Whirlygig has a strat for the middle windmill at the end now where you hug the left side and dive, you will usually make it through. Honestly I put these tips/gameplay together during the beta so if anything was discovered after day 1 it probably isn’t in this video. However I still hope it helps out a lot of you who are just getting started with the game.
Similarly, you can also use grab as a means to prevent people from pushing you around. Particularly in games where you can be pushed off a ledge to get eliminated or set back far enough that elimination is imminent, such as Tip Toe and Perfect Match, where there's a lot of players clumped up close together.
If one side of the see saw is overloaded, you can jump off the spawn platform from the inner edge and dive towards the other side. You'll then spawn on the opposite platform allowing you to reposition your entry point.
Taking the middle path "shortcut" on whirleygig is actually really easy: Stick to the left side as much as possible and do a quick jump-dive right before the propellors. This way your fall guy will be lying down on the ground and therefore out of reach of the propellors. Just make sure to jump early enough otherwise you'll just jump into the propellors.
@@vikasgarimella811 untrue, they can still hit you while running, risking the chance of being yeeted, when you dive on the ground they literally can't touch you
Does anyone else press grab to get a tail and it does nothing, like the target come up and everything, but someone can grab your tail from like 10 feet away?
I was wondering if those long grabs were glitches because of the costumes were wearing. Cause I've only notice it happen with the triceratops and wolf costume
@@calibur7843 no just dial-up or horrible internet its alot of bs and they will most likely win because even when you try and grab these guys back it doesnt count or they teleport
Slime Climb suddenly became very easy for me, I always finish first with a major gap between me and the 2nd placed fall guy. I gave someone 1st place before I realized there is a trophy for winning multiple times
Navid Bin Hasan have patience bc its a ton easier when you wait and then go, bc it is very unlikely that everyone qualifies in slime climb so youre only opponent is the slime
There’s a TON of shortcuts everywhere that this guy didn’t show actually. On most places you can skip going all the way around on the edges and jump dive straight to the next part.
I got 6 wins in a row so i have the trophy. I can confirm that you can NOT walk up the seesaw at their highest points or their fall point. You have better luck going towards the middle line and walk off
@@OriginalSirSpeaksAlot But if the seesaw isn't in that extreme position, dive always works. Edit: Unless you are the bottom of it and jellybeans are hitting you non-stop
Easy hex a gone strat. Fall to the bottom layer right away, start running in an outwards spiral. When you come close to the edges, start jumping on each individual hexagon. Most of the time people will fall through the middle. This strat will only mess up if an enemy falls to the bottom early so there is more of a chance to win than lose
0:45 for those 3 propellers, you can literally just WALK through in the middle of 2 of them where they intersect, either left or right side. don't jump at all, works 100%
Tip: if u dive while jumping on the next seesaw (u got to dive on the last moment b4 touching the ground) u nearly cannot fall Another tip: at dizzy heights you do not want to jump at first between the rotating circles, you will lose time if u do that. (Only at the beginning part) also at the last part with the balls and the 3 rotating circles, you got to dive at first otherwise you will most likely fall. Another tip: at door dash you can see which one are the real one (only the last 2 doors) those have a slightly smaller triangle on the bottom. Bc of this you can see which one is the last b4 even starting.
Have you watched half the people play this game? I swear they must not be able to function in daily life after seeing so many people unable to get through half of a level lmao
Here’s an extra tip for door dash The last three doors have different patterns then the other rows in the front, they have pink triangles on the middle on the bottom of them. The one with the Smaller triangle is the door that’s correct, but this only works for the last three rows. So if your in the lead just use this trick
@@jrnunya7816 dude its an online game, you dont need friends to play it with. just join a random server, or are you one of those ppl who cant have fun playing by themselves?
I won my first match today during my first match in Hex-A-Gone. I saw this on Reddit. You should fall down to the very last layer and create a huge gap, people that fall to the last layer will fall to their death.
@TinyCompanion bruh I know what spleef is, I’ve played Minecraft for 8 years. I was saying that it could have been based somewhat around it, in the same way that tnt run was originally based on it.
TIPS FOR FINALES: Royal Fumble - On Royal Fumble you should try to be unpredictable and dumb, the reasoning for this is because like the video said being unpredictable will make it harder for people to catch you, and being dumb sometimes actually helps you because people will expect you to act smart and jump around, they don't expect you to be so dumb that you literally jump over them. Don't be too dumb though, or you'll lose the tail. Jump Showdown - When the tiles start falling apart, go to the side with more tiles, they are 90% of the time gonna be the side that has tiles remaining. If you see a griefer, stay away from them. You could also keep jumping since doing that will make you un-grabbable. Be careful while doing that though since you could accidentally get hit by a pole. You could also grief them back. When you see that the lower and upper pole go together to form a wall, try to dive or walk until the lower pole passes the upper pole. The reasoning for this is because when you dive, your character has a very small hitbox so there is a chance you could get through the wall. And, if you walk until the lower pole passes the upper pole the wall will disappear (obviously) and you can jump. Fall Mountain - At the start, unless you get the variant with the conveyors on the sides, ALWAYS go to the middle path. It's the fastest route. Right at the part where there are walls, the course starts to slightly go to the left, meaning the ball will usually go to the diagonal downward left. Using this you can predict where the balls will go. At the next part, the course goes slightly to the left again, and the course goes straight for the rest of the course. At the part with the tilting walls, the left path opens up 90% of the time, so go there. If you get unlucky the ball could go to the right path though, so there's that. After the tilting walls the balls start to shoot at a speed where it feels like it's raining balls. At the part with the diamonds use the diamonds to protect yourself from the balls. At the part with the five hammers, three of the hammers rotate in a clockwise pattern (the middle, far left and far right one specifically) meanwhile two of the hammers rotate counter-clockwise (the ones next to the middle hammer specifically) you could use this to your advantage by making the hammers throw you forward. At the part with the stairs, there are 2 variants for that: One where there are donuts, and one where there are flippers. If you get the variant with the donuts, watch where the donuts are going so you don't get hit by them. If you get the flippers variant though, the flipper at the right stair on the far left side at the first stair will actually always launch you forward, so if you get the flippers variant you should use that flipper. At the ramps, going to the inside (or the right side of the hammers, or the left side depending on which path you take) of the hammers is often the better solution, so you should go to the inside of the hammer. If you do get in a situation where you must go to the outside of the hammer (AKA far left or far right depending on which side you take) then it's also possible but much harder. Sometimes going to the outside path is faster than going to the inside path. There are two variants at the end: One where there is a hammer right after the first hammer, and one where the second hammer is at the crown. If you get the variant where the second hammer is after the first, then if you took the right path go to the left, and vice versa for the left path. For the variant with the hammers at the crown, if you stand at the very edge the hammer won't hit you. You should remember that the crown moves in a pattern of up and down. You should grab it when it's going down. Remember, you literally have to grab the crown. Blast Ball - The middle is generally the safest place to be at the start of the game, so go over there when the game starts. Also, the amount of knockback you get