Believe it or not, that’s the job of every pastor. Pastor Jack is one of those teachers that takes his job seriously and to heart. Most do not…it’s all about the Benjamin’s.
Your relationship with God gives you power. I used bad words if I hurt myself. No matter how little it hurt. Anger came out of me just from stubbing my toe, etc. Getting spiritually deep and sound creates power you didn't know you had. Now, no matter what, I hurt. Silence is on my lips. It's as if it doesn't hurt as much. The pain wasn't the issue it was my bad attitude that i needed to repent of, not what I actually hurt physically. In Jesus' name, I rebuke Satan by sharing this with believers that he can not use what I've shared against me. He can not hurt me beyond what God allows. ❤
@kimberlydodder8198 - I can SOOOO relate! We are so weak in the flesh, relying on the Holy Spirit to immediatley convict us to repent and ask forgiveness. I live with a husband who constantly uses bad words. It is heavy.
I've listen to this message 3 times, once on UA-cam, the real life app and again on UA-cam on the live Wednesday service. What do I like about listening to it 3 times is a get more from the message and it strengthen my faith . I always depended on God to open doors for a job I desired in trucking . I was bad about depending on my own strength throughout the years when I always knew it was God is who always gave the strength to make it through a long trip through the night or a snow storm going over Donner or Eisenhower in Colorado. I always knew God guided the truck I drove and if I messed up it was God getting my attention. This is what I love about this message about faith . So in the storms of life depend upon faith on the Lord Jesus and he will see you through. Phillipines 4:13
Thank you Pastor Jack. Righteousness through FAITH ; Romans 3: 21-31;/4:1-25 Faith is not Believing, It is what you put your TRUST IN! Psalm 32:1-11 Repent in Faith ; To the Glory of God, In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
Steve Harvey made me smile on that answer, but once I came across an atheist at work yrs ago, a young man I worked with. I asked him why he didn't believe in Jesus & he told me he read the Bible once & it was an interesting book but he couldn't believe in someone or something he couldn't see. Upon hearing this, I asked him Do you believe in the wind ?" He looked at me, confused & said yes because I see it moving the trees, grass, or the clouds. I said no you don't you see the effects of the wind, the clouds moving ,the trees swaying back & forth but you do not see the wind, hold up your hand the next time it blows on your face & stuff you won't see it it's invisible but yet it's there you see the actions of it . He said reluctantly, well that's true but I'll have to get back to you on that. I planted a seed for God, and now he's rethinking his answer and choice. He's thinking about what I said. He never did get back to me & he moved on but I still pray for Adam & think about him alot. I pray that God worked in his life & I pray he now believes.
Please pray 4 my 2 sons, KJ & MATT. They're not believers in Christ Jesus. 😢😢😢 👑✝️👑 ✝️🙏🕊🙏🕊 Please and thank you. Amen. Praying for the lost. ✝️🛐🙏🕊👨👩👦👨👩👦👨👩👦
Give them love and support them whether they believe or not. They want a loving relationship with you, not a parent that won't listen to their perspectives and who will force them to think they way we do. Family matters most
Father God, open the spiritual eyes and ears of our children, siblings, spouses, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandparents, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, step children, adopted children, friends, foes..........etc. etc.. Help them to believe what is for whatever reason seemingly impossible for them to believe which is the WAY of salvation in Jesus Christ and it's in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ that we pray. We know that we are not asking amiss because this is the very reason that You sent Your only begotten Son!
I have no idea how I stumbled upon one of Pastor Jack’s videos a few months ago, I started listening to it and right there and then I realized that it was God Almighty who put him on my path to worship the real Jesus the one who doesn’t lie the one who doesn’t say give this amount of money and I will give you 100 fold, I know God wants us to give him our tithes and offerings and He alone will provide with what we need and with what He knows is good for us, not to fill our hearts full of lusts for the expensive things that will fade away! I was brain washed in praising a Jesus that certain Pastors made me believed in, that He wanted all my money in order to be wealthy and healthy, I discovered with Pastor Jack that all these fools are nothing but false preachers “Pastors”that go after people’s money to fulfill their bank accounts. I praise God for saving me of my wrong thinking and for taking away that lusts that was flourishing in my heart & mind. