Camping Overnight With No Technology

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 28 тис.

  • @coralcored
    @coralcored 5 років тому +3049

    Ethan: why do you always treat me like a little bitćh or something
    Grayson: *what are you then?*

    • @koualee4799
      @koualee4799 5 років тому +5

      Lol ikr

    • @revagooty6120
      @revagooty6120 5 років тому +53

      dairy free

    • @beckie6800
      @beckie6800 5 років тому +3

      i was literally just out to comment that haha

    • @yvette.5855
      @yvette.5855 5 років тому +8

      Bruhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Grayson is a savage!!!😂😂😂

    • @sophxx7453
      @sophxx7453 5 років тому +6

      Nah he’s Emma’s bitch can’t forget that 😂

  • @eliafrancesca7928
    @eliafrancesca7928 5 років тому +1897

    Ethan: "Okay im not gonna complain any more."
    Also Ethan: "Dude my PB&J is soggy"

    • @deletedmychannel342
      @deletedmychannel342 5 років тому +2

      Whats that thing next to your name

    • @Ruby-qv9dz
      @Ruby-qv9dz 5 років тому +2

      @@deletedmychannel342 shes a member

    • @nijahayes5245
      @nijahayes5245 5 років тому

      Extra Ordinary Elia he was like it’s mangled 😂

    • @juicebox.319
      @juicebox.319 5 років тому

      Ruby for what

  • @oliviacline6918
    @oliviacline6918 5 років тому +2573

    “We saw a really cool shooting star, and we hugged each other in excitement” my heart

  • @elgrace0
    @elgrace0 4 роки тому +1794

    When Ethan was peeing and Grayson went
    "He's finally doing it, I'm proud of him." I lost it😂

  • @laurenlavigne624
    @laurenlavigne624 5 років тому +1699

    Ethan: I get pee shy sometimes
    Grayson: iM tHe oNly oNe hErE¡!
    **camera man has left the chat**

    • @danaycampos8207
      @danaycampos8207 5 років тому +2

      thelifeofgrethan on insta lmao that was me too 😂🚫🧢

    • @mikaylaritt6019
      @mikaylaritt6019 5 років тому +10

      thelifeofgrethan on insta well nolan is their camera man and they ignore his presence so yeah

    • @natalieansel
      @natalieansel 5 років тому +2

      thelifeofgrethan on insta that’s what I thought too lol

    • @mariabarajas3182
      @mariabarajas3182 5 років тому +1

      @@danaycampos8207 v9

    • @neogotmywig5741
      @neogotmywig5741 5 років тому +2

      Thats what i thought lol

  • @geetsandhu2797
    @geetsandhu2797 5 років тому +4460

    Grayson: I’m literary the only person here
    Camera man: Am I a JoKe To YoU

  • @yyyamila
    @yyyamila 5 років тому +609

    “I don’t think two 6 foot dudes, one of them being thicc, in... particular, can have a comfy experience in a tent together..”
    *oNe oF tHeM bEinG tHicC iN pArtIcuLar*

  • @madeleinegrace2299
    @madeleinegrace2299 4 роки тому +2170

    E: that was dangerous
    Gray: did you almost fall ?
    E: no I almost pissed on myself

    • @audclaire4498
      @audclaire4498 4 роки тому +15


    • @kamaricrews3780
      @kamaricrews3780 4 роки тому +4


    • @ste.f
      @ste.f 4 роки тому +3

      hahahahaahhahaahahahahhaahhahahahaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahah is this a chain hahahahahahahaha

    • @playswith_squirrels
      @playswith_squirrels 4 роки тому +2

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa...I think so

    • @annegracebr
      @annegracebr 4 роки тому +2

      Hahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahaaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahaah ... I think I won babahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahaajjajajajaja

  • @rosieescutia6424
    @rosieescutia6424 5 років тому +906

    E: "I get pee shy sometimes..."
    Camera man:
    *the cameraman has left the chat*

  • @Livid..dreams
    @Livid..dreams 5 років тому +2318

    *grayson being educational*
    Ethan:bro no one cares shut up
    Me:but I was listening to him..

    • @crybabydols8797
      @crybabydols8797 5 років тому +43

      I thought I was the only one....