from a Blast Ball is actually based on how far you are from the Blast Ball. The closer, the better. Also, because of this, there is a glitch where if you hold a Blast Ball without letting go of it, you will either get launched a few feet or not move at all. If you get the sense of when the Blast Ball explodes, you can throw it to other players when it's about to explode, and they won't have any time to react at all. Also, there are two ways to play Blast Ball: passive and aggresive. Playing passive means that you won't throw balls at others so the other will throw balls at other players. After that, at the end you will be up to 2 or 3 players. Playing aggresive means you will throw Blast Balls to anyone any chance you get. It's riskier but it gets more people out faster and is more fun than playing passive. Hex-A-Gone - Like Blast Ball, you can play passive or aggressive. Like in Blast Ball, playing passive means slowly going from tile to tile to save time and not messing with others. And being aggresive in Hex-A-Gone is also the same as being aggresive in Blast Ball. It means that you will try to cut off people for them to fall and grabbing people so they fall. You could use either the jumping strategy or the jump-dive strategy to save tiles. The jumping strategy is pretty self-explanatory: you jump from tile to tile to save time. The jump-diving strategy does the same, however it is a bit more harder to pull off, but saves more time than the jumping strategy. You jump and then slightly pull your movement stick backwards, then you dive. Doing this is more efficient than the jumping strategy, but more harder to do. Also, if you're running out of tiles on the upper floors, plan where to fall. There are so many times where a person could be doing well but fail because they didn't plan where to fall. If you see even the tiniest island near you, when you're done wasting the tiles, you should fall on it. Thin Ice - Like Hex-A-Gone and Blast Ball, you could play passive or aggresive. Playing passive and aggresive is the same as playing passive and aggresive on Hex-A-Gone, except being aggressive on Thin Ice means you can't cut them off unless their tiles are about to break. Also, remember that the ground is slippery. People like to stay on the sides in Thin Ice for some reason so you could grab them and make them fall off. There is also a strategy where you cut off 3 or 4 hexagons of ice to make an island. You can have the island alone to yourself, so when people have wasted all their tiles they will come to you and fall because the gap is too large. Some people may get on your island while doing this strategy but you can just grab them off. Roll Off - In Roll Off there is an early game, a mid game, and a late game. In the early game the slime hasn't rised and the platforms are going really slow. In the mid game either everyone is alive or almost everyone is alive, and the slime slightly rises, and the platforms get faster. This is where most people fall off. At the late game, the slime will rise so high that it's nearly reached the top of the platforms, and the platforms start going very fast. When the safe area appears on the blue side, get ready to switch to the orange side because that means a wall will come up. You can grief people to make the game go faster. Try to grief expensive skins because that means they are a pro or they know what they're doing. Griefing is also hard in the late game. Hex-A-Ring - Just stay on the sides, and go to the middle when there are about 2 or 3 people left. Like Thin Ice, there is also a strategy where you break hexagons to make an island. Like in Thin Ice this strategy proves effective, so try it out. I think I missed a finale, but can't think of which, so please mind telling me in the replies!
being a slime climb and whirla-gig master (i've gotten 1st on them many times) i have a lot of tips. on any steep ramps going down, you can jump on them multiple times to get a large boost and get ahead of people. attempt going through the middle on whirla-gig. if you dive late and you're on the right side you can sneak past the fan in the middle, or you can wait for the perfect time and then dive forward at the final jump, if you can't jump through the center, then dive for the sides. its less crowded on the sides and you should make it if you dive at the correct time now, for slime climb. at the first segment (large pistons) you can jump and dive onto the ramp above you when you are in between the two bouncy things. its less crowded in the middle when compared to the right bounce thing now the second segment (giant ball) there is a gap in between the first jump apart of the next segment (jump w/ large pistons) you can jump onto that without getting pushed if you time the jump. third segment (conveyor belt) probably has the 2nd hardest shortcut to pull off. at the corner of the ramp up to the next segment (cylinder jumps) you can hug the cylinder and the ramp and jump up and dive to gain extra height and hopefully land on the ramp. after getting through the cylinder jumps, you can jump dive in front of the fence that leads to the next segment (hammers) to gain a large lead. during the hammer segment, if you gain enough speed, you can pull off the hardest shortcut. you want to either jump in front of or next to the first small piston of the next segment. after getting through that you can either go through normally or jump up to the next segment without having to go around. i have seen a shortcut where you can use the small pistons to boost yourself up to the end but have not been able to pull it off myself. now an overall tip that can be very useful if you want to get 1st: if you quickly grab and let go somebody in front of you and either move to the left of them or to the right of them, you can quickly move in front of them and block them from passing you. oh yeah, i forgot about one tip for jump club: you can dive over the bottom bar allowing you to make more tight spaces without getting trapped by the top or bottom bar if you read all of this, i wish you the best of luck
I appreciate how briefly you make your point and move on to the next one instead of over explaining. Good job!👍 we need more helpful videos like this one
we need more IN DEPTH videos though....this one just scratches the surface....so many skips he doesn't mention...you can dive into balls too....Slime Climb has a load of skips you can do....some dangerous/risky and others VERY SAFE to do that'll get you enough distance to take your time with harder parts.
A couple of things to add: -on dizzy heights, it’s faster to run across the first set of rings. Jumping is a little slower. -on tip toe, you can jump from the second to last row of tiles and still make it. You just need good timing. Don’t jump when you’re crowded though, because others will bump into you and kill your momentum. -perfect match. If you grab someone while on a crowded platform, it’ll be harder for you to be knocked off. Also, faking people out by standing on the wrong platform then switching to the correct one at the last moment will get a couple of people out or a big group of enough people follow suit. -hoopsie daisy: stay in a quadrant and don’t leave. If you keep rotating areas, people will almost always be closer to the rings. There will be times when rings don’t spawn near you but just stay cool and wait, one of your teammates will hopefully get the rings that are spawning away from you.
If u and ur teammates both make it to hexagon, one go to very bottom and the other stay on top and try to outlast the other. Communication with ur teamate is key so the one on top doesn’t fall all they way through
Tip: on the whirlygig you can go through the MIDDLE if you stick to the left. go slow and you should either glitch down or get pushed into the platform under the middle!
Before I watched this, I was a fall guys noob. Always losing, never winning. After watching this, I actually got better and qualify more often and win more often! Thanks Henke!
yeah this works! i fucking hated this game so much until i figured this out. also if you're about to get hit by a fruit u cant avoid jumping and diving to it at the right time can prevent you from getting pushed back far
Pepixcraft MC i’m not sure. ik on fall mountain the left side is faster, but i’m not sure about that one. even if it was, it’d probably just be by a few milliseconds, so it’d be better to just hug whatever side you are closer to when the round starts
Another tip for Dizzy Heights: you move faster on the outside of the circles in comparison to the inside. It's not as safe, but it's definitely worth the time.
My tip for dizzy heights is to not jump just go to the spinny things and not jump, jump slows u down then if u do that u will probably be the first one out of the first obby
The tips are very useful, but sometimes ther are better options. In whirla-gig you can go safely through the 3 ventilators, by just going underneath them where they meet.