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you Pastor Jack, your ministry and all those involved for as always speaking His, (the only), truth boldly, standing on the proven and sure Word of God, (Psa 119:160 +more). You and your ministry are truly a blessing as you continue to inform, instruct and build up His saints. I'm adding a short teaching below, please know I do this in love, with respect for you and all those around you. I do it to continue the feeding of His flock, to feed the algo, and in support of you and what you've said, one of His faithful. As a new pastor who's came to the pulpit late in life, after to my shame ignoring the call for forty years, (the irony of that is not lost on me). Yet I was never allowed to fully walk away from my faith, the salvation He has given me, as is the same for all those who've been given that gift, (Eph 2:8). Hopefully this well help all understand the security we have in Him. It should also help with the discernment needed to do as we are commanded to do in Scripture, (Eph 5:11). Those who claim to be His and yet willfully continue in or support sin are clearly showing they are not His. (1 Joh 3:6, 1 Joh 3:9), what the Apostle is telling in these verses is that those who've been given the gift of faith will not continue to willfully live in or support sin. Just as the Apostle John and James both teach us in their Epistles, (Jas 1:25, Jas 2:22, 1 Joh 2:19, 1 Joh 4:18 +more). There must be some sign of "life" in their lives and actions, (Rom 8:10-13, Eph 2:10), or they're not truly His and never were. I'm not saying that we all don't stumble and fall short, (1 Joh 1:8), but we're never able to fully walk away from faith that is a gift from God, (Gal 3:22), if we were truly given it, (Eph 2:8). Today we have so many things being taught, sadly even from pulpits and those in positions of power/influence, that if it were not for His sure and unchanging promises to us it would be easy to fall into fear and deep despair. However we do have His promises recorded for us in Scripture and we know that He is in total control, not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge, (Mat 10:29). As has always been the case it seems these un-Biblical teachings keep coming up, like pound scum they keep bubbling to the surface. I'm addressing the wrong understanding of, (Jhn 15:1-5), below but the same application of paying attention to detail and historical context can be used for, (Heb 6:4-7). When teaching on Hebrews 6 I look closely at, (Heb 6:8), and keep in mind the Apostle John or James' Epistles. We see both, (Jhn 15:2-5 and Heb 6:4-7) in Scripture being used wrongly which can lead to one believing that they can loose that gift of salvation our Lord has freely and lovingly given them. As John and James clearly tell us if we continue to willfully live in sin we are not truly His,(Jas 1:25, Jas 2:22, 1 Jhn 2:19, 1 Joh 4:18). We must hate the sin, as He does, even and especially in ourselves, but love the sinner, plant the seed that will bring them to repentance and faith, a seed only God can cause to grow, (Jhn 15:5, 1 Cor 3:7). Below is a sermon/outline of a teaching I give, it's brief and doesn't include all the verses I use. I often write myself questions into a sermon/outline to stay on topic and focus. I try and think of questions those in the congregation may have as I speak and answer them in the teaching itself. So when you see the multiple question marks it doesn't represent a Q&A it's just me thinking things thru to exposit them more clearly. This one's about the unchanging promises of our Lord and the fact that no one can ever loose the gift of the Spirit of Grace, freely and lovingly given to us, (Eph 2:8), by our great God and Father, (Rom 8:15), thru/by His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, (Rom 5:15-18 +more). If they do fully walk away, as the Apostle John clearly teaches us they were never given that gift or truly had it, (1 Jhn 2:19). Let's begin: (John 15:1-5) Where was Jesus when He gave this teaching and who was He talking to, history, detail and context matter, they are so very important. (Gen 49:22) "Joseph is a faithful vine, a fruitful vine beside a spring; its branches climb over the wall" What does this verse tell us about who the vine represents here, is it not all Israel via the patriarch Joseph? (Hos 10:1a) "Israel is a lush vine; it yields fruit for itself". Now if Israel is represented by the vine in the Old Testament and Christ is the true vine in the New Testament, (Jhn 15:1). What does that tell you? Prior to His, (incarnation), coming did not all faithful Jews worship Him while He was with the Father in heaven? (Deu 6:8) Were they not waiting for their Messiah to come as promised in Scripture but when He did come they rejected Him and in so doing rejected the Father as well, (Jhn 10:30). What it does tell us is that after He came and they rejected Him, they were leaving true faith they had possessed in Him. Something that they may not have understood they were now doing because they didn't believe the Scriptures, (Psa 2, Psa 22, Isa 52:13-53:12, Luk 16:31, Luk 24:34, Luk 24:44, Jhn 5:46 +more). They also wouldn't accept, ignored and refused to believe Jesus' clear and true Word, given Him by the Father, (Jhn 7:16, Jhn 12:50, Jhn 14:24, Jhn 17:8 +more) Are not the branches being spoken of here in, (Jhn 15:2-5), the same ones the Apostle Paul tells us of in, (Rom 11:17-20)? Do you now understand what Jesus was teaching to the Jews in the upper room in Jerusalem on that day, it was for the Jews of Judaism outside that room and to help His Apostles to understand how, (one of the ways), to teach/reach them. What Jesus was teaching in the upper room is not intended for the New Testament, New Covenant believers, (Rom 3:25, Rom 5:9, Eph 1:7, Col 1:14, those bought at/with a price +more), as is mistakenly claimed and taught by so many. That doctrine is un-Biblical and goes against the clear teaching and unchanging promises of Scripture, (Jhn 10:29, +more). It ignores that He is the author and finisher of our faith, (Heb 12:2). He promises us we will stand because He is able to make us stand, (Rom 14:4). He will loose none the Father has given Him, (Jhn 3:35, Jhn 6:39, Jhn 6:65, Jhn 17:2 +more), As far as our being able to loose our salvation, we would in an instant if we could, being fallen as we are prior to our