    • @laurenlilly225
      @laurenlilly225 5 років тому +14

      TheMiidnightOreo same

    • @coleeasf
      @coleeasf 5 років тому +19


    • @miyahlush4388
      @miyahlush4388 5 років тому +11

      Fr I was listening

    • @okcoolros4121
      @okcoolros4121 5 років тому +23

      TheMiidnightOreo ethan needs to stfu so the smarter twin can give us some brain cells

  • @mavids3032
    @mavids3032 5 років тому +3387

    Literally this video is just Grayson being a responsible dad and Ethan being a little kid 😂

  • @allisonpf5301
    @allisonpf5301 4 роки тому +632

    I love how ethan is always such a mood lmao

    • @ButterflyRoses-
      @ButterflyRoses- 4 роки тому +9

      Expectation: Grayson
      Reality: Ethan (I love him though 🤣)

    • @rileys7231
      @rileys7231 3 роки тому +4

      He was so sassy in this video 😂.

  • @lily_x_rose
    @lily_x_rose 5 років тому +634

    *Every intro*
    Grayson: makes a suggestion
    Ethan: brO thAt’S sO chEesY

  • @koradevil
    @koradevil 5 років тому +3863

    Gray: Im tHe OnLy oNe HeRe
    Camera man: *am I a joke to you??*

  • @shellysyth6378
    @shellysyth6378 5 років тому +1078

    Ethan: can I have some water?
    Gray: ya
    Ethan: rEmEmbER tHe WoMb DuDe
    Gray: ahuh

    • @Isa-cr7fd
      @Isa-cr7fd 5 років тому +1

      Shelly Syth almost a thousand likes and no comments

  • @coopertheboi5172
    @coopertheboi5172 4 роки тому +2715

    This is how many times Ethans has ever told us he’s dairy free

    • @kaileymaxwell3148
      @kaileymaxwell3148 4 роки тому +5

      prolly accurate ; 427

    • @spolty0_o620
      @spolty0_o620 4 роки тому +1

      Is the thumbs down mean we knew

    • @laurengoodman5699
      @laurengoodman5699 4 роки тому +2

      There aren’t enough people in the world. It’s definitely over 8 billion and there is 7 billion ppl bahah

    • @ButterflyRoses-
      @ButterflyRoses- 4 роки тому

      What do you mean he’s never said that

    • @cassidy1988
      @cassidy1988 4 роки тому +1


  • @sarah-t2q4u
    @sarah-t2q4u 5 років тому +2288

    Can we just talk about the fact that the camera man also had to spend the night camping with them LMAOO

    • @dayshannamae
      @dayshannamae 5 років тому +59

      Queen probably went to slept in the car and left them in the tent😂

    • @philiplee5901
      @philiplee5901 5 років тому +9

      I think the camera guy is Dylan

    • @marielaa.9775
      @marielaa.9775 5 років тому +3

      JAW GANG laughing ass my off ? Lamo ? 😂😂 lmao* 😂

    • @ollie5066
      @ollie5066 5 років тому +12

      And say nothing the entire time

    • @idkyet4571
      @idkyet4571 5 років тому

      Mariela A. Yea ur right lmao not lamo

  • @anniefang5531
    @anniefang5531 5 років тому +1825

    it's not the dolan twins if they don't complain about their intro in every video

    • @elsiecrowe9627
      @elsiecrowe9627 5 років тому +7

      annie fang iconic

    • @esmegigigenevievesqualor2262
      @esmegigigenevievesqualor2262 5 років тому +1


    • @biggestchickfilafan
      @biggestchickfilafan 5 років тому


    • @chriswatt9243
      @chriswatt9243 4 роки тому +2

      Not anymore tho, I mean kinda still- lol ☹️😂

    • @userm180
      @userm180 3 роки тому +2

      for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven💜

  • @evieperkins8348
    @evieperkins8348 5 років тому +734

    Grayson; don’t ask for any of my water
    Ethan; can I have some water...
    Also Grayson; yeah sure

  • @marshawnlynn1547
    @marshawnlynn1547 4 роки тому +595

    Ethan: “Um excuse me Chef I don’t know if the beans are supposed to be on fire”
    Grayson: “ Yeah I’m trying to work that out... umm there’s a little bit of bugs in the beans”

  • @chloehall6077
    @chloehall6077 5 років тому +787

    20:53 “Uh, excuse me chef, I don’t think the beans are supposed to be on fire” 😭

    • @chloestedman8001
      @chloestedman8001 5 років тому +13

      I just put a can of beans in the microwave little do i know you have to take the beans out of the can
      And now my mothers fricken house burnt down house burnt down and now i dont have anywhere to live where to live

