and video editing!! I hate you guys and look forward to your next post. ;-)
I work on electronics and with my experience I have developed many ways to design fail safe devices with redundant systems and double check lists to avoid Murphy's Law oops as much as possible so if i decide to have RC plane I would like to try DIY instead of buy but knowing myself i will end making a sturdy brick with huge motors.
Awsome video
You know I consider learning to fly like learning how to ride a bicycle. Once you've got it you're good. As long as I don't do anything stupid in the setup of an airplane it flies and I don't crash. Most of the time they just wear out. I've got one sitting in front of me I've had for years and it's a monster. Crashing does happen but in my experience it's been pretty rare and usually caused by something stupid in the setup.
For my first plane I made a foam board simple stick model(flight test style). This was a simple 4 channel plane with no SAFE or gyros. It lasted a while before a kid (I’m 14 yes old ) put full forward pressure on the elevator, causing it to meet the ground.
I built a plane, flew it, then it crashed because a kid tried to take my controller.
we're a very jestful bunch in our RC club and often make tongue-in-cheek judgements and jokes,
but one thing we never do is shame anyone for their mistakes leading to a crashed plane
because it happens to anyone, from a beginner to experienced veteran...
We have a wisdom that rings true among any age bracket here:
"Know that when flying RC, you will crash at least ONCE...
If you've never crashed before, you eventually will,
and if you think you never will crash, you haven't flown RC enough."
Now that you mention it, 400 is quite a bit to spend on a plane. Haha. I remember when trying to pry a hundred bucks out of my wallet for a plane was painful. Now im dropping way more then that and not even thinking anything other then, "i cant wait for this one to be the best rc plane ive ever flown."
I have built 35 Flite Test speedbuild kits and only one came with 4 wings and no fuse, but Jenn Bixler fixed the order at no charge.
My first RC flight ever was with a Horizon Icon A5. Holy crap was that a bad decision! Also, my ailerons were reversed so it lasted about 3 seconds before slamming back onto the water and shattering into a hundred pieces. Nearly 2 decades later, I still crash.
first battery connecter i ever soldered, polarity reversed, 6s 5000mah powerhobby lipo and my esc went pop
It’s a Hobby, the whole point of one is to enjoy it and learn from it…at least I thought 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤷🏻♂️😂🤘🏻
I miss the episodes of flite test where you used to feel like you were watching creations. Where you thought that the stupid shit they were doing was actually kinda clever.
I’m a kid and I do chores to buy my planes really love the sport
My airfield has a minimum of 10mph winds daily gust up to 20
TBH, I've not thot about putting an animal in 1 of mine🤔, til now!😁
You forgot: having an airplane come out of a repair session looking like frankenstien with wings
I love it a channel that’s not afraid to speak the truth. Nothing but respect for you guys. 👍👍👍👍p.s I love my toy planes. Lol 😂 😂😂😂
last year i had a old Hanger 9 Piper j3 cub that i really enjoyed flying crash literally from 3 meters in the air. it was a nice warm and windy day while i was flying the cub and right as i turned to land on the runway the wind let go with the plane to slow to stay in the air and the thing tipped onto its side and was completely destroyed. sad thing is i was trying to save it from tipping by slamming the throttle into the firewall and nitro engines don't like that. i was pissed after that plane hit the ground
I consider myself extremely lucky. My better half and I support each other's hobbies. She doesn't have to try and hide purchases from me, and I don't have to tell her I'm heading to the strip club when I'm actually going to the hobby shop.
She did get some laughs, though, when I shared the meme on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, with the wife saying, "YOU BOUGHT ANOTHER AIRPLANE?!? WHY CAN"T YOU JUST WATCH P0RN LIKE A NORMAL HUSBAND?!?"
1:29 Nah, I have my Kamikaze plane that will do his job in getting rid of him