justification, during ongoing sanctification, and ultimately glorification, (Rom 8:30), if it was not a gift from God. The Spirit of Grace freely and lovingly given us, (Eph 2:8), by our great God and Father, (Rom 8:15), thru/by His Son Jesus the Christ, (Rom 5:15-18 +more). To claim or teach otherwise goes against the clear doctrine, (teaching of Scripture), relying on man's own understanding, just another form of pride rearing it's ugly head. What we see in, (Jhn 15:1-5), Jesus is teaching what was and is for the Jews who practiced Judaism and by extension had faith in Him until now that He had come, they had then rejected Him and by extension His Father. That is one of the many reasons, (John 15:29-30), are so very important to understand rightly, closely linked as they are. In, (John 15:29), we see just one of His many unchanging promises to us. It is the Father who first gives us to Him and holds us, then the Lord promises no one can take us from the Father's hand as they both hold us, not even ourselves. That promise is followed by, (John 10:30), where Jesus flatly states, "I and the Father are one". This teaching was given to Jews in the upper room in Jerusalem for the Jews by their Jewish Messiah. It was to and for the Jews of Judaism as a warning that they must remain in Him and believe in Him now, in His incarnation, on earth, as they had while He was in Heaven with the Father. How can everyone not see this clear exposition as the truth? This is why I teach that historical context and paying attention to detail are so very important. You need to know where He was and who He was teaching at all times when studying Scripture. The same must be applied to the Apostles and all the authors throughout Scripture. Those who don't will continue to misapply and not understand what is being clearly taught. As I've said attention to detail no matter how small matters. An example would be the two feedings of the multitudes, in one we see them being seated on grass and in the other it is on dry ground/dirt no grass. In this instance it is an indication of time passed, season change. Another often misunderstood verse due to not paying attention to detail is in the first Book of the Bible, (Gen 6:3), where the LORD is telling us how long until the flood will come but we see so many who wrongly claim it means man lives for 120 years, (I'll leave finding the proof of that statement to you, do as the Bereans did). There are just so many verses in Scripture like this that were I given an hundred lifetimes I don't think I could ever plumb the depths and riches of His Word but that does not mean I will ever stop trying. His Word is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told, is something I often hear said, and I wholeheartedly agree, yet it is even so much more than that, (Psa 18:30). I truly hope this helps even just one to understand the security they have in Him, a doctrine that is clearly taught in Scripture thru His many unchanging promises to us. They are unchanging because He is unchanging, (Mal 3:6a, Heb 13:8 +more). Take a stand, speak boldly, God Bless, God Bless Israel, may God Bless and open the eyes, ears and hearts of all those who've yet to come to know and love Him, lastly may God Bless the USA, if he still will...
Wonderful message, pastor Jack. Thank you. As for the 3 days of grocery supplies in stores, I learned that years ago, while living in an area where hurricanes are common.
Thank you Pastor Jack for putting faith to the forefront. It's one of the most important things in our lives to get through this terrible turmoil. Faith gives us the liberty to act like children as Jesus wants us to do so we can be with Him in eternity 🙏. Thank You Heavenly Father for Your loving steward who speaks Your Word 🙏❤️
Thank you Pastor Jack. You help us work out on what we believe 🙏 Yeshua, Lord of lords, King of kings. Our Lord and Saviour. Our life, our strength, our Salvation 🙏. The Lord Yeshua bless you and your family. May his Holy Spirit guide you in your studies of God's Mighty Word. Shalom 🙏🇮🇪🌹🌹🌹🇮🇱
Love learning understanding and knowing God through his scriptures and so grateful for giving us such pastor who teaches us and encourages us to read the BIBLE and everything here he says is all relatable and now I need to surround myself with other believers .The Lord restores my soul and he heals me.
Thank you, Pastor, Jack. I love the Holy Spirit that comes through you to me. Especially at a time like this in our lives in our country. Thank you so much for your love and your powerful Holy Spirit.♥️🙏🇺🇸
Some people speak that faith is nonsense,but i believed that when God throw them in hell,they will believe.Even satan believe and tremble!thank ptr.Jack.
Faith is knowledge. The Bible teaches us to study and read the word of God. Knowledge is wisdom. Let thy faith stand in the power of God and the wisdom of God. Wisdom is power. When you stand in the power of God you stand in the wisdom of God. Jesus said for the wisdom of God saith the blood of all the prophets shall be required for that generation.
Need prayers for my youngest son. Raised Christian has departed and joined with an atheist who identifies as "non binary". I made the mistake of allowing her in my home and now an expe3nsive diamond bracelt has gone missing. The sentimental value is way more than the mateiral and I prayed last night asking God, letting Him know that I would glady let that pain go and forget about the loss if He would bring my son back into the fold. Asking for resolve. THe not knowing what actually happened is worse than the loss of the bracelet that was given to me by his father the year our son was born. My heart is heavy for my son, so heavy.
