ATTENTION: When recording this I did not think about the possibility of Shiny or Legendary Pokemon being one of the 3 big updates. That is absolutely a possibility, although they would most likely be events. John Hanke (Niantic CEO) did say there would be "3 major releases" which means events could be one of them. Let me know your thoughts!
Hey mystic, I got both my dragon scale and my kings rock from random stops. The only tip I can give to you is keep spinning stops and once u have spun enough in a row you will get an evolution item.
hemuli yo dumbass starter mean the pokemon with whom trainer start his journey egbulba,totodle,chespin,victini..have you ever played other pokemon game rather than pokemon go...
I don't live too far from a park that is a sneasel, horsea, and slugma farm. And where I live it's just constant Murkrows, Teddyisuras, Spinarks, Ledybas, Hoppips, Swinubs, Woopers, and Marils.
I think for Easter, they might add 15km - 25km eggs and you can hatch starter evolutions from gen 1 and gen 2 and maybe even they might be make you able to hatch legendaries...
Did not realize this until now but, when you give a pokemon a razz berry it actually makes the color of the ring different. So if its a red circle without a razz berry it will be like an orange one with it. I thought it was kind of cool that it was added in the game.
Jason Vaughn that was in the game for a long long time. The circle color means how hard is to catch a pokemon so if it's red it's extremely hard but afyer you gove it a raspberry it turns to orange what makes that pokemon easier to catch
Ari Juljulian when I'm in the car I pass so many Pokestops and I try to spin them but then it says "try again later" like boi I'm in the car there is no later for it
I think it would be dope for niantic to add 'breeding centers' to Pokémon go, in addition to stops and gyms. But have to return to that exact breeding stop to pick up the egg, and the eggs should be 5-15k depending on rarity
I think the first update will be breeding. The second I think will be in late summer early fall is pvp AND trading. It makes no sense why they can't combine an update. Last I think is either lefendaries or gen three in december
I don't think breeding is big enough of an update to be classed in this catogery since its nowhere near the scale of the update that happened with gen 2's release, so I think gen 3, pvp/group battle system for events will be 2 of the updates, the 3rd one im really not so sure unless they are going to completely overhall the ingame graphics to make it like a 3d world for us to play in which would be amazing imo
I think there will be legendary pokemon ( zapdos, moltres, artikuno , mew & mew 2 ) and they will sponed every day in diferent parts of the world !!! that wood be cool :-) possible to catch and super rear !!!
am i the only one who liked the footstep tracking more than the tracking now? because now it's just walking to you destination instead of actually looking for your pokemon
Don't you think the group competition will be based on every team working together to take down a Lengendary pokemon, like the first Video of Pokemon being released & everyone came together to fight Mewtwo ?
hey to screenshot it depends on your device most devises use volume down and the power button held at the same time but my s7 edge it's the home and the power button
I went to my Uncle's funeral today. Overall it was a pretty sad day but a slight highlight would be the Ursaring spawning at the pokestop across from our section. After it was over me and the gf ran over to get it and it was 1900 cp for both of us!
"Trimester" means every 3 months correct? So that means that there could theoretically be 4 events in a single year, based on what Hanke said? Because he didn't say "tri-annual" which means 3 times in one year...just wondering.
I'm thinking the new 3 major updates coming is: Generation 3 (Comes out October/November 2017) Trading/Breeding (Comes out together May 2017) Legendary Pokemon (Comes out August 2017)
Adding 3 for 2017 dang that's a hard choice. *(1)* My guess would probably be a Anniversary for 1 year of Pokemon GO's release and they might release the 3 legendary birds people have been asking for so long, or they might have a Official Vote on what the Players want the most. *(2)* Trading Pokemon and maybe allowing Pokemon to Hold items to evolve or to give other players an extra item as a thanks for trading. *(3)* and my top favorite I've been thinking to myself, more like a fan made update, anyone can give their ideas to Niantic to see if it will be added to the game to make it better and more fun. My fan made idea would be: Being able to create Clans/Groups for friends to go on Pokemon Hunts/dungeons, being able to see your friends on the radar/full screen, or doing a open raid to catch one of the legendaries that would spawn only in a certain month. My mind is going wild just thinking of this, I have more ideas but these are my top 3 best ideas that I can think of.
