Tautumeitas - Bur man laimi | Supernova 2025 pusfināls
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Dziesma "Bur man laimi" aicina atklāt iekšējo spēku un apzināties paša vērtību, kā arī piedāvā aizsardzību pret nelabvēļiem. Tā iedvesmo ticēt sapņiem un drosmīgi iet savu ceļu, neskatoties uz to, ka laimei bieži vien cieši līdzās ir nelaime. Veiksmi nereti pavada citu skaudīgie skatieni. Laimes sajūta var parādīties tikai noteiktā kontekstā.
“Tautumeitas” ir etno un popa mūzikas grupa, kas apvieno latviešu tautasdziesmu melodijas un tekstus ar mūsdienīgiem bītiem, radot spēcīgu latvisko skanējumu. Grupa radoši izpaužas, veidojot savu vizuālo tēlu, kur tērpi un kroņi atspoguļo, cik tuvas mūziķēm ir gan tradicionālās, gan futūristiskās vērtības. Vairākas dalībnieces ir studējušas etnomuzikoloģiju, tāpēc grupas mūzikā jūtama dažādu valstu tautas mūzikas ietekme. Grupas debijas albums “Tautumeitas”2018. gadā ieguva “Zelta mikrofona” balvu kā gada tautas/pasaules mūzikas albums, savukārt albums “Dziesmas no Aulejas” 2020. gadā saņēma balvu kā labākais folk/pasaule mūzikas albums. Grupa ir koncertējusi ne tikai Latvijā, bet arī Ķīnā, Japānā, Dienvidkorejā, Šveicē, Austrālijā, Vācijā, Francijā un Polijā.
Mūzika / Music: Asnate Rancāne, Aurēlija Rancāne, Elvis Lintiņš, Laura Līcīte
Vārdi / Lyrics: Aurēlija Rancāne, Laura Līcīte, Asnate Rancāne, Gabriēla Zvaigznīte
#ltvsupernova mērķis ir radīt jaunu muzikālu eksploziju, kas ar skanīgu enerģiju pārņemtu ne vien Latviju, bet visu Eiropu un pasauli.
This is EXTREMELY interesting and unique!!! Choose wisely brothers, love from 🇱🇹
Ačiu Broliai 🇱🇹 🇱🇻 🤝🇱🇹
i voted for them
@Robert_disc0rda Please, vote again, guys! This is pure art!
This is MILES ahead of everything else, this is already ready for Eurovision
2024 Ireland : Send the Witch
2025 Latvia : Send the Fairies 🎉
This is one of the most precious and beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. I cannot speak the language, but this is art and it touches deeply in my heart. I have watched this video at least 20 times just today. Everything abou this is magical. The voices, the stage, the clothers... I will vote for this in Eurovision and I will remember this song for the rest of my life. Thank you, Tautumeitas! And thank you Latvia for sharing this amazing masterpiece with the world.
This was the performance of the night, this is ready for Eurovison TODAY. I genuinely don't even have any recommendations, staging is creative and captivating, vocally solid. It's a solid package and I think it will win the final.
Are you from Latvia? Do you think people will vote for it?
@@PaulineJackson-v3n I am Latvian but live in the UK. Supernova showed us the voting figures in the middle of the vote, Tautumeitas were 4th in the voting but still higher than the two favourites Citi Zeni and The Ludvig.
@@VigoJ But that was very early... And they were all close.. I think they still have a chance
I guess we will see, I think Tautumeitas wins the jury and gets top 3 with televote. @@PaulineJackson-v3n
This song is an absolutely amazing piece of folk music with lovely harmonies and intriguing percussion. The girls nailed their performance live and I hope they win Supernova 2025!!!
It's stunning how this absolute masterpiece works so well live. Everything is coordinated to perfection. And their harmomies are incredible. THIS IS THE ONE, LATVIA! Probably my favourite song so far, alongside Zjerm.
Vissagatavotākās Eirovīzijai. Latviešiem jabeidz baidīties no latviešu valodas - pēdējos gadus tieši dziesmas, kas nav angļu valodā, gūst labākus panākumus nekā dziesmas angļu valodā. Emiliju citu gadu ar īpašāku dziesmu, Heartbeat ir pārāk tipiska 2010-2015 gada Eurovīzijas dziesma - nevienam 2025. gadā neinteresēs
Wise words... Time to send the beautiful Latvian language.