"I WANT TO WANT" in the last sentence of this video, timestamped 54:47. This is the first time I've heard of anyone but me say that in prayer. It is hard for some to understand why anyone would feel compelled to use that phrase. Having spent the 10 years between my 20th & 30th birthdays as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the next 30 years drinking away my conscience, finally reaching out to the Lord but finding I could feel no emotional connection to Him... then encountering the (false) Calvinist teaching that God glorifies His name by intentionally creating some people for no other purpose but to defy him (they have no choice in the matter) so that He can send them to hell... and I was beginning to wonder if I was one of those so predestined. As a Witness, I had studied the Bible and I knew the words, intellectually, even if misinterpreted. still reaching out, in a moment of honesty to God I said "I'm a liar! I don't to praise You, I don't want to serve you. I wish I wanted these things, I really do... but I don't! Can I be saved?" Remembering what the Scriptures say about persistence in prayer, I changed my prayer: "Lord, change my heart! I WANT TO WANT to praise You, I WANT TO WANT to serve You, I WANT TO WANT to give up claim on everything to You!" That prayer felt right in my heart! I'd like to say a change was immediate, like so many testimonies I hear; mine has been a gradual change, for reasons only God knows. I've decided there are some insights I've gained, not only regarding faith but trust as well... trust that, regardless of how He answers my prayers, he's got it for the best outcome, INCLUDING FOR ME. The deer caught in the fence doesn't understand its rescuer is there to help it, and the fact that the rescue doesn't occur immediately only adds to its continued resistance. It's been 4 years since that first "right" prayer; only occasionally do I feel the need to use the phrase "I WANT TO WANT!" - Tom Henderson -
Anyone remember the bumper jacks ? I can remember using a bumper jack and the weight of the vehicle . To break tars down off the rim to put new tars on them rims . I always liked them sho grips , them that sho grip the road . I guess they thought to many people was taking money from the tire store , Made it where the poor man could put a new used tar on , To keep em going down the road . Use to make some really good change collecting car batteries . We would burn the short out of some get two three years out of a battery someone discarded , Ones that didn’t come back sale when the core charge maxed out Fill a truck up sale them for the core fella had a really nice payday , Now they leave no meat in the bone fer us stray dogs :0)
Are you referring to Trump that he got charged with 34 counts I think it's a political attack but I don't know who the judges I don't even want to watch it I'm so upset and I'm praying in the name of Jesus for favor for Trump
Even this is fully in His hands. When you worry, take action against it. Prayer is powerfully effective - leave it at the cross. There’s nothing like that wash of warm covering and peace flooding over you. His promise is true.
Amen! This earthly system of man is only temporary. Don’t follow man he will lead you away from God through the worldly system. Trust and follow God for He is your hope and where your promises are and will be kept. The promises of God are True not by man’s thinking God sets the Standard. This is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus is the WAY,TRUTH AND LIFE no one can come to Father God except by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Please consider…
Very surprised to see a video with Steve Harvey, the man who says there are many ways to heaven and that if we are not successful its because we don't wish it into to existence ( something along that line)
I’ll disagree with him but I’m still learning as I go so I can’t throw any stones. If we keep the glass half full, he is eschewing God at the least and if he is seeking, he’ll find.
You say repentance means to change your mind and not sin but you say that it isn't possible to be sinless so how can you repent and not sin and yet still sin?
Genuine question from a believer in Jesus & a bit embarrassed. Single & celibate a friend suggested orgasms are good for female reproductive health. Your thoughts.. is masturbation a sin?
After the rapture, there will be a short time gap (during this time gap the 144,000 will be chosen etc)before the Antichrist confirms a covenant with many to ignite a 7 year period of tribulation! And “This generation ( that’s the one present then ) shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled” “Behold, I come quickly” Judgments are accomplished and Jesus stops the horrific satanic persecution of Israel at Armageddon and returns to earth for His 2nd coming to reign from Jerusalem 1000 years, God Bless 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hello pastor Jack. I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please consider going to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏
Really enjoy your sermons and teahcings Jack Hibbs! But if you could, please reread Genesis ch10 (table of nations) and ch11 Seth's lineage. Abraham is NOT A GENTILE by reason of the scriptures. Not picking on you, just admonishing to correct in humiltiy. Love and blessings in Jesus name!
I love how Pastor Hibb gives us notes,teaches from the Bible and encourages us to study and read our Bible!!
Believe it or not, that’s the job of every pastor.
Pastor Jack is one of those teachers that takes his job seriously and to heart.
Most do not…it’s all about the Benjamin’s.
I'm glad for His teaching as well. What an answer to prayer. Thank God!!
Isn't that what he's supposed to do? Sadly, many preacher's are not teaching from the same Bible
Is there a way to access the notes' link after the live? I cant seem to find it.
Been listening to Pastor Jack now for 6-8 months, he's spot on. Praise God for this man. >
GPS = God's Perfect Scripture
Your relationship with God gives you power. I used bad words if I hurt myself. No matter how little it hurt. Anger came out of me just from stubbing my toe, etc. Getting spiritually deep and sound creates power you didn't know you had. Now, no matter what, I hurt. Silence is on my lips. It's as if it doesn't hurt as much. The pain wasn't the issue it was my bad attitude that i needed to repent of, not what I actually hurt physically. In Jesus' name, I rebuke Satan by sharing this with believers that he can not use what I've shared against me. He can not hurt me beyond what God allows. ❤
AMEN ✝️💟
@kimberlydodder8198 - I can SOOOO relate! We are so weak in the flesh, relying on the Holy Spirit to immediatley convict us to repent and ask forgiveness. I live with a husband who constantly uses bad words. It is heavy.
Thank you Pastor Jack...... God has used you to lift me up. During your sermons, i smile, laugh and cry. thank you.... Jesus is coming!!!