    • @Hanna-hr3sd
      @Hanna-hr3sd 5 років тому +7

      tHeRes BUGs IN tHE bEAns

    • @xaleer8609
      @xaleer8609 5 років тому +1

      the tea is hot sis

    • @chloestedman8001
      @chloestedman8001 5 років тому +1

      @@Hanna-hr3sd oH nO bUgS aRe As PoIsInOuS aS eAtInG aN eLePhAnT oN dRuGs

    • @Dnxl03
      @Dnxl03 5 років тому +1

      @@chloestedman8001 you can live at dessert

  • @demo-jw2hs
    @demo-jw2hs 5 років тому +3754

    Grayson: it’s only me and you Ethan
    Kyle: aM i A jOkE tO yOu

  • @alyssagrogan5248
    @alyssagrogan5248 5 років тому +321

    " iM thE oNLy oNe heRe" - Grayson
    *Camera man starts to cry*

    • @berribun
      @berribun 5 років тому

      I think the camera "man" is Cameron *their sister*

  • @lilpluto3860
    @lilpluto3860 4 роки тому +576

    *I HAVE QUESTIONS: why is the camera man so silent and when Grayson said “I’m the only one here” technically there’s still another dude/gorl*

    • @lexnikolle
      @lexnikolle 4 роки тому +75

      Bc camera men aren't supposed to talk lol. It's like watching a movie the camera person doesn't talk.😂

    • @emmabaker2854
      @emmabaker2854 4 роки тому +18

      Ma’am It’s not Gorl

    • @aditi8403
      @aditi8403 4 роки тому +23

      Kyle is just like that😂

    • @briellelopez5119
      @briellelopez5119 4 роки тому +5

      He is not a girl 😑😑

    • @adanyadupont2568
      @adanyadupont2568 4 роки тому +16

      Brielle Lopez Chill out She said he/her basically for a reason so- and plus the other people in the comments told her so that wasn’t necessary.

  • @nunamash5901
    @nunamash5901 5 років тому +723

    Ethan is literally mood throughout this whole video lol.

    • @ilianacastillo6320
      @ilianacastillo6320 5 років тому +2

      BTS army💚💚

    • @stellaqty
      @stellaqty 5 років тому +3

      army!! 💓

    • @nunamash5901
      @nunamash5901 5 років тому +1

      @@stellaqty GIRL WHO'S YO FAV

    • @nunamash5901
      @nunamash5901 5 років тому +2

      @@ilianacastillo6320 I love when J-HOPE says sprite. It's the funniest thing 😂

    • @hannahkim8239
      @hannahkim8239 5 років тому +1

      Ami? Army?

  • @abrilgomez4608
    @abrilgomez4608 5 років тому +11756

    grayson sounds like a dad that's trying to spend time with his emo son 👏🏼
    edit- i don’t think people know that this is a joke, i didn’t say emo just cause ethan was wearing black. i just meant the way they were throughout the whole video

    • @miayalight570
      @miayalight570 5 років тому +81

      Abril Gomez FACTS😂

    • @francescook3998
      @francescook3998 5 років тому +34


    • @aeriona7091
      @aeriona7091 5 років тому +77

      wait, you’re emo right? You know because you wear black clothes, wear eye liner, and you’re depressed. right? *looks at friend* right?, isn’t that what they do🤨

    • @rosevaj6094
      @rosevaj6094 5 років тому +19

      Omfg that’s so true😂💀

    • @jenniortiz639
      @jenniortiz639 5 років тому +5

      Abril Gomez 500 like

  • @_rissa982
    @_rissa982 5 років тому +467

    Gray: you don’t know how to make a sandwich, you get bread and meat, maybe cheese
    Ethan: BRo IM DAiRy FRee

    • @moniquecastelli8058
      @moniquecastelli8058 5 років тому

      _ rissa lol I relate 😂 I can’t have dairy because I have an allergy, so someone is always saying something mocking me about it.

    • @voidchrome
      @voidchrome 5 років тому +2

      they've got emma all over them ejfjefnwjoenjnjf

  • @reeceray3017
    @reeceray3017 4 роки тому +216

    Grayson: just you me and mother nature...
    The camera man:.....