I'm not sure if this actually works but i'm pretty sure it does: on see saw if you see a bit tilted see saw you can jump onto it using dive that way you won't slip n' slide. Also note that it doesn't work on see saws tilted all the way
These are good tips if you wanna be one of the final few people to qualify, but if you’re trying to get 1st then oh boy are you gonna have a hard time if you’re watching this
Liked for the strats and info presented well and quickly for every single game, loved for the Hydrocity Zone music and lonlon milk-drinking pic at the end
Sorry I could not fully understand see saw But I think your saying "Just keep jumping onto the seesaw until you get to the next one?" *Yeah that sounds right!*
some random tips: whirlygig- if you feel like you cant make it in the middle take the path on the left. it usually has less people because ppl who tried the middle get swung to the right see saw- if youre in the back ur probably screwed but if you wanna try, stay on the higher side tip toe- if you wait for about 3 seconds, the fake tiles start to shake so avoid those, sometimes jumping and diving from the start can get you to qualify if youre on the right path but i dont recommend it, some tiles are slightly lowered so most of the time you can follow those for a while dizzy heights- in the first section go to the right and let the logs carry you. you can use this strategy on the left too but the last log may push you backwards if you go on the left so i prefer right, in the second part go in a zigzag pattern dodging the balls gate crash- at the end go for a gate thats closed or almost closed as you slide down fruit chute- stay near the triangles until the very end door dash: avoid the pieces of the door as you try to go through and trust your gut hit parade:if you spawn near the back and theres ppl in front of you immediately fall down and dodge the circles as its better than wasting your time in a crowd where you will most likely have the same outcome, at the spinning walls follow the direction and stay near the middle diamonds bc the walls will spin you forward there roll out- just avoid gaps and use the walls jump club: try not to go in crowds block party- stay towards the back until the last part perfect match- follow others or try to remember where the different fruits are instead of remembering what they are if you cant. if you know where they are, it might jog your memory if you took a small glimpse of what the fruits were tail tag- a lot of ppl camp under the central hammer so go there if you need a tail egg scramble: try to get all 3 of the golden eggs in your basket hoopsie daisy- theres a dive button for a reason team tail tag: stay away from everyone if you have a tail, especially your teammates bc they can steal your tail on accident, and if you dont have a tail, this goes for all games with tails, cut people off instead of chasing them, you both run at the same speed rock and roll- if youre in last, block the teams ball in second place hex a gone- try not to jump on the lines where hexagons interact if no one is behind u or u have a bit of tiles left,only dive if necessary as it can take up 2-4 tiles and you dont get up immediately ok im done now :)
I have another way for tnt run (hexagon), stay on the edges and deplete 1 hexagon at a time as most players will just fall down, once you see that you are running out of hexagons, plan where you will jump and on your last hexagon jump to the next platform and you should survive on it as u planned where u will go. I've won 3 games and in all 3 tnt rush was the final game and my method won me all 3 games.
The middle windmill on Whirlygig is actually viable if you skirt up the very left side of the ramp. You have maybe a 60-70% chance of getting through like that, with any failed attempts launching you to the outer platforms.
I came here for tail tips and see I can't find any. I always seem to lose it the second I take someones, but for some reason miss grabs like crazy when they are right on me.
Yep you gotta pray that your teammates get tails and keep em. Altho a tip I personally do if I have tail is: Stay in a spot that is not crowded and not get cornered easily (for me it's the bridges) and just watch out for no-tails coming near you. For me running around with a tail = more people to bump into = more people to steal your tail, so I prefer going lowkey. You'd actually be surprised that sometimes you'll be uncontested for periods of time by doing this.
@@Gedyged That's doesn't say anything about your team. That's still grab a tail, preferably from the team that's down, and pray. It's by far the most luck-based mode
@Edwin V You just grab a tail from the team that's down, and there's nothing else you can do. In reality, you should be grabbing any tail you can get since holding off for another tail will likely have you with no tail, so it's still very much luck based. All you can do is increase your chances slightly
Tip! If you know that you are about to fall simply jump and dash because then your character will get up faster then it would otherwise. This is useful in seesaw where if you fall you are probably going to fall down in to the slime.
On Whirligig, I think it's worth noting that the propellers have a circular radius but often occupy a square space; in the first set (three adjacent propellers) it's possible to easily squeak by in the gap between the two, and likewise with the one up the big speed ramp in the final stretch if you hug the far left. If I'm out front I always attempt the middle ramp, getting through has what I'd peg as maybe an 80-90% success rate, and if it doesn't work out, you either fall off or get flung onto the right path and keep going, not a big deal either way. Of course, I'll grant that it's probably more consistent to simply take the left path, but I found that squeaking by on the middle can be surprisingly a lot more consistent than you'd think.
@@nat1club349 I wont delete that comment. But, I will apologize for it. It was a rude reply because you left a comment with agression directed at me for no good reason. You failed to see the point of my original comment. All I was saying is it doesn't matter how good or skilled you are at this game, the randomness of all other 59 players you are up against is completely out of your control. A guide for this game means nothing, all you have is 3 buttons to think about and camera angles, so really how complicated is this game? So many factors affect your basic Luck in this game. Wich line did you start in first, second, third or fourth? Are you surrounded by players who would prefer to sabotage others over winning because that's there fun? Obstacle course races, I've played them many times and ez to see the falling or shot from a canon objects are not on a predetermined path. There trajectory is completely random. You can start getting the hang of fruit shoot after a few times and then out of nowhere a fruit that hit an other fruit ended up hitting a other player sending the ball your way and throwing you out of the game, LUCK.. so now do you see the point I was making with that comment? It wasn't about discrediting anyone or proving I am better. I'm just saying it doesn't matter if your good or not, beating a random mob of people is going to be random every single time because no one can predict what random 59 other players are going to do.
@@Speedether He didn't comment aggressively. It isn't a apology when you say how they're wrong. When you said lol like i need to prove anything for some random kid on YT dropping comments, you did what you said you weren't doing, making yourself look better by saying the game is super easy.
Whirlygig - to go through the middle path at the end, dive so that you fall on the ground right before the fan blade, and it'll just graze you when you're lying on the ground as the conveyor moves you through
For the first one I have a big tip that I learned watching another guy while playing: You can always go throgh the middle windmill shortcut if you stay on the left side and dive before going through the windmill so you are laying down by then. You will always go through it
So are we gonna ignore the fact that the game came out on august 4 and this video was made on august 6? That means he made a super useful guide with only 2 or less days of experience!!!!!
For whirly gig,at the end of the level,you can go into the middle windmill then jump and dive on the left side before you reach the top of the ramp so you go under the windmill through the middle,it has always worked for me. Also,for dizzy heights,this is a bit harder to pull off but on the ball section,if you dive at the right moment you can slip through the bottom corner gaps between the walls and the ball.
6:54 "Get away from them when you get the chance" Thanks for the guide sherlock i would've never known i'm supposed to stay away from people tryna kill me.
I have extra tips and a few corrections. Whirligig- Run in between the 3 spinners as u can't get hit there. Always attempt the middle shortcut bc even if u don't make it, u will still land on the other platform most of the time and this turns out more effective. Seesaw- If u have to jump to a tilted see-saw, dive at it. U won't tumble and will get back up with ease. Dizzy Heights- If u spawn on the left side try to slowly direct ur path towards the right side cus if u instantly go to the right path it will be slower than just going on the left. At the final jump dive bc, as said earlier, u will not tumble and will get back up with ease. gate crash- Try to time the gate u head for, it will not always be the closed gate to head for. at the outer and inner part, only go through there if it's open when ur near it. hit parade- Dive if ur about to get hit by a mace Slime Climb- Same dive. Egg scramble- When stealing, use the hammers and purposely get hit by them in a way that it knocks the egg into ur team's U shaped thing (Idk what to call it. Then ur teammates can grab the egg and put it into ur basket. Team Tail Tag- DON"T STEAL FROM UR TEAMMATES IT'S ANNOYING AND IRRESPONSIBLE (srry I just get mad about that). Jinxed- If u think ur a better jinx then early-round try to get urself jinxed. Don't do this late round. Fall ball- If ur goalie, try to make sure that 1 of u is inside the goal and 1 is outside. hexagone- Try to alternate between running and hopping situationally. also, u can leap to a hexagon that's around 2-3 spaces away (with really well timing). That's all I have so uhhhhh the rest u will have to learn urself. Have fun now that u have the extra sweaty knowledge lol!
