O Food to pilgrims | O Esca Viatorum | Santapan Peziarah (Heinrich Isaac/Bach)

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2023
    1. O food to pilgrims given,
    O bread of life from heaven,
    O manna from on high!
    We hunger; Lord, supply us,
    nor thy delights deny us,
    whose hearts to thee draw nigh.
    2. O stream of love past telling,
    O purest fountain, welling
    from out the Savior's side!
    We faint with thirst; revive us,
    of thine abundance give us,
    and all we need provide.
    3. O Jesus, by thee bidden,
    we here adore thee, hidden
    in forms of bread and wine.
    Grant when the veil is risen,
    we may behold, in heaven,
    thy countenance divine.
    1. Santapan peziarah,
    makanan malaikat,
    o Roti surgawi,
    kenyangkanlah yang lapar,
    puaskan pula jiwa yang rindu 'kan Engkau,
    yang rindu 'kan Engkau.
    2. O Kasih yang berlimpah,
    mengalir dari hati Sang Juruselamat.
    Segarkanlah hamba-Mu
    yang haus akan Dikau
    dan kami puaslah, dan kami puaslah.
    3. Wajah-Mu yang tersamar
    di dalam rupa roti 'kan kami hormati.
    Izinkan kami pandang wajah-Mu
    tak terhalang di surga mulia, di surga mulia.
    1 O esca viatorum,
    O panis angelorum,
    O manna coelitum,
    Esurientes ciba
    Dulcedine non priva
    Corda quaerentium.
    2 O lympha, fons amoris,
    Qui puro Salvatoris
    E corde profluis
    Te sitientes pota
    Haec sola nostra vota,
    His una sufficis.
    3 O Jesu, tuum vultum
    Quem colimus occultum
    Sub panis specie.
    Fac, ut remoto velo
    Post libera in coelo
    Cernamus facie.
    translated from Latin to English by J. Athelstan Riley, 1906.
    translated from Latin to Indonesia by Ernest Mariyanto, 1990
    Cantor: Danielle Svonavec
    Organist: Jonathan Hehn
    Notre Dame Community Choir / Notre Dame Children Choir
    11 June 2023
    Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame - Indiana