    • @ruchikamahi
      @ruchikamahi 4 роки тому +2

      You is da Camera man. AND ME IS GRAYSON

  • @kealanmccrarren8161
    @kealanmccrarren8161 5 років тому +2001

    Twins: wE aRe LiTeRaLlY iN tHe MiDdLe oF tHe DeSert
    Me: Theres a picnic table and a fire pit

    • @startledmoth4165
      @startledmoth4165 5 років тому +18

      Kealan McCrarren They’re at a campground in Joshua Tree National Park I believe.

    • @melissahesselman1729
      @melissahesselman1729 5 років тому +22

      Kealan McCrarren and I saw a road with a caravan and cars lmao

    • @EsMe3_
      @EsMe3_ 5 років тому +2

      Kealan McCrarren lol

    • @rosieprange5529
      @rosieprange5529 5 років тому +11

      Kealan McCrarren yeah I think at one point I heard kids yelling 😂

    • @223cw7
      @223cw7 5 років тому +2

      You really thought these two would go camp in an actual desert

  • @ethangraebel7120
    @ethangraebel7120 5 років тому +2696

    Ethan: Where r we sleeping, in a cactus?
    Grayson: A tent
    Ethan: (looks around) I don’t see any tents

  • @carlyvandersluys
    @carlyvandersluys 5 років тому +406

    also them: *records the whole thing on a high tech camera*

    • @graciecrowe5622
      @graciecrowe5622 5 років тому +7

      Carly Vandersluys I was literally going through the comments just to find this one 😂

    • @sarahgable2875
      @sarahgable2875 5 років тому +2

      I said that the exact second I read the title😂

  • @lisasacramento3928
    @lisasacramento3928 4 роки тому +723

    Literally nobody in the universe:
    Ethan: wHy aRe yOu wEaRiNg a dOuChEbAg sHiRt

    • @FernandesClementina
      @FernandesClementina 4 роки тому +4

      Ikr😂 To be honest, I found ethan to be wearing the douche bag shirt 😂

    • @amynguyen9189
      @amynguyen9189 4 роки тому +1

      Lisa Sacramento bro I was reading that while they were sang it and I was like ... 😐🤭

    • @userm180
      @userm180 3 роки тому

      for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven💜

  • @zekqeitashanellelewis5377
    @zekqeitashanellelewis5377 5 років тому +274

    7:30 “Gray where are we sleeping dude? In a- in a cactus?” I died😂😭

  • @saskiazemmelink8238
    @saskiazemmelink8238 5 років тому +2081

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Ethan: I have to do my skincare routine

  • @rhiannondw6649
    @rhiannondw6649 5 років тому +319

    Ethan- *Dude it was so windy, that was dangerous.*
    Grayson- *Did you almost fall?*
    Ethan- *I almost pissed on myself.*

    • @niina3514
      @niina3514 5 років тому +2

      emma chamberlain tease 😍

    • @mememandan427
      @mememandan427 5 років тому +1


  • @annie7325
    @annie7325 4 роки тому +346

    ethan: climbs rocks to go pee
    the camera man: proceeds to sprint after him and record

  • @yanniceilunga4115
    @yanniceilunga4115 5 років тому +777

    Nobody at all:
    Not a single soul:
    Ethan: RaCE tO tHE pEnIs

    • @eyawihs8808
      @eyawihs8808 5 років тому +2

      Yannice Ilunga

    • @alexpalomeque7644
      @alexpalomeque7644 5 років тому +1

      Yannice Ilunga not funny

    • @boozab99
      @boozab99 5 років тому

      Sex Reference does not equal to being Funny

  • @sophiewilliamsss
    @sophiewilliamsss 5 років тому +6058

    it's not a Dolan twins video without ethan reminding us he's dairy free

  • @carolinebishop3436
    @carolinebishop3436 5 років тому +575

    That moment when you realize there are actually 3 grown people in the tent😂

  • @itzmoonlight5583
    @itzmoonlight5583 4 роки тому +298

    I imagined James Charles being inside the tent when they came back 😂

  • @HazyBri
    @HazyBri 5 років тому +624

    *Walking into tent in pure darkness*
    Ethan: "wHo'S hAnD iS oN mY aSs?!?!"