Gate Crash: For the final gates (the one with the slide), wait before sliding and aim for a gate that's at least 75% done going up. By the time you reach the bottom that gate should be open assuming you hold forward the whole way.
Middle path in whirly gig is easy if you know who to get past it. The fan likely wont hit you if you take the very left side of the ramp, but if it does you will make it far enough to hit the pole on the right side.
Adding to your tile section, i discovered that the tiles that wiggle are FALSE tiles where as tiles that DONT WIGGLE are the safest tiles! I alwayd check for this and always find a safe path to victory
Also for tail tag and team tail tag: if you have a tail, use the hammers to launch yourself every once in a while, especially the giant one in tail tag. Jump as you get hit to obtain maximum distance. This allows you to make a quick getaway when you find yourself surrounded. Another thing to add is that for block party, if someone's up against the wall you can jump on their head and then stay on the rims so that you cannot get knocked off at all. Of course, try not to fall off the rim if you do make it on there.
Lil trick in the first one - I was once going through that first windmill and I jumped, the windmill sent me off the map (next to the yellow bouncy wall), I just continued running and when I finally fell, I respawned before the final windmill, this saves a lot of time if done correctly
Whirlygig has a strat for the middle windmill at the end now where you hug the left side and dive, you will usually make it through.
Honestly I put these tips/gameplay together during the beta so if anything was discovered after day 1 it probably isn’t in this video. However I still hope it helps out a lot of you who are just getting started with the game.
I used the whirlygig middle strat and that actually seems to work. Thanks
I came to this tip and trick video to mention that but
*jokes on me, you beat me*
Hey my pin
I noticed you got beaten by a blue *dino* wearing *denim*
Why do people want to know how to win every mini game in fall guys. The best part of playing a game is figuring it out yourself.
Tip: use the grab button when your character begins to lose balance your character will gain balance back and you should be able to continue smoothly.
Is that tip work for see-saw? I am lazy to check
Edit: I wasn't lazy servers where down
Ha, I did this and was like, “Did I just discover a new tech?” xD
AXson_DK it should
Similarly, you can also use grab as a means to prevent people from pushing you around. Particularly in games where you can be pushed off a ledge to get eliminated or set back far enough that elimination is imminent, such as Tip Toe and Perfect Match, where there's a lot of players clumped up close together.
AXson_DK for me I just jump dive onto a seesaw, works out for me
See Saw: Make sure everyone playing understands the basic laws of gravity before jumping
Half the people in see saw don’t know gravity they just keep jumping on the same one that really nobody can climb
It’s like they never used a seesaw
Also if you jump and dive the dive has an automatic standing up animation which is really useful.
If one side of the see saw is overloaded, you can jump off the spawn platform from the inner edge and dive towards the other side. You'll then spawn on the opposite platform allowing you to reposition your entry point.
I go to rising side of saw and others somehow dont come to this side and we all fall
0:18 whirla-gig
1:07 see saw
1:46 tip toe
2:34 dizzy heights
3:20 gate crash
3:47 fruit shoot
4:09 door dash
4:37 hit parade
5:18 slime climb
6:06 rollout
6:29 jump club
6:59 block party
7:24 perfect match
8:00 tail tag
8:52 egg scramble (or 9:02)
9:52 hoopsie-daisy
10:11 team tail tag
10:37 jinxed
11:30 fall ball
12:53 fall ball (defense)
13:27 rock and roll
14:01 quarters
14:19 *FINALS*
14:27 fall mountain
15:41 hexagon
16:35 royal fumble
Cade-O Potato I thought the solo tail tag was a final
@George Nicolson idk man I had no idea this game existed until he made a video on it
Cade-O Potato o
Cade-O Potato ,
You’re the real MVP. Thank you
How to win fall ball: Pray to God your not on yellow team
Only if it’s even number of players
I won today with 6 on 7
No now blue team suks and yellow good
I love how yellow team has become a meme while my team has been saying they always lose this whole time
gamingTanay it’s blue and yellow not red and yellow I think
Vise HGT theres blue yellow red and green
Taking the middle path "shortcut" on whirleygig is actually really easy:
Stick to the left side as much as possible and do a quick jump-dive right before the propellors. This way your fall guy will be lying down on the ground and therefore out of reach of the propellors. Just make sure to jump early enough otherwise you'll just jump into the propellors.
Also third round of perfect match has actually 6 fruits: mango, orange, grapes, banana, melon and cherries
So you like PlayStationgrenade
you dont even need to dive it works even if you just run
@@vikasgarimella811 untrue, they can still hit you while running, risking the chance of being yeeted, when you dive on the ground they literally can't touch you
he was a MIDDLE SCHOOL GOALIE so, he is way better than everyone else
Edit: thanks for likes ayyay
bro issa tips and tricks vid u dont gotta get mad
Hes probably the only American gamer that's played football
I mean, he giving useful tips, I’m in college and I never played soccer so what he’s saying is actually useful to me
Myen7216 gauyyyyyy
Does anyone else press grab to get a tail and it does nothing, like the target come up and everything, but someone can grab your tail from like 10 feet away?
EXACTLY ME! It’s so messed up
I was wondering if those long grabs were glitches because of the costumes were wearing. Cause I've only notice it happen with the triceratops and wolf costume
@@calibur7843 no just dial-up or horrible internet its alot of bs and they will most likely win because even when you try and grab these guys back it doesnt count or they teleport
All the time lost at least 12 dubs
Title: how to win every game
Video: shows clips where he is being destroyed
yeah so true.
Piggszy oh no not yo- oh wait house is ez
Slime Climb suddenly became very easy for me, I always finish first with a major gap between me and the 2nd placed fall guy. I gave someone 1st place before I realized there is a trophy for winning multiple times
Can you share some tips, i struggle a lot on this level
Navid Bin Hasan have patience bc its a ton easier when you wait and then go, bc it is very unlikely that everyone qualifies in slime climb so youre only opponent is the slime
There’s a TON of shortcuts everywhere that this guy didn’t show actually. On most places you can skip going all the way around on the edges and jump dive straight to the next part.
The Whirly Gig 0:18
See Saw 1:06
Tip Toe 1:46
Dizzy heights 2:34
Gate crash 3:19
Fruit chute 3:47
Door dash 4:09
Hit parade 4:36
Slime Clime 5:16
Roll out 6:05
Jump Club 6:28
Block party 6:59
Perfect match 7:24
Tail tag 7:59
Egg Scramble 6:52
Hoopsy daisy 9:53
Team Tail Tag 10:11
Jinxed 10:37
Fall ball 11:30
Rock n roll 13:26
Hoarders 14:01
Fall mountain 14:18
Hexagon 15:41
Royal fumble 16:36
One extra tip for seesaws, if you dive onto the seesaw while at any angle you're able to walk up it. 👍👍👍
Nah, if it's at it's absolute peak lowest and highest and you dive onto any part of the lowest section you CANNOT walk up
I got 6 wins in a row so i have the trophy. I can confirm that you can NOT walk up the seesaw at their highest points or their fall point. You have better luck going towards the middle line and walk off
@@OriginalSirSpeaksAlot But if the seesaw isn't in that extreme position, dive always works.
