Here is a list of the boosted stats and the amounts you can get from Tarot Card Boost Attack speed: +20% Attractor: +10% Cooldown: +10% Crit. Prob: +5% Damage: +10% Area: +20% Duration: +20% Mov. Speed: +5% Proyectile Speed: +20% Status Probability: +10% XP: +10%
Here is a list of the boosted stats and the amounts you can get from Tarot Card Boost
Attack speed: +20%
Attractor: +10%
Cooldown: +10%
Crit. Prob: +5%
Damage: +10%
Area: +20%
Duration: +20%
Mov. Speed: +5%
Proyectile Speed: +20%
Status Probability: +10%
XP: +10%
Did you enjoy it?
The Boost seem to boost a random stat 13:36, your projectile speed got increased by 20% for example.
Ill post a pinned comment of boosted stats now :)
Haaalllloooooo Broken
Hellooooo Philip haha