  • @belle3725
    @belle3725 5 років тому +626

    literally no one:
    the dolan twins: *travels with gucci backpack into middle of nowhere, chases rabbits snd eats trail mix*

    • @hannahslager6674
      @hannahslager6674 5 років тому +9

      Literally no one:
      Ethan: iM dAiRy FrEe

    • @mallorymae8737
      @mallorymae8737 5 років тому +2

      me:*born and lived in this middle of nowhere place my whole life💀*

    • @shaizaqamar8204
      @shaizaqamar8204 5 років тому +1

      *does skincare routine*

  • @lyraberry4789
    @lyraberry4789 5 років тому +628

    ethan: uh. excuse me chef. i don’t think the beans are supposed to be on fire.
    grayson: you know. im working it out

  • @alyssia5150
    @alyssia5150 4 роки тому +195

    No One:
    Literally No One:
    Grayson: WeRe GoNnA cHeCk ThE tEnT fOr AnY gUyS

  • @taylormcclain573
    @taylormcclain573 5 років тому +633

    no one:
    ethan in the middle of the desert: “i have to do my skincare routine”

  • @emilyb8628
    @emilyb8628 5 років тому +539

    Ethan: "Who's hand is on my aSs?"
    Grayson: "it's my fOoT"
    I died at this part lmao

    • @sk8kate836
      @sk8kate836 5 років тому

      Emily B. U

    • @ryliejohnson65
      @ryliejohnson65 5 років тому

      I literally just posted a comment like this, and then I see this comment ooooooommmmGgggFFff 🤣

  • @Grace-ju1gp
    @Grace-ju1gp 5 років тому +2065

    Grayson: I’m literally the only one here
    Camera guy:
    ☹️ 🎥

  • @kaleydanielle5064
    @kaleydanielle5064 4 роки тому +171

    Is anyone else binge watching them?

    • @0lliipop
      @0lliipop 4 роки тому

      Same girl

    • @userm180
      @userm180 3 роки тому +1

      for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven💜

    • @casualcrybaby
      @casualcrybaby 2 роки тому

      Me rn

    • @absolutelynotz
      @absolutelynotz 6 місяців тому

      meeee lmao

  • @maddievickery2490
    @maddievickery2490 5 років тому +815

    no one:
    not even grayson:
    ethan: let’s see an instant replay on that

  • @thecircus5229
    @thecircus5229 5 років тому +1523

    Omg Grayson is acting like such a dad and Ethan is acting like his 16 year old son XD

  • @merina4281
    @merina4281 5 років тому +1336

    "Remember the umbilical days"

  • @skylarshorter625
    @skylarshorter625 5 років тому +70

    Why is no one talking about when ethan said "I know your hiss when I hear it" 😂😂

  • @chelseyfaye8778
    @chelseyfaye8778 5 років тому +875

    Grayson and ethan:
    first rule, absolutely NO technology
    Also grayson and ethan:
    Films it all on technology😂

    • @delylareul2946
      @delylareul2946 5 років тому +11

      Chelsey Faye how else would they make the video?

    • @steph_xh
      @steph_xh 5 років тому +4

      @@delylareul2946 well shes saying that the title is wrong

    • @jessieowers1462
      @jessieowers1462 5 років тому +5

      Chelsey Faye u can’t do anything with that camera apart from film not as much fun😂

    • @iatemyenderman9562
      @iatemyenderman9562 5 років тому +4

      Chelsey Faye that doesn’t really count

    • @emilysunnysidesire3493
      @emilysunnysidesire3493 5 років тому

      Caroline Ward i think it’s bc ethan is already short and they just need to shorten grayson lol

  • @AaronHurst
    @AaronHurst 5 років тому +904

    when E pulled out his skin care from his backpack i was 10/10 expecting a cureology sponsorship

  • @roomazza3311
    @roomazza3311 5 років тому +243

    i luv these survival videos bec Grayson is always so into it, and then Ethan's just annoyed and confused lol

  • @kiwi-gm1yr
    @kiwi-gm1yr 5 років тому +99

    *title : “no, electronics!”*
    *”camera : “am I a joke to you?”*

  • @isag1221
    @isag1221 5 років тому +1171

    “There’s literally no one else here”
    Cameraman: am I a joke to you?