Edit: Unless you are the bottom of it and jellybeans are hitting you non-stop
if you ragdoll on the lower end of the see saw, you're pretty much screwed
@@OriginalSirSpeaksAlot you are a beast.I still can't won once
Easy hex a gone strat.
Fall to the bottom layer right away, start running in an outwards spiral.
When you come close to the edges, start jumping on each individual hexagon.
Most of the time people will fall through the middle.
This strat will only mess up if an enemy falls to the bottom early so there is more of a chance to win than lose
The last time I did that, everyone realized what I was doing and followed me, that round ended really fast lol
@@re_i_gn Many people know this already sadly
Re!gn its the most upvoted strat on reddit
Thanks! Got my first win thanks to you!
Luckily no one realised what I was doing and it worked out great!
I didn’t even think of jumping and diving off the belt in Whirla-gig lol. Thank you for this vid ur a legend
Yo wtf are you doing here
Eat your cereal man cman
Lets run squads on PS4? 😳 my gt is OpticSnypers and I’ve already won a couple times
Ur awesome
An unexpected guest but a welcome one for sure
Literally all of the smash bros channels are playing Fall Guys
I'm OK with this
Im not
It's actually just every channel right now, doesn't matter the main content hahahah
@@XosqiDelVacio true
Max Evans you don’t upload
@@Nico-uy2so and?
"If you have any idea how soccer works, this should come natural to you"
Rocket League players: Am I a joke to you?
Henke: all 25 minigames
Fall Guys: *rollout*
Waterninja20 my server: *team game with trash teammates*
"Trust me I was a REAL LIFE GOALIE...in middle school." XD
0:45 for those 3 propellers, you can literally just WALK through in the middle of 2 of them where they intersect, either left or right side. don't jump at all, works 100%
Haha so true. I do that every single time. Have not been hit once
Tip: if u dive while jumping on the next seesaw (u got to dive on the last moment b4 touching the ground) u nearly cannot fall
Another tip: at dizzy heights you do not want to jump at first between the rotating circles, you will lose time if u do that. (Only at the beginning part) also at the last part with the balls and the 3 rotating circles, you got to dive at first otherwise you will most likely fall.
Another tip: at door dash you can see which one are the real one (only the last 2 doors) those have a slightly smaller triangle on the bottom. Bc of this you can see which one is the last b4 even starting.
All the tips in here are basically:
“Teaching basic movement rules for toddlers”
Have you watched half the people play this game? I swear they must not be able to function in daily life after seeing so many people unable to get through half of a level lmao
El Cacas yuh
slaayerr1 Tf have you even played it lmao
@@Milkarieo what's up?
Here’s an extra tip for door dash
The last three doors have different patterns then the other rows in the front, they have pink triangles on the middle on the bottom of them. The one with the Smaller triangle is the door that’s correct, but this only works for the last three rows. So if your in the lead just use this trick
*talks about Fall Ball* "this is one of my personal favorites"
There is no solid tips or strategy in this game, cause everyone gonna mess you up.
Not true, there are people who can consistently get to the final round and win. I would say the game is like 75% skill.
Yh dude, I get to the finals or semi nearly everytime if I dont get unlucky with team modes
@@LunarUmi I'd be right if there was not team games. I think 40% skill
its just luck
Jørgen Midtsian Johnsen fax
For the memory game, the final round actually has 6 fruits instead of 5.
Yeah I thought I was tripping when he said that
This game is free for ps plus if anyone is interested!
Vegito Instinct that’s how I figured out about the game
I have it I just need friends to play with now 😥 lol
Jr Nunya add me on PS4 my name is impoweredup
Can you play Fall Guys on iPad?
@@jrnunya7816 dude its an online game, you dont need friends to play it with. just join a random server, or are you one of those ppl who cant have fun playing by themselves?
I won my first match today during my first match in Hex-A-Gone. I saw this on Reddit. You should fall down to the very last layer and create a huge gap, people that fall to the last layer will fall to their death.
But if you make a huge gap, how will you survive? I mean, you would be on the sides, but if someone else is there, then?
@@adamnoor7073 pray
Same that was my first win
Emir Yilmaz Yep, the way to go!
Jonah Moeller Nice 👏👏
Hexagon looks like tnt run from Minecraft lol
UA-cam Minute thats pretty much what it is, fun game though
It’s gotta be based on that or spleef
Philerino Swifterino not spleef, spleef gets you to remove the floor below enemy players
@TinyCompanion bruh I know what spleef is, I’ve played Minecraft for 8 years. I was saying that it could have been based somewhat around it, in the same way that tnt run was originally based on it.
Philerino Swifterino true
I feel like fall guys would work perfect on switch
SuperStain smse
it absolutely would
@you laugh you phill nintendo makes the official mario games what
What are you guys talking about the online play always sucks if Fall Guys was on switch it would constantly crash
@you laugh you phill ... It's actually all the way around, fall guy is a successfull adaptation of a mario party game
I’ve never played this game but I already feel like a master from the amount of content I’ve watched
Royal Fumble - On Royal Fumble you should try to be unpredictable and dumb, the reasoning for this is because like the video said being unpredictable will make it harder for people to catch you, and being dumb sometimes actually helps you because people will expect you to act smart and jump around, they don't expect you to be so dumb that you literally jump over them. Don't be too dumb though, or you'll lose the tail.
Jump Showdown - When the tiles start falling apart, go to the side with more tiles, they are 90% of the time gonna be the side that has tiles remaining. If you see a griefer, stay away from them. You could also keep jumping since doing that will make you un-grabbable. Be careful while doing that though since you could accidentally get hit by a pole. You could also grief them back. When you see that the lower and upper pole go together to form a wall, try to dive or walk until the lower pole passes the upper pole. The reasoning for this is because when you dive, your character has a very small hitbox so there is a chance you could get through the wall. And, if you walk until the lower pole passes the upper pole the wall will disappear (obviously) and you can jump.
Fall Mountain - At the start, unless you get the variant with the conveyors on the sides, ALWAYS go to the middle path. It's the fastest route. Right at the part where there are walls, the course starts to slightly go to the left, meaning the ball will usually go to the diagonal downward left. Using this you can predict where the balls will go. At the next part, the course goes slightly to the left again, and the course goes straight for the rest of the course. At the part with the tilting walls, the left path opens up 90% of the time, so go there. If you get unlucky the ball could go to the right path though, so there's that. After the tilting walls the balls start to shoot at a speed where it feels like it's raining balls. At the part with the diamonds use the diamonds to protect yourself from the balls. At the part with the five hammers, three of the hammers rotate in a clockwise pattern (the middle, far left and far right one specifically) meanwhile two of the hammers rotate counter-clockwise (the ones next to the middle hammer specifically) you could use this to your advantage by making the hammers throw you forward. At the part with the stairs, there are 2 variants for that: One where there are donuts, and one where there are flippers. If you get the variant with the donuts, watch where the donuts are going so you don't get hit by them. If you get the flippers variant though, the flipper at the right stair on the far left side at the first stair will actually always launch you forward, so if you get the flippers variant you should use that flipper. At the ramps, going to the inside (or the right side of the hammers, or the left side depending on which path you take) of the hammers is often the better solution, so you should go to the inside of the hammer. If you do get in a situation where you must go to the outside of the hammer (AKA far left or far right depending on which side you take) then it's also possible but much harder. Sometimes going to the outside path is faster than going to the inside path. There are two variants at the end: One where there is a hammer right after the first hammer, and one where the second hammer is at the crown. If you get the variant where the second hammer is after the first, then if you took the right path go to the left, and vice versa for the left path. For the variant with the hammers at the crown, if you stand at the very edge the hammer won't hit you. You should remember that the crown moves in a pattern of up and down. You should grab it when it's going down. Remember, you literally have to grab the crown.