Gen 3 is probably not gonna be on the update tbh, I'm hoping for (1) breeding (2) battling other players like your friends (getting to add friends ect) (3) trading is also a possibility along with shinies and legendary Pokemon These are my predictions though so not sure 🤔
ATTENTION: When recording this I did not think about the possibility of Shiny or Legendary Pokemon being one of the 3 big updates. That is absolutely a possibility, although they would most likely be events. John Hanke (Niantic CEO) did say there would be "3 major releases" which means events could be one of them. Let me know your thoughts!
MYSTIC7 heyyy
MYSTIC7 I love you video make more 😘😘😘
MYSTIC7 You're fantastic man! I love your channel!
MYSTIC7 Legendaries, Trading, and breeding
Pickleboy 21 HOPE
1. I woke up
2. I opened Pokémon go
3. Saw tyranitar on nearby
4.caught the 3124 tyranitar
It all happened in this order 2,3,4,1
P. Gibbons XD
P. Gibbons that's funny because you dreamed that you calt the tyranatar in your sleep
Xerxes Break you don't get it do you???
Xerxes Break Maybe use your brain when reading this comment.
H Pinecone bro the joke was that it was a dream dummy
MYSTIC7 good job I guss
It is a critical catch in which is rare and he missed it...
You got a critical catch
I think the 3 major updates are:minor text fixes,minor bug fixes and finally lures will be lengthened to 31 minutes
PurplePepper10 YES! THE BEST UPDATE OF THEM ALL!!!!!!!
Didn't realize I was subbed to FSUATL; nice thumbnail
Nick Cannonn - Clash Royale hahaha lol I get it
Nick Cannonn - Clash Royale mystic and fsuatl need to meet
MYSTIC7 please don't clickbait
MYSTIC7 I thought you were against clickbait!
MYSTIC7 i so hype!!!!!!!!
MYSTIC7 I think it would be a cool update if they were able to make weather a factor in the game
MYSTIC7 am thinking pvp, breeding and gen 3. I don't think trading will be out this year.
I caught a jumpluff in the wild
Not knowing it was a third evolution
France Bonnefoy lol so did I!
France Bonnefoy koo
France Bonnefoy skiplooms evol
actually skiplooms evolution lmao
Did fsu help you with the thumbnail 😂😂
EliteGamer 12 King Clickbait
EliteGamer 12 so true in December fstul he was like woah legendary are out and he gave no disclaimer
probably the funniest comment ive ever seen on youtube
13:00 That Oddish and Pidgey right there looks so similar like a farfetch'd
Did you see at 8:52 he got a critical catch
Reece Chislett game lag
P. Gibbons no is not
P. Gibbons it was critical capture
Whats that?
3 Major Updates:
- Major text fixes
- Major text fixes
- Major text fixes
[EG] TwoPennys 😂😂😂😂😂😂
this exactly what i was thinking
[EG] TwoPennys Hahaha
[EG] TwoPennys yep😑
[EG] TwoPennys Got em
on your video the time 8:55 u got a critical catch on the 420 woopet
Zachary Brook Kohout Oh yeah ur right
Zachary Brook Kohout and it has good ivees
Seth Perez ivees?
Zachary Brook Kohout don't you mean great??