    • @aria5926
      @aria5926 5 років тому +8


    • @taylorjordan5649
      @taylorjordan5649 5 років тому +1

      Isa G 😂😂😂😂

    • @alyssamurphy7792
      @alyssamurphy7792 5 років тому +5

      Lmao, i literally thought the same exact thing when he said that! I was like, well what about your camera man....? Lolol 😂 😂❤️

    • @lalla4407
      @lalla4407 5 років тому

      Memer over here

  • @ssscorpio1919
    @ssscorpio1919 5 років тому +639

    Dude, 117 unread texts. I'm lucky to even get 2 texts if I'm gone for a week, much less one night.

    • @donadarowe
      @donadarowe 5 років тому +5

      OMG SAMEEE 😂😒

    • @adamender9092
      @adamender9092 5 років тому +3

      Who cares i get over 300 my class group cough cough and why are u lucky i hate when i get spammed with texts

    • @gracepurdy2000
      @gracepurdy2000 5 років тому


    • @thiccynicky6827
      @thiccynicky6827 5 років тому

      i ended up with over a thousand in 20 minutes😳 all because of a group chat

    • @xxbrattypupxx41
      @xxbrattypupxx41 5 років тому +1

      There prob Emma lol

  • @bellagrace7192
    @bellagrace7192 5 років тому +721

    ethan and grayson: get sick from being in a desert for 3 days
    also ethan and grayson: goes to a desert once they've recovered

    • @durtle3664
      @durtle3664 5 років тому

      Lmao 😂

    • @bilty0707
      @bilty0707 5 років тому

      bella grace rlly?

    • @ellieadams4092
      @ellieadams4092 5 років тому +1

      @@bilty0707 yea they went to Coachella :)

    • @bilty0707
      @bilty0707 5 років тому

      Elizabeth Adams ohhh ok lol

  • @taleahsmith4972
    @taleahsmith4972 4 роки тому +54

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Ethan: wait I have to do my skin care routine😂
    I love them ♡

  • @mariaenglish2666
    @mariaenglish2666 5 років тому +1285

    No one:
    Literally not a soul:
    Not even one molecule:
    Ethan: bro i’M dAiRy FrEe

  • @ashleyhong
    @ashleyhong 5 років тому +751

    "Almonds are a great source of health,"
    Grayson Dolan 2019

  • @hannahhollenbeak3812
    @hannahhollenbeak3812 5 років тому +304

    Ethan:"dude it was so windy that was dangerous" gray: "you almost fell!?" Ethan: "no dude i almost pissed on myself" XXXXDDD

  • @musicisbetter1015
    @musicisbetter1015 4 роки тому +24

    At 11:16 when he said he was proud of him made my heart melt 💖

  • @debora-fh8on
    @debora-fh8on 5 років тому +841

    Ethan and Gray arguing 24/7 is literally me with my siblings

  • @kristinaspoetry
    @kristinaspoetry 5 років тому +372

    Ethan being a mood for 31 minutes and 22 seconds

    • @chloequinn6299
      @chloequinn6299 5 років тому

      I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT literally me

  • @danielojeda917
    @danielojeda917 5 років тому +341

    Ethan: "Why couldn't we have just brought NORMAL food?"
    Grayson: "Like what?"
    Ethan: "Like POPCORN or something."
    Ethan is the definition of me.

  • @Amber24-v7i
    @Amber24-v7i 4 місяці тому +45

    I can't believe they have lost almost a million subs just cuz they dont post anymore 😞

    • @sierrasra
      @sierrasra Місяць тому

      Yeah 😢

    • @nourkorayem
      @nourkorayem Місяць тому


    • @ella-ld8lm
      @ella-ld8lm 12 днів тому +3

      well what’s the point in being subscribed to someone if they don’t post

  • @shush1718
    @shush1718 5 років тому +885

    Twins: Camping overnight with no technology
    Camera: Am I a joke to you???

  • @candelariosanchez3546
    @candelariosanchez3546 5 років тому +1466

    Says "me, you and mother nature"
    Camera man: "am i a joke to you?"

    • @emilybutler5979
      @emilybutler5979 5 років тому +32

      does any one actually know who their camera man is I always wonder ?