Blast Ball - The middle is generally the safest place to be at the start of the game, so go over there when the game starts. Also, the amount of knockback you get from a Blast Ball is actually based on how far you are from the Blast Ball. The closer, the better. Also, because of this, there is a glitch where if you hold a Blast Ball without letting go of it, you will either get launched a few feet or not move at all. If you get the sense of when the Blast Ball explodes, you can throw it to other players when it's about to explode, and they won't have any time to react at all. Also, there are two ways to play Blast Ball: passive and aggresive. Playing passive means that you won't throw balls at others so the other will throw balls at other players. After that, at the end you will be up to 2 or 3 players. Playing aggresive means you will throw Blast Balls to anyone any chance you get. It's riskier but it gets more people out faster and is more fun than playing passive.
Hex-A-Gone - Like Blast Ball, you can play passive or aggressive. Like in Blast Ball, playing passive means slowly going from tile to tile to save time and not messing with others. And being aggresive in Hex-A-Gone is also the same as being aggresive in Blast Ball. It means that you will try to cut off people for them to fall and grabbing people so they fall. You could use either the jumping strategy or the jump-dive strategy to save tiles. The jumping strategy is pretty self-explanatory: you jump from tile to tile to save time. The jump-diving strategy does the same, however it is a bit more harder to pull off, but saves more time than the jumping strategy. You jump and then slightly pull your movement stick backwards, then you dive. Doing this is more efficient than the jumping strategy, but more harder to do. Also, if you're running out of tiles on the upper floors, plan where to fall. There are so many times where a person could be doing well but fail because they didn't plan where to fall. If you see even the tiniest island near you, when you're done wasting the tiles, you should fall on it.
Thin Ice - Like Hex-A-Gone and Blast Ball, you could play passive or aggresive. Playing passive and aggresive is the same as playing passive and aggresive on Hex-A-Gone, except being aggressive on Thin Ice means you can't cut them off unless their tiles are about to break. Also, remember that the ground is slippery. People like to stay on the sides in Thin Ice for some reason so you could grab them and make them fall off. There is also a strategy where you cut off 3 or 4 hexagons of ice to make an island. You can have the island alone to yourself, so when people have wasted all their tiles they will come to you and fall because the gap is too large. Some people may get on your island while doing this strategy but you can just grab them off.
Roll Off - In Roll Off there is an early game, a mid game, and a late game. In the early game the slime hasn't rised and the platforms are going really slow. In the mid game either everyone is alive or almost everyone is alive, and the slime slightly rises, and the platforms get faster. This is where most people fall off. At the late game, the slime will rise so high that it's nearly reached the top of the platforms, and the platforms start going very fast. When the safe area appears on the blue side, get ready to switch to the orange side because that means a wall will come up. You can grief people to make the game go faster. Try to grief expensive skins because that means they are a pro or they know what they're doing. Griefing is also hard in the late game.
Hex-A-Ring - Just stay on the sides, and go to the middle when there are about 2 or 3 people left. Like Thin Ice, there is also a strategy where you break hexagons to make an island. Like in Thin Ice this strategy proves effective, so try it out.
I think I missed a finale, but can't think of which, so please mind telling me in the replies!
being a slime climb and whirla-gig master (i've gotten 1st on them many times) i have a lot of tips.
on any steep ramps going down, you can jump on them multiple times to get a large boost and get ahead of people.
attempt going through the middle on whirla-gig. if you dive late and you're on the right side you can sneak past the fan in the middle, or you can wait for the perfect time and then dive forward
at the final jump, if you can't jump through the center, then dive for the sides. its less crowded on the sides and you should make it if you dive at the correct time
now, for slime climb.
at the first segment (large pistons) you can jump and dive onto the ramp above you when you are in between the two bouncy things. its less crowded in the middle when compared to the right bounce thing
now the second segment (giant ball) there is a gap in between the first jump apart of the next segment (jump w/ large pistons) you can jump onto that without getting pushed if you time the jump.
third segment (conveyor belt) probably has the 2nd hardest shortcut to pull off. at the corner of the ramp up to the next segment (cylinder jumps) you can hug the cylinder and the ramp and jump up and dive to gain extra height and hopefully land on the ramp.
after getting through the cylinder jumps, you can jump dive in front of the fence that leads to the next segment (hammers) to gain a large lead.
during the hammer segment, if you gain enough speed, you can pull off the hardest shortcut. you want to either jump in front of or next to the first small piston of the next segment.
after getting through that you can either go through normally or jump up to the next segment without having to go around.
i have seen a shortcut where you can use the small pistons to boost yourself up to the end but have not been able to pull it off myself.
now an overall tip that can be very useful if you want to get 1st:
if you quickly grab and let go somebody in front of you and either move to the left of them or to the right of them, you can quickly move in front of them and block them from passing you.
oh yeah, i forgot about one tip for jump club:
you can dive over the bottom bar allowing you to make more tight spaces without getting trapped by the top or bottom bar
if you read all of this, i wish you the best of luck
I appreciate how briefly you make your point and move on to the next one instead of over explaining. Good job!👍 we need more helpful videos like this one
we need more IN DEPTH videos though....this one just scratches the surface....so many skips he doesn't mention...you can dive into balls too....Slime Climb has a load of skips you can do....some dangerous/risky and others VERY SAFE to do that'll get you enough distance to take your time with harder parts.
A couple of things to add:
-on dizzy heights, it’s faster to run across the first set of rings. Jumping is a little slower.
-on tip toe, you can jump from the second to last row of tiles and still make it. You just need good timing. Don’t jump when you’re crowded though, because others will bump into you and kill your momentum.
-perfect match. If you grab someone while on a crowded platform, it’ll be harder for you to be knocked off. Also, faking people out by standing on the wrong platform then switching to the correct one at the last moment will get a couple of people out or a big group of enough people follow suit.
-hoopsie daisy: stay in a quadrant and don’t leave. If you keep rotating areas, people will almost always be closer to the rings. There will be times when rings don’t spawn near you but just stay cool and wait, one of your teammates will hopefully get the rings that are spawning away from you.
If u and ur teammates both make it to hexagon, one go to very bottom and the other stay on top and try to outlast the other. Communication with ur teamate is key so the one on top doesn’t fall all they way through
Tip: on the whirlygig you can go through the MIDDLE if you stick to the left. go slow and you should either glitch down or get pushed into the platform under the middle!
I love this because it’s not try hard, but it’s also taking the game seriously and having fun.
How to qualify in each mini game
Fall mountain: gets eliminated
Before I watched this, I was a fall guys noob. Always losing, never winning. After watching this, I actually got better and qualify more often and win more often! Thanks Henke!