Did anyone else see the critical catch on the wopper when he was talking about gen 3
Breeding isn't a major update it's just another way to get candy faster like the buddy update that's what trainer tips said and I agree
TheDreamCraft i think you should use candy if you breed
TheDreamCraft Trainer Tips will be the closed with his guesses I say... what he says just makes so much sense
TheDreamCraft trainer tips is the best pokemon channel.
zz Gravity yeah his the best and his theories makes so much sense and his logic thinking
Hey mystic, I got both my dragon scale and my kings rock from random stops. The only tip I can give to you is keep spinning stops and once u have spun enough in a row you will get an evolution item.
i want trading and pvp, like if you agree
NicolasGamingYT I want trading PvP and maybe a legendary/shine/starter event I haven't decided which
in 2023 they are here
did u see the critical catch on your wooper lol
Jackie somerville no just game lag
P. Gibbons no
P. Gibbons 8:45
there were lines coming out of it, maybe stars and look at a different catch!
cant wait to get sceptile for generation 3 starters
Shinny doge me too, favorite Pokémon
you mean "treecko"
sajan ll idiot sceptile is third evolution of treecko
hemuli yo dumbass starter mean the pokemon with whom trainer start his journey egbulba,totodle,chespin,victini..have you ever played other pokemon game rather than pokemon go...
1: breeding 2: legendary Pokemon 3: shiny Pokemon
If mystic7 was a Pokémon he would be
Move:mind reader
Mckenzie Laurie I think he would be vaporeon
Minor text fixes, Minor text fixes, and Minor text fixes.
*major text fixes
awesome man 8000 you forgot minor wheel chair fixes
Cambos Crazy Awesome ikr
I don't live too far from a park that is a sneasel, horsea, and slugma farm.
And where I live it's just constant
Murkrows, Teddyisuras, Spinarks, Ledybas, Hoppips, Swinubs, Woopers, and Marils.
last four are pretty good where i live
Mystic is legit. this video shows new info. If you don't like his videos simply don't watch them. stop all the click bait crying. rip haters.
Joshua Bahl thank you preach
I wish trading was a thing, so I could give you my dragon scale haha. Maybe trading is one of the updates? :o
I also wish wild pokemon have health, so you can fight them. if they died, then you get 1+ candy. That'd be lit
I think for Easter, they might add 15km - 25km eggs and you can hatch starter evolutions from gen 1 and gen 2 and maybe even they might be make you able to hatch legendaries...
Did not realize this until now but, when you give a pokemon a razz berry it actually makes the color of the ring different. So if its a red circle without a razz berry it will be like an orange one with it. I thought it was kind of cool that it was added in the game.
Jason Vaughn that was in the game for a long long time. The circle color means how hard is to catch a pokemon so if it's red it's extremely hard but afyer you gove it a raspberry it turns to orange what makes that pokemon easier to catch
Jason Vaughn LOL
Jason Vaughn Live under a rock or something
Jason Vaughn it's done that since it come out. Did you finally come out from under the rock?
MasterKevan - Gaming just never look at the colors before and after a berry usually know when I have to use one and use it.
If you want a Sneasel, swinubs, or piloswines just come to Chicago for 3 hours and you'll be loaded
Silver Dogs777 I'm going to Chicago to April vacation
i live in chicago and have none of those. u lieer
Pearly Hat Look harder. I only went there for an hour and I saw 4 piloswines a lot of Sneasels and o ton of swinubs
I think it's gonna be trading, legendary events, and gen 3
Zachary Phelps maybe or gen 2 legandary
Appreciate you using my music bro! Thank you.
Still no tracking for nearby Pokemon in Japan though...😭 still waiting...
When you go to Boston go to Castle Island it is really good for Pokémon there
Bubsy Wubsy Yeah go head to like a pier or something and get hella starters
1. maybe Gen 3 in 2 months 2. maybe legendary 3. and trading,breeding and pvp
Firetitan 23 maybe minor text issue fixes
trading, battling nearby trainers, shinies. You do know that legendaries have been added, they can only appear if you get 50 pokemon in gyms.
legendaries/ articuno, zapdos, moltres, mew, mewtwo and more...