PLEASE Latvians don’t be afraid of your own language! This needs and should go through. The amount of effort that went into the staging alone should be evidence enough. Both Ukraine 2021 and Czechia 2023 did very well in the contest despite being very unconventional and this song feels like a unique blend of those two amazing songs. I feel like I’m dreaming when listening to this song. Again, this needs to and should go through.
Tautumeitas was my first wish to represent Latvia. I have always thought it would be impossible to see them taking part in Supernova, and I am SUPER excited to see them finally so close to Eurovision. This was the best performance of this season! Amazing camera work, perfect vocals, great stage presence, and brilliant outfits! I absolutely love them! I can see this doing very well in Eurovision. Latvia really needs to get back to the top!
Wow šis bija ļoti labi, tāda priekšnesuma Latvijai eirovīzijā vēl nav bijis. Negaidīti
Godīgi sakot, es domāju, ka viņiem ir vislabākais iestudējums
pārliecinoši labākais. Pilnīgi gatavas jau kaut šodien kāpt uz skatuves Bāzelē... uzvarēt gan viņām būs grūti, jo publika acīmredzami balso par vārdiem (Emilija/ Chris Noah), nevis Eirovīzijai piemērotāko dziesmu/priekšnesumu...
@@shovkovskyi Tautumeitas zināmākas par abiem nosauktajiem
@ acīmredzot, neviens nebija Tautumeitu faniem paziņojis, ka vajag balsot... cerēsim, ka fani uzradīsies nākam sestdien...
@@shovkovskyiPls tell them !!! We really need that in eurovision not a basic english song
@@shovkovskyi Guys! Let's wake up their fans! They need to vote!
This somehow brings me so much nostalgia! Feels like a fairytale, and Līgo, and it also reminds me of “Sēd uz sliekšņa pasaciņa”. Best Latvian entry!
Lots of love from Lietuva! ❤️🇱🇹
its one of the only songs that was better BY FAR!!! I didn't like the studio version but this performance is INSANE!!
@@denisvavilin983 I'm excited! Do you think this can win? I am not from Latvia and I don't know much about what is happening in the selection.
@@PaulineJackson-v3n Out of all the songs, this had the best production and very nice elements to it. I am not Latvian either (I'm from Lithuania) but I did watch the semifinal. I am hoping that the juries do acknowledge how well the song blends everything into one I think it could score high on the jury (higher than the ludvig and citi zeni) for sure
@@denisvavilin983 Let's hope so. I'm very worried.
@@PaulineJackson-v3n the ludvig did not sing great, ramtai was too chaotic and the staging wasn't great, the only bad thing for tautumeitas is that their song is a bit repetitive at times
Super dziesma un priekšnesums!👍
All the comments here are saying great things about this song and performance. Latvia, please, do not make a mistake! We need Tautumeitas in Eurovision. This is a clear top 10.
This performance is a piece of art. They have to win! There is no other choice.
Very easily my favorite National Final Performance so far, this is absolute perfection!!
This is just so good. The performance is on repeat. Go Tautumeitas!
This is the only song in the selection you wouldn't have to do ANYTHING to before Eurovision. I've wanted them to do it for years and this is so good and certainly would stand out.
Latvia have a chance to send something completely unique and one-of-a-kind with this entry. This will go down in history! I sincerely hope it goes to the contest! 🙏🏼
Whoever made the performance/staging, camera work needs a god damn RAISE!!!!!!
this is SHOCKING. feels like something we have never seen
Protams šaubas par uzvaru, bet izskatās, ka šis ir labākais ko šogad varam aizsūtīt. Staging on point, un vokāla izcilība.
This is the winner. Choose wisely, Latvia.
Viņas vienmēr ir perfekto....
Tautumeitas, I never doubted you, but you exceeded aaaaall my expectations
I agree!! Thye really nailed it!
It was BY FAR my favorite from studio versions. But THIS PERFORMANCE ! Goosebumps everywhere, THIS HAS TO WIN ! ESC Winner vibes
The best performance of the whole Eurovision 2025 season. Please, Latvia! Pleaaaase! Send this!
Best one at this moment, magical! greetings from your neighbour 🇱🇹
This has potential to win Eurovision. Not Supernova. Eurovision. Latvia, don’t be stupid. Līgo won’t have the impact and the chills this does. These ladies know what they are doing. Don’t screw it up.