Fruit chute easy strat
Jump and dive on the conveyor belt and hug the left side of conveyor belt
Crazy how much faster it is
yeah this works! i fucking hated this game so much until i figured this out. also if you're about to get hit by a fruit u cant avoid jumping and diving to it at the right time can prevent you from getting pushed back far
Pepixcraft MC stay on the left side of the conveyor belt
Pepixcraft MC i’m not sure. ik on fall mountain the left side is faster, but i’m not sure about that one. even if it was, it’d probably just be by a few milliseconds, so it’d be better to just hug whatever side you are closer to when the round starts
@norae how is the left side faster? I’ve memorized all of the ball drops on the right side and have won a lot on fall mountain
"Don't jump onto the lower side of the see saw, especially if it's gradually tilting lower."
* does exactly that *
Another tip for Dizzy Heights: you move faster on the outside of the circles in comparison to the inside. It's not as safe, but it's definitely worth the time.
My tip for dizzy heights is to not jump just go to the spinny things and not jump, jump slows u down then if u do that u will probably be the first one out of the first obby
“Take a second to warm up”
The 30 people coming after me
The tips are very useful, but sometimes ther are better options. In whirla-gig you can go safely through the 3 ventilators, by just going underneath them where they meet.
I'm not sure if this actually works but i'm pretty sure it does: on see saw if you see a bit tilted see saw you can jump onto it using dive that way you won't slip n' slide. Also note that it doesn't work on see saws tilted all the way
This is so cool that you make not only smash videos. Keep it up, bro!
Oh no people are starting to sweat this game can we pls leave this as a fun goofy chaotic game
Yeah im seeing a lot of sweats now
no br is free of sweats lol
Well the point of the game is to win. Other than that I pray no competitive mode will happen.
I became a sweat yikes
"Sweat" a.k.a they beat me and understand basic game mechanics
slaayerr1 this game is literally half luck and the mechanics are designed for literal 3 year olds stfu lol
If no one is doing middle on fall ball do it. So easy and if u get it down u can score goal after goal after goal. I got 8 in one game
These are good tips if you wanna be one of the final few people to qualify, but if you’re trying to get 1st then oh boy are you gonna have a hard time if you’re watching this
In tip toe, if you jump and dive from the second to last row, you can qualify even if you only bump into the edge of the finish line.
12:55 guys he knows what he is talking about he was a soccer Goalie in middle school 😂
lmaooo. he says head butt instead of header. obviously didnt play competitvely
i dont even have anything that can run fall guys why am i watching this
Same, it’s just entertaining
It's just a cool game to watch
i do but the servers are down
Watching a guide to playing this game is like having someone teach u how to breathe air
You’re right...
Why tf am I watching this?
This is the earliest I am to a game 😂 . I’m usually like months late because I can’t buy the game 😂
Liked for the strats and info presented well and quickly for every single game, loved for the Hydrocity Zone music and lonlon milk-drinking pic at the end
Sorry I could not fully understand see saw
But I think your saying
"Just keep jumping onto the seesaw until you get to the next one?"
*Yeah that sounds right!*
For me, I just hear you just describing a in-depth way of how to play each challenge
PlayStationGrenade has a better tutorial but this one has more.
Yes Adamaru
some random tips:
whirlygig- if you feel like you cant make it in the middle take the path on the left. it usually has less people because ppl who tried the middle get swung to the right
see saw- if youre in the back ur probably screwed but if you wanna try, stay on the higher side
tip toe- if you wait for about 3 seconds, the fake tiles start to shake so avoid those, sometimes jumping and diving from the start can get you to qualify if youre on the right path but i dont recommend it, some tiles are slightly lowered so most of the time you can follow those for a while
dizzy heights- in the first section go to the right and let the logs carry you. you can use this strategy on the left too but the last log may push you backwards if you go on the left so i prefer right, in the second part go in a zigzag pattern dodging the balls
gate crash- at the end go for a gate thats closed or almost closed as you slide down
fruit chute- stay near the triangles until the very end
door dash: avoid the pieces of the door as you try to go through and trust your gut
hit parade:if you spawn near the back and theres ppl in front of you immediately fall down and dodge the circles as its better than wasting your time in a crowd where you will most likely have the same outcome, at the spinning walls follow the direction and stay near the middle diamonds bc the walls will spin you forward there
roll out- just avoid gaps and use the walls
jump club: try not to go in crowds
block party- stay towards the back until the last part
perfect match- follow others or try to remember where the different fruits are instead of remembering what they are if you cant. if you know where they are, it might jog your memory if you took a small glimpse of what the fruits were
tail tag- a lot of ppl camp under the central hammer so go there if you need a tail
egg scramble: try to get all 3 of the golden eggs in your basket
hoopsie daisy- theres a dive button for a reason
team tail tag: stay away from everyone if you have a tail, especially your teammates bc they can steal your tail on accident, and if you dont have a tail, this goes for all games with tails, cut people off instead of chasing them, you both run at the same speed
rock and roll- if youre in last, block the teams ball in second place
hex a gone- try not to jump on the lines where hexagons interact if no one is behind u or u have a bit of tiles left,only dive if necessary as it can take up 2-4 tiles and you dont get up immediately
ok im done now :)
Note that in fall ball a golden egg can spawn that is worth 5 points and can turn the tide of the game
I have another way for tnt run (hexagon), stay on the edges and deplete 1 hexagon at a time as most players will just fall down, once you see that you are running out of hexagons, plan where you will jump and on your last hexagon jump to the next platform and you should survive on it as u planned where u will go. I've won 3 games and in all 3 tnt rush was the final game and my method won me all 3 games.
TNT run*
Hopefully this comes to Switch.
Zumbudeawndeinternet 864 Yeah, I’m used to playing on consoles
@@2bluetoons798 it is on ps4 tho
@@balashibuyeeter2704 yuh
balashibu yeeter true
But the only console I really use is the switch so I got really used to it
The middle windmill on Whirlygig is actually viable if you skirt up the very left side of the ramp. You have maybe a 60-70% chance of getting through like that, with any failed attempts launching you to the outer platforms.
Thank you good sir
And before you reach the top, you have to jump and dive early to get a really good chance at getting through
My computer isn't good enough to play so im just watching vids lol
Are you sure? I’m using an old work laptop and it sucks, but it handles fall guys just fine
I’ve never played or heard of this game but watching this video is a serotonin rush
Team tail tag: Get a tail and pray. There's literally nothing else you can do
I remember grabbing a yellow guy with a tail to help a green steal it so yellow team got eliminated.
I came here for tail tips and see I can't find any. I always seem to lose it the second I take someones, but for some reason miss grabs like crazy when they are right on me.
Yep you gotta pray that your teammates get tails and keep em. Altho a tip I personally do if I have tail is: Stay in a spot that is not crowded and not get cornered easily (for me it's the bridges) and just watch out for no-tails coming near you. For me running around with a tail = more people to bump into = more people to steal your tail, so I prefer going lowkey. You'd actually be surprised that sometimes you'll be uncontested for periods of time by doing this.
@@Gedyged That's doesn't say anything about your team. That's still grab a tail, preferably from the team that's down, and pray. It's by far the most luck-based mode
@Edwin V You just grab a tail from the team that's down, and there's nothing else you can do. In reality, you should be grabbing any tail you can get since holding off for another tail will likely have you with no tail, so it's still very much luck based. All you can do is increase your chances slightly
Tip! If you know that you are about to fall simply jump and dash because then your character will get up faster then it would otherwise. This is useful in seesaw where if you fall you are probably going to fall down in to the slime.