I've listen to this message 3 times, once on UA-cam, the real life app and again on UA-cam on the live Wednesday service. What do I like about listening to it 3 times is a get more from the message and it strengthen my faith . I always depended on God to open doors for a job I desired in trucking . I was bad about depending on my own strength throughout the years when I always knew it was God is who always gave the strength to make it through a long trip through the night or a snow storm going over Donner or Eisenhower in Colorado. I always knew God guided the truck I drove and if I messed up it was God getting my attention. This is what I love about this message about faith . So in the storms of life depend upon faith on the Lord Jesus and he will see you through. Phillipines 4:13
Thank you Pastor Jack.
Righteousness through
Romans 3: 21-31;/4:1-25
Faith is not Believing,
It is what you put your
Psalm 32:1-11
Repent in Faith ;
To the Glory of God,
In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
“The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.””
Exodus 14:14
I needed this. Thank you.
Thank you, God for the gift of salvation. Thank you Pastor Hibbs for preaching it.❤
I wish he preached close to me. I love his teachings!!!
My wife and I have been saying that for awhile 😊
Me too
Steve Harvey made me smile on that answer, but once I came across an atheist at work yrs ago, a young man I worked with. I asked him why he didn't believe in Jesus & he told me he read the Bible once & it was an interesting book but he couldn't believe in someone or something he couldn't see. Upon hearing this, I asked him Do you believe in the wind ?" He looked at me, confused & said yes because I see it moving the trees, grass, or the clouds. I said no you don't you see the effects of the wind, the clouds moving ,the trees swaying back & forth but you do not see the wind, hold up your hand the next time it blows on your face & stuff you won't see it it's invisible but yet it's there you see the actions of it . He said reluctantly, well that's true but I'll have to get back to you on that. I planted a seed for God, and now he's rethinking his answer and choice. He's thinking about what I said. He never did get back to me & he moved on but I still pray for Adam & think about him alot. I pray that God worked in his life & I pray he now believes.
Unsung Hero is an awesome movie!!!
Awesome Word given Pastor Jack, " Faith helps me navigate in the darkness ". God bless you and yours with protection, health and joy❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Please pray 4 my 2 sons, KJ & MATT.
They're not believers in Christ Jesus.
😢😢😢 👑✝️👑 ✝️🙏🕊🙏🕊
Please and thank you.
Praying for the lost. ✝️🛐🙏🕊👨👩👦👨👩👦👨👩👦
Give them love and support them whether they believe or not. They want a loving relationship with you, not a parent that won't listen to their perspectives and who will force them to think they way we do. Family matters most
They may not be now, but I have faith that the Lord will touch their hearts and eventually they will find their way home 😊
I prayed for your two sons
@@RG-hs8jc Thank you so very much. God bless you and an "Amen" to your prayers.
Father God, open the spiritual eyes and ears of our children, siblings, spouses, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandparents, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, step children, adopted children, friends, foes..........etc. etc.. Help them to believe what is for whatever reason seemingly impossible for them to believe which is the WAY of salvation in Jesus Christ and it's in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ that we pray. We know that we are not asking amiss because this is the very reason that You sent Your only begotten Son!
Thank you, Pastor Jack, for another sermon.
I have no idea how I stumbled upon one of Pastor Jack’s videos a few months ago, I started listening to it and right there and then I realized that it was God Almighty who put him on my path to worship the real Jesus the one who doesn’t lie the one who doesn’t say give this amount of money and I will give you 100 fold, I know God wants us to give him our tithes and offerings and He alone will provide with what we need and with what He knows is good for us, not to fill our hearts full of lusts for the expensive things that will fade away! I was brain washed in praising a Jesus that certain Pastors made me believed in, that He wanted all my money in order to be wealthy and healthy, I discovered with Pastor Jack that all these fools are nothing but false preachers “Pastors”that go after people’s money to fulfill their bank accounts. I praise God for saving me of my wrong thinking and for taking away that lusts that was flourishing in my heart & mind. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
What a testimony! Hallelujah!!
Pastor Hibbs, its awesome you quoted Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. Bravo, sir.
Thank you Pastor Jack, your ministry and all those involved for as always speaking His, (the only), truth boldly, standing on the proven and sure Word of God, (Psa 119:160 +more). You and your ministry are truly a blessing as you continue to inform, instruct and build up His saints. I'm adding a short teaching below, please know I do this in love, with respect for you and all those around you. I do it to continue the feeding of His flock, to feed the algo, and in support of you and what you've said, one of His faithful.
As a new pastor who's came to the pulpit late in life, after to my shame ignoring the call for forty years, (the irony of that is not lost on me). Yet I was never allowed to fully walk away from my faith, the salvation He has given me, as is the same for all those who've been given that gift, (Eph 2:8). Hopefully this well help all understand the security we have in Him. It should also help with the discernment needed to do as we are commanded to do in Scripture, (Eph 5:11). Those who claim to be His and yet willfully continue in or support sin are clearly showing they are not His. (1 Joh 3:6, 1 Joh 3:9), what the Apostle is telling in these verses is that those who've been given the gift of faith will not continue to willfully live in or support sin. Just as the Apostle John and James both teach us in their Epistles, (Jas 1:25, Jas 2:22, 1 Joh 2:19, 1 Joh 4:18 +more). There must be some sign of "life" in their lives and actions, (Rom 8:10-13, Eph 2:10), or they're not truly His and never were. I'm not saying that we all don't stumble and fall short, (1 Joh 1:8), but we're never able to fully walk away from faith that is a gift from God, (Gal 3:22), if we were truly given it, (Eph 2:8).