Each year the same positive reviews but always last place in Eurovision. 😂
@@ievaanitagrunsberga2881I kinda don’t recall getting last place last year 👀
This was by far one of the best performances of the night. Well done. The vocals were great and the staging was incredible, the song is a masterpiece and its all just great. Im glad they qualified and I hope they win!!
Stunning! Will vote for you!
Labākais priekšnesums no visiem. Tikai kāda dziedātāja bija aizelsusies no visām kustībām un to varēja dzirdēt.
For me, they were perfect.
Latvia please vote this it will stand out in esc
Let's go Tautumeitas! They are first in the odds! This is it! Let's go, Latvia!!!!! Tautumeitas to Basel!
WOW I am OBSESSED with this! The camera work, the lighting, overall the staging with those threads of strings was an incredible choice! And of course their voices and harmonies were spell binding! This is art and though I have a sad feeling it may flop in the contest much like Spain 2023, it should still be sent regardless just for the pure artistry and beauty of it all which Europe needs right now. And it being in Latvian is a cherry on top! 😌
Latvia, this is so awesome! Please, send this masterpiece. I am so impressed. This would be my favorite song EVER in Eurovision.
The song getting old fast at it's current state. They need to add something in order for it to not be so repetitive.
This was probably the best of the night. Would love to see this win for the Sisterhood!
Incredible. A beatiful song with ethnic background and harmonic sounds. Hope Latvia send this performance to the Eurovision and wins it all
The Tautumeitas girls have been my favs from day one, and they did not disappoint with their staging 👏👏👏. I don't know what The Ludvig's hype is about when his song has a few elements that this one does, but with his voice shoehorned in🤦. This looks and sounds more organic, and the song has a mysterious interesting vibe that I love.🤩 Please, vote for them🙏. They're quite talented and they're the full package.
I agree about The Ludvig. I really like the Latvian parts in that, but the English parts are cringe, and just don't gel together at all. Especially, since the Latvian parts are very much taken from tradtional, cultural, folk music, and then the English parts sound like the most generic, basic, brainless (sorry) lyrics, from some bad pop music club song. If the lyrics in English at least had some thought put into them, were intelligent, were poetic, or if there was anything good about them, it would be different. But the "Woah, baby, I'm down for you, Down for you, All eyes on you, baby, it's me and you, yеah", is complete cringe garbage, and does not belong in a song where the chorus is traditional folk song inspired.
The whiplash from mixing the two, is like if one would try to mix Frank Sinatra with Pitbull or something, but this is even worse than that.
@Kate-o6w Why do you hate Tautumeitas?
@@cassandrawolfe6124 she doesn't hate Tautumeitas. She is talking about The Ludvig- Līgo song's lyrics.
This song is magical!
This song has potential for Top.10!
This song should be the winner of Supernova and represent Latvia in Basel!
Oh, it was truly amazing, so fun to watch + in your beautiful native language! Dear Latvian people, please vote for this gem! Greetings from LT🔥
Ačiū Broliai 🇱🇻 🤝🇱🇹 Palikome viens kita
Lithuania and Latvia will be in the top 10 this year. Lithuania with Katarsis and Latvia with Tautumeitas.@latviabalkanumuzika1514
Right Latvia.. This is the best of all finalists! Please take Tautumeitas with "Bur man laimi" to ESC25!! 🤩🤩
This is Amazing, definitely my favourite !!! ..Already the best in ESC25 Semi 2.. So very unique and special! LOVE IT! 😍
You'll get my German votes! 🤩👌
Ligo's performance felt as three women worshipping a well dressed CEO, which feels so creepy tbh.
This feels much more genuine, like 6 elves chanting in an enchanted forest. It's lovely
It's my winner. I can't stop watching this.
Ligo was lame on stage
This is EXCELLENT! Hope this will win next Saturday! Tautumeitas is really out of this world and moreover they have an incredible staging? We need them on the Eurovision Stage!
im spending 2 euros on them next week
@ Just two euros??? We have to vote a lot!
@@PaulineJackson-v3n 2 euros = 20 votes
@Robert_disc0rda Ask your family to vote too!!!
Latvia jumped up in odds for 8 places since yesterday. And trust me - it wasn’t because of Līgo or Citi Zeni.
I noticed that too. Maybe this is their Shum moment. This song is absolutely gorgeous and the staging was unbelievable. I am so proud of them, showing girl power and sisterhood. The message is right there, and you don't need to speak the language.