    • @fridajimenez5638
      @fridajimenez5638 5 років тому +5

      Emily Butler Same omg

    • @Caitlinmcg
      @Caitlinmcg 5 років тому +8

      His name is Kyle Houck :) he has Instagram

    • @remorbits
      @remorbits 5 років тому +7

      Emily Butler either Kyle or Bryant lol

    • @zoec6375
      @zoec6375 5 років тому +2

      @@Caitlinmcg his name is Bryant 😂

  • @kaffydaffy1091
    @kaffydaffy1091 5 років тому +1496

    Ethan: I get pee shy sometimes...
    Grayson:dude I’m literally the only one here
    Camera man: *tear rolls down face as sad violin plays*

    • @daddyshark6792
      @daddyshark6792 5 років тому +4

      Alethea & Anthony tbhhhhh😎😌

    • @gertrudegertrude7869
      @gertrudegertrude7869 5 років тому +27

      At least acknowledge Nolan by his name;)

    • @hereliesjordan9194
      @hereliesjordan9194 5 років тому +22

      My favourite part of these videos is knowing Kyle is out in the desert filming Ethan peeing off a rock.

    • @kaffydaffy1091
      @kaffydaffy1091 5 років тому +2

      Hereliesjordan 😂

    • @janaihab7568
      @janaihab7568 5 років тому

      Alethea & Anthony Guys please follow this Instagram acc “@jana_almasaeed” please support me✨💫

  • @joelle4473
    @joelle4473 4 роки тому +69

    everyone: cacti
    ethan: cactuses

  • @pavithrashaji
    @pavithrashaji 5 років тому +230

    No one:
    Literally no one in the entire universe:
    Ethan: I’m dairy-free

    • @miweya
      @miweya 5 років тому +1

      the accuracy omf

  • @rosyshadow4963
    @rosyshadow4963 5 років тому +191

    Gray: I’m the only one here
    Cameraman: Am I a joke to you?

  • @shakilajafari3389
    @shakilajafari3389 5 років тому +971

    No one:
    Literally not a single soul:
    Ethan: can we get a replay on that

    • @ciaradavis55
      @ciaradavis55 5 років тому +1

      U take a peace of bread put something in the middle and put a peace of bread on top 😂😂😂 why r u wearing a doush bag shirt

  • @algahim2724
    @algahim2724 4 роки тому +51

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Ethan: "can we get a replay"

  • @wesleyspelz3732
    @wesleyspelz3732 5 років тому +455

    Ethan:let’s get an instant replay on that

  • @dorygray7281
    @dorygray7281 5 років тому +392

    “Did you think I was like a...a rabid jack rabbit or maybe a...small fox?”
    “Dude, no I know your hiss when I hear it.”
    Brotherly Love.

  • @emmaaphaea7650
    @emmaaphaea7650 5 років тому +493

    “Guys I have no idea what time it is”
    *Two minutes later*
    “This is the hottest *9am* ever”

  • @jessgentile4766
    @jessgentile4766 4 роки тому +47

    GRAYSON we actually enjoy your informative talking LMAO don't listen to Ethan

  • @luisangelvazquez1030
    @luisangelvazquez1030 5 років тому +956

    Grayson: It’s only you and me Ethan.
    Camera guy: yes

  • @melinabermudez8654
    @melinabermudez8654 5 років тому +988

    E: Gray where are we sleeping? In a cactus?
    G: in a tent Ethan
    E: I see only cactuses
    G: yea I know but you can’t sleep inside one of them so I brought a tent
    Ethan is me at math class

    • @m14.50
      @m14.50 5 років тому +2

      Laughing my ass off

    • @melinabermudez8654
      @melinabermudez8654 5 років тому

      khade._ y a vos como te va en español porque para ser latina me va re piola en la English class

    • @chloeschroeder3255
      @chloeschroeder3255 5 років тому +3

      @@m14.50 Lmao*

    • @courtneytodaro1050
      @courtneytodaro1050 5 років тому

      Melina Bermúdez sameeee hahahahaha

    • @emilyb4162
      @emilyb4162 5 років тому +1

      literally why do people comment what happened in the video? we all watched it u dont need to recap

  • @_hannahb
    @_hannahb 5 років тому +441

    Grayson: Just you me and Mother Nature
    Cameraman: *aM i a jOke to yOu*

  • @kristyramjattan2848
    @kristyramjattan2848 2 роки тому +4

    The funniest and cutest thing was Grayson flinching when Ethan put on the taser😭😭😭

  • @aniyahlewis526
    @aniyahlewis526 5 років тому +466

    gRaYsOn rEmEmBeR tHe UmbiLiCal DaYS
    Im dead 😂😂
    Edit: Thank you for 488 likes!!! Omg