Today we have so many things being taught, sadly even from pulpits and those in positions of power/influence, that if it were not for His sure and unchanging promises to us it would be easy to fall into fear and deep despair. However we do have His promises recorded for us in Scripture and we know that He is in total control, not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge, (Mat 10:29). As has always been the case it seems these un-Biblical teachings keep coming up, like pound scum they keep bubbling to the surface. I'm addressing the wrong understanding of, (Jhn 15:1-5), below but the same application of paying attention to detail and historical context can be used for, (Heb 6:4-7). When teaching on Hebrews 6 I look closely at, (Heb 6:8), and keep in mind the Apostle John or James' Epistles. We see both, (Jhn 15:2-5 and Heb 6:4-7) in Scripture being used wrongly which can lead to one believing that they can loose that gift of salvation our Lord has freely and lovingly given them. As John and James clearly tell us if we continue to willfully live in sin we are not truly His,(Jas 1:25, Jas 2:22, 1 Jhn 2:19, 1 Joh 4:18). We must hate the sin, as He does, even and especially in ourselves, but love the sinner, plant the seed that will bring them to repentance and faith, a seed only God can cause to grow, (Jhn 15:5, 1 Cor 3:7).
Below is a sermon/outline of a teaching I give, it's brief and doesn't include all the verses I use. I often write myself questions into a sermon/outline to stay on topic and focus. I try and think of questions those in the congregation may have as I speak and answer them in the teaching itself. So when you see the multiple question marks it doesn't represent a Q&A it's just me thinking things thru to exposit them more clearly.
This one's about the unchanging promises of our Lord and the fact that no one can ever loose the gift of the Spirit of Grace, freely and lovingly given to us, (Eph 2:8), by our great God and Father, (Rom 8:15), thru/by His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, (Rom 5:15-18 +more). If they do fully walk away, as the Apostle John clearly teaches us they were never given that gift or truly had it, (1 Jhn 2:19).
Let's begin:
(John 15:1-5)
Where was Jesus when He gave this teaching and who was He talking to, history, detail and context matter, they are so very important.
(Gen 49:22)
"Joseph is a faithful vine, a fruitful vine beside a spring; its branches climb over the wall"
What does this verse tell us about who the vine represents here, is it not all Israel via the patriarch Joseph?
(Hos 10:1a)
"Israel is a lush vine; it yields fruit for itself".
Now if Israel is represented by the vine in the Old Testament and Christ is the true vine in the New Testament, (Jhn 15:1).
What does that tell you?
Prior to His, (incarnation), coming did not all faithful Jews worship Him while He was with the Father in heaven?
(Deu 6:8)
Were they not waiting for their Messiah to come as promised in Scripture but when He did come they rejected Him and in so doing rejected the Father as well, (Jhn 10:30).
What it does tell us is that after He came and they rejected Him, they were leaving true faith they had possessed in Him. Something that they may not have understood they were now doing because they didn't believe the Scriptures, (Psa 2, Psa 22, Isa 52:13-53:12, Luk 16:31, Luk 24:34, Luk 24:44, Jhn 5:46 +more). They also wouldn't accept, ignored and refused to believe Jesus' clear and true Word, given Him by the Father, (Jhn 7:16, Jhn 12:50, Jhn 14:24, Jhn 17:8 +more)
Are not the branches being spoken of here in, (Jhn 15:2-5), the same ones the Apostle Paul tells us of in, (Rom 11:17-20)?
Do you now understand what Jesus was teaching to the Jews in the upper room in Jerusalem on that day, it was for the Jews of Judaism outside that room and to help His Apostles to understand how, (one of the ways), to teach/reach them.
What Jesus was teaching in the upper room is not intended for the New Testament, New Covenant believers, (Rom 3:25, Rom 5:9, Eph 1:7, Col 1:14, those bought at/with a price +more), as is mistakenly claimed and taught by so many. That doctrine is un-Biblical and goes against the clear teaching and unchanging promises of Scripture, (Jhn 10:29, +more). It ignores that He is the author and finisher of our faith, (Heb 12:2). He promises us we will stand because He is able to make us stand, (Rom 14:4). He will loose none the Father has given Him, (Jhn 3:35, Jhn 6:39, Jhn 6:65, Jhn 17:2 +more), As far as our being able to loose our salvation, we would in an instant if we could, being fallen as we are prior to our justification, during ongoing sanctification, and ultimately glorification, (Rom 8:30), if it was not a gift from God. The Spirit of Grace freely and lovingly given us, (Eph 2:8), by our great God and Father, (Rom 8:15), thru/by His Son Jesus the Christ, (Rom 5:15-18 +more). To claim or teach otherwise goes against the clear doctrine, (teaching of Scripture), relying on man's own understanding, just another form of pride rearing it's ugly head.
What we see in, (Jhn 15:1-5), Jesus is teaching what was and is for the Jews who practiced Judaism and by extension had faith in Him until now that He had come, they had then rejected Him and by extension His Father.