@ yes, I agree completely. And they feel authentic because they have always been about sisterhood and girl power.
This is amazing, this has to win guys, ❤ from🇱🇹
Bur man bur man bur man bur man
Tautumeitas finalā!
Nevar nevar nevar nevar
Kādu citu aizsūtīt!
Nevar nevar nevar nevar
Palaist zeltu zudumā!
dear latvians, this is the one, the jjury hopefully will vote for it deeply because it is objectively the best one, and televote i hope they put them 1st or 2nd and they win
This is so unique and interesting. They are surely has to win. I'm amazed by this performance
I'm obsessed with this performance! Please send them to Eurovision!
hey guess who is obsessed, but a lot more obsessed than I was on day 1, on repeat 24/7
Ja tautumeitas neuzvarēs supernovu, man nebūs vēlme skatīties eirovīziju šogad🥲
Be galo gražu! ❤
Goosebumps! Everything about this is perfect. Original, memorable, symbolic, beautiful. Well done!
Supernova this year is 🔥. Well done Latvia! I love you. 😍
It seems they are first in the odds. I'm very hopeful now.
odds where?
This is very beautiful.
Their voices are incredible and the performance is sensational
What a nice surprise. It seemed to me the best song and it has also a great staging. Greetings from Portugal.
Thank YOU Greetings to Portugal.
@latviabalkanumuzika1514 Hey Latvia! You have a winner here! Good luck! And greetings from Ireland!
@@RobsonKennedy-j5x Greetings to Ēire
I hope this wins.
A unique song and performance. Great vision and very professional. I hope Tautumeitas win
i was so afraid that they'd end up like harmonija disonance (strong fan favorite with an underwhelming live) but WOW. latvia this is the one
Today is the big day! Tautumeitas to Eurovision ❤🎉bur man laimi
Latvians...... you have ONLY ONE job left.... please don't disappoint us🙏❤️🇱🇻
This is pure magic!!! Six divas, stunning vocals, staging gave me chills 💙💙💙 Tautumeitas for Eurovision!!!
Best finalist. This will do well in Eurovision for sure!
These girls were on another level
seeing Citi Zeni and The Ludwig having those stagings.... I think latvia's choice is this one, best overall package in terms of performance and engagement in my opinion, choose wisely latvia
I LOVE ITT!! I hope for the victory of these beautiful girls🤍🤍🙏🙏
and i'll send mine in semi 2 ✨
This needs to go to Eurovision! a big potentional for Latvia !
Great song, great performance. This has to go to Eurovision and if it does, I will definitely be voting for Latvia, who will have a fixed place in my top 10 along with Greece and Albania.
This is so magical 🫶 Hope to see them and the Latvian language back at Eurovision. ❤️
Omg They are fabulous! I really want to see them in Eurovision! Please win! ❤
Это выступление лучше всех подготовлено для Евровидения ❤😮
MAGNIFIQUE! EXCELLENT! Their level is out of this world!
I LOVE this performance and their harmonies are stunning ❤
Brīnišķīgs priekšnesums. Vislabākais!
Yeeees! Please, vote for her!!
@cassandrawolfe6124 if Ludvig - Līgo will improve the staging then I will vote for him bcs he is my favorite, but if no then Tautumeitas
@@FEQX777 I prefer Tautumeitas! They are the best! They killed it!
They will win!!!!!!!
If you represent, you can win eurovision this year! ♥️
Wow! Stunning song and performance! Would be great to see in on ESC
Ok I’ve decided that this is the one that needs to win, Latvia you have 1 job
Vislabākais priekšnesums. Ļoti žēl, ka nav labāka dziesma.
The song is magic! I love it!
This is the one Latvia!!! Please choose wisely! 💖
This is by far the best option, good look in the final
Another perfect Eurovision song!!
Winner ❤
I hope they win! Everything about this is good. They would definitely qualify!
Latvia PLEASEEEEEE this is winner potential
They are first in the betting odds
yess pls win
Tautumeitas ✨✨✨
The doors that Blanca Paloma's hanging fringe staging opened.
Amazing staging.
they are my winners🤩
Ui ku labi 💥💥💥
Muy bien hecho chicas. Hermosa puesta en escena. Y la canción es buena. Para mí la mejor opcion para representar a Letonia.