Svadharma/Entelechy - 4 questions to ask yourself

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2014
  • How does one recognize that one is following Svadharma/Entelechy? Sifu Rohit Arya offers the 4 part yogic checklist to verify this. Are you Energized? Are people being Impacted? Are you Rewarded? Are you Transforming? The full Talk given to the Arya Yoga Sangha on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at Colaba, Mumbai.


  • @themahakaal6682
    @themahakaal6682 7 місяців тому +2

    Imposter syndrome takes time to be completely defeated, but for that one needs to step out of comfort zones , and start exploring the real world and take risks.

  • @SivaKumar-AoT
    @SivaKumar-AoT 4 місяці тому +1

    Sri Rohit Arya has opened a new channel!

  • @StandardProceduree
    @StandardProceduree 4 роки тому +5

    Thankyou Rohit! you have a great laugh! :)

  • @gopalakrishnan3898
    @gopalakrishnan3898 8 років тому +5

    wow that's an Einstein like equation. but god is the final word

  • @asheem
    @asheem 2 роки тому +2

    You make me laugh so much ♥️

  • @demois
    @demois 8 місяців тому

    Rohitji can u help me find it?

  • @hariharan4922
    @hariharan4922 3 роки тому


  • @JasdeepKhalsa
    @JasdeepKhalsa 9 років тому +3

    Thanks for sharing ! I've added your four questions to the course I'm putting together:

  • @liatresanos3769
    @liatresanos3769 Рік тому

    According to what I have read, the entelechy (of a human being) is reached when the conscience of a human being becomes so great that there is nothing more in the mind than conscience, the sphere of light conscience, and when that happens the time inside of that organism functions differently because the time in conscience flows transversally to the transcendent time of the mind of the Demiurge (= Universe) and therefore there are two different times. Therefore, entelechy implies also ontic autonomy because disconnecting from time also means disconnecting from space and that would explain for example why some very evolved beings can go through walls, they are ontically autonomous beings because they have reached the highest state of harmony with the Demiurge (transcendent time). This renders them inmortal also. All processes in this planet and Universe are meant to reach their entelechy because that is the plan of God, however only humans can know God's designios (=logos, the bijas behind the entities) which is one of the purposes of humans on Earth, to discover God behind all the entities that he creates with his breath. I don't know if this is correct. It is very disturbing to hear that people CAN be inmortal and mixed with normal mortal beings just like that. Your use swadharma, in the sense of an inner calling, an inner force. Maybe entelechy does not even mean what I read. Maybe ontic autonomy doesn't even exist.

    • @liatresanos3769
      @liatresanos3769 Рік тому

      Are you energized? - yes, I love my life lately. Are people being impacted? - No idea. I am quite antisocial and spend much time alone. Are you rewarded? - yes. Are you transforming? - yes. The problem is I don't understand entelechy in relation to human ontic autonomy and this has made me be in a depressed mood today. And this is a very important subject for me.

    • @liatresanos3769
      @liatresanos3769 Рік тому

      Ok, I found something very similar called "Prapti Siddhi - the ability to appear where one desires". This is quite similar to ontic autonomy however it seems that for Eastern religions this is just a siddhi, in a list of siddhis, it has not such a dramatic central importance as in what I am reading. It is important to understand because if ontic autonomy does not happen at any point in Yoga then the rest of the book loses its meaning since this is a pillar to understand the rest of it. I found another Siddhi, the levitation siddhi (Laghima siddhi?) and that would happen because there is a heavy Archetype in matter called gravis, when it reaches entelechy it produces the force of gravity. It is in everything and thus no scientist can isolate it, it just keeps multiplying if you divide matter. When a person is conscious of his own centre of gravis (thats not me for sure) he just takes the gravis and puts it wherever in space he wants it to be so he can levitate and have "vehicles" like for example stone cars because if he makes the gravis inside himself coincide with something then he can displace that something at will... I don't know if this is also the yogic explanation... Ok I stop writing now because you are not even reading what I write and these comments are too large, but this happens when one feels happy of at least having understood a tiny bit of something.

    • @themahakaal6682
      @themahakaal6682 Рік тому +1

      ​@@liatresanos3769 may be he is just doing social social experiment on strange people like us 😂 .

    • @liatresanos3769
      @liatresanos3769 Рік тому

      @@themahakaal6682 I am not talking about Rohit Ji or his books but about some of the content in Fundamentos de la Sabiduría Hiperbórea by Nimrod de Rosario. I come occasionally to this channel when I am stuck to check some things I don't understand there. Oh, and also because he is so cute, you know, I don't like to watch porn but seeing a beautiful man say interesting things can improve a boring day sometimes. I thought my comments were censored but now I see from your answer they are public. Greetings.

    • @themahakaal6682
      @themahakaal6682 Рік тому +1

      @@liatresanos3769 but you do have a crush on him, clearly visible in your words.

  • @chintamanivivek
    @chintamanivivek 4 роки тому +2

    You have a couple of really crude and gross entities which are connected to you. But you are on quite a refined spiritual state. Take yourself further ahead. Practice padmasana and you'll block yourself from these channels to work through you. So much energization that you'll forget about having to energize.