Just fucking let me catch Pokémon and spin pokestops in the car... ffs that's all I want
Ari Juljulian when I'm in the car I pass so many Pokestops and I try to spin them but then it says "try again later" like boi I'm in the car there is no later for it
Jessie Jel ddx
Trading, Breeding, PVP
Landon Tanyeri maybe some shinies or legendaries sprinkled in somewhere
Landon Tanyeri gen 3 has to be in there some where
Landon Tanyeri tradings not coming most likely, niantic took out the trading code from the game
8:50 critical hit
I also have a Tyranitar already and I also have both of the two new Eevee's evolutions by the way nice video man
I love how you're so nice to all the little kids that come up to you
3 LEGENDARY birds in gen 1.3 new updates,wait... how many sides are on a triangle? ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
TheCaveSpyder Also, the legendary birds have eyes. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!
TheCaveSpyder Definetely O.o
Idk if ur joking or what but a triangle has 3 sides
I think that there are going to be some major text fixes.
Anna Sheridan OMG how did you guess
Maybe breedning will come out on easter because it has to do with eggs and that kind of things
they replaced the 7 day streek always evolve item...but they made it a better chance to get one out of a original stop
Victor Henriksson I got metal coat from non streak pokestop , I can get steelix but i want scyther so im saving candies for it:p
Hybrid - Clash Royale same here
Hybrid - Clash Royale I got a sun stone
I just caught a CROCONAW!!!
Reynol Leal cool
Captured? and it's not really that special, maybe a Feraligtr but still no one cares on youtube.
Dude i caught 2 bayleefs in 10 mins i was flipping out but good job dude
Ioannis Bado :'(
1.advance location to prevent hack,2.pvp,3.gen3 or legendery event
The clickbait was real on this one.
SuperMario145 ikr
SuperMario145 no its not
SuperMario145 he said possibilities, and they are probably coming
Full caps plus it says Gen 3, Shinies and Legendaries even thought it's not comfirmed.
If you call that hate then you have to get offended by everything.
I think it would be dope for niantic to add 'breeding centers' to Pokémon go, in addition to stops and gyms. But have to return to that exact breeding stop to pick up the egg, and the eggs should be 5-15k depending on rarity
PS, niantic could make this game incredible. Battling against friends and stuff would make it feel like Pokémon were real
Santa Monica Pier really is Pokemon GO mecca, it's not fair lmao
I don't think PVP is a good update because:
1. My friends don't play pokemon go
2. I suck at battling lol
Yes found togepi in the wild
Go to Disney land and hit all the pokestops
Ethan8504Gaming hahaha I fell out of my chair nice one
Ethan8504Gaming But it's private property since all of it is owned by Disneyland.
Breeding,Gen3,PVP... Leader Boards/ Daily quest/ Challenge and maybe a Legendary event
I think the first update will be breeding. The second I think will be in late summer early fall is pvp AND trading. It makes no sense why they can't combine an update. Last I think is either lefendaries or gen three in december
Gen 3 or shiny/legendary
THe three updates are prolbly miner text fixes XD
Christina Utter major text fixes
who still plays pokemon?????/
Ben gamer leave there is no reason for you to be here if you don't play pogo
Ethan8504Gaming pokemon tcg?
Ben gamer me
the world
i used to play but it got so boring after and there was no fucking point anymore(personally) so chillll
10:20 look to the right of mystlc. its patrick! haha.
"i wish i was that strong but i play pokemon go for a living" 😂
I don't think breeding is big enough of an update to be classed in this catogery since its nowhere near the scale of the update that happened with gen 2's release, so I think gen 3, pvp/group battle system for events will be 2 of the updates, the 3rd one im really not so sure unless they are going to completely overhall the ingame graphics to make it like a 3d world for us to play in which would be amazing imo
Earned a sub from me for being so awesome and hanging out with your fans. You made their year.
I think there will be legendary pokemon ( zapdos, moltres, artikuno , mew & mew 2 ) and they will sponed every day in diferent parts of the world !!! that wood be cool :-) possible to catch and super rear !!!
Иво Русев *articuno *mewtwo *spawn * different * would * rare
pokemon go came out in the australian it was very cold hunting
More gen 2 evolutions (aipom,murkrow,...), masterball, trade and breeding
am i the only one who liked the footstep tracking more than the tracking now? because now it's just walking to you destination instead of actually looking for your pokemon
I think trading would be in the update! Like trading amongst your own team but only with people around the same level as you.