That is one of the many reasons, (John 15:29-30), are so very important to understand rightly, closely linked as they are. In, (John 15:29), we see just one of His many unchanging promises to us. It is the Father who first gives us to Him and holds us, then the Lord promises no one can take us from the Father's hand as they both hold us, not even ourselves. That promise is followed by, (John 10:30), where Jesus flatly states, "I and the Father are one".
This teaching was given to Jews in the upper room in Jerusalem for the Jews by their Jewish Messiah.
It was to and for the Jews of Judaism as a warning that they must remain in Him and believe in Him now, in His incarnation, on earth, as they had while He was in Heaven with the Father.
How can everyone not see this clear exposition as the truth?
This is why I teach that historical context and paying attention to detail are so very important. You need to know where He was and who He was teaching at all times when studying Scripture. The same must be applied to the Apostles and all the authors throughout Scripture. Those who don't will continue to misapply and not understand what is being clearly taught. As I've said attention to detail no matter how small matters. An example would be the two feedings of the multitudes, in one we see them being seated on grass and in the other it is on dry ground/dirt no grass. In this instance it is an indication of time passed, season change. Another often misunderstood verse due to not paying attention to detail is in the first Book of the Bible, (Gen 6:3), where the LORD is telling us how long until the flood will come but we see so many who wrongly claim it means man lives for 120 years, (I'll leave finding the proof of that statement to you, do as the Bereans did).
There are just so many verses in Scripture like this that were I given an hundred lifetimes I don't think I could ever plumb the depths and riches of His Word but that does not mean I will ever stop trying. His Word is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told, is something I often hear said, and I wholeheartedly agree, yet it is even so much more than that, (Psa 18:30).
I truly hope this helps even just one to understand the security they have in Him, a doctrine that is clearly taught in Scripture thru His many unchanging promises to us. They are unchanging because He is unchanging, (Mal 3:6a, Heb 13:8 +more).
Take a stand, speak boldly, God Bless, God Bless Israel, may God Bless and open the eyes, ears and hearts of all those who've yet to come to know and love Him, lastly may God Bless the USA, if he still will...
A kindred soul. Thank you :)
Thank God I have found Jack finally reality😊
Wonderful message, pastor Jack. Thank you. As for the 3 days of grocery supplies in stores, I learned that years ago, while living in an area where hurricanes are common.
Thank you Pastor Jack for putting faith to the forefront. It's one of the most important things in our lives to get through this terrible turmoil. Faith gives us the liberty to act like children as Jesus wants us to do so we can be with Him in eternity 🙏. Thank You Heavenly Father for Your loving steward who speaks Your Word 🙏❤️
Thank you Pastor Jack. You help us work out on what we believe 🙏 Yeshua, Lord of lords, King of kings. Our Lord and Saviour. Our life, our strength, our Salvation 🙏. The Lord Yeshua bless you and your family. May his Holy Spirit guide you in your studies of God's Mighty Word. Shalom 🙏🇮🇪🌹🌹🌹🇮🇱
Love learning understanding and knowing God through his scriptures and so grateful for giving us such pastor who teaches us and encourages us to read the BIBLE and everything here he says is all relatable and now I need to surround myself with other believers .The Lord restores my soul and he heals me.
Thank you, Pastor, Jack. I love the Holy Spirit that comes through you to me. Especially at a time like this in our lives in our country. Thank you so much for your love and your powerful Holy Spirit.♥️🙏🇺🇸
I agree
There is something to be said about faithfulness.
I will always follow Pastor Jack because he is full of knowledge & bible research, he is an Amazing Pastor
Pastor Jack is on Fire in this sermon! Goosebumps!
" Hearing the Word of God" 🙏🥰 and living by His Word.
Some people speak that faith is nonsense,but i believed that when God throw them in hell,they will believe.Even satan believe and tremble!thank ptr.Jack.
Thank you Pastor Jack. God bless
i LOVE Steve Harvey. He is a good man
Thank you 🤍
Faith is knowledge. The Bible teaches us to study and read the word of God. Knowledge is wisdom. Let thy faith stand in the power of God and the wisdom of God. Wisdom is power. When you stand in the power of God you stand in the wisdom of God. Jesus said for the wisdom of God saith the blood of all the prophets shall be required for that generation.
Good Sermon
Need prayers for my youngest son. Raised Christian has departed and joined with an atheist who identifies as "non binary". I made the mistake of allowing her in my home and now an expe3nsive diamond bracelt has gone missing. The sentimental value is way more than the mateiral and I prayed last night asking God, letting Him know that I would glady let that pain go and forget about the loss if He would bring my son back into the fold. Asking for resolve. THe not knowing what actually happened is worse than the loss of the bracelet that was given to me by his father the year our son was born. My heart is heavy for my son, so heavy.
"I WANT TO WANT" in the last sentence of this video, timestamped 54:47. This is the first time I've heard of anyone but me say that in prayer. It is hard for some to understand why anyone would feel compelled to use that phrase.
Having spent the 10 years between my 20th & 30th birthdays as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the next 30 years drinking away my conscience, finally reaching out to the Lord but finding I could feel no emotional connection to Him... then encountering the (false) Calvinist teaching that God glorifies His name by intentionally creating some people for no other purpose but to defy him (they have no choice in the matter) so that He can send them to hell... and I was beginning to wonder if I was one of those so predestined.
