Hungarian-American Science Lecture Series in Boston: Speed Networking Event 3.15.2019

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
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    Tudósklub / Hungarian-American Science Lecture Series: Speed Networking Event 3.15.2019
    Sponsored by Dr. Gábor Garai, Honorary Consul General of Hungary in Boston, who opened this special event via video call, and with a brief commemoration of March 15th.
    The evening powered 10 guest speakers to introduce their work, and provided a platform to get to know “who is who in our community” in "Pecha kucha" format. The presentation style allowed for 20 slides automatically timed to be shown for 20 seconds each (6 min 40 sec in total for each speaker). Presentations were concise and fast-paced.
    Schedule was the following:
    Greeting by Dr. Gabor Garai, Honorary Consul General in Boston
    4:56 - Tamás Novák, Ph.D. Scientific and Economic attache at NY Consulate,
    11:40 - Bálint Antal, Ph.D, machine learning in synthetic biology,
    18:00 - Andrea Hermann, Ph.D, MGH, Skin endorphin mediates radiation therapy induced fatigue,
    24:50 - Lajos Balogh, Ph.D. of nanomedicine in p-k style,
    31:40 - Kálmán Gács, creative director, The psychology of seduction: how effective websites woo you,
    39:05 - Ildikó Várhelyi, The hidden link between chronic pain, the brainstem, and movement,
    46:07 - Lajos Kemény, Ph.D, MGH, Why we are addicted to sunlight,
    52:54 - Zsuzsanna Szegedi-Varga, képzőművész, What do Uzbekistan, Caribbean Islands, and Hungary have in common? - Introducing an upcoming exhibit that brings attention to Hungarian histories through connecting three misunderstood regions in contemporary art,
    59:55 - Márton Hoványi, Ph.D, Visiting Research Fellow at Yale University, communication trainer at Szónok Születik Retorikaiskola - A hatásos pecha kucha prezentáció titka,
    Not included - Nicholas Gertler, JD, co-founder at Galen/Atlantica, Creating markets for innovation: the case of Alzheimer's disease medicine,
    Organized by Veronica Molnar
    Location: CCNR & Barabási Lab: Northeastern University, Network Science Institute, 177 Huntington Ave, 11th floor, Boston, MA 02115