Watch the shadows of the balls so you dont get hit near the finish line
"Gets hit by a ball"
On Whirligig, I think it's worth noting that the propellers have a circular radius but often occupy a square space; in the first set (three adjacent propellers) it's possible to easily squeak by in the gap between the two, and likewise with the one up the big speed ramp in the final stretch if you hug the far left. If I'm out front I always attempt the middle ramp, getting through has what I'd peg as maybe an 80-90% success rate, and if it doesn't work out, you either fall off or get flung onto the right path and keep going, not a big deal either way.
Of course, I'll grant that it's probably more consistent to simply take the left path, but I found that squeaking by on the middle can be surprisingly a lot more consistent than you'd think.
0:43 look at the right pineapple fall guy
The number 1 for for qualifying, you don't always have to be first, for the first 2 or 3 rounds you can be last for half the race and still qualify
Anyone with half a brain is good at this game. Not everyone knows how to beat a black friday mob tho...
Ok, then make a video of you winning 3 rounds Im a row. I doubt your that good sir
@@nat1club349 lol like I need to prove anything for some random kid on YT droping comments.
@@nat1club349 I wont delete that comment. But, I will apologize for it. It was a rude reply because you left a comment with agression directed at me for no good reason. You failed to see the point of my original comment. All I was saying is it doesn't matter how good or skilled you are at this game, the randomness of all other 59 players you are up against is completely out of your control. A guide for this game means nothing, all you have is 3 buttons to think about and camera angles, so really how complicated is this game? So many factors affect your basic Luck in this game. Wich line did you start in first, second, third or fourth? Are you surrounded by players who would prefer to sabotage others over winning because that's there fun? Obstacle course races, I've played them many times and ez to see the falling or shot from a canon objects are not on a predetermined path. There trajectory is completely random. You can start getting the hang of fruit shoot after a few times and then out of nowhere a fruit that hit an other fruit ended up hitting a other player sending the ball your way and throwing you out of the game, LUCK.. so now do you see the point I was making with that comment? It wasn't about discrediting anyone or proving I am better. I'm just saying it doesn't matter if your good or not, beating a random mob of people is going to be random every single time because no one can predict what random 59 other players are going to do.
@@Speedether ight,. Sorry for being agrissive
@@Speedether He didn't comment aggressively. It isn't a apology when you say how they're wrong. When you said lol like i need to prove anything for some random kid on YT dropping comments, you did what you said you weren't doing, making yourself look better by saying the game is super easy.
This man isn't telling you how to qualify, he's telling you how to speedrun.
I don’t think it’s a “scumbag” move to hit a new ball in Fall Balls.
I love it he says on tnt run aka spleef you need to master both jumping and running strats but starts running around aimlessly
I don’t even know what this is
me too
It's a game
Its a really good game
I don't even have fall guys...yet I'm watching this video with all my focus & concentration!
Umm am I the only one who has no clue what this even is...? 😳😔
Jesus Grant, it is a game like super mario party
@@ChosenInvisiball no its likeTakeshi’s Castle
This is exactly the kind of strategy guide I was looking for!
This is so useless... its just logic and RNG.
You are subbed to Belle Delphine, your opinion is useless
Tip for seesaw: Always dive onto a seesaw for a Quick Recovery.
Just want to thank you, really good guides, especially that one with Royal Fumble, made me win my first game.
Whirlygig - to go through the middle path at the end, dive so that you fall on the ground right before the fan blade, and it'll just graze you when you're lying on the ground as the conveyor moves you through
omg genius
Delete the comment m8
@@logan7151 lol it was already posted on reddit, it's not a secret anymore
Just walk from the left on The shrotcut
For the first one I have a big tip that I learned watching another guy while playing:
You can always go throgh the middle windmill shortcut if you stay on the left side and dive before going through the windmill so you are laying down by then. You will always go through it
Bro I won my first game because of this vid thanks so much!👍😃
So are we gonna ignore the fact that the game came out on august 4 and this video was made on august 6? That means he made a super useful guide with only 2 or less days of experience!!!!!
Thanks for the tips👍
For whirly gig,at the end of the level,you can go into the middle windmill then jump and dive on the left side before you reach the top of the ramp so you go under the windmill through the middle,it has always worked for me.
Also,for dizzy heights,this is a bit harder to pull off but on the ball section,if you dive at the right moment you can slip through the bottom corner gaps between the walls and the ball.
Dude thanks for making this I would rather watch tutorials on a game I dont have instead of sleeping
6:54 "Get away from them when you get the chance" Thanks for the guide sherlock i would've never known i'm supposed to stay away from people tryna kill me.
I don’t think you’re one to talk about people’s content when you’re latest video was another Cup Song edit...
@@herotehdude It was a JOKE. Imagine being you and still getting mad at jokes in 2020.
i like how he said "real-life middle school goalie". yea bro i trust you completely
I have extra tips and a few corrections. Whirligig- Run in between the 3 spinners as u can't get hit there. Always attempt the middle shortcut bc even if u don't make it, u will still land on the other platform most of the time and this turns out more effective. Seesaw- If u have to jump to a tilted see-saw, dive at it. U won't tumble and will get back up with ease. Dizzy Heights- If u spawn on the left side try to slowly direct ur path towards the right side cus if u instantly go to the right path it will be slower than just going on the left. At the final jump dive bc, as said earlier, u will not tumble and will get back up with ease. gate crash- Try to time the gate u head for, it will not always be the closed gate to head for. at the outer and inner part, only go through there if it's open when ur near it. hit parade- Dive if ur about to get hit by a mace Slime Climb- Same dive. Egg scramble- When stealing, use the hammers and purposely get hit by them in a way that it knocks the egg into ur team's U shaped thing (Idk what to call it. Then ur teammates can grab the egg and put it into ur basket. Team Tail Tag- DON"T STEAL FROM UR TEAMMATES IT'S ANNOYING AND IRRESPONSIBLE (srry I just get mad about that). Jinxed- If u think ur a better jinx then early-round try to get urself jinxed. Don't do this late round. Fall ball- If ur goalie, try to make sure that 1 of u is inside the goal and 1 is outside. hexagone- Try to alternate between running and hopping situationally. also, u can leap to a hexagon that's around 2-3 spaces away (with really well timing). That's all I have so uhhhhh the rest u will have to learn urself. Have fun now that u have the extra sweaty knowledge lol!
Gate Crash: For the final gates (the one with the slide), wait before sliding and aim for a gate that's at least 75% done going up. By the time you reach the bottom that gate should be open assuming you hold forward the whole way.
Middle path in whirly gig is easy if you know who to get past it. The fan likely wont hit you if you take the very left side of the ramp, but if it does you will make it far enough to hit the pole on the right side.
Adding to your tile section, i discovered that the tiles that wiggle are FALSE tiles where as tiles that DONT WIGGLE are the safest tiles! I alwayd check for this and always find a safe path to victory
Also for tail tag and team tail tag: if you have a tail, use the hammers to launch yourself every once in a while, especially the giant one in tail tag. Jump as you get hit to obtain maximum distance. This allows you to make a quick getaway when you find yourself surrounded.
Another thing to add is that for block party, if someone's up against the wall you can jump on their head and then stay on the rims so that you cannot get knocked off at all. Of course, try not to fall off the rim if you do make it on there.
Lil trick in the first one - I was once going through that first windmill and I jumped, the windmill sent me off the map (next to the yellow bouncy wall), I just continued running and when I finally fell, I respawned before the final windmill, this saves a lot of time if done correctly
Thanks you helped me a lot. Thanks for telling me those amazing tips!
This dude is way to underrated he deserves clout