As a Witness, I had studied the Bible and I knew the words, intellectually, even if misinterpreted.
still reaching out, in a moment of honesty to God I said "I'm a liar! I don't to praise You, I don't want to serve you. I wish I wanted these things, I really do... but I don't! Can I be saved?"
Remembering what the Scriptures say about persistence in prayer, I changed my prayer: "Lord, change my heart! I WANT TO WANT to praise You, I WANT TO WANT to serve You, I WANT TO WANT to give up claim on everything to You!" That prayer felt right in my heart!
I'd like to say a change was immediate, like so many testimonies I hear; mine has been a gradual change, for reasons only God knows. I've decided there are some insights I've gained, not only regarding faith but trust as well... trust that, regardless of how He answers my prayers, he's got it for the best outcome, INCLUDING FOR ME. The deer caught in the fence doesn't understand its rescuer is there to help it, and the fact that the rescue doesn't occur immediately only adds to its continued resistance.
It's been 4 years since that first "right" prayer; only occasionally do I feel the need to use the phrase "I WANT TO WANT!"
- Tom Henderson -
Anyone remember the bumper jacks ?
I can remember using a bumper jack and the weight of the vehicle .
To break tars down off the rim to put new tars on them rims .
I always liked them sho grips , them that sho grip the road .
I guess they thought to many people was taking money from the tire store ,
Made it where the poor man could put a new used tar on ,
To keep em going down the road .
Use to make some really good change collecting car batteries .
We would burn the short out of some get two three years out of a battery someone discarded ,
Ones that didn’t come back sale when the core charge maxed out
Fill a truck up sale them for the core fella had a really nice payday ,
Now they leave no meat in the bone fer us stray dogs :0)
Can you address the conviction??? I’m sick to my stomach even though I’m supposed to trust God. Come quickly Lord Jesus.
I agree with you but it just makes me think this country is about to get a whole lot worse and Jesus is on his way!! 😊
Are you referring to Trump that he got charged with 34 counts I think it's a political attack but I don't know who the judges I don't even want to watch it I'm so upset and I'm praying in the name of Jesus for favor for Trump
@@maryannvonstietz3166 me too!!! I haven’t even watched it either! Just going to do what God wants me to do until he comes.
Even this is fully in His hands.
When you worry, take action against it. Prayer is powerfully effective - leave it at the cross.
There’s nothing like that wash of warm covering and peace flooding over you. His promise is true.
I believe this is from Wednesday night.
Amen! This earthly system of man is only temporary. Don’t follow man he will lead you away from God through the worldly system. Trust and follow God for He is your hope and where your promises are and will be kept. The promises of God are True not by man’s thinking God sets the Standard. This is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus is the WAY,TRUTH AND LIFE no one can come to Father God except by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Please consider…
What's the differences between faith and trust?
Faith is a belief that is not based on proof, a belief with no supportive evidence. Trust is something that is based on past experience.
Where are the notes posted online please?
Where can I find notes for sermons
Where can I print the notes from the sermon?
Steve Harvey was talking to a woman that said she was an atheist before.
How can I get the notes he was talking about? ❤
I saw something where they showed Steve Harvey turned to be a Muslim . Don’t know if it’s true it looked true
You say obey but yet you say it's not possible to fully obey so how much can we not obey how can you know?
Living outside the US, how do I get hold of the notes for his sermons?
Very surprised to see a video with Steve Harvey, the man who says there are many ways to heaven and that if we are not successful its because we don't wish it into to existence ( something along that line)
I’ll disagree with him but I’m still learning as I go so I can’t throw any stones.
If we keep the glass half full, he is eschewing God at the least and if he is seeking, he’ll find.
Where can you find his notes?
You say repentance means to change your mind and not sin but you say that it isn't possible to be sinless so how can you repent and not sin and yet still sin?
How do you get the notes ?
wondering the same thing. very interested.
Genuine question from a believer in Jesus & a bit embarrassed. Single & celibate a friend suggested orgasms are good for female reproductive health. Your thoughts.. is masturbation a sin?
After the rapture, there will be a short time gap (during this time gap the 144,000 will be chosen etc)before the Antichrist confirms a covenant with many to ignite a 7 year period of tribulation! And “This generation ( that’s the one present then ) shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled” “Behold, I come quickly” Judgments are accomplished and Jesus stops the horrific satanic persecution of Israel at Armageddon and returns to earth for His 2nd coming to reign from Jerusalem 1000 years, God Bless 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hello pastor Jack. I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please consider going to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏
Really enjoy your sermons and teahcings Jack Hibbs! But if you could, please reread Genesis ch10 (table of nations) and ch11 Seth's lineage. Abraham is NOT A GENTILE by reason of the scriptures.
Not picking on you, just admonishing to correct in humiltiy. Love and blessings in Jesus name!
I thought the modern day monkeys were Washington DC politicians? Maybe a Singing quartet? 😉😁
You should do a video on the jailing of Donald Trump
Uhhh. . . .what about that impending rapture last month? Talk about a bunch of gullible followers. . . . .