  • @frankricataylor
    @frankricataylor 5 років тому +393

    Ethan:*being such a mood*
    Grayson:*acting like a tour guide*

  • @alex-qm5hn
    @alex-qm5hn 5 років тому +795

    ethan: where are we sleeping dude? in a cactus?
    grayson: IN A TENT ETHAN

  • @_b3llazz429
    @_b3llazz429 4 роки тому +6

    Ethan doing his skin care routine in the middle of the desert is literally a mood

  • @hope_adl9846
    @hope_adl9846 5 років тому +201

    Imagined the camera man just standing there awkwardly while theyre having their arguments😂

  • @75tammysue
    @75tammysue 5 років тому +590

    Ethan: Where are we sleeping?? A cactus?
    Grayson: a tent
    Ethan: all I see is cactuses

    • @blossomatnight2864
      @blossomatnight2864 5 років тому +8

      Ikr with his dumb grammar lol catuses more than 1:cacti

    • @xTville1
      @xTville1 5 років тому +2

      Eve Ocho8 Ochoa I thought the exact same like E, can’t you speak English lol

    • @sic1809
      @sic1809 5 років тому +1

      iandr she can, she’s right your wrong. Don’t hate on her when you don’t know what your talking about.

    • @xTville1
      @xTville1 5 років тому

      Jasmine Marié what the hell are you on about? She who? Ethan is a guy.......

  • @shyanngodbout5800
    @shyanngodbout5800 5 років тому +875

    Ethan is like a little kid and gray is the dad 😂 and I love how e had to do his skin care routine in the dessert

  • @kaitencepay8781
    @kaitencepay8781 4 роки тому +29

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Grayson: “Nature makes great crevasses”

  • @maddywisteria3242
    @maddywisteria3242 5 років тому +1462

    Is no one going to talk about how impressive Ethan’s climbing was

  • @Al-xr2uq
    @Al-xr2uq 5 років тому +350

    Literally no one:
    Not one soul:
    No living thing:
    Ethan: *I’m dairy free*

  • @dancewithdhriti2169
    @dancewithdhriti2169 4 роки тому +11

    I love how gray is just always so adventurous and excited for stuff like this and E is the opposite

  • @emaynes6926
    @emaynes6926 5 років тому +389

    ethan "i get pee shy"
    grayson "bro im the only one here, i'm literally the only one here"
    then who's holding the cameras???

  • @maddym3748
    @maddym3748 5 років тому +485

    Not going to lie tho... grayson's trail mix looked really good

  • @kei344
    @kei344 5 років тому +2032

    Ethan: I get pee shy
    also Ethan: *waves to camera while peeing*

    • @laneroth809
      @laneroth809 5 років тому +27

      There has been a very positive shift in E & G's interpersonal relationship while on camera. Gray has messaged on Twitter that he has never felt closer to Ethan and this shows in so many ways. AWESOME E is a new man in his interactions with Grayson. I sincerely hope fans comment to encourage them to keep moving forward on this path which enhances both of their personas. Seeing the twins happy in their brotherly relationship means everything for their mental stability, happiness and the fans enjoyment of their videos. For Ethan's fans, we so very much appreciate that Ethan is Gray's equal. I can see E's happiness that he is on equal footing with Grayson. If you are reading this and agree, please chime in and let the twins know how you feel about the new level of mutual love & respect they are clearly demonstrating for each other. THANKS everyone!

    • @paudiemullins3883
      @paudiemullins3883 5 років тому


    • @mussolinir7505
      @mussolinir7505 5 років тому

      Yeah they saw the video so u always repat what ppl say cuz a video was celebrities here bud

    • @janaihab7568
      @janaihab7568 5 років тому

      Cheese Guys please follow this Instagram acc “@jana_almasaeed” please support me✨💫

    • @laneroth809
      @laneroth809 5 років тому +1

      @@mussolinir7505 So WTF are you doing here jackass?

  • @Reemkhaili26
    @Reemkhaili26 4 роки тому +17

    I like how Ethan keeps saying
    "LeTs gEt aN eNsTanTeD RePlY"
    Grayson: Ugh how many times did you say that

  • @tumblrgirl1864
    @tumblrgirl1864 5 років тому +538

    Wait so they were sick from the desert and they decided after being sick that they needed to get out of their beds and off their phones and go to ANOTHER desert?