Don't you think the group competition will be based on every team working together to take down a Lengendary pokemon, like the first Video of Pokemon being released & everyone came together to fight Mewtwo ?
Gen 3 is a given, but the other 2 might be trading/pvp and legendaries (gen 1 only). Breeding might also be a possibility.
So awesome Mystic, Love your videos from day 1...And the most important update i think and i want is TRADING....and after that its PvP...
"I'm not lucky" says the guy who can go to the pier by car and has at least three dragonites
In the sunset mode you can see grass coming back 😀
Dude I feel your pain with the evo items. 2 weeks now and probably over 350 stop spins and nothing.
PvP would be a smashing update! It makes me entirely nostalgic for my throwback gameboy and link cable.
that tournament idea is GOLD
Gen 3 in the summer, Shiny Pokémon/Legendary Pokémon event at some point, and Breeding.
hey to screenshot it depends on your device most devises use volume down and the power button held at the same time but my s7 edge it's the home and the power button
1. I woke up for school (didnt have 1st subject so i staied home)
2. getting ready for school
3. open pokemon go
4. there was a Frealigatr
i expect them to add trading along side with pvp like a player interaction system
I went to my Uncle's funeral today. Overall it was a pretty sad day but a slight highlight would be the Ursaring spawning at the pokestop across from our section. After it was over me and the gf ran over to get it and it was 1900 cp for both of us!
There was a Blissey near Pier 39 just now, no jokes. u have any idea when will that double xp event come???? I've been hunting pidgeys for the past few days😕
First is gonna be breeding, then gym battling mechanic overhaul, and finally MAYBE generation 3
"Trimester" means every 3 months correct? So that means that there could theoretically be 4 events in a single year, based on what Hanke said? Because he didn't say "tri-annual" which means 3 times in one year...just wondering.
yo your editing game is on point
God, I loved your reaction to the sunsets haha :P
I'm thinking the new 3 major updates coming is:
Generation 3 (Comes out October/November 2017)
Trading/Breeding (Comes out together May 2017)
Legendary Pokemon (Comes out August 2017)
Adding 3 for 2017 dang that's a hard choice. *(1)* My guess would probably be a Anniversary for 1 year of Pokemon GO's release and they might release the 3 legendary birds people have been asking for so long, or they might have a Official Vote on what the Players want the most. *(2)* Trading Pokemon and maybe allowing Pokemon to Hold items to evolve or to give other players an extra item as a thanks for trading. *(3)* and my top favorite I've been thinking to myself, more like a fan made update, anyone can give their ideas to Niantic to see if it will be added to the game to make it better and more fun. My fan made idea would be: Being able to create Clans/Groups for friends to go on Pokemon Hunts/dungeons, being able to see your friends on the radar/full screen, or doing a open raid to catch one of the legendaries that would spawn only in a certain month. My mind is going wild just thinking of this, I have more ideas but these are my top 3 best ideas that I can think of.
I think this will be the updates
1st: Trading
2nd: PvP
3rd: Legendarys or Shiny (cuz the exciting ones come later)
Thought you would like the sunset feature.
The end of Route 66 pokestop at the pier gave me 2 dragon scales Mystic
Gen 3 is probably not gonna be on the update tbh, I'm hoping for
(1) breeding
(2) battling other players like your friends (getting to add friends ect)
(3) trading is also a possibility along with shinies and legendary Pokemon
These are my predictions though so not sure 🤔
Quick question. What does upgrade do in Pokémon GO?
8:49 LOL He didn't even notice the crit XD
i think legendaries will come before gen 3 because the legendaries were introduced in the pokemon movie with gen 2 pokemon.
quick question:
I hached 3 Togepi and 2 Pichu in one day! Has the "rareness" of baby pokemon reduced
Skiploom was my first gen 2 pokemon
8:51 the wooper had a